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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1960)
Servicemen'* Note* . . . Army PFC Floyd C. Black, son of Lloyd W Black of Ewing, recently participated with other personnel from the 24th Infantry Division's 3d Engineer Battalion in a 30-day field training exercise in Graienwonr, Germany. The exercise was conducted to test and improve the efficiency of the battalion, and featured ex tensile combat engineer training. Black, a truck driver in the bat taiion's Company A, entered the Army in December 1968 and ar rived overseas in January 1960 The 19-year-old soldier attend ed Ewing High School. His mo ther, Mrs. Edna K Black, fives in Yakima, Wash. Jim Renze, FTSA, US Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs Herman Renze of O'Neill has completed recruit training at San Diego Na val training center and is home spending 15 days leave with his parents. Upon completion of his leave he will be stationed at the naval air station in Norfolk, Va,, for a course of indoctrination and then to fire control school at Bain bridge, Md. Warranty Deeds WD—Nellie Smith to Cecil R. Smith or Ruth M. Adams 12-2-60 $1750- Part of Outlot D- Northside Add- Chambers. WD Elsie L Keyes to Curtis Prout Smith & wf 7-23-60 $300-EVi lots 9 A 10 Blk 5-Western Town Lot Co. 1st Add- Inman WD-Rose E Monahan to Leo Monahan A wf 11-15-60 $18,000 EVi 23-29-14 WD-Herbert J Stevens to Fran cis Summers, et al., no date $1000-Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 A 10 Blk 8-Village erf Page-East Side Add. WD Walter Gul to Northwestern Bell Tel. 12-7-60 $1000-Lots 4 5 A 6 Blk 6- Hallocks Add- Stuart WD-Lilfian Weller to Gerald D Ferris A wf 11-29-60 $1500- Lots 7 A 8 Blk 2- Ballons Add- Atkin son. WD-Fredric L Wilson to Bessie M Wils in 12-6-60 $l-SVi-SEV4NEV« 17-NViNW‘4- SiEV«NWV4- NEV« NWV4SEV« 20-N‘iNWV« 21-32-15 | Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call !U U — 24 hr. Her vie* Northwest Electric O'Neill We Need RAW FURS NOW We are paying top market prices for Mink, Beaver, Musk rat, Racoon, anil Civet Cats. We want your raw furs and our prices will prove It! For the best prices, bring your furs to Norfolk Iron & Metal Company 300 Braasch Ave. NORFOLK, NEBRASKA We want unsklnned Jack Rab bits. White Tail and Black Tall. 32-33-34 WD-Wi5>ur A Spangler to Eben Gra/ft k mi Hi40 fl-part c< St* 3 »-9 WD fiber. Grafft to Curtis W Roberta k mi 9-1546 $75eM>art SE'm 3-26 9 k Lots 11 k 12 Bik 9-Ewing. WD-Ralph Frttton to James R Fntton 10-3146 SI Lots 36 A 37 Bik A-Goldens S-Jxlivision -0 'Neill WD-Frank Skrdla to Ft m or Velda Davis 9-17-60 $l-Lot 16 Bik 45- Pioneer Townsite Co 1st Add-Atkinson. QCD- Josephine Janouaek to City of O’Neill U-740-No coo sideraUon-Stnp of land 10 ft wide and 225 ft long in Bik S-McCaf fertys Annex O’Neill, to be used for an alley. Riverside News By Mn. Lionel liunler Frances Shrader, Bessie Napier assisted Florence Hoke and Janelle Hobbs entertain at a miscellaneous shower for Rowena Rotherham Saturday evening at the Hoke home. Miss Rotherham received a variety of gifts and some of the guests shared their favorite recipes her. She is to be married December 26 in the Holy Angel church in Oma ha to Frank Augusta, who is now serving in the armed forces. Esther Zimmerman called on Mrs. Wilmer Mosel Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. Mosel has re turned home recently after spend ing a few days in the Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh for a check-up. Julie and Jody Fry enter tained some of their school map's at a roller skating party Saturday evening In Neligh for their birthday anniversaries. Janelle Hobbs and Bobby vi sited Tuesday evening at the L. A. Hobbs home. Beulah Fink visited Margaret Fry Saturday morning. The Wayne Fry family visited Wednesday evening at the Harry Lam pert home. Mr and Mrs. Harold Jones vi-1 sited Friday evening at the John j Miller home. The Gary Tessmer family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Napier I visited Sundav afternoon at the Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery were dinner guests Wednes day at the M & M Cafe in O'-1 Neill of the Funk G Hyhred Se d Co. The Willie Shrader family and Kitty Fry were guests last Sun day at the Dewitt Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited at the Grant Mott home Friday night. Mrs. Richard Napier and girls visited Saturday afternoon at the Alfred Napier home. The Riverside Free Methodist Missionary Society met Thursday afternoon with Wanda Larson. Jackie and Bruce Morrow of O'Neill spent the weekend at the Wilbur Bennett home. Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry were O'Neill vi sitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller, Joan and Steve and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer, Sherry and Tommy at tended a basketball game in Columt us Friday evening be tween Omaha Westside and the Columbus high school teams. Jerry Switzer, a grandson of Ora j Switzer played on the Omaha j team. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited last Sunday at the Robert Montgomery home. Mrs. Will Shrader and Alice; visited Friday and Saturday at the Gerald Wettlauffer home in O'Neill. Saturday Eddy was a supper guest at the Wettlauffer home and his mother and Alice returned home with him. Julie, Jody and Jane Fry were ] overnight guests Friday of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry. A1 Gibson of Neligh was a sup per guest Tuesday at the Wayne Fry home. Try The Frontier Want Ads — it Pays j PERFECT GIFT! NEKOOSA BOND Boxed Personal Stationery! 100 Sheets - 100 Envelopes to Match . Choose from 3 Finishes - 2 Colors Fine Writing Papers in Attractive ! Durable Box 4.50 per Box Plain 5.50 per Box Printed with Name and address. ORDEREARLY FOR PRINTED GIFTS I 4-H Club Notes gr assland guys and gals The Grassland Guys and Gals AH club re-organized their club •t a meeting Sunday afternoon at the Lawrence Kaup home. Election of officers for the com ing year was held with the fol lowing results: Linda Engler, president; Mary Lou Kaup. vice president. LeAnn Kaup, secretary treasurer and Johnny Morgan, news reporter. Projects chosen for next year are calves, sewing and garden ing. The overall leader is Mrs. Law rence Kaup and Mrs Leo Weich man. Mrs. Bill Morgan and Law rence Kaup are assistant lead ers. The next meeting will be January 22, at the Bill Morgan I home. Le Ann Kaup. news reporter EAGER BEAVERS A demonstration on “How Weeds Prevent Erosi n," was presented bv G wend a Schultz and Janice Vequist at the regu lar meeting of the Eager Beaver AH Weed Club at District 33 school November 21 Everyone an swered roll call by showing their animal picture made of weed seeds. Our v;sitor for the day was Mike O'Neill. Names were drawn for the ex change of Christmas presents, which will be held in connection with the Christmas dinner and party at school Thursday, Decem ber 22. Roll call for the next meeting is to mount six weeds and tell bow the seeds are wittered The next meeting will be held on De cember 19 Terry R Brown PHOENIX LIVE WIRES The Phoenix Live wires 4-H chib met at the home of Carl Wabs. We reorganised with the following new officers: Judy Syfie, presi dent; Linda Damero, vice presi ce sort John Wabs. sec-trea Lawrence Johnson is our leader with Leo Wabs as his assistant. Mrs. Leo Wabs is leader for the girls with Mrs George Syfie as he - assistant. New members are Randall Ste wart, Clint Hipke and Kathleen Wabs We now have fourteen members Enid Johnson—News reporter Meek News Bv Mr*. Fred IJndberg Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg en tertained Mr. and Mrs. George Rector of Marysville, Wash.. Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding entertained Saturday evening. Their guests were Mr and Mrs lolp i Sed vy and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fernau of Bristow, Mr and Mrs. Gay Hull and Mr and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus and family of Lynch, Mr and Mrs. Dick Fernau and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg. - ■ Cactus Ranchette* Cactus Ranchette Project club held its regular meeting and family Christmas party at the home of Minnie Boshart Thurs day evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of Dorothy Sander*. Junior and Douglas Walters were overnight guests Sunday at the Merlin Anderson home. A number erf people from thl; community attended the Fellow ship meeting at the .Assembly of God Church in O'Neill Thursday. Mrs Jessie Kaczor had the Mis fortune of failing which caused her to be bedfast for several days. She is some better and aide to be up part time at this writing. Ix>la Riser called on her Wednes day evening Mary Peterson and Emmet Slaight attended the funeral ol Jennie Grosser held at Inman Sunday. Raymond Risor is helping at Axel Borgs with the farm work. The Meek school is having their Christmas program Thurs day evening at 8 p.m. Paddock Missionary Society will meet with Mrs Paul Nelson Friday. Mr. and Mrs Henry Walters and Norma were callers at the Merlin Anderson home Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Joe Schmitt and Linda of Bones'eel, S- D, were Wednesday visitors ot Mr. ami Mrs, John Schmitt. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence I\v brovolny attended the funeral of Mr. Robertson at Atkinson Satur day. Mr and Mrs. Walter Wells of Bristow were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lmdberg, Friday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Benrue Johrir® were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wal. ters They ail attended the basket ball game in O'Neill. Mr and Mrs Charles Schrvtt and Penny ot Bonesteel, S D., were Monday dinner guests of John Schmitt. , Paddock Community Aid met at ihe borne of Delta Harding Wednesday. The annual Christ mas dinner waa served with en tertainment and hasaar follow ing tn the afternoon. The January meeting fct to be held with Dorothy Devall. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Christoffer son of O'Neill were callers at the Henry Walters home Monday evening. H A Bourbon Man's Bourbon— « OLD I CAB1N STILl! . . . in the Annii ersary Decanter, J or Gi/f Wrapped $ 6 Y.*n Old—?3 Proof y Kentucky Straight Sour Meth Bourbon J v Exclusive in Nebraska—Western Wine 4 Liquor Co.—Omaha * Paddock Union church is giving their Christmas program Suud.i> evening, Dec 18 at 8 p.m Every* one is invited, Mr and Mrs Mow ant Rouse visited Mrs Jessie Kaoror and Mr. and Mrs Virgil Hubby Sun day. The 4-H CSinstmas party was heid Saturday evening at the txane of Mr. and Mrs. IVWayne Anson. Gaines were play.d, gifts exchanged and refreshments wived Mr and Mi*. Qrlan Anson and family amt Mr and Mr* Ob war Anson of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guest* id Mr. and Mrs. Ue Wayne Anson. Mr and Mr*. Qeorge Nekro were visitor* at Dai* Untaerts home Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs Uewayne Aims and girl* were Wettnesday «•» mng visitor* at Laamet John son s Western Republican Valley Hereford! WILL SELL 140 HORNED HEREFORD BULLS NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Western livestock Auction tY>. Pavilion Selling In Pen Lot* and a* Single's — One of the largest Kata* of Big Bull* In Nebraska this Year MON.. DEC. 19 1NIFORMITY -SIZE- BREEDING -OIUIR E. T. and lYed Sherlock, Auctioneer* Glen Heiberg, North Platte or Forrest J. Serivuer, Italgtar for Catalogui'* or Information A fine variety of