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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1961)
Miss Elizabeth Fritton gradu ated from Colorado Institute for Medical Assistants February 24 at 10 a.m. She has been at tending school since last June. Miss Fritton has returned home for a weeks’ vacation and fol lowing this will continue to study in Scottshluff. Engagements •.. . mu i m nil iin mi Bn—thiiiBi~ irmriniiiirTr"T STUART — Mr. and Mrs. De wain Ulrich announce the en gagement of their daughter, D. Maureen, to Michael C. Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Murphy of Stuart. Miss Ulrich is employed at the Bell Tele phone office at Omaha. Mr. Murphy is a junior at Wayne State Teachers college. An August 12 wedding is planned. ———m——miinim i' mi i CLEARWATER — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snider announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Sharon, to Lyle Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson of Ewing. Miss Snider has just com pleted a course at the Reece and Sybil Beauty school in Lincoln. Mr. Larson is in his second year at Norfolk Junior college in Norfolk. No date has been set for the wedding. ATKINSON — Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso announce the en gagement of their daughter, Lo dema, to Norman E. Hodge of Denver, Colo. Miss Wefso is a graduate of the Atkinson high school in 1953 and a graduate of Colorado W'o mans college in Denver where she was affiliated with Delta Tau Kappa. For the past six years she has been employed by the University of Colorado Medical center in Denver. Mr. Hodge received his educa tion at Phoenix, Ariz. He was a graduate of architectural engi neering at Arizona State univer sity at Temple, Ariz. He was affiliated with the Sigma Nu fraternity and is a licensed architect in the State of Colorado where he is affiliated with the American Registered Architects. He is presently employed by the Martin company in Denver. A fall wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. William Perry of O’Neill announce the engage* ment of their daughter, Sandra Jean, to William Dean Craig of the U. S. Navy, son of Mrs. Catherine Craig of O’Neill. No date has been set for the wedding. Martha Miller Weds Larry Ruegge in Yankton Wednesday Miss Martha Miller of Norfolk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hundt, and Larry Ruegge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ruegge, were married February 22 at Yankton, S. D. Miss Elaine Miller and Terry Rjegge. both of O’Neill, attended the couple. They will reside at O’Neill. Mr. Ruegge is employed with his fa ther on the ranch. A group of young people hon ored the newlyweds with a char ivari Saturday evening at the Ruegge ranch. FORMER O’NEILL RESIDENT, E. Lenore Reka, now of Los Angeles, intermediate stenographic secretary, receives a $100 award from her boss. Public Administrator Baldo M. Kristovich, for sug gesting use of an electric letter opener and an electric time stamp as time savers in the Administrator’s office. Miss Reka’s left hand rests on the letter opener. Suhr - Revell Wed At Grand Island Miss Theo Ann Suhr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Suhr of Se ward, and Larry Revell, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Konen of Juanita, were married February 14 at Grand Island. The bridegroom is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Revell of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miles at tended the couple, who are now residing in Hastings. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake drove to Miller, S. D. Sunday and took Mrs. Tom Blake and children home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton and his parents, the Blakes. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Adams of Wayne visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams at Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skalicky and daughter, Carol of Winner, S. D. visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Angus. Mrs. Leo Mullen returned from Dinuba, Calif, on Sunday where she had been called due to the illness of her brother, T. Shaugh nessy. John Obert of Omaha was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallen. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Homer moved Tuesday to Sioux City, la. They resided on north second street here. Mr. and Mrs. John Manfore sr. of Tyndall, S. D. spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler on south first. Mrs. Manfore and Mrs. Klingler are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNich ols and children of Omaha were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heermann. Mr. and Mr. Donald Murphy and family of Sioux City were weekend guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Murphy. The visitors helped Mrs. w /r._1_ _i l_ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and Charles Shaw were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clauson. The occa sion marked the birthday of Charles Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nis sen in Page. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and his mother, Sadie Kaiser, were last Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment sr. at Atkinson. Others there were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Soucek and family of Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. James Dobias and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. L. F., Kliment and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Dobias and family and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deermer and Car la, all of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. William (Bill) Murray attended the Ice Capades in Sioux City on Sunday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser were Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Venteicher and children of Norfolk, Matt Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert and Mrs. Elizabeth Venteicher. Evelyn Stannard was hostess to the Delta Dek and Martez club with dinner at the Town House Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Lo ti aus and Mrs. Edward Gallagher were high winners. Merry Mix club met at the H. L. Lindberg home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Baker left Friday, February 24, for Cas per, Wyo., to spend a few days with his mother and other rela tives. Housewarming Held A group of friends gathered at wii^ new x troxvat/xivc: kji xvxxo. Barge and daughter June, Feb ruary 22 to honor them with a housewarming party. Mrs. Burge and June moved to a house at 705 E. Fremont February 22 from the ranch home south of O’Neill. The party was given by former neighbors and also friends of the ranch area. Twelve adults and four children were present and each brought the honored guests cards and handkerchiefs. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. James Murphy returned Friday from Omaha where she had been assisting in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, A 1/c and Mrs. Barney Poss. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burge and Mrs. Lula Quig were Sunday din ner guests at the home of Mrs. Bessie Burge. Monday afternoon Mrs. Joe Ziska visited in the Burge home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka were Columbus visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William McIn tosh and family spent the week end in Omaha where they at tended the wedding of a cousin, Robert Spomer, and Sharon Fri zell Saturday evening. The vis itors attended the sports show in Omaha Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Liddy Honored Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis enter tained at a “coffee” at her home Thursday afternoon in honor cf Mrs. Tom Liddy, who is moving to Columbus with her family. Present for the affair were wives of Consumers personnel. The hos tess presented Mrs. Liddy with a farewell gift. Jeudi Club Meets Members of the Jeudi club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. L. R. Sutcliffe. In the playing of cards, prizes were won by Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs. Allan Jaszkowiak. Miss LaVeta Lehn attended as a guest. Honor Mr. and Mrs. G. Pongratz on Wedding Anniversary Sunday oia u 111 j u i v. 11 diiu eigmeen oi the twenty-three grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz gathered at the Pongratz home Sunday to help them celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. The family members accom panied the honored couple to the Church of the Epiphany at Emmet for mass in the morn ing. All of the Pongratz chil dren were married in that church. The parents were mar ried in St. Boniface church at Stuart February 26, 1906. Following the services the group met at the Pongratz home for a 1 o’clock dinner. An anni versary cake, baked by Mrs. Dan Troshynski of Page and decorat ed by Mrs. Ron Park of Page, centered the table. The couple received many con gratulatory cards, messages and gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Pongratz are both natives of Germany. They retired to their present home in O’Neill four years ago and both enjoy unusually good health for their 79 and 77 years of age. Mrs. Pongratz busies herself (and her husband) with a garden and strawberry patch in season. She has a fancy work hobby and has pieced and quilted many quilts for members of her fam ily. At present she keeps a cro chet hook handy in an effort to keep fancy handkerchiefs ready to enclose in her “get well’’ cards. Five years ago they celebrat ed their golden wedding anni versary with an open house ob servance and with a complete family reunion. Present for Sunday’s celebra tion were Mr. and Mrs. Troshyn