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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1962)
ATKINSON — St. Kllzabeth School of Nursing, I.’ncoln, will hold its annual Graduation Exer cize, Thursday, Aug. 2, at 8 p.m., at Pius X high school audi torium. The d!plom;i» will be presented to the members of the class by the Most Reverend Bish op .lames V. Oaaey, Bishop of Lincoln. Mary C. Meusch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meusch, Atkinson, Is a member of the graduating class. The graduates will take the State Board exam inations the first week in Sep tembor to obtain their legal title as a registered nurse.. LaRoyce blunt Weds EarJ J. Schnebel Jr. In Clearwater Church Miss LaRoyce Blunt and Earl John Schnebel jr., were married at the Concordia Lutheran church in Clearwater Sunday, July 22. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Rcy Blunt, Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Earl John Schnebel sr., Norfolk. The Rev. D. L. Braunersreu ther officiated at the 7:30 pm. double ring ceremony. The Rev. Carl Pullman, Neligh, was solo ist and Judy filsinger was organ ist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length - gown of imported Chantilly lace and nylon tulle. The basque bo dice featured a sabrina neckline with tapered bridal sleeves. The . bouffant skiit had a wide band of scalloped hand clipped border lace. She wore a crown fingertip veil and carried a bcuquet of red roses centered with an orchid cor sage on a white prayer book. Mrs. Mary Ann Biddlecome, Norfolk, was matron of honor, Mrs. Judy Butterfield and Nan cy Jo Sullivan, both of Norfolk, were bridesmaids. They wore identical ballerina length gowns of orchid net over satin and car ried bouquets of white miniature mums with orchid streamers. Beverly Meyer, Neligh and Nancy Cary, Norfolk, were the candle lighters. Milton Biddlecome, Norfolk, served as best man. Larry Blunt, Ewing and Dean Butterfield, Nor folk, were groomsmen. Merlyn Meyer, Ewing, and Joe Hegr, Leigh, served as ushers. Following the ceremony, a re ception was given by the bride’s parents in the church parish hall for 150 guests with Mrs. Reuben Meyer, Neligh, as hostess. Mrs. William Blunt, Elgin, had charge of the guest book. Linda Lihs, Pat Finn, and Mrs. George Schnebel, all of Norfolk and Joyce Anderson were in charge of the gifts. The wedding cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Walter Westerhoff, Elgin and cut and served by Mrs. Dewayne Hamil ton. Omaha. Mrs. Raymond Fil singer, Norfolk, poured coffee and Mrs. Inez Jaeke, Clearwater, served the punch. Waitresses were Mrs. Merlyn Meyer, Mrs. Jackie Oleson, Thel ma Spangler, Linda Lihs, Lois Filsinger and Joyce Filsinger, all of Norfolk. The bride is a graduate of the Ewing high school and attended Norfolk Junior college last year. The groom, a graduate of the Stanton high school, has served four years in the United States Navy. The young couple will live in Norfolk, where the groom is em ployed by the Chicago North western Railway Company. Cjjjgggjji Fri.-Sat. Aug. S-f Double Feature Two of the best action pictures you will ever see "Ring of Fire" —PLUS "Thunder Road" Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 5-6-7 ! James Darren Deborah Walley I "Gidget Goes Hawaiian" Ir-Color Added Shorts W'd.-Thurs. Aug. M Family Nights "X-15" -PLUS "Ole Rex" Also Cartoon Beverly Ann Krebs, Charles B. LeCates Are Wed in Denver Miss Beverly Ann Krebs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Homer Krebs, Denver, and A-lc Charles B. I,eCates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I ./-Cates, Rhodesdale, Md., were united in marriage June 21 at the American Luther an Memorial church in Denver. The altar for the double ring ceremony was lighted with white candles in gold liolders and bas ket arrangements of white glad iola and violet carnations. The Rev. Harold Brokering officiated at the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose for her wed ding a white gown of lace over satin. Arrangements of sequins and seed pearls covered the scal loped neckline. Her fingertip veil was caught by a crown with seed pearls and sequins. The bride carried a corsage of white car nations with a single violet or chid on lace. Miss Karen Tschida, Denver, was matron