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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1961)
WU H1 \x\ l>! •'yV W. A-// v\xV»' /// A// - I ngtfWMAi for sale FOR SAKE K a n a p o 1 i a J R aO a ton; American J20 50 a ton; white block 75c located 3 blocks east. 4 blocks north of fraffic light, Everett Gorgan, m, O'Neill. 51 tj R E G I S T E R E D HAMPSHIRE ROARS for tale Meat type breeding stock from quality bloodlines. New bloodlines for old customers . 3 miles east of Creighton on Highway 59. Ph. 121 on 10 Shadylane Hampshire Farm 23-30c FOR SALE—Registered Hamp shire boars and open gilts. Big and rugged with bred in grow ing ability Alfred Hansen, Plainview, Nebr. Ph. 21 R99 22tfc FOR SALE 1st and 2nd calf Holstein heifers, heavy springers. John Sojka, 1% north, 4 East of Page 15tfc for sai.k Purebred Hampshire boars, vaccinated and guaran teed. John Sojka, lVi north and 4 east of Page, Nebr. 24-36c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Nellgh. 30ti FOR SAKE Registered purebred Yorkshire boars and gilts. Buy them young and save.—Richard Hill, Box 511, Phone 564 RU, O’ Neill. 22tf FOR SAI>E Hampshire boars, long bodied with size for age, double vaccinated, guaranteed breeders, new bloodlines -John Raster, Ph. Hunter 5-3360, Clear water. Nebr. 24-31p IF YOU WANT A lower rate of interest than you are now pay lng, sec me at my otnce in u - Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. FOR SALK: Purebred Hampshire Boars. Ready for service. Henry and Richard Stelling. 2 miles south, 14 west of Orchard, Nebr. j 16-eow-c TOR SALE IHC 3/4 ton pickup 110 IHC 2 ton truck with box 2 Refrigerated Ixxiies with com pressors 100 Chicken batteries at $5 each SHKLHAMKR EQUIP. CO. O’Neill, Nebr. 24c HAY SLED AXLES FOR SALE. We are salvaging truck axles, also usable* IHC engines, K-7, K-8, and 185. Phone FRontier 1-5440, Andrews Van and Stor age. Norfolk, Nebr. 24-25c SAVE ON INSURANCE -prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy , O’Neill. lOtfcj TOR SAI .!•: 195-1 JD crawler trai tor. $1250; hammermill, $65; electric outboard, $20; water pump, $30; cattle oiler, $15; tractor air pump, $10; 8 ft. pram boat, $15.—Call 2239 Stu nrt after 7 p.m. 24-25c Semi-Loads Wisconsin Springers and Heifers. Some fresh with Heifer Calves. From Shores’ Wisconsin Dairies Fancy Holsteins, Guernseys, Ayrshire, Jersey and cream Swiss Springers and Heifers. Fine Holstein Bull $97.50. Rug ged Grey-White young Swiss Bull. Semi-loads open and bred Wisconsin Heifers. Shores’ cat tie Pay lour Bills. Stop Your Worrie s. Plenty Wisconsin weaned calves. Shores, Neligh Pb. TII 7 (060 — 7 4850 20tfc I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 50tf FOR SALE—Certified Cheyenne wheat seed. Also IHC power washing separator in excellent condition.—Henry Stelling and Son, Orchard, Nebr. 21tfc FARM LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf ATTENTION FARMERS—Wiscon sin dairy bred heifer calves for sale; also Wisconsin springer heifers. Direct from my farm to your farm. Write; Carl Brandau, Tomah, Wise. 23-26c ~ MOBILE HOMES NEW & USED Large Discount on ALL New Units on Lot. Some nice used 10 wides coming in. Stop and see us Today. We Trade — Finance — Deliver MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion. Nebr. Phone EX 5-2170 23tfc FOR SALE—Heavy duty under slung with or without beds; also sled tires with liberal guarantee, reasonably priced.—Gerald O Conner, Phone 2194, Atkinson. 21-24p Reai Estate for Sale FOR SALE—160 acres hay land. NWV4 Sec. 22-29-10.—Mrs. Mark Howard. Phone 347, O'Neill. ^ LAND FOR SALE—400 acres of land, 320 in pasture and 80 acres broke. Located 1 mile south and 2^2 east of old Opportunity Store. Known as the Clarence Benash place. For information see Ed Campbell. First National Bank, O’Neill. 24-25p vf AKK PATTON’S BEN Franklin] store your randy and nuts head i quarters. Always fresh 27 tfc , CITY LOANS. See R H. Parker.' 