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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
v »mvw re I . i Itf mvvvph ( f %\^ t* / //M/ I ^#tWM|E FOR SALE FOR SALE- Purebred spotted Po- j land China boars. Vaccinated and guaranteed.-Martin Hoff man, Spencer, Nebr. 33-34p f ALT FOR SALE K a n a p o 11 s $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan. Ph. 164, O’Neill._51tf FOR SALK 7 good Guernsey milk cows coming fresh now. Also a 2 unit DeLaval milker,- Dean Stevens, Ewing, Nebr. Chambers Phone IV 2-2207. 33-34p FOR SAL?: Registered and grade Angus Mills also herd bulls.— Joe Musil, O'Neill._30-37p FOR SALE 1st and 2nd calf Holstein heifers, heavy springers. John Sojka, 1 Vi north, 4 East of Page. 15tfc FOR SALE 1946 John Deere G. ?’uel burner and John Deere 2 row cultivator. Contact Don Fritz, Ewing, Nebr. 33-34c I-ni: SALE 1960 Safeway mobile home, 55 x 10, code construction. Two large bedrooms, front kitchen, washer. ?:xterior white with black shutters, interior maple tone. Phone 788 or 486-W, O'Neill. 32tfc FOR SAL?: House 24x24 to lie moved. Located 5 miles north west of Lynch, Nebr.— Ludwig Placek, Lynch. 32-35p <wr< Mir n r»_: _.. .... ,1 t/ir. I’ v/i\> OfUiL * tier puppies for Christmas gifts. —Duane Gray. Phone 470, O’ Neill. 32-35c FOR SALE Corn, rolled or shel led. We deliver.—Page Grain Co., Page, Nchr. 33-34p FOR SALK Milkeei>er farm bulk milk cooling tank, 375 gal. (Com pact unit). Used 8 months.—Boyd Boelter, O’Neill. 32-33c FOR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O'Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc FOR SALE -Certified Cheyenne wheat seed. Also EHC power washing separator in excellent condition.—Henry Stelling and Son, Orchard, Nebr. 21tfc FOR SALE Clarinet, finest quali ty.—Joe Edzards, Phone 110, O' Neill. 33tfc FARM LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50ti SEE US for now SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int-; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Nellgh._300 TOR SALE -1942 Ford V-8 %-tor pickup. Excellent condition. 4 speed transmission, red stocl rack and 6-ft. grain box, radio heater, 5 good tires. Knobbies or rear. 7:00x16 6-ply. Can be seer at Carl Krogh's 17 miles nortl of O’Neill, 4 east and 2 north. 33-31 IF YOU WANT A lower rate o interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf SAVE ON INSURANCE—promp claim service. Virgil Laursei Agy.. O'Neill._10tf I AM BACK In my office agaii and can loan money on Farm and Ranches and City Property Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill Nebr. 50t FOR SALE—One Charbra bull, year old. Big and rugged.—Lyl Davis. 815 So. 5th, Norfolk, PI FR 1-1121. 33-35 FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshir boars, vaccinated and guarar teed.—John Sojka, 1% north an 4 east of Page, Nebr. . 24-36 SEMI-LOADS WISCONSIN Spring ers and heifers, some fresh wit heifer calves. From Shores Wis consin Dairies. Fancy Holsteir Guernsey, Ayrshire, Jersey an Swiss springers and heifer: Fine Holstein bull, $115.00. Rug ged grey-white young Swiss bul Loads open, bred and weane Wisconsin heifers. Shores’ ca tie ‘‘Pay Your Bills, Stop You Worries.” Travel re£unde< Shores, Neligh, Phone TU 7-4061 7-4850.29tf FOR SALE—1960 T-Bird, lil new, 21.000 actual miles, fu power.—Contact Richard She hamer, O'Neill. 31-34 MACHINERY IHC K1 pickup $103 Chicken Batteries $5 each Refrigerated truck body fflC 55W baler with motor Used comfort covers $10 Used loaders for narrow- front Hammer mills Roller mills . . Winch with long stinger for M 50 Farmall C 44 Farmall H 46 Farmall B 3 Rake hitch 48 Farmall M Farmall Super MTA RCA Whirlpool Appliances n< and^hsed. SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’Neill. Nebraska IHC - Gehl - RCA Whirlpool LARGE SELECTION of used furni ture. Cal’* Furniture, Tilden cm Highway 275. 35tfc FOR SALE-Purebred Hampshire boars bloodlines for old custo mers.—Henry and Richard Stell ing, 2 miles south, *4 west of Orchard, Nebr. 29 tic FOR SALK OR RENT—A 1959 10x46 American mobile home in excellent condition. Jack and Jill i>edrooms in rear.