of honor. She was attired in a violet lace ballerina dress with matching head piece. Her bouquet was of white car nations with violet sweet peas. A-lc Frank C. Warner, Newark, Del., was best man and Charles Krebs and George Henke were ushers. Fred Krebs served as the acolyte. Mrs. Walker accompanied Mr. Al Haggerty who sang "Because” and “The Lord's Prayer”. Following the ceremony a re ception was given in the parish hall for approximately 100 guests. Miss Iinda Krebs had charge of the guest book and LaRae Moesta had charge of the gifts assisted by Linda Krebs and Linda Woid neck. A three tier wedding cake decorated with silver leaves and violet flowers and topped with a miniature bride and groom was served by the Altar Society. The couple left for a honey moon in the mountains at Grand Lake, Colo. Their home will be at Columbus, Miss, where A-lc I-eCates is stationed at the Mis sile Base. Out of town relatives attending the wedding were Rosa Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woid neck and girls. O’Neill. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: June 25 — Nor man Mudloff of Page, Ronald M. Schumacher and Mrs. Ralph Mc Elvain of O’Neill and Norbert Clark of Inman. 26 — Mrs. Fred Grage, William Hall and Mrs. Don Enright of O'Neill; Harry Winings of Atkinson and Mrs. Du ane K. Miller of Chambers. 27 — Fred A. Grage of O’Neill and Merwyn C. French sr, Page. 26— Mrs. Ralph Seger of O’Neill, Mrs. Clifford Campbell of Chambers and George Ed McCarthy of Co lumbus. 29 — Mrs. Emil Bartos of Verdigre and Norman Wettlau fer of Page. 30 — Mrs. Florence Mauch, Mrs. Donald Schommer, Alvin Vorce and Mis. Kenneth Coleman of O’Neill. 3i — Veldon Godel of Orchard and Ronald Ha zelhorst of O’Neill. Aug 1 — Mrs. Edward Pavel of O’Neill. DISMISSED: June 25 — Mrs. Robert Pruden and son of Page. 26 — Ronald M Schumacher and Mrs. Ralph McElvain of O’Neill. 27 — Mrs. William Braithwait of Spencer; Ronald Wright of Ew ing; Rebecca Butterfield of Or chard; William Hull, Mrs. Robert Ferris and baby, Mrs. George M. Hartford, Mrs. Clarence Wha ley and Mrs. Gerald Langemeier of O’Neill. 28 — Norman Mudloff of Page, Harry Winings of Atkin son and Mrs. Emil Bartos of Ver digre. 30 — Norman Wettlaufer. 31 — Mrs. Fred Grage and Mrs. Ralph Seger of O’Neill, Merwyn G. French sr. of Page and Mrs. Andrew Closson of Ewing. Aug. 1 — Ronald Hazelhorst of O - Neill, Floyd Keyes and Mrs. R. B. South of Inman and Mrs. Clif ford Campbell and son of Cham bers. EXPIRED: Jaly 31 — Bert Farewell of Ewing. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: July 23 — Mrs. P. Johnson of Newport. 24 — Lor raine J. DeLosh and Mrs. Har old Parks of Stuart and Mrs. Darwin Evans of Johnstown. 25 — Frank Lee Kohle of Stuart 26 — Wessen C. Gage of Atkinson and Mrs. William Storjohann of O’ Neill. 27 — Mrs. Richard Kaup of Stuart. 29 — Mach Ed Warner of Chambers. DISMISSED: July 23 — Elwood Brady of Atkinson. 24 — Joseph Matousek and Peter Walnofer of Atkinson and Mrs. Jerald Gor don of Ainsworth. 25 — Lorraine J. DeLosh of Stuart. 26 — Mrs. James Donlin of O’Neill, Mrs. Agnes Henderson of Atkinson and Mrs. Harold Parks of Stuart. 27 — Mrs. Richard Kaup of Stuart. 28 — Mrs. Darwin Evans of John stown. 29 — Frank Lee Kohle of Stuart. SACRED HEART PRESENT: July 31 — Frank Ertz and Mrs. Mary Heiser of Monowi; Mrs. Joe Hausmann of Bonesteel, S. D.; Mrs. Orville Holz, Mrs. Albert Kalkowski and Mrs Blanche Whetham of Lynch; Mrs. Beaula Kaul, Baby Wayne Loock and John Schommer of Spencer; Mrs. Calvin Pratt of Bristow; Dolly Reiser, Mrs. Har old Reiser. John Tiefenthaler and Mrs. Clara Hahn of Butte; Mrs. Robert Tienken of Naper and Mrs. Barbara May of Niobrara. DISMISSED: July 23 — Mrs. Robert Robinette of Niobrara. 24 — Mrs. John Arthur Fredrickson of Bristow. 26 — Alfred Stanek and William Barger of Spencer. 