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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Sick and Injured LYNCH-Mrs, George Calkins underwent surgery at St, Anthony's hospital Friday. .. Mrs. Hannah St re it suffered another heart at tack Thursday and was taken to Sacred Heart hospital EWING—George Latzel became til at his home and wa* taken to St Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill Friday. . . Mrs. R B. Krachie, who has teen a patient at the An telope Memorial hospital in Neligti for four weeks returned home Sat urday DELOIT—BUI Day went to Om aha Friday where he wiU undergo surgery. INMAN— Elmer Michaelis was dismissed Friday from Atkinson Memorial hospital where he had been a patient for a week. . . Fran cis Anderl, who has been hospital ized at St Anthony’s hftspital, re turned to his home Saturday.. .. (Mrs: Wynn Baldwin was taken to St Anthiony s hospital Friday morn ing after being trampled by a cow. Kenneth Kcstenholtz, Jr., fell Sat urday ami broke his leg He was treated at the hospital and has re turned home. DORSEY—Mrs. Lee Brady, sr., has teen suffering with a severe sore throat. VENUS—Norman Rokahr return ed to his home April 12 from a Kearney hospital where he under went surgery the first of AprU. CHAMBERS—Mrs. Willard Thom son underwent major surgery at the Atkinson Memorial hospital Wednesday, April 13.. . Mrs. Shir ley Svatos spent several days last week in the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh for medical care. — Hospital Notes ST ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Apr. 14—Mrs. George Calkins of Lynch; Joseph Beeiaert of Page. 15—LeRoy Scho liast of Spencer, Mrs Wynn Bald win and Kenneth Kestenboltz, jr., both of Inman; George Latzel of Ewing. 16—Ann Marie DeVoy and Lloyd Godel, both of O’Neill. 17— Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans of Lynch; Mrs. A. W. Carroll of O'Neill. 16— James Walter of Chambers; Mich ael Dean Devall oi Spencer. 16— Mrs. Ronald Reed of Des Moines, la.; Tanya Hurley and Mrs. Jo seph McLeish, bath of O’Neill, Mrs. Mary Boitz of Spencer. 26 Max J. Wanser of Ewing. DISMISSED: April 14—George Burk of Ewing; Mrs. Edward Mc ! Manus of O’Neill; 15—Mrs. Hen j ry Winkler, Mrs. Anson Clossom and Mrs. Robert Clinkscales, all ol O’Neill; LeRay Scheinost of Spen cer. 16—Mrs. George C. Calkins of Lynch; Mrs. William J. Edwards of Butte; Francis L. Anderl and Kenneth Kestenboltz, jr , both erf Inman; Fred Smith of Chambers; FRANK NELSON O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Candidate for Renomination STATE LEGISLATURE From The 28th District Holt-Boyd-Rock-Keya Paha Counties Experienced in Legislative Matters Farming and Business A Farm Operator of Northern Holt County Since 1906 Your Support at Primary May 10, 1960 Will be Appreciated New From Cara Nome L Totally New! Cara Nome Color Accent Now . ... with the same ease you accent your lips, eyes and com plexion. you can accent your natural hair color or add subtle new hues. COLOR ACCENT lasts through several shampoos and positi vely will not rub off. Choice of 10 glorious shades. EACH $1.50 Free Booklet "Salon Hair Styles" Learn the secrets of setting today's most fashionable hair styles— and discover the joy of home permanent waving with new FAST. With the purchase