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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1961)
IIOI.T COUNTY FAIKHOKRS will s®e a new > uildin^ at the fairgrounds at Chambers this year. Pictured above is the new tMxBO-ft. steel building recently erected. The blue and white 4-H demonstration ha.ll has an open S#xB4-ft. area open through the middle with 12x«4-ft. areas on either side. Fair Sec retory .Jim Hibson said the north side will be used for commercial exhibits and the south side will be occupied by 4-H club boys’ and girls’ wash rooms an I a I II office while the fair is in progress Aug. 14-17. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris “The surface for the Purpose” and “The Care of Surfacing Ma terials" was the lesson for the Facts ;uid Fun Home Extension club when they met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Schmidt. Mrs. Ella Ziems and Mrs J. L. Pruden were the leaders. At the business meeting, the group agreed to make articles for the bazaar of the Children’s Memorial hospital in Omaha to be held October 30. The lesson topics were reviewed from 1957 to the present year and a discus sion was held as to their value to the individual members. Eleven members answered roll call. Lunch was served by Mrs. Schmidt assisted by Mrs. C. Alhers and Mrs. Harry Van Horn. Mrs. J. Aubrey Wood left Sun day morning for Newcastle, Wyo., where she will spend a few days with her sister and other .rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Graver anti daughter, Barbara, of Lincoln were callers at the H. R. Hands home Memorial Day. The Grav ers are former residents of Ew ing Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chiiston from Texas are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and Bonnie were their son, Bob Welke, and his Army buddy, Bill Hart. Both boys are stationed at Fort Hood, Tex. Memorial Day dinner guests at the Leland Welke home were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Graver and Bar bara of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and daughters. Af ternoon and evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hixson and daughters of Rose. Weekend guests at the Frank Schmidt home were Mrs. O. J. Hatfield and Mrs. Lillian Fager of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hatfield of Marysville, Mo. Doris Mae Coon of Beemer was an overnight guest Saturday at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Spangler and family. Thelma Spangler left Sunday for Fremont where she has em ployment for the summer. She is a member of the graduating class of 1061 of the Ewing high school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn were hosts at a 7 p.m. dinner Tuesday evening at their ranch northwest of Ewing. The hours were spent informally. Guests were the Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Elliott and Sandra. Karen Woep pel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey Wood, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Har ris, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton, Mi', and Mrs. Waldo Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pier son and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn and Alan. Mr. and Mi's. William Hobbs and family left Saturday for a two weeks vacation trip through eastern states. They plan to visit her brother and family in Vir ginia. Teressa, the baby daugh ter, is the guest of her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schiff bauer sr. at Norfolk, and James is staying with his sister, Mrs. Clifford Steskal, at Inman, while their parents are gone. The Ewing Methodist Church was filled to capacity Sunday evening for the program and ex hibition of the Daily Vacation Bi ble school which closed Saturday. The 87 children of the Methodist and the United Presbyterian churches participated. The Rev. W. W. Elliott gave the invocation and the benediction and other numbers on the pro gram were by the nursery and kindergarten in charge of Mrs. Willie Shrader, Mrs. John Turay, Mrs. O. Cleveland with Joan Spangler and Florence Black, helpers; grade one, Alice Shra der and Judy Spangler in charge; grade two, Judy Tinsley and Leo nora Tuttle in charge; grade three, Mrs. William J. Boies, Mrs. Marie Bartak and Marilyn Johnston in charge; grade four, five and six, Mrs. Stanley Bar tos and Bonnie Welke in charge; grades seven and eight, in charge of Mrs. Dale Napier and Sandra Shrader. The children’s collections will go this year for Bibles in braille for the blind. Total collection for the evening was $60.42 which will pay for the cost of the material used. Mrs. Wilbur Spangler was pianist for the week. Mrs. Ray Sedivy, dircetpr of the Daily Vacation Bible 9chool HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS... Ct tEERS In Communications / Now's the time to plan your future . . . Yes, now’s the time to plan for a profitable future ... in Communications-Joumalism ... the one field * £ '.''f that’s expanding ... the big field that wants journalism graduates for high paying, satisfying jobs with news papers — as reporters, editorial writers, editors, adver tising executives, advertising