50tf — — REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home. Ideal Location 3 bedroom tome Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN K» jU Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _38tf_ FINE LARGE HOME On 125 East Clay St. New Gas Furnace and Garage Good Income Property, Priced right and terms. Phone 324-R or see Herman J. Janzing WANTED WANTED—Old guns. Cash paid or | will trade for all muzzle loading rifles and shotguns, old model j Winchester rifles and Colt re volvers.—John Sojka, Page, Ne braska, Phone 3599. 21tfc HELP WANTED- Men or women. $1,000.00 actual made up sam-! l_at. a.__ a. t~s ___nr aa ! J/IAO. 1117 1IIV VOUIU.m. uaill fUbi/'UV a week and more. Call on our customers in your area. Quality clothing for entire family. No j experience necessary. Part or full time.—Northwestern Woolen 1 Company. 103 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. 24c INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINT ING. (Can give good references). William Hubby, O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 394-W. 23-27p WANTED Milo and com fo com bine. Fred Frerichs, O’Neill,1 PlK>ne 840 Jl. 23-24p WANTED Rye for feed. Must be free of vetch. Will pay over i market price and haul.—New Deal Oil Co., West O’Neill. 23-24c Quality Hereford feeder cattle wanted for SELECT HERE FORD SALE, October 19—See Kieth Abart, Holt County Here ford Ass’n. or O’Neill Livestock Co. 21tfc WANTED—5,000 tons of good prairie hay.—Fred J. Jungman, and Son, Atkinson. 2i-28c LARGE SELECTION of used furni ture. Cal’s Furniture, Tilden on Highway 275. 35tfc Wo.'ci&D: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf I MAKE Mommy payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf WANTED—Waitress and kitchen help.—aegerwooa i^aie, w ixeiu 15tfc WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O'Neill 3 blks. W. & 3tfe blks. N. stoplight. WORK WANTED—Custom baling —square bales and twine tie.—Ben Sanders, 14 miles N. E. O'Neill, Phone 5F22, O'Neill. 9tf Thinking of a Building? Behlen Franchise, Sales and Erection UDEY CONST. CO. Gene J. Udey, Ph. TU 7-4869 NBUGH, NEBRASKA 14tfc ■ ■■ ■ ■ i ■ ——1 ■■ WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf L. GUTHMJLLER Halt Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. ___9tf "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23 tf — j I FOR RENT FOR RENT Small twobedroom, house, near everything. Excel lent for older couple or small family. $40 per month Phone i 179. 23tfc.; LOST & FOUND IjOST White faced yearling steer. | Rafter V upside down with B; directly under V-Bar at side on left hip. Notify Lawrence John son, O'Neill. 2J-24c MISCELLANEOUS CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dairy and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470, Duane Gray, O'Neill. 41tfc MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Launten, Mgr. _38tf_ A Slim KN MONUMENT CO. I*. O. Box 6, Tilden, Ntibr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect. FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASIim KN, Prop. 21p AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL BY — MAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL 5 WEEKS — $1 You’ll get Sylvia Porter. Blondie, Orphan Annie, Believe It Or Not, Grin and Bear It, Let’s Explore Your Mind, Steve Canyon, Em my Lou, David Lawrence, Jo seph Alsop, Associated Press, United Press International, Wire Photos, Weather Reports, Mar kets. Radio Programs, Dr. Al varez, Nancy, Sports, Raymond Moley, Norman Vincent Peale, Roscoe Drummond, Robert S. Allen, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats, Tarzan, Jane Arden, Mopsy, Points for Parents, Life’s Like That, Davey Jones, Cross word Puzzles, There Oughta Be A Law, Ann Landers. THE LINCOLN JOURNAL “Prints Today’s News Today’’ in new bigger easy to read type. Parade Magazine Supplement is part of the Sunday issue. By-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas — Outside of Lancaster County — 5 weeks $1.00 daily', 7% weeks Daily and aunaay »z.uu, a year *;j.w uaiiy, with Sunday $13.00 Order direct or through our of fice. ■"'* 24c !tt Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! CARDS OF THANKS THANK YOU EVERYONE who remembered us with calls in pier son and with greetings cards and gifts on our 61st anniversary', September 30. Your thoughtfulness help>ed to make it a happy oc casion. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klinger So. 1st Street, O’Neill. 24c _ WE WISH TO THANK all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral offerings, memorials, expressions of sym pathy and all other acts of kind ness shown us at the time of the loss of our father and grandfather, Fred L. Perry. A spjecial thanks to the ladies of the O'Neill Metho dist church for serving the lunch. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. Also we wish to thank the Sisters and nurses at St. Anthony’s for their kindness and good care dur ing his stay in the hospital. We also wish to thank Dr. Carstens for his medical help and his kindness. A special thanks to Rev. Kennicott for his visits to him and for help> ing lay our loved one to rest. Sir. and Mrs. Dean Perry Mr. and Mrs. Les Perry Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calkins and their families. 24p WE WISH TO EXPRESS our thanks and appreciation during the illness and death of our loved one and for the cards, letters and flowers received. Spjecial thanks to the doctors and nurses for their care while hospitalized and at the Stuart rest home. The dinner j served by the Christian Mothers! a- St. Dominic's hall following the services was much appreciated j also the food brought to our ] homes. Mrs. George Latzel sr and family. 24c WE WISH TO THANK all our friends, neighbors, and relatives for tiie beautiful floral offerings, memorials, cards and other acts of kindness shown during our re-! cent Iiereavement. It was all truly appreciated. The family of J. S. Hoffman 24pj A THANK YOU to all for the floral tributes, food, for those who helped with dinner and words of comfort j following the loss of our father and grandfather. Walter Jacox. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Leidy and family Mr and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family Mr and Mrs. Donald Jacox and family Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Jacox and family Nieces and nephews. 24p I--Legal Notices-j (First pub. Sept. 21, 1961) Harold Rice, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF CO-ADMINISTRATOR WITH WILL ANNEXED Estate No. 4343 of Anna M. VanZandt, in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To all persons interested in said estate, take notice that a Petition has been filed for the appointment of Ralph Tomjack as Co-Admini strator, with Will annexed, of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on the 11th day of October, 1961, at 10:00 AM. Dated tnis linn day oi Septem ber, 1961. (COUNTY Frank Cronk Court County SEAL) Judge 22-24c (First pub. October 5, 1961 > Henry F. Reimer, Attorney Case No. 449H NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT (Testate estate) COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF R. M. PEASE, ALSO KNOWN AS ROBERT PEASE, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for a final settlement herein, for an order barring claims upon the running of the two year statute of li mintation, and for distribution of the estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on October 25, 1961 at 1:00 o’ clock, p.m. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 24-26 (First pub. Sept. 21, 1961) Griffin & Mounts, Attorneys No. 4501 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, Estate of Ralph L. Bauman, Deceased. State of Nebraska, to all Con _1 . k Notice is hereby given that Elvaetta Bauman has fieled a petition, alleging that said de ceased died on the 23rd day of February, 1947, seized and pos sessed of the real estate de scribed as: Lot 26, in Block J of McCaf ferty’s Second Addition to the Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, and A tract of land described as commencing at a point on the East line of Section 30, in Town ship 29 North, Range II, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Ne braska 242% feet South of the Northeast comer of the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 