27 — Mrs. Beaula Kaul of Spen cer anl Master Luedke of Lin coln. 29 — D. C. Reiser and E. L. Hagberg of Spencer. Mary Ann Siebert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Siebert, At kinson, is one of the thirty-two seniors to graduate from Mary I.aiming School of Nursing at Hastings, Friday evening, Aug. 3 at 8 p.m. Commencement exercises will be held in the Calvin H. French Memorial Chapel, Hastings Col lege. Reception following the graduation will be held at Itelle vue student center. Announce Engagements. • • Mr. ptj'1 Mrs. Gl nil G.Ilogly an:.ounce the engagement of their daughter, G’rneit Kay, to Clif ford Juraeek, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Itudie Juraeek of Ewing. Miss Giliogly is a 19G2 graduate of Inman high school Mr. Jura cek graduated from Ewing liigh school and attended Norfolk Junior College. No definite v.v Id! .g date has been Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weller, Cb" rr:be-*5, J~we ar.ncsjccd the engagement of their daughter, i-arue, 10 Gordon K. Lorenz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lorenz, O’Neill. Miss Weller is a graduate of the Chambers high school and Norfolk Junior College, Norfolk. Mr. Lorenz graduated from the O’Neill public school and Grace Bible Institute, Omaha. A September wedding is plan ned. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hoff man. Brunswick, announce the engagement of their daughter, Renae, to Donald R. Me Kenny, son of Mrs. Clifford Harding, O’Neill. Miss Hoffman is a graduate of St. Mary’s Academy. She at tended the college of Saint Mary, Omaha, and Wayne State Teach ers College. Her fiance is a graduate of O’Neill public school, serv ed four years in the II. s. Navy and also attended Wayne State. The coapie is planning a Sep tember 1 wedding at St. Ignatius Catholic church in Brunswick. Speelman-Timmerman Word h<is been received of the marriage of Loralyn Speelr-an and James E. Timmerman, Ad ams County. Grandparents are Mrs. Mary Whaley and John Timmerman. O’Neill and Mrs. Earnest (Sara) Porter, Atkinson. ST. ANTHONY’S CUDDY — Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy of O’Neill, son, Kenneth Joseph, 7 pounds 12 ounces, July 24. CAMBELL — Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Campbell of Chambers, son, Barry Eugene, 9 pounds 24 ounces, July 28. COLEMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coleman of O'Neill, daughter, 6 pounds 34 ounces, July 30. PAVEL — Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Pavel of O’Neill, son, 5 pounds 124 ounces, Ajg. 1. SACRED HEART HOLZ — Mr. and Mrs. Orvil of Lynch, son, 7 pounds 4 ounces, July 29. REISER — Mr. and Mrs. Har old Reiser of Butte, son, 64 pounds, July 28. TIENKEN — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Tienken of Naper, daughter, 6 pounds 15 ounces, July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tonner, Butte, are the maternal grandparents. The couple has a daughter, Robin. ELSEWHERE PAULSON — Mr. and Mrs. Norman Paulson of Atlantic, la., son, Michael, 6 pounds 7% oun ces, July 29. Mrs. Paulson is the former Betty Lou Curran, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cur ran of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott are the great-grandparents. SNYDER - Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snyder of Orchard, son, Eric Dean, 9 pounds 14 ounces, July 24. The couple now has four sons and a daughter. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevens and Mrs. Darlene £nyder of Orchard. BRADDOCK — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Braddock of Papiiiion, son, July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Braddock of Omaha, former Page residents, are the paternal grand parents. ERB — Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Erb of Orchard, son, Jeffrey Du ane, 7 pounds 12% ounces, July 20. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erb of Orchard are the grandparents and great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Reed Risinger of Venus. PAVELKA — Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Pavelka of Verdigre, son, Douglas Lynn, 7 pounds 7 ounces, July 16. The couple now has three sons . Mr. and Mrs. William Slecht of Verdel are the mater nal grandparents. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Laursen and Doug were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Durr, Stuart. Tom Murray and his daughter, Demaris, visited at the Floyd Adams home, Amelia, Wednes day. Mrs. Tom Kaup and children, Stuart, were in O’Neill Tuesday visiting her mother, Mrs. James Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanson and four sons of Interprise, Kan. came Saturday night to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Whaley. They are also visiting other relatives in Inman and Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Timmer man and children, Hastings, are here visiting his father, John Timmerman and his mother, Mrs. Ernest Porter, Atkinson. Danny Ferris went to Omaha and returned Wednesday. They removed his cast from an acci dent in April and put on braces. Anna Ferris, Inman, visited her brother, Oscar Hill at Lincoln Wednesday and also her grand daughter, Mrs. George Rieden our. Kev. Father Duffy accompan ied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Duffy, Omaha, to the World’s Fair in Seattle. They left Sunday. Mrs. Tony Anewalt and son re turned Monday to her home in San Diego. She has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Gallagher for two weeks Mrs. Mary Biglin and Mrs. Margaret Boler spent the week end in Omaha, at the home of their sister, Anne Waters, and to see their brother, Father Leo nard. Guests at the William J. Froe lich residence are Mrs. J. Vetter of Washington, D. C., their daughter, and William Froelich of Wichita, Kan., their son. Mrs. John Carroll and children of Denver, arrived Tuesday and will be guests of her mother, Mrs Mary Biglin. Libby Latta returned to Omaha Monday. She has been a guest of Mrs. H. J. Birmingham. The George Hammond family are home after vacationing in Park Rapids, Minn. Leaving Thursday for Sioux City to visit Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanser and family, were Mr. and Mrs Frank Froelich. Mr and Mrs. Harry Ressell ar rived last weekend from Park Rapids, Minn., on business and to visit relatives. Mrs. Harry Lampert and child ren of Orchard spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Langan spent the weekend in Columbus visiting relatives. Spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Dewitt were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schneider of Columbus. Mr and Mrs. Ray Miller of Norfolk were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cuddy. Francis Montgomery took his niece, Julie Montgomery, to Grand Island Tuesday, where she took the tram for her home in Baker, Ore. She has been spend ing a month with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grady. Returning from a vacation in Fort Dodge, la., Minneapolis, and Park Rapids, Minn., Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Grady and children. While in Minneapolis, they attended a baseball game between the Twins and Detroit. Her parents live in Fort Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tennis and the Don McKamy family went to Park Rapids, Minn., to spend some time fishing. Mr. and Mrs. James Harty and family left Saturday for their home in Denver, having spent about ten days with Mrs. W. H. Harty and Mrs. Simon Bosn. Mrs. Mark Muff, Steve, Marde and Carman Cuddy were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffries of Ewing. Mrs. Paul Talon and family of Omaha were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. O. W. French. Guests of Mrs Mary Dusatko were Mr. and Mrs. John Allen and children of Grand Island. Returning from Wichita, Ken., was Mrs. Edw. Schmit. While there she visited her sister, Mrs. Joe Beckwith. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Artus and relatives this last week were Mr. and Mrs. James Ur laub of Chadron. Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden re turned Sunday night from Grand Lake, Colo., having visited Dr. and Mrs. Richard Owens and family of Kansas City at a re sort and the James Golden Gold en family of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Simpson, Mark and Barbara are vacation ing two weeks in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Styles of Lincoln were Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw. Mrs. Lee Brady came up from Omaha this week with her son, Lee Brady, jr., having spent the last month with his family. Mrs. Bernard Mohr and child ren of Wichita, Kan., arrived Wednesday to attend weddings of her sister Colleen, and brother James. Eileen Corkle, who has been with her, came home. Roy, Jerry and Jim Humrich spent Wednesday in Sioux City, visiting John Humrich, in St. Jo seph’s hospital. It was John’v birthday., Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moore went to Sidney and Alliance over the weekend. Mrs. Moore attended an executive meeting of WWI Auxil iary at Sidney. They visited Rose and Grace McFadden, cousins of Leo at Sidney and Mrs. Moore’s brother, A. A. Highley and wife at Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ziska and family and her mother, Mrs. Joe Bartos, Atkinson, were Sat urday supper guests at the Gene Ziska home. Charles Chace and children, Jim, Gene and Charlotte spent Wednesday night with Mrs. H. J. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs Ambrose Rhode and daughters, Patricia and Co leen of Kennewick, Wash., left Wednesday after visiting since Ju ly 23 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and her bro ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hunt and with his bro ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mike London. Mrs. Bessie Shaw, son, Grover and daughter, Elizabeth of Cowley, Wyo., left Friday after a week’s visit at the Grover Shaw home. Mrs. Ed Schmit Honored Mrs. Larry Schaffer and Mrs. Don Kellner were hostesses for a breakfast Tuesday morning, hon oring Mrs. Ed Schmit, who re cently returned from Wichita, Kan. BBC Club Mrs. Mike Trupp entertained the members of BBC club Wed nesday evening. Refreshments were served following bridge. Mrs. Lohaus Hostess A luncheon was given Saturday at the Town House by Mrs. Hen ry J. Lohaus. About twenty-four ladies were present. M and M Club Meets Mrs. D. H. Clauson entertained the MM club in her home Tues day evening with a 7:30 dessert luncheon. High score at bridge was won by Mrs. Harold Lind berg and Esther Harris. Mrs. J. P. Brown was a guest Frank Roubicek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roubicek, Verdigre, re cently moved to Creighton with his family where he will be as sociated with Roscoe Rice in the law office of Roscoe L. Rice. Mr. Roubicek is a graduate of Verdigre High school. He attend ed the University of Nebraska and was a graduate of the Col lege of Law. In 1954 he was ad mitted to the Nebraska State Bar Association. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chmiel, North Platte, visited his mother, Mrs. Stanley Chmiel, this week. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Stanley Chmiel this week were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clasan, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ziska and family and their houseguest. Mrs. Joe Bartos, Atkinson, were Sunday dinner guests of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska, Atkinson. They were all after noon visitors at the John Sichen eder home. Atkinson. Mrs. Paul Talkm, Omaha, and son were here last week visiting her mother, Mrs. O. W. French and brother, Dale and family. Tuesday dinner guests of Mrs. Martha Ross were her son, Oliver and daughter, Mary. Diane Sinde lar, Mrs. Ted Crawford and daughter Pam and Mrs. Bud Mit chell. Coffee guests later in the afternoon were Mrs. Orville Pet erson and Mrs. Anna Wenke. Scholarships Available For County Teachers All teachers in Holt county rural, city or parochial schools are eligible for scholarships to attend Conservation Short Courses for college credit. According to Elmer Juracek. Secretary Treasurer of the local Soil and Water Conservation Dist rict. the iioard has offered schol arships for the past several years. “Any teacher interested in attending the final session, August 13 to 24. at Jeffrey Dodge in the North Platte area, should contact the local District office as soon as possible for more infor mation. The course there is sponsored by the University of Nebraska with Miss Ivah Green as Director. Miss Green conduct ed the Conservation short course in O’Neill for all rural teachers two years ago." There were six courses offered this summer. Mrs. ltinnie Cans, Atkinson teacher, will complete her course at Wayne this w’eek. She was awarded a Conservation Scholarship. Sister Armella To Celebrate Anniversary Sister M. Armella of the Order of the School Sisters of St. Fran ces, Milwaukee, Wis., will cele brate the Silver Anniversary of her Reception Sunday, Aug. 12, at her home parish Of St. John the Baptist; a rural parish be tween Ewing and Clearwater. A Solemn Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving will Ik* celebrated by Father Francis Kubart, Pas tor, at 10:30 a.m. on this occa sion. Father Robert