salesmen, advertising copy and layout experts . . . also, sales promotion, mer chandising, public relations, publicity and journalism communications research. So find out about many, many opportunities that await you in communicatrons-joumalism . . . oppor tunities that are yours . , , IF YOU PREPARE YOURSELFI I 1 Talk with your local newspaper publisher, editor or ad man about journalism . . . and fill out and mail this coupon for more information. Do it todayl Dr. William EL Hall Mail inis Coupon iNCvV to: School of Journalism University oi Nebraska Lincoln 8# Nebraska P Dr. Hail: i ^i am interested in fioamiinifttions Journalism; pum s 1 plan to anter the Uoivarslty oi Nebraaka _ J wT • s Address ____ — — | ■ dty-- Mate_ L-j expressed her thanks and appre ciation to all the teachers, help ers and the following officers, Mrs. Willie Shrader assistant dir ector, Diana Shrader, secretary and treasurer, Sandra Shrader, song leader, and Mrs. Willis Roc key, in charge of the handicraft projects. Mrs. Bertha Archer spent the Memorial holiday weekend with relatives at Shenanadoah, la. A large congregation was pre sent at the morning worship hour service Sunday at the Ew ing Methodist church when the Rev. W. W. Elliott gave his farewell sermon. J. Aubrey Wood played an organ prelude and Miss Sandra Elliott was or ganist for the service. Candle lighters were Anita Parks and Linda Eacker. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris were reception ists. The Rev. and Mrs. Elliott will leave Tuesday to attend the Nebraska Annual conference at the St. Paul Methodist church in Omaha. During their two years of service in the Ewing commu nity, the Elliott family have made may friends who wish them wrell wherever they may be sent by the Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey and family spent the Memorial holi day in the Ozarks, in Missouri, re turning home late Tuesday eve ninfy Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rockey, who have been spending their va cation with relatives in Ewing and other places in Nebraska, called Saturday to report their safe arrival at their home in Flor ida. Mrs. Daisy Wilson, accompan ied by relatives from Kansas, spent the Memorial weekend vis iting friends in Ewing. They were guests at the home of Mrs. Mabel Boies. Dr. William H. Ross and his daughter, Dr. Margaret Ross, of Rochester, Minn., returned to Ewing from Smith Center. Kan., Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Tams sr. was an overnight guest Saturday at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Al lemang. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agosta spent the Memorial weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham. Mr. Agosta returned to Omaha. Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham were Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquest and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larson tran sacted business in Norfolk Mon day and in Yankton, S. D. Wed nesday. Mrs. Waldo Davis was an ov ernight guest Monday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lou ise Beal at Orchard. The annual two weeks of church vacation school opened at St. Pet er's church in Ewing May 22. There were 106 grade school child ren enrolled. Three nuns from St. Mary’s Academy in O’Neill and a girl of the parish were instructors Sisters Serafica, George and Flores were assisted by Myra Rotherham. Seventeen seven-year-olds made their first holy communion Sun day. They are Jamalie Auman, Anna Bergstrom, Joanie Cronk. Mary Dougherty, Mary Kellogg. Max Kropp, Jerry McBride, Mich ael Regan, Beth Rotherham, Frances Slizoski, Patricia Sojka. Michael Thramer, George Van Conet, Martin Vandersnick, Thom as Walnofer, Mary Woslager and Terry Yelli. Four who will make their first communion next year, led the above class into the sanctuary. They are Stanley Chmiel, Dale Miller, Nadine Ruther and Deb Alice's Beauty Shop 325 E. Douglas St. Phone 263 Complete Beauty Service _Slimliner Reducing Machine Bus Schedule Leave Sioux City 11.30 a.m. Arrive O’Neill 3:30 p m. Leave O’Neill 3:45 p.m. Arrive Sioux City 7:15 pm. Leave Winner 6:00 a.m. Arrive O'Neill 9:00 a.m. Leave O’Neill 9:30 a.m. Arrive Omaha 3:50 D m. Return Leave Omaha S:30 a.m. leave Norfolk 12:30 p.m. Arrive O’Neill 3:00 p.m. Leave O’NeiL 4:06 p.m. Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m. i^eave Valentine 9:10 a.m. Arrive O Neill 12:15 p.m. Leave O’Neill 12:25 p.m. Arrive Grand Island 4:05 p.m. Leave Grand Island 4:05 p.m. Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m. Return Leave Omaha 7:45a.m. Arrive Grand Island 11:20 a.m. Leave Grand Island 12:30 p.m. Arrive O’Neill 4:00 d>.m. Leave O’Neill 4:15 p.m. Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m. bie Arehart. *' ' On Saturday afternoons the children were instructed by the Rev. Peter Burke, Mrs. Leonard Knapp, Mrs. Ray Funk and Mrs. Ronald Park Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker returned home Tuesday from Grand Island where they at od the baccalaureate service Sunday evening and class night, Monday evening when their grandson, Kerry Fuller, one of a class of 325 was presented a scholarship in instrumental mu sic. He plans to attend the Un iversity of Nebraska next fall. Sandra Elliott will be a guest at the Waldo Davis home this week while her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. W Elliott are attending the Nebraska Annual conference at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. George Keller re turned home Monday from a week’s vacation spent in Denver, Colo., with relatives. Their child ren were guests at the home of their grandparents at Herrington, S. D., during the absence of their parents. The Ewing Peewees played a losing game Monday evening with West O’Neill, the score, 17-0. The winning pitcher was Riley and the losing pitcher, Beelaert. Ewing will play the next game at Stuart June 12 at 6 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were dinner guests Sunday at the Earl Pierson home. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Prellwitz of Mahaska, Kan., were guests Sunday at the home of their niece, Mrs. Rose Bauer and family. Ot her dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies of Ewing and Jeraldine Bauer of Lincoln. Catherine Bauer, Mona Mosel, and Vaiulda Welke and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sehi left Monday for Wayne State Teachers college for a summer course. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cram of Neligh visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies. Mrs. J. L. Pruden and daugh ter, Mrs S. M. Burtwistle, left Monday to attend the Nebraska Annual conference held at the St Pa’al Methodist church in Om aha beginning Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby spent Thursday at the Gene Ruby home in Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Mick Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. John Tar ay and Mrs. Ed Yelli attended the funeral of Mrs. Arthur Kort je, 53, at St. Paul’s Lutheran church Wednesday afternoon at Norfolk. She was the sister of Mrs. L. A. Hobbs. Mrs. Ed Yelli took her small daughter, Melissa, to Norfolk Thursday for medical treatment for eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eld Yelli and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery were Friday evening visitors at the Roland Hord home. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tessmer and family, who have been spend ing a few days with relatives at Rosalie are expected home this week. The Tessmers plan to leave for Greeley, Colo, in the near fu ture where he will attend a sum mer school course. James Kay, instructor in the Ewing high school, began an eight week course at Wayne State Teachers college Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anson and family of Neligh are spending the week at the parental homes of Mrs. Vera Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kruntorad. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks re turned home Monday from Man hattan, Kan, where they attend ed the graduation exercises of their son, Merton, from the Kan sas State university, School of Veterinary medicine. Kay Rotherham of Lincoln spent the Memorial weekend at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham. Mrs. Jerry Rotherham enter tained 21 children at a party Monday afternoon in honor of the birthdays of her daughters, Rose Mary, four years old, and Carol, three. A circus cake was a part of the refreshments served. Rose Mary and Carol received gifts. •wax . ami ivxx o. j_A=ai,c:x vvt_ruu aim family returned to their home in Lincoln Sunday after spending their vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham. Cindy Wood remained for a long er visit. Sunday guests at the Jerry Ro therham home were Mr. and Mrs. John Donohue of O’Neill, Berna dine Rotherham of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham of Ewing. Jeraldine Bauer and Bernadine Rotherham returned to Lincoln Monday after spending the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Malone of Camp Meeker, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. David Kuster of Vackaville, Calif., arrived Monday and are guests at the Ben Larsen home a few days before continuing on their way to Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden! were hosts at a dinner Sunday, | the occasion honoring the birth-! day anniversary of their son, John, and the 48th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen. There were two anniver sary cakes made and decorated by Mrs. Pruden. Other guests were Mrs. John Pruden and son, Joel, and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Graver and daughter of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and family were recent callers at the George Jef feries home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer,Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben of Clear water and Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cratty of Neligh visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies. Mr. and Mrs. Paul 9werchek I and daughter, who have spent some time visiting in Ewing com munity, left for their home in! Pennsylvania Monday. Guests at the George Jefferies home Thursday were Mrs. Ed! Cuddy and family and Mrs. Mark NAMED PRESIDENT — Mrs. Mary Lee Gough Nay of Boston and Chicago was named President of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., at the June 5 Annual Meeting. A native of McKinney. Texas, she has been a teacher and practitioner of Christian Science for many years. Muff of O’Neill. Steven Cuddy was an overnight guest Wednesday. Donald Drey of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Royce Wright from Id aho visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies. Mr. Jef feries came home Thursday from St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. William Snyder of Ewing was a Monday afternoon caller at the Jefferies home. The Ewing Pony League team beat Chambers 12-2 Sunday when they played at Chambers. Jim Kropp was the winning pitcher and Coday was the los er. Beelaert caught for Ewing and hit two singles. Hagemo ser hi; a triple for Ewing. Ew ing plays Neligh here Saturday at 2:30 p.m. and on Sunday they play Elgin here at. 2:30 p.m. Bertha Harris and Marie Da v.s accompanied the Rev. Robert Linder of Page and his youth group home from Camp Fontanel le Sunday. Naper News By Mrs. John Schonebaum Memorial Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoltenberg and Verlin were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentz of Atkinson, Mrs. Josephine Jonas of Kearney and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jonas of Twin Falls, Ida. Evening visit ors were Albert Stoltenberg and Jim Hansen of Herrick, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Don Bentz and sons of Fairfax, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stoltenberg and Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stoltenberg and family. Ice Cream and cake were served in honor of Ray Stoltenberg and Mrs. Frank Stoltenberg’s birth days. Mrs. Helen Stahlecker and fam ily of Fort Pierre, S. D. visited in the John Stahlecker home Memorial Day. Mrs. William Blakkolb accom panied Mrs. Earl Whidden and Mrs. Mary Blakkolb of Bonesteel S. D. to Omaha Friday. From there they went with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tschudy Saturday to Sani, Calif, to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sieh of Herrick, S.D. were Tuesday eve ning visitors in the Claus Sieh home. John Radford of Burke, S. D. was a Sunday dinner guest in the Billy Goodman jr. home. Evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wetzler and Art. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rinehart of Springview were visitors and dim ner guests in the Glenn Allpress home Memorial Day. Afternoon visitors and supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graves and Blaine of O’Neill. Evening visitors were the Marvin Higgins family. Edmond Seiwert and family of Avon, S. D. were Memorial af ternoon visitors in the Philip Holmgren home. Mr. and Mrs. John Zeisler of Butte and Mrs. Eva Felzein of St. Francis, Kan., were Tuesday afternoon visitors in the William Ullrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scheonefeld and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stol tenberg and son, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sieh and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stahlecker were Sunday evening guests in the Wayne Sche onefeld home to help their son, Bruce, celebrate his first birth day and their second wedding an niversary. Mrs. Clarence Mayer and sons of Burley, Ida., arrived Sunday to visit with her parents, the Reinhold Mayers, and with other relatives. Walter Stahlecker- was admitted to the Burke hospital Friday morning for medical care. Judy Bentzen and Sandra Whit ley went to Spencer Thursday to attend the funeral of Mis. George Fauser. They were supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Krupicka and family and eve ning visitors at the George Fau ser home. Mr. and Mrs. William Ullrich were Friday evening visitors in the John Schonebaum home. Delores Krueger of Pierre, S. D. arrived home Sunday to spend two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuhrer and daughter left Friday for sev eral weeks vacation in California. Mrs. Christina Windmeyer and Mi's. Lewie Kortmeyer went to New Ulm, Minn., Thursday to bring their daughter, Donna and Marjorie, home from D. M. L. C. where they had attended the past year. They also attended the concert Thursday evening return ing home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John 9tahlecker and family went to Wood, S. D. Sunday to visit in the Harlan Stahl ecker home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Brown ac companied Betty Beem, Mrs. Barbara Vogt and Mrs. Stella Cunningham to Omaha Sunday where Miss Beem will attend the Personnel Training school for the summer, and the women will vis it with relatives. Mr. Brown will have a check up with his doctor. T/Sgt Marlin and Mrs. Breyer and family of Fort Collins, Colo., and Mrs. Wilbur Turgeon of Sid ney arrived Monday to sipend their vacation with their parents, the Albert Dalldorfs, and his mo ther, Mrs. Breyer, and other rela tives. Darrell Juracek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Juracek, was admit ted to the Burke hospital for med ical care. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schock and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Alexander returned home Friday from their two week vacation in California. Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Installation of the Boy Scout troop of Inman was held Wed nesday evening at the high school auditorium. At this time the fol lowing eight boys were given their Tenderfoot badges: Terry Anthony, Roger Banks, Bill Borg emeyer, Larry Peters, Mickey” Sawyer, Arlie and Glenn Sholes and Allen Tompkins. The meet ing got under way with the flag salute by Roger Banks. Jerry Dempsey, Scout Executive of . O’ Neill was introduced. A history of the Inman Scouts was given by Harvey Tompkins. The troop is sponsored by the Inman Com munity club. Janies Banks is the Scout Master and Horace Sholes Assistant Scout Master. Troop committee is Donald Keyes, chairman, Ira Watson, Newman Card and Harvey Tompkins. The charter was presented to Harvey Tompkins, president of the Com munity club by Jerry Dempsey. Following the candle lighting cer emony the Scout pledge was giv en by the group and the execu tive. Mr. Dempsey then presented pins and cards to the scouts and the boys each presented pins to their mothers. A demonstration was given by the group on tying knots. The meeting closed with the Flag Salute and the ScOut Pledge. The following Cub Scouts attended the meeting, Randy Keil, Rodney Alder, Michael Shefl and Francis Musil. Pie and coffee were sold at the close of the eve ning, with the proceeds going for further supplies for the troop. Mr. and Mrs. John Banks of Chadron were overnight guests Monday in the James Banks home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith held open house Thursday evening at the tavern which they have leas ed from Mr. and Mrs. Floyd De Long. «-«#»» Mrs. James Sobotka is a medi cal patient at St. Anthony’s hos pital. Mrs. Ray Siders visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartos in O’Neill Sun day afternoon. Marilyn Siders was a weekend guest of Mary Ross and Mrs. Shirley Harvey at the Oliver Ross home in O’Neill. Ned Kelley returned Saturday from Doane college at Crete where he attends college. He is visiting j I PLANNING A WEDDING? PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins Get our Prices Before you Buy tSee Oar Samples Before ““ he Frontier O' ' ' ‘ Deadly Reckoning i by Kobl. Day ' -V "MTT MACI CAN M SOCtOW AN AJ0FT" The Travelers Safely Service More thon 3,000,000 persons were killed or injured in motor vehicle accidents in 1960. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family were Monday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and family of O’Neill were Monday evening callers in Inman. Linelle and Roger Tompkins, students at Wesleyan university in Lincoln, arrived at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har vey Tompkins Saturday. Linelle will return June 12 to attend sum mer school. They accompanied Gary Gillespie, O’Neill, to Lincoln Monday to attend commencement. Memorial Day guests of Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hawk and baby of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder and Mrs. Tom Cunningham of O’Neill. Afternoon callers in the Siders home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and family of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family attended a reunion Tuesday at the Scottville hall. Joe Peters of Norfolk visited a couiple of days last week with his family. Tina Sanders of O’Neill visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. P. Pet ers, over the weekend. Robert Harte and Joe Galla gher spent a few days in Iowa last week visiting relatives. Harvey A. Tompkins drove to Omaha Monday where he Ls at tending the sessions of the Ne braska Annual Conference of the Methodist church, which is being held in St. Paul Metho dist church. Sam Watson arrived Monday evening to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson. Sam attends Wes ley an University at Lincoln. See These at Thelanders . . . 5 OUTSTANDING USED CAR VALUES 1960 Rambler American Station Wagon Local one-owner car with only 19,000 miles 1959 Ford 6-Cylinder 4-Door Local one-owner car with only 22,000 miles 1958 Dodge Custom Royal 4-Door Like new town car with power steering and power brakes. Only 32,000 miles. 1958 Plymouth Station Wagon V-8 with automatic transmission. Local one-owner car with only 32,000 miles 1957 Plymouth 4-Door 6-Cylinder Local one-owner car with brand new tires and only 28,000 miles Other Used Car Values at Thelander's 1956 Ford 2-door V-8 with automatic trans. 1955 Dodge 4-door V-8 with overdrive 1955 Chrysler 4-door V-8 with automatic trans. 1955 Nash 6-cylinder 4-door with overdrive 1955 Chevrolet Station Wagon V-8 with auto matic transmission 1953 Chrysler V-8 4-door with full power 1953 Dodge V-8 2-door with automatic 1953 Olds V-8 4-door with automatic 1952 Ford V-8 with standard transmission 1952 Chevrolet 6-cylinder with standard trans. 1951 DeSoto 1950 Plymouth 1949 Plymouth 1956 Ford %-ton pickup T ~ 1955 Ford 34-ton V-8 with 4-speed transmission Thelander Auto Co. • 'if v 217S4th O'Neill, Nebraska * - f * ■ ■