30, run ning thence West 264 feet, thence, South 170 feet, thence East 1661 feet, thence North 130 feet, thence East 98 feet, thence North 40 feet to the point of beginning, otherwise known as Nondescript No. 26. being a part of the South east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 30 above described, in which Petitioner has derived an interest by inheritance from the deceased, praying for deter mination of the time of the death, the heirs, degree of kinship and ; right of descent of real property of the Deceased, and that he died intestate, which petition will be for hearing in the County Court on the 11th day of October, 1961, at ten o'clock A.M. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 22-24c ‘First pub. October 5. 1961) (John R. Gallagher, Attorney) NOTICE OF SOT THE CITY OF O'NEILL. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION PLAINTIFF. VS ANNA BOWERS. ET AL. DEFENDANTS To: Anna Bowers and-Bowers, her husband, real true name un known; Carl Svenson. a single man; Eldon Peterson and Peterson, his wife real true name unknown: Marcellus Schaaf and-Schaaf, his wife, real true name unknown; Regi nald B. Pinkerman and Janet A. Pinkerman. husband and wife; William J. FToelich and-Froe lich, his wife, real true name un known; Harry E. Ressel and; Clara M. Ressel. husband j and wife; Eldwin D. Hallock and Lorramr M Haikx-k hus band and wife, Luella A Parker ami James C. Par ker, wife ami husband; Richarc F. Strube ami Ellen Strube. hus band and wife; Harry O. Lans worth and Marie l^answorth. hus band ami wife, William W. Me Intosh and- - McIntosh, his wife real true name unknown: Rich ard L. Hovey and Marjorie Ann Hovey, husband and wife; Mayn ard G. Morrow and Virginia A Morrow, husband and wife; Frank A. Murray and Feme I Murray, husband and wife; Juliana Kamphaus, a widow; William T. Murray and Yvonne Murray, husband and wife; Char les V Cole ami -Cole, his wife, real true name unknown; Don McClellan and Fern McClellan, husband and wife; Gordon D. Johnson and-Johnson, his wife, real true name unknown; Audrey McConnell, a widow; Glenn L. Brewster and Muriel L Brewster, husband and wife; Consumers Public Power Dis trict, a Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska; Niobrara Valley Electric Membership Cor poration, a Corporation; Henry Krier, a single man; Bernard Al len and —Allen, his wife, real true name unknown; L. A Ott and-Ott, his wife, real true name unknown; Robert E. Lar son and Charlotte Larson, hus band and wife; Lorenzo A Ott and— Ott, his wife, real true name unknown; Donald J. Van dersnick and Marie Vandersnick husband and wife; William Dur ven Kipple and Be tty I»u Kipple husband and wife; Marvin J Ziska and Blanche Ziska, hus band and wrife; Weston 1>. Whit wer and Marian L. Whltwer, hus band and wife; Bernard V. Allen and Arlene Allen, husband and wife; Edward J. Boyle and TT» 1 „ LL . . .: t _ I a __ iv. , itto i vui u uv iiumv unknown; Otto W. Sprague and Barbara M. Sprague, husband and wife; Fred R. Hunt and Hunt, his wife, real true name unknown; Harry R. Smith and -Smith, his wife, real true name unknown; the Heirs, de visees, and peronal representa tives of Anna Bowers, deceased; and all persons having or claim ing any interest in a tract of land described as A tract ol land lying wholly within the South one-half of Section 19, Township 29, North, Range 11, West of the 6th Principal Meri dian, Holt County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the South Quarter comer of said Sec tion 19; thence 589 degrees 54’ West along the South line of said Section 19 a distance of 1531.69 feet to a point which is the inter section of said South section line and the center line of Archer Street extended; thence N 00 de gree 36’ West a distance of 2643.14 feet to a point on the East and West quarter section line; thence N 89 degrees 50' E along the East and West Quarter Sec tion line a distance of 1761.19 feet to a point; thence 500 degrees 36’ East a distance of 2645.21 feet to a point on the South Section line: thence 589 degrees 55’ West along the