- Contact Duane Undberg, Gibson's Trailer Court, O’Neill. 33tfc Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Summerland and dance pavilion at Ewing. In cludes complete set of farm buildings and 80 acres of land.— Contact Willie L. Shrader, Ew ] ing, Nebr., Broker. 33-35p FOR SALE Three bedroom older house, 406 E. Adams street. Well preserved, outstanding location within block of schools. Efficient hot water heat. Cool in summer. Privacy, shade assured by 50 | trees on lot 95x170. Garage, paving. Shown by appointment only to legitimate buyers. -Cal Stewart, O’Neill, Phone 226. 31tfc FOR SALE 520 north 1st: 3 bedroom home, I family sized living room and kitchen with eating space, full basement, very good condition. V. A. Loan available, or for cash sale. 521 east Benton: 4 bedroom home, well located close to school, good condition, and terms available. Spelts Ray Sub-Division: New 3 bedroom home, with excellent terms and quick possession. The Frontier building, located on South 4th St. We have other homes, lots and business properties for sale. VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Agy. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 434 REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home, Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _ 38tf FINE LARGE HOME On 125 East Olay 8t. New Gas Furnace and Garage. Good Income Property, Priced right and terms. Phone 324-R or see |j Herman J. Janzing I WANTED ' HELP WANTED—Service statior ■ attendant.—Seger Oil Co., O' t Neill. 33c J WANTED—Reliable man to drive \ semi hay truck to Sioux City , Very good pay, year around job . —See Lou F. Wewel, Newport Nebr. 32-33c ' MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklir I store your candy and nuts head [ quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc \ WANTED—Waitress and kitchec ? help.—Segerwood Cafe, O’Neil! 15tfc a_ CITY LOANS, See R. H. Parker ? 50t i WANTED TO BUY—1 or 1% ston 3 house in good condition, 2 bed rooms or more.—Sam Robertson Ph. 925 Jll, O’Neill. 33tf< i ! - I MAKE Monthly payment loam u some at 4% some at 5% interest 3 See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr 50t WELL DRILLING and well anc j windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St r SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill L 3 blks. W. & 3Mi blks. N. stoplight p WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days. Monday, Tuesday anc e Thursday each week.—Dwaim II Lockmon. Stuart, ph. 3741. t ? Thinking of a Building? Behlen Franchise, Sales and Erection UDEY CONST. CO. Gene i. Udey, Ph. TU 7-4S69 NELIGH. NEBRASKA 14tfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill __50 L. GUTHMILLER Halt Block East Texaco Statioj SPECIALIZING in all kinds ol automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALE MAK1 Also repair parts for Lawson ax Clinton engines on hand. ! "WE" ,w , JJPWT WANT “AIE” the business We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23t NEAT APPEARING YOUNG (2145) HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Who like to interview people. Each man selected will have pleasant personality and good reputation, j late model insured car, willing-1 ness to travel -not far- 5 days weekly in your part of Nebraska. 5450 per month salary plus li beral bonus. Full pay starts with schooling and field training. Write to: 241 Aquila Court, Oma ha, Nebraska. We will contact you at your home soon. 31 and 33c NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _21tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—House, 3 rooms and bath, modem except heat. Ph. 523-R, O’Neill. 3ltfc FOR RENT—Modem 2-bedroom farm home with garage. 2% miles from oiled highway in high school district with bus ser vice.—Harevy A. Tompkins, In man, Nebr. 28tfc LOST & FOUND LOST—Dark brown trench coat Thanksgiving night at Legion hall.—John Kurtz, O’Neil. 32-33p MISCELLANEOUS FOR YOUR MOVING NEEDS— Houses, outbuildings, etc. See Joe Ollendick or George Smith, Chambers. 