ski of Page; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz of Emmet; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pongratz and Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Givens and Carmen and Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens and family, all of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and Dick of O’Neill; Joan Thomp son of Wayne and the Rev. Rob ert Duffy of O’Neill. Charlene and Bemalda, children of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz, were hospitalized at O’Neill because of measles and were unable to be present. Burges Are Honored Approximately 25 friends and relatives gathered at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burge to honor them with a char ivari Monday evening. The call ers came from south of Amelia and they provided refreshments for the affair. Mrs. Hill Entertains Members of the Meet Thy Neighbor club met at the home of Mrs. Bob Hill February 22. Eleven members answered roll call by revealing the identities of “secret pals’’. Mrs. Leo Schnei der, was elected president of the club and other new officers are: Mrs. Charles Mahony, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Charles Boyle, historian, and Mrs. Matt Beha, reporter. By-laws were pre sented and new “secret pals’’ were selected. The next meeting will be March 22 with Theresa Walsh. Mrs. Glenn Kennicott attended a Study Course on Missions Fri day, at the home of Mrs. Robert Fox of Atkinson. Mrs. Clara Aim and Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Rosenkrans were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dimmitt. Mrs. F. W. Hendrick returned to her home Monday after a two month visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Deao of Richmond, Vir. On her way home, she visited with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hendrick, in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge went to the Ice Capades in Sioux City Saturday. They took with them their daughter, Miss Karen Bridge of Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Art Bridge of Orchard. John Gibson and William Man gester, studen ministers from Nebraska Christian College at Norfolk, called at the Howard Manson home Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. A W Aim and JoAnne, of Lynch were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maw. Mrs. W. H. Riley and daughter. Nancy, of Omaha left Wednesday after a weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. J. Birmingham. Mrs. Carl Waugh of Sioux City spent Sunday here with Dr. and Mrs. George Carstens and fam ily to help celebrate her grand son Georgie’s third birthday. Mrs. H. J. Birmingham is leav ing Wednesday on a three-month trip to Europe. Accompanying her will be her daughters the Misses Lou and Barbara, of Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hagedorn and Mark, of Spirit Lake, la. were guests from Saturday to Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roelle. The men served to gether while in the Army. Reed Herley accompanied Ver non Lorenz on a business trip to Omaha Sunday, February 26. District meetings for Children’s Workers of the Methodist Church were held in O’Neill and Rand olph Feb. 22. Leaders for the O’ Neill meeting were Mrs. Stanley Ganzel of Bloomfield and Mrs. Aubrey Wentworth of Springview. The meeting was from 10 to 3. O'Neill teachers attending were Mrs. Dale Fetrow and Mrs. Rich ard Clyde. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby were dinner guests at the Donald Nissen home at Page Sunday. Mrs. Lnber Entertains Members of the Golden Rod extension club of O’Neill met at the home of Mrs. Marlin Luber for a recent meeting. Sixteen members attended and two guests were also present. Mrs. Neil Dawes presented the lesson on “Parents and Purse Strings”. Mrs. Dallas Behrens and Mrs. Esty Nelson served refreshments. Star Lite Club Meets Members of the Star Lite club held its February meeting Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. John Beilin. Mrs. Jay McConnell, Mrs. Jerry McGinn and Mrs. Jim Rod man were ‘unable to be present. The lesson, “Parents and Purse Strings,” was presented by Mrs. Frank McKenny. A “white ele phant” sale was held to raise money to donate to the March of Dimes. The next meeting will be March 20 at the home of Mrs. Audry Bowden. Mrs. Larry Strong, reporter. Enters Hospital Fred Heermann was admitted to St. Anthony’s hospital Monday for medical attention. He became ill Saturday evening but was not improving as expected. A doctor was called and he diagnosed his illness as pneumonia. Mrs. Brady Is Hostess Members of the Beginners Bridge club met Wednesday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Lee Brady. After an evening of cards, refreshments were served by the hostess. Ewing Church (Continued Trom page 1.) Black was pastor, a parsonage was purchased and