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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1960)
. /I TO Nancy Lee Miller Weds J. Wilson Lamason in Methodist Church Rite PAGE—Word has been received here of the wedding November 19 of Miss Nancy Lee Miller of Long Beach, Calif., and J. Wilson Lamason of Lakewood, Calif., for mer resident of Page. Miss* Miller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Miller of Long Beach Mr. Lamason is the son of Mr, and Mrs. John T. Lam ason of Lakewood, who formerly resided in Page. The ceremony was performed at 8 pm. in the First Methodist church at Long Beach. Miss Mar ilyn Fenwick provided the organ mjsic and Miss Rosalie Baker was soloist. The bride chose a white alen con lace dress with sweeping folds forming a chapel trair.. Seed pearls outlined the round neck line. Her fingertip veil fell from a Juliet cap covered with pearls. She carried a bouquet of white carnations centered with a purple throated white orchid. Attending her were Miss Betty Torkelson, maid of honor, and Miss Lois T irkelson, bridesmaid. t Club Notes To Entertain Husbands Members of the Wednesday af ternoon bridge club will enter tain their husbands at a dinner at the Town House Saturday eve ning. Following dinner the group will adjourn to the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis for an evening of bridge and a gift exchange. Mrs. Sliierk Is Hostess M & M bridge club members met Tuesday evening at the Town House for a 6:30 dinner, after which they went to toe home of Mrs. Paul Shierk for a gift ex change and card game. In the playing of bridge, prizes were won by Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Mrs. H. G. Kruse. Mrs. George Rector of Marysville, Wash., at tended as a guest. Smiths Are Hosts Mr. and Mrs. W'illiam C. Smith and son, Bob, of Ainsworth en tertained several friends at a recognition dinner Sunday eve ning at the Town House. Mr Smith was recently elected dis trict judge. Present for the affair were J. D. Cronin of O’Neill, Judge D. R. Mounts and Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney, all of O’ Neill; Mr. and Mrs. W L. Bren nan of Butte; Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brady of Atkinson. Blue chiffon dresses were select ed by the attendants. Gene Braddock of Omaha was best man and Dee Prichard was groomsman. Ushers were Marie Downey, Jay Miller, Joe Thibo deaux and Douglas Carroll. A reception was held following the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of Poly high school and is employed at the Farmer's National Bank. The bridegroom is a graduate of Fullerton Junior college and a senior of Long Beach state col lege. The couple are now at home in Los Alamitos, Calif. Former Holt County residents attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs Tom Farewell of Pico Riveria, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tra vers of Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spath and Elaine of Santa Maria, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath of Ingelwood, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Farrier of Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Catlett of Whit tier, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blezek of Victorville, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Malone, and Randy of Temple City, Miss Margie Finch of Brea, Gene Braddock of Westwood, Mr. and Mrs. Donald La.itenschlager and Mark of Long Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Maricle of Albion, Nebr. Car-D-Yaks Meet Members of the Car-D-Yaks club met f r a yuletide party Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Phil Haverkamp. Cards furnished the entertainm.nt and prizes were w n by Mmes. Dick McLain, Ow en Parkinson and L. Hamik. Fol lowing a gift exchange, a lunch was served by the hostess. FAMILY NIGHT ORCHARD—Approximately 100 persons attended family night Sunday evening for a no-host din ner followed by a program and games. Presenting musical selections, a playlet and readings were Jerry Miller, Lyn Dorr, Lana Cleveland, Betty Von 9eggern, Elaine Rang, Dean Ennen, Debbie Nelson, the Rev. W. Seefeldt, Carol Ann Mo sel, Diana Johnson, Diana John ston and Kristy Nelson. Fay Scheer announced the numbers. Alpha Club Meets Members of the Alpha club met at the Town House for dinner Tuesday evening with a Christmas party following at the home of Mrs. Harry Lansworth. Mrs. Sherbahn Entertains Members of the Wednesday af ternoon bridge club met for a luncheon and cards December 14 at the home of Mrs. J. L. Sher bahn. Prizes were won by Mmes O. W. French, C. E. Lundgren and George Rector, a guest. . ”^kaL" - ’"'•'• - - --.•-V-.:-5 . 