33p WAS IT WORTH THE FEE ? ? In California 12 CURTISS heifers from 5 days to 8 months old averaged $390.00. In Missouri 2 CURTISS yearlings sold for $1,025.00 and $800.00. In O’Neill, Nebr., your CURTISS technician is Duane Gray, Ph. 470. 30tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O’NEILL ASIIBURN MONUMENT CO. P. O. Box 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. 21p MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Laursen, Mgr. 38tf i ■ CARDS OF THANKS ’ I WOULD LIKE TO thank all my ■ friends and relatives for the visits, > gifts and cards I received while '■ in the hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Carstens and the wonderful nurses Mrs. Jennie French 33p ■ I TAKE THIS MEANS of saying l "thank you” to the kind friends who planned the surprise oper house at my home Sunday and tc all the telephone patrons whc came to say “hello,” making the ; afternoon such a pleasant one. A ; special thanks to all who con , | tributed to the gift of the beautifu . wrist watch and envelope of cash . iu uiost1 v\ no urougni anu sei v eu un - lunch and to Hazel Ott who com posed the poem ‘‘Operator, No. 7.' It has been a privilege and ; pleasure to serve you during thi past ten years, rejoicing when yoi get good news and shedding a fev tears with you when bad new came. Mrs. Edith Andersen Amelia’s Telephone Operate 33] WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS ou sincerest thanks to all our rela tives. neighbors and friends fo the messages of symapthy. th beautiful floral offerings and th tf many other acts of kindness - which helped to lighten our bui den of sorrow in the death of ou loved one. t Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe and family 33 Phone Your News To is d The Frontier— * Phone 788 TIRE VULCANIZING and repair all size tires JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone TH O’Neill, Nebr. [-LegaTNotices-- | (First pub. Nov. 23, 1961) Cronin Si Hannon, Attorneys No. 4424 NOTICE FOK HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL, SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JAY O. WAL KER. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final; settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes,; fees and commissions, distribu-; tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge which will be for hearing in this court on December 13, 1961, at 10 o’ plnrk A M (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 31-33c (First pub. Nov. 30, 1961) Cronin & Hannon, Attorneys Estate No. 4356 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 28, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL F. O' DONNELL, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, distribution of estate and approval of the ac COUill U1 Hit? UI IgAilCXJl LACLUIV71 , | made by the administratrix de bonis non with the Will annexed, and the final account of the ad ministratrix de bonis non with the Will Annexed, and the dis charge of the administratrix de bonis non with the Will Annexed, which petition will come on for hearing in this Court on the 20th day of December, A. D., 1961, at the hour of ten o’clock A.M. ( COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 32-34c Chambers News By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter The American Legion auxiliary. Post 320, Chambers, met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. W. H. Crawford with 20 members present. The President, Mrs. Mar jorie Green, presided at a short business session. It was voted to give $2 to the “Little Red School House”, a fund for a nurse’s scholarship. Games were played following the business meeting. An exchange of gifts completed the . evening's entertainment. Lunch was served by Mmes. Del lie Fauquier, Ed Coday, W. H. Crawford and L. V. Cooper. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service met Thursday after noon at the Methodist church with 16 members present. Mrs. James Grimes and Mrs. Louis Neilson completed the study book on “The Edge of the Edge”. There was a short business session with Mrs. Gauis Winter mote presiding. Lunch was served by Mrs. John Honeywell and Mrs. C. V. Robert son. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell drove to Columbus Sunday to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck. They were accompanied by Mrs. Paul Roth who visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bierele and family, and Mrs. Anna Albers who visited her sis ter-in-law. Mrs. Willard Thomson, Mrs. Kenneth Werner and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo were in Grand Island Tues ua,y. The Rev William Roten attend ed a pastors conference at Gre gory, S. D. Monday. Mmes. William Turner, Paul Roth, Wayne Stevens, Mark Grib ble, all of Chambers, and Leo Adams, Atkinson, were in Grand Island on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rovert Sanderson and family, Stanton, Mr. and L Mrs. Otto Hubei and daughters, > Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs i Ray Sanderson and son, Larry. r Chambers, were Sunday dinner > guests in the Clarence Sanderson home. Mrs. Elsie Jatko and son, Tom f my, left Wednesday for her home > at Broad us, Mont., after spend ing a few days with her brother Glen Taylor and family follow " ing the funeral of their father Isaac Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman - and LeRoy Holcomb and son ? Gail, were Sunday dinner guests in the Herman Holcomb home The occasion marked LeRoy Hoi r comb's birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. G H. Grimes „ spent the weekend with their soi and daughter-in-law, Mr. ant • Mrs. Clarence Grimes and family at Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bee< and Judy and Mr. and Mrs. Bd Beed and children drove to Stuar Sunday to visit the former’s son in-law and daughter. Mr. ant Mrs. Dennis Kaup and family. A group of Junior Metbodis Youth Fellowship members wen out singing Christmas carols Sun day afternoon. They were accom panied by Mrs. LaVera Hoerli sad Mrs. Darrell Gillette. The Rev. Charles and Mrs. Co: attended a missionary meeting a Emmet Sunday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bernhard and daughter. Traci. Battle Creek, were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tra cy and family. 8t Paul’s Lutheran Church Chambers (The Rev. Wiliam Roten) Sunday: Sunday school and Bi ble class, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Saturday: Confirmation 9:30— 11:30 a.m. Sunday — Christmsa practice 130 p.m. Deloit News By Mrs. H. Relmer Shavliks Move to Ewing After Buying House Mr and Mrs Anton Shavlik, who have lived on a ranch west of Deloit for many years have purchased the Spence home in Ewing and have moved to Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and son and Mr and Mrs. Harold Mlinar, O’Neill, spent Sunday evening at the Leonard Larson home. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mlinar accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Larson to a land sale near Stanton. A birthday dinner was held Sunday at the Maynard Stearns home for Madine and Maynard Stearns, Mrs. Martha Kinney and Walter Kinney. Mrs. Mark Maben accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer to Omaha Saturday. Mrs. Maben visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maben and daughters in Omaha for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer visited Mrs. Emma Wulf at the Maben home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns spent several days last week in Omaha securing medical advice. Bonnie Rossow was united in marriage to Robert Markle, Cas per, Wyo., at Casper November 12. They will make their home in Casper, where both are employed. Mrs. Earl Schindler and daugh ters spent Saturday in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gokie and family, O’Neill, were Sunday din ner guests at the Ewald Spahn home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Spahn and family, Sam Verhfunc and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were afternoon guests. Several from here went on the feeder’s tour to Central City and Grand Island last week. Social Security Man At Butte December 14 James Hoffman, field repre sentative of the Norfolk Social Security office, will be in the court room of the courthouse al Butte from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m Thursday, Dec. 14. Self-employed people planning to apply for social security early next year are advised to have an extra copy of their tax returns prepared for social security pur poses. Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn Thanksgiving Day guests at the Robert Wells home were Mr. anc Mrs. Howard Slack, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hiscocks and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ryan and daughter Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gillogly and family, who are tending chores at the Willis Butterfield home, were Sunday evening vis itors at the R. L. Hughes home Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar spent Thanksgiving at the Emil Klasna home in Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta drove Mr. and Mrs. George Bar ta to Yankton Tuesday where Mrs. George Barta consulted a specialist. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greenf drove Out to Harold Osborn's Thursday evening to see how Har old was as he consulted a doctoi in Sioux City Monday. Evelyn Barta spent Sunday witl Jo Anna Aim. Mrs. T. W. Hendricks is spend ,-— Western Republic Valley HEREFORD BULL SALE MON, DEC. 11 Ainsworth, Nebraska Ainsworth Sale Yards Auctioneer, Fred Sherlock 70 Head Coming 2 Year Olds One of the largest sales of BIG TYPE Yellow Range Bulls to sell this season. Even better than last year’s offering. THESE BULLS CONSIGNED FROM LONG ESTABLISHED AND FAVORABLY KNOWN HERDS. CONSIGNORS: Ttaad Douthit Ranch, St. Francis, Kans.; FJS t Registered Herefords, Haigler, Nebr.; Keller Herefords, St. Francis, Kans.; Roy Jackson, Wheeler, Kans.; Marvin Mills, St. ' Francis, Kans.; Gilbert Ochsner, St. Francis, Kans.; Harry Schlepp, St. Francis, Kans.; Carl Semler, CCS Herefords, Haigler, 1 Nebr.; James Douthit, Haigler, Nebr.; Cris Ferguson, St Francis, Kans. — Far Catalog or other information contact — ROY ATEN, Ainsworth. Nebraska or ‘ FORREST J. SCRrVNER, Haigler, Nebraska 1 low slug 32-33 t -i ,■■■■■■" ■ " ing some time with her daugh ter, Mrs. A. W Aim. Lee Cook, and Ruth Osborn accompanied Marlin Barnes borne from Wayne to tgwnd the week end. Lee Cook spent the week end with Marlin Barnes They ail returned to Wayne Sunday af ternoon. Mrs T. J. Graham. Mrs. Ho ward Graham and Marlyn at tended the wedding Saturday morning of Miss Helen Halstead and Kern Leukens. A nice crowd attended the free dance given by the couple in the Lynch ball room in the evening. Mr. and Mrs Willis Butterfield returned home Thursday from the West Coast where they had spent several days with their son, Douglas and family, who reside at Eugene Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hrbek and family visited Nov 2t> at the Ralph Moody home in Niobrara. Lorelle Pickering, Inglewood, Calif., spent several days with his folks and relatives. Charley Schollmeyer visited at the R. L. Hughes home Sunday. A Poem From Mrs. Eby •.. —Lift's Contrasts— As we think of the difference be tween the desert land and the luxuriant oasis where palm trees stand, Thinking of the hungry flocks on the desert fare and flocks that lie down in green pastures there, And the difference between ar tificial irrigation and the abund ant rains luxurious vegetation. These contrasts somehow help us to see in this sinful old world there’s a way to be hap py somehow Though Mr. K may in his way start a row. These contrasts are true, some Christians are on scant mea sure, Never seem to possess the great est treasure. Their spiritual life garments are threadbare and poor, Their Christian life just some thing they have to endure. They just come through by the skin of their teeth, No abundant joy in their hearts underneath. Pnnleoef inrr