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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1961)
• In The Batter s Box with Terry Kurtz O'Neill Midgets The O’NeilJ Junior Legion Mid gets will play ait Orchard at 6:30, this game is to be foLlowed by a Junior Legion game be tween the O’Neill and Orchard Jr. Legion teams. This Sunday the O’Neill Mid gets will play Ainsworth here at Carney Park at 8:15. The O’Neill Junior Legion will play host to Burke, S. D., this Tuesday night and Gregory, S_D., Wednesday night, both of these games will be played at Carney Park, game time 8:15. Elkhorn Valley In Elkhorn Valley Little League competition, East O’Neill ran ov er Orchard 20-3. Randy Nickeson was the winning pitcher, Burney took the loss. Bob Riley shut out Ewing 0-0, Jim Booth and Russ Johnson hom ered for West O’Neill. Jim Bee laert picked up the loss for Ew ing. Spencer downed Atkinson 20-4, the winning pitcher was Havran ek O’Conner was the loser. Pony League Both O’Neill Pony League teams were idle this week. Their schedule for next week has the Bronchos traveling to Page and the Colts playing host to Orchard. Both of these games will be on Wednesday beginning at 5:30. Town Team The O’Neill Town Team drop ped two decisions in North Cen tral Nebraska League competition this past week. At Carney Park here in O’Neill Thursday night they blew a seven-run lead and were defeated by Clearwater 11-7, Atkinson handed them their sec ond loss at Atkinson Sunday night. In last Thursday’s game, O’ Neill held a 7-0 lead going into the fourth inning. Lloyd Hilligas started on the mound but left the pitching chores to Chuck Smith offni* ♦it'irvrr in * l-» . (i - - — - ••■O -»»• «» 111 Smith came on with two down and retired the side. He opened the sixth with a 7-2 lead but found himself having trouble get ting the ball over the plate. Al vin Carson took over and finish ed the game on the mound for O’Neill. Smith picked up the loss in his first pitching assignment of the new season. Curtis opened the game on the hill for Clearwater and gave up all of O’Neill’s seven runs in his six-inning stint. Berlinger reliev ed in the sixth and pitched fine ball, he was credited with the win. Atkinson’s Town Team played host to O’Neill Sunday night and greeted the visitors with a 3-1 loss. Alvin Carson was the losing pitcher, Rollie Everetts was the winner. Both hurdlers went the distance on the mound. Lambert Belina continued his assult on opposing pitchers with six hits in 13 tmies at bat for a .462 average. Gene Couch and A1 Carson have posted early season averages of .333 and .286, res pectively. O’Neill’s record in North Cen tral play this season is one vic tory and two defeats. The local town will travel to Orchard Thursday night (tonight) and will play at Battle Creek this Sunday. Over 200 Attend Alumni Banquet ORCHARD Over 200 guests were present for the Alumni ban quet which was held May 29 in the Orchard high school gym nasium. Honored were the classes of 1936 and 1961. There were 10 members nut of a class of 23 pre sent from the class of 1936. Frank Schwager, president of the Alumni association for this year, introduced Dr. Gene Bruce who was toastmaster. Others on the nroeram were Allen Hill whn welcomed the seniors of 1961, and the response was given by his son, Robert. Oris Hall, class sponsor, introduced the graduat ing class. Program numbers were given by Karen Wehenkel, Loretta Shrader and Shirley Steinberg. The following officers were elected for the next year: Marvin Nelson, president; Edwin Porter, rice president; Mrs. Wayne Holli day, secretary, and Mrs. Ber nice Whitwer, treasurer. C. Mueller Graduates From School of Nursing Corrine Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mueller, graduated from Sacred Heart Hospital School of Nursing in Yankton, S. D., Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Mueller and son, Melvin, and Mrs. Anna Sehi of Neligh attended the graduation exercises. Corrine will work in McKennan’s hospital in Sioux Falls after September 1 after completion of her course of study at Sacred Heart. Holt Countians Lose Licenses on Points One hundred and thirteen motorists had drivers’ licenses re voked under the Nebraska point system in May, according to the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Among those losing their li censes were Milton Lee Ballard, O’Neill, and Gary G. Rackard, Chambers. __ _ ~ Junior Legion Takes 13-11 Win Over Stuart Coach Joe OUendick’s Jr. Le gion nine traveled to Stuart Fri day night and brought home a 13-11 victory, their second of the season. The game was dominated by poor field play and a number of bases in balls. O’Neill opened the scoring with five runs in the first inning. They sent eight men to the plate in the rally. Gary Brewster led the winners with four hits in four times at bat for a perfect eve ning at the plate. Norm Wettlau fer had two hits for O’Neill and Ray Belina tripled. Wettlaufer started for O’Neill but began to tire in the fourth. Rich Hill opened the fifth frame on the mound but me couldn’t find the plate. Belina had to re tire the side in this inning, he finished the game and was given credit for the victory. Stuart scored five runs in the fourth inning on two hits, one er ror, and three walks. Bobby Giv ens collected two doubles and two singles while accounting for seven of Stuart’s 11 runs. Givens had four runs-batted-in and scored three himself. Kramer was the losing pitcher, he walked three and struck out six while going the distance' on the hill. Mel Schmaderer contributed a doub le to the losing cause. The O’Neill hurlers combined for nine strikeouts and 14 walks, they gave up seven hits. The local Legion traveled to Gregory, S. D., Wednesday night, details of this game will be in next week’s paper.. O’NEILL 511 204 0 13-8-3 STUART 202 501 1 11-7-5 Helen Gokie Returns From Music Festival Helen Gokie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gokie, returned Sunday from a week at the Mu sical Festival at Chadron State Teachers college where she play ed a clarinet solo at the student recital and was also the clarinet soloist in the woodwind ensemble. Helen sat third chair, first clar inet section in the band which had over 100 members. She also participated in chorus and re ceived lessons in piano and clari net. Consumers Announces Two Local Projects Consumers Public Power Dis trict has announced two high voltage transmission line projects have been approved in a $358,598 construction and equipment ex penditure. Included in the project is the rebuilding of nearly 13 miles of 34,500 volt transmission line from a mile north of O’Neill to five miles southeast of Atkinson. Cost of the project is estimated at 105,000. The rehabilitation is needed to bolster the power needs in the Atkinson. Bassett and Long Pine area. Additional expenditures will be made for line moving work in connection with road moving be tween O’Neill and Crdghlon. This involves moving four miles of a 69,000 volt line. Wesleyan Camp Begins Summer Program The Wesleyan Methodist Con ference grounds between O’Neill and Atkinson, will be the scene of youth camp beginning Mon day, June 12. The opening ser vice will be the showing of the Billy Graham film: “The Shadow of the Boomerarang. ” A full week of activities is scheduled for the campers. The youth of the area are invited to attend. Linelle Tompkins Wins Wesleyan Scholarship Linelle Tompkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. Inman has been named recipient of a $50 grant-in-aid by the Wo man’s Wesleyan Educational Council. Miss Tompkins is one eleven of scholarships or grants-in-aid for the 1961-62 school year. Community Concert Association Disbands Tlie O’Neill Community Concert association Wednesday night vot ed unanimously to disband, As sociation President Grant Pea cock said. He cited lack of interest in memberships as cause for the ac tion. The Steinway grand piano own ed by the association will be giv en to the O’Neill Public schools, he said. Formed in 1954, the association has had memberships in all the towns in the county plus many of the surrounding towns. Donald Calkins Receives Degree Donald Calkins, son of Mrs. Chester A. Calkins, O’Neill was among the 159 seniors receiving degrees at Nebraska Wesleyan University’s 72nd annual com mencement exercises Monday. Don received the