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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
Ewing News Hy Mrs. Harold Harris Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde had as their dinner guests Sun day Mr. ami Mrs. Will Conner and Mr and Mrs. Loren Jefferies. Alice Shrader was the guest of Mrs. Roland Hord Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Frank Belmar entertain <*d a number of friends at an in formal party Monday afternoon. The hoard of the First Metho dist church met Saturday at the J. Aubrey Wood home. At the business session it was agreed to purchase a gas heater for the nursery in the church and ten books for the choir with ail-oc cassion special selections in it. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen, Mrs. Ella Ziems and Mrs. Grace Briggs visited Mrs. Sylvester Schlotman at St. Anthony’s hos pital Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larsen, Mrs. Ida Kemnitz and Mrs. John Till were gjests for a few days at the Ben Larsen home. They left Wednesday to return to their home at Wood, S D Mrs. John Blumei ana daugh ters, who spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ker mit Jefferies, returned to their home in Omaha Sunday. While in Ewing they also visited her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Krachie. Family night will be held Sun day evening, December 10, at the parlors of the First Methodist church This will be a Christmas party with devotions, group sing ing and a period of recreation, followed by a nohost lunch serv ed hy the ladies. The congrega tion of the Clearwater Methodist church are invited guests for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Erb and jUrs. C. C. Hahlbeck went to Orn aha Sunday to visit Leon Hahl beck at St Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Hahlbeck remained until Wednesday, when they plan to bring Leon to hia home in Ewing. The American Legion and Aux iliary of Sanders Post No 214 will hold their regular meeting Thurs day evening at the Legion club. The group will join for a Christ mas party with an exchange of gifts. The Auxihary members will serve refreshments. Preparations for a Christmas program is underway at the First Methodist church with the teach ers of the Sunday school and Mar cus Pierson, superintendent, in charge. This will be presented Sunday, December 17, at 2:30, following a no-host dinner at the church parlors at noon. The Methodist Youth Fellow ship also plan to go caroling the evening of the same day. Saturday evening guests at the Roland Horde home were Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery. Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Jes sie .Angus, Mrs. Anna Pollock and Mrs. H. R. Harris attended the Civil Defense class held Sunday afternoon at the Clearwater high school. Mr. Shibata, Albion, is the instructor. Mrs. Daisy Wilson, a former long time resident of the Ewing community, now at The Hilltop Manor, Genoa, celebrated her 82nd birthday anniversary De cember 5. Mrs. Lillie Meyers, Clearwater, is convalescing from her recent illness at the home of her niece, Mrs. Edna Lofquest. Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines, Mrs. Amy Jacombsen, Mrs. Edna Lof quest, Mrs. Ernest Norwood and Arlene Pelletier attended the Elk horn Valley prayer conference held at O'Neill Saturday. Mrs. Amy Jacobsen entertain ed Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mrs. Lillie Meyers of Clearwater at dinner Monday. Mr. ami Mrs Alfred Doud had as their dinner and evening guests Friday, Mrs Edna L/>f quest and aunt, Mrs. Lillie Mey ers, Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham entertained the following guests for supper Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donohue and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dooohoe and family, all from Glendora, Calif Wayne and Jim are brothers of Mrs. Rotherham. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were supper guests Sunday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lester Spragg. Rev. and Mrs. Lester Spragg were luncheon guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Black, at Lynch. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Svotas and family and Mrs. Gladys Gallop. Mrs. Anna Pollock returned home Saturday from Omaha where she had a physical check up. While there she was a guest of her daughter, Eleanor Pollock The Young Matron’s Pinochle club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ralph Mann with Mrs. Ray Funk co-hostess. Mrs. Jerry Tom jack was a guest. High score winner was Mrs. Charles Rotherham and low went to Mrs. Arthur Kropp. The traveling prize was won by Mre. Thomas Eacker. Sunday evening guests at the Ray Funk home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and children returned home Saturday from Valentine where they had spent the week visiting relatives. Mrs. Earl Billings underwent surgery at a Hastings hospital on Monday and is now convalescing at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Robert Dunaway and family at 2607 Boyce St., Hastings. Dr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks attended a regional meeting of veterinariens held at Laurel, Thursday evening. Bonnie Welke and Pauline Jur- j