P. llupp, a native son of ihe parish, will de liver the sermon. A public re ception in her honor will be held from 2 until 4 p.m. in the parish hall. Sister M. Armella, the daugh ter of the late Joseph A. Weihel and Mrs. Rose Weibel was bom and reared in the Ewing com munity. Upon graduation from Ewing High School, she entered St. Joseph’s Convent, Milwaukee. She received a Master of Science degree from Wisconsin and for the past several years has been teaching mathematics at Alverno College, Milwaukee. For many years prior to this assignment, Sister Armella taught at St. Clara’s School in Chicago, where the widely known shrine of the Little Flower is located. The School Sisters of St. Fran cis staff 23 parochial schools in Nebraska including St. Boniface Schools in Stuart and Elgin and the following parochial schools in this area: Butte, Bloomfield, Creighton, Crofton, Fordyce, Os mond, Petersburg, Pierce and Randolph. Sister Armella is expected to arrive August 9 for a home visit with her mother and other mem bers of her family in the St. John’s vicinity. Reed Reunion Held Sunday In Page Park Relatives ana inenas oi uie late Pulaski and Elizabeth Reed gathered at the Page park Sun day for their 27th annual reunion Fifty-nine were in attendance for the basket dinner and social. Oldest present was Allen Haynes, 89, while the youngest was Niels French, 8 months. During the year five were born into the family. These include: Kathy Jo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beelaert; JoLynn Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarman, Chambers; Susan Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Galaway, Fairmont; Neils Car roll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll French, and a daughter (name not available) to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Storm, Meadow Grove. One death was in the family, that of Peggy Lucille Weis, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Galaway. There were two marriages: Terry Storm to Miss Janice Charf and Ensign Daniel Johnston to Miss Jeanette Harper. Guests at the pick: were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Nichelson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S tell man and Mrs. Addie Johnson, all of Cal loway and Delmar Dodson, Co zad. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kottmeier and Richard, Dos Moines; Mrs. Rcbert Fre.'s, and family, Hershey; Mrs. Em ma Reed and Miss Betty, Cozad;1 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll French and family; Mrs. C. F. Storm; Mr. and Mrs. .Eloit Blackmore and Tim, Royal; Mrs. Merwyn French sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss, all of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haynes and Miss Viola, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and Becky, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beelaert and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and boys, all of Page. Nine O'Neill Scouts of troop 245 Kenny Lieb, Larry Kingman, Jim spent last week at Camp Eagle, Humrich, Stan Spangler, Billy Cedar Bluff. This troop was upon- Art .is, and Bob Gallagher, sored by the Lions Club Scojt Their program consisted of leadership was furnished by El- boating, canoeing, swimming, roy Leib, Roger Harano and Bud horseback riding, archery, riflery, Krugman fitness activities, cantping skills The boys attending this camp and many other activities of In. from O’Neill were Dick Stuifber- terest. gen, Dick Lieb, Dick Martin, Butterfields Hold Family Reunion Sunday The second annual reunion of the Rebecca and late Guy But terfield family was held Sunday, July 29, at Ford Park in O’Neill with 74 in attendance as follows. Rebecca Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield, Menu and Verna, Dick Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Ni ls iinquist an i Vic ky and Mrs. Ed Ritts and daugh ter, O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Don Volquardsen and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spar, Orchard, Mr and Mrs. Everett BTttner and Bob, and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Atkinson, Winner S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Kindt and family, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Mrs. Don Knudson and