bachelor of business administration with a major in business and a minor in psychology and economics. He is married to the former Claryce Johnson, O’Neill, and they have a daughter age two. Don plans to stay in Lincoln where he has accepted an ad ministrative position with the U. S. Soil Conservation Service. Everitt Wins First At Ainsworth Tourney Jack Everitt won the champion ship flight and medalist title at the Ainsworth open golf tourna ment Sunday with an opening round score of 35 following by a 37 on the second nine. Runer-Up in the championship flight was Bob Carroll with a 36 followed by a 37. Also attending from O’Neill were Bob Kurtz, Ted Kyster, Short Hunt, Jim Sanford and A. Jasz kowiak. J. A. Shane Rites Held in Wyoming Funeral services for J. A. Shane were held Monday, May 28 at Buffalo, Wyo. The rite con ducted by the Rev. James Power. Burial was at Buffalo. Mr. Shane was bom April 12, 1880 at Coon Rapids, la. He died May 24 at the age of 81. Survivors are three daughters and three sisters. A daughter, Mrs. John J. Harrington, O'Neill attended the services in Wyom ing. O'Neill Locals Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Carrie Borg celebrated her 85th birthday Monday. Pre sent to help her celebrate were Maud Rouse of O’Neill and her houseguest, Mrs. Bertha Hayden, Wiggins, Mont., and Mrs. George Hansen, also of O’Neill. Coffee and cake were served for refresh ments. WSCS Meets Members of the O’Neill WSCS of the Methodist Church met for their regular meeting Thursday. Mrs. Roy Wayman, president op ened the meeting. Kathy and Joan Farrier presented a piano duet. Mrs. George Peterson sr. was in churcrp rtf tho H^viTimH/vnc The lesson was given by Mrs. Norman Wayman, assisted by Mrs. Clay Johnson jr., Mrs. Ruby Wayman, Mrs. Neil Dawes and Mrs. Bath Wayman. Mrs. Wayne Bates and Mrs. Claude Bates served a dessert luncheon. The evening meeting of the WSCS will be held at 8 p.m. June 22 in the church basement. Mrs. Orville Nickeson, reporter. Reunion Held CHAMBERS—A group of 48 per sons met at the Bill Crawford home in Chambers Sunday to vis it with relatives from Wyoming. Those present were Messers and Mesdames John Crawford, Buffa lo, Wyo.; Horace Crawford, Ew ing; Eugene Kudera and family, Sioux City, Manuel Krueger and family, Atkinson; Cecil Miller and daughter, Lynch; Charly Miller, Bristow; Ted Crawford and daughter, Spencer; Wilford Arp and daughter, Atkinson; Ronald Sladek and daughter, Schuyler; Wilmer Crawford and family, Lynch; Cliff Haynes, Oakdale; Albert Miller, Emmet; Adrian Mitchell and daughter, Atkinson, and Mrs. May Crawford, Sheri dan, Wyo.; Mrs. Ida Redhair, Buffalo, and Bob Mitchell, Atkin son. Sister Is III Mrs. Alma Hill came from Kil gore Sunday morning to see her sister, Mrs. May Wells, who is seriously ill at Sacred Heart hos pital at Lynch. Mrs. Hill’s grand daughter brought her here to the Martha Ross home and Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Witherwax of Spencer joined her in the Ross home. Mrs. Hill is a sister of Mr. Witherwax and Mrs . Arthur Bessert of Lynch. Celebrate Birthdays Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill en tertained Thursday evening in honor of their son, Gene, who was celebrating his birthday the fol lowing day, and Dick McKim, whose birthday was Thursday. Others present for the affair were Mrs. Gene O’Neill, Mrs. Orville McKim and son, Lonnie, Mrs. Le ona Hynes, Mrs. M. A. Schelkopf, Sally Burney, Russ Johnson and Carrol O’Neill Mrs. Barger Entertains Members of the BCA club met Tuesday evening at the Town House for dinner, after which the group adjourned to the home of Mrs. Winnie Barger. In the play ing of bridge prizes were won by Miss LaVeta Lehn, a guest, and Mrs. Virgil Laursen. To Attend School PAGE—Mrs. J. C. Ballantyne, who has spent the past 10 days here in her home, left Wednesday afternoon for Independence, Mo., where she will teach in the school system again next fall. She plans to attend summer school at Cen tral Missouri State college in War rensburg where she will do grad uate work. Enroute to Indepen dence she spent Wednesday night with her son, Jim and family in Stanton. Sends Greetings The