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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1962)
IIKKMAN .lANZINO and Larry Polie.h,, inspect one of the Phileo Bendix washers being installed in the new King Koin 1 juunlerette on Sou 'l Fourth street. Sixteen washers, including 10 double capacity and six single load machines have been In al’^d. Five extra capacity dryers will be avail al>l'- along with a double unit dry cleaning inachi ic. Mr. •lun/.lng re|s»rts that the machines are now being tested and the launderette will be open for bu ■ire ■* in the near future. ROY.\I/—The four hoys shown in this picture found the bones of a buffalo skull while wading in the head waters of the Verdigris creek two and one-half miles northeast of Royal. They dug out as many pieces as they could and carried them to town where they have been busy assembling the parts with the aid of a picture from a well-known magazine. Thus far they have assembled the upper part of the head. There were five boys in the search, Nolan Riiiul quist, Martin Waterman, Dean Ennen, August Waterman and George Waterman. George was absent when the picture was taken. The hoys havn’t found a glue that will hold satisfactorily, but they are still at work. All are junior high students, ages 10 and 11 years. Church Notes All ministers are invited to send their church notes to The Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are in our office by Saturday, one week prior to the service. hi. Patrick’s Catholic Church tMsgr. timothy O Sullivan and Fail ter Robert Duffy, assistant) Sunday: Masses, 7:30, 8:45 a.m. and 10 a.m. Saturday: Confessions from 4 until 5:30 p.m and from 7:30 p.m until 9 p.m Masses tn the church every day at 7:45 a.m Wesleyan Methodist Church (Rev. Berniece Hubby. Pastor) The services of the Wesleyan Methodist church will be held in the basement of the Bill Brews ter home beginning July 1st and continuing throughout the sum mer until the new church building is completed. Sunday School: 10 a.m.; morn ing worship, 11 a.m.; evening ser vice, 8 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. The WMS morning prayer meeting every Tuesday — 9:30 a.m. We welcome you to our services. Church Of Christ Robert Granger Sunday morning Bible classes 10:00 a.m.; worship services, 11:00 a.m. Wednesday: Evening services, Bible study and prayer, 7:30 un til 8:30. First Methoulsi Church The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Thursday — WSC9 Breakfast, 9:30 a.m., (no prayer circle) Dorcas, 2 p.m.; no rummage sale this week. Sunday: Morning worship ser vices 8:30 and 11 a.m.; church school. 9:45 am. Tuesday — Young Adult Fellow ship Supper meeting. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday — Intermediate MYF, 7 p.m. Thursday — Prayer Circle, 10 a.m; morning worship. 9:45 a.m. Page Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Sunday: Church school, 10 am.; worship 11 a.m. Wednesday. Choir and MYF, * pm. Bethany Presbyterian Church (The Rev. .lohn Hart) Sunday: Worship, 9:30 am., Sunday school, 10:30 am. Center Union Church Sunday: Morning worship, 10 a.m.: Sunday school, 11 a.m-, and Christian Endeavor, 7:30 pm. Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser vice, 8 pm. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 505 East Williams Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m., YFC 7 pm.; worship services, 8 p.m. Wednesday — Bible Study, 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. First Presbyterian Church i i'tie Rev. John Hart) Sunday, August 4, — Morning worship will be at 10 to 10:45 a. m. with Sunday school immedi ately following. Monday: 2:30 Bible Study. Wednesday: 7:00 Choir; 7:00 jr. Hi Youth; Sr. Hi Youth, 8 p.m. Wesleyan Methodist Church Page (The Rev. Mina Smith) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worsmp, 11 a.m.; WY service, 7 pun.; evening service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Choir, 7 p.m.; prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. St. Joseph’s Church Amelia tFather Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 10:00 a.m. the first third and fifth Sundays of each month; 8:00 aun. on the second and fourth Sundays. Assembly of God Church i The Rev. Ivan Chnstoffersen) Sunday: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morning worship, jun. church 11 a.m., youth service, 7 p.m. and Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer and Praise service, 8 p.m. August 3 thru 12 — State camp at Lexington, Nebr. Methodist Church Chambers (The Rev. Charles Cox) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Church ol Epiphany Emmet (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 8:00 a.m. the first third and fifth Sunday of each month; at 10:00 on the second and fourth Sundays. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Rev. D. L. Braunersreuther) Sunday — Divine Service 8 p.m.; Sunday school, 7 p.m.; Walther League, 7:30 p.m. Note that the schedule of services above is for the next 2 Sunday. Thursday — Ladies aid 1:30 p.m. Friday — Catechism class 8:00 p.m. Saturday — Suceeding classes of ail Catschlsm will be at St. Paul’s, Chambers, beginning Sat urday 21 and Saturdays following. Inman Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Thursday: WSCS. 2:30 p.m. Sunday: Church school, 8:40 a m.; worship. 9:40 ajn. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8 p.m. Emmet Methodist Church Sunday — Sunday school 9:00 a.m.; morning worship, 9:45 Page News By Mrtt. Ben Asher Mrs. J. O. Ballantyne came last Tuesday afternoon from Inde pendence, Mo., to spend some time in her home here. Before leaving Independence she had just returned from a two week educational tour of Missouri, co sponsored by the Central Mis souri State College, Warrensburg and the State Chamber of Com merce. On the tour, the group of teachers studied economic problems of Missouri, both in the cities and the rural area. They visited plants, factories, ware houses, mines, quarries, colleges and the State Capitol besides other places of business, govern ment and education. The group discussed problems of big and little businesses, free enterprise etc. All this helped everyone in volved to gain insight into the problems of one another and to develop a better understanding among those in the business and educational fields. Enroute here, Mrs. Ballantyne spent a few days with her son, Jim, and family at Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Monday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Ickes were also dinner guests. Dr. and Mrs. Lionel Ickes, New Orleans, La., are spending a week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes and other relatives and friends. They are enroute to Nampa, Idaho, where he will join his brother. Dr. Mil lard Ickes, in veterinary prac tice. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hender son, Orchard, were Sunday din ner guests in the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Reed, Bruns wick. The class mothers of 1958 will sponsor a pre-nuptial shower for Kathleen Walker Thursday eve ning, Aug. 2. Mrs. Florence Anderson. Nan cy, Gary and Gail, Las Vegas, Nev., were guests in the N. D. Ickes sr. home for an early morn ing coffee hour. Mrs. Anderson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Young who are former residents of the Emporia neighborhood. The Andersons have been with her parents at Oakland the past six weeks and visited her bro ther, George, and family at Uhl ing, Chris and family near Te kamah and her sister, Mrs. Dean Corbin, and family at Craig. They also visited friends near Orchard enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes were Monday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski. An Ickes family picnic was held at the Page park Sunday in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Lionel Ickes. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Ickes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and fam ily. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miner and Don Miner, Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Inness and family. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Brown and family, Meadow Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ben nett and Kaylean, Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer and friends who stopped to visit. When the rain came most of the crowd went to the N. D. Ickes i arm nome. Dixie Nissen who will be among the graduates Sunday. Aug. 12. from the Bryan Memorial School of Nursing received a $50.00 gift for placing second in her class. Dixie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen, Page, will be married Saturday. Aug. 11 in Lincoln to Bob Eirsman who is stationed at the Lincoln Air Force Base. Mrs. Phil Kiser, Forsyth. Mont., was a Friday to Wednesday guest in the Bert Finley home. The ladies are cousins. Joyce Summers is spending her vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Summers. She will return to Lin coln August 12 to resume her classes at Bryan Memorial School of Nursing. The Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Kirk and son. Raymond jr.. Elk Grove Village. HI., and nephew. Mike Kirk. California, spent from Friday to Monday morning visit ing The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder. Bid or Bye club met Wednes day evening with Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman. Mrs. Jerome Allan was a guest. Bridge was played with Mrs. C- E. Walker winning high. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler, i Fremont, were weekend guest* I if her parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Finch sr. Mr. and Mr*. 1 [Jordon Gen trier. Tilden. and Mr t snd Mrs. Clarence Finch jr. and family were Saturday supper ' quests. Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlauf r*r and family were among those who attend<'d the Bowden reunion Sunday at the O’Neill Park. The oldest was “Grandma" Della Bowden, 98, and the youngest was David Strong, 7 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Strong. Norfolk. A post nuptial shower was held Friday night at the Methodist church for Mrs. Lionel Ickes, sponsored by the class mothers of 1953. The program opened with a musical game played by the group, this was followed by sev eral songs sung by Cathy Soren sen, Terry, Bob and Bruce Ickes, all nieces and nephews of the groom. A skit entitled "Lionel's Romance” narrated by Mrs. Bud Ickes assisted by Mesdames Soren Sorensen jr., Norman Trowbridge and Ron Park closed out the entertainment. Mrs. Ickes opened her gifts assisted by Glenda Sorensen, Terry Ickes and Mrs. Bud Ickes. Doctor and Mrs. Ickes are enroute to Nampa, Idaho, where he will be associat ed with his brother, another vet erinarian, Dr. Millard Ickes. The Page MYF met Sunday night with 18 members present. Juanita Ragland gave the devo tions. Carroll French addressed the group and showed slides on life in the Congo. The MYF Council will meet