gensen presented the lesson at j the Methodist Youth Fellowship at the church parlors Monday evening. This was followed by a period of recreational games. Re freshments were served by Ruth Jurgensen and Kay Hahlbeck. Sunday guests at the Waldo Da vis home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wittwer, Tilden. Bertha Harris, Plainview, spent from Saturday to Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris. The Methodist Youth Fellow ship had a roller skating party Tuesday evening at Neligh. They were accompanied by the spon sors, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Austin and family, Omaha. The Thursday Night pitch club was entertained Wednesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Spence at O’Neill. All members were present. Score winners for the ladies were Mrs. Charles Rotherham and Mrs. G. D. Ryan and for the men, Wal do Davis, and Charles Rotherham. Mrs. Louise Beal, Orchard, was an overnight guest Friday at the Waldo Davis home. On Saturday she accompanied Mrs. Davis, Marie and Jane Spragg to O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp were hosts to the Ewing-Clear water pinochle club Thursday evening at the home. All members were present. Score winners were Mrs. Knapp, Leo Hintz, Mrs. Inez Jaake and Mrs. Lillie Dredge. The High School Science Club have as their Christmas project the repairing of toys which they gathered from homes in Ewing Saturday morning. These when repaired will be sent to the Fre mont state home for the mental ly retarded George Keller is the sponsor erf the club. Elsie Chase has been substi tuting for Mrs .Amber Schlot man in the Ewing high school while she is a patient at St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill Celia News Mrs. Merrill Anderson Mrs. McKathnie, Mrs. Chaffin Entertain Club The Celia Homemakers met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Milton McKathnie with Mrs. Beryl Beck presiding. Mrs. Leonard Chaffin was co-hostess. Fifteen members and three guests answered roll call with a Christmas decorating idea. Mrs. Merrill Anderson served as secre tary in the absence of Mrs. John Sicheneder. Mrs. Mark Hend ricks entertained the group with a “guessing game.'' The lesson on "Handicraft" was presented by Mrs. Helen Beck. The birth day song was sung in honor of Mrs. Robert Hendricks and Mrs. Inez Hayes. Mrs. Anderson gave a book review. Mrs. John Sichene der was chosen as a “shut in.” A card shower was designated for Mrs. John Ott who is a hos pital patient. Her address is: Pittsburg Community Hospital, Room 5, Ward, 550 , 510 School St. Pittsburg. Calif. She is a sister at Mrs Mark Hendricks Lunch was served by the hostesses. The club will hold the Christmas party Monday. Dec 18 at 1:30 p m at the home of Mrs. Connie Frickel. “Mystery sister” gifts will be exchanged. The Lawrence Smith family. Page, and Bruce Hoffman, Reece. Kan were Thanksgiving Day dinner guests at the Leonard Chaffin home. Mr and Mrs. Jerald Hoyt and son. Garry, were dinner guests Tuesday at the Herman Meyer home. Mr and Mrs Omer Poynts were Tuesday afternoon and sup per guests at the Robert Hend ricks home Mr and Mrs. .lerman Meyer jr., and Vicki attended a Sun day school class Thursday eve ning at the Delbert Rouse home in the Midway community. Thursday evening supper guests at the Herman Meyer home were the Rev. and Mrs. Elmore Blain and twin sons, Ken neth Meyer and Mr and Mrs. Merrill Anderson Kenneth re turned to his work at North Platte Friday afternoon, follow ing a week's vacation with home folks Mrs. Paul Nelson. O'Neill, visited here sister, Mrs. Connie Frickel. Monday afternoon and called on Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Mrs Robert Hendricks and Mrs. Merrill Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks visited Ivan Wayman at St Anthony's hospital in O'Neill Thursday evening. The children stayed with their Grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mrs. Richard Klinger were Norfolk business callers Tuesday. Robert Hendricks “declared war" on the gophers this week and trapped 31 of the pests. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson were visitors Tuesday evening at the Clair Anderson home near Lung Pine Merrill's brothers, Ralph, Martin. S. D.. and George. Ainsworth, were also guests at the Anderson home The Rev ami Mrs Elmore Blain were dinner guests Thurs day at the home of Mr ami Mrs Robert Hendricks Mrs I-conard Chaffin called in the afternoon and assisted Mrs. Hendricks ami Mrs. Blain in planning the church Christmas program which is to be held Dec 20 Mr and Mrs Loyd Starr, Eli were Saturday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Leonard Chaffin Mr Starr is an uncle of Mrs. Chaffin. Mr- and Mrs. Donald Strong and daughter. Shelly, Chambers, were Sunday dinner guests at the Robert Hendricks home Mark Hendricks. Frank Kil murry and Duane Beck attended the School Land Lease Holder’s meeting at Ainsworth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frirkel entertained at dinner Sunday in tumor of the birthdays of their twin sons, Harold and Harold, and Mrs. Frlckei’s father, Hill Coleman. Leonard Chaffin accompanied Victor Frickel to Springview Thursday where they attended a bull sale. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Peters, Norfolk, were Thursday evening guests at the Natchel Rzeszotarski home. Mi's. LeFtoy Floffinan was hos tess at the meeting of the Wo men's Missionary League of the Immanuel Lutheran church held November 21. Due to teaching obligations Mrs. Hoffman was unable to attend and Mrs. Beryl Beck assisted in her behalf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendrkks and Arlin were dinner guests at the Ed Fuhrer home at O'Neill Sunday. Mrs Rlanrh Rouse came Fri day to spend a few days at the home of her daughter. Mr* Mil ton McKathme and family The Youth Society of the Wes leyan Methodist church held a party Friday evening at the church punuaiagc Rosedale News Carol Mahlendorf Phone 7374 Pastor amt Mrs. Klroy Ander sun and family, ami Mr and Mrs David landholm were Friday evening visitors at the Carl An derson home Mr. and Mrs Krnest Olson and Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and family were Friday evening visitors of the Oscar Anderson's. Mr. and Mrs N'els Holm berg ami Norman. Dallas. S P.. were Sunday vial tors at the Harry Hnlmhrrg home Mr*. Hr rm tin lj»ndholm amt Mrs Ikivid landholm attended the Christmas party of the Home makers Extension club Saturday evening at the Bill Dxikota home Mr ami Mr* la*w Martinson. Mr and Mr* Clifford Nelson and Diane and Mr and Mrs Oliver Nelson ami family were Friday evening visitor* at the Fred Nel son home "Hiry helped Fred cele brate his birthday Mr. ami Mr* l lien Mahlendorf were Monday evening visitors at the Harry Mahlendorf home Mr and Mrs Ivar Johnson and family sjient the Thanksgiving weekend with relatives in His mark. N. D. Steven and l.ynnette Mahlen dorf spent Tuesday at the Harry Mahlendorf home while Mr. ami Mrs ikinne Mahlendorf ami Pa* tor utul Mrs. Elroy Anderson and Marlin went to Norfolk James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 I ■■ fk I k I k# Winter & Summer LENNOX American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work .”>13 E. Douglas Phone 264 O’Neill, Nebr. > Modern Woodmen vmo LAi’itsKN pf America con smith VIRGIL LAURSEN AGENCY O’Neill, Nebraska » — - - . Johnson Drug Store Phone 118 • " O'Neill, Nebraska Your Merry Christmas Drug Store FREE: Cyclopedia Set-ask how to win HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS When you care enough to send the very best send HALLMARK. Come in and see our delightful selection of in dividual cards for every member of the family, friend and sweethearts. An outstanding selection of boxed cards priced from 29c cellopaks to $2 boxes We carry a complete line of gift wrap, ribbon, tags etc. TIMEX WATCHES • Waterproof • Dustpnoof • Shock resistant Priced from 9.95 to 15.95 Also outstanding line of Ladies' Petite Timex Watches. Looks and runs like a $50.00 watch. See them today. Children’s Timex Watches for Shock proof All Timex Guaranteed 1 year DOUGLAS TOYS A new line of gifts for the younger set or even teenagers. Fluffy toys to delight any youngster in many dif ferent colors. Dogs, bears, foxes, dolls etc. Foam rubber filled so they are completely wash able. Many other gifts for babies and younger child ren including toys, baby clothes, dresses, etc Diaper bags, holders, etc. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN & WOMEN Electric razors — Stationery Movie cameras — Projectors — Film Cameras for prints — or slides Evening in Paris sets Coty and Desert Flower sets Rubinstein and Wrisley sets Sheaffer — Papermate — Parker sets Lighters — Pipes — Holders HALLMARK WRAPPING PAPER SPECIAL - 288 inches Only 98c Three 96-inch rolls 26 wide and 3 different de signs. A Hallmark first this year. Three large rolls of Hallmark paper with 3 different designs Only 98c PORTABLE RADIOS 2 Transistor Radios • Super quality speaker • Hi Fi earphone • Carrying case • Telescopic antenna • 9 Volt battery • Fully warranteed Only 12.75 Philco Transistors (6 transistor) America’s best known 29I95 LEATHER BILLFOLDS & TOILET ARTICLE KITS Men’s and ladies’ all leather billfolds Priced from $2 to $9 With or without zippers and fully warranted. Comes in goatskin, pigskin, seal skin, calf skin, buffalo and many other quality leathers. Quality men's toilet article kits Priced from $2 and up with waterproof lining. MEN'S TOILET ARTICLES: Old Spice gift sets in many combinations Yardley sets King’s Men Gillette and McKesson sets Hair brushes — Clothes brushes Manicure and brush sets combined Dance — to — "WHOOPEE" JOHN — at — Z. C. B. J. Hall Verdigre, Nebr. TUES., DEC. 12 McIntosh jewelry When it comes to Christmas gifts, McIntosh's h3ve them . . . items for everyone on your list. Stop in today and see our vast array of gift items priced to fit any Christmas budget. Gifts from McIntosh's mean more. COSTUME JEWELRY and ORIGINAL BLACK HILLS GOLD •f * DIAMONDS From $39.75 i STERLING By Wallace Gorham International Heirloom Reid & Barton PEARLS | NECKLACES I I SILVER SETS By 1 847 Rogers In the true Community ipirlI p, ,hp International Deep Silver season ... re ligious gifts. 1881 Rogers An excellent choice here. BILLFOLDS by Rolfe CHOOSE ALSO FROM: Watch Bands Electric Shavers Glassware Jewelry Boxes Rings Silver Serving Sets Clocks Tableware Gift Certificates McIntosh Jewelry 407 East Douglas O'Neill, Phone 166