Rev. Karl Kucera, chap lain at St. Anthony’s hospital, has sent greetings to his O’Neill friends in correspondence to the Frontier office from Thermopo lis, Wyo., where he is enjoying a 10-day stay. To Visit in New York Mrs. Leona Hynes will leave Sunday by plane for New York where she will attend market and also visit in the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hague and daugh ter, Christina. Mrs. Hynes, own er of the O’Neill Style shop, will be gone two weeks. Attends Meeting D. D. DeBolt attended a Ham ilton Fund zone managers meet ing Saturday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier and family of Rapid City, 9. D. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeBolt, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Fariier, Chambers, May 29 when they were here to attend the Alumni banquet at Chambers. I>olan descendants hold reunion Seven children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dolan met in re union the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cava naugh sr. Mrs. Cavanaugh is the former Gertrude Dolan. Others included Mrs. Lucille Foran of Milwaukee, Wise.; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mills of Fort Worth, Tex.; Mr and Mrs. Joe Sinkula of Schuyler; Mrs. Frank Gill of Cheyene, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davison of Rivexton, Wyo.; Leonard Dolan of Casper, Wyo. and John E. Dolan of Chicago. Much time was spent in remin iscing and calling on former friends. On Saturday the group were dinner guests of Mr. Dolan at the Town House in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Cavanaugh. A picnic with other relatives was enjoyed on Sunday. Mrs. Larson Honored A bridal shower was held Thurs day evening at the home of Susan Burney, honoring Mrs. James Larson, the former Carolyn Sch meichel. The evening was spent playing games and in the open ing of gifts. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville and family left Tuesday for Ells worth, Minn., to spend several days vacationing and visiting her parents. Memorial day dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Iva Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morey and Nancy of Sioux City and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry and daugh ters. Mrs. John J. Haxrington return ed Sunday from Buffalo, Wyo., where she had attended funeral services for her father, J. A. Mrs. W. B. Gillespie and Mrs. Della Eby attended a golden wed ding anniversary observance Sun day for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mock of Springview. The event was held at the auditorium. Ot hers attending were Mrs. Ethel Stuart and her daughters, Mrs. Margaret King and Miss Bernice Stuart of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Stuart of Cozad and the couple’s son, Clarence Mock and family of Knoxville, Tenn. The elder Mrs. Mock and Mrs. Eby are cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Babcock of Boulder, Colo, were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. George McNair. The ladies are sisters. The Babcocks were here for the Memorial day holidays. Gene Turner, US Navy stationed at Lakehurst, N. J. is expected home Saturday to spend a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Mrs. Mary Tomlinson went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend graduation exercises there. Her son, Larry will accompany her home for the summer. Beverly Steskal went to Norfolk recently where she spent an eight-day vacation with her grand mother, Mrs. A. T. Hogan, and friends. She returned home Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. James Mullen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Kubart of Atkinson at a dinner at the Town House Friday evening. The occasion marked the 46th wedding anniversary of both couples. Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy will return this weekend from a vacation in Springfield, 111., where they visited their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Long. They will visit also with a son, Donald and family in Sioux City and another daugh i.ia o. uaiucj' ana ogt. Poss and baby in Omaha before their return home. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt spent Memorial Day at Newport and Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka will go to Lincoln Friday where they will attend graduation exer cises at the University of Nebras ka. His sister, Irene R'azicka, will receive her Home Extension de gree at this time. She will take her field training at Qrd. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Gilder sleeve and family are visiting his relatives in California. They will return June 15. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenny and children will leave this week end for Denver where they will visit his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKenny. They will be gone a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy left Saturday for a week’s vacation in the Ozarks. Mrs. Floyd Harvey and two sons left June 5 for Great Lakes Mich., where her husband is sta tioned with the navy. She had been visiting at the home of her father, Oliver Ross, since May and has visited -with her brother, Ron nie Ross, who was home on fur lough to attend the graduation exercises of his fiancee, Marilyn Siders of Inman. Miss Siders will attend Business college at Grand Island. Pete Stingley has started work ing as salesman in the down stairs section at Gambles store. Dr. and Mrs. Rex Wilson went to Columbia, Mo., where they as sisted their daughter, Joan, in preparation for her return to O’ Neill during summer vacation from her studies at Christian college. She accompanied them home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mc Carthy and son, James returned home from Omaha Friday night after spending the past nine days visiting their daughters, Miss Beverly and Mrs. Bernard Pruss and family and other relatives. They attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Mary McCar thy of Omaha on May 27. Miss Beverly J. McCarthy spent Saturday and Sunday in O’Neill, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCarthy and other relatives. Dr. and Mrs. B. H. Pickard from McAllen, Tex. visited his sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler the past week. Herman Klingler came up from Fullerton to spend several days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: May 30— Mrs. Vir gil Tomlinson of O’Neill and Don ald Moore of Cortland. 31—George Jefferies of Ewing; Harry Moore of Inman; Richard Rauterkus of O’Neill and Julie SchleUsener of Cedar Rapids, la. June 1—Bill Logemann of Chambers; Mrs. Delbert Rouse of O’Neill and Mrs. Arden Laursen of Orchard. 2— Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. and Mrs. Owen Parks of Page; Adrian A. Alden of Ewing; James Thomas sen of Butte; Nola J. Angel of Spencer; Cecil Milacek of Bris tow and Mrs. James Sobotka of Inman. 3—Robert E. Moore and Thomas Joseph Meyer of O’Neill. 4—Randy Wettlaufer of Page. 5— Linda Dougherty and Mrs. Vio let Sholes of Inman; Mrs. Tom Cunningham of O’Neill and Loren Libby of Page. 6—Lloyd Whaley, Shirley Boyle, Regina Vitt and David Matthews of O’Neill and Bill Connot of Spencer. DISMISSED: May 30 — Mrs. Harvey Sobotka and baby of Chambers; Charlie Switzer and Louis Neilson of O’Neill. 31—Mrs. Dean Perry of Emmet; C. E. Johnson of O’Neill and Mrs. Su sie Hubbard of Chambers. June 1— George Jefferies of Ewing and Pamela Sue Young of Chambers. 2— Miss Mary McMartas of O’ Neill; Mrs. Arden Laursen of Or chard. 3—Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. of Page; Mrs. John Wallen jr. of O’Neill; Bill Logemann of Chambers; Mrs. Jay Tittering ton and baby of Bartlett and No la J. Angel of Spencer. 4—Julie - f _ r». _• i. ▼ — v_vuui ia.j and Mrs. Delbert Rouse ;:nd baby of O’Neill. 5—Mrs. Charles Rich ter of O’Neill and Randy Wett laufer of Page. 6—Robert E. Moore and Thomas J. Meyer of O’Neill; Donald Moore of Cort land and Mrs. James Sobotka of Inman. 7—Mrs. Violet Sholes of Inman and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson of O’Neil;'. EXPIRED: June 2—Mrs. Theo dore Moss of Chambers. 5—John Sullivan of O’Neill. 7—Mrs. Gina Crank of Page. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: May 29—John Kro bot and Debra Raymer of Stuart; Terry Beckwith of Emmet; Mrs. Vernon Tielke and Lewis Vaughn of Atkinson and Mrs. Louis Peter of O’Neill. 