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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1961)
Chambers News By Mrs. E. It. Carpenter Mr .and Mrs. John Schipman of Chambers well hold open house Sunday, March 5 in obser vance of their 50th wedding an niversary. This will be held in the basement of the Lutheran church. Mrs. Eroa Tucker went to Nor fok Thursday. She was accom panied as far as Neligh by Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell who spent the day in the Alvin Tmax home. Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell and Mrs. Erna Tucker were Sunday visitors in the Frank Urban home at Ewing. Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Anna Albers were Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pam, Mrs. A. iB. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf. Seventeen members and one visitor were present Thursday af ternoon at the Methodist church for the meeting of the Womans Society of Chrisian Service. A short prayer meeting was held prior to the study. Ibe mission study on “Basic Christian Be liefs” was presented by Mrs. LJoyd Gieed and Mrs. Louis Neil son. The business session was con ducted by the president, Mrs. Gaius Wintermote. The state meeting to be held at Grand Is land March 15-17 was announced. Mrs. LaVern Hoerle reported on a meeting for Sunday School teachers which was held in O’ Neill Wednesday. Attending from Chambers were Mrs. Vern Whit aker, Mrs. E. R. Baker, Kenneth Coolidge and Mrs. LaVern Hoerle. Mrs. E. R. Carpenter read a let ter from the Rev. Commack, northeast district secretary of mission work, telling of an In man pastor, me Kev. rnomas Roughface of Pawnee, Okla., who would be in the district in March. It was decided that the Society would serve the alumni banquet. The president reported that $35.30 was contributed at the World Day of prayer service. Scenic cards of Arizona, sent by Mrs. Hattie Tibbets were giv en each one present. Lunch was served by Mrs. T. E. Alderson and Mrs. LaVern Hoerle. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes. Jim Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth were Sunday dinner guests in the Elmer Coolidge home at Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. August Knigge and son, Larry, of Wessington, S. D. were weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Campbell and family. Mrs. Valo Edwards returned borne Sunday after spending ov er two months with her sons and daughters and their families at Omaha and Ord, Nebr., and Win ner, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Harod D. Yoang and family of Meridan, Ida., were expected to arrive Monday eve ning to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Hoerle and family. "Forward through the ages” was the theme of the World Day of Prayer which was observed at the Methodist church in Cham bers Friday afternoon. The ladies of the Bethany Presbyterian church were in charge of the program and arrangements. Fif ty five persons were present from Bethany, Amelia and Cham bers. Mrs. Irven LaRue and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman led in the wor ship. There was a solo by Mrs. Carl Lambert with Mrs. Harlan Larson, pianist and several hymns by the audience. A film was shown by Mrs. Henry Wood as narrator. Lunch was served by Presbyterian ladies following the service. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brittell and son moved February 16 from the Ralph Garwood place west of Chambers, where they had been employed, to the Her man Cook place about six miles northeast of Chambers. Mrs. James Grimes left Feb ruary 17 for Mount Rose, Colo., to be with her daughter, Mrs. H. Conley and family for a week or ten days. Several members of the family have been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Neilson and sons, David and Niels, visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young and son recently. The Neilsons are from Worland, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarman of Ft. Collins, Colo, visited re cently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman, and his bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarman. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Grossnick laus and family drove to Norfolk February 19 to visit her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry' Hash and family. Several friends and neighbors gathered at the Bob Koci home February 19 to help Bob cele brate his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Klasna of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whidden of Bonesteel, S. D. were recent guests of Mrs. Whidden and Mrs. Ralph Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. John Buhlman and daughter, Marilyn, and William Kiccks drove to Dodge February 19 to attend the 49th wedding an niversary of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Leitten. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarman of Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young and son of Chambers were February 19 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wilkenson were Sunday visitors in the home ot Merman, Anna and Willie Schipman. Neil Dawes advised members of the 115 Garden Club about land scaping, as they plan to land scape the school yard. He dis cussed the kind of soil in order to know what kind of flowers, shrabs and trees to plant. He handed out some books about 4-H Yard Beautification. News Reporter, Jonell Harkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter re turned Saturday from Mapleton, la., where they spent a week with their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Irven Walter and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Jntte received word from their son, Lloyd Jutte, that he had visited his uncle, Charles Brown, in the Lutheran Rest home in Om aha and found him getting along satisfactory. Mr. Brown is for merly of Chambers. Mrs. Earl Schwenk and young son, Andy, went to Granite City, 111., where they will both have medical check-ups following hos pitalization there a few weeks ago. They are expected home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse drove to Ericson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Halsey vis ited relatives in Milford over the weekend. The Prairie Wranglers 4-H club organized recently at the home of Elwyn Robertson. The following members were elected to office: Peggy Gerke, president; Donnie Swanson, vice president; Rose anne Blake, secretary and San dra Whitaker, news reporter. The leader is Elwyn Robertson, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blake are as sistant leaders. Djnch was serv ed by Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Blake. Sandra Whitaker, reporter. There were 35 present at the Methodist church Sunday evening Auction SALE Having rented our land, we are offering all of our personal property at auction at the premises located 2 miles east of At kinson on Highway No. 20, then I Vs miles south, on— MONDAY. MAR. 6 Starting at 1 p.m. An Excellent Line of Machinery and Equipment 1954 Model 50 John Deere tractor with live power 1941 J. D. Model B tractor Ford V-8 track sweep Slide stacker and cage on wheels Massey-Harris No. 60 16-foot windrower, power take-off driven J. D. No. 44 2-bottom 16-in. plow J. D. Van Brant grain drill J. D. 2-row lister with fertilizer attachment Tandem disc and three-section land roller Corn planter Two 10-ft. discs S2-ft. Kelly Ryan Elevator 3 IHC hay rakes, 2 are 12 ft’s., 1 14 ft. 3 Rake hitch Massey-Harris side delivery Swather for mower bar 2 J. D. No. 4 trail mowers 1 No. 5 J. D. power mower 2 Running gears, 1 wooden, 1 steel, with boxes Dearborn cultivator 2-row horse drawn cultivator Buzz saw mandrel and frame Hydraulic wagon hoist Hammerraill Clipper fanning mill 2 Large bog self-feeders Pump jack 11 Individual hog farrowing houses Some used lumber 120 Creosoted posts 3 and 4 inch tops Several rolls of used woven and barb wire 2 Stock tanks, 1 with built-in hog waterer Several barrels Many smaller articles too numerous to mention 11 Stacks of Alfalfa Hay Terms: Cash. Lunch on the grounds John and Mary Schorn, owners Dean Fleming and Elmer McClurg, auctioneers First National Bank, Atkinson, clerk for “Family night”. Mrs. C. V. Robertson was in charge of the program which opened with a hymn. Mrs. E. R. Carpenter led in the church wide study on al cohol. Others participating were Mmes. Robertson, Gaius Winter mote, Raymond Beed, Roy Miller and Lloyd Gleed. A .film “The Choice is Yours” was shown. The group enjoyed lunch and a so cial hour following. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Last Week’s News Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroe der and family were Sunday guests at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ml narik. The World War I veterans, who meet the third Monday of each month at O’Neill, was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker. Sixty-five persons were in at tendance. Sunday guests at the home cf Mrs. Edna Logquest were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge and Martha of Chambers. In the afternoon all went to Neligh to call on Mrs. Lofquest’s daughter, Mrs. Reu ben Meyer, at the Antelope Mem orial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Timmer man, Mr. and Mrs. Ciarence Bro kaw anl R. T. Rassmussen of Plainview were guests Monday at the Irvin Cloyd home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler and Mrs. Florence Butler were O’ Neill visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children spent 9.nday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor at Oakdale. The Happy Hcllow 4-H Club met Saturday evening at the home of Mr. an.l Mrs. Chester Taylor. There were ahaut thir ty in attendance. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser we. e Mr. and Mrs. John Walker ard B a of Norfolk. Max Wanser came home Mon day from St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill where he had been a patient for a few days. The three small children of Bud Bartak are staying with their grandmother, Mrs. Anna Savidge, while their mother is in the An telope Memorial hospital at Ne ligh for severe headaches. Mrs. Marjorie McCamon and daughter were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. An na Savidge. Mr. and Mrs. George Neal of Clearwater spent Monday after noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ruroede. Bethyl Daniels, who is employ ed in O’Neill, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Wilma Daniels and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal sr. stayed Tuesday and Wednesday at their ranch near Inman while Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Steskal took a trip to the Black Hills. Mrs. Kenneth Arehart was a Sunday caller at the John S‘es kal sr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Steskal also visited at the parental home Monday. The. senkr class of the Ew ing high school were en er*ain e 1 at lunch after the basket ball game with Stuart at the Ewing public school gymnasi um Friday evening. All were present with the exception of two members in spite of the snow st -rm which began in the late afternoon hours. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan to k Mr '■ri Mrs Gerrge Jeffe^es to Omaha on Friday where Mr. Jefferies had a checkup by his doctor. George Latzel entered St. An thony's hospital at O’Neill Friday. Mrs. Clarence Latzel and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck went after him Tjesday to bring him home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud visited George Latzel at St. An thony’s hospital at O’Neill Sun day evening. Mrs. Ruth Spangler spent Wed nesday evening at the Alfred Doud home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud stay ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Miller while they made i trip to Omaha the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord anc George Montgomery were Mon day evening guests at the Lione: Gunter home to celebrate Mrs Gunter's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord, De witt Gunter and Mrs. Max Gra ver of New Windsor, 111., went to O’Neill to visit at St. An thony’s hospital. Mrs. Gunter is reported to be showing consider able improvement. Mr. and Mrs. James Good and family have moved to the Edith Black residence north of the Church of Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larsen and Mrs. Ida Kemnitz of Wood, S. D. an\ved in Ewing Monday to spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen. Mrs. Catherine Indra, Holt County extension agent, met representatives of the home ex tension clubs of the Ewing cen ter Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. L. Pruden. She presented the lesson which will be used by the clubs for the month of March. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies had as their dinner guests Sun day evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cuddy and family of O’Neill, Mrs. Lorraine Wright and Mrs. Delbert Carl jr. and Debbie of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert HaUser of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Walnofer of Nejigh were Thursday evening guests at the John Steskal sr. home. Mrs. Hel en Wright and Mrs. Gladys Stes kal and children were dinner guests the same evening at the Steskal sr. home. Servicemen's News O’NEILL—Army S/FC Orville W. Banks, 27, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks of O'Neill re cently participated with other personnel from the 4th Armored Division in Exercise Winter Shield II at the Grafcnwohr-HohcnlelK training area in Germany. A tank commander in Company B of the division’s 66th Armor in illesheim, Sergeant Banks en tered the Army in May 1950 and arrived overseas tn July 1960 on this tour of duty. He was last stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. The sergeant attended O'Neil! High School. His wife, Marilyn, is with him in Germany. O’NEILL—Gary W. Holly, ra dioman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Holly of O'Neill is serving with the staff of Commander Seventh Fleet aboard the heavy cruiser USS St. Paul operating out of Yokosuka, Japan Marshall Nurseries Representative DAVE INGALLS Is working in the O'Neill area He can help you with your spring plans “Landscaping with “Better Buih Personality” Trees” Phone 788 or leave your name at The Frontier 44-45 J Here’s the Safeway sale you’ve waited fori Homemakers tell us this is the time of month they like to restock depleted food shelves. So here’s an event especially planned to help you do just that. Come in and stock up with good foods for your family! Gelatins 4 ; 23c 4 jc 29c Graham Cracker s^.r, 29c Tomato Soup ^ 4; 49c Sta-Puf Rinse 42c Peanut Butter Cream or Chunky .. .Jar 5 Marshmallows sskss* ... 29c Cucumber Chipss££s& use 5 9c Detergent ESS £&*.X 5 9c Purina Dog Food.»B«*298 Chunk Tuna 2S?£t ...!SS 35c Chunk Tuna SMS'S. 49c Margarine £££*"..2 ££ 56c Waxed Paper SSSiSWSS 23c Ad Detergent «Saktn!^kr 37c Spic & Span bmseheMdkMUMr ...Pkg. 3lc Dab-0 Cleanser 2S£.*«r2 *££ 33c Slender-Way Bread l££ 19c Banish Cnpc^rs^).££ 90c lee Milk 32^^ ....&£ 49c English Walnuts ShenS^TCeBePkr 43c Karo Syrup R5£&i?TL.(S& 24c Cake Mix ^“SrJSL®’ % 55c Angel Food Cake Mixes 55c Betty Crocker — Lemon CueUrd, Confetti, Orange-Pineapple, Pudge Swtrt ——l_ It Choose any assortment... I Mixed Fruit I Whole Apricots I Peaches I 4^100 M Sundown Whole Unpeeled Apricots or S Irregular Halves and Pieces of Freestone Furhea ■ or Archway Mixed Fruit Take your pick... Pink Salmon or Chunk Tuna 3 Cans $100 7%-os. Prince Paul Pink Salmon ... 9-ox. Can Clover Leaf Chunk Tuna ... Restock your cupboards at this Safeway low price There’s no place Bid Safeway for Superb, U.S.D. A. Choice Qrade Aged Chuck Roast ■ mam m ^m U.S.D.A. Grade-A, farm-fresh Breakfast Gems LARGE EGGS 2 mun 89* Medium Morning Stars 2 Doz. 79c Instant Coffee ASTi* •?; 69c Pancake Mir Kitchen cr*ft— 3-a. zr. r anVfdKC RIIA delicious Buttermilk flavor. .Bag *fwC Margarine .2 j£ 47* Sleepy Hollow Syrup 55^ ...££ 59c EvaporatedMilkSStrSX*. 2S£3lc | i -- ■■■■ — SWIFT’NfNG AS-purpose. vegetable shortening as. t-A Can OaC 1 : -i LIQUID WISK i Mild to fabrics i*. 1-pt Bottle Ml I SURF DETERGENT I1H1 brightness »p. l*-c& Package J5C RINSO BLUE G«ts clothes whiter n r _ 22-os. Package LUX LIQUID Better for dishes eo. 12-ox. Bottle JVC I ___ _ _ | CONDENSED ALL Tw automatic washers ns. 48-0i Package OOC BREEZE DETERGENT Perfect for dishes *»• 15-os. Fidugi 05C DEODORANT "■Sires 7?t 7-BONE or JM gig BLADE CUT 43 lb. Bound Bone or Boneless Chuck Boast... .Lb. 69c Safeway’s "close-trim” method on every cut removes excess waste and fat... so you get more meat to serve for your food dollars! Primal (Wholesale) cut of beef to stock your freezerl WHOLE RIBS.Lb. 73c Cut and wrapped at no additional cost. U.S.D.A. Choice Grade, Aged Beef — Approximate weight 18 pound*. Include*: Standing Rib Roasts, Rib Steaks, Short Rib*. Chuck Steak Gr!dDcAAg?d°B«f 59c Ground Beef for freshness 49c SpararibsSSVS^&r.i* 39c % TO LOOT QVAXmm Frankfurters Tower Brand—skinless .. Bag 89c Whiting headed and dressed .... ...Box 79c Fish CakesS^CT^te^eTT.1!kJ 39c Choose any variety or mix any assortment! APPLES 7ib* 93* Red Delicious, Winesap or Rome Beauty Golden Book Picture Atlas of the World Book No. 5 on Africa. now on sale for only 99c Get that appliance you've dreamed about with Gold Bond Stamps Free with your purchases at Safeway Red Potatoes Pontiac Variety*’.PolyBag 89c Cauliflower cellophane wrapper, solid /Head 29c O U" Wm7 IMM, fee. AH price* effective thru Saturday, March 4, in O'Neill, Nebraska