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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
Iior ACTION at the St. Mary’s-O’Nelll high basketball game Friday evening which ended 50-43 in O’Neill’s favor. A St. Mary’s man (not shown) fired this long shot to add two {stints to their lead in the first quarter. ■J Bourbon Man's Bourbon— % ASIN gTILL y , . in the Anniversary r' 'rivter, % Gift Wrapped y 6 Years Old—93 Proo' ui y Kentucky Straight Sour Mash Boi i y Exclusive in Nebraska—Western Wine & Liquor Co.—Omaha 2 y ( gifts foi the fum Boxed Jewelry Your m AA Choice For the ladies on your list! Choose stunning necklaces, brooches and earrings in matched sets. Fashion colors in handsome gift boxes. M«IIS hankies NylM Host Sift Boxed 98* 59* Ruth Barry bar.- Three fancy leg nylons. 400 hankies with needle. 13 den- lace corners, ier. Sixes • V*-l S. White, pastels. DRESS PLUSH Skirt Stts BOOTEES 198 100 B»y(' whit* Bonny «,r. and shirt with cutI ,n P,nk links, tie. In Wo. Podd«l | dmlto 12. “Ie S,MJ 2‘8 TODDLERS* MUCY DRESSES PARTIES I Smartly trim- f0** trimrrod j nwd^dr.,s.,Jn NANWAY ARCTIC SOCKS 2t,l35 59* Man's briefs Lord Hanwoy* with boilt-in cotton socks, comfort* In sizes Nylon heel, to*. S, M. L XL Siz.s 10-13. IBBSBBBI PAnON'S O'NEILL . ~ Ewing Tigers Clip Page 42-41 in Opener EWING — Tom Finley dropped the winning basket here Friday evening as the Ewing Tigers won a 42-41 over-time thriller from Page, their first game of the season. Larry Noffke's shot tied the game, at 39-39 as regulation play ended and the game went into overtime. The victory cabled a Ewing rally that overcame a 2115 halftime deficit. Noffke's 17 points led the winners- Ran Ash er had 11 for Page. Ewing reserve players won their game also, 18-15. Spencer Whips Stuart 57-30 SPENCER — A 57-30 victory was chalked up by the Spencer team members as they entertain ed the Stuart basketball play ers on the home floor Friday evening in the first game of the season. Leonard Kopecky had 29 points to lead Spencer in the scoring, and high man for Stuart was G. Medcalf who had 15. Paul Ohri and Kopecky were credited with gixxi rebound shots during the game. The next game will be with Butte. Verdigre Wins Opening Game At Niobrara VERDIGRE — A spirit of rival ry between Niobrara and Verdi gre has always turned out large crowds for the yearly basketball games but Friday saw the lar gest attendance to date for the exciting battle played at Niobra ra. The Verdigre team brought home a victory 56-51 but only af ter a hard-fought game as both teams were tied or in the lead many times during the evening. At the end of the first quarter, Verdigre led 11-9 and by half time the two-point difference re mained but this time with Nio brara in the lead, 26-24. By the end of the third quar ter Verdigre had gone ahead with a cne-point advantage, 39-38, finely ending the game with a winning 56-51. The second Verdigre team al so won over Niobrara, 43-30. Gene Nott is the basketball coach at Verdigre, and the Ni obrara coach is Jack Jones. Verdigre’s next game will be with Naper December 5 on the home floor. Hawks to Journey To Creighton VERDIGRE — The Hawks bas ketball team will journey to Creighton Friday, Dec. 8, where they will play the Creighton Com ets at 7:30 p.m. St. Ludgers academy will be celebrating its homecoming that day and special dances and crowning of royalty will take place. Naper Runs Over Fairfax 54-32 NAPER — The Naper five had an easy victory over Fairfax, S. D., Friday evening on the home floor, racking up a 34-32 win. Naper had the edge in height and controlled the boards most of the game. Rollen Kibby and Dale Scheonefeld both did a fine job on rebounds for Naper, and Dpnnic Wpnt? anA rinniol baum showed fine handling of the ball on offense scoring 21 and 12 points respectively. Kibby add ed 11 and Scheonefeld had 9. The Naper reserve team al so won but by a small margin, 25-22. Score by quarters: Naper 18 12 14 10 54 Fairfax 6 10 12 4 32 Inman Rolls Past Royal by 67-43 Inman brought home a 67-43 vic tory Tuesday evening at the Roy al high school gymnasium before a good sized crowd. High point man for Inman was Joe Harte with 18. Leroy Henry and Bruce Meisner, Royal, led in scoring with 12 each. All of Royal’s first five fouled out before the end of the game. Score by quarters: Inman 11 22 17 17 67 Royal 13 10 5 15 43 Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR Insurance of All Kinds | O'Neill