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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1961)
- # Section Two Four Pages "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 80-Number 45 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, March 2, 1961_Seven Cents Atkinson News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith re turned Friday after spending several days visiting relatives and friends in parts of Nebraska and Colorado. At Chappell they visited several days then con tinued on to Ft. Collins, Colo., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and family. They visited Mrs. Smith’s sister at Wray, Colo. Enroute home they called on another sister of Mrs. Smith at Bird City, Kans , Mrs. Nettie Sawyer and son. At Lex ington they visited their son, Carl jr., where he is employed in factory work. Carl jr. accom panied his parents to Grand Is land where they visited his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sladek and Betty of Atkinson were Sunday afternoon and evening visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Julia Sladek of Chambers. Mrs. DeMarus Carlson, Scott and Shoryl of Crofton spent Mon day and Tuesday in Atkinson vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso. Mrs. Ladd Sladek was hostess Tuesday afternoon at a party in her home. Mrs. Lulu Dunn as sisted her. Mr. and Mrs. Lavem Engler and daughter were Sunday din ner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Engler in At kinson. Mrs. Charles Shane and new daughter, Carol Jean, return ed from the hospital Sunday where they will be getting ac quainted with Carol Jean’s brothers and sisters. Denton Colfack of Bristow spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and Dennis. Carl Smith was pleasantly sur prised Sunday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeMunyan and fam ily came in with ice cream and cake to celebrate Carl’s birth day. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson were last Saturday evening din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel in O’Neill. Lester Schmac’.eke of Omaha was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kazda went to Johnstown Sunday morn ing where they met Mrs. Pearl Smith and continued cn to Va lentine to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss Delia Cady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Cady of Valentine to Robert Stetter in a 2 p.m. cere mony. A reception was held at the Catholic Parish hall. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kazda re turned home Monday after be ing Sunday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cady of Va lentine. Mrs. Kazda and Mr. Ca dy are brother and sister. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! PARTY-PRETTY FROCKS FOR YOUNG CHARMERS 198 to J.77 Sizes 3-6x, 7-14 Dresses to win her a bouquet of compliments! For sizes 3-6X... lace-lovely frocks of ace tate-and-nylon, floral-and plaid all-nylon prints too, all propped with petticoats! Few 17-14’s... solid and printed cottons, woven checks, all bright with new-fashion touches. All in newest spring colors. u KIDDIES’ NYLON STRETCH GLOVES $1 « pair NEW bowknot gloves gf no-run stretch nylon. And double woven nylons with crochet trim. White, beige. Spring HAND BAGS For Tots to Teens From Plus Tax I WHAT IS EASTER \ 1 WITHOUT A GAY 11 NEW STRAW HAT Our collection is huge % 29 to i 259 low price Adorable Spring fashions » for little misses-as practical as j * they are pretty. Dozens ! of styles... shiny and basket weave straws, Swiss hair braids. Beribboned, beflowered and bewitching. Fashion handbags for the young crowd! Junior versions of spring styles: box, clutch, satchel, bucket, vagabond, others in black plastic, pa tent or plastic calf in dark and pastel tones. Rubber WELCOME MATS each If4 Royal News By Mrs. R. J. Hering Women attending the School of Guidance for children held at O’Neill Wednesday were Mmes. Hans Hofer, J. Peterson, Edna Johnston and M. M. Colson. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Glanz of Oakdale. The towns represented were Royal, Inman, O'Neill, Bloomfield and Atkin son. The meeting was primarily for Sunday school teachers. Mrs. Millard Charf entertain ed a group of 24 women at her home Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Paul Wagner of Creighton providing entertainment. Present were Mmes. C. D. Curtis, R. E. Trautman, Andrew Jensen, Fre mont Curtis, Edd Charf, Ed Loewe, T. R. Dodds, Otto Storm, Everett Johnston, Carl Schwag er, Walter Beutler, Gust Erick son, Vernon Rader, Lincoln Hen ry, Forrest Storm, Rudy Meis ner, Wm. Mitteis, Robert Rader, Jan Curtis, Edward Rader, Glen Miller, Perry Lichty and Jake Helmer. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. Mrs. Zola Hering, accompa nied by her mother, Mrs. W. F. Anson of Orchard, went to Col umbus for the holiday with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Anson. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hering and Mary accompanied Mrs. Zola i Hering to Neligh on business Tuesday. Mary Hering returned to Norfolk Monday following a month’s vacation during which time her employer was vacation ing in Kentucky. Miss Hering called on Mrs. Lorena Hyer in Brunswick Wednesday afternoon. lilt* OIL 1'IUU lllfl Willi J1I> Clarence Weber for a social afternoon Thursday. The next meeting will be with Mrs. An drew Jensen who will entertain in place of Mrs. Wendell Wil son who is vacationing in Ari zona. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall were afternoon guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brewer and children, Melissa and Ron nie, of O’Neill were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hofer. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fryer and family of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Anson and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burch. Amelia News By Miss Florence Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Bert Newkirk and son, Scott, of Lincoln have moved to San Jose, Calif, to make their home. They planned to leave Lincoln last Friday. Mrs. Newkirk is the former Ar dene Andersen. Mrs. Hamp Smith of Cham bers and Mrs. Leslie Smith of Norfolk visited Wednesday with Mrs. B. W. Waldo. The Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Chambers called on the Lindseys and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett Tuesday. Donna Forbes stayed with Mrs. Edith Andersen Monday and Tuesday of last week while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Forbes, were in Minnesota. Mrs. Joe Stoecker was a din ner guest Thursday at Lee Gil man’s. Mrs. Stoecker was ob serving her birthday. Bill Gilman left Saturday morning for the Emmet Adam son ranch near Cody where he will work during the summer. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Wayne were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy. Timmy and Jeannie of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hirsch of Bassett. They were al so supper guests along with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Harlan, David and Joyce of Bassett. The Pine Grove Hustlers held a recent meeting at the home of Roger, Darla, Debbie and Bruce Waldo. The members started “Baking and Let’s Cook” and judged types of toast. The girls that are taking sewing judged pin cushions and answered a quiz on identification of sewing ar ticles. Those in the livestock groups had a quiz on breeds of cattle. The next meeting will be at the home of Ronnie and Kay Thompson. A lunch was served by Mrs. Waldo. MILLER THEATER ATKINSON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Tburs. - Fri. - Sat, Mar. 2-3-4 _TECHNICOLOR gjCTM-mw-aEM-aign Son. - Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Mar. 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 ^FRED HITCHCOCK'S I MIMES* i Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Edith Andersen were Friday morning callers in Atkinson. Mrs. Ander sen had injured her shoulder in a fall sometime ago and receiv ed medication for it. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett, Mrs. Clyde Burge and Mrs. Milton Clemens attended the funeral of little Kay Lynn Col lier at Arcadia Friday. Mr. and Mi's. Louis Burgett and Wayne spent Friday evening at the home of Dary Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hirsch of Bassett spent Saturday and Sun day at the Louis Burgett home. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Baumeister of West Point were guests at the Bernard Blackmore’s. Mr. and Mrs. Tenus Madsen and Neal were afternoon callers Sunday at the Louis Burgett home. Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal were O'Neill business callers Fri day. John Hansen and Bill Gilman had dinner at the Steak House Thursday in honor of Bill’s birth day. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burge and Esther Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita and Boh Bailey were dinner guests Sun day at the Clyde Burge home. The Rev. Ernest Green will speak at the Free Methodist church the evening of March 10. The Rev. Green and family recently were returned from the trouble zones in Afrlea and he will tell of their experience there. Everyone is invited to this service. Tom Murray and daughters, Cleta and Demaris, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton were Friday evening visitors at Dick Doolittle’s. Mrs. Dick Doolittle and Terry went to Atkinson Monday morn ing to help her mother, Mrs. Amy Slaymaker, move to the Mrs. Lovina Thompson resi dence. Mrs. Thompson recently moved to McPherson, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Medlin of Plainview visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Doolittle Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller ton visited at Dick Doolittle’s Saturday evening. The Lyle Fix family moved Saturday and Sunday from the piace known as Tom Salem’s in the Inez community. They are now in the house they recently moved to the ranch of Lyle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elm^r Fix. The Salem ranch was re cently sold. Mrs. Edith Andersen and Mrs. Gertie Adair visited Mrs. Stella Sparks at Chambers Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Sparks Is helping this week at the K. K. Platt home raring for Mrs. Platt, who recently fell and broke her hip. Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller ton visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton, at Atkin son Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ful lerton has not been feeling -well due to influenza. Edgar Peterson has been ill the past two weeks. He called on the doctor in Atkinson last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller ton. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fuller ton went bowling in O’Neill Sun day evening. Mrs. B. W. Waldo has been laid up with her knee. She was not able to walk a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sageser, Susie, Sally and Mark left Sun day morning for their home in Kansas City, Kans., after a few days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vein Sageser. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carr visited her parents near O’Neill over Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Peter of O’Neill were supper guests at Dary Carr’s Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glee Grimes, Jimmy Grimes, Mr. and Mrs Charles Coolidge and Kenneth were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. Phone Your Nows to The Frontier— r? t£& America's G&fATfttT Mdffress Value attymafiLowP/tmi A terrific buy lor the bargain hunter. Designed to rigid specifications that insure comfort, firmness and long life. ♦ Button Tufted with Ny- ♦Special Innerspring Con Ion cord. struction. ♦Attractive Woven Stripe ♦Rubberized Insulation for Cover. firm comfort. ♦ Crush-Proof borders, air vents, easy turn handles. SAME LOW PRICK We have the value you've been waiting for.. .The Serta-Posture Mattress! It's available from Serta only once a year.. .and every year it proves our most popular value-offer. ♦ Smooth-topped for luxuri-♦Special Pressurized ous comfort. Innerspring Construction. ♦ Smart Extra-heavy Decor-^Extra "levelizing layer”, ator Cover. ♦Crush-Proof borders, air vents, easy-tum handles. MAT TR ESS *59 TWIN OB FULL BIZC ^^F MATCHING BOX SFRIHC SAME LOW FRICK The finest in mattress comfort.. .featuring foam over innerspring construction. Luxurious comfort is yours when you stretch out on this fabulous new mattress. 0Smooth-topped for luxuri- •Special Pressurized ous comfort. Innerspring Construction. • Burlington House Damask •One Solid Inch of Foam Ticking. Topper. •Crush-Proof borders, air vents, easy turn handles. FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Meyer’s Midwest Furniture & Appliance WEST O'NEILL FREE DELIVERY PH 526