fKnie l/vtro beareth all things, believe all things, too Their service so free, glad His will to do. Their lives reach out into fa thomless space, Sailing out to sea on infinite grace. Oh! where is such a life to be found just now, In this troubled old world will God still endow? Yes, He'll bring sweet peace in the innermost heart, and by faith His spirit will never de part. ‘ Hast thou entered into Fountains of the sea.” Job 38:16 (Della Stuart Eby) At The Courthouse DISTRICT COURT— Nov. 29 — Provident Finance Company vs Ed F. Yelli and Lois V. Yelli, suit on note for the amount of $3,894.44. Dec. 4 — Gene Robertson et al vs Joyce Paxton, et al, equity for foreclosure. COUNTY COURT— Nov. 30 — Frederick D. Wright, Ewing, night speeding, fined $15 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei ter. Nov. 30 — Kenneth H. Lidgett, Chambers, failure to stop at stop sign, fined $15 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. Dec. 4 — Roger Bonynge, AJe do, 111., night speeding, fined $35 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei ter. Dec. 4 — Edward L. Kirwan. Butte, night speeding, fined $15 and costs, officer E. H. Hastrei ter. Dec. 6 — Deraid D. Kruth, Pot ter. night speeding, fined $10 and costs, officer E. M. Hastreiter. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED — Nov. 29 — Mrs. William McIntosh, Ann S Mathre and Mrs. John Pruss of O’Neill and Kenneth Wettlaufer of Page 30 — Daniel Holsclaw of O’Neill and Row Mary Herald of In man Dec 2 — Chauncey W Pur ter and Ray Cole of 0 Neill and Mr* Myron Arrtlhekl of Spencer 3 — P*ul Bittner of Inman; Jo seph Brewster of Stewart and Ro hert Menish of O’Neil]. 4 — Mra. Zane Rowse and Erneat Earl of Chamber* 5 Patrick Pribil of O’Neill, Mrs. Martin Pofahl of Ewing and Thomas Mekber of Page 6 — Mr* B*«b Sutmnerer of Ewmg. DISMISSED Nov 2» — Mrs. Jennie French and Miss Elisa beth O'Malley of O’Neill. 30 — Larry OUendtck and Robert Gart ner of Chambers; Kenneth Wett laufer of Page; Mrs. D A Gun ter of Ewing, Michael Kenaatan and Leman Huber of Spencer; Mrs William McIntosh, Mr*. Del la Bowden and Andrew Wettlau fer of O'Neill. Dec. 1 — Mr*. Mary Daniel* of Ewing; Hose Mary Herold and Georgia Fick of Iiunan ami Mrs. Raymond Sto well of O'Neill. 2 — Mrs. Carroll French and baby of Page. 3 l\an Wayman and John Babl of O'Neill. 4 — Harry J Porter of Chamber* and Darnel Holsclaw and Lloyd Gibson of O'Neill. S— Joseph Brewster of Stuart; Mr*. John Pruss of O’Neill and Paul Bitner of Inman. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED — Nov. 27 — Er nest Gruenberg of Atkinson. 29 — Mrs. Donald Farley of Staart. 30 — Mrs. Bernurd Kennedy and Carey Grant of Amelia; Lois Ad dison and Mrs. Alvin Watson of Atkinson. Doc. 1 — Mary Man cuso and Mrs. Peter Walnofer of Atkinson and Mrs. Joseph Wal nofer of Stuart. 2 — Alton War ner of Amelia and Mrs. Jeruki Gordon of Ainsworth. 3 — Peter Walnofer, Mrs. Arthur Miller and Mrs. Emil Kuehn of Atkinson. 4 — Mrs. Garold Hitchcock of At kinson. DISMISSED: Nov. 27 - Frank Patterson of Newport, Miss Jean nia Curtis of Ainsworth and Mrs Ray Elder of Atkinson. 28 — Evan Hilligas of O’Neill and Mrs. John Fox of Atkinson. 29 — Er nest Gruenberg of Atkinson. 30 Mrs. Claude Hamilton ami baby of Stuart. Dec 1 — Lois Addison and Mrs. Alvin Watson of Atkin son; Mrs. Bernard Kennedy of Amelia and John Silver of Naper. 2 — Mary Mancuso of Atkinson. 3 — Alton Warner of Amelia; Mrs. Joe Walnofer and Mrs. Don ald Farley and baby of Stuart. 4 — Mrs. Anna Galligan of At kinson. SACKED HEART ADMITTED: Nov. 28—Dec. 4 — Mrs. Lyle Watson of Chambers; Cecil Miilcom of Spencer; Mrs. Bennett Devall of O’Neill; Mrs. Eddie Malhair of Lynch; Mrs. Grace Borrell and Mrs. Herman Fuhrer of Butte and Mrs. Claus Sieh of Naper. DISMISSED: Nov. 28 — Mrs. Steve Zamunsky of Butte. 29 — Mrs. Fannie Dvorak and Mrs. John Carr of Spencer. D<c. 4 — Mrs. Curtis Veich of Glen wood, la. EXPIRED — Dec. 3 — Mrs. William Zeisler, 58, of Naper. ST. ANTHONY’S ARMFIELD - Mr and Mis. Myron Armfield of Spencer, daughter. Peggy Jo. 7 pound* 124 ounces. Dec. 3. ATKINSON MEMORIAL HAMILTON — Mr and Mra. Claude Hamilton of Stuart, daughter. Shelly Lota. Nov. 25 FARLEY Mr. and Mra. Don aid Farley of Stuart, daughter. Shannon Dee. 7 pound* 124 oun t'e*. Nov 2*. SAt RTP HEART DEVALL —• Mr. ami Mra, Ben neU Devall of O’Neill, aon, Ste ven Douglas, Dec. 1. ELSEWHERE MARSHALL — Mr ami Mr*. Leo Marshall of Verdigre, daugh ter, 7 pounds 10 ounces, Nov. 25 The couple now ha* a son ami three daughters. Mr ami Mrs,. George Marshall and Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Frank of Verdigre are the grandparents EGGERLING Mr and Mrs. Joseph Eggerling of Creighton, daughter, 7 pounds, Nov 27 Mr and Mrs Archie Moser are the <maternal grandparents. NOTT Mr. and Mr*. Gene Nott of Verdigre, *on, Roger Lynn, 7 pounds 2 ounces, Nov. 25 The grandparents are Mr, ami Mr*. Clyde Moore and Mi and Mr*. Harold R Nott of Hooper. HALL — Mr and Mrs. Oris Hall of Orchard, son. Craig Al len. Nov. 25. Mr Hall is an in structor in the Orchard high school. BARTON - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton of Columbus, daughter. 7 pounds 7 ounces, Dec. 1. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bernard Sehacht and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barton and the great grandparents are Mrs. Louise Beal ami Mrs. Lulu Bar ton, all of Orchard. I EtTZ Mr. ami Mrs Carol I>enz of Bloomfield, daughter, Caroline June, 7 pounds 5 oun ces, Nov. 27. Mrs. Lenz is the former Marilyn Smith. STASKA — Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Staska of Mesa, Ariz., daugh ter, Helen Brenda, 7 pounds 4 ounces, Nov. 29, Mrs. Staska 1m the former Laura Jean Jtelmrick, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Martin Helm rick of Ewing PRINCE — Mr and Mrs Alfred Prince of Torrence, Calif., son, Kevin, Nov 11. Mrs. Prince is (lie former Ruth Renze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Renze of O’Neill. MASHEK — Mr. and Mrs. James Mashek jr. of Richards, Mo., daugrtcr, Jeanne Kay, 7 pounds. Nov 28. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. George Bolen of Ft. Scott, Kans, former ly of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. James Mashek sr. of Richards, Mo. High School BAKE SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 9 A V ^^B ^^^A "if W A JU| Cattle Sale Every Friday In Verdigre. Dairy Cattle — Small Calves — Pigs — Boars And Bred Gilts Sell at 12:00 Noon FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 Followed by the Stock Cattle at 1:30 p.m. FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE EARLY IJHTINGS: no Thin green yearling steers, wt MO lbs. (Holt coamty); 21 Angus cows, 2-0 years old (Boyd county); I Angus bull, 8 years old (Boyd county); fiO WF and Angus fall calves 500 to 55© lbs. (Ver digre) ; 19 WT fall calves 250 to 300 lbs. (Verdigre); 25 WF steers, KTA> lbs. (Verdigre); 19 WT cows (Verdigre); 40 Fancy Angus calves, weaned, triple varc. and green (Lynch); 25 Mixed WF calves, (Verdigre); 30 WF calves, 400 lbs, triple vacc. (Verde!); 19 Mixed crossbred calves (Wlnnetoon); ]| Mixed calves (Creigh ton); 7 WF heifer calves (Verdigre); 14 Yearling Holstein heifers (Verdigre); 12 Holstein heifers to freshen in February. Keverai good milk cows; one consignment of Poland (kina Boars. IF YOI HAVE CATTLE FOR MALE, BRING THEM TO OCR FRIDAY SALES. PLENTY OF ADEQI ATE PEN ROOM AND FACILITIES. BE ON HAND THIS FRIDAY, DEC. 8 FOR THE CATTLE SALE 1,453 HOGS SOLD AT THE AUCTION MONDAY ON A GOOD STEADY MARKET START TO FINISH. We had a good active market Monday with the top being folly | $1.00 higher per cwt. than a week ago. CONSIGN THAT NEXT LOAD OF HOGS OR CATTLE TO OUR SALES IN VERDIGRE REGULAR HOG A CATTLE AUCTION EVERY MONDAY CATTLE SALES EVERY FRIDAY ....List your cattle now for the “EXTRA SPECIAL” cattle sale coming op on January 5. fNearly 600 head already condgned). VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET S*-“—' ■ %•**»-. * j Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 85-W in Verdlgre ----———-_____