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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
Inmon News By Mrs. .James McMahan A School paper will be publish ed before Christmas vacation The High Schcxd has drawn names for the Christmas party which will be held December 19th. The Christmas party will be given by the Sophomore class fur the rest of the high school The Grade School will give their Christmas program on De cember 20th, at the school aud i tor lam. The public is invited. The Honor roll this six weeks includes, Freshmen, Mary Lou Sobotka, Roger Banks, Tom Pri bil and Sharon Morrow, Sopho mores, Judy Borgmeyer, Juniors Warren Hansen and Patty Mor row, Seniors, Ruth Ann Hansen, Barbara Keil, Sharon Michaelis, Garnett Gillogly, Georgia Fick, Kay Kelley and Bob Morrow. Joe Peters who is employed at Norfolk spent a couple of days last week with his family. Mrs. Albina Belik has returned from Antelope Memorial Hospital where she received medical treat ment. Mrs. Emmet Stamp went to Om aha Thursday for a medical check. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes re turned Wednesday from Napo leon, Ohio where they spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs Robert Burgstrjm and family. Mrs. Gerald Snyder, O’Neill vis ited Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Ray Sulers. Mrs, Ray Skiers visited Thurs day with Mrs. Lois Juracek at Orchard. Kem Juracek came home with his grandmother and spent the weekend. Gene Butterfield, Grand Island business college student, spent the weekend visiting his parents. * Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield. Ned Kelley and Kieth Kivett, Wayne college students, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and Mr . i STEINKE'S Registered Hereford Bull Sale At the ranch, 4 miles south and 2 miles west and V2 north of Colome, South Dakota. tues., dec. 12 Sale Starts at 1:00 p.m. (CST) In Heated Sale Barn Free Lunch at Noon ~ 28 bulls I 25 COMMERCIAL HEIFER CALVES Plan to attend our Fourth Annual Bull Sale. We are selling 28 head of very uniform Bulls, the same type and quality we have sold in the past. They have proven to be sires of top marketing steers and heifers. The Bulls in this sale were sired by Fairway Aster 305, VIA Real Duke 318 and Fairway Aster Jr. 72. Also selling 25 Commercial Heifer Calves Bangs and TB tested, to go anywhere FREE DELIVERY ON THE BI LLS — Write for Catalog — EMIL STEINKE & SONS Phone 7351 Colome, S. Dak. Col. Charles Corkle, Auctioneer John Leibel, South Dakota Hereford Association fieorge Nagel and Jack fjondon, I»cal Ring Men Ken Johnson of Citizens Bank of Colome, S. Dak., Clerk and Mrs. Vaden Kivett. Tuesday, November 21, Mrs. R Siders went U Grand Island where she and her daughter Marilyn, who attends business school at Grand Island, contin ued on to Lincoln where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rusaell and Debbie. Mrs. Rus sell submitted to surgery on No vember 25. On Wednesday Mrs Skiers and Marilyn went to Bea trice and spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Benash and family. Mrs Siders returned home Sunday evening. Paul Bittner entered St. An thony’s hospital Sunday for med ical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reimer who have been employed the past simmer at various places in Iowa on construction work have return ed to their home here for the win ter. t'enus News By Mrs. Rulph Brookbouaer The Help U club held their November card party Tuesday, Nov. 28. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr., with Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. | Francis Boelt?r as co-hostesses. Ten point pitch was played at five tables. Those receiving prizes were Francis Boelter, Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser, Sidney Faulhaber, Mrs. Kenneth War ing and Clarence Finch jr. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Mrs. Nellie Hamilton, who has been a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill sinee she suffered a stroke several weeks ago, wits moved to the Brunswick Best Home Tuesday. She is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey and Paul Lee and William Jef frey were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edminsten, O’Neil). Key The Nation's Finest Overall Blue or Stripe $3.39 Sizes 30 to 50 Also Coveralls 36 to 46 Reg. - Long - Short McCARVILLES O'Neill Nebr. The Move in Nebraska is a Truck Move Just about everything that’s moved in the Cornhusker State is a Truck Move. Motor transports haul everything from farm produce to entire plants. Every conceivable type of truck made travels Ne braska roads, serving all Nebraskans day in and day out Trucking is an important industry to our state, and a big one, too. There are over 70,000 Nebraskans earning their living in the Trucking In dustry! Ob— oi a Sanaa oi AdrartiaamaMa Praparad br NUUAJKA MOTOft CAMIRI' ASSOCIATION. SCO SmrtH IMS Itraat, LINCOLN, NBRASKA Him Space Paid For By I O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN TURNER Daily Service O'Neill-Oma'ha PHONE 578 Mr. and Mrs. Lei and Caskey returned to Omaha Sunday eve ning after spending the Thanks giving holiday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs Ora Caskey and Mr and Mrs. Elmer Sukup. A large number attended the Harvest Festival November 19 at the Venus St. Paul’s Lutheran church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edmis teti, O’Neill, and the Grow Brow., were guest* aI an oyster supper at the Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge and William Jeffrey home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Ed misted are moving to North Platte this week. Mrs. Hadley Gentyler and father were visitors at the home of Levi Tenney and Roger Tues day. Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Faulha ber were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker and daughters. Schyuler. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Zatrow and family and Mrs. Mary Zatrow. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and daugh ters left for their home at Schuyler Saturday evening. Mrs Baker and daughters spent a couple of weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Faulhaber. Mr. Baker came and spent the Thanksgiving holiday here. Week News By Mrn. Fred IJndberg The Green Thumb Flower club met at the Dewayne Anson home Wednesday. Roll call was an swered with a homemade Christ mas decoration. Fourteen mem bers were present and one visitor. Election of officers was held, and Eunice Mann was elected presi dent; Minnie Boshart, vice pres ident, and Dorothy Devall, secre tary. Marjorie McNulty received a prize. Neillie Boshart, Opal Miller and Rose Roberts receiv ed birthday gifts. No definite date was set for the next meet ing which is to be at the John Schmitz home with a gift ex change. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst and Mr. and Mrs. John Green and family, Butte, were Sunday dinner guests at the Austin Sear les home. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and Mr. and MrSk Henry Walters made a business trip to Omaha Friday. Mrs. William Langan, Mrs. Gerald Langan and child and Mrs. Elmer Devall were Friday visitors and lunch guests at the Delia Harrison home. Mrs. Martha Johring entertain ed the Carl Wabs family for Thanksgiving dinner. Saturday Henry Storjohann and Martha visited at the Donald Johring home, Clearwater. Fred Sharleen and Craig Joh ring were overnight guests at the Merlin Anderson home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Watson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus and family, Joyce Krogh and Lyle Wyatt surpris ed Mrs. Carl Krogh Thursday night when they honored her with a birthday party. Emmet Slaight and Mary Pet erson visited Mrs. L. Watson at the Lynch hospital Thurs. evening where Mrs. Watson was put in traction to reduce a pinched ver tebrae. Mrs. John Schmitz entertained eleven women Thursday evening at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Kennis Hansen took Mrs. John Nolan to Broken Bow Saturday evening where she boarded the train to Montana to visit her daughter, Mrs. Robert Ross and family. Tom Drueke has been confined to his heme most of the week due to the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters visited at the Bennie Johring home Thursday night. Thelma Young, O’Neill, was a dinner guest Tuesday at the Law rence Rouse home. Mrs. Rouse accompanied her and they visit ed the Meek school during the afternoon. The Eagle Belle Extension club plans to have the Christmas par ty December 12. A 12:30 p.m. luncheon will be served at the George Mellor home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pamela were Sunday dinner guests at Albert Miller’s heme. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were Tuesday night visitors at the William Hubby home, O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Rector. Marysville. Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg were supper guests November 26 at the Ger I I MUTUAL IMC. Ip II 8 g | STOCK FUMO. IMC. II @%u>C6fof& | 1 l gmcnvc FUND. IMC. g 1 ®Swe6tort I •ROUP CANADIAM H i rUMO LTD* I B | }§| 1 VAR1ARL* PAYMKMT f'M \ FUND. IMC. ^Munaitord DIVERSIFIED SERVICES. INC. Pon Wda. WiMMcpoid 2. Mnwwta _O' ** °P. <*p and mail coupon balam DUANE ANDERSON Box Ml O'Nelli, Nebr. Ptea» send the prospectus deacrib mg the investment company or com panies checked bekwr □ lettfai Mufuoi. Isc □ iavastors Stock Fuad, fac O Investors Selective fund, he D Investors Group Conodksa Fund Ud. Q Investors Variable Payment Fvnd. lac Noam____ Address._ 7nwe_State aid Harding home. Mr*. AxH Borg accompanied her daugh ter. Mr*. Gerald Harding, to Omaha Wednesday to be with A*el daring surgery Thursday morning. Mr*. Hording returned home Thursday, The latest word from Omaha 1* that At el 1* getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs Merlin Ander son and girls were Wednesday evening visitors at the Delbert Rouse home. Mr. and Mrs Her man Meyer jr. and Vickie were Thursday evening callers and Mr. and Mrs Virgil Hubby called Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fernau