daughters, Mitchell, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cleve land and sons, Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Don Walton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield, Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Delaine Jackson and family, Long Pine; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goochey, Ains worth; Mr. and Mrs. Elven Jack son and family, Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Adams, Creigh ton; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jackson and family, Rose; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miettes and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Boelter and Jim, Verdigre. Well filled baskets of food fur nished the noon meal and ice cream was served for the after noon refreshment. The afternoon was spent visit ing and taking pictures. During the past year there were no mar riages, births or deaths in the family. It was decided to have the re union the first Sunday in August next year at Ford park in O’Neill. Rites for Ewing Farmer Held At Clearwater John Bollwitt, retired farmer living eight miles southwest of Ewing, died at his home Thurs day, July 26. He had been in failing health for the past two years. Death was by hanging ac cording to Sheriff Leo S. Tom jack. Funeral services were conduct ed Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the Snider Funeral Home chapel at Clearwater with the sermon and the interment pray ers by the Rev. Peter F. Burk, Ewing. Pallbearers were Joe Thoendel, John Bauer, Robert Kreiziger, Garrett Kallhoff, Ray Sedivy and James Tinsley. Burial was made in St. Peter’s cemetery near Ewing. John Bollwitt whs lorn March 4. 1896. the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Bollwitt. At the time of fits death he was 66 years, four months and 22 days He lived ail his life in the vicinity eight miles southwest of Ewing and received his education in the District 227. Survivors are hi* wife, Anna, and two daughters, Mrs. Robert tVerliet Hunter and Mrs Henry (Henettai (Jarman both of Lin coln and four grandsons; a sis ter, Mrs. Anna Snowanlt, O'Neill. Omit of town relatives and friends attending the service came from Winside, O’Neill, At kinson, Clearwater. Norfolk, Fre mont, Schribner, Snyder, in Ne braska, and Sioux City, la. Rites Held for Mrs. Mary Rice A* Orchard ORCHARD Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Rice, 5*2, Falrbury, who died July 21, were held Tues day, July 24. at the Orchard Ev angelical United Brethren church. The Rev. Alvin H. Smith offici ated. Burial was in the Orchard cemetery. Pallbearers were El von. Hal oid, ix’c, Virgil, Lyle and Merle Rice, grandsons. Mary Alice Ludwick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jonathan laid* wick, was Ixirn July 13, 1870, at Kellogg, la. She moved with her parents to a farm south ol Clear water and taught in the Ante lope County public schools for a number of years. In 1890 she was married to George Rice. They had six sons and one daughter. They lived most of their married life on a homestead two miles east of Or chard. She had been living at Fair bury and Odell with her sons. Survivors include two sisters. Mrs. Edna Holbrook, Orchard, and Mrs. Hester Crow, Anadarka, Okla.; one brother, Joe Ludwick, Spokane, Wash.; five sons, (Har ence, Odell, Alva, Clearwater, Floyd, Falrbury, Roy, Winner, S, D., and I ./ester, Evanston, III.; 18 grandchildren; 42 great grand chi if Iren and 2 great great grand children. She was preceded in death by her husband, one son and one daughter. The Frontier On Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O’Neill Golden Hotel — O’Neill Stannard’s Superette — O’Neill O’Neill Drug — O'Neill Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug — O’Neill Wilson Drug — Atkinson Munn’s Store — Ewing McGravv’s Store — Inman Newhouse Sundries Chambers Miller Bros. — Orchard Hi-Way Gale — Stuart ONE DAY ONLY STINKER DAY SPECIALS In Our Store MOJUD NYLON HOSE Regular 6r knee length 69c pQir LADIES' SHOES (TllllfCn 150^50-350 pr. STINKER Short sleeve colored SPORT SHIRTS knits and broadcloths I/2 price All Summer TROUSERS $2 pair off No alterations All Straw Hats Half Price All Sales Final — No Exchanges, No Returns SAUNTO’S Phone 197-W O'Neill ^mmmMMMM^M***"^*^**»*.