at the Marvin Stauffer home Monday night. Peggy Sue Kelly and Jean Nissen served lunch. The class mothers of 1957 spon sored a shower Tuesday night for Mrs. Dennis Cunningham. Jolene Grass entertained the group by playing several musical selec tions. Mrs. Dick Cunningham and Mrs. Lynn Larson assisted the honored guest with her gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemper and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ron, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and girls, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher and family, Win ner, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. A1 Snoeck and family, Van Nuys, Calif, and Mrs. Frieda Asher and Jeanette Stracke, Atkinson, en joyed a no-host dinner and sup per Sunday at the Legion Hall. Callers in th eafternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, Mrs. Don Nissen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and Bobbie and Mrs. Alvin Heese. O’Neill. Kevin Frahm, 7, son of Mr. Carroll G. French, a Methodist layman who taught improved farming methods to Africans in Katanga for four years, will be commissioned a regular mission ary of the Methodist church Aug ust 5 at the Methodist church, Page. A native of Page, French is a 1954 graduate of the University of Nebraska. He went to Africa in 1957 as a special (2-year) term missionary and was appointed to head the agricultural demonstra tion work at the large Methodist mission station of Kapanga in Katanga. Mrs. French, the former Miss Tove Jensen, Denmark, was also a Methodist missionary to Ka panga. They were married in Africa and have a daughter, Kirsten, two years old, and a son. Neils, was born in Decem ber at St. Anthony's hospital. ■ ind Mrs. Floyd Frahm, started us series of shots for the pre- i ention of rabies. Kevin was bit- i en by a stray cat last week and he cat was not located. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon vent to Omaha Friday to visit ler father. Milo Lamlreth, a pa tent at the Clarkson hospital. Sirs. Harmon said that Mike had < teen fitted with a brace and is toming along pretty well. If he continues making progress lie vill be home soon. Mrs. Edd Ste vart who had been doctoring in Dmaha for the past ten days re turned to Page with them. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Finch sr. and Rich Howerter spent Sun lay visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rhode. Laurel. Enroute they picked up Jimmy Foster who had been visiting at Newcastle and brought him to Page with them for a week. Rich and Jimmy are both form Guymon, Okla. Diane Cork, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cork. Page, was one of 12 who graduated Sunday from St. Vincent’s Hospital School of Nursing, Sioux City, la. The 47th annual graduation was held at Heelan high school annex at Sioux City. Mrs. Mary Mul lane, Ph D, Dean of the College of Nursing, State University of Iowa, was the principal speaker. Diane is a 1958 graduate of Page high school. Mrs. Frieda Marthwig and Mrs. Jean Dierks, Coleridge, spent Fri day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. Mr. and Mrs. Al Anthony and family, Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and family and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat held a picnic Sunday at the O’ Neill park. R.N.A. Kensington met Wed nesday with Mrs. A. Nissen Nine members and one guest, Mrs. Gerald Lamason were present Cards were played. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Max and family and Dale Miller spent last week at Beauty Bay Lodge on Lake Belle Taine in Minnesota fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jorgen son and family, Pueblo, Colo., accompanied the Maxes on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, Cairo, were guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker over the weekend. They stopped eryoute to a wedding in Cushing, la., where Ed was a groomsman for a college friend, Will Erwiler, Laurel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coppple and family, Norfolk, stopped at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, Satur day on their way home from the Black Hills. They also called on Mrs. A. O. Weber. Ensign Richard D. Morgan, O’ Neill, was recently commissioned as a Line Officer in the United States Navy while serving with the Navy Recruiting Service in San Francisco, Calif. Mr. Morgan, formerly a Master Chief Petty Officer, is the son of Mrs. Ruth Morgan, O’Neill, but currently resides in Vallejo, Calif, with his wife, Betty, and their three children. Richard ex pects to be in O’Neill to visit his family and friends about August 10. He will be traveling to Rhode Island for training, after which he will report as Personnel Of ficer aboard the aircraft carrier, Hancock, now serving with the U. S. Seventh Fleet in the Far East. A career Navy man, Richard entered the Navy in 1946 and has served continuously since that time. He is a graduate of O’Neill high school and still indicates O’Neill as his official residence. PLANNING A WEDDING? PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins Get our Prices Before you Buy ' SamP,e8 The Frontier Mr ami Mrs. Floyd Lcisy. Val •nttne. were Sunday afternoon md lunch guests in the Edgar Stauffer tonic. Mr. and Mrs larry Tegekfr were also caller*. Mr and Mrs. William 1'lautz md children. Demon, wire irom rhurxlay to Sunday visitors id ur parents. .