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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1962)
Verdigre Couple Is Married Saturday In Catholic Ceremony The marriage of Miss Charlene C. Chocholousek and Theodore J. Ondracek jr. took place Saturday at St Wenceslaus church. Verdi gre. Parents of the couple arc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chocho lousek and Mr. and Mrs. Theo dor© F. Ondracek. Rev. Charles J. Obomy offici ated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs Kldiva Jedlicka Pavlik was soloist and organist. The altar was decorated with two bas kets of gladioli and daisies. The bouquet, presented to the Blessed Mother, consisted of white roses decorated with ice blue satin ribbon. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, chose a formal length gown of embroidered gos samer. The fitted bodice featured a i>ortrait neckline and elbow length sleeves. The midriff, de fined with two slim hands of satin, bowed atx>ve a sheath like front which hurst into a dome shaped train. The bride’s veil, held in bouffant lines by a pearl and crystal crown, was made of imported french illusion. Matron of honor was Mrs. Merle Anderson, Hastings. Miss Beatrice Hospodka, Otmaha, was bridesmaid. Their all white ensembles were short formals in silk organza styled in a line similar to the bridal gown. The bell shapeil Skirts were worn over stiffened I'-iliooats. Their bouquets were of white frenched mums in cas cade form accented with green ivy and ice blue ribbon. Best man was Richard Ondra cek, Omaha. William Chocholou sek, Ralston, was groomsman. Ushers were Merle Anderson, Hastings, and Elmer Tharnish, Lincoln. TM finer for the immediate fam ily look place after the ceremony. The couple took a wedding trip to New Orleans, La. The bride and bride groom grad uated from Verdigre High School and Wayne State Teachers col lege. The hride taught in North Platte and Omaha schools and will again teach next fall at the latter place. The bride groom comuleted four years in the navy as a hospital corpaman and will teach in sen ior high school at Westside in Omaha next fall. Tompkins, Kelley Wedding Solemnized In Inman Church Baskets of pink and white glad ioli decorated the Inman Meth odist church Sunday afternoon, Aug. 5, for the marriage of Miss Linelle Claire Tompkins, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins, and Ned E. Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kelley, Inman. Rev. Robert Linder performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Howard Manson, O’Neill, played the wedding marches and ac companied the vocalist, Mrs. James Forrest, Seward, who sang “The Greatest of These", “The Wedding Prayer” and “O Perfect Love". The hride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a white floor-length bridal gown of embroidered silk organza over taffeta. The fitted lx>dice was en hanced by a scoop neckline and long sleeves which tapered to traditional bridal joints. A low ered, pointed hack waistline ac cented the voluminous skirt of intricate unpressed pleating which swept into a soft chapel train. Her double tier illusion TROPICAL GARDENS SMORGASBORD SUNDAY 12-2 p.m. All You Can Eat for Only $2 Children's Portions Available Choose from this array of tasty dishes Southern Fried Chicken Virginia Baked Ham Boiled Beef and Homemade Noodles Potato Salad and Escalloped Potatoes A variety of molded salads Deviled Eggs — Relishes Baked Green Beans with mushroom sauce Marshmallow Fruit Pie Coffee — Tea — Milk Holt County's 70th Annual I Fair I and ■ Rode< ■chambers, nebr. August 13 to 16 4 BIG DAYS 4 BIG DAYS Monday (Entry' Day) - Tuesday (Judging Day) Wednesday- and Thursday (Entertainment Day) PARADES .. . Wednesday, August 15, 1 p.m. - Thursday, August 16, 1 pjn. CARNIVAL... Thomas Hiowh of Canton, S. D. DANCING... Wednesday, August 15- Thursday, August If RODEO... Evenings of August 15 and 16 1CA approved. Produced by Korkow and Sutton, Pierre, S. D. MISS NEBRASKA... Miss Nebraska 1963 will appear at the Holt County Fair A Rodeo Miss Mary Lee Jepsen, Papillion. Miss Nebraska, 1962, will appear in front of the grandstand at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15 and do a flaming baton twirling performance during the evening rodeo Wednesday night. EXHIBITS ... 