was located one block west of the present par sonage. During the Rev. H. B. Tyler’s first year of service in 1904 the old church and parson age were sold and the church was moved to the west part of town. The new church was biult and dedicated April 8, 1906 free of debt. During the pastorate of th^ Rev. R. E. Lackey, 103 persons were received into the cltnrcfa membership. The parsonage burned In May, 1921 and the present parsonage was pur chased. Among the pastors during the history of the church were the following men: J. A. Heasty, stu •»_i __x_mm 1 aoa . xi_n«.. UCliL , Uiv- 1 VV f . J. B. Porter, 1921-1924; the Rev. R. L. Wilson, 1924-1925; the Rev. W. A. Service, 1926-1930; the Rev. J. B. Story, 1930-1938; Dr. Thomas J. Kong, a Korean, 1938 1939; the Rev. J. D. Gibson, 193P-1943; the Rev. R. A. Esdon, 1944; the Rev. R. H. Wallace, 1944-1947; the Rev. G. D. Vogel, 1947-1949, and the Rev. William J. Bomer, 1952-1955. Dr. and Mrs. Ross came on February 17, 1956. They are re tired missionaries from Paki stan, having served there 36 years. They have three daugh ters. Lucille and Vivian and their husbands are missionaries in Pakistan and India, and Dr.'Mar garet is in Rochester, Minn. An early morning fire November 28, 1958 burned the annex and badly damaged the sanctuary of the church. The annex has been rebuilt and the sanctuary refinished. The Women’s Missionary society was organized in 1892 and the Men’s council organized in 1952. A Forum Group was started for the young married people in 1948 and the United Presbyterian Youth started soon after the church organized and was known as the Young People’s Christian union. The first Junior Missionary society organized in 1904. The first ruling elders were Adam Hohman, Alexander Napier and John Napier. Maud Laurence of Mound Valley, Kan., has been a member the longest, 61 years ago. Sarah Hohman, 86 years of age, is the oldest mem ber. Sick and Injured CHAMBERS — George Porter suffered a stroke Monday, Feb. 20 and was taken to St. Antho ny’s hospital in O’Neill. . .L. V. Cooper returned home Monday, Feb. 20 from St. Anthony’s hos pital where he had been a pa tient for a week with pneumonia. . .Mrs. Thomas Gilder and baby son came home from St. An thony’s hospital Saturday. . -Bill Crawford was admitted to the At kinson Memorial hospital Sunday. . .Mrs. R. K. Platt returned home Sunday from St. Anthony’s hos pital in O’Neill where she had been a patient since falling and breaking her hip some time ago. . .Mrs. Arthur Tangeman return ed home last week from St. An thony’s hospital in O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL SHANE—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane of Atkinson, daughter, Car ol Lynn, 6 pounds 14Vi ounces, February 21. BERKHEIMER—Mr. and Mrs. William Noziska of Atkinson, daughter, Julie Ann, 7 pounds 15 ounces, February 26. NOZISKA—Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Noziska of Atkinson, daugh ter, Julie Ann, 7 pounds 15 oun ces, February 26. SACRED HEART BENTZEN—Mr. abd Mrs. Ray mond Bentzen of Naper, daugh ter, February 27. v ELSEWHERE WEBSTER—Mr. ajad Mrs. War ren Webster of Omaha, son, 7 V* pounds. Mrs. Webster is the former Vicki Hutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton of Inman. »V0&I ,t (/ 1 TWO HUNDRED PERSONS attended the 75 It anniversary of the founding of the Ewing United Presbyterian church Sunday. Dr. William 11. Ross p eslded at the observance. Rev. John Iliirt of O’Neill was guest speaker. MATTISON — Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mattison of Platte, S. D., son, 8 pounds 15 ounces, Febru ary 9. The couple now has 2 sons and a daughter. Mrs. Mat tison is the former Eileen Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Miller of the Venus commun ity. JANZING—Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Janzing of Columbus, daugh ter, Debra Ann, 7 pounds 9 oun ces, February 25. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing of O’Neill are the paternal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of Fullerton are the maternal grandparents. DAVIDSON—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Davidson, of Inman, daugh ter, 6 pounds, February 17. THIELE—Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thiele of Ewing have named their baby son Ronald Joseph. -ENGLER—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engler of Osmond, daughter, February 24, Our Lady of Lourdes hospital .“Norfolk. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Engler and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Johnson, all of Atkinson. TREASE—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Trease of Lincoln, son, 5 pounds 11 ounces, February 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Josh Trease, all of Orchard, are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reed of Orchard are the great-grandparents. MULLER—Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Muller of Winnetoon, daugh ter, 4 pounds 15 ounces, Feb ruary 15, Lundberg Memorial, Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Trease of Orchard are the ma ternal grandparents. PRIMUS—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Primus of Clearwater, daughter, Dorothy Ann, 5 pounds 3 ounces, February 17, Tilden Community hospital. The mother is the for mer Elaine Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Cynthia Taylor. KRUGER-Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Kruger jr. of Clearwater, son, Kenneth Karl, 9 pounds, An telope Memorial hospital, Neligh. THOMPSON—Mr. and Mrs. Hal Thompson of Clearwater, daugh ter, 9 pounds 3 ounces, February 1, Tilden Community hospital. The Thompsons have a son, Michael. HARMON—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Harmon of Lincoln, daugh ter, Christine Kay, 6 pounds 9 dunces, February 25. Mrs. Har mon is the former Patricia Cun ningham. This is the fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham of O’Neill. SLADEK—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sladek, son, 7 pounds 13 ounces, February 24. The couple now has two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sladek of Orchard are the pa ternal grandparents. ENGLER—Mr. and Mrs. Larry Engler of Ralston, son, Gregory Lawrence, 7 pounds 6 ounces, re cently. Hospital Notes ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Feb. 20—H. R. Eg gers of Ainsworth; Mrs. Lola Kenny and Mrs. Feme Living ston, both of Atkinson; Mrs. An na Wedige and Crystal Kelly, both of Stuart. 21—Neal Stewart of Newport; Mrs. Charles Shane, Gerhard Mommesen and Mrs. Joe Albrecht, all of Atkinson; Ma donna Miksch of Stuart and Mrs. Alvin Wedige of Emmet. 22—Mag dalena Muller of Siuart and Mrs. Joe Walnofer of Atkinson. 23 Jess Colson of Stuart; Mrs. Char les Pierson of Atkinson and Mrs. James Donlin of O'Neill. 24—Mrs. Paul Warnke of Butte. 25—Her bert Skala of Stuart; Mrs. Cur tis Hook of Long Pine and Mrs. Charles Boeitcher of Atkinson. 26— Mrs. John Berkheimer of Ainsworth; Mrs. William Noziska of Atkinson; Charles Schaaf and Brenda Sue S'hald, both of Stuart and William Crawford of Cham bers. 27—Mrs. Arthur Givens and Marion Davis, both of Stuart. DISMISSED: Feb. 21 — Mrs. Richard Young and daughter, Mrs. Robert MacLachlan and Ulrich, all of Atkinson; William Wilkensen and Mrs. Lyle Damero, both of O’Neill and Crystal Kelly of Stuart. 22—Ellen O'Donnell of Atkinson; Neal Stewart of New port and Madonna Miksch of Stu art. 23—Serafin Ergler and Mrs. Anna Wedige, both of Stuart and H. R. Eggers of Ainsworth. 24— Magdalena Muller and Jess Col son, both of Stuart; Gerhard Mommesen and Mrs. Charles Pierson, both of Atkinson; Mrs. James Donlin and Mrs. Larry Donlin and daughter, all of O’ Neill. 26—Mrs. Charles Shane and daughter, Mrs. Joe Walnofer, Bea Morgan and Mrs. Ferne Living ston, all of Atkinson and Baby Kenneth Leroy Huston of Emmet. 27— Herb Skala of Stuart; John Shorn of Atkinson and Mrs. Paul Warnke of Butte. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Mrs. Gordon Barta Thomas Courtney sr., Frank Cranford, Berthel Griggs, Dr John Gattery, Mrs. Inger Levi, Baby Paula Weeder and Mrs Raymond Bentzen and Mrs. Will iam Zeisler, both of Naper; Mrs, Emma Fiala, Baby Kevin Fred rickson and John Schommer, all of Spencer; Mrs. Jannettie Nel son of Center; Erick Ohman ol Anoka and Baby Mark William Weidner of Fairfax, S. D. DISMISSALS': Feb. 21 — Mrs. Charles Gates of Niobrara. 22— Mrs. Onie Hood of Butte. 23— Mrs. Chester Kinzie of Anoka; Mrs. Merle Spangler of Lynch; Matthew Schmitz of Naper and Baby Ronald Hansen of O’Neill. 25—Carl Cnewuch of Lynch and James Milacek of Spencer. EXPIRED: Feb. 23— Mrs. Guy Barnes, 77, of Lynch. A Poem From Mrs. Eby .. • —The Preacher's Wife— You may think it quite an easy task and just a pleasant life; But it really takes a lot of grace to be a preacher’s wife. She’s supposed to be a para gon, without a fault in view; A Saint when in the parsonage, as well as in the pew. Her home must be a small hotel for folks that chance to roam, And yet have peace and har mony, the perfect preacher’s home! Whenever groups are called to meet, her presence must be there, And yet the members all agree she should live a life of prayer. Though hearing people’s bur dens, their griefs both night and day, She’s supposed to spread but sunshine to those along the way. She must lend a sympathetic ear to every tale of woe, And then forget about it, lest it to others go. Her children must be models rare of quietness and poise, And still stay on the level with other girls and boys. You may think it quite an easy task and just a pleasant l^fe; But it really takes a lot of grace to be a preacher’s vyife. (Author Unknown) Letters to the Editor Portland, Ore. Dear Editor, Thank you for the reminder of the expiration of my subscription of The Frontier. I enjoy the pa per, especially the editorials of Romaine Saunders. My father, Thomas H. Berry and family lived on a farm north of O’Neill until 1903. In fact he was one of the pioneers of Holt county. He built one of the first houses in Holt county near Pad dock. He later moved to the prai rie. The Post Office was then Blackbird, now is Meek. Some of our old friends are still there. Grandma Hull is my mother’s cousin and I have some dear memories of old friends and good times. Thank you Sincerely fir-iPo Rprrv Rlaklmlk Chambers News By Mrs. E. It. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Gene VanGerpen and daughter of Fremont spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar De Hart. Mrs. Duane Carson drove to St. Paul February 23 to visit Mrs. L. W. Taggart at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lieswald and son of Lincoln spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Farrier and fam ily, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lieswald. Mrs. Henry Lohaus of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Omaha were guests Saturday in the E. R. Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson went to Omaha Tuesday where Mr. Neilson entered the Uni versity hospital for eye sur gery. 115 Garden Qub A club meeting was called to order by the vice president, Billy Tomjack, February 17. Plans were made of the school ground for Mr. Dawes. Mrs. Hoerle brought her camera and took some movie pictures. After the meeting Ronald Hoerle treated the group to refreshments as it was his birthday. News reporter, Jonell Harkins. At The Courthouse Feb. 13. Fred D. Carr of At kinson, operating a motor ve hicle without a drivers license, five days in jail beginning March 15, officer Donald J. Fi ala. Feb. 23, Harold W. Anderson, 21, of Ainsworth, procuring li quor for a minor, fined $70, sec ond count, drinking in a motor vehicle in a public place, $10 and costs, officer Reed Nelson, State liquor inspector. Feb. 23, Ralph Dodge, 19, of Ainsworth, minor in possession of alcoholic beverage, $35 and costs, officer Reed Nelson. Feb. 23, Judy L. Greig, 15, of Stuart, minor in possesion of alcoholic beverage, $25 and, costs, officer Reed Nelson. Feb. 23, Karen Kaplan, 10 of Stuart, minor in possession of alcoholic beverage, $25 and costs, officer Reed Nelson. Feb. 24, Marvin Trowbridge of Custer, S. D., day speeding, $15 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. Feb. 24—Samuel David Price of Corsica, Tex., overweight, $50 and costs, officer Donald Rich ardson. Feb. 24—Roand E. Harvey of Chambers, night speeding, $15 and costs, officer, R. L. Gude. Feb. 24—John R. Fitzpatrick of Columbus, overlength, $10 and costs, officer Clifford Kizzire. Feb. 27—Samuel D. Davidson of Tor ring ton, Wyo., overweight on axle, $50 and costs, officer Clifford Kizzire. Feb. 27—Harry J. Harder of Sioux City, la., no reciprocity, $10 and costs, officer Clifford Kiz zire. Feb. 28—Robert Greenfield, dri ver for Wilford Seger of Stuart, overweignt, $20 and costs, officer Donald Richardson. Feb. 28—Gerald Wettlaufer, dri ver for Dan Snyder of Atkinson, count 1, overgross, $50 and costs, count two, overweight on capa city plates, $10.. Feb. 28, Max Wanser of Ewing, night speeding, $10 and costs, of ficer R. L. Gude. Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks were Tuesday evening supper guests at the Guy Pinkerman home, and later in the evening they enjoyed a card party at the McDonald home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn were Sunday guests at the Ted Crawford home. Gordon Barta accompanied John Weeder to a farm sale near Orchard Wednesday. Mrs. Clay Mashino was an O' Neill visitor Thursday. Beverly Carson spent the week end with her parents, the Ed ward Carsons returning to Lin coln Sunday. Beverly Carson was a caller at the Gordan Barta home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta have installed a new milking machine. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber were visitors at the Osborn home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka were at the Marvin Ruzicka home in Verdigre Saturday. Mrs. Ru zicka took care of her grand children while Marvin had dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka vis ited at the Leonard Ruzicka home Sunday. The Ruzicka’s found their grandchildren recov ering from an eye infection. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Buterfield are living on their farm now af ter having a farm sale near Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham were callers at the Art Hrbek home Sunday. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 Marshall's QUALITY ROSES The best roses in years Top varieties test-grown for our climate. Guaranteed to grow and bloom. Phone 788 or leave your name at The Frontier