151 * 11 GIFT IDEAS FOR Last Minute Shoppers WHEELED GOODS Scat Cars Tricycles Tractors Wagons GAMES Many, many to choose from DO IT YOURSELF MODELS Cars Planes Dogs Birds 1 lorseless Carriages Tanks DOLL ACCESSORIES Doll beds Doll luggage Ironing boards High chairs Tea sets Housekeeping sets Doll buggies Cooking sets PLAY GUNS Wagon train sets Burp guns Cork guns _ _ m m DOLLS DOLLS Choose from many BOYS' TOYS Toy cars, trucks Earth-moving equip. Flying model planes Basketballs Archery sets Footballs Camping kits Boxing gloves Ball gloves * BB guns Erector sets Tinkertoy ssts Building blocks Jet helmet Service station Western train set Chalk boards GIRLS' TOYS % Dolls j Chair & table sets SLEDS & SNOW COASTERS ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYERS BABY TOYS * •* .* jf; . ' . I Lmdberg Home & Auto Supply I j Your Firestone Store t j w —e .»' ■ *•’*'' ; ■ ■* -■ > j*' 810 East I)ouK>a« O’NeUI. Nebraska -—-! Frirkw Honored The Old Home Bread employees and their wives met at the Town House Saturday evening for din ner and finished out the evening at the Vernon Lorenz home, where Mr. and Mrs William Frick e were honored with a sur prise party on their 20th wedding anniversary. Liddys Are Hosts Mr and Mrs T. L. Liddy en tertained members cf their card club Sunday evening at dinner. In the p'aying of cards prises were won by Mrs. Laurence Haynes and John Conard. Holiday 'TOieine Used Christmas decorations were used by Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson when she entertained the mem bers of BCA club at her home Tuesday evening. A gift exchange was held at the house, after which the group adjourned to the Town House for dinner. Celebrates Birthday Mrs Juliana Kamphaus enter tained at dinner and lunch Sun day in honor of her son, John’s birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Joe Kamp haus and family of Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Janies Stewart and Bobbie of Page, Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw and daughters of O’Neill, Carl, Bernard and John Kamphaus and friend, all of Bartlett. Cards furnished the af ternoon diversion and Sam and Susie Kamphaus sang the birth day song before the cake, baked and decorated by Mrs. Delores Warner, was served. Entertain at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. A L. Patton were hosts Sunday evening at a din ner at their home. Following din ner cards furnished the enter tainment. Guests included Mes srs. and Mmes. L. A. Burgess, Harry Clauson, K. L. Van Voorhis and L. F. Beckenhauer. Wi I la Lu Wells to Wed Douglas Dean Auman ORCHARD—Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Wells of Huron, S. D., an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Willa Lu, to Douglas Dean Auman, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Orval Auman of Orchard. Miss Wells is a graduate of Huron high school, Nebraska Christian college and Norf lk Jun ior college. She is presently em ployed as a teacher in the Norfolk schools. Mr. Auman is a graduate of Orchard high school and is n w attending Norfolk Junior college. He is employed at the Montgom ery Ward store at Noifolk. No wedding plans have been an nounced. Christmas Parties Mark Approach of Holidays Many business firms, organiza tions and card clubs are cele brating the Christmas season with luncheons, dinners and parties. The Foree Tire and Supply Co. employees met with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Force as hosts Saturday evening for a Christmas dinner at the Town House. Fifteen per sons attended. On Sunday evening three drug stores joined for a holiday cele bration, Johnson Drug, O’Neill Drug and the Evans Drug store of Norfolk. Following dinner at the Town House, a gift exchange was held. National Guardsmen, wives and friends reserved dining space at the Town House Monday evening for their Christmas party. Employees and directors of the O’Neill REA were guests at a holiday luncheon Tuesday at the Town House. Members of the Pin Pals bowl ing team met for a dinner and Christmas party Tuesday eve ning, adjourning to Janice Stein berg's home for a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McIntosh honored their employees at Mc Intosh Jewelry store with a yuletide dinner at the Town House Wednesday evening. After dinner the group adjourned to the hosts' home for a social time. Employees of the O’Neill National Bank were entertained at a Christmas dinner Wednesday evening at the Town House. Members of the Elkhom Exten sion club met Wednesday evening for a dinner party at the Town House. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Dec. 7-John Tur ner of O’Neill. 8—Mrs. Alice Quigley and Mrs. Nellie Lewman, both of Orchard; Mrs. Hubert Ki ser and E. E. Clark, both of In man; Mrs. R. V. Crumly of Page. 9—Mrs. Andy Goeden, Kurt Frahm, Mrs. Henry Winkler, Ivan Hurley jr. and Clayton Messner, all of O’Neill. 10—George Porter and Mrs. George Cameron, both of Chambers; Cheryl Bridge of Royal; Robert Abart of O’Neill. 11—Terry Paulsen and Mrs. Eva Hurlbert, both of O'Neill. 