South line of said Sec tion 19 a distance of 229.50 feet to the point of beginning and con taining 106.79 acres more or less; and a Tract of land lying wholly within the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 29 North. Range 12, West of the 6th Princi pal Meridian, Holt County, Ne braska, and more particularly de scnueu as iuuows : Beginning ai a point on the East and West Quarter Section line, said point being 700.03 feet West of the East Quarter comer of said Section 25; thence due west (assumed > along the East and West quarter section line a distance of 350.0C feet to a point ; thence 500 de grees 00' 30” East a distance of 409.15 feet to a point on the North R.O.W. Line of Everett Street; thence North 89 degrees 59’ 30” along the said North R.OAV. line of Everett Street a distance of 350 00 feet to a point, said point being the intersection of the North R.O.W. Line of Everett Street and the West R.OAV. line of Cleveland Street; thence North 00 degree 01’ 00” West along the West R.OAV. line of Cleveland street a distance of 409.15 feet to the point of beginning and con taining 3329 acres more or less, real names unknown. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 27 day of September. 1961, The City of O' Neill. A Municipal Corporation, as Plan tiff, filed its petition and commenced an action in the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Ne braska, against you and each of you the object and prayer of said petition is for annexation of con tiguous territory of which you are a record title owner of a par cel or parcels of land situated; within said territory or territories above described. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 13 day of Nevember. 1961. THE CITY OF O’NEILL. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION By John R. Gallagher Its Attorney 24-27c Proceedings of The City Council September 5, 1961 Council me; at regular session. Present Mayor Schaffer, Coun cilmen, Gleeson, Hiatt, Janousek. McIntosh, Reynoldson, and Heer mann. Absent Carroll and Moore. Meeting was called to order by the mayor. Motion by Gleeson, seconded by Heermann. that the minutes of the previous meetings be approv ed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Glteson. seconded by Reynoldson, that the following bills be allowed and paid; on the genera] fund: John R Gallagher 75 00 Pinkermaa T V. 9 80 Kansas Nebr Nai. Gas Co. 27 65 ; Coast to Coast Store 990 Robertstjn Motor Co. 15.96 Force Tire & Supply 19 66 O’Neill Fire Dept 64 U0 Anderson Fir. Equipment 50.50 O'Neill Auto Supply 22 89 The Texas Company 27 24 K. C Hunt 293 88 Shelhamer Equipment Co. 128.06 Presto X Company 28 tkl Spelts Ray Lbr. Co. 10 08 Graham's ‘'66” Service 155.23 Coneumers Public Power 564 07 Milford H. Coats 6708 J. M McDonald Co. 196 R E A. Office 7.72 .Association Insurance Co. 76.38 Western Hotel 4 00 Clements Outdoor Adv. 35 00 Earley Oil Company 10.80 American Gear Company 18 39 Motor Parts Inc. . 3 32 D. A. Kersenbrock 25 38 Harry R Smith Imple ments 1890 Western Auto Store 6 68 Filler Sand & Gravel 7.50 N W Bell Telephone Com pany 13 70 Contingent Fund 38.36 The O'Neill Frontier 61.43 John S Havelka 171.92 on the Special Sewer Fund, Michael Todd & Company 97.20 on the Water Fund; N. W. Bell Telephone Co. 42 00 O’Neill Transfer 52.20 Contingent Fund 38 37 Capitol Supply Co. 870.63 The O'Neill Frontier 107.96 James Davidson & Sons 21.69 Badger Meter Mfg. Co. 169 01 Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. 