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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
FOR SALE FOR SALE, Reg Polled Hereford Bulls. Two 2Mi snd 3 vears old. Proven, herd tnui quality some yearlings —Everett Van Dover, 2W miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Verdigre or 16 smith of Lvnch. 25tf SAi.r Ft JR SALE: Kanapolis. I16.i0 a ton; American 120.50 a ion. white block 75c - Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks north of Taffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164. O'Neill 51tf FOR SALE—3000 lbs. blue grama graas seed, cheap. Excellent ger mination test. Ideal for soil bank land—Vernon Gorgen or Willis Sanders at the New Deal Oil Co. 52-lc FOR SAI F, Fertilizer Scotts Turf builder, Vigoro, Halts and Pax for Crabb grass—Coyne Hard ware, O'Neill 52c Demonstrator—For Studio Girl cos metics—Call 826 or write 304 W Fremont for orders or demon stration—Ann Timmerman, O’ Neill 52c FOR SALE— Registered Hampshire Boars’. Good meat type boars vaccinated for cholera, erysipe las, and leptosperosis weight 245 to 260 lbs. Six south, one east of Atkinson—John Wenner Jr. Phone 6036 _ 51-52 For Sale Nebraska No. 27 Sand Love Certified Grass Seed, per lb. 25c. Also Vetch Seed, per lb. 15c—Merwyn G. French Jr. Page, Phone 3603, 52c FOR SAIJS: More fancy Cream cows. Shore s Guernseys, Hol steins. Swiss Extra laree fancv Some fresh with calves. Rea sonable prices. Harold Shores, Neligh. ph. TU 7-4060. TU 7 4850 25tf FDR SALE Aerornotor repairs, mills. All sizes stock, bottom less tanks. Pressure Systems. Phone 435, Inman, Cliff Sobotka. eowbSOtfc FOR SALE- Fishing tackle and re gulation boat numbers.—Coyne Hardware, O’Neill. 52c FOR SALE—Nemaha oats, 1000 j bushel at .85 per bu. Call 808, O’Neill or Lynch 1,092556 51-52c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% lnt.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone: Contois Motor Oo.. Neligh. __ 30tf FOR SALE—Choice beef and dairy calves on hand at most all times. 8 mi. N, 5 mi. E of Atkinson on highway No. 11—Gerald O’Con nor Ph. 2194, Atkinson. 51-lp FOR SALE Red Clover and red top seed. Locally grown. Phone 435, Inman, Cliff Sobotka. ________ 50-52c FOR RESALE—First calf dairy hei fers, Holstein and Brown Swiss. I Some fresh and some to freshen soon.—Louis Bartos, 1 mi. east and 7 mi. north of O’Neill. 47tfc MACHINERY BARGAINS 3 Point hitch to use on Ford, Fergu son ana outer i point nucn trac tors. 1 New 14-inch 3 bottom plow 1 Used like new 14-inch 3 bottom plow. 1 New 14 ft. disc. 1 Used 5 ft. oneway. 1 720 Diamond T Truck, almost new engine. Short wheelbase, with 5th wheel. NEW DEAL OIL OO. In West O’Neill 50-52c FDR SALE—Registered and grade Angus bulls of serviceable age. Musil Brothers, O’Neill. 45-53 pd AAACHINERY l Oliver Diesel power unit with clutch F-armall 400 new rubber Farm all 450 with Fast hitch 54 Farrttall Super H 46 John Deere B 50 W.D. Allis 47 F'arm all H 43 Farmall H For rent IHC stalk cutter Power post hole digger Disks - several sizes and makes 11 ft. IHC Grain Drill Twin Draulic Loader to fit A.C. HM 46 Lister New No. 9 Trail mower frames $40 this week only Black Hawk 4 Row Planter 4 Row IHC Lister new last year C 295 plow IHC 3-14 plow Cub plow 70 inch Howard Rotovator APPLIANCES— We trade for farm equipment on appliances SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O NEILL, NEBR . IHC - Gehl — RCA Whirlpool i Try The Frontier Want Ada — it Pays I MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy headquarters. Always fresh. 27tfe FOR SALE—Rrome, alfalfa and love grass seed Lawrence Skrd la, Stuart. 51- 2p FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire Fall Boars Big and rugged— Henry Stalling and Son. Orchard, Neb. EOW-52tfc FOR SALE-One I. H. C. two row lister NO-185 in good shape; One two row JOHN DEERE Go Dig or so called Eli; NO 820 listed com cultivator in good shape— George L. Hendrickson, Bristow, Nebraska. 51-3pd; For Sale -38 Angjs Cows and 7 Hereford Cows. Some with calves at side and the rest close up springers. Angus cows are out of Lund herd at Clearwater. —Harold Mitchell, Orchard, Nebr., Phone TW 3-3889. 52- lc FOR SALE—Shorthorn bulls, eleven to thirteen months of age—E. R. Carpenter Chambers Phone IVZ-2581. 51 and lc FOR SALE—Garden Seeds Bulk and package Also Colorado On ion sets.—Coyne Hardware, O’ Neill. 5Zc FOR SALE; High quality April 1959 Hereford Bulls. Extra good backs. Kieth Abart - O'Neill, Dercy Abart - Emmet. 