12 Earl Summers of Ewing; Silas Howard of O’Neill. 13—Harry D. Snyder of Inman; E. H. Farns — CROWDED WITH GUESTS DURING THE HOLIDAYS? * 1 Have Them Stay At The GATEWAY MOTEL Phone 600 For Reservations | \ ‘ * Convenient --Close to You WINTER RATES APPLY worth and Mrs. Norman 3»lti. both of Page; Mrs Otto Sprague of O’Neill DISMISSED Dec 7—George Pond of Inman; Mrs Lod Jano usek and Silas Howard, both of O’Neill; Ernest Porter of Atkin son; Miss Bonnie Hornback of Spencer; Mrs. Frank Tomjack and baby boy of Ewing. 8— Mi's Jer ry McGinn, John Turner and Mrs Robert Carroll, all of O'Neill. 9— Mrs. R. V. Crumly and Harry Tegeler, both of Page: E. E Clark of Inman. 10—None. 11— Cheryl Bridge of Royal; Kurt Frahm of O'Neill. 13—-John Roy Sivesind, Mrs. Joe Biglin and Mrs. Ed Murphy, all of O'Neill. 13— Robert Abart and Mrs. Andy Goe den and baby boy, all of O’Neill; Mrs. George Cameron of Cham bers; Mrs Francis Zidko of Spen cer. EXPIRED: Dee. 9— Mrs. Jen nie Crosser of Inman. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Dec. 5-Mrs. Ann Baumeister of Stuart; Gerald Winings of Atkinson. 6—Mrs. Gene Gillogly of O'Neill; Serafim Engler of Stuart; Mrs. Ed Ries of Atkinson. 7—Paul Kramer of Stuart; Donald Parker of Butte. 8—Mrs. Dennis Edwards, Mrs. Arlen Brown and Mrs. Dean Pre witt, all of Atkinson; Mrs. Walter Jutte of Chambers. 9—Mrs. Wil liam Ludeman of Anoka; Mrs Henry Straka of Stuart. 10-Den nis Weber of Stuart; Leslie An drus of Atkinson. 11—Mrs. Frank Bose of Stuart. 13—Mis. Ray mond Dobias of Atkinson; Clint Davis and Mrs. Harry Fischer, both of Bassett. DISMISSED: Dec, 5—Harry Heeb of Atkinson; Diana Colfack of Newport. 6-Mrs. Warren Cronk and daughter of Page; Edward Anderson of Bassett; Mrs. Kenneth Krysl and son of Atkinson. 7—Mrs Lawrence Ziska and son of Stuart. &— George Mathis, Mrs. Catherine Johnson and Mrs. Ed Ries, all of Atkinson; Paul Kramer of Stuart. 9—Serafim Engler and Mrs. Wil liam Raymer and son, all of Stuart; Mrs. George Albrecht and son and Mrs. Paul Seger and daughter, all of Atkinson. 10— Lawrence Haynes of Atkinson; Mrs. Walter Jutte of Chambers; Mrs. Gene Gillogly of O'Neill; John Alderman of Stuart. SACRED HEART PRESENT: Oscar Carmichael, Mrs. Mary Classen, Mrs. Lena Connot, Mrs. Leo Marx and daughter and John Schommer, all of Spencer; Mrs. Frank Clau sen of Naper; Mrs. Calvin Conk lin, Mrs. Foster Farrand and ba by boy; Mrs. Floyd France, Dr. J. A. Guttery and Orvie Jones, all of Lynch; Master Kerry Da vid Jons of Bonesteel; Mrs. Jan nettie Nelson of Center; Erick Oh man of Anoka; Miss Dolores Van Hove of Bristow; Miss Mary Wilis of Butte. DISMISSED: Dec. 6—George Fish of Bristow; Mrs. Myrtle Chambers of Lynch. 8—Dana Counts of Lynch. 10—Rennie Gal lop of Lynch; Mrs. Larry Stol tenberg of Naper. 11—Mrs. Aud rey Compton of Lynch. 13—Mrs. Robert Wilson and baby boy erf Verdel. GOEDEN—Mr. and Mrs. Andy Goeden of O’Neill, son, Andrew John Jr., 6 pounds, December 9. LANGAN—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan of O’Neill, daughter, 6 pounds 2 ounces, December 14. ATKINSON MEMORIAL GILLOGLY—Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gillogly of O’Neill, daugh ter, 6 pounds 15 ounces, Decem ber 6. PREWITT—Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prewitt of Atkinson, son, Steven Lee, 7 pounds 11 ounces, Decem ber 8. The Prewitts also have a daughter, Lori Ruth and a son, Jerry Dean. EDWARDS—Mr. and Mrs. Den nis Edwards of Atkinson, son, Gregory Bart, 9 pounds 13% ounces, December 8. BROWN—Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown of Atkinson, daughter, Kimberlee Ann, 9 pounds 9 ounces, December 8. LUDEMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Ludeman of Anoka, son, Michael William, 8 pounds 5 ounces, December 9. DOBIAS—Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Dobias of Atkinson, son, Michael John, 7 pounds 3 ounces, December 12. SACRED HEART FARRAND—Mr. and Mrs. Fos ter Farrand of Lynch, son, 5 pounds 12 ounces, December 9. MARX—Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marx of Spencer, daughter, 8 pounds, Dec' mber 9. WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Verdel, son, Carson Lee, December 9. The couple now has four sons. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tuch. ELSEWHERE ROSENKRANS—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosenkrans of Ontario, Calif., son, Richard Arthur, 7 pounds S ounce*. December 6. SCHRADER-Mr and Mrs. La Vern Schrader of Burton, son, Mark LaVern, 6 pounds 1 ounces, November 22. Mrs. Schrader is the former Myma Alexander. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wardell Alexander. DECAMP—Mr and Mrs. Mar cus Arthur DeCamp of Omaha, son. T pounds 3 ounces, Mr and Mrs Hewitt DeCamp are the grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. William DeCamp are the great grandparents. MOORE—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, daughter, Brenda Leigh, 9 pounds 9 ounces. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. Martin Schmidt. VALLA-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Val la of Kansas City, Mo„ daugh ter, Susan Louise, 8 pounds 4 ounces, December 5. They now have two boys and two girls. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Valla are the grandparents. BARTOS—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartos of Verdigre, son, 7 pojnds 3 ounces, December 9 in a Norfolk hospital. KENNEDY—Mr. and Mrs, Keith Kennedy of Page, son, Patrick Lee, by adoption. Patrick Lee weighed 9 pounds at birth on No vember 8. ZIMMERMAN -Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zimmerman of Ewing, twin daughters. 18 months old by adoption, December. O'Neill Locals Jim Johnson and Marsha Ton ner, students at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, were weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lowell Johnson. Mrs. Edna Yantzi left for Oma ha Sunday where she will spend the winter at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Byers. Mrs. O. W. French will lease next week for Omaha, where she will spend the holidays at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Tallon and family. Mrs. Grace Lucas of Tonkawa, Okla., who had been visiting in the home of her 1 rother, Judge D. R. Mounts the past six weeks, returned Saturday to her homo. Mrs. Tom Liddy and Mrs. De lores Warner were Monday af ternoon lunch guests in the Juli ana Kajnphaus home. Mr and Mrs George Hammond spent from Sunday to Wednes day in Omaha. Mrs Goldie Lid dy cared for the Hammond child ren during their absence. Mr. and Mrs H. J Lohaus and daughter. Jeanne, and Mrs. Lo haus' mother, Mrs Mary Mc Leod, were weekend visitors in the homes of Mr and Mrs. John Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fangman They were accompan ied to O'Neill by Elizabeth O’ Malley, who visited a few days with Mrs. Tom Quilty and her daughter, Grace in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. William Poff and son, Alan, of San Diego, Calif, were last week guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A m and with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maw. and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Bill A m at Lynch It is their first visit here in eight years. Mr. Poff is a chief naval of ficer wd 1 19 years service to his credit and they are being transferred from the San Diego naval base to Pensacola, F a. He , has served in Japan and Hawaii as well as northern and southern Ca if urn a assignmen s and will be an instructor in Flordia. Mrs. Poff is the former Betty Aim. A Wednesday evening dinner at the Arthjr Aim home included Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maw and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aim and lamily of Lynch and the Poff family. Tuesday afternoon and evtmng guests were Clara Aim and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dim mitt and Miss Aim are aunts of of Page. Mrs. Dimmit and Miss Aim are aunts of Mrs. Poif. Dr. and Mrs. Rex Wilson will go to Lincoln Friday to meet their daughter, Joan, and Sandee Senton of Boonville, Mo., who will accompany the Wilsons home for the Christmas vacation. Miss Wil son and Miss Senton are room mates at Christian college, Co ' kimbia, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hastreiter and family spent Sunday and Monday in Humphrey vtsitlftef re latives. Mr. and Mrs. Grover M Shaw and children of Ainsworth were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. j Grover C. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse will leave Saturday to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Norbert H. Uhl announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Allan Wesley Ellerbroek, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ellerbroek of Bellevue. Miss Uhl is a graduate of the College of St. Mary where she is a member of the national honorary drama fraternity, Alpha Gamma 3mega. While attending St. Mary she was student council president. She is presently teaching in the Omaha public schools. Miss Uhl is i graduate of St. Mary’s academy in 1955. Mr. Ellerbroek attended the University of Nebraska, where he vas affiliated with the Sigma Chi fraternity. He is currently attend ng the University of Omaha. A June 17 wedding is being planned. Eureka with Exclusive Triple-Filter J Traps dust ordinarily blown bask into rooms! I • Filters, refilters air 1 3 separate times e Only low-priced deluxe cleaner on wheels I e V» H. P. motor This week only! MODEL 860A-B >095 a SMALL ^ DEPOSIT SMALL DEPOSIT I per week Money-back complete fl «00,<,n'" with 7-pi«c« Ml of V PHONE 80 FOR 10-DAY POME TRIAL Consumers Public Power District Christmas holiday in Perry, la . with their daughter. Mra. Use Van Edery And family, and with her sisters