10.08 i Rockwell Mfg Company 128.22 Graham’s “66” Service 15.00 Neptune Meter Company 2.5H Consumers Public Power Dist. 58593 the vote on the above motion was as follows. Aye Gleeson, Hiatt, Janousek, McIntosh, Reynoldson, and Heermann. Nay none. Mo tion carried. Motion by Gleeson, seconded by Janousek, that Marcellus Schaaf, be • given a raise of $25.00 per month. Motion earned. Motion by Reynoldson, seconded by Gleeson, that the following bidding permits be granted. Carl Schenzel for a permit to build a garage 22 x 16 feet, located at 117 East Clay Street. Gerald J Schmaderer for a new house on lots 7 & 8 in Block “1” Fahy’s Addition. House to be of frame construction 26 x 50 feet full base ment. Dr. Rex W. Wilson for a Clinic located at the Comer of Second and Adams Streets. Said Clinic to be of brick and frame construction. The vote on the above building permits was as follows. Aye Heermann, Reynold son, McIntosh, Janousek, Hiatt and Gleeson. Nay none. Motion carried. Motion by Janousek. seconded by Hiatt, that the Council adjourn. Motion carried. D. C. Schaffer MAYOR ATTEST O. D. French CITY CLERK Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Thursday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Caskey, Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser were September 28 visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brookhouser and Jeffrey, Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter were Wednesday visitors at the Ora Caskey home. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Caskey, Omaha spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch were Tuesday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Visitors at the home of Mr. ard Mrs. Archie Moser and Ar dith Monday afternoon were Mrs Joe Jacot sr and son, Teddy, and Mrs. Dale Smith, Verdigre and Mrs. Harry Caskey. Merle Metties cut silage at the Art Von Seggern farm Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boelter and granddaughter spent Mon day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey. Bus Schedule Leave Sioux City LL30 a m Arrive O'Neill 3:30 p.m Ijeave O'Neill 3:45 p.m j Arrive Sioux City 7:15 pm : Leave O'Neill 9:30 a.m ; Arrive Omaha 3:50 p m | Return Leave Omaha 8:30 a.m Leave Norfolk 12:3o p.m Arrive O'Neill 3:00 p m Leave 0 NeiL 4:00 p.m . Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m j Leave Valentine 9:10 a.m Arrive O N<*iH 12:15 p.m Leave O'Neill 12:25 p-m j Arrive Grand Island 4:05 p.m j Leave Grand Island 4:05 p.m Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m 1 | Return Leave Omaha 7:45a.rr Arrive Grand Island 11:20 am Leave Grand Island 12:30 p.m * Arrive O’Neill 4:00 pm. ; ; Leave O'Neil] 4:15 p.m Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m Leave Winner 6:90 a.m i Arrive O Nell! 9:00 a.m i Monowi News By Mr*. Mike Piklapp Micro I • t&» Sunday evening callers at the Herman Heiser home were Mr ami Mrs. Leo Jorgensen, Verde) Mr. and Mrs Frank Heiser, Mr and Mrs. Sui SiringfeUow and Mr. and Mrs Glen Condon, Oak land. Calif. Mrs. John Strok is caring for her grandchildren this week as Mrs. Burnell Wells is in the bo» yiud with a new son. Mr and Mrs S*u St ring fellow were in Niobrara Monday morn ing Herman Heiser and Glenn Con don were callers at the Piklapp home Sunday morning Mrs. Cathy Hrbek and Alan and Mrs. Rudy Eller and Jack were in Niobrara Thursday. Anna Wells was a weekend guest of Sharon Eru Mrs. Lots Geiuser, Keith and Carole Sue w< t* Verdigre visitors last week. Several from this community attended the Miller-Marshall wed ding in Verdel Saturday night The pjpils from District No. 79 participated in the homecoming parade in Lynch Friday. Mr and Mrs. Charles Kolar and daughter of Norfolk sjient the weekend here with relatives. Word has b«*en received hei-e that Fred Svatos has been trans ferred from the Veterans hos pital at Grand island to the one at Lincoln Mr and Mrs. Robert Zacli ami family were Sunday evening supper guests of the Eilers and Stringfellows. Mrs. Ray McGeorge helped at the Glen Rihanek home one day last week. _ Sick and Injured AMELIA — The latest report we have on our sick pe<»ple in the j community is Mr. Sageser still in the- Atkinson Hospital ami not much improved. . .Mrs. Orland Fryrear is home and improved — did not teach this week, but ex Iiects to be back next week and little Todd Clemens came home from Omaha hospital Saturday and is fine. CHAMBERS — Mrs. Herman Holcomb entered St. Anthony’s hospital Thursday where she is being treated for a back ailment. . Mrs. E. H. Medcalf entered St. Anthony’s hospital Wednesday for x-rays. She returned home Fri day. . .Mrs. Vem Wilkinson is re covering from a fall at her home about two weeks ago. She was confined to her bed for several days but is now able to be about though she still feels the effect of her injuries. . .Mrs. William Ritterbush was a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital from Monday to Wednesday of last week. 1 ST. ANTHONY’S PETERSON — Mr. and Mrs. Merle Peterson of Chambers, son, Michael Joe, 7 pounds 14 ounces Sept. 28. BERIGAN — Mr. and Mrs Ro bert Berigan of O'Neill, daughter, Elizabeth Ann, 8 pounds 6 oun ces, Oct. 2. ATKINSON MEMORIAL RUTHER — Mr. and Mrs. Mu rel E. Ruther of Bassett, daugh ter, Shirle Margene. 