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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1961)
Inman News lly Mm. Janie* Mr.Mahaa David SoUrtka, Norfolk Junior college student, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I>*wis Soiiotka and family. : Ned Kelley and Kieth Kivett. I Wayne Slate Teachers college students, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. K Kelley and Mr. ami Mrs. Va den Kivett. Raymond Heck, Ewing, spent Saturday visiting Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz and family. Mrs. James Kelley spent the weekend at South Sioux City with Mr Kelley w1m> is employed there. Joe Peters, who is employed at Norfolk, spent a couple of days last week with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney spent Friday and Saturday in Omaha visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady and attending the Ak-Sar-Ben show. Georgia Herold, Norfolk Beauty school student, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs George Herold and family. Mrs. Charles Iziben has re turned from two weeks in I>>xtng ton where she visited relatives. Gene Butterfield. Grand Island business school student, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Bill Butterfield. Mrs. Clifford Sawyer returned Thursday from St. Anthony's hospital where she was a medical patient for several days. Charles Young who is em ployed near Sutton spent the weekend at his home. Bert Smith and Dale Lines who are employed near Alexandria spent the weekend with their families here. Mr and Mrs Levi Morshach, Neliph, were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mrs. Elizabeth Mors hach and Mr. and Mrs. David Morshach. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Tomp kins and family, Waverly, spent tiie weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs I /‘on Tompkins. Diek Coventry and Judy Fitch, Omaha, spent the weekend v isit ing Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven try and Boh and other friends and relatives. Riverside New By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Sharon Johnston came home Iasi Friday evening to visit her uncle, George Johnston, Washing ton, returning to Storm Lake, la., Sunday morning. The Harry JohnsUm, Archie Johnstnn, Les ter Johnston and Ralph Johnston Lundies gathered at the Emily .Johnston feu me last Sunday to visit George Johnston, Washing ton, and Mrs. Flora Newman, Ca lifornia ami to help Emily Johnston celebrate her birthd;*/ anniversary. Eddy ami Alice Shrader were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink left early Fmlay morning for Denver, Colo., lo visit their son, William and family, for a lew days. Mrs. Dale Napier called on Mrs. Dave Pollock Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Charlotte Lord left Wed nesday for her home in Califor- I nia after visiting a cdaple of ' weeks at the Bert Fink home. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont- j gomery visited last Monday eve ning at tlve R A. Hord home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson call ed on Mr. and Mrs. John Latzel Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller visited in O’Neill Thursday. The Grant Mott family were dinner guests Sunday at the Es ther Mae Barnhart home in Ne ligh. Eddy and Alice Shrader vis ited Saturday evening at the Ar chie Johnston home. Mrs. Flora Newman, California, and George Johnston, Washington, left for their homes after visiting their mother, Mrs. Emily John ston. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom. ery plan to visit at the Lester KniOnow home at Plainview Sun day. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and Mil ton were dinner guests Sunday jit the Joe Hegr home near Madi son Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier left Thursday morning for Sterling, Kan., to get acquainted with their now grandson at the Russel Na pier home. They returned home Monday. Mrs. Rudy Ahlers called on Mrs. Frank Schmidt Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and Mrs. Earl Pierson called on her Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier vis ited the Ricliard Napier family Friday evening. Jane, Kevin, Jody and-Julie Fry were overnight guests Friday at the Z. H. Fry home. Duane Tinsley was an over night guest of Leroy Napier Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited the Dewitt Gunters Friday evening. The Riverside Free Methodist Missianary society met Thursday at the church basement. The members of the society had a contest the past year dividing the members into two groups. The group that had the most mem bers present at all of the meet ings during the year won. The losing side served lunch to the winners at the meeting Thursday afternoon. Mona Mosel came home Friday for the weekend. She is attending school at Wayne. Mmes G. D. Ryan, Archie Tut tle, Charles Rotherham, Stanley Davis. Wilbur Spangler and Ray Funk were guests Wednesday af ternoon at the Alfred Napier home. Bobby Hobbs. Omaha, came Wednesday to spend a visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited last Sunday afternoon at* the Robert Montgomery home. Knils ami Pieces 6 14). Box BACON .$1.29 Wilson's Spired llain Lb. LUNCH MEAT.49c Boil Beef Lb. , SHORT RSBS.15c < -< Bar-S Cliip|H-d Ham or 3Vi-oz. PkR. ^ CHOPPED BEEF.4/$l I!. S. 1). A. Choice Lb. RSB STEAK.79c Lean AAeaty — Semi Boneless PORK ROAST .. Lb. 39e PORK STEAK ... Lb. 49e I /* FEATURE : • ATTRACTIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • ► • I « *••••••••* *••••••• ■■ ■' ... » 1 - »■■■ ON FAMOUS BRANDS Kraft X-oe. Jai FRENCH DRESSING ... 29< Allens Spaghetti or X0O thui« PCRK ant) BEANS ... 9/$l H-K Powdered 38-os. Pkg BLEACH.49c , -...— ■' ■ < an lay I! Bars Asitt BAR SOAP.$1 Native — Apple or liaison No. 2 Chin* PIE FILLING.3/$1 / I.lbhy's IlijM- No. 211 Car OLIVES .39c Del Mont**—New Crushed Pineapple and Shredded No. 2 Can COCONUT.39c PIER POUND _ s _ ^ Bnttor KeraH Wbeic MM| * M POTATOES.2/29c P Dal M. ir. Bwrd i*m Halvi ~ It ■•/ **»r X PICKL"S.35c I BonlMi't «4{t. I40* ■ STAR LAC .59c ll4'K. Oiii* X BAB-O . 2/33c I -r- ■cim cum X hint • DOG FOOD ( jClub.; 1 HOME GROWN TOMATOES “• 10* - we Ke Sunklst 25 Lb. Sack Presidential Model DESK LAMP A BRAND HEW IDEA I* DISK LAMPS ■ Modem walnut wood-grain finish base ■ with brass oompartmants for books and g stationery. Complete with 1 exeootlre ■ pans and holders. A Terrlflo Bargain ■ idlrkkuily Gift Boxed. Get Tours Now! ■ serve the Right to Limit Quantities B