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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
Section Two Four *•*“ "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper ff, ' J »- * **(&, * _ _ Volume 81—Number 33 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, December 7, 1961 Seven Cents Amelia News liy MImi FlarwcD I Jnriaej Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser, and Mr ami Mrs. Hienie Frahm * attended the dinner and business meeting at the Town House in O'Neill Monday evening for the Holt County Hereford Associa tion. Mr. and Mrs. Hale Kennedy and Deborah, Norfolk, visited his , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hemie Kennedy, Sunday evening. Mrs. Gertie Marcellus and a friend, O’Neill, visited her niece, Mrs. Art Doolittle, Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs Marcellus plans to leave Thursday to spend Christ mas with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Keeney, Itellnire, Tex. Mrs. Vem Sageser and Mrs. Link Sageser attended the Gar den club at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle at Chambers Tues day evening. Mrs. Cora Thom son was the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson visited at Art Doolittles Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Skala and Gene Skala, Fremont, visited over the weekend with the Mar vin Doolittle family and George Fullertons. Mrs. Gene Skala and little daughter, Kelley, who had spent the past week here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Fullerton, returned to her home with them Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Vernon Berry visited at Lee Gilmans Saturday evening and enjoyed several games of cards. Ralph Maas picked corn for Vem Sageser last week. Vem re ported a good yield. Bill Gilman, Cody, came Sat urday and is visiting home folks for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and H. S White attended prayer con ference at the O'Neill Wesleyan Methodist church Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Allierts and family, Page, visited at Lloyd Waldos Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce have heard from their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Charles Bligh, that they are nice ly settled in their new home at Alliance, where Charles is in the employ of the state patrol. He had t>een serving in that office at Omaha issuing drivers licenses but due to his health his doctor advised his transfer to another territory. Mr. and Mrs. l.«ee Gilman en tertained Sunday at supper and an evening with cards. Those pre sent were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ninham, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doo little, Mr. and Mrs. George Ful lerton, Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peter-, no luck. Don Adams sprained his ankle rhursday, while playing with his jupils at school. He spent quite t sleepless night but was able o go back to school the next lay. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black nore went to North Platte Sat jrday to visit their son, Bob 31ackmore and family. Mrs. William Fryrear. Mrs. \rthur Hiatt and Mrs. Ernie lohnston met at the home of Mrs. 31ake Ott Wednesday evening to nake out the yearbooks for the Belping Hand club. Mrs. Bemie Kennedy was a lospital patient at Atkinson from rhursday to Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Adair, Allen and Oick called on Mrs. Blake Ott Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Clyde Widman, Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mrs. Elmer Coolidge, Mrs. Lew Backhaus and Mrs. Ernie Johns- . on met at the home of Mrs. Edith Andersen Tuesday evening j o make plans for the Sunday ■ school program. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane, 'lewport, were Amelia callers Wednesday evening. Mrs. George Fullerton, and herj laughter, Mrs. Gene Skala and ielley Jean, Fremont, visited it the Lee Gilman and Charles Everett home Thursday after loon and evening. Mr. Fullerton ilso came for supper and spent he evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cooldige .isited at the home of their son, Charles Coolidge, Friday near Chambers. Mrs. William Fryrear called on Urs. Ralph Rees and Mrs. Blake Ott Friday forenoon. Lana Kay Oetter missed a couple days of school last week iue to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus visited his sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoshart Thursday, north of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Garwood returned Friday evening from Chicago where they attended a livestock show. Mr. ami Mrs. Dick McConnell and family were dinner guests Sunday at the William Jutte home at Chambers. Page News By Mm. Ben Asher Fingernail Cuts Eyeball; Causes Bad Infection Mrs. Roberta Kornock has made several trips to Sioux City this past week for treatments as a result of a freak accident which happened when her daugh ter Jan, six-years-old, gestured with her ivand and cut her mo ther’s eyeball with her finger nail which brought about a seri ous infection. The eye is respond ing to treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and children were Friday night cal lers in the William Scheincst home. Mrs. Icie Snyder and Mrs. Stel la Russell were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer. The members of the NOK club met Thursday with Mrs. Carrie Sterner. The members did fancy work. The Christmas dinner will be December 21 with Mrs. Milo Landreth. It will be a covered dish dinner. Bid or Bye club met Wednes day with Mrs. Harold Heiss. Mrs. ' Gailen Miller, who was a guest, won a prize. They meet next with Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman for the Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. William Soren sen entertained the following Sun day night at a supper party, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher, Jerry, . Ben Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin , Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nis sen, Mr. and Mrs. George Wett laufer and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Atkinson. After supper cards were played with Kenneth Asher, Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Don Nissen, Mrs. Jerry Asher < and Mrs. Harold Asher winning prizes. Mmes Alta Finch, Francis Boel- ! ter and Clarence Finch sr, Page, entertained the members and their husbands at a card party < TWsday evening at the home of Mrs Clarence Finch *r. Prizes went to Francis Boelter, Mrs Ralph Brookhouser, Sidney Faulh.iber, Mrs. Kenneth Waring and Clarence Finch jr. Mr. and Mrs Harry Pappas and Reni and Christie Woods, all of Lincoln, were weekend guests of Mrs. Mae Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Prusa and Mr. anl Mrs. Jay Trease, all of Orchard, were Sunday evening visitors in the OUo Matschullat’s h ime. The third meeting of November of the WSCS was held Thursday with 23 in attendance. This was preceded by the book study of 'E !ge of the Edge” which sev eral attended. This was a week long study In the business meet ing the secretary reported that the mission pledge was paid to date. The new standing commit tee for the quarter beginning in December include Mmes. Harry Harper, Robert Gray, Clarence Stevens and Glen Stewart. Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge told of the Thanksgiving observances in In dia. Mrs. Arnold Stewart report ed how the sjpply offering mon ey is used. Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge was in charge of the de votion and lesson. She spoke brief ly about the World Council of Churches which is now in session in New Delhi, India. At the next meeting December 7, Mrs J. W Finch will present the program, in observance of Human Rights day December 10. Hostesses were Mrs. Leila Snell and Mrs. Or ville Kemper. “Get Well” cards were sent to Harry Park and J. W. Finch. Congratulations were sent to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll French on the birth of their ba by boy. I Mmes William Sorensen, Don I Nissan, George WettLaufer, Lee Fink, Calvin Harvey, Jerry and Harold Asher surprised Mrs Ben Asher Monday morning in hon or of her birthday The self-in vited guests brought refresh ments. Mr. and Mrs. Otto llataciullat were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Paul Schw-iger, Orchard. Jr. MYF met Sunday night at the Methodist church. LuAnn Nis sen and Dale Miller were m charge of the devotion and les son. Tiie mid-winter conference was discussed. Mrs. Robert Nis san was a parent sponsor. Lunch was served by Jean Nissen Thirteen families were rapre sented when District 55 held a family supper Thursday night Mrs. Dale Stauffer and Mrs George Wettlaufer were hostess es. Cards were played with Har old Heese, Mrs Louise Heese, Joe Luebcke, Mrs Roger Bowen and Mrs. Glen Harris winning pri zes. Mrs. Glen Harris entertained the members of the Neighbor hood club Wednesday with her mother. Mrs. Roy Grubbs, as a guest. Mrs. Grubbs won a special prize. Mrs. Robert Beelaert and Mrs la*land Stelling were guests Tues- j day when Mrs. Leo Neuba'jer en tertained the members of the HOA club. They did fancy work Next meeting, December 12, will be the Christmas party. Mrs. Ethel Wartag was an overnight visitor Saturday at the home of her (laughter, Mrs. J. W. Finch. On Sunday In hon or of Mrs. Waring'g 76th birth day a no-host dinner was held at the Finch home with the fol lowing attending, Mr. and Mrs. j Robert prwae, Niobrara; Mr. and Mr*. Raymond Sir vena and Glen Waring, Orchard Mr. a ltd Mr*. Clarence Steven*, Mr. and Mr*. Hryan Steven*, Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Steven*, Mr*. Evelyn fimy, Mr*, l-ella Snell and Mr. and Mr*. Gerald War ing. Mr*. Pease baked a four Uer birthday rake for her mo ther. Mr. and Mrs. George WVttlau fer and family were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs A1 Chavet, Plainview Mr. and Mr*. R.ibert Prill ami boys were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Edwards Amelia. GGG and C met Friday with Mrs. Ethel Park Cards were played with Mrs Clarence I>*> bins, Mrs. I. O. Woods and Mrs Anton Nissen winning prises Page Senior MYF met Sunday night. Juanita Ragland had the lesson and Bonnie Heiss served kmch Next Sunday a discussion will be held concerning “mixed marriages”. Mr and Mrs Arnold Stewart. Page, and Loren, Grand Island, home for the weekend, were Sun i day dinner guetta of Mr and Mrs Wilbur Brown Ui h*sv«r of Karen Brown'* birthday Sre at so was home for the weekend from Grand Island Also present were Mr ami Mra Brian Ware. Grand Island. Mrs Allan Haynes ami