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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1960)
O'Neill Store. l_j T" 7VT ' I ¥ XT' T) »«- Two Open Thursday Night. 1^1 I S| X X J Xx , , Until Christmas _ v "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Naora«- -» s blGGEST Newsp^, Volume 80—Number 34 O'Ne ill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, De<iVynber 15, 1 960 Seven Cents Ewing News It) Mr*. Harold Harris Santa will make his regular vis it to Ewing Saturday, Dec. 17 follrxwing a free movie for child ren at the Eldorado Theatre. Treats, including the movie will be compliments of the Ewing Chamber of commerce. store hours were an nounced this week include a plan to be open n Wednesday and Saturday nights. They will close Christmas Eve and will remain closed Christmas Day and Mon day, December 36 The Ewing Public Grade school will present their annual Christmas program Thursday evening, Dec. tt, at the school auditorium, beginning at 8 p.m. with the grade and Junior high teachers in charge. They are Mrs. Helen Grim, Mrs. Mar jorie Mci'amon, Mrs. Neva Berg strom. Mrs. Fern Kexine and Mrs. Beu'ah Black. Geraldine Bauer of Lincoln spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rose Bauer and family. Mr and Mrs Gail Boies and Mr. and Mrs Frank Bohn were dinner guests of Mrs Inez Jaake at Norfolk Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Gail Boies went to Plainview Sunday evening to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J hnnsen. Mrs. William Strong and Mrs. Larry Strong were guests Thurs day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kirschmer and family. Th" Chsmb> r of Commerce met Monday evening, to complete ar rangements for their Christmas program. Guests at the Dewitt Gunter home Sunday evening were Mr and Mrs Roland H rd Mr and Mrs. Roland Hord, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter of Ewing and Mrs. Lyle Switzer of Clearwater to Pierce M n !ay to attend a sale. Mrs Max Graver of New Wins dor. 111., is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. D* w tt G inter . Earl Sommers who became ill Sunday evening, was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital Monday. Mrs Frank Belmer entf rtained a numbe- of friends at an after noon party at her home in east Ewing M nday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Michael of Clearwater were guests at the C. C Heh'beck h^me Friday. Mrs Minnie Larson is spend ing some time at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cr ssel Anderson and fam ily at Bloomfield. Mr and Mrs. Richard Edwards and family of Bassett and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor of Oak dale were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp spent the weekend at Sioux Fal’s, S. D, visiting at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Robert Knapp. Mr and Mrs Grover Shaw and children, who recently moved to Ainsworth, were ca'ling on friends and relatives in Ewing Sunday. Pinochle Club Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp were hosts for a Christmas party for the Ewing Pinochle Cub Mon day evening at their home. Win n-rs wer Mrs Inez Jnake, Gail Boies, Mr. Knapp, Mrs. Frank B hn, Mrs Ralph Dredge, Mr. Bohn and Gail Boies. There was an exchange of Chrstmas gifts. The next meeting will be the first Monday in January. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross and their guest. Miss Helen Wetde of Sterling, Kan. spent Monday at Atkinson, guests at tire home of Mrs R >bert McLachlan. The schedule for the Christmas pr grams and entertainments by Ewing churches are as fo.lows: The First Methodist, Sunday eve ning, December 18. at eight pjn.; St. Peter's chjrch, Sunday eve ning, December 18 at 7;30, at St. Dominic's Hall; The United Pres byterian Church, Wednesday eve ning, December 21.; the Church of the Nazarene also on Wednes day evening, December 21. Mrs. Sylvia Anderson of Newman Grove, an evangelist, will conduct the service and show slides of the Holy Land which she took while touring this section of the world. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrnd, who have made Ewing their home for many years, decided to seek a warmer climate and left Tues day for Santiago, Calif, where they plan to make their home near their two daughters and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler and family went to Page Sunday to visit Mr, Allen Haynes, who was celebrat ing his 88th birthday anniversary. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman is filled to the brim with the true Christmas spirit of love and good cheer. Twin daugh ters, ago eighteen months which will become theirs by adoption, arrived last week to complete their family circle. Many messages of congratula tions from friends far and near have been received by the new parents. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS The Christian Mofhers met at St. Peters church Tuesday even ing for prayers and a talk by the Rev. P. F. Burke. Reports were given by Mines Leonard Knapp, Richard Cunningham, Lyle Mit teis, James Rotherham and Mrs. Cunningham P.ans were complet ed for the Christmas program to be held December 18 at 7 30 p.m. at St. Dominic's hall. The cate chism classes under the direction of their teachers will be in charge of the evening's entertainment. St. Rose circle gave a report on the card party held December 4 with Mrs Rose Bauer as chair man. St. Ann's circle will sponsor a dance for the y uth of the com munity December 28 at the Hall fnun 8 pm to 11:30 p.m. Card games provided amusement for the recreational period. Thirty two members were present. Re freshment hostesses were Mmes. Anna Klein, John Rosno, Joe Thoendel and Wesleyn Larson. The Junior Youth group of the United Presbyterian church held a party at the annex Tuesday evening. T>wo film strips were shown followed by group singing and games. Mrs. Ralph Shrader is sponsor of the group. The science clab of the Ewing high school held a regular meet ing December 6 at the Ewing pub lic school. Business was conduct ed by the president, Douglas Shra der. Sandra Elliott, Faye Scheer, Victor Thoendel and Clayton Hoke, members of the biology class, gave talks on the “Earth Worm". Mr. and Mrs Ray Butler spent Sunday at Elgin visiting at the home of her brother, Lawrence Worden and family. Recent guests at the Earl Wright home were Mr. and Mrs. Cole Ritter and family of Oklahoma. Mrs. Ritter is a cousin of Mr. Wright’s. Mrs Ralph Eacker and Mrs. Jessie Angus were in Albion Thursday. Ernest Wright of McCall, Ida., is a guest at the Earl Wright NEARING THE END! MEYER'S MIDWEST PRE-HOLIDAY J SALE Free Top Value Stamps Buy Now for Christmas Giving. With Every Purchase Easy Terms FREE DELIVERY These Are Only A Few Of The Many Outstanding Values In This Sale Samsonite CARO TABLE and 4 Chairs Reg. 40.01. NOW 29.95 Choice of Color TEA CARTS King Slie 16 Vi x 22 Vi I<arge Brass Handles Large Clear Plastic Casters Must Be Seen tu be Appreciated 4.95, NOW 2.50 MIRRORS All Size* Door or Wall Top Plate GIms STARTING AT 4.95 PICTURES Religious anil Scenic Large Selection The Gift for Christmas Giving Beautiful Natural Oak Frame STARTING AT ONLY 1.50 See Our Beautiful Lighted Pictures " . LIVING ROOM SUITES 15995 *> 29995 CHAIRS.ROCKERS, RECLINERS Large Selection to Choose From MATTRESSES - BOX SPRINGS 199i *> 79" You are Protected with Our Double Guarantee BEDROOM SUITES 13995 *> 17995 PET I N G Carpet Pad FREE with Purchase of 12 x 12 or 59S to *[2^ Per sq* yd. For warmth and beauty get the carpet which carries the Good Housekeeping approval on their en tire line, that warm luxurious Gulistan Carpet. You'll be glad you did. KELVINATOR Wholesale Prices 13 ft. Double Door Refrigerator \ll around Magnetic Door Seal 2 ONLY AT . 289.00 Chest Freezer 15Vi ft. 1 ONLY AT.219.00 DESKS Students. 10.95 Vicely Finished Kneehole .29.95 Large Heavy Construction Double Side Kneehole .47.95 Reg. 129.95 ONLY Seasoned Oak, the finest .... 89 95 DINETTE SETS Formica Tops — Chrome or Bronze Rectangular — Round or Drop Leaf 5 Pc. Sets - 59.95 ONLY 39.95 5 Pc. Sets - 79.95 ONLY 59.95 5 Pc. Sets - 89.95 ONLY 69.95 7 Pc. Sets - 99.95 ONLY 68.95 FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Meyer’s Midwest Furniture & Appliance WEST O'NEILL FREE DELIVERY PH 526 \ home and with other relatives in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock have gone to Omaha to spend the win te.' m mtla. Guests at the borne of Ale* Thramor Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Bob Walnofer in the after noon and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Thiele and family in the evening William Kiikman and family of Elgin were giests Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alex Thramor and family. Mrs. Edna Lofquest was a Sun day dinner guest at the home of her brother, Howard Miller. Mrs Edna Lofquest and Mrs. Alfred Doud made a business trip to Nel gh Saturday. Rowena Rotherham and Theora Lattner of Omaha were weekend guests of Rowena’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham and family. Junior Class Play “I’m A Family Crisis” was the title of the throe-act comedy pre sented Thurs lay evening by the junior class of Ewing high school at the school auditorium. A good _J ~ __ s Amber Schlotman was the direc tor. In the cast were Betty Wright, Linda Larson, Bonnie Kaczor, Dnn Rotherham, Marcene Schnvser, Robert Woepprl , Tom Finley, Donna Wright, Marie Davis, Ar dis Parks, J irgen Verhune an 1 Judy T'ins'ey, who substituted for Patty Hobbs, a junior who be came ill and was unab’e to par ticipate. Featured between acts were Joan and Judy Spangler, w:th thi ir rm'her. Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, accompanist: a vreal selection by the triple trio; D ug las Shrader rni Sheron Johnston. Students made up the following eommitt es: Tickets, Betty Wright, Donna Wright, Marie Davis, Dan Rotherham, Robert W leppcl; cur tain, Jergen Verhune; advertising, Sharon Johnston, Leonora Tuttle, Betty Wright, Donna Wright, Pat ty Hobby, Bonnie Kaczor and Lin da Larson; ushers, Alfred Schi loasky, Kenneth Barlow, Tom Sis son, Jerry Taylor and programs, Fred Wr!eht, Clifford Juracek, LaRoyce Blunt and Thelma Spang ler. The girls of the senior class of the Ewing high school had a slumber party at the home of '*r-. W> in} D o c after the basketball game Friday evening. Assisting her daughter, Sherry b.iu s wit en er oinment and refreshments were Bertha Harris, Sharon Johnst; n and Karen Ml narik Steven Wright, the son of Mr. and Mrs Earl Wright, is conva lescing at h s h me this week from a tonsiloctomy perfoi med last week at the Antelope Memor ial hospital at Ne’igh Mrs. Theodore Sehueth Is a patient at Our l ady cl Ixturdrs hospital In Norfo k Mr. and Mrs. Sehueth left at Thanksgiv ing Ume. to make their homo with their son and daughter-ln* law. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sehueth at Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader p" f"milv e 1 Ir« I'ennett were guests at the Wilbur Bennett home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler were Friday evening guests at the H R. Harris home. The American Legion and aux iliary. Sanders Post No. 214, met Thursday evening. Leo Hawk, Bus Schedule l-eave Sioux Gt> il 30 a m Vrrive O'Neill 3-30p.m l-eavo O'Neill 3 46 p m \rrive Sioux City 7 15 pm Leave Winner b:00 a in Vrrive O Neill 9 00 am Leave C’Neill 9:30 a m Vrrive Omaha 3:50 o.m Remm -eave Omaha 8:30 a.m eave Norto.k 12:3u p.m Vrrive O'Neill 3:00 p.m ■rave O Neil 4 :00 p.m Vrrive Winner 7:15 p.m -eavt Valenune 9:10 a m Vrrive ON ill 12:15 p m j -eave O'Neill 12:25 p.m I Vrrive Grund Island 4 :05 p m -eave Grand Island 4:05 p.m Vrrive Omaha 7:45 p.m Return -eave Omaha 7:45a m ' Vrrive Grand Island 11:20 am -eave Grand Island 12:30 p.m Vrrive O'Neill 4:00 p m -eave O'Neill 4:15 p m Vrrive Valentine 7:15 p m commander, presided at the bus) ms* me, ting of the Legion. Mm. R. H. Sham, president of the aux inary, presided The ‘Tattle Red Schcol House Fund” was a topic it o.SiX. j.vti i> unions will hi' made at the February meeting. Card gating wire played for enU rtainnunt followevl by a gift exchange. Refreshment liostessi's were Mmes. Frank Hawk, Jose phine Elston, H. R. Harris and j nr>. Hawk Guests Sunday at the J. L. Pru den home were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Prudm and son of Page. * Mrs Robert Tams and daugh ters, Janell and Donna of Battle Creek visited Saturday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tams and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris. Mrs. E!la Ziems accompanied Mr. and Mrs William Ziems to Piatte Center Sunday, where Rhe visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank Urdil, former resi dents of Ewing. Rowena Rotherham, a IVeem her bride-to-be, was honored Sal urdoy evening at a brutal shows at the Dewitt Hoke home, at tended by 35 relatives and friends Games provided entertainment fnr the guests. Lynn Rotherham, Glenda Napier, Mrs Ivbrrt M >t>hs of Ewing and Theora 1*1 tner of Omaha assisted with the gifts. Hostesses were Mmes. IV wir H he nal daughter, Robert Hobbs, Willie Shrader and Webb Naoer Mias Rath rham was tmn ored December 4 at a sliower giv en by friends in Omaha, where she has been a student of Crolgh ton university since her gradoa tion from the Ewing high school. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 Christmas And Life Insurance CHRISTMAS IS MANY THINGS; yet Christmas Is really only one thing. It ti the time of the year when people are moved by the desire to do for others. The leading reason that sells Insurance Is the willingness of a person to forego personal pleasures to provide protection for his loved ones. Among the wonderful thoughts you must have during this season, why not include the answer Yes to the t|ucs tio'i. Have I done the best I can to provide for my familv should anything happen to me? • Only you can ask yourself this question, and only you can answer It. If your answer Is NO, then let us help you make this the most satisfying Christmas you have ever had. OSCAR SPITZENBERGER t Representative MUTUAL OF OMAHA — UNITED OF OMAHA 429 North 3rd O’Neill, Nebr. Phone WW H * I Automatic Electric Frypans Easy-to see rry guide ... Easy-to-wash completely immersible with remov able controls. Glass or — Hj Automatic Electric B Food Mixers ■ Adjustable speeds tor every need. Convenient mixing guides and re movable beaters. Avail able in colors. i Controlled Comfort Electric Blankets Double, tingle and twin bed sizes . . . single or dual controls ... and able in colors. 4 4 Automatic Electric 5 Steam or Dry Irons S Lightweight . . . use it # to dry or steam iron. J Thermostatically control- * W. ' _ Electric Percenters Make* delicious coffee In minutes. Easy to clean and keep* coffee warm. Automatic Eloctrk Sauc m m e«*y-tfr*M cMh . . . completely inv Ml mertible. Metal cev Automatic Electric Toasters Whatever the type ot bread . . Toast Control gives you the de sired toast everytimo. See the Many, Many Other Electrical Giftsl Visit Your Favorite Electrical Appliance Dealer or