30—Mrs. Frank Wil son of Stuart; Claude Porter of Newport; Mrs. Orville Hitch cock and Craig Funk of Atkinson and Mrs. Paul Hostert of Butte. 31—Carl Anderson of Atkinson; Walter Jutte of Chambers and Kelly Kloppenborg of Emmet. June 1—Mrs. Freddie Neibauer, Mrs. Art Givens and Mrs. Hen ry Muiphy of Stuart; Mrs. Lyle Scholz of Chambers; Albert E. Trowbridge of Columbus and Roy Carr of Atkinson. 2—Mrs. Dean Gokie and Ed Desieve of Atkin son; Mrs. Frank Clausen of Na per and Mrs. Alvin Wedige of Emmet. 4—Mrs. Fannie Fuller of Stuart. DISMISSED: May 29—Mrs. Ro bert Friedel of Stuart; Leon Beckwith and Terry Beckwith of Emmet and Lloyd McDowell of Atkinson. 30—Robert Bowman. Gary Jardee and Mrs. William Kohle and baby daughter of Stu art. 31—Jess Colson, Mrs. Frank Wilson and Debra Raymer of Stuart and Mrs. N. P. McKee of Atkinson. June 1—Mrs. Emil Carl son, Mrs. Kathryn Abbenhaus and Mrs. Joe Mlinar of Atkinson and Mrs. Louis Peter of O’Neill. 2—Walter Jutte of Chambers and Albert E. Trowbridge of Colum bus. 3—Joe Dvorak and Mrs. Ver non Tielke and baby of Atkinson and Mrs. Pete Head of Stuart. 4 —Mrs. Alvin Wedige of Emmet; John Krobot of Stuart and Mrs. Paul Hostert of Butte. 5—Kelly Kloppenborg of Emmet and Carl Anderson of Atkinson. SACRED HEART PRESENT: June 5—Thomas Courtney sr., Mrs. Eddie Mulhair, Mrs. Leo Thomason, Mrs. May Wells and Mrs. Margaret Zopf of Lynch; John Schommer and Mrs. George Thompson of Spen cer and R. H. Zink of Butte. DISMISSED: May 31—Mrs. Ma mie O’Neill of O’Neill; Mrs. Frank Dobrovolny of Atkinson and Mrs. Edgar Bailey of Bonesteel, S. D June 1—Mrs. Leman Huber of Lynch; Leonard Mahlendorf of Bristow and Earl Sexton of Ver del. 2—Ted Sti>ck of Bonesteel, S. D.; Mrs. Clifford Lewis and Mrs. Carrie Hunter of Lynch. 3 —Mrs. Audrey Kaczor of Spencer and Mrs. William Zeisler of Na per. 4—Mrs. Elmer Hull of Lynch. EXPIRED: May 31 — Baby Joanne Lyim Hansen of O’Neill. ST. ANTHONY’S TITTERINGTON—Mr. and Mrs. Jay Titterington of Bartlett, daughter, Jana Christine, 6 pounds 15Ms ounces, May 30. ROUSE—Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse of O’Neill, daughter, Ra lene Kay, 7 pounds 13 ounces, June 1. CUNNINGHAM—Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham of O’Neill, son, Thomas Benjamin, 8 pounds 4 ounces, June 6. ATKINSON MEMORIAL TIELKE—Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tielke of Atkinson, daughter, Re becca Kay, 8 pounds 6 ounces, May 30. NEIBAUER — Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Neibauer of Stuart, son, Randal Gene, 7 pounds 4 ounces, June 1. SCHOLZ—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Scholz of Chambers, son, Steven Jay, 7 pounds 1 ounce, June 1. MURPHY—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murphy of Stuart, daughter, Ca thy Lynn, 7 pounds 1 ounce, June 2. GOKIE—Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gokie of Atkinson, son, Steven Dean, 7 pounds 15 ounces, June 2. SACRED HEART THOMSON—Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thomson of Lynch, daughter, 8 pounds 4 ounces, June 4. The couple has four boys. ELSEWHERE ataah/tc K/r— _a _ .. • 1TUO. 1VV/UC1 l Adams of Phoenix, Ariz, son, Tim othy Paul, 6 3/4 pounds, May 30. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams and Mrs. Ed Smith of Chambers. HOFFMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Char les Hoffman of Powell, Wyo., daughters, 5% pounds. Alberta Hoffman is the paternal grand mother. THARNISH—Mr. and Mrs. El mer Tharnish of Lincoln, Gary Dale, 8 pounds 11 ounces, May 28. The couple now has two daughters and a son. Mrs. Tharnish is the former Veronica Ondracek of Verdigre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ondracek. The pater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tharnish. HOFFMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hoffman of Clearwater, daughter, 9 pounds 2 ounces, June 1, Tilden Community hospi tal. The Hoffmans have two ot her children, Douglas and David. VOGT—Mr. and Mrs. Julius Vogt of Naper, daughter, June 3, Burke hospital. They also have three sons. Justice