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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Four Pages Section Two Volume 79 Number 52 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, April 21, 1960 _Seven Cent*__ O'Neill Eagles Win Holt Meet; Kikoin Wins Two Events Jerry Kileoln i* Hint to Ike in the 220 yd. da*h. Kileoln won both thin event and the 11W yd. daoh. Frontier photo and engraving. Atkinson News Sunday dinner guests of Mr and; Mrs. Carl South in Atkinson were Mr. and Mr*. Laurence Pauli a and family, Mr and Mrs. William Mor gan jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family, Mr ai Mrs Robert Le Munyan and fain ily, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 3»ane and family and Mrs Mary Pacha and Kay Roether of Butte. Mrs. Laurence Pacha and Mrs. Mary Pacha went to Norfolk Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steinhau ser entertained their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Steinhaaser of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and Jim at Easter Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horner had as their dinner guests Easter Sun day Mr. and Mrs. George Verzel oud family and Joe Krska. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McClurg and family returned to Lincoln Monday after spending their Eas ter vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg and Mr. and Mrs. James Allyn. Elmer McClurg was in Butte and Spencer Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel of O’Neill were Friday visitors at the Claude Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pacha were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso. Mr. and Mrs. George Randol and Mona Rae were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Fred Roth and family. Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Allyn and family were: Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel, Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Mc Clurg and Donna, Dave Keidel and Mrs. Charlotte Keidel, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin MeClurg and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slaymaker and family. Afternoon callers were Dick Keidel and Becky Leyman. Scott and Sheryl Carlson, children of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. | Carlson of Crofton spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wefso. The Carlsons flew to Emporia, Kan. to visit Dr. Carlson’s grand mother and other relatives. They also visited briefly with friends at Manhattan, Kan. They returned home Sunday evening. Miss Artha Pacha spent the Eas ter weekend in Atkinson visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Pacha and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roth and fam ily of Valentine were Easter Sun day dinner guests of Mrs. Roth’s mother, Mrs. Elsie Doolittle and family in Staart, Sunday afternoon they visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth and family in At kinson. __ -- Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 ROYAL THEATER Frt. - Sat. Apr. 22 • 23 HELL BENT FOR LEATHER Audie Murphy Felicia Farr Stephen NcNally I Cinemascope and Eastman Color Sun. - Mon. - Tiles. Apr. 24 - 25 • 26 THE BRAMBLE BUSH Richard Burton Barbara Rush Jack Carson Technicolor Wed. - Thurs. Apr. 27 - 28 u*A MAN CALLED PETER” Richard Todd Jean Peters Cinemascope and Color Values to 17.98 now 10.99 Values to 14.98 now 8.99 Values to 9.98 now 5.99 Just 9 Spring COATS Values to 52.98 now 32.99 Values to 39.98 now 24.99 Values to 29.88 now 19.99 These are all wool coats One Rack of Early Spring Dresses In dark colors in prints, silks and cottons REAL, REAL VALUES TO 32.98 Now $9.99 \L PRICE ON SPRING HATS VALUES TO $15.00 Colors in navy, blacks, greens, and beige CHILDREN'S HATS VALUES TO $2.99 NOW $1.00 THE APPAREL SHOP Winnie Barger, owner Phone 89, O’Neill H ■■ -x • >•••*■ • .■ • - <}. FRIGIDAIRE 10 CUBIC FOOT DELUXE FOOD FREEZER Here’s a roomy, family-size DeLuxe model freezer that takes up less space than the average small refrigerator cabinet. But it’s a big value in every way! LOOK! • 28-inch wide cabinet solves your space problem • 10.39 cu. ft. (363 lbs.) ca pacity ideal for most families • 5 full-width shelves— plus door storage • New Magnetic door seals air-tight all around '19995 ALL THIS FOR ONLY Plus new Frigidaire “Sculptured Sheer Look" beauty! GILLESPIE’S We Service Shoemaker, running for St. Mary’s Cardinals, captures the MO yd. dash at the llolt county track nirrt held in O’Neil] Tuesday. Dennis Ickes, right, finished second in the event. Frontier photo and en grafting. Oeloit News By Mr*. 11. Reiiner Mrs. G. A. Rauer arrived home Monday from a three week's visit | with relatives in O’Neill, Pilger and at the Otto Kallhoff and Syl vester Bauer homes. She also vis ited Mrs. Gentle Vamdersnick in the Stuart Rest home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons visited Sunday at the Web Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Napier of Sterling, Kan. were also guests. iMrs. L. L. Bartak and Mrs. Alice Lodge were Album visitors on Thursday. Mr. and Mis. Mike Bom and son of HoJdredge spent Easter Sunday at the Henry Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak and Joe Knieval at-1 tended the funeral on April 11 for Mrs Gibbs, 74 of Norfolk who was fatally burned. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moon and 1 Gary Moon of Neligh were supper guests on Thursday at the Wat son McDonald heme in honor of Virginia McDonald’s and Garv Moon’s birthday anniversaries. Mrs. Vonme Paul and Larry spent Friday night a.t the L. L. Bartak home and attended a birth day party in honor of Mrs. Bar tak whose birthday was that day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson and Mrs. Sidney Anderson of O’ Neill called Saturday at the Henry I Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliott are moving to the Howard Smallwood farm near Park Center. They have been living on the Bill Wulf farm. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDon ald and baby were dinner guests ■an Friday at the Watson McDonald home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Jensen spent Sunday at the Keith Bartak home. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak were Easter Sunday guests at the Vcn nie Paul home in Elgin. Judy Bartak, who is in college at Wayne, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartak. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGinn, Mr. and Mrs. John Millnitz and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McGinn and Debbie spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Lillian McGinn of Pladnview. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Marcellus and family and Lonnie and Dickie McKim spent the weekend with Mrs. Marcellus’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson at Wis ner. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Schweigert and family of Gregory, S. D., spent Easter Sunday with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family. Sharon Marcellus returned to Lincoln Sunday after spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus. Nancy Devall of Omaha was a Saturday overnight guest of Shar on and Marge Marcellus. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Frank oi Norfolk spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Don McKamy. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman spent the Easter weekend with their son, James and family of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller went to Lincoln last Thursday to spend Easter with his parents, Mr. a no Mrs. L. A. Miller. They returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson were Sunday guests in the Leonard Larson home in Clear water. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Serck of Denver, Colo., visited in the R. E Moore home from Monday, Apr. 11 until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jewell and Jerry and Mrs. Myrtle Jewell, all of Dallas, S. D., and Johnny Bau er and Bill and Dan of Ewing were Easter guests in the Ralph Morrow home. Septic Tank Pumping and j ELECTRIC SEWER AUGER Moeller Plumbing Phone 7111, Atkinson ELECT LYMAN M. STUCKEY Delegate to Democratic National Convention Bom 1912. Engaged in banking business in Lexington. Veteran World War II. Active in party politics and good Government. Would like to help nominate our next President. 1 1 Schmeichel clears the bar on his way to a third place finish in the pole vault event of the Holt county track meet. Dohias of Atkinson won the event and McGinn of O’Neill high set a new school record with a vault of 10’ 3”. Frontier photo and engraving. We’re headquarters for new and used trucks... Come in! We’re tradin’ high. Drive in and let us make you an offer. See how much your old truck is worth, how little it’ll take to drive a new INTERNATIONAL. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ IT'S TRUCK TRADIN' TIME! INTERNATIONAL* g TRUCKS fssm i ■ V 8 power as standard equipment. Smith Motor Co. 228 East Douglas Phone 562 A 1 It W .VttU and heaved their way to the Holt county track championship Tues day in O'Neill as they more than j doubled the score on second place St. Mary's Cardinals. The Eagles had 99 3 7 points--St. Mary's scared 44 6 7. Third place Atkinson St. Joseph's tallied 20 3 7; Ewing had 16 3 7; ; Chambers was filth with 13; At ! kinson was sixth with 10 3/7 and tied with Stuart, also scoring 10 3 7. Page took last ui the tourna ment on two second place finishes by Dennis lekes. Capturing nine first places in the fourteen events cinched the title for the Eagles and turned the table on the Cardinals, womers of last year's tournament. Jerry Kilcoin proved to Ik- the only man to take two events by winning both (he 100 yd. and the 220 yd. dashes. Kilcoin also an chored the SSfl yd. relay—one of thc4 events that O’Neill won. Other first place winners were Shoemaker for SMA in the 440 dash; Higgins for SMA in the dis cus; Bob Eby for O’Neill in the : high jump; Dobias for Atkinson In the pole vault; Sehaaf tor O'Neill in the 120 high hurdles; Dexter (or O'Neill in the 880 run, Tom linson tor O'Neill in 180 low hur dles; Dunlin tor O'Neill in the slug put; Brewster f»>r Stuart m the mile; and Oerter tor SMA hi the broad jump. Results of Holt County track meet; 440 Yd. Dash—lyd. Shoemaker, SMA; 2ml, Ickes, Page; 3rd, B. Eby. O'Neill; 4th, Adams, Cham bers; 5th, Spitxenberger, SMA. Wuming time 54.2. Discus—1st, Higgins, SMA; 2nd, Ickes, Page; 3rd, Dunlin, O'Neill; 4th, Sehaaf, St. Joseph; 5th, Bac ker, Ewing. Winning loss, 1 Hi' 3V. High Jump 1st, Hob Eby, O'Neill; 2ml, 3rd, 4th, 5th, tie, Bauer, Ewing, Sehaaf, St. Joseph, Cle ments, Stuart. Holly’, SMA, Shoe maker, SMA, Kilcoin, O'Neill and Dobias, Atkinson. Pole Vault—tsl, Dobias, Atkinson; 2nd, McGinn, O’Neill; 3rd, Schmei clvel, O'Neill; 4th and 5th, tie. Nelson, O'Neill and Garwood, At kinson; Tamms, Ewing. Winning vault, 10’ 6”. McGinn set a new O'Neill high record at 10' 3”. 120 yd. High Hurdles—1st, Sehaaf, O’Neill; 2nd, Shoemaker, 9MA; 3rd, Oetter, SMA; 4th, Er mer, O’Neill; 5th, Shoemaker, SMA Winning time, 16.8 100 Yd. I tush—1st, Kilcoin, O’ mem; zno, yomunson, O NeUi; 3rd, Swanson, Chambers; 4th, Havronek’ O'Neill; 5th, Parks, Ewing; Win ning time, 10.6. 880 yd. Itun—1st, Dexter, O'Neill; 2nd, Schaaf, St. Joseph; 3rd, Hand, O'Neill; 4th, Waivser, SMA; 5th, Mlnarik, Ewing. New Meet record time of 2 08.21. 180 yd. la»w Hurdles—1st, Tom linson, O'Neill; 2nd, Schaaf, O’ Neill; 3rd, Brion, Ewing; 4th, Do bias, Atkinson; 5th, Oetter, StMA. Time, 22.5. 220 yd. Dash—1st, KUeoin. O' Neill: 2nd, Swanson, Chambers; 3rd, Parks, Ewing; 4th, Havronek, O'Neill; 5th, Cloyd, Ewing. Time, 24.5. Shot Put—1st, Dunlin, O’Neill, 2nd, Kamphaus, SMA; 3rd, Hum phal, St. Joseph; 4th, Schaaf, 9t. Joseph; 5th B. Eby, O'Neill, Win ning toss, 45’ 6”. Mile Run—1st, T. Brewster, Stu art; 2nd, Ernst, O’Neill; 3rd, Go del, O’Neill, 4th, Humphal, St. Joseph; 5th Lidgett, Chambers, Win ning time, 5:00.5. Broad Jump—1st, Oetter, SMA; 2nd, Schaaf, O’Neill; 3rd, Schaaf, St. Joseph; 4th, Shoemaker, SMA; 5th, Kileoin, O’Neill. Winning jump, 19' 8”. ' 880 Belay—1st, O’Neill (Tomlin son, Bill Eby, Leonard llavronek, Jerry Kileoin); 2nd, Chambers; 3rd, Ewing; 4th, SMA; 5th, Stuart. Mile Relay—1st O'Neill (Harold Ermer, Bob Eby, Jerry Dexter, Don Schaaf); 2nd. SMA; 3rd, St. Joseph; 4th, Stuart; 5th, Ewing.