spent the weekend in Valentine with their sons, Jerry Fernau and Dick Fernau and families Austin Searles, Merlin Ander son, Cecil Miller and Ted Craw ford put up new swings and slides for the playground equipment Thursday at District 1. A piano has also been added to the school's furniture Sunday dinner guests at the Lawrence Dobrovolny home were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake and Mrs. Larry Strong and daughter. Mickey Miller was a weekend guest of Larry Dobrovolny. Mrs. John Pinnt, Chadron, and Mrs. Andy Goeden visited Mrs. Carl Krogh Friday. Carl Krogh left for Minnesota Friday He met his brother. Gene, at Randolph and accompanied him to that state He plans to re turn the first of the week Orchard News >lr« Wilbur Mahood Phone TW S-Slltft Highlander club met November 28 with Mrs Ralph Treaae. 15 members were present The club voted to send $5 to the Dystrophy fund. A lesson on "Quick ami Easy Meals" was given by Mrs Harvey Holbrook Jr., and Mrs. Harry Johnson The club will meet at the Legion hall for a Christmas party and luncheon December 12. The FLT club met in the home of Mrs. J. \V. Mahood Tuesday afternoon with 15 members and one visitor. Mrs. Harriet Jensen. California, present. Mrs. Ralph Shrader presided over the meet ing A Christmas meeting and dinner were planned to lx* held with Mrs. Raymond Stevens Tuesday, Dec. 12. The project for the afternoon was making lap robes for the IOF home, launch was served by Mrs Mahood, as sisted by Mrs. Art Erb. Harlan Mitchell is employed CORKLE BROS. ANNUAL AUCTION Will be held at the Norfolk Livestock Sales Company pavilion Norfolk, Nebraska — Wednesday, December 13 60 HEREFORD BULLS & FEMALES CORKLE BROS., TILDEN. NEBRASKA Sell K> Coming two year old bulls of Double Aster — ItK Silver Modest — Eclipse 35 — CK Crusty Supreme 14 breeding. ALLEN SYNOVEC, PIERCE, NEBRASKA Sells (iolden Tone C 52, 4 year old son of Colo Boealdo Tone and 15 choice cows — Several with calve* at side — by IIP Royal Re gents — Pathways — Mixers. Herd Bulls for Farmers, Ranchmen and Breeders Females of Rood Confirmation, Type and Quality — Write for Catalog — Corkle Bros. — Tilden, Nebraska at, Columbus His family ha* ta*rn moved from Uncoin to Colum bus Mrs Mae Knapp and Mr and Mrs Ihck Knapp aixl family. Orchard, and Mr. ami Mrs Al vin Gowler and family. Fremont, were recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Smith. Lexington. Mr and Mrs. Spencer Scott, Omaha, spent a few days with Mrs. Scott's mother last week The Bridge club met with Mr* Gail Brodie Thursday afternoon. Mr* Loren Wilson, a guest. Mrs Millie Mahood ami Mrs Cecil Lee won prizes. The next meet ing will be with Mrs ijester Wtthee Friday. Dec 15 A one p.m luncheon and Christmas party will la* field at that time Mr ami Mrs Arthur Black lium wen? Thuraday evening cal ler* in the Henry I >rayton home Mr* J W Mahood. Mr am! Mra Z H. Fry ami Mr nnd Mr* Georg* Montgomery, all ai Ew ing, ami Mr* ImiIw !lee*e. Page. attended the funeral of Frank l4»le. Dixon. Friday. Mm Gordon lirayton ami Mr*. (Veil la** were Norfolk vtaltor* Friday. Mm D. U Fletcher, Mr* Mil lie Mahood, Mr*. Herman Welt ing 14hum- Steillng were vtaltor* at Norfolk Satunlay. Mm J W Mahood vlxlted Mm. Mary Mahood in Neligh TUeaday. Mm Olive Everhart vialted with Iter daughter, Mm. George Voorhiea. Friday The Frontier— Auction I^m-uUhI from Tilden J miles south. 5 west, |VA south; Prom Oak dale 5 miles south. 2 miles ■•list and lW south; Prom Elgin * miles t'ast tutd lVA miles south. FRI., DEC. 8 Sale Time — I :U0 p.m. I.uneh Served by I'armireUes Extension Cluh Complete Line of Machinery Including 1*M John Deere tractor model SO with live power ami hydraulics, new tires and batteries, good condition; IVM John Ib-ere It, equipped with loader; John Deere A tract nr. I'lus many more Items, 50 Head Feeder Pigs Cars — Trucks IMH Chevrolet Car — S/4 Ton Pickup Corn and Hay (hie Pile of Corn — loo Bales Oat Straw — 2 Stacks of Alfalfa Good Line of Household Goods TERMS; CASH. No property removed until sellbsl for. KEITH GEHRKE Owner ('Hot Hopkins, Auctioneer The Tllden Itank. Clerk • DUE TO RECENT LEGISLATION . . . passed by the • Nebraska Legislature, we are forced to go out of the appliance business. In order to meet the required deadline as set forth by the Legislature, we are starting to reduce our inventory. • WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? . . . This means ... • if you are in need of an electric appliance . . . the time to buy is NOW! It’s your opportunity to take advantage of BIG SAVINGS, BIG BARGAINS, and truly BIG VALUES. You can buy any appliance on our convenient budget plan. • BIG BARGAINS....BIG VALUES * • NEW WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES . $ A V E WE GIVE YOU OUR ASSURANCE THAT WHEN YOU PURCHASE AN ELECTRIC APPLIANCE FROM US, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE MANUFACTURER'S PLUS CONSUMERS' FULL WARRANTY AND CONTINUOUS PROMPT SERVICE. CHRISTMAS IS AROUND THE CORNER ... BUY NOW AND SAVE! CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT