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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Thnr>«lay. April 21 Live and learn Extension. Mrs Roy Schaffer, Atkinson Hunday, April 24 Couple's Bridge club, Mr. and Mrs Tom Liddy Friends of St. Mary's, pot luck supper, 5'TO p m. Tuesday, April 26 MNO Mrs. Orville Sindelar O'Neill Better Ways, Mrs. E. W. Cramer BCA Bridge, Winnie Barger Thursday, April 2S St. Patrick’s Altar Society Club Notes WKCS WSCS members met Thursday af ternoon with a dessert luncheon at the church and their regular meet ing following. New officers wre elected at the meeting. The worship was given by Mrs. Clay Johnson jr., and the lesson presented by Mrs. Dale Perry as sisted by Mrs. Claude Bates and Mrs. Louis Reimer sr. Reports were given on the Lenton Bible Study. Mrs. Clay Johnson jr., was re elected president of the group. Other officers are as follows: Mrs. Roy Wayman, vice president; Mrs. Dale Perry, recording secretary; Mrs. Louis Wray, promoting secre tary; Mrs. Harold Ijndherg, treas urer; Mrs. Frank Eppenhach, Mis sionary, education and service, Mrs. Ren Wayman, Christian social relations; Mrs. Wm. Spence, local church activities; Mrs. Neil Dawes, student and youth work; Mrs. Dale Fetrow, children's work; Mrs. Iiouis Reimer sr., spiritual life; Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick, literature and publications; Mrs. Ruby Way man, supply work; .and Mrs. Gil Poese, publicity. Serving the lunch were Mrs. Rei mer, Mrs. Fetrow and Mrs. Hazel Boatman. Rowling Association The O'Neill Women’s Bowling Association had their bowling ban quet and annual meeting Thursday night at the Town House. The league awards and trophies were presented. New officers were elect ed as follows: president, Irma Clark; vice-president, Dorothy Mlinar; sargeant of arms, Nel Harding. Lutheran I«ulles Ah! Nineteen members of the Luthe ran Ladies Aid met Thursday e\en ing at the church. Mrs. Joe Mo Dish presented the topic from the j LWML quarterly entitled, “Sit, ! Stand, Walk with God.” Hostesses were Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Mrs. Don Kellner Skillet Sisters Members of the Skillet Sisters | club met in the home of Mrs Del bert Robertson for their March and April meeting. Mrs. Frank Soukup was co-hostess. Roll call was answered with a house-cleaning hint. A flower bulb exchange was held and hats were fashioned from kitchen utensils and gadgets for the April project. The March project featured the Mr. and Mrs. novelty souvenir painted plates popular ns wedding anniversary gifts. Mrs. Roy Wayman will be the May hostess and roll call wall be answered with a Mother’s Day verse. t. rattan Farmerettes Ten members of the Grattan Farmerette extension club met April 13 at the home of Mrs. Paul Krugman. The lesson on color in the home was given by Mrs. Alvin Vorce. The May 11 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. M. L. Harmon. i Starlight Extension Starlight extension members met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Jerry McGinn with seven members and two guests, Mrs. Audrey Bowden and Mrs. Ed Boyle. Roll call was answered by display ing homemade Easter bonnets. Mrs Larry Strong was welcomed j as a new member of the group. A poem was read by Mrs. Jerry Mc Ginn and a report on the council meeting was given by Mrs Charles Beilin. Mrs. Frank McKinny gave a report on the dangers of ear.eer. The lesson. Color in the Home, was given by Mrs. Beilin and Mrs. Carl Schenzel The May 16 meeting will be with Mrs. Frank McKinny. (♦’Monde Mrs. Robert Waters entertained members of the O 'Monde bridge club Tuesday night following din ner in O'Neill. Bridge winners were Mrs. Fred Appleby, Mrs. Harry Gildersleeve and Mrs. Don Becker. MM Mrs. D. H. Clauson entertained the M and M club at her home Tuesday evening. A 7:30 dessert luncheon was served. Mrs. A. L. Patton was a guest. High scores were earned by Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Mrs. D. H. Clauson. wm" ■ iw.»vaw\w,v.v,wv,v,ssw.