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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
Rose Marie Ernesti Weds Larry Yunker In Catholic Rite CLEARWATER - St. Johns Catholic church at Clearwater was the scene for the wedding of Miss Rose Marie Ernesti, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Er nesti, Clearwater, and Larry YUnker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Yunker, Magnet, Saturday. Dec. 2, at 10 a.m. The Rev. Francis Hobart of ficiated at die double ring cere mony. Miss Bonnie Kaczor was organist, and Miss Ruth Ann Muff was soloist. The bride chose a gown of lace and ruffled net, ballerina length. It was designed with a sweet heart neckline trimmed with rhinestones, and long tapered lace sleeves. A hoop skirt gave addi tional interest to the gown. Her fingertip veil was caught to a crown tiara trimmed with pearls. She carried a bouquet of blue and white carnations. Mrs. LeRoy White, Norfolk, sis ter of the bride, was matron ai lionor. Another sister. Miss Bar bara Ernesti, served as brides maid. Their dresses were of blue embroidered taffeta. Blue flower ed wreaths were worn as head pieces. Their bouquets were ar ranged with white and blue car nations. I ' Monty Yunker, Magnet, and Don Ernesti, Norfolk, served as best man and groomsman for their brother. Ushers were LeRoy White, Norfolk, and Gary Yunker, Magnet. Miss Juile Marie Ernesti, Nor folk, was flower girl, and Jimmy Lee White, also of Norfolk, was ring bearer. Altar boys were Ed die Muff and Billy Kaczor. A wedding dinner was given at St. John’s church parlors for about 75 guests. Mrs. Ann Travis Omaha, cut and served the wed ding cake. Mrs. Don Ernesti, Nor folk, had charge of the guest b<x>k, and Mrs Ralph Colter presided at the gift table. Assisting with the dinner were Mmes. Cletus Muff, Louis Funk, George Walters, Vincent Thiele and Thomas Kac zor, and the Missed Bonnie Kac zor, Mary Jane Muff, Kathryn Thiele and Janet Funk. The bride graduated from Ew ing high school in 1957. She has been employed at Norfolk. Mr. Yunker attended St. Fran cis high school at Randolph, and has served in the armed forces for three years. The couple will be at home in Norfolk where the bridegroom is employed. Out-of-town guests were pre sent from O’Neill, Omaha. Grand Island, Randolph, Magnet, Norfolk, Neligh, W'est Point and Hastings. Delores Krueger, Albert Stoltenberg Wed at Naper NAPER — Mias Delore* Krue ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Krueger, and Albert Stol tenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoltenberg, all of Naper, were united in marriage Novem ber 17 at the Congregational church in Naper. The Rev. E. Herman, Fairfax, S. D. officiated at the 6:30 pun. ceremony. Music was provided by the soloist, Miss Lon Ann Stab lecker, and Mrs Darold Audiss. Mrs. Betty Bentz, sister of the bridegroom, was matron of hon or , and bridesmaid was Miss Gloria Antlersen. Louie Krueger, brother of the bride, was bestman, and Verlm Stoltenberg, brother of the bride groom, was groomsman. Ushers were Leon Krueger and Kenneth Stoltenberg, brothers of the cou ple. Karen Audiss and Danny Krue ger were flower girl and ring bearer. One hundred and forty-five guests attended the reception held following the cen-mony m the Naper Town hall. A dance was given by the cojple after the re ception. The bride has been employed as a nurses aid at St Paul where the couple is residing following a wedding trip to Kansas. Norma Kramer, George Yancick Wed at Seward AMELIA — Mrs. Edith Ander sen announces the marriage of her daughter, Norma Kramer, Lincoln, to T. Sgt. George Yan cick, Lincoln, Wednesday, Nov 29, 1961 at Seward. The couple was attended by the bride’s brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy An dersen, Central City. Sgt. Yancick is stationed at the Lincoln Army Base. Burnice Denton Weds Ronney Sladek ORCHARD — Miss Burnice Ilene Denton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Denton, River ton, and Ronney Sladek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sladek, Or chard, were united in marriage November 23 at the Methodist church, Missouri Valley, la. The Rev. David T. Gustafson, Creighton, performed the double ring ceremony at 11 a.m. Mrs. Gustafson provided traditional wedding music. The bride appeared in a gown of white Chantilly lace over taf feta with tapered sleeves and tor so bodice. She wore a fingertip veil and carried a white Bible. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sladek, Norfolk, brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom. Following the ceremony a wed ding dinner was served in Fre mont where the couple will make their home. Mr. Sladek is assis tant manager of the GAC Finance company. Elsie Jacob, Donald Jones Exchange Vows CLEARWATER — The welding of Miss Elsie M Jacob, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Erven Ja cob, Neligh, and Donald G. Jones, son of Mr and Mrs. Harold Jones, Clearwater, was performed Sunday, Nov. 26, at 2:30 pan. in the Grace Lutheran church at Neligh. The Rev. Carl Puilmann offic iated at the double ring cere mony in the presence of 100 guests. The altar was decorated with bouquets of pink snapdra gons. Miss Kathy Lung, Neligh, was organist and accompanied the soloist, the Rev. Mr. Puil mann. A gifwn of white Chantilly lace over satin was chosen by the bride for her wedding. It was styled with fitted bodice, Sabrina neckline which was accented with si-quins, and long tapered sleeves The floor length skirt swept into a chapel length train Her finger tip veil of illusion was held in place by a tiara of pearls and sequins. She carried a bouquet of talisman roses arranged in the shape of a cross. Mrs. Harry Lewis and Miss Margaret Jacob, both of Neligh, attended their sister as matron of honor and bridesmaid respec tively. They were attired m shrimp colored taffeta gowns with overlays of lace. Tlieir bouavets were of yellow roses. Lewis Jones, Clearwater, serv ed his brother as best man. Ray mond Jones, Lincoln, was grooms man. Ushers were Elvon Ziems and Glenn Wolfe, both of Clear w din . Harry Lewis jr., Neligh, was candlelighter. A reception was held following the ceremony. The cake was cut and served by Miss Hilda Jones. Mrs. Richard Kallhoff, sister of the bridegroom, was in charge of the guest book, and Miss Joyce Siems, Neligh, and Mrs. Raymond Jones, Lincoln, took care of the gift table. Assisting with the serv ing were the Misses Louella and Betty Jacob, Mrs. Marvin Jacob Norfolk, and Mrs. Lewis Jones, Clearwater. Following a wedding trip to the Black Hills, S. D., the couple is at home on a farm north of Clear water. Janice Schultz, Arthur Hysell Exchange Vows NAPER — Miss Janice Schultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schultz, Naper, became the bride of Arthur Hysell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hysell, Lake Andes, S. D., in a candlelight ceremony Saturday, Nov. 11, in St. Paul’s Lutheran church. Performing the double ring ser vice was the Rev. E. Strack at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Wayne Ahlers *ras the organist and accompan ed Mrs. Marlin Carstein and - Zlarence Meyer, vocalists. The bride wore a floor length ;own of Chantilly lace over net ind taffeta with a lace bodice, fhe high neckline was edged with Devoy Rexall Drug Christmas Gifts for Everyone Christmas Cards Many, many Attractive Designs Boxed Cards or Individuals Christmas Tree Decorations Light Sets Ornaments Tinsel Icicles Replacement Bulbs For the Young Lady Cosmetics Like Mom’s Tweedie