31tf “SPRING IS HERE’’ Now is the time to trade or buy a MOBILE HOME. Let us show you our fine selection of New & Used Mobile Homes. Contact us today. We Trade Finance-Deliver In the O’Neill vicinity contact: V'!<UTrj*i;c7 jwiiumih, iliiii unu i, O’Neill MILLER TRAILER SALES Open Every Day Ph. EX 5-2170 Albion, Nebr. 52tf FOR SALE—Twenty tons alfalfa hay and 20 tons prairie hay, $10 per ton—Harold Blain, 6 mi. north 4 east of Page, Phone 3703. j 51-52p For Sale—45 Registered Angus Bulls, 20 are two years old. Hea vy boned, thick, blocky type. Prices reasonable. Quantity dis counts—Elmcrest Farms, Leigh, Nebr. Ph. 36F2 52-3c FOR SALE—Lawn Seed. Blue grass, Rye grass, clover—Cpyne Hardware, O’Neill. 52c FOR SALE— Hereford bulls—Nelw ohner breeding. May be seen at Nay ranch northeast of Bartlett or see Ed Campbell—Mrs. Neiw ohner Nay. 51-2p Approved Nebraska ~~ BOAT NUMBERS FOR SALE Coast To Coast Store O’Neill 51-l-2c CLEARANCE AUCTION—At Naper Gas & Electric, Naper, Nebr., 1:30 P.M. Sat., April 30th New and Used. 10 Freezers, 10 Refri-1 gerators, i uas ana Electric Ranges, 12 Washers and Dryers. 2 Electric Cream Separators, 15 TV Sets, 15 500 Gallon Propane gas tanks, 6 Electric Motors Vi, 13 52p SEE E. J. (Skip) Shane at Atkin son for sewer, drainage, clam work, basement excavation and road work. 50- 23p FOR SALE—WeU broken 5 yr. old mare with colt due in May, also halter broke coming yearling colt. Wilson Ranch, Stuart. 51- 52c FOR SALE—Two Beagle pups, 8 months old.—Larry Ruegge, O’ Neill, Nebr. 50-52p FOR SALE—Lennox oil furnace, like new. O. E. Davidson, Phone 126, O’Neill. 42tf RUSCO COMBINATION WINDOWS & DOORS All steel construction, Baked on Enamel finish—No sticking ever! Cecil Grenier Boot 424 O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Call 563J I ( MACHINERY USED TRACTORS J.D. Model 50, 1954 J.D. Model 60, 1955 J.D. Model 620, 1958 ' J.D., B, 1950 j J.D., A, 1944 ] J.D., G, 1949 J.D., B, 1943 1 MACHINERY J.D. 730 Lister I. H.C., 182 Lister J. D., Disk, 11 ft. J.D., Disk 15 ft. J.D. Disk, 18 ft. Plows, All sizes Mowers, All makes Funk’s Seed Corn i Gold N Pure Alfalfa Seed Chemicals Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 ***? O'Neill FOR SALE-Power Lawn Mowers. Eclipse, Toro. Lawn Boy —Coyne Hardware, O'Neill. 52c TURBINE PUMPS—Drillers and water engineers with 25 years experience, Kelly concrete cased well® deliv er more water at less cost, last a lifetime. More profitable re sults Write or phone Oscar Lin nerson, Genoa, Nebr. 52-lc Real Estate for Sale Listings For Sale 760 acres northeast of Inman, improved; 160 acres north of Page, modern home; 320 acres modern improved, Atkinson, ir rigation equipped; 320 farm near Emmet; 160 farm east of O'Neill, irrigated, with equipment; 320 improved northeast of O’NeiU, farm and pasture; 80 acres northwest O'Neill, good location, well fenced and near Highway No. 20; 200 acre improved farm near Page. EDTHORIN PHONE 207 — O'NEILL 13tf FOR SALE—New 3 bedroon home in new addition. Carpeted, awn ings, cement driveway, also ex tra bed rtwm in basement—Call 750, O’Neill. 52tfc Farm Loans. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebraska. 49tf TOR SALE—Four room home to be moved.-Inquire Paul Beha, 308 W. Douglas, O'Neill. 49tf FOR SALE—Nearly new' 2 bed room home. Excellent location. For information phone 574J, O’ Neill. 48tfc FOR SALE—Six room modern res Al^UtC, Udin tflUtSLU O >COib d^U, I would be glad to show it to you—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 51tf FOR SALE Three bedroom home, 4 years old in new addition. Call 573J, O'Neill. 50tf FOR RENT FOR RENT— One l>edroom home, 321 West Clay. Keith Abart, O’ Neill._ 45 tf FOR RENT: 22” Tiller and 22” Lawn Mower—Goast-To-Coast Store, O’Neill. 52-2c City Loans on business buildings or residence property, See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 49tf For Rent—Floor Sander, Edger and Flat Sander—Coast ^to-Coast Store, O’Neill. 52-2c FDR RENT—F i v e room, all modern house—Ponton agency, Phone 106. 51-52c For Rent—O’Neill’s Finest Apart ment—W. B. Gillespie. 52-lc FOR RENT—IHC Rotary Staik cutter. Shelhamer Equipment Co., O’Neill. tf WANTED WANTED-200 yearlings for 1960 pasture season. Leo Ohri, Spen cer. Phone 7328 Bristow. 49-53p iCiLf-LUHlVclWH XIlLfi national tractor. State price—Wil lis Butterfield, Lynch. 52-lp FRED KARO BERNARD TROSHYNSKI Public Accounting and Tax Service Phone 5281 Atkinson Wanted—200 cattle to pasture. Pre fer yearlings. Pasture located 14 miles north of Bristow—Duane Kirwan, Bristow. 52-2c I am back in my office again in O’Neill, Nebraska and I loan money on farm land and ranch land and city property. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 49tf WANTED—Married man for year round ranch work. Near school. Could use single mam-^C. M Keller, Newport. 52p WANTED- Pasture for 30 to 60 head cows or yearlings. Louis Sobotka, Jnman. 52pd WANTED—Pasture for 18 head of cows—Jim Ruther, Page. ___51-52p WELL DRILLING and well windmill repair. — Write Bax 562, phone 553-J SPRAGUE WELL 00., O'Neill 3 blks W & 314 blks N stoplight. WANTED—Yearlings for pasture.— Clint Ruegge, O'Neill. _ 51-52p WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farm supply business handling well known products. Small capital needed. Write box TH, c-o The Frontier. 5th WE DON’T WANT ALL THE bus iness—Just yours.. Patton s Ben Franklin O'Neill. tfc STEADY INCOME AVERAGING $2 HOURLY AND UP possible for man or woman who will ca4 on customers for famous, nation wide TV advertised Watkins Pro ducts in city of O’Neill. Business established. Immediate earnings. Write Watkins Products, Inc., D 86 Winona, Minn. 50-lc WANTED—A reliable man or wo man to become a Watkins dealer in the city of O’Neill. Also need a man for Wheeler county, and a man for Antelope county. Write or call me for a personal inter , view. Alfred Thomas Doud, Ph. ti, Ewing, Nebr. 50-52o WANTED! : DRY CLEANING j OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup l and Delivery! '_47ctf ;j Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body <*na Fender Repairs and Painting ■ Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL — f for Any Job 25tf i DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SOOOP—DO/EH 5 Domor Elevated Grading John E. Bonohoe, Phone 447-W O'NEILL, NEBRASKA _ L. Guthmiller ; Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of 1 automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also , repair parts for Lawson — Reo t — Clinton. • WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O'Neill 50tf MISCELLANEOUS We RE-SCREEN aluminum storm I window panels. All brands.— : Jim Sessions, Phone 409 (eve nings) O’Neill. 50 tf. j — Installment, Residence & Farm LOANS O’Neill Ixmui Company I*h. 434 Vlrg Laursen O’Neill EVERY COW can stand for im provement. CURTISS STUD SERVICE can bring improve ment to your cows with matings to the greatest sires in the world. Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. 34tfc IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly In sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’NeiH, Nebr. 34tf. I just returned back to my office in O’Neill, Nebr., and have Eastern money and private money to loan on farms and ranches. If you need i money, see or write to R. H. Par ! ker, O'Neill, Nebr. 4Stf _ AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207O’NEILL NOTICES SAVE UP TO $20 OR MORE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VIRGIL LAURSEN O’Neill, Nebraska Miss Karen Hartronft A graduate of the North Platte School of Cosmotology will join me at BEAUTYLAND Starting May 2 Phone 565 for appointment f Jan McAndrew BY-IMAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL S WEEKS $1 You’ll get Sylvia Porter, Blan che, Orphan Annie, Believe It Or Not, Grin and Bear It, Let’s Ex- j plore Your Mind, Steve Canyon, Emmy Lou, David Lawrence, Jo seph Alsop, Associated Press, Unit, ed Press International, Wire Pho tos, Weather Reports, Markets, Radio Programs, Dr. Alvarez, Nan cy, Sports, Raymond Moley, Nor- [ man Vincent Peal, H. I Phillips,! Roscoe Drummond, Robert S. Al- j len, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats, Tarzan, Jane Arden, M o p s y, j Points for Parents, Life’s Like I That, Little Debbie, Curly Kayoe, | Crossword Puzzles, There Oughta Be A Law, Ann Landers. THE LINCOLN JOURNAL “Prints Today’s News Today’’ in new bigger easy to read type. Parade Magazine Supplement is part of the Sunday issue. By-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kanaas-Outside Lancast er Counto 5 weeks $1.00 daily. *7% weeks Dfeiiy and Sunday $2.00, a year $9.00 daily, with Sunday $13.00. ^Order direct or through our o* CARDS OF THANKS OUR FAMILIES WISH TO THANK everyone for the many acts of kind ness extended to us in our bereave ment—E, W Richter, Mr and Mrs. George Pischel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pilger and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Richter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seabald and family. 