holiday foods to help you... BfflM Christ®9 _ f jtfciiT «namco TT> MM IT 91 AAT mm Free Gold Bond U/ Gifts help stretch your Christmas budget! Del Monte or Libby's Peaches 4 ’I00 Yellow Cling, sliced or halved lias ns m m ws swi mm w* jw wa wt ** mmmm) r Royal Satin ^Shortening » 69« All-purpose, pure vegetable I Beans, BrocceK, or Cauliflower 2 Pt<9* Bel-air; frozen, 9-or. Cut or Sliced French Green Beans; 10-oz Broccoli Spears; 10-oa. Cauliflower iiisisiBWwnninisiuiswnnnswiwniwm l Powdered or Brown Sugar % i o< For all your Christmas baking needs! ®R|£d prunes * Town House—medjurn coj f"*'* 2-lb. Pile Bog 69c ^ Dates SSST-p^.^49c Bonner Currants SS!t£%& 11" 9? and fats SZS^r }'Z fiqC Seeded Raisins [""iZ ^ CREAM cheese 8-0* Pkg. 29C JS^swr** 2^29p ***** Baking mx^T £ Cotton Seed Oil VuiUde *e Vanilla 2£L2°,on,'--id**i.^t,ie rw «*«.b^S 49c a xtra stamps ti lth M zzzL a «A 2 ( 5° exfra I >n ,* °mps ^■o*. Carton I > Sfc ! **‘at*“*‘~-*m*a*ataJ Enriched Flour Cocoa Mix .B** ju»t add aunTT"?.. *,°* 9IU "arshmallows*■* -nu. 10u r 28e hhUfci*. "t2Sc Cake Mil 4#e Cako Mix 5SSTS5r«-^‘'"iI5 !? Cake Mixes ^ 55c Sauce. h^--^.... ^4/c ^ « ^dte .v« MAZOLA OIL ipt ^ k-*- Bottle t»e 1L"\-Bottl. 37Q • • Ideal for w K**2 SYRUP M ^ ***•*. *c*t. ^ •• ••Bottle 26c ^‘"'N»a*Mi Cri lit l A I# AC Mrs. Wright’s—full of 3-lb. | 7 9 Hi Ull ^rtVI 1% 9 candied fruits and nuts ... .Boxed Ring H Fresh Bread!« 21c | AC Roxbury—Satin, Ribbon or ^tfWII IVIIC9 Old Fashion Mix or Cut Rock...Pkg. Mm Jw W Marshmallows stes?.5 29c Nestle's Quik Instant Chocolate.1-lb. Pkg. 39c U.S.D.A. Qrade-A, U.S. Inspected jAifinv. Chickens Halved or Cut Up...35< ^^k ^7^k^ Whole 47lb. Safeway * Fryers see plump, tender, full-meated chickens that are especially selected for superb eating qualities. Every bird is U.S.D.A. Grade-A the highest Grade. BACKS & NECKS. . Lb. 15c WINGS . . Lb. 23c LEGS or THIGHS. . Lb. 59c BREASTS. . Lb. 69c Pork RoostK“.u, 33c Pork Steak (Boston) Butt".. ...Lb. 39c /N - Beef Short Ribs . u 29c Sliced Beef SET’... 2i%49< Smoked, try it for sandwiches or with scrambled eggs Fresh from California, seedless, Sunkist Brand Navel Oranges Large size, eaay-to-pecl and aegment, - ideal for your Chriatmaa fruit bowL Dozen DELICIOUS APPLES .n,19c j Red ur oviden. Washington State grown. Juicy RUSSET POTATOES . Poly Big 69c | US. No. 1 Grade, all-purpose, ideal for baking NEW CROP NUTS .u, 49c Large JCnfttsh Walnuts, Soft Shell Pecans. Large Filberts | m Braxil Nuts . • . Roasted Peanuts, Lb. Me g Give Safeway GIFT CERTIFICATES This Christmas *1 - *5 - $10 h* ,p You Ail 7»K«| rtftcun ilm Santlfi, D«nif<i 17, la O'Neill NIBLET'S CORN 3 co°. 49c Whole Kernel, golden, vacuum packed Cranberry Sauce “rr 2 39c Instant Coffee full-lxviicd Savor . 79s Pie Crnst Mix ...lK 20s Pinanht I>ro«nedary- Ideal 4-oa rimenful for Huffing ollvw.. Can BW STRAWBERRIES 3C89c Bel-air; frozen, premium quality tkarkal Income Oranxe. K-|tl Z« infvlllCI Pineapple or Raspberry . ...Ctr Orange Juice premium quality . is: SI Waff In* n*lllr' froaen, &-oa. I ft, TV allies quick and ravytoprcparv . .Pk*. ■ Uv Asparagus U™.££ 39c T Snow Shovels j ] eoch$2.59 i 5 Sturdy rustproof aluminum, light- 8 5 weight and strong. Blade has vertically 8 5 embossed rib construction and zinc- I 5 plated high carbon steel scraper edge, a ha—pae-atananarviat—iwyn—tmnmmi firtrlan Town House - 1-lb. H* WflVACri supreme, fresh.Box Cknik Tun* SUr x*t-n*kt «H*<* OfU Unnnn I unn meat, for casseroles . .Cm Apple Rings delldoue with pork .. .Can 33c Deveined Shrimp 63c Mixed Nuts 2£££E!,!’:....£: 63c Sogarine Sweetener. ... Bottle 75c Clorox Bleach looking clothes . *.Jug 37c Bab-Q Cleanser.2’^ 33c BOSCO AMPLIFIER 39c 24-ox. Jar (7a .. . Meal for making chocolate milk LAUNDRY RINSE ....x£49c Nu8oA~<Jl*ea elothea a aoft, Huffy feel NIACARA STARCH ”p£ 21c Powdered, for an four atarefcaMaa