and brother at Swea City. la. Mrs Paul Shierk, Mrs C W. Porter and Mrs. H. G. Kruse were Norfolk visitors Friday. Sick and Injured CHAMBERS-Mrs Walter Jutte returned Saturday, Dec. 10 from the Atkinson hospital. She had spent several days previous to this in an Omaha hospital. MEEK Oswald Drueke was laid up several days last week with a sore foot. The accident oc cured while riding a horse which stumbled . .Mrs. Bertha Hayden from Wiggins, Colo., was hospita lised at Bassett last week. . Mrs. Art Kortje of Norfolk entered the Norfolk hospital She is a sister of Vernon Harding. Pleasant View By Delores Tunender Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold and family were Friday night visitors at Mr. and Mrs. R E. Tunender s. Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold and family of Inman were Sunday guests of Mrs. Joe Ramold and sons. Mrs. Louis Ha vr a nek was hos tess to a party Tuesday after noon Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tunender and family of Atkinson were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ray Schaaf and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Pongrata and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynskj visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pon gratz and Gene Pettinger Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family of Atkinson were Wed nesday evening guests of R. E. Tunender and family. Delores Tunender was a Thurs day and Friday guest of Marian Deermer, Ed Sterns shelled corn for Joe PongraU Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Char les Boyle Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Len Ullrich of Atkinson visaed Mr and Mrs. Al bert Havranek Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sc ha a f and family and Mr and Mrs. Ray Timmerman and family were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Joe Ramold and sons. Mr. and Mrs Donald Marcel los and family were Sunday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soukup for Barbara's and Gary’s birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tunender were surprised on their twenty third weikling anniversary Sun day evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray 5Vhaaf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deermer and family, Mrs. Joe Ramold and Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmerman and family, all of Atkinson, Mr and Mrs. Cyril Peter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramold and family, all of O'Neill, Father O'Donnell of Fun met and Mr and Mrs. George Ramold and family of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Havranek visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hav ranek and Larry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Steskal and family were Sunday night visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Farewell and Judy. Mike Bauer helped Donald Mar Cellua saw wood. Help Fight TB Use Christmas Seals HELP! HELP! THESE USED CARS MUST GO Before January 1, 1961 Buy now and get extra savings before the first of the year. Look at these prices and see the kind of deals we offer: 1957 MERCURY.$ J 3QC 2-Dr. hardtop, radio, heater, automatic transmis- i sion power steering and brakes, air condition ing, new tires and only 12,000 miles on a new motor. 1957 FORD.$895 2-Dr., 6 cylinder, standard transmission. 1957 PLYMOUTH.$795 4-Dr., V-6 standard transmission. I 1959 DODGE 2-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, automatic transmission, radio, heater, a like-new car just ! right for you. 1959 OPEL Standard transmission, radio and heater. Low cost operation and a real bargain in this compact. 1959 FORD 4-DOOR V-8, standard transmission, only 18,000 miles. Perfect in and out. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR V-8, radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1957 MERCURY 4-DOOR Power steering and brakes, one-owner local car with only 35,000 miles. 1956 DODGE 4-DOOR V-8, radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1956 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR Bel Air V-8, radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1956 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON V-8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, luggage carrier. 1955 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Completely reconditioned motor 1954 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON A real clean car 1954 PLYMOUTH Standard transmission, 6 cylinder. 1953 DODGE 4-DOOR Motor completely overhauled. Choose from two. One 6-cylinder, one V-8. 4-WHEEL DRIVE JEEP * ‘ * ■ V4i' * .•* Excellent shape. * . * * Ask to see our nice selection of OLDER ONE-OWNER CARS &*■ Each one a pampered pet of a good master. You’ll have to see ’em to appreciate ’em. . „ . T- \ , • fjt „, Thelander Auto Co. 217 S. 4th O'Neill Nebraska