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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
O'Neill Locait _JUs Esther Downey letumed Thursday from Los Angeles Cal where she visited her brother and her nephew, David Anderson she was accompanied by Miss Marv Jurgensmeier. Edgar Jones, 84 year old uncle of Mrs. Fora Knight, wn<> nas spent the winter month* m the Knight home went to Seneca Thurs day where he will visit in the home of his son, Lawrence Jones Mr Jones reported he made the trip in four hours. Miss Abbie Hanley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. William Kraft to Page Sunday where they were Easter guests in the home of Mrs. Mabel Shobe and Elvira. Miss Betty Schultz of Hastings was a Friday to Sunday visitor in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock were Monday evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz. Mrs. Herb Kaiser accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs Louis Kliment of Atkinson to Burwell on Tuesday where they attended fun eral services far James Mach, a oouain of Mrs. Kliment. John Harrington of Chicago spent from Wednesday to Sunday with his wife, Mrs. Harrington. Also guests the past week at the Har rington home were Mr. and Mrs. J. D. FYaher chiWmn r\_ aha. Mr. Harrington accompanied the Frabers to Omaha Sunday on his return to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaiser and son, Ivan and Mrs. Sadie Kaiser were Easter dinner guests of Mrs. Herb Kaiser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment of Atkinson. Rita Hoehne of the College of St. Mary at Omaha spent the Eas ter vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith and their guests, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Garvin of Mitchell were Tuesday guests in the home of an uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Beck with at Neiigh. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker en tertained at dinner Easter. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffman of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman, Wayne and Carole of Ewing and Oliver and Homer Mar ing of Emmet. Miss Patty Allen of Omaha was a weekend guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen. Mrs. Hardin Anspach, wlio spent the past three weeks at Anderson, Ind. with her son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ans pach, assisting in the household and making the acquaintance of the new granddaughter, Susan Jene, returned to the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Charles Marston and family at Lincoln Saturday. Mr An : spach met her there returning home to O'Neill Sunday Easter dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith were Mr ami Mrs Arthur Harley and family of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs Don Beckwith and sen ! of O'Neill. Sheryl, die ten year ukl daughter of the Harleys, who re ceived a broken leg a short time ago, expected to return to school this week. Both bones were brok en in ber right leg. The accident i happened when several children were taking turns riding a friends new bike. A weekend guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Beilin was her sister. Miss Eleanor Porter of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kopejtka and family, Bonnev Lawrence and Eu gene Bamhard, all of O'Neill and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kopejtka and family of Page were Easter sup per guests in the home of Mrs. An na Kopejtka and Mary Ann at In man. Mrs. Hazel Boatman was an Eas ter guest in the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Lange and sons, Sammy and Mark of Atkinson and attended church services there. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Garvin of Mitchell were Thursday overnight guests in the home or her brother mid sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Beckwith. Mr. and Mrs. Garvin spent from Sunday to Fri day visiting in the Leon, Guy, OiM L^Tdil DH hwuil nmoo. Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Adamson, jr. and family were Easter guests in the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Koenig at Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farr an enter tained at a family dinner Easter. Guests were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Farran and family of Stanton, Mr. nd Mrs. Leslie Stewart and family of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen and family of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miner en tertained the following guests Eas ter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Min er of Ravenna, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Meyer and daughter, Shari Jo of Shelton and Mr, and Mrs. Norm Klasna and daughter, Tanny of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Miner are Everett's parents and the Meyers are his bixither-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Klasna are the E. L. Miner's son-in-law and daughter. Miss Ethel Oeltjen of Palmer was a 9unday evening caller enroute from a weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oeltjen to her school duties at Butte. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik were Easter dinner guests in the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Hamik at Stuart. The children, Linda Tom Wm. C. Smith, Jr. FOR DISTRICT JUDGE | 15th Judicial District • Graduate of University of Nebr. Law School • Actively Practiced Law in Brown County 26 years • Served as Brown County Attorney 20 years • Member 15th Judicial Bar and Nebraska State Bar Asociations Vote in the May 10 Primary Election. After Easter - « y *% CLEAN UP < T * * * » * " % k ! ^# STARTS THURSDAY Prices slashed for this clean-up So shop early and get real values Toppers & Coats 1500*02500 Were from 22.98 to 39.98 Worsted flannels, Tweed, hopsaching Sizes 8 to 44 Hats One group 1/2 Price Bras Floating action Reg. 2.50 l99 2 for 3.85 — Dresses & Suit Dresses i 8.99 10.99 12.99 14.99 Were from 14.98 to 24.98 Sizes 7 to 17- 12 to 20 12*/2 *o 26*/2 Gloves Broken sizes Reg. 2.29 $1,50 One Rack Dresses *5.00 O'Neill Style Shop No Rehirns No Lay Away LEONA HJTNE8 MRS. M. A. SCHELKOPF my, Kathleen, Pat and Mike re mained at home with the mumps. Last Easier they were victims of the chicken-pox Saturday alter noon visitors m the E L. Miner home were Mr. and Mrs. Delmunt Erie son of Elgin. Mr and Mrs. Don Kellner and family were Easter guests in the home of his parents, Mrs. Anna Pollock at Ewing. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Sutcliffe were Easter guests in the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sut cliffe at Vermillion, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Juracek were guests in the home of his mother, Mrs. Joe Nekuda over the Easter weekend. John Bohn of Seward was a weekend guests in the home of his i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bohn. Matthew Beha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Beha was a weekend guest in the home of his parents. Matthew is attending Barber's col lege in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight went to Norfolk Monday where they vis ited in the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Al len Kmght and sons. The Knight family were forced to evacuate during flood stage when the wat er almost was high enough to ent er their house. They were out of their home for four days during the critical period. Mrs. Elsie Frerichs and children were Easter guests in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Juracek at their ranch home northeast of O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. (Bill) Kram er entertained at dinner Easter Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton and family of Em met and Robert H. Fox of At kinson. Leo Wiseman and son were Sun day visitors in the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiseman near Page. Mr.and Mrs. Jim Stewart and son, Robert of Grand Island and John and Carl Kamphaus of Bart lett were Saturday overnight guests in the home of Mrs. Juliana Kamp haus. On 9unday Mrs. Kamphaus accompanied Anthony of Lynch, John and Carl of Bartlett and Paul to Clearwater where they were af temon and supper guests in the William Emesti home. Donald Kokrda Joins O'Neill Teaching Staff Donald Kokrda, 25, has been lired to teach next year at the O' Neill public schools, according to 5upt. Milton Baack. He is a 1960 graduate of Midland college at. Fremont. Mr. Kokrda is married and has one daughter, 5 years old. He was born in Omaha and attended high school at Valley and Fremont. May 3 Date Set for Fellowship Breakfast Women of the O’Neill protestant churches have been invited to the j fourth annual May Fellowship j Breakfast, scheduled for May 3. j Phis year the breakfast will be at the First Methodist church with WSCS members as hostesses. The breakfast is at 9:30 a m. and a nursery will be available for children. Devotions will precede the breakfast with a program fol lowing. Women planning to atteqd should make their reservations with Mrs. Clay Johnson jr. at tBe earliest convenience. u Music Contest— (Continued from page 1.) Recreation Room. Class C instru mental duet, trio, quartette, brass sextette, girl’s high voice and trios. Thursday— 1 p.m. at O’Neill High School Auditorium. Class C girl’s quartette, mixed chorus, mad-; rigal and miscellaneous vocal and 1 Class D bands from Atkinson, Butte, Creighton, Keya County, Stuart, Spencer, St. Mary’s Tilden, and Wheeler Counity. Thursday—7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Auditorium. Class C and D girl's low and medium, trio, triple trio, sextette and mixed octette. Thursday—7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Recreation Room. Girl’s class C medium voice and triple trio, class D duet, octette and high voice. Boy’s low and medium voice, duet quartette and mixed quartettes. Thursday—6:45 at O’Neil] High School Auditorium. Class C bands: Atkinson, Creighton, Butte, Keya Paha county, Stuart, Spencer, St. Mary’s, Tilden and Wheeler county. Friday—8 am. at St Mary’s Auditorium. Class B girl’s low, me dium and high voice, trio, triple trio, mixed trio, sextette, madri gal and miscellaneous vocal. Friday—9 am. at St. Mary’s Recreation Room. Class B low, medium and high voice, quartette, mixed quartette and octette and flute and woodwind trios. Friday—8 a.m. Class B instru mental solos, duets, quartettes, trios and sextettes, Friday—1 p.m. at O’Neill High School Auditorium. Class B Instru- i mental quintettes, miscellaneous, i clarinet choir, Girl’s Glee club, | Boy’s Glee and Mixed Glee Clubs. Friday—8:45 p.m. at O’Neill High school auditorium Class B Bands. Ainsworth, O'Neill, Ne Ugh, Rock County and Valentine. ; Contest