and Little Lady Little Girls Will Love Them Gifts for Baby Rattles Toys Bottle Holders Bottle Warmers Baby Books Ball Point Pens Papermate Pens Seripto In Gift Boxes Timex and Westclox Wrist Watches Westclox Alarm Clocks Soaps By Yardley Attractive Gift Boxes Win A Set of Encyclopedias Or A Complete Record Library 5 Albums Absolutely Free! Enter our “Merry Christmas Drug Store Contest Now "IN WIN WIN Pipes Lighters Cigars Tobacco Pouches Cigarettes by the Carton Cameras Camera Outfits Be sure to have a good supply of film and bulbs on hand Toiletries for Men Stag — King's Men Shulton — Top Brass Williams — Gillette Sunbeam Remington Norelco Electric Shavers Gifts for Her Cosmetic Sets Billfolds Manicure Sets Cameras Key Cases Leather Goods Billfolds Purses Key Cases Toilet Kits We will gladly gift-wrap your Christmas gift If You Wish. We Will Wrap for Mailing Christmas Wrap i Seals Tags Ribbons Package Decorations • 4 ‘ Pangbum’s Western Style Chocolates Truly Delicious j Candy i _ Children's Gifts < Games — Toys Dolls — Books Paint-by-Number sets $ Tinker Toys — Soldier Sets \ Chinese Checkers 1 ■ —— 3 Gifts for l Teacher l c Soaps — Colognes E Bath Powder Many Items Reasonably Priced ^ Ideal for Teacher, etc. j Many, many J Ideas for Stocking Stuffers I DEVOY REXALL DRUG We Give S&H Green Stamps on aii Purchases * ■ - ■ . Phone 87 Robert T. Devoy, Pharmacist O'Neill Georgia Lou Fick Weds Raymond Fox In O'Neill Church Rite Bouquets of blue and white mums decorated the altar in the x .rst Presbyterian church Sat urday, Dec. 2, for the 6:30 p.m wedding of Miss Georgia Lou Fick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Fick, Inman, and Ray mond Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles Fox, O’Neill. Performing the double ring cer emony was the Rev. John Hart Traditional wedding music was provided by Miss Susan Burney, soloist, and Mrs. Marvin Young, organist. The bride wore a ballerina length gown of imported Chantil ly lace, styled with slim sculp tured bodice of lace and a por trait neckline encrusted with se qjins. Long tapered sleeves came to a point at the wrists. Her bouf fant skirt had scalloped lace tiers over net and taffeta. A fingertip veil was held by a crown of lace and sequins. She carried a cas cade arrangement of white roses. Twin sisters of the bride, the Misses Carolyn and Marilyn Fick, attended as maid of honor and bridesmaid. The wore blue chiffon over net and taffeta nylon lace. A crown of pearls and sequins held her two-tier fing ertip veil of French illusion which was trimmed with match ing lace. She carried a lavender mchid on a white Bible. Mrs. Norman Plooster, Platte, S. D., sister of the bridegroom, was matron of honor, and Mrs. Lyle Karnes, Clearfield, S. D., sister of the bride, was brides maid. They wore pink and blue nylon chiffon over taffeta dress es, and carried a bouquet of car nations in matching shades. William Schultz, brother of the bride, served as best man. Har lan Hysell, Geddes, S. D., brother af the bridegroom, was grooms man. Ushers were Bernie Lude mann and Donnie Beauchamp. Brenda Hysell was flower girl ind Dennis Hysell was ring bear er. Candlelighters were Patricia ind Robert Schultz, sister and mother of the bride. A reception was held in the 'laper auditorium. The cake was :ut by Mrs. Del Reid and Mrs. iarry Odenbach. Mrs. R. Fuhrer loured the coffee. In charge of he bridal table were Mrs. Alvin Vf orris and Mrs. Anna Gosch. VIrs. Bernie Ludemann toe* care >f the guest book, and gifts were ipened by Mrs. Robert Hysell, Urs. Harlow Schnoor and Mrs. Man Blake. Assisting with re reshments were the Misses Don la Varilek, Jud Durfee and Mary jee Nickalous, and Mmes. Harlan lysell, Ervin Schockemaier and d Nickalous. Following a wedding trip the ouple is residing at 