Court— June 5, Robert R. Loseke, : Chambers, overweight on axle,; fined $70 and costs; officer, Don Richardson. i At The Courthouse MARRIAGE LICENSES— May 31 — Lonnie Root, 20, At kinson and Shirley LeMunyan, 18, Atkinson. June 1 — John N. Kamphaus, 29, Bartlett and Mildred LaVerae Whitcomb, 25, Amelia. June 2 — Jimmy L. Keim, 18, Chadron and Betty J. Perry, 18, Emmet. June 2 — Michael J. Posch, 19, Colwich. Kans., and Margaret A. Boyle, 19, Witchita, Kans. June 2 — Maurice M. Grutsch, O’Neill and Austa Louise Crabb, O’Neill. COUNTY COURT— June 2 — Edwin M. Fleek, I Chambers, night speeding, fined $50 and costs, officer E. M. Ha streiter. June 6 — Audrey L. Hunt, daj speeding, fined $10 and costs, of ficer R. L. Gude. GONE BIT NOT FORGOTTEN is the former Ruth school house in Dist. 61 at Verdlgre. When the school was put up for sale it was purchased by Ernest Ruzieka and Raymond Soucek. Now it is plan ned to make use of the building as a community hail. The school has a new name “The Ruth Recreation Center,” and is available to any community group wishing to use It. Since the school Dist. 61 was dissolved some patrons liave joined with Dist. 45 and s«nne with Pleasant Valley Dist. 47 and Jelen Dist. 27. DISTRICT COURT TWO cases were filed in district court during the past week. A damage suit asking $1820 for damage to a shelterbelt was filed by Harvey C. Spangler and Catherine Spangler vs. Holt county. An equity action was also filed by Thomas Greene, Oswald Drueke, Carrol O’Neill and Fran cis Wabs vs. John J. Donlin. The action concerns access to a road. All Members Attend Perfect attendance was re corded at the meeting June 2 of the Midway Ranchers and Ranchettes club in the home of Diane Devall. Each one brought a wild flower and told something about it. After the meeting, songs and games provided entertain ment. The next meeting will be in the home of Wayne Rouse in July. Fred Johring, reporter. Servicemen's News VERD1GRE—John Pavlik, hos pitalman third class, US Navy son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pavlik, is home spending 13 days leave with his parents. Upon completion of his leave he will be assigned to the U. S. Naval hospital at Great Lakes 111. John is a 1959 graduate of Ver digree high and enlisted through the Norfolk Recruiting station in August of 1959. LYNCH MAY CROWNING LYNCH—On May 28, May crowning was held prior to the 9 a.m. mass at the Assumption BVM Catholic, church. Linda Courtney, who was chos en the May queen, was escorted to the statue of the Blessed Mo ther by Anna Chvala and Doreen Courtney. Joan Birmier, Jill Al len, Grace Kube and Carolyn Courtney were attendants. Pete Chavla and David Mulhair pre sented flags. Prayers were recited by all the children and the Rev Mr. Kara ber, who also presented a mes sage. Music was provided by the choir. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE Nice clean 1954 Chevrolet 210. Two new tires, others practically new, t-dr Ph 690 after 3:00 p.m. 7p FOR SALE 1949 International 1 M»-ton truck with 8x10 ft. comb, rack F460 Diesel F560 Diesel, fast hitch, power steering, 3 valves F340 Gas M-H-C-B Farmalls 1947 John Deere B with loader 1960 1460 gas utility with loader Farmall M overhauled and with new tires Used Case one-way on rubber 2-row corn planter HM 46 Lister for M or M New 55T Baler with Wisconsin en gine New No. 30 and No. 31 McCormick spreaders New Stanhoist loader Three used 12-ft. Case hay rakes Five used 12-ft. McCormick hay rakes One used 14-ft. McCormick hay rake Used 3-rake hitch for Farmall B, C or H Used 3-rake hitch for Ford tractor Used 36-ft. hydraulic rake Used Ford hammermill Snowco Feed Wagon Used electric refrigerators Power lawn mowers from $9.95 up Used 14 ft. IH upright freezer; We have Waconia Cove Atlas Sor go, Sudan grass, Milo and Alfalfa seed for sale. Keating Implement Co. Atkinson, Nebr. Deadly Reckoning I by Robt. Day -——i More than 27% of the drivers involved in fatal Occidents in 1960 were under 25 years of age. Wl£ * WE are HEADQUARTERS for RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES AND OTHER MARKING DEVICES *||||| THE FRONTIER Phone 788 114 N. Fourth St. O'Neill, Nebr. % *