High Clips Cards In Opener The basketball season opened in O'Neill Friday evening with St. Mary's academy and O’Neill public school competing in a last, well-played battle before a • standing room only" crowd at the O'Neiil gymnasium. After a fast start by St. Mary's which ended the first quarter in their lead, the game progressed with ties and a close score until the final moments of the game when O'Neill high school cinched it's lead and won 50-43. Both ball clubs looked excep tionally well for their first pub lie appearance. Sportsmanship by the players and the crowd also won praise from the coaches and viewers. Rich Hill was high for the O’ Neill Eagles with 30 points, 9 of these in the fourth quarter. Stan Schmeichel was second high with 10 points. Jerry Kilcoin showed exceptional speed and agressive ness with several outstanding plays. Jim Spitzenberger led for the Cardinals with 17 points, 8 of theie dropped in the first quarter. Cal Peter, who had been fighting a bout with the flu, still managed an outstanding job of rebounding. Friday evening St. Mary’s will play here with Stuart, and O' Neill high will be at Ainsworth. Nine Orchard Students Named to Honor Roll ORCHARD — Nine high school students at the Orchard school have been named to the honor roll for the past six weeks work. They are: Pat Meyer, Larry Caskey, Richard Cowling and Tom Twibell, seniors; Richard Bruce, junior; Dale Montgomery, sophomore, and Judy Packhurst, Warren Johnson and Von Schus ter, freshmen. Degree Conferred on Irvin Sedivy Thursday VERDIGRE -- The Fellow Craft degree was conferred on Irvin Sedivy, formerly of Ver digre but now of Brunswick, at a special communication Thurs day evening of the Ionic Lodge No. 87, AF & AM at the Nio brara Temple. Attending from Verdigre were Mario M. Custer, Bolton Randa, Fred Marshall, Otto W. Pischel, Emil E. Sandoz, Vac Randa, John Pavlik, Roscoe Groeling, Tony C. Paesl and Irvin Sedivy. The next meeting will be Decem t>er 14 for the election of officers. Ewing Juniors Present Play Monday Evening EWING — The Ewing high school juniors presented their play, “Glamour Girl” at the school auditorium Monday eve ning to a good sized crowd. Mrs. Amber Schlotman, assisted by Supt. G. D. Ryan, directed the play. Cast members were Virtus Lee, Kay Bergstrom, Myra Rother ham, Faye Scheer, Vic Thoendel, Clayton Hoke, Sharon Mott, Bar bara Emesti and Pauline Jurgen sen. Between act entertainment was by Glenellen McDaniles, Kay Bergstrom, Patricia Hobbs, Ardis Parks, Judy Spangler, Linda Lar son, Bonnie Kuczor, Barbara Emesti, Betty Wright and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, accompanist. Bonnie Welke and Lois Wos lager were student directors; Jerry Bauer handled introduc tion and curtains; Jerry Spangler and Ronnie Tuttle were in charge of programs, and Roger Emesti and Larry Juracek were ushers, j Mr. Larson's Brother f Dies in Sioux City c EWING — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson received word Sunday of the death of his brother, Walter Larson, 64, Sioux City, la. He had been ill with cancer for the past year. The Sioux City man had been employed at the post office there for a number of years. He also served in the navy. He is survived by three brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held Monday in Sioux City. Fishing Is Good Mrs. Carl Nelson, Spencer, accompanied her husband to the cabin site at the Fort Randall Boat club last week to do a little work on their new cottage but the weather was too nice for Mrs. Nelson and she sneaked off for a little fishing. She fished off the club boat dock and hooked into a big one but found she couldn’t bring it in alone. She started yelling for Mr. Nelson and he jumped into tiie car and drove around the bay to lend a hand. She finally got her fish to shore. It was an 18-pound northern. Fora Knight and Guy Beck with were also lucky fishermen last week. They caught 18 and 32 pound spoonbills. Free Dance SUN., DEC. 10 Starting at 9 p.m. AMERICAN LEGION BALLROOM Music by ALICE and her orchestra Sponsored bv O'Neill Rodeo Association EVERYONE INVITED 1 ■ " ... ■ ■ Phone Operator Feted For 10-Year Services AMELIA Mrs. Edith Ander sen was guest of honor at an oper house Sunday afternoon tn re cognition of her 10 years of ser vice as operator for the Amelia South Fork Telephone company She was presented a wrist watch and a cash gift The Telephone company wil soon be dissolved and the dial system