231'i North Yapp, Sioux Falls, S. D. iandra Fay Fryer, Veds Ray Carlson ROYAL — The marriage of liss Sandra Fay Fryer, daugh m of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence f. Fryer. Norfolk, and Raymond [arold Carlson, son of Mr. and Irs. Lawrence Carlson, Royal, i scheduled to take place De ember 24 at 2 p.m. in the First aptist church. Norfolk. The bride-to-be is a graduate of le Norfolk high school, and is resently a student at Norfolk unior college. Mr. Carlson is a graduate of ie Royal high school and is em oyed on his father's farm. E E Bonkers! rfeman — Ernie Brinkman IX ATKINSON About a Home Protection Plan ■wan^egwwr O’NKtLL PHOTO i'll. frocks with lace jackets. Their head bands were of white velvet and net. They earned nosegays of blue and white mums. Marvin Young served as best man. Groomsman was Gordon Fox, brother of the bridegroom Ushering the guests were Roy and Steven Fox, Emmet. Following the ceremony a re ception was given by the bride's parents in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, and attended by 100 guests. The four-tier wed ding cake was baked and decora te! by Mrs. Charles Fox, Inman, who also cut and served it. Pre siding at the coffee service were Miss Ruth Ann Hanson and Miss Kay Kelly. Serving punch was Miss Kathy Fick, Inman. Miss Beverly Brainard, Casjier, Wyo., assisted with the serving. Ar ranging gifts were the Misses Garnett Gillogly, Barbara Kiel and Sharon Michaelis, all of In man. Miss Nila Krutz, Orchard, took care of the guest book. Din ing room hostesses were Mrs. Fred Krutz, Mrs. Walter Fick and Mrs. Melvin Marcellus. A pre nuptial luncheon was given by the bridegroom’s parents at their home. After December 7 the couple will reside at the Gibson Trailer court. O'Neill Locals Former Teacher Here VERDIGRE — Arlee Stagemey er, Burwell, visited friends in Verdigre at the B. Bruce home Friday, and also attended the Ni obrara and Verdigre basketball game. Stagemeyer is a former vocational agricultural instructor , in the public school here. Club Members Meet The Meet Thy Neighbor club met at the home of Mrs. Leo Schneider Wednesday, Nov. 29 Roll call was answered with a Christmas gift idea. A ‘'get well” card was sent to Mrs. Ernest Price. It was voted to donate 15 for supplies toward the Hospital Auxiliary trays. The next meet ing will be a Christmas gift ex change party at the home of Mrs. Charles Mabony. Plan Christmas Party Members of the Grattan Hust lers 4-H club met recently in the courthouse annex. After playing several games they made plans for the Christmas party to be [ held December 10 at the annex, i Barbara McVay, reporter. Prewitts Are Hosts AMELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prewitt entertained at a card par ty at their home Thursday eve ning. In the playing of cards, prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs Vernon Berry and Mr. and Mrs Dick Doolittle. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ev-! erett, Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Adair! and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomp son. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Entertain at Dance Bobbie Machi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Durl Anderson, enter tained at a dance Monday eve ning at the Tropica] Gardens in honor of the birthday of Betty Morrow and Steve Peterson. Mrs. Orville Morrow assisted Mrs. An derson in sponsoring the dance. A cake in the shape erf a mega phone was presented to Miss Morrow, and a cake designed as a football field was made for Mr . Peterson. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Mrs. Cook Entertains Members of the O'Monde club met Tuesday evening at the Tro pical Gardens for a 7 p.m. din ner. Hostess was Mrs. G. R. Cook and following dinner the group adjourned to her home for the playing of bridge. Prize win ners were Mrs. Bob Berigan. Mrs. Chuck Fox and Mrs. Fred Appleby. Gjests were Mrs. Bill Richardson and Mrs. Fred Gakie. Mrs . Don Larson entertained a group of friends at her home Monday evening. Mrs. John S. Haveika left Wed nesday noon to spend a few «■ day* with her parent*. Mr and Air*. Anton Kuiiik at Wahou Mr and Mr* N-xtna* Oberie and family. Denver. UlAU were re cent holiday guests at the home of hi* parents, Mr and Mrs Ho ward Oberie Alao pr-wrnt were Mr and Mr*. Dean Oberie and family, Sioux Fail*, 8 D ; Mr and Mr* Rex Oberie, Minneapo lis, Minn . and Mr and Mr* James Karel. The Rex Oberlea alao visited in her parental home m Inman, and the Norman Ober ie* visited with her parent* in Lynch. Mr. and Mr* Itab Eby ami children. Hobby and Debbie. Otn at»a, were recent guests at the W It Gtllesjae and Mrs Della Eby home* Mr Eby is a bro ther of Mr*. Gillespie The Rev and Mr* Ivan Chris toffcraen and Mr and Mr* Fred Well* arrived h-vne Satan lay mgh'. alter having spent a week in Dayton, 0., nttemling the “Voice of Healing" convention Mr. and Mr*. Gene O’Neill an,| Ptrick Shtne Spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs, Or ville Me Kim Paul Zisfca and Larry Tomlin son, students at the University of Nebraska, *|>ent the weekend in O'Neill with their parents. Mr and Mrs Joe Ziska and Mr Mary Tomlinson. Saturday they served us pallbearers at the fun eral «>( Larry Donuhoe, Mrs John Pinnt and Bobby, ( hadron, returned to their home after spending three days ui Un home of their daughter and si* ter, Mrs. Gordon Johnson and family. Fugle Belie* SPENCER - The Eagle Belles Extension club met at the home of Mr*. Cecil Miller Nov 21 Three members were absent A lesson on taxes was given by Mr*. Tom Greene. The club de cided to have a Christmas lunch con instead of a family party It will be at tin- new home of Mrs. George Melior m Spencer In Denver Hospital AMELIA Mrs Frank Searles, Denver, Colo., lias been hospita lized in St Joseph’s hospital in Denver. Mrs. Lloyd Waldo plan* to go to Denver this weekend to be with her mother after she returns home from the hospital. I-— t <*rd l'»rt) Planaed Friend* of Jit Mnrv* will *w * Card parly Sunday, y.* in. *1 H pan at Si Mary1* gym, Pdetl, pit** hie and bridge will be played wtlti prirm lor ntrh category, Announce Engagements . . • CUCAKWATEU Mr and Andrew Mueller have an nounced Uh* engagement at their daughter. turnne, to David Ptdenwn. mat <>t Mr amt Mr* l- IVtcnam. VtUug S D. Mu* Mueller t. a graduate of Sacred Heart Sets* >| of Nursing. Yanktrwi, S. D., and i* n<iw w< uk ing at MrKmiwm Ixmpdal in Sioux Kali*, 8 D Mr Peterson la attending Pre sentation School of Nursing In Sioux Fulls Mr. nn<l Mr*. < 'arl kro«li, O’* NHII, MJUKNinor flu* of tliHr ilaiit;lit«-r, filortn ‘-nil, to N)»l ltow*r>, son of Mr. anil Mr*. Onorgt* Himw, ( hamlM'r*. Ml** krogh I* a Krailuato of O’NHII |Hiltllr -m-IiooI, anil I* t*iii plovoil a* a tnk*t*hnnr operator In O’NHII. Mr. Kimw I* n (radmln of OiiunlH'r* IiIkIi nn-lwol, anil 1* raiu-liltiK with hi* falln-r nnir ( haniln-r*. Tin* coii|ili* I* |ilannliiK an ••arl> Hiiiium*r wiilillng. I PENNEYS Give him Wash 'n wear 2x2 pima cotton broadcloth with con vertible cuffs. Sanforized. White. 14 to 17 nwk 32 to 3-5 sleeve 398 Wear color-blended plaid* of imported brushed rayon in regular collar style Color*! small, med, large, x large 498 Gift Slacks! Jackets! I s PERMANENT CREASE ON FLANNELS! Penney's worsted flannels come in plain front or con tinental style. Permanent crease finish insures neat looks. men's sizes 29 to 40 995 PILE LINED VINYL JACKET of leather Supplon Vinyl jacket has warm pile lining, 3-way bulky knit col lar. Bamboo, pinewood, pewter. men’s sizes 34 to 44 15” \