4-H Club, Open Class Livestock and School Exhibits Demonstrations, Horticulture Exhibits * I Come One, Come All! To the Holt County Fair! Here's your official invitation to help make the Holt County Fair and Rodeo the best ever. Come oae, Come all! Come early star late. waist length veil fell from a queen's crown of seed pearls and iridescents. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses and ste phanotis and a handkerchief of white linen edged in lace made for her by her maternal grand mother. Maid of honor was Nancy Dahl, Lincoln. The bridesmaids were Kay Kelley, Inman, and Mary Jo Putman, Ogallala. The attend ants wore street length gowns of shimmering deep rose pink nyk>n organza over matching taffeta fashioned after the bride's gown. They wore halo veils which fell from matching headbands and carried colonial bouquets of white daisies. Flower girl was Kim Kelley, Norfolk. Lighting the tapers were Mrs. Thomas Potter and Mrs, James Barrett, Lincoln. Serving the bridegroom as best man was Don Kelley, Norfolk. Groomsmen were Roger Tomp kins. Inman, and Neal Kelley, Camp Pendelton, Calif. Ushers were Sam Watson and Roland Hansen. Junior ushers w-ere Al len and Neil Tompkins Following the ceremony a re ception for 200 guests was held in the church parlors. Miss Paula Reed, O'Neill, presided at the guest book Dianne Gillespie, O’Neill, played music during the reception. A round four tier white wedding cake decorated with pink rose buds centered the reception table. Mrs. A. Neil Dawes. Fairbury, and Mrs. Grant Peacock, O’Neill, served the wedding cake. Mrs. James Kelley, Inman, and Mrs. Sam Kelley, Omaha, inured the coffee while Mrs. Don Kelley, Norfolk, and Miss Ann Kelley, Inman, poured the punch. Recep tion hostesses were Mrs. Ira L. Watson, Mrs. Clarence Hansen and Mrs. Thomas D. Hutton, In man. Assisting the servers were the Misses Jean Sandall, Bas •-..I-.. .« r - .4 » tm ,T *- Ate JAII — sett, Judy Rickel, Neligh, Ruth Ann Hansen. Inman, Judy Wait, Stromsburg. Miss Betty Rodman, O'JNeUi. Sara Jensen, Weeping Water, and Lynn Nelson. Sidney, displayed the gifts. After a short wedding trip to the Black Hills the couple will be at home* at Milford. The bride groom is employed by the State of Nebraska Highway Depart ment. Lincoln, and the bride has a teaching p>s*tion in the Mil ford Public School The couple graduated from In man high school m 1958. The bride graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University in June where she was a member of the Willard Sorority. The bridegroom was graduated from Norfolk Junior College and attended Doane College, Crete, and Ne braska State Teachers College jit Wayne. Gary Bowen Marries Beth Humphrey In Auburn Church Rite Beth Humphrey became the 1 ride of Gary Bowen Saturday in the Church of Christ at Au burn. The Rev. W. T. Keefe of ficiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hum phrey, Auburn. Mr. Bowen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen, Page. Matron of honor was Mrs. Ev erett Rhoades. Mrs. Gailen Heid zig served as bridesmaid. Best man was Bruce Bowen. Ushers were Gary Robinson, Don Stuart, Jack Humphrey and Boh Mahood. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the church. The couple will reside at 3267 D street in Lincoln where Mr. Bow en attends the University of Ne braska. .......i m.mmm Colleen Corkle, Bob Eby Married In Catholic Ceremony Miss Colleen M. Corkle be came the bride of Robert Eby Monday at a nuptial service in St. Patrick’s Catholic church. The Rev. Father Kucera officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Corkle, O’ Neill. Mr. Eby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby, O'Neill. Music at the wedding was fur nished by Helen Gokie, organist. Patricia McKenzie sang “Ave Maria”, “Panis Angelicus” and "Mother Beloved”. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, chose chantilly lace over taffeta styled with a fitted basque bodice. The port rait neckline was accented with seed pearls. The illusion veil was held in place by a chantilly lace pill box. She carried a colonial bouquet of yellow pompons and white roses surrounded by lace and satin trimmed leaves. R'ta Cork!3 f rved a. maid of honor. Eileen Corkle was brides maid. The attendants were dress ed in street length sheaths of mint and avacado green. Tiny mint green pill boxes held their organza veils. They carried bas kets of yellow daisies surrounded by satin leaves. Best man was Bill Eby. Ushers were Ronnie Schmeichel and Darrell Clyde. Following the wedding a lunch eon and reception were held at the Town House. Hosts were par ents of the bride. Mrs. Howard Jackson. Inman, and Mrs. Bob Burival, O'Neill, cut the cake. Mrs. Bill Eby, O'Neill, and Miss Janet Fricke, Mitchell, served punch. Mrs. Dick Harmon, Lin coln. had charge of the guest book and the Misses Peggy and Judy Sullivan, O’Neill, took charge of the gift table. After a wedding trip to Colo rado the couple will be at home at 321 West Clay. The bridegroom is employed by Eby's Conoco Service. The bride is employed by St. Anthony’s Hospital. Teen Age : :op SAT., AUG. 11 American Legion Auditorium O'Neill, Nebraska AAosic by THE ROCKITS Admission: 75c O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. John Wallen left Saturday for Canada on a fish ing trip. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Van Vorhis Sunday and Monday were their son, Robert, wife and daughter, of Minot, N. D. on on them way to visit Mrs. Van Voorhis parents. Spending the weekend with Mrs. Loretta Hynes were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hynes of Minneapolis on their way to Glendale, Calif, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hynes and his sister, Mrs. Don Borg, San Bernardino, Calif. Leaving Sunday for a two •reeks' vacation at Mound City. Mo. where the John Enke fam ily. Mrs. John Noll and children of Phoenix, Ariz. left Tuesday for a visit to Aberdeen S. D. They have been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Head. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Van Every and family of Perry, la. are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse her parents, and the Van Every family. He is transferring to Gamble Store in Roswell, N. M. Father Barnabas James of Chi cago and his father, James Ber igan, of Phoenix, Ariz. are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berigan. Mr. and Mrs. Luck, and son Harry and daughter, Mary Jean ine. cf El Sebrente, Calif, sfient a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hynes, and other relatives. Mrs. Luck was formerly Helen Malloy and teaches in junior High at E. Sebrente. Mr. Luck is a retired Colonel. Weekend guests at the C. J. Gatz home were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Levigne, Omaha. Karen Bridge, Lowell Seger Are Married Saturday The marriage of Karen Bridge daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harri son Bridge, O’Neill, to Lowell Seger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Seger. Stuart, was solemn ized August 4 in the First Metho dist Church with the Rev. Glenn Kennicott officiating. Mrs. Howard Manson and Mrs. Harold Seger played organ-piano duets precesetding the ceremony. Mr. Rahe Johnson. Neligh, sang "I Love Thee" and "The lord’s Prayer" accompanied by Mrs. Manson. The bride, given by her father, appeared in a traditional white gown designed in nylon organza by Bridal Originals. Tbe molded bodice of Venive lace was high lighted by a scoop neckline and cap sleeves. The floor length bouffant skirt over taffata fea tured a wide shadow hemline. Four organza roses, interwoven with tiny flowers, formed a cap that held the bride’s imported silk illusion veil in place. Her bouquet was of white majestic daisies. Miss Jane Peterson, O’Neill, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Joyce Harmon, O’Neill, and Renae Hoffman, Brunswick. They wore identical gowns of fern green silk organza over taffeta. The slim bodice was styled with ' a portrait scoop neckline and el bow length sleeves. Deep box pleats at the waistline formed a domed cocktail length skirt ac cented by a watteau panel back. They wore matching picture hats of Swiss braid with daisy circled crowns and carried bouquets of ; bronze and yellow daisies. Jerry Taylor, Stuart, was best man. Groomsmen were Larry Kramer, Stuart, and Roy Bridge, O'Neill. Ushers were Robert Jac quot. Long Pine, and Michael Batenhorst, Stuart. Candle lighters were Tim Lan dis, Ogallala, and Michael Seger, Newport. ror tne reception in tne church parlors the serving table had as a centerpiece, a four tier wedding cake. Mrs. W. B. Gillespie, O’ Neill, presided at the serving table. Mrs. Robert Evans, Nor folk. and Mrs. Vernon Lorenz, O’Neill, cut the cake. Mrs. Lyle Lemmer served the punch. Roy Landis, Ogallala. and Mrs. Ro bert Kurtz, O'Neill, were host and hostess for the reception. Mrs. Jerry’ Wheeler, Emmet, and Mrs. Jim Seger, Newport, were servers for the bride’s table. Mrs. Ed Pierson. North Platte, and Mrs. Wayne Reynold son, O’Neill, took care of the gifts. Miss Jeanette Mattas, Mer rill. had charge of the guest book. After a brief honeymoon, the couple will be living in Ainsworth where the bride will be teaching school. The bride groom will be employed as a case worker for Brown County. The couple are both graduates of Wayne State Teacher^CoUege^^^^^^^^^ LLiT-AAWAJJ^fV - jtrcujtriLc: Schrage. daughter erf Mr. and1 Mrs. Claude Schrage. graduated from St. Joseph’s School of Nurs ing. Omaha. Thursday evening. ' Exercises were held in the Boys Town Auditorium for the com bined classes of St Joseph and St. Catherine Schools of Nurs- j ing. Mass was held Thursday morning with breakfast served to parents .and relatives of the i graduates following the services. : ( amp KruiMU At Camp Witness A fall family camp at Camp Witness is being planned for Aug. 15-19, Camp Witness, a nonde nonnnatiunai camp, is sponsored by the Americas Sunday Union Tlu- camping site is located W mile east oi Long Pine 2 miles north along Pine Creek. Anyone is invited to attend the camp session. Mrs. Ed Schmil Hostess Members of the Janwa club met Mantay evening at the home of Mrs Edward Schmil. Refresh ments were served alter playing bridge. Mrs. John Stuifbergen held high score, and Dora Mur phy, low score. Mrs. Moses Hostess Merrymlx club met at the home of Mrs. H. 9. Moses. Dessert preceding bridge. Guests were Mrs Ike Van Every and Mrs. L,. A. Burgess. High score winners were Mrs. Van Every and Mrs. Moses. Mr. :uul Mrs. Ed Moeller, At kinson, announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Sharon Leone, to Thomas A. Welsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Welsh, sr., Atkinson. Miss Moeller is a 195S gradu ate of St. Joseph’s high school. She attended St. Catherine’s School of Nursing, Omaha, and is presently employed at SI. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. Mr. Welsh is n i»57 graduate of Atkinson high school and is engaged in ranching with his father. A September wedding is plan ned by the couple. Punl-NlipUaJ Shwwrr Held ROYAL — A post-nuptial show er honoring Mrs. LyJr gUis, daughter erf Mr. and Mrs. Ken n*U) Lyer, was hold in the M.'th odist church |T treat ion r *0m Fri day afternoon. Barbara Morrison, Mrs. La Rue Johnston and Mrs Eldon Schaeht, aaaited in opening the gifts Mrs. Wayne Anderson announced the program. Kitchen help included Mines. Darrell Anson, Wuyne Anderson, Don Johnson. Russell Nagel, Al low Lichty, Myrl Filklns, Francis Reynolds, Bill Planer, Elwyn Ty ler, Dell Kimble. I -i. ... . — ...... — .. The marriage of Mmm Janie* Eyer and Lyle ElUa, Red Oak, la., took place in Yankum. Sat urday, July 28. The bride is a graduate <d the Creighton high school and of Commercial Exten der school, Omaha The groom was graduated from Elliot high school ami the University of Om aha. He ia a Marine Corps vet eran. The newlyweds make their home in Essex, la where he will be head football coach anti math ematics instructor In high school. Trv the Krontier Want Arts CONGRATULATIONS... TO HARDING CREAMERY on their Cheese Factory A TSSr-Sig^5 \ \ 5 bu\V^ftV to l0n ta****^. nnd \ \ ftdvaotafte^rk- U*vui " . it you* bu or service ^ ' ’t\ *o- \ \ \ 1 y^tf P*l)ducU are Y0^ ' . \ \ *,d.^ \ \ tt*oduct»o'‘ ‘oi a\\ reco** ^^dous, 1 \ 3SS» "SS& f0. \\ \ *9£$«0~ \ \ O'Uei" - g, service 1 \ DeUvei Sales - -rr-r n /’i»wr.yyy.-r.-jrn-.-^yy^-^ r- ■ - •* Penney’s . .----WOT- W'-TTI'^Ml,iy- .IIWII up. Ci3CED'‘ ANNIVERSARY^ CLEARANCE I JR. BOYS' COTTON POLOS • soft, combed cotton! • multicolor stripes! • machine washable! sizes 4 to 12 Now’s the time to stock up for junior! Soft, long wearing cotton polo shirts in a terrific assortment of patterns 'n colors ... all featuring popular crew necks, short sleeves! Stock up now, at this low Penney price! REDUCED! * rg LITTLE GIRLS SWIM SUITS J, W REDUCED! * eg LITTLE GIRLS WHITE SHOES Jy REDUCED! 4 eg 33 only WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES £ REDUCED! 4 go ASSORTMENT Or CURTAIN'S W REDUCED! t*% MENS ACRILAN KNIT SHIRTS | CHARGE IT ... 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