judges will be Carlton Chaffee, Martin Busch, Myron Qs tenberg, all of the University of S. D. at Vermillion; Orville Voss, director df music at Winner and Vermillion and Lewis Hamvas of Yankton College at Yankton, S. D. Mrs. E. Richter Died in Oregon Mrs. Ernest Richter died early Saturday morning. April 9 a few hours after she had been admitted to a Portland, Ore., hospital. Barbara Reynolds Richter was bom April 27, 1892 at Dorsey. She was married in 1912 to Harry N. Renner, who died in 1916. To this union were bom two daughters. On October 16, 1920 she was united in marriage to Ernest W. Richter of Dorsey. They became the parents of a son, Marvin Rich ter of O’Neill. The couple made their home on a farm near Dorsey until moving to Oregon in the fall of 1948. Shej was an active member of the Nor wood Bible church, Garden club ana Lauies ciud. Funeral services were conducted I Wednesday, April 13 at the Nor wood Bible church at 1 p m. with Rev. Edward Goodrich officiating. Interment was in Robert Berg cemetery at Stafford. Pallbearers were Ed Schneider, Glen Wark, Kenneth Kjersten, Jack Bryan. Fred Flack and Dale Buck. She is survived by her husband, Ernest; two daughters -M r s, George (Eileen) Pischel of Beaver creek, Ore., Mrs. Melvin (Nila) Pilger of Sherwood. Ore. Son— Marvin D. Richter of Lynch; step daughter Mrs. Frank, (Thelma) Seabold of La Crescenta, Calif. Also two brothers, Arthur Rey nolds of Luning, Nevada and Frank Reynolds of Scottsbluff and a sister, Mrs. Joe Schollmeyer of O’Neill; 18 grandchildren. Neligh Man Dies of Injuries In Accident „'' ^ • RothchUd, 8U, of Neligh died 1 riday in the Antelope Memorial hospital from injuries received when he fell from a tractor and was run over by the wheel. Funeral services were conducted on Monday. Among the surv ivors are daugh ters—Mrs. Ray Sanderson of Chambers and Mrs. Troxel Green of Amelia. Page News By Mrs. Ben Asher Mrs Clarence Dobbins was hos tess to the members of R. N. A. Kensington. All members except one. Mrs. Evelyn Gray were pre sent. rnuay iugm supper guesis oi Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hill of Orchard were Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie and Mrs. Ethel Park. It was to celebrate the birthdays of Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr. of O’Neill were Wednesday night visitors in the N. D. Ickes home. Mr and Mrs. A. T. Crumly went to Wayne on Thursday and picked up their daughter Donna whose Easter vacation was starting and they all continued on to Sioux City where Mr. Crumly consulted a physician. On Friday the Crum-. lys went to Norfolk to meet ano ther daughter, Janice who flew from Omaha to be home for the i weekend. I G G G and G met oo Friday with Mrs. .Anton Nissan. Cards were played with Mrs. Elsie Cork win nuig high, Mrs. Clarence Stevens taking low and Mrs. Clarence Doth tuns winning traveling. Mrs. Hester Ednunsten and Mrs. Alta Finch spent the weekend in North Platte visiting Mrs. Edmin sten’s daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gerkin. Miss Dixie Nissen accompanied Carol Jtthnson to O'Neill where she was met by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen, Dixie is in nurse's training at the Bryan Memorial in Lincoln. She returned to Lincoln on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hannon and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Godel of Venus on Tuesday, April 12. Mr and Mrs. C. H. Switzwer of O'Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr .ami Mrs, Ben Asher xrn„L n.:n _ ... » 4 n V 4 V 4JU4 ) day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski and Mr and Mrs. Harold Givens and family of Stuart ate Sunday chil lier with Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz. On Tuesday, Apr. 12 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Inness of Meadow Grove visited with Mrs. N. D. Ickes. On Wednesday Mrs. Dale Asher returned to her home in Logan, la. after spending a few days vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and Debbie arrived Thursday from Lin coln to visit with their daughter and family, the Duane Sukups. On Sunday the Sukups and the Russels wore dinner guests oi Mi's Ray Silers. Mr and Mrs R. D t\>pes accompanied the Hassells to Lin* coto on Sunday where they will vis it with their grandson and his fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. l>ick Woods. The Sukups visited in the Edward Suk.ip home m Orchard on Sun day. On Sunday for dinner at Mrs. Felix Hendrich’s of O'Neill were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon aikl family. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Land- j reth, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-1 liani Aim and JoAnn of Lynch and; Mrs. Gene Deao and family of Omaha. Before returning home tlie i Harmons visiting m the M ,L. I Harmon home where Mr. and Mrs. | Wayne Harmon and family of Nor-. folk and Mr. and Mrs. V. E. John son of O’Neill were guests. Mrs. Lorenz Riege and Connie Mi-s. Harold Freemeyer and Mrs. George Clasey went to Lincoln on Monday where Connie looked for an apartment as site starts echoed on the 6th of June at the Lincoln School of Commerce. Mrs. Eva Gray was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs Cordes Walker. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker of Cairo. Also present was their daughter, Kathleen, who is Inane from Wayne on her Easter va-: cation. Mr. and Mrs Preston Jones, Mr and Mrs. Walter Devall and family j and Bob Young, all of O’Neill, Mr | and Mrs. Raymond Walter and family of Chambers and Nancy Devall of Omalu wn- Auxtuy din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly to help John celebrate his l.tth birthday, Mr. iuul Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hews and family and Mr. ami Mrs. Ken neth Waring of O'Neill were Sun day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Raymond Heiss, Mr. aixl Mrs. Delbert Anson aixi family were Sunday dinner gix'xta of Mr. and Mi's. Edward Sukup of Orchard. Mr. ami Mrs. Rob Heelaert ate Sunday dinner with Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Dobrovobty, Mr aixl Mrs. Bob Gray, Mr. and Mrs John Gray, Mr. ami Mrs. Arnold Stewart, all of Page, Miss Ann marie Gilmore of Lincoln aixl Keith Halsey of Chambers ware Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs Andrew Wettlaufer and Gary of O'Neill were Sunday dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer. In the evening Mr. aixl Mrs, Keith Kennedy were visitors in the Wettlaufer's home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dorr erf Inman were Sunday tinnier guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Bob Myers. Mr. ami Mrs. Merle and Bill were afternoon callers. Paul Neubauer and Misse* Grace ami Nell Woods were dinner guests of Mr. aixl Mrs, William Neubauer. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby of Ewing and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert spent Easter Sunday visiting Mr. ami Mrs. Gene Ruby at Sioux City, I Land and Personal Property I P _ _ _ I I As we are moving to another state we will offer at public auction the following described land and personal property at B Thursday# May 12 I Sale Starts At 12:30 p.m. In Case of Bad Weather Sale Will Be May 16th Lunch At Sale ■ REAL ESTATE Described as lots 5 and 6 of section 3 in township 32, Range 11, and the Southeast quarter and northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of lot 3 In section 34 in town ship 33, range 11, all In Boyd county, Nebraska. The land Is situated on the north side of the Niobrara River. Deed and tax receipt shown as 317 and 20/100 acres. Land consists of about 20 acres cultivated; 55 acres alfalfa; 25 acres hay meadow and balance pasture and building site. It is well fenced and cross fenced. Buildings include a 5-room dwelling with enclosed porch, hot and cold running water—good condition and all insulated with storm windows and screens. Cattle shed 20 x 5C nearly new, poultry house, granary and other buildings also Included. The farm is R.E.A. wired. The cultivated land and alfalfa has had fortlllicr and nitrate the past two seasons and has been Irrigated from the Niobrara river. This river forms the south boundary of the land, but has never been flooded during the |*ast twenty years and did not flood this spring. Warranty Deed and Abstract of title will be furnished purchaser. Terms of real estate—25% advance payment day of sale on purchase agreement. Balance on delivery of abstract of title and deed. Possession may be arranged for immediately because of the spring season for pas ture and farming by agreement date of sale. ED THORIN, O'Neill, Nebraska Licensed Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer PERSONAL PROPERTY I 48 HEAD OF CATTLE 48 7 Dairy cows, Holstein and Guernsey; some milking now 18 Hereford Stock cows with calves at side 10 Fall calves 4 Small hand fed calves i- * ' * 1 Purebred Hereford bull 5 Sows with pigs at side 1 1 " ■' ——I i ■ i.—— I..—■■ ■—■ -.i ■ i ■ MACHINERY , ' * * 1950 John Deere B tractor 1945 John Deere B tractor 2 Bottom, 16 John Deere tractor plow on rubber 7 Ft. Massey Harris combine 7 Ft. John Deere power mower 12 Ft. John Deere hay rake Rubber tired gear and hay rack Wagon gear on rubber with flare box IHC Endgate seeder John Deere single row picker 2 Row John Deere cultivator 12 Ft. disc D. A. loader with scoop and sweep 300 Gal. fuel tank on stand Set of tractor chains Hammer mill Some used lumber Wire corn cribbing 2 Row pull type lister 40 Ft. belt IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT Centrifical pump with power take off attachment 600 Ft. of 5 inch mainline pipe 1,400 Feet 4 inch sprinkler pipe with risers and rainbird sprinklers Electric motor Pump with electric motor Shovels, forks and shop tools 1955 4-Wheel Drive Pickup HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Dinette set and four chairs Kitchen chairs Norge gas range, like new 300 Gal. propane fuel tank 65,000 BTU automatic heating stove Davenport and chair G. E. 8 foot electric refrigerator Bed room suite Bed spring and mattress 16 Ft. IHC deep freeze Speed Queen electric washing machine 3 small tables Dishes, pans and miscellaneous equipment 2 End tables Kitchen appliances Baby bed and highchair Kitchen stool Some canned goods and fruit jars I Terms. On personal property—Cash, no property to be moved until settled for. B Place may be inspected by going there as owners do reside on the place or by contacting Ed Thorin Real estate broker-also re- B presenting John Hancock loan company, O'Neill, Nebraska. B I Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Johnson I [ conducted & advertised by Ed Thorin Auction Sev. O'Neill Cot Ed. Thorin, O'Neill & Roy Kirwan, Butte, auctioneers I