line operated by Ker Werner. Chambers, wil serve this community. Col. Alderson's Wife Dies Mon. At Washington CHAMBERS Mr and Mrs T. E. Alderson received news Monday of the death of theit son’s wife, Mrs. Donald M. Alder son at the Walter R<*ed hospital in Washington, D. C. 0)1. and Mrs. Alderson had been in Spain on an assignment with the air force. After she be came ill there last May, Col. Alderson brought her to Washing ton for specialized care. She be came steadily worse and died there Monday, Dec. 4. Funeral services were held Wednesday at Arlington ceme tery. Col. Alderson will return tc Spain very shortly to finish his assignment there which will take about two years. bix Verdigre Members Receive Show Medals VERDIGRE — Larry Vitema, Wallace Tuch, Lawrence Vesely, James Janak, Ronald Pavlik and Gene Marshall received ribbons and medals for their crop samples submitted Tuesday, Nov. 29. at the Greater Siouxland Crop Show. The winners are FFA members at the Verdigre high school and were accompanied by their in structor, Ted D. Ward, to the show. Old Mill Is Restored by Verdigre Men VERDIGRE — In order that the younger generation might see how pioneers ground their wheat and corn, a one-hundred year-old flour mill is being restored into working condition northeast of the fire station. The mill, presented to Verdigre by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruzicka, is being put together as it was first constructed on Steel Creek where it was water powered. The oak stringers, ax hewn by hand, are 18x30 feet and are 24 feet high. William Fosterman and Ben Roubicek are heading the com mittee in charge. Drag line ma chinery is being used to lift and place some of the steel tumbling rods, heavy wheels and grinding stones. When the work is com pleted the Ruzickas will present a history7 of the mill which came from their property 22 miles west of Verdigre. Former Verdigre Woman Dies in California VERDIGRE — Mrs. Goldie Hr bek, 63, a former long time resi dent of Verdigre, died Thursday, Nov. 23. in San Diego, Calif., ac cording to word reneived here by relatives. Funeral services and the burial were conducted in San Diego. Mrs. Hrbek was a sister of the late Anton C. Scheinost. Verdigre. Mr. Jackson's Father In Creighton Hospital VENUS — Mr. and Mrs. Vincent ackson were called to Creighton lis week due to the illness of his Jther, John Jackson. 78. Mr. Jackson is a patient in the Creighton hospital. Jim Reynoldson Wins Unveiling Contest Friday One hundred contest blanks were entered in the Window Un veiling contest held Friday eve ning, Nov. 24, and several hund red people scanned the windows for unrelated items. The first, second and third win ners, Jim Reynoldson, Mrs. Al len Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beckwith, missed three of the items, Robert Larson, fourth place winner, missed four of them. Following are the correct un related i ems in each store win dow: Apparel Shop, bean; Ben Franklin, tooth pick; Coyne Hardware, ring on tree; Coast to Coast, tea bags; Devoy Drug, tile; Gamble store, foot warmer; Lindberg Firestone, cap-nut; Johnson Drug, gum drop; Mc Donalds, cigar. McIntosh Jewelry, bullet; J. C. Penney, mans pocket knife; Helen's Flower shop, thimble; S & S Farm Supply, hypodermic needle; N. W. Bell Telephone (in M & M window) cough drop; O’ Neill Drug, button; Pinkerman TV. button; Virg Laursen's Agcy.. sucker; Gillespies Ap pliance. Turns Gamble Store, can of soup; Soovie's Western Auto, hair cur ler; McCarvillo's expansion hand; Johnson Jewelry, lead pen- ' ell; l-ee Stores, razor hlades; O' Neill Style Shop, gold safety pin; I BigUn's Floor covering, capsule, | and O'Neill Photo company, cranlierry. Chamber of Commerce mem bers expressed their appreciation to those who participated and helped to make the contest a suc cess. Lutheran Aid Holds Election Of Officers ORCHARD Helen Mitteis was elected president of the 1-adies Aid of St. Peter English Lutheran church at a meeting held November 30 in the church Ixisement. Other officers are: Anna Stell ing, vice president; Marguerite Mosel, secretary, and Alys Kru ger, treasurer. Business conducted included plans for the Christmas party December 20; charity donations; a lesson on "Advent'' by the Rev. Mr. Seefeldt, and a report by Mrs. Herman Ennen on the mind ing of the Lutherans Children’s Service society at Plainview last month which she attended with Mrs. Stelling and the Rev. See feldt. Lunch