8 pounds 6 ' ounces, Oct. 1. DEAN — Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Dean of Stuart, daughter, Rosemarie Denise, 7 pounds 8 ounces, Oct. 2. KLINGER — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klinger of Atkinson, daughter, Marjorie Ann, 8 poun Is ■ * ounces. Sej* 2K Mr and Mrs. Mark Hendrick* and Mr and Mra Harold KLnger of Atkinson ara the grandparent* The coupW has a ton. Terry Nolan. ■AtHKD HEART CLINE - Mr. anil Mrm James Cline of Niobrara, son. Les Lee. 7 pounds 7 .since*. Sept M STEWART - Mr and Mrs 1* hi is Stewart of Lynch, son, law is Rae. (I pounds 15 mince*. Sept n. KLNEWHMO LIN ERA UGH Mr and Mrs Gary Lmebmtgh of Ijra.-ln, daughter. Jamtlle Joan, 8 pminda 4 ounces, Oct 2 Mr and Mm James Dunlin are the maternal grandparents Mrs Ltncbo tgh Is the former Mary Joan DrntUn of O’Neil! M< ELVAIN - Mr and Mrs William I> McElvnln of Seattle, Waah., a»»n, Mark William, 6 I*wnds 12 ounces Mr and Mrs. Ralph McElvsm <1 O'Neill and Mr and Mrs. James Coventry of Inman are the grandparent* Tlie couple ha* another son, Gregory Scott, age 2. WERNER - Mr and Mrs Dan nis Werner id Omaha, daughter. 6 pound* 11 ounces, Oct 2 The paternal grnml|>arcnu are Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Werner of Chambers. KENNEDY Mr and Mm. mu* Kennedy Norfolk, duugh ter, Sept 2fi. Mr. and Mr*. Her me Kennedy of Amelin are the grandparents. MYKltS — Itev and Mrs. Lynn Myers of Covington, Oklu., daugh ter, Sept 2fl Mrs Myers is the former Elnrne Fisher, daughter <if Mr. ami Mrs Paul Fisher of Am ell*. The cou[>le has a mm, Tim my. FOCKEN - Mr. urn! Mrs. Paul Focken ..t Norfolk, daughter, Na lalle Jean, 7 pound* 4 ounce*, Sept 25. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken of Atkinson are the pa ternal grandparents DIVIS — 8/Sgt and Mr*. Don Divis <*f Enkenbuch, Germany, son, Frank, fi pounds 3 ounces, Sept, 7. Mr. ami Mrs. J<jt Divis <*f Verdigrc are the paternal grand parent*. FANTA — Mr ami Mrs Will iam Fanta of Wtnnetoon, daugh ter, Monica Marlene, « pound* H ounces, Sept. 17. The grandpar ent* nre Mr and Mr*. John Fan ta of Danr.ebrog and Mr and Mr*. John G. Wilmer of Creigh ton. SCHLOTE Mt ami Mrs 1 «• land Schlote of Creighton, son, » pound*, Sept 2D. This is the oiuple’s first child. Mrs. Schlote is the former Jeannette Bowers, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Clar ence Bowers of Norfolk 8UTCUP - Mr and Mr*. Ray m<md Sakup of Verdigre, duugh ter, 7 poumls 12 ounce*, Sept. 30. CONWAY - Rev and Mr*. J. Conway of Ni-wl/m, Kan* , daugh ter, Becky Kay, 8 poumls. Sept 27. They now have three daugh ters. Mr. and Mr*. Carl Chris ten, formerly of Ewing, are the fraternal grandparent* and this makes them have six grand daughters and makes 20 great grandchildren for Mr, and Mr*, Albert Larson of Ewing STELLING — Mr and Mr*. Kenneth Stelllng of Orchard, son, Daniel Ray, 5 pound* I4ii oun ces, Sept 25, Plairrvii w hospital. MCLAUGHLIN - Mr and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin of Naper, son, Sept 22, Burke, S. D. hospital. KRAMER — Mr and Mr*. Paul Kramer of Platte, 8. D., daughter, Sept. 23 Mr. and Mr* Pete Kramer of Naper are the paternal grandparent*. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE phone 71* O'Netfl, Netor. i Subscribe Now! ! < > Subscription Blank & J THE FRONTIER | | 114 No. 4th O NulD, N-hraoh* | | Please enter my subscription to The Frontier for one year, to g be delivered by mail. I enclose: $2.50 <in Nebraska), $34)0 'out- * side Nebraska). f ! : m Name . . " ► * A idress . p