-.' '. >m<' • SPECIAL 60-GAUGE SHEERS ^ 4SC Pair Sizes 8 Vi to 11 Look how little you pay for Penney’s first quality, full fashioned 60 - guage, 15 - denier G a y m o d e‘«> dress sheers! Self - color or dramatic dark seams. SPECIAL COTTON BRIEF 3for $1 White and colors for absorbent comfort in combed cotton . . . smoothly tailored elas tic leg woman’s brief. Better buy now . . . small, medium, large! SPRING COATS REDUCED Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 *12 *15 *19 ---- WOMEN'S MILLINERY *** REDUCED MISSES SKIRTS I White knife pleated all around Amel «J> COO Sharkskin. Hand washable. Sizes 22-30. GIRLS PANTIES ^ Rayon acetate elastic SPr- >1 I band leg. Size 4-14 l™ Happy Helper* The Beginning Baking and Meal Planning division of' the Happy Helpers club met April 13 at the Dwayne Philbrick home. Deborah Peterson gave a defonstratiou on baking custards and Patsty Mc Kay gave a demonstration on how to separate eggs. Emmet Ladies View Antique Glass Display Mrs. Georgiana McGinnis of Em met entertained a group of ladies last Monday at her home in honor of Mrs. Ernest Gar\in of Mitchell, S. D. Each guest brought her most prized China and glass antiques. Mrs Garvin has an antique shop at Mitchell and brought a nice col lection for display. I Mrs. Bud Cole displayed some] choice Meissen ware. Also included in the exhibit was a showing of four patterns of Leaf Iron Stone and a sauce dish made in Scotland and some Case glass ware, thumb print glass and a showing of cut glass. ) A coffee hour concluded the af ternoon show. Methodist Women At Wayne District Meet Twelve members of the O’Neill WSCS attended the annual spring WSCS northeast district meeting in Wayne Tuesday. Rev. Robert Embree accompanied the group. Mrs. Embree was re-elected to the district office of missionary personnel at the conference meet ing. Others in the area elected to district office were Mrs. Charles Gates, Atkinson, missionary educa tion and service, and Mrs. W. \\ Elliott, Ewing, supply work. All three women were elected for two year terms. Mrs. Ed Q)bb, Ogallala. tne con ference president, was a featured speaker at the conclave. Another speaker was Mrs. Oceri, a mem ber of the Philippine board of mis sions. Attending from here were Rev. and Mrs. Embree, Mrs. Louis Reimer sr., Mrs. Louis Wray, Mrs. Frank Eppenbach, Mesdames Roy, Ben and Ruby Wayman, Mrs. Clay Johnson jr., Mrs. Glenn Kennicott. Mrs. Dale Perry, Mrs. Carl Schen zel and Mrs. William Spence. O'Neill Locals Mr and Mrs Frank Froelich were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser of Hornick, la. Jane Wanaw returned with them lor an extended visit. Easter Sunday dinner guests at die home of Mr. and Mrs, Her man Janzing were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries and family of Wood Lake. Mrs Wait er Reis jr. of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. George Shald and family f Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice of Emmet, Mrs. Josephine Bruder of Atkinson and Kay Butterfield of Lincoln. Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schoberg were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schoberg of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schoberg of Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Veldeen and Fay Pinkerman were Easter dinner s**i slipper guests in the Reginald Pinkerman home. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker man and boys were Monday eve ning guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Christensen of Ver del. Mr. and Mrs C. W Porter were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Steve Shavlik of Chambers ST. ANTHONY'S ROSENKRANS—Mr and Mrs Roger Rosenkrans of Lynch, son, Lynn Roger, 6 pounds 4 ounces, April 17. REEI>- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Reed of Des Moines, la., son, 7 pounds 7L. ounces, April 19. ATKINSON MEMORIAL BURGE—Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burge of Amelia. daughter, Esther Marie, 5 pounds. 