was served to the 34 memliers and three visitors, Mrs. Pearl Johnson, Mrs. Hoyt Sirek and Mrs. Pete Cooper, by the hostesses. Mrs. William Water man, Mrs. Herman Wieting and Mrs. Carl Ahers. Honored at the birthday table were Mmes. Ro bert Schvvager, Walter Seefeldt, John Deines and James Meyer. Ivan Kaiser Is Named To College Who's Who Ivan Kaiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser, is one of 24 students at Wayne State col lege recognized in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Uni versities. The students were selected on the criteria of service to the col lege and scholastic achievement, according to Donald G. Merri man, dean of students. Antelope County Teachers Meet At Clearwater CLEARWATER — Sixty-five members of the Antelope County Teachers association met Tues-1 day evening, Nov. 28, in the, Concordia Lutheran church par- j lors here for a dinner meeting ( which was served by the Band Sponsors group. Sunt. C. Anderson presided at the business session which in- j cuded a discussion of opinions [ and considerations of bills for the district delegate to present at the next meeting of the general assembly of the Nebraska Ed ucational association. Participating in the program were Cheryl Rice, Sharon Kall hoff, Kathy Wiegand, Chellie No-: lze, Helen Snider and Helen Zar-1 . nik. Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday Good Reading lor the Whole Family •News •Facts • Family Features FARM & RANCH LOANS Up To 60% Of Purchase Price , LONG TERMS - LOW INTEREST BLANKET FARM INSURANCE Sl0.M0.09 COVERAGE — ONLY *29.00 PER YEAR See Al Gaskill R. F. GASKILL Insurance Agency Phone 710 O'Neill, Nebr. "No Membership Fees to Pay" Mrs. James Vetter. Washing ton. D. C., daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Froelich, has had only a couple of years In golf but is already bringing home the prizes. She recently was one of a win ning foursome at the Kenwood Women’s Golf association tourna meat. Kuch of the f«*ur whiner* was presented s silver coffer warmer. The Sunday i . Utkin of ihe Wash tngton Post curried a story and several picture*, Including two of Mrs Vetter, of the tournament on ihe par-72 Kenwood course. Legion Auxiliary Receives Vet's Dinner Report ORCHARD The Veteran’! Day dinner served l>y the Ameri can Legion auxiliary netted $137.62, according to a report given at a recent meeting in the legion hall. Mrs. John Annum jr.. presided over the business session. The unit voted to sent! $5 to the "Yanks Who Clave." and the Ijp gi«»n added $5 to this amont. Four tarletan dolls are to 1h* sent to the Veterans hospital. Mrs. Ray Hill reported on County Government Day and Mrs. Gerald Maple reported on die county meeting held Novern l>er 16 at Elgin. The annual Christmas party will Ik* December 18 with the fol lowing committees: Mrs. Glen Miller, gifts; Mrs. I<conard Fox and Mrs. Flora Young, exchange gifts; Mrs. Bernard Kellogg, de corations, and Mmes. Edna Lie bsack, Glen Miller, Sam Trus sel and Lyle Schleusener, refresh ments. Lunch was served by Mrs. Claude Elliot, Mrs. Auman and Mrs. Kellogg. Vocal Clinic Attended By 130 School Members LYNCH Approximately 130 high school chorus memtiers from Lynch, Butte, Niobrara and Verdigre attended a Vocal Music clinic at Lynch Wednesday, Dec. to. Ijirry Day, vocal instructor at West mu r college, LrMars. la , conducted tlie clinic which in cluded practice sessions, solo workshop and study time for small groups A vocal program was presented at 4 p m. Lunch was served by the Lynch Band Booster club to the imrticipattng members. NEW! PROT-A-LASS Gives Cattle & Sheep Protein Vitamins A & D Molasses and Trace Minerals FOR LOW COST GAINS We l>«-llv«*r PAGE GRAIN Company I'hoiif 2101 — 1’itK**, Nt'br. NEBRASKA HEREFORD ASSOCIATION SPONSORED miII-A - Rama Monday, Dec. 18,1961 BASSETT, NEBR. Ranchers Special A large selection of Top Quality Bulls for the range, including some definite herd bull prospcts. ALL POPULAR BLOODLINES ALL SERVICE AGE Large numbers of bulls of like breeding and conformation for ranchers who prefer to purchase from one consignment. This offering is not highly fitted for show, but in top breeding con dition. They will be sold as indivi duals, pens of two, three or more. Your last chance to buy Nebras ka bulls at auction as this year's business transaction. — For information and catalog write — John W. Cooksley Nebraska Hereford Assoc. Broken Bow, Nebraska NEBRASKA HEREFORD ASSOC.