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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
Atkinson News Raymers Leave Saturday For Long Beach, Calif. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Raymer left last Saturday for Long Beach, Calif., where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymer have rented their home in Atkinson to Mr and Mrs. L. Genung and arm for the winter months Mrs Mary Lundgren, O'Neill, spent last Thursday in Atkinson visiting with her friend, Mrs. He len Snyder Gertrude Gribble, Orchard, was in Atkinson Thursday on business. In the afternoon Mrs Helen Sny der held u;>en hiuse from 3:30 to 4:30 at her home at which time Miss Gribble displayed an assortment of gift items to a group of Atkinson women. Mrs Claude Johnson was bas tes* to a party at her borne in Atkmsm Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bonenber gtr were in O'Neill Friday on baa mesa. Mr. and Mrs Fred Richardson went to Neligh Sunday where they visi ed her brothers and sisters in-law, Mr. and Mrs Vernon Henry and Mr. and Mrs Robert Henry. Wayne Partzer, M>n of Mr*. Hazel Purtzer, received a back Injury last Sunday, and will be hospitalized for some time. Wayne I* an instructor in the publir school system at Mont pelirr, Vi. Mr and Mrs. LeRoy McMullen, O'Neill, entertained the Sunday night p.tch club at their home in O'Neill. Mrs Claude Johnson, Mrs. Pat Med calf, Carl Scbenzel and William Wefso won prizes. The next party will be with Mr an I Mrs. Pat Medcalf and will be the Christmas party. Mrs. Kathryn Johnson went to O'Neill Wednesday where she is spending a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Heeb, arid ot her relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso spent the weekend in Crofton, visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Carl son, Scott and Sheryl. They re turned to Atkinson Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Tummy Dunn >pent the weekend in Atkinson visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr sr., and other relatives and friends. They re turned to Omaha Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hickok came Friday evening to visit his parents, Mr and Mrs. E. V. Hick ok They also visited with Wayne's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hickok anti boys. They returned to Lexing ton Sunday. Mrs. Lance Withers, Mrs. C. F. Small and Mrs. Fred Richard son were in Norfolk last Thurs day on business. While in Nor folk they visited Mr. and Mrs. «r Roy Fullerton and family Mrs Fullerton is Mrs. Small's daugh ter. Mrs Jennie Mlinar attended a meeting and Christmas party Tuesday at the Golden hotel in O'Neill. Mrs. Alice Inal, North Platte, waa in charge. This meet ing was for all Avon representa tives in this area. Lynch News By Mra. Fred King Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber re turned from O’Neill Thursday. Mr Huber was a patient at the hospital there for several days. He is fee-ling much better now. Mr. and Mrs Frank Elasser came Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elasser. They are from South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Genser and family, Kansas, came Sun day for a short visit at the Ray Mulhair home. Mmes. Mikkelson, Lena John son, George Thayer, Feanie Cra mer, Gratia Craig and Glen Davy were dinner guests of Mrs. Gla dys Spencer Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene. Mr and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski and family and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bjornsen and family si>ent Sunday at the Leonard Havranek home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull spent Friday in Yankton on business. .Mrs. C. A. .Moody is confined to her home the past week with a slight heart attack The cafe has been closed part time. Mrs. Leman Huber and Mrs. Roy Mulhair were in Spencer Saturday. Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber vis ited Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Pat Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull and Mrs. Pete Mulhair were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull took Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull to O'Neill to visit Mrs. Ella Hull who recently moved there. Mrs. Gladys Spencer was a sup per guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wurtz and family were Saturday supper guests of Mrs. Art Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson leave December 22 for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wurtz Greeley, Colo., where they will spend the holidays. They will then accom pany the Wurtzes to Mesa, Ariz., lor a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison James and family. Mrs. James is a daughter of Mrs. Wilson. The Rev. Chas. Phipps, Wesley an conference president, and Mrs. Phipps were guests at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Dyer and boys from Thursday to Sunday. The Rev. Phipps was guest speaker each evening at the Wesleyan Methodist church. Special music was also furnished by him. Sunday evening the Wes leyan and First Methodist young people furnished special music for the service. Mrs. Frank Svoboda called on Mrs. Art Retzlaff Saturday. She , was here for the Lueken-Halstead wedding. The Oakleaf chapter of Lynch attended initiatory work at the Ionic Chapter at Niobrara Mon day night. Dwight Stewart visited Ricky Wheeler at Niobrara Monday. Mrs. Herman Carstens, Rose and Adolph, Mr. and Mrs. Ger hardt Carstens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Laubsch and family, all of Pierce, were Sun day gueats of Mr and Mrs Art Ftettlaff and family. Mrs Lena Johnson, who has recently moved to Lynch, accom panied Mrs Albert McDonald to the Monowi school program Thursday night A birthday party was held for Joe Randy Micanek November 2* at the Christ Lutheran church basement by LaVon BenU ami Dolores .Htcaaek Twenty-two young people attended. Mr and Mrs James Pudany. Clayton and Dick. Venus. Mr and Mrs Donald Volquardaen and family. Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs Vick Pickering. O’NeiU were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs Reno Boelter, Mr anti Mrs Art Retxlaff and family were Thanksgiving guests. of Mr and Mrs Crtc Reulaff Mr and Mrs W'irruT Crawford and Si even ajient the weekend with Mr. Crawford s mother tn Wyoming Mr and Mra. Roy Boelter and Lynn. Page, were guest* Sunday of Mr and Mrs Reno Boelter and family Mr and Mrs Vic Picker mg were guests there also Mr and Mrs. Norman Oberle. Ntcfcia and Sheryl, Denver. Cok> ware recant visitors at the Xavirr and Verna KaUtOVafcl tawnr* Friend* ftere have been informed that Helen i* a luvaype cfter* tor in the Star Builder plant at Broumfieki, Cok>., and also work* part Ume in a job abi^i near her home Mr nn<l Mm Don Jooumann mpunt ih* r*cw>l h..Ui*y in Cun tor. 8 l» . with !»» |urrnU Mr and Mr* K M MrMnnn •or* r*c*M vtalUmi tn iho homo cl In* bnrthor Sntnoy M. Monti and family Knmuto homo timy vuiiod bia unrlo tn (ho mat hum* at Burfcr, 8 D, Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Klndj and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON. Prop. Phone 11)6Ool<1etl Bldg. Alice's Beauty Shop 325 E. Douglas St. Phone 2H3 Complete Beauty Service Sllmliner Reducing Machine DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact l/enses By Appointment Phone 2101 Spencer, Nebraska Bride-of-the-Week Sam A. Seikaly will wed December 23 The bride has registered in our bridal registry Make McIntosh Jewelry your First Stop for China, Crystal, Silver and Wedding Gift needs McINTOSH JEWELRY ♦O' E. Dougins Phone lfl* A Trusted Jeweler Is Tour Best Advisor . . . lew Sewn payment nrmri uiujm HH|||M|H|ii|m|n||avTK *t mw low, lew prices. For Dependable GAS Service IBOELTER BOELTER { CLOSING OUT I Because we were unable to renew our lease for another year we will sell the following described personal property to the B highest bidder at public auction at the farm located 1 mile northeast of the Gateway Motel in O'Neill, then 2 miles north and m 1 mile east (Watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on w Tuesday, Dec. 19th { Sale starts at 1 P.M. Lunch by Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid v 32 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS AND CALVES 26 - Head of outstanding dairy cows, 3-6 years old 6 - Second calf Holstein heifers 1 - 2nd calf Guernsey heifer 1 - 2nd calf blue roan heifer 2 - 3rd calf blue roan heifers 1 - 3rd calf Holstein heifer I 2 - Guernsey cows C 1 - Holstein-Guernsey cross, 1 just fresh 1 12 - Young Holstein cows I 15 of these cows were fresh in the last 3 ■ ........... .. weeks. Some will freshen by sale day m MILKEEPER 375-GAL. and o , h e r » will freshen in January. | Automatic Bulk Milk Cooling Tank 6 _ po||ed Hereford-Dairy CTOSS ( with compact cooling unit ■ ■ ■ M All only 8 months old baby Calves C 1 MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS I 1951 l-H "M" tractor, gas burner, with MW gears, wide front end. 13-38 tires. Good shape 1951 l-H "M" tractor, fuel burner, with 12-38 tires. Good F-20 Farmall tractor 1- H "C" tractor, extra good shape 2- bottom mounted plow for "C" 2-row mounted planter for "C" 2-row mounted cultivator for "C" Universal Farm-Hand loader (H or M mountings) with manure scoop, 10 ft. hay head with push off and new style power take off pump No. 38 Cultivator for H or M 15-ft. Minneapolis disc with 18-in. discs like new 15-ft. John Deere disc J. D. drag, 4 large sections, like new l-H 4-row eli, good shape l-H lister, pull type J. D. No. 5 power mower, 7-ft., good No. 9 McCormick Deering 7-ft. trail mower and hitch 14-ft. I-H rake, good shape Rubber tired wagon with 130-bu. grain box J. D. Spreader on rubber, good A-Stacker 1960 model Surge bucket Weed sprayer 2-rake hitch Power take off post hole digger, mountings for H or M 3 — Cultivator cylinders 2 — Sets of wheel weights for H or M 1954 WILLYS CAR 6-cylinder with overdrive Mower sickles Fuel barrels 2 — Car radios 3 ~ Plymouth axles witk 10 and tires ” wheels 1 ' H S'3 e,ocWc separator ■ Dehorning dipper, f Gra,n r*tk « *on pickup I Caffle chute C ^ ~~ Seasoned oair__ ■ o oak corner posts f 12-bl9oek posts 1 Set of hen nest, M 2 — oil stoves J Other mitcellarieouj article too I numerout to mention t buildings I Hog hou», 15- x j5- x 8, 6„ f Gilding, 10- x 14- x g, € *AY AND grain I 2 - Stadcs prairie hay 1 400 bu. ear corn M 100 bu. oats M ( TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for 1 m m I Boyd and Ella Boelter, Owners j 1 ED THORIN, CHARLES MAHONY, Auctioneers FIRST NATIONAL BANK, O'Neill, Clerk I