3 ounces, Apr. 1J. PRESCOTT — Mr and Mrs. Frank Prescott of Atkinson, son, Davat Lindstad, 8 pounds, 1 ounce, April 13. ZOERB—Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Zuerb of Newport, daughter, El ten Marie, 6 pounds, 15 ounces, April IS. DEERMER Mr. and Mrs Rich ard Deermer of Atkuison, daugh ter. Carla Katherine, 6 pounds, April 15. | DOOLITTLE Mr and Mrs. Mar vin Doolittle of Atkinson, son, Tim othy Gene, 7 pounds t-1 mHKes, April 17. ELSEWHERE SHARP—Mr. and Mrs Jack Sharp of Kimberly, Ida., son, Rod i.ey Gene. 9 pounds, April 16. Mrs. Sharp is the former Rochelle Sam-; naans, granddaughter of Mrs. Ber tha Sammons of Amelia. WALTER—Mr. and Mrs. Irven Walter of Mapelton, la., son, Kirk David, 7 pounds 4 ouiaces, April 16. The couple has three other children, a son and two daughters, Mr. and Mi's. J. W. Walter are tlie paternal grandparents. * f i RAUCHAMP-Atr. and Mrs. lion Rauehamp trf Herrick, S. D., Apr. 14, Burke hospital Mrs. Anna Goe ch of Naper is the maternal gram! mother. The mother is the former Mvma Goseh. TANGEMAN- M r. and M r s James Tangeman of Seottsbluff, son, Janies Gregg. t> pounds 10 ounces, .April 19 Mrs. Tangeman is the farmer Regina Hynes, daugh ter of Mrs. Doris Hynes. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman of Chambers are the paternal grandparents LARSON Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson trf Verdigre, bob, Perry Paul, 0 pounds t> ounces, April 12. Mrs Larson is the former Sharon Dannebrog of Niobrara. Thus is the couple's first child. FILIP Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fi lip, son, Loame Roy, 8 pounds 13 ounces, Apnl 5. This is their first child Mrs. Filip is the former Gla dys Svatos trf Bloomfield. MONTGOMERY- Mr. ami Mrs. W. J. Montgomery of Portland, Ore., by adoption, son, Jeffery Mark. Mrs.. Montgomery is the farmer Jane Froelich daughter trf Mr and Mrs Frank Froelich. OPEN EVERY DAY Monday thru Friday 7:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. SATURDAY 7 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. SUNDAY 8:30 o. m.-6:30 p. m. SNACK BAR SPECIALS MALTED MILKS EXTRA HEAVY BANANA SPLITS Made From FOREMOST'S FINE QUALITY ICE CREAM EACH OO ONLY ... ZOC FROZEN STRAWBERRIES 30 rNP 6.39 PARCHMENT WRAP—SOLIDS BUTTER, lb..... 67c GRADE "A" LARGE EGGS DOZEN _38c DOUGHBOY FLOUR 50 LB. BAG 2.89 FLAPJACK PANCAKE FLOUR 3 pound nn. PACKAGE_A7C DAVID HARUM FLOUR 5 ffr 49c $5.00 EXTRA IN S. & H. GREEN STAMPS When Purchasing KIM TOILET TISSUE 12 SLS 89c $5.00 EXTRA IN S. & H. GREEN STAMPS When Purchasing WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT BULBS 60 - 75 - 100 WATT 4 Bulbs.1.00 "STTIOUR fl'| 79 banner ma M3. PKG. ULKI # CA/VYPBeLL’S f TOMATO SOUP^ l £V£RVDAV SODA , _ CRACKERS m DEL MONTE ELBERTA FREESTONE PEACHES & VAN CAMP PORKtfi BEANS... 'fjRozSTi rooPS... j r~BERRy V'AUf/RED A [•RASPBERRIES..! 891 TOESH- CAUUFlOWBtl [SgSa'l28 I i3WAMSOISi«ff\|C*C I 1 MEAT rruw..l \bEEF-CHICKEN^ ^ I * or TURKsy... y^c?/ Weach^mv 1 PORK BUTT 'ROASTS a J.CAN - MCATy PORK JO STEAKS * 49 noRin* juice ORANGES TWO POZCN — GOO0 ANY TIMt-! BANANAS FOR BAR-3-Q ~SMALL-MtATyTWO POUNDS ~ SPARE TOBS«4S| kbt »• GRATCFW! STEAKS ^ . ~'° F°K ~ ISmOSa&SK r *' • • ~i 1 'fLAVORKIST\ FIQBABSl gj 'PAt-A'VEfSS CHOC. STArtS t Grocery Delivery I TWICE DAILY 10:00 a. m.—3:30 p. m. Call Phone No. 593 For FREE Delivery SOMERDALE FROZEN PEAS or CORN 5 rsz- 89c OUR FAMILY STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 4 nr* l.oo OUR FAMILY APPLE BUTTER 2 ;a8»?unce 49c KITES FOR SALE Only 5 c each CUDAHY'S PURITAN BACON 1 gr 59c THICK SLICE O POUND QQ jL package WC SWIFT'S ORIOLE POUND 39c FOREMOST BIG DIP Vanilla - Chocolate - Strawberry Raspberry - Blackberry Revels PER -I OH GALLON 1.17 $5.00 EXTRA IN S. & H. GREEN STAMPS When Purchasing GOLDEN VALLEY APRICOTS 3 ca°hs2'/4 1.00 $5.00 EXTRA IN S. & H. GREEN STAMPS When Purchasing DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE 5 CANS 89c Mix Em or Match Em DEL MONTE PEAS or CORN 5 c°ns303 89c f$5.00 EXTRA BONUS* 1 In S. & H. Green Stamps I | When Purchasing ) 2 JACK & JILL ICE CREAM \ " Vanilla—Chocolate—Strawberry " J * gallon for...79c | \ $10.00 EXTRA BONUS $1000*! i In S. & H. Green Stamps — When Purchasing I ( ARMOUR'S STAR—READY-TO-EAT—SMOKED I ! HAMS w.Sbl-°LB"dA'‘’°av 49c! Nutrena Poultry - Hog - Cattle Feeds CHICK STARTER, 100 lbs_$5 00 CREEP 20, 100 lbs. .. $6.00 CHICK SCRATCH, 100 lbs. _$4.50 SHOAT 40, 100 lbs. $5.95 EGG CRUMBLES, 100 lbs_$4.40 40% HOG BAL., 100 lbs. ... $5.50 27% GR. BALANCER, 100 lbs. $5.40 DOG NUGGETS, 25 lbs. $2.95 15c PER 100 LB. DISCONT ON 1 Vi TON LOTS — 25c ON TON ORDERS s SHELHAMERS ,0M™ Mix Em or Match Em SUNNY COAST CUT GREEN BEANS RED DART SWEET PEAS COUNTRY GIRL CORN GOLDEN VALLEY SPAGHETTI GOLDEN VALLEY HOMINY 4 cnaV03 49c '$5.00 EXTRA BONUS! In S. & H. Green Stomps I When Purchasing | GOLDEN VALLEY | CATSUP > 5 bottles for.89c J