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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1961)
Mrs. Delbert Anson Is Elected as President of Band Mothers Club The Page Band M</thers met Friday in tlie science r<x>m of Page high school. Mrs. William Sorensen reix>rted on the accom plishments of the last year. Elec tion of officers were held with Mrs. Delbert Anson selected as the new president. Other officers are Mrs Carl Max, vice presi dent, and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer, secretary aiu! treasurer. A fish fry and band concert will be held October 6 at 5:30 to 7:30 p m in the gym to help pay for a bar itone ..axaphone. The Mothers plan to nu-et the first Monday of every month. Page News II) Mrs. Ken Asher Harrell llews, Page, has started teaching in the Page high school. Mr. Ile.iss is a graduate of tlie Page High achool and the Nebraska Wes leyan university, Lincoln, lie is now teaching shorthand and typing 11. lie has previously (aught at Kurweil. At present he is living on a farm nortii of Pago and has been for several years. Those attending the American Legion and Auxiliary annual dis trict convention at Pierce were Mr. ami Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conk, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Mrs. William Simmons and Mrs. Floyd Frahm. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Roberta, Ben ami Debra 'Asher were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Frieda Asher. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Asher and family. The Junii r aixl Senior MYF met together Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Becky Bee laert had the devotions and les son. Lunch was served by Peg gy Sue Kelly and Marilyn Max. Randall Stauffer will have the les son next week. Mr. and Mrs Verne Nicholas, Grand Island, were Friday over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Ragland. Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Ragland are cousins. Those attending the MYF Ral ly held at Nehgh Sunday were Connie Nistsen, Caroline Max, Karen Hams, Dick Linder, John Crumly, Linda Alberts, Peggy Sue Kelly, Roberta Asher and Lorraine Butterfield, Inman. Their sponsers were the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder and Mrs. R. V. Crumly. Vivian Ragland, Nehgh, was home over the weekend bring a houseguest with her, Audrey Reinke, Neligh. On Sunday Vivi an, her guest, her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. William Ragland and family, and Gene Harvey were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge, Amelia. Mr and Mrs. John Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss and Mr and Mrs. A. M. Inness, Meadow Grove, were Friday night guests of the N. D. Iekes. Mr. and Mrs. Inness remained for the week end. Couples Bridge club met Thurs day night with Mr. and Mrs. Conies Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach took high score honors. Those attending the fall Semi nar held at the Methodist church from Page Tuesday were Mines. Raymond (Heiss, Merwyn French sr., Jessie Kelly, John Steinberg, Norman Saltz, Edgar Stauffer, El mer Trowbridge, Dora Townsend. J. W. Finch, Arnold Stewart, R. V. Crumly, Carl Max, Marvin Stauffer and Robert Van Horn. A group of friends and neigh bors surprised Mrs. George Wettlaufer Wednesday morning in honor of her birthday. The self-inviU-d gui'sts were Mmes. Pete Sojka, Lee Fink, Dale Stauffer, Iu>uise Heese, Roger Bowen, Kenneth Wettlaufer, Glenn Harris and Mrs. Mary Lippolt, Laurel. Twelve members were present when Mrs. Ray Harmon enter tained the members of the NOK club Thursday. The women did REGULAR SALE Monday, Oct. 9 SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Monday, Oct. 16 Soid over 700 cattle last Monday on a good strong market. Plenty of buyers from the Eastern Com Belt. Calves are starting to come and in very strong demand. Sold over 600 hogs on a lower market. Top at 417.40 and went to James Donohoe of O' Neill. Most of the butchers sold from $17.20 to $17.40. Please list your cattle early as to assure you a good spot in the silo and it helps in the advertising. If you want someone to come out and toll you what we think your livestock will bring at our market give us u ring or drop a card. 1 ry us with your next consignment and join our growing list of satlsfii'd customers. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Terry, Larry and Max Wanser Phono 19 or 21 Ewing their own fancy work. Mrs. Leo Ne,*>auer will be the next hos tess. Mrs. Paul Hartigan and child ren were Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shaw Donnelle Hartigan remained as an overnight guest of Gloria Shaw, On Saturday afternoon Mines Hester Edrmnsten, Mae Copes, Emma Kemper, P. E. Nissen, Ralph Stevens, Freida Asher and Herbert Stevens and Misses Nell Woods, Grace Zeller called on Mrs. Harley Kennedy to wish her "Happy Birthday”. Mrs. Louise Heese entertaiwd members of the Neighborhood club when it met with her Wed nesday. The women did needle work for the hostess. Mrs. Mary Lippolt, Laurel, was a guest, Mrs. Duane Finch won a prize. Mrs. Robert Linder entertained a group of women Wednesday morning at a coffee hour. Mrs. Carl Max won a special prize. Bid or Bye Bridge club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Calvin Harvey. The hostess won high prize. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harmon and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Vorce, O’ Neill. Page Extension club met Thurs day with Mrs. Bertha Prill. The members answered roll call by naming favorite house plants. Mrs. Merwyn French sr. had the lesson on houseplants. Mines. Ro bert Prill, Robert Van Horn and Robert Nissen were guests. RNA kens uig ton met Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Otto Mat schullat. The ten women present enjoyed an afternoon of card nluvinc' Mrs. Hester Edminsten, Mrs. Frieda Aslier and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes were Thursday eve ning guests at the Otto Matschul lat home. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Cork and Mr. and Mrs Harrison Hallman were among those from Holt county who participated in a par ty held at the Grand Island Vet eran’s hospital Tuesday night. This was the Holt County Legion project. Viola Haynes and Marie Heiss, both of Hastings, were here for the weekend. Miss Haynes visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Copes and Nancy and Mrs. Charlotte Kais erall, Ainsworth, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mae Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Ricahrd Stewart and baby were here from Grand Island for the weekend, to visit her mother, Mrs. John Sorensen, who was released from the hos pital. Mr . and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge and granddaughter, Lau rie, and Mrs. A. O. Weber were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Copple, Norfolk. Merwyn French sr. returned home Tuesday night after a two week fishing trip in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gross and family and Arlen Gross, all of Omaha were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gross. On Sunday a no-host picnic was held at the Page park with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stauffer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mat schullat and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud” Ickes. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gross and son. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gross and family and Arlan Gross, Omaha, attending. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. attended the Soil Conserva tion meeting Sunday at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie went to Genoa to visit his mother, Mrs. ^Fanny Stewart, a patient at a rest home there. Enroute home they were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Linnus, Elgin. I I ' \ Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler, Fremont, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficoo! and family, Verdigre were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup and family were weekend guests here Visiting his sister, Mrs. Delbert Anson, and Mr. and Mrs Edw Sukup, Orchard. Last Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Gas Robinson were Mr. and Mrs Alvy Sungly, Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wen dell and family, Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stingly and fam ily, O'Neill. Mrs. Lizzie Mitchell, Tekum-eh were from Tuesday to Saturday visitors at the Edd Stewert home On Sunday Mrs. Mitchell returned to her home after being here for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly were from Wednesday to Friday visitors of their daughter, Janice, in Omaha. They also attended the Ak-Sar-Ben 4-ii show and sale. On Thursday night they vis ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hansen. When they returned home Alvin Crtiraly, Bonnie Heiss and Becky Beelaert, who had been at the sale, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and granddaughters, Joan, Leanr. and Lavonne, attended the wedding • Sunday of Ruth West to Verne Everson at Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. George Pon gratz, O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Troshynski, Orchard were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler, Fre mont, Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficool and family, Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring, O'Neill and Mrs. Alta Finch. The Safficools and the Warings along with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and Mrs. Alta Finch were supper guests. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Parker, O’ Neill, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. A pre-nuptial shower was held Saturday at the Methodist church for Connie Riege. Three of her classmates, Kay Nissen, Karen I Kay Kelly and Marlene Frahm, assisted her with the gifts. Cm me, who u the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lorenz Riege. will be married on October 7 to James Mitchell, who is stationed at Lin coln- The class mothers of 1'JbO did the serving. Floyd Fraham and son, Mar lin, who have been working for the past few months on a con stjviction job in Council Bluffs, are now home for an indefinite time. Among those from this area who attended the 2Sth wedding anniversary erf Mr. and Mrs Al bert Boelter were Mr. and Mrs Dick Trowbridge and family, Mrs William O'Brein and girls, Owen Park, Mrs. Walter Fick and children, Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Parks, Deloit, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Park sr., Stuart. “——— Fort Randall News Janice Kirwan Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kirwan. Gregor}', S. D., and Mr and Mrs. Bob Kirwan and children, Vermillion, were Sunday visitors at the Duane Kirwan home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Olson and Waidon, Olga Bengtson, Maori tz Bengtson, Mr and Mrs. Walt Nyquist and Eric Olson helped Fingle Olson celebrate his birthday Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dean Dan ielson, Bristow, were Thursday evening supper guests at the Har ry Hausmann home. Carl and Kenny Soulek, Lake Andes, S. D., were Sunday vis itors at the G. R. Kirwan home. Mrs Tom Kocer jr. and Wan DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact Lenses By Appointment Phonr Zlui Spencer, Nebraska da. Wagner, S. D., were Sunday dinner guests at the boon' of her parents. Mr and Mrs Dun Kirwan. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Loukola and family, Piokston, S D were Saturday evening visitors at the Melvin Kirwan home. Mr. and Mrs BUI Jonas. R.i pid City, S. D.. were Sunday dm ner guests at the G R. Kirwan home John and Tim Kirwan visited with Charles Nyquist Sunday af teraoon. Virginia Cassidy spent Friday night and Saturday at the Max me Castle home in Pickstown S. D. Mr. and Mrs Harry Ha man a nr were Tuesday evening visitors at the Louie Janousek home Mr. and Mrs Bill Jonas, Rap id City, S D. visited Sunday af i ternuun at the Dan Kirwan home. Susan Kirwan *H-nt the week end at the home of her parent*. Mr ami Mr* Melvin Kirwan Susan is going to college at Yank ton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skull.i. Bonesieel, S. D, were Sunday callers at the G K. Kirwan home Mrs John Cassidy sr , St>en cer, and Mr and Mrs. Hen Con dun, Oakland, Calif . were Mon day guests at the Ed Cassidy home. B»ib Kirwan and Canity. Ver million, S D. and Duane Kirwan were Sunday evening callers at the Dan Kirwan home Mr and Mrs. Joe Hauamann Jr., Jerry, Gary and Terry, Butte, were Sunday dinner guests at the Harry Hausmann home Mr. aa<l Mrs. Kd Cassidy and Virginia and Mr aad Mr*. BUI CujmIo*. o*kU*d. Calll.. »Ur«Kl rd the biximninlni IrotlvIUe* at .southera M*tr Toarben rot lege in Nprlagtlold Saturday Joel daughter .4 Mr. *od Mr*. Kd Caaakly, h a atu drnt at Southern. Mr and Mrs Harry iiaiumuuin and Jill were Sunday evening supper guests at the G. It. Kirwao hwtne. E liner Moairorn spent two days at Mission. S D , working with a crew on the state parks. Melvin Kirwan wna a business caller in Butte Saturday Phono Your Nnwt To Tho Frontior— Phono 788 .« Grand Op ning SATURDAY, OCT. 7 Everyone is cordially invited to come in and look over our new. modern package store. 1 BLOCK NORTH OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS Murray's Liquor Store O'Neill, Nebraska THE NEW OUTLAW 1(50 Extra Top Value Stamps |j When you buy 1 lb. of POLGERS Coffee at the special DOUBLE DISCOUNT price. Limit: one coupon per customer per store visit. (This offer void in any state or municipality where prohibited, ^ . taxed or otherwise restricted.) Re deemable at The New Outlaw . Store. Good only through Oct. U. SC i Watch for next week s DOUBLE-DISCOUNT Ad . . . another special low-price feature ... more bonus Top Value Stamps t FOLGERS I Owing PERCOLATOR free for 24/s books TOP VALUE STAMPS Brews up to 9 cups of always delicious coffee. Reason: Corning Ware is made from the non porous new ceramic, Pyroceram . . . coffee oils can't ding to surface so interior stay* fresn. Styled • in gleaming white with Tight blue trim. Just 2*/% books of Top Value Stamps. Remember: Top Value Stamps are the extra saving you always receive at our stores ... the special “thank *ou" for being our customer. Erctusivety yours from Top Value.M HI-D Stamps that save you pasting time ~ keep Saver Books neater. ^ fS^£ j^EgS^o