*tr. and Mrs, George Jiasey. Mr. and Mr* Ho s Fmk and amdy, Broomfield Colo . came Saturday to the home oi her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. Fink returned home Sunday leaving his family here. Mrs Fink will help take care of his ;rand mo tor. Mrs Frank Snyder. Mrs. Harry Park who has been helping in the Snyder tome will take a few weeks vacation. Tie l* igi ire department wu-, railed to th • la-land Fin ley home where tils tractor had caught tire, i.claud had filled his tractor and started tin- mo tor when it burst into flame*. They managed to pull the trai - tor astray from the fuel harreil and unhitched a p'uw before the fire department arrived. All the wiring wo. destroyed as well as other items. The tractor wai taken lo Or chard later to to repaired. Mr. and Mrs. Mervvyn French sr. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Car roll French and family, Mr. ami Mrs. Alvin Alberts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge and Mrs. Robert Frols and chil dren. Herahry. Thursday for sup per. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Troahynski anti grandsons. Mark ami Bob Webigartner. Detroit. Mich . were Friday dinner guests in the Dan Trotiiynski home. The annual gathering o' t <■ Farm House fraternity group and their familiet; met Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs, Stan l«am iiert, Chambers. lYesent were Mrs. Ida Lambert. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth LaRue ami family. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs Tom Lambert and family, Hartingtcm. Mr. and Mrs Tom Chilvers and family. Mr. and Mi'S Chailes ChUvers. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs Bob Chilvers and family, Neligh. Mr. and Mrs Ben Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Karges and family, Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Baxter anil family. North Platte, Mr. and Mrs Archie Baxter. St. Paul, Mr and Mrs. Dale Flower day and family, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gotschall and family, Atkinson, and Mr. ami Mrs Mti wyn French and daughter, Page A no-host dinner was served at noon. Members of the WSCS enter tained at a memorial tea last Thursday afternoon at the Page Methodist church. Mrs Mrrwvn French sr. was in charge of the program. Members of the Inman and O'Netll societies were invited guest*. Eighty nine signed the guest ixwk Mr* J«***t* Kelly gave the welcome. Mrs. Robert Van I turn had the devotions The Junior choir sang Mr* Csrroll French wa* guest iqe-aker Her topic w a* "Two Hour* Too I ale". She related experiences in iter work to prove her point on local and national level* of religious and political importance. She ai.*o explained how she acquired her deep respect lor the Air nan women folk Mrs. French wa* presented u lifetime membership tan by the vice president of the Kings Daughters. Mrs N. D. Idtes jr, A -octal hour followed. Twenty Indies of tl»e Page Methodist church Woman's So c eiv of Christian Service went to Orchard Wednesday afternoon to hear Mr*. Corn Csnnonherg. lius sett, rev lew the event* of a Seven month uur of foreign countries that inclu led travel in Denmark. Sweden. Finland, Noiwuy, Eng land, Ireland, Scotland, It -Igium, Holland. Germany, Switzerland. Italy, Austria, Greece, the island of Crete. France. Spain, Portugal, and Sicily. She also visited m bro ther, Stuart Van Oat rand, and wife behind the Iron Curtain and v si. -d in Afi "ca. Mrs. Van Os rand Or-hsed. i* Mrs, Cannan lierg's motlier. Miss Nebraska To Appear At County Fair A flaming baton twirling per formance of heart-stepping talent and a sparkling personality, coup led with unusual beauty and de termination, won for Mary Lee Jepsen of Papillion the right to reign as Miss Nebraska of 1962. Mary Lee is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Glenn K. Jepsen, Papillion, Nebraska, and a grad uate of Papillion High School. She is 18. 5 f-ft. 6'£-in., has blue eyes and chestnut brown hair. Wearing a crown isn’t a new experience for the 1962 queen. She also reigns as Miss Omaha Greeter 1962 and was Miss High School of Nebraska 1961 and a runner up that same year in the National Miss High School of contest. She also wears the tides of Miss Majorette of Nebraska 1961; Nebraska’s Most Beautiful Majorette, 1959-60; and is a stale and national twilling and strutting champion. Mary Lee is a past honored queen of Jtb’s Daughters and Methodist Youth Fellowship president. Miss Jepsen is as proficient with books as with batons. She compiled a scholastic average of 91.32 for four years of high school and is a member of the National Honor 9ociety. On graduation she was the recipient of a four year Competitive Honor Scholarship tu Baker Un:versity. ILwevcr, she plans to continue her education in pursuit of a Doctcrate in Child Psycology at the University of Nebraska this fall. Miss Jepsen will be accompa nied to th«' Miss Arne iCa Pageant m Atlantic City, N. J., the first we«-k in September by Mrs. Frank Mo rison, wife of Governor Mor rison of Nebraska. Mrs. Morrison was the ! onorary slate pageant che : man, end vi" be Miss Ne bra* kn’s official chs*—on'\ Mrs. TI. It ed Dusenbury of Beatrice, who wMiss Jepsen :. chaperone during the state contest will also be in attendance as Miss Jepsen's chroerone during the Miss Amer ica Pageant w< ek. Mr s Jepsen will m >ke a per sonal appearance in front of the grand stand at 1:00 p.m. on Wed .-.v lay, A Z- 15 at the Holt Coun ty Fair nl J » a flaming baton twirling performance during the even ng rodeo Wcdnerxiay night.