52p I-Legal Notices (First publication Apr. 14, 1960) NOTICE WHEREAS, LARRY EDWARDS, Convicted in Holt County, on the 24th day of April, 1959, of the crime of no account checks and violating bench parole, has made application to the Board of Par dons for a commutation or par ole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 9:15 a. m. on the 12th day of May, 1960, for hearing on said application, all persons interested are hereby notified that they may appear at the State Reformatory at Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there be, why said application should, or should not be granted. Frank Marsh Secretary, Board of Pardons Eugene E. Neal Chief State Probation Officer SEAL 51-52c (First publication Apr. 14,1960) NOTICE WHEREAS, KEITH DOSS, Con victed in Holt County on the 24th day of June, 1959, of the crime of embezzlement, has made applica tion to the Board of Pardons for! a commutation or parole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 9:15 a. m. on the 12th day of May, 1960, for hearing on said application, all per sons interested are hereby noti fied that they may appear at the State Reformatory, at Lincoln, Ne braska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there be, why said application should, or should not be granted. Frank Marsh ■ Secretary, Board of Pardons Eugene E. Neal Chief State Probation Officer SEAL 51-52c Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp had as their guests on Sunday his sis ter, Mrs. Lola Hungerford and sons Lynn and Bruce of Newport, also hds nephew, James Hungerford and iamily. Mr. Hungerford, U.S. Navy is home an leave and will soon leave with his family for Hawaii where he will be stationed. Miss Joyce Siems of Neligh spent the holiday weekend with Miss Karen Mlnarik in Ewing. Jackie, Dean /and Kenny Stes kal were Monday guests at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal sr. Mrs. Anna Savidge, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har old, Savidge and family from Minnesota were Easter Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartak and family. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus spent Sunday April 10th iat the home of their son, Max Angus and family at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus and family were also guests for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spittler and children of Valentine came Friday to spend the holiday week end with his mother, Mrs. Laura Spittler and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan were hosts at a family dinner party an Easter Sunday at their home. Guests were her mother, Mrs. Lau ra Spittler, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and family, Mrs. Nellie Komer, Mrs. Bertha Archer, all of Ewing, Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spitt ler and family of Norfolk and Mr. AFTER EASTER CLEARANCE LINOLEUM RUGS 9x 12 SPECIAL .*2" LAWN PICKING CARTS 225 Cubic ft. Capacity 10" Wheels *3.99 SCOVIE'S ; | A. P. JASZKOWIAK > i ■■■■ i IMI l I II — —in .1 l in. 1 — 'I — —..■■■— — and Mrs Richard Sprttler and fam ily of Valentine. Mr and Mrs Ray Funk and fam ily went to Norfolk on Saturday on a combined business and plea sure trip Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were entertained on Easter Sunday at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and family. Mrs Kenneth A rehart and family were Friday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Steskal, sr. 1 Onm ami Marvin Steskal of Lynch spent their Easter vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs John Steskal, sr. Mr. and Mrs Harold Savidge and family from Minnesota spent the holiday weekend with his mother, i Mrs. Anna Savuige Rev. and Mrs Woodrow Elliott and daughter, Sandra were Easter guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Scahill at Elgin. Sunday. April 24th is the date for the Methodist Youth Rally to be held at O'Neill during the afternoon. Mrs. Woodrow Elliott attended the district meeting of the Wo men’s Society of Christian Service held Tuesday at Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs were entertained on Easter Sunday at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli and family. Mrs. Robert Hobbs and son, Ro bert Dean were guests on Wednes day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs ac companied by their granddaugh ters, Jeanie Hobbs, Nancy and Ro berta Turay, Linda and Debra Yel li attended the ice aapadefst in Omaha an Sunday, April 10th. A family gathering was held Fri day evening at the Wayne Shrader home honoring the birthday an niversaries of Mrs. Shrader, Mrs. Maynard Morrow, and Mrs. Roger Bennett. A pot luck supper was served and the evening hours were spent visiting. Present were Mr. turn ivii o. vtuuui ucauiru, 1*1145 xiia Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shra der and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shrader and Loretta, all of Ew ing, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bennett, Mrs. Flora Young, James Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Napier, all of Orchard and Mrs. Charles Mor- i sett and Terry of West Point. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woeppel: and granddaughters, Gayle and! Kay Fleming spent Easter at the 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Burk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bergstrom of Omaha were guests on Easter | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. El- [ mer Bergstrom and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad re-1 reived Easter greetings by telephone from their son, Carl Schrad in California on Sunday. Afternoon guests at the Schrad home were their son, Sylvester Schrad and family of Omaha. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Rose Bauer were her daugh ters, Geraldine of Norfolk and Catherine who teaches near O’ Neill. Other guests on Easter Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Napier re turned to their home at Sterling, Kan. after spending the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Webb Napier and other re latives in the Ewing community. Guests at the Irvin Cloyd home on Easter were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Timmerman of Plain view, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brokaw and family of Norfolk and iMr. and Mrs. Russell Napier of Sterling, Kan. Miss Vina Wood had as her guests for dinner rin Simdav. Mr and Mrs John A. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler of Lincoln who came Friday to spend the holiday week end in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and daughter, Mary returned to their home in Oakland on Sunday after noon after visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson since Saturday. Other guests on Sunday at the Larson home were Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rei mer. Monday guests at the Larson home were their granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Born and family of Humboldt. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Shaw and family of O’Neill were Sunday eve ning guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and family. Sue and Janet Sanders were holi day weekend guests at the homes of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee and Mrs. Caroline Sand ers. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sanders and family of Lau rel spent Easter with relatives in Ewing and they accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs Willis Hockey and family were entertained at dinner on Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pofahl, The Hockey family left for Grand Island and Norlh Platte in the afternoon. They returned home Monday. Mrs. Martha Hill spent Easter at Brunswick with her mother, Mrs Lindquist. Roy Tuttle and family were Eas ter Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mis Vearl Tuttle. The yoiuigsters enjoyed an Easter egg treat. Mr. and Mrs J. L. Pruden and their daughter, Mrs. S. M. Burt whistle made a business trip to Wagner and Mitchell, S. D. on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Pruden and Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden were entertained on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burtwhistle. Guests at the H. R. Harris home on Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Butler were dinner guests of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall at Royal. The Halls recently returned from spend ing the wuiter in California. Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer of Norfolk were weekend guests at tlie home of their daughter and san-ui-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schueth, who have spent the winter months with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schueth at Humphrey re turned to their home in Ewing on Tuesday, Apr. 12. ‘‘Spring of Souls” was the theme of the 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise service at the First Methodist church in Ewing in charge of the Methodist Youth Fellowship group. Miss Sandra Elliott was organist. Special musical selections were giv i_ :_:_ „ ^x t_ voices under the direction of Mrs. W. W. Elliott. Jerry Tams was the leader for “The Sunrise Message” assisted by Leonora Tuttle and Judy Tinsley. Other participating were Robert Woeppel, Bonnie We Ike, Marie Da vis, Alfred Sehilousky. Due to ill ness, Miss Bertha Harris was not able to be present. Breakfast was served to 62 mem bers and friends in the dining room of the church following the service by the Women’s Society of Christian Service. Guests were members of the congregation of the Clearwater Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and Family and Mias Ina Bennett at tended a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett on Easter Sunday. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow and family of O’Neill, Mrs. Flora Young of Orchard and Mr. Niobrara Valley Hereford Ass'n Spring SHOW & SALE AT BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET BIJTTE, NEBRASKA TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1960 SHOW 9:30 A.M. SAEE 1:00 P.M. HERBERT BEAUM, Judge, Armour, S. I»ak. CHAIIIJCS CORKER, Auctioneer CONSIGNED BY A. M. Engelhaupl C. II. Fisher Kuupp Bros. L. J. I.echtenberg E. J. Eechtenberg C. C. Nelson A Non W. G. Sire Adren Uklir Walter Schonebauin For Catalog Write A. M. ENGEEHAUIT, Butte, Nebr., Sale M*r. • » RANCH AUCTION ' 1,209 Acres Greeley County Ranch Land Greeley, Nebraska 50-Outstanding Dairy and Stock Cattle-50 4 Horses, 40 Laying Hens, Some Ducks & Geese Milking Equipment & Household Goods Complete Line of Ranch and Farm Equipment MR. and MRS. WALTER J. HUGHES: Owners FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1960 12:00 Noon (GST) on the Premises Lunch will be Served LOCATION: From Greeley, Nebraska, 7 miles north on Hiway 281 and 4 miles west. From Ericson, 7 miles east, 8 miles south and 4 miles west. From Spalding, 10 miles west, 3 miles south and 4 miles west. j POSSESSION OF LAND: Immediately upon closing. Abstracts are up to date. BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS: Consists of a 3-bedroom home on REA. New jet pump at house, 30-gal. hot water heater, large bam 36’ x 46’ with 12 cow stanchions. 500-gal. propane tank goes with property. There are 3 other good wells and mills on the ranch to insure ample water supply for cattle. Place is com pletely fenced and cross-fenced. SCHOOL BUS TO GREELEY FOR BOTH GRADE AND HIGH SCHOOL Conducted by ROGERS AGENCY REALTORS and AUCTIONEERS 505 N. Jeffers—North Platte, Nebr.—Phone LE 2-5770 Col Dick Dolan-Auctioneers -— Col. John Ryan City National Bank, Greeley, Clerk Cashier and Mrs. Roger BteinKt, all (t Orchard. Mr and Mrs. Ed Urban were Easter Sunday guests at the Iwme of Mr and Mrs Victor BoltWitt and family. Mr. Mid Mrs Ralph Eacker ac companied by Mrs Jessie Angus went to Grand Island Easter Sun day to attend a family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and family. In the afterihxni all attended services at the First Methodist church when Mark Ful ler. the small son of Mr. and Mrs, Fuller was baptized. Miss Eleanor Pollock of Omaha was aholiday weekend guest at Uie home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Pollock. Plan Coming Even! The Home Extension club tea tor the Ewing center will be held May 3rd at the parlors of the First Methodist church. Salads will be featured Each member is request ed to bring a salad and the re cipe for it. Tlie salads will be on display and judged. Awards will be given to the first three. A meeting April 20th at the home of Mrs. Gene Zimmerman is sche J..I . J r_cUa .Laa, >enlirt IT jsimtnlttt'o for the tea. A handcraft lesson in cake dec orating will be given at O’Neill on May 24, beginning at 11:00 n.m. for club members. Other events for members will be a leather kraft in June at O’Neill and sew ing attachments in July in Nor folk. On May 11 each club mem ber may have a blood type free at St. Anthony's hospital in O’Neill. A dancing program at the O’Neill high school will be held May 10. Each member to donate three dozen cookies. The public of Ewing community are invited to attend the showing •A Film on Cancer, April 27th at It:00 p.m., at the auditorium of the Ewing public school, sponsored by the clubs of Ewing in charge of Mrs. J. L. Pruden. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding ('all 243 W — 24 hr. Service Northwest Electiic O’Neill DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST CV>mpIete Visual Oaro Contact Lenses By Apimintment Phone 2101 Speneer, Nebraska