Mrs C, H Storm, Hoyal, were Wisi neaday suptxT fjesta of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper. Vivian Hag I an. I brought ,» hoiweguest home for1 the week end, Audrey Hunkc, Nellgh Mr and Mrs Hen Asher and girl# and Dun Kramer, Atkinson were Monday aupfier guests of Mr and Mrs George Wettlaufer A Luge Cfvwd attended the soup supper held in the Legion chib Saturday s|Hmsoml by the American Legion auxiliary Wednesday aflermxm the MYF assisted by others, put up the Nativity scene on the church lawn Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 son ami Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hy land. Mrs. Vem Sageser called on Mrs Hienie Frahm Friday after noon Mrs Frahm has been quite miserable with a back ailment lately. Tom Cain and his sister. St. Paul. Nenr., visited Sam Gilman Saturday afternoon. The Cains were former residents of the Amelia community many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stoecker and Cheri Jo visited over the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Joe Stoecker. Bill miw lives at Magnet where he will operate his father-in-law's repair shop, while he spends the winter in California due to his health. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett entertained their card club Fri day evening. Those present were and Mrs. Stanley Thompson, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry. Mrs. John Silverstrand and Mrs. McKee, Atkinson called on Mrs. Ralph Rees Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Waldo re turned home Friday from spend ing Thanksgiving with their son, Harold and family, Cheyenne. Wyo. They also visited a nephey, Vorce Smith, near Morrill, and spent one night visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bob (Lois Sigman) Sawvel also near Morrill. They returned home by way of North Platte, where they visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith The Smiths re turned to the Waldo home with them for a visit. They are also visiting their son, Hamp Smith ind family. Blake Ott and Ralph Rees were ishing at Spencer dam Saturday sir'll i New Long Fibre Shaggy Shearling For Teens i "Sioux Mox" Popular Teen style Sizes 5 to 10 Blue, pink, beige, red, lavender Softly feminine, these cozy warm slippers of genuine long fibre electrified shearling, will surely be a hit with * any teenage miss. Lining of warm flannel, matching color soft padded sole and heel. JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING . . . ‘ f ROGER S JEWELRY and Gift Shop 413 E. Douglas Enter Our Big WATCH PARTS CONTEST Just estimate the number of parts in our display. You may win one of these prizes: Medana Wrist Watch Columbia Wedding Band Shaeffer Pen & Pencil Set Speidel Watch Band Tie and Cuff Link Set Necklace and Earring Set One Prize Per Family Winners will be announced Next Week Make Roger's Headquarters for your Christmas Shopping See our fine stock of Quality Watches Diamonds China Glassware Gift Items Bring us your Watch Repair Problems Roger's Jewelry & Gift Shop O'Neill's Newest Jewelry Store 413 E. Douglas Roger Ofe, Owner O'Neill, Nebr. --- ROYAL THEATRE Thursday, Dee. 7 Family Night WEEKEND WITH LULU .eslie Phillips Shirley Eaton iob Monkhouse Alfred Marks rri.-Sat. Dee. g-6 1 THE NAKED EDT.E lary Cooper Deborah Kerr iun.-Mon.-Tuet*. Dee. 10-11-U ADA lusan Hayward Dean Martin I < INSURANCE Hospitalization Mutual of Omaha LIFE United of Omaha Oscar Spitzenberger Bo* W7 Telephone MS O'Neill, Nebr. Office at 429 North 3rd Street 38tf Special Cattle Sale MONDAY, DEC. 11 Have some fine cattle already listed for this sale but enn use a lot more. At the sale last Monday we sold over 800 hogs and 650 cattle. The hog market was higher with the top at $16.35 and went to Alfred Suhr, Elgin, Jerry Holmolko, Chambers and Anthony O'Donnell of Atkinson. All the good light butchers brought over $16.00. Feeder pigs also in very good de mand. The Ewing Livestock Market will not have a sale Christmas week Ixjt will have a sale New Years Day Don’t forget the Ewing Livestock Market is the leading liog market in this territory. If you have never sold anything at the Ewing Livestock Market ask your neighlior or someone who lias and you will understand what we are talking nliout when we say you get more dollars for your livestock at the Ewing Live stock Market. Why not give us a try and join the growing list of satisfied customers. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Terry, Larry and Max Wanser Phone 10 or 70 Ewing A Nationally Certified Market i CANNON BATH TOWELS IN SOLIDS OR STRIPES BIG SIZES, BIG VALUES! thinty cotton terry bath SH*i imperfection* an laid to aoUd colors and gay am •Mis. HURRY and slock up *g oar AMAZING LOW PRICK,. I 4-SPEED MANUAL PORTABLE PHONO Decca or Philco 19.44 Separate volume and tone control*, all-purpose nee dle. Heavy duty speaker. 2-tone cabinet. •OX OF SO ASSORTED CARDS 77c Compare thla vafw D. Compare for quality! And what a beau tiful selection you get! Each box includes a wide variety of traditional and novelty designs—many with glitter. AUTOMATIC HI-FI 4-SPEED PORTABLE 37.77 Dmo-ttmm Alnico apeeker; laat record afaut-off, aepa rate volume, tone con* Wt With apiadk. t CUTE CERAMIC COOKY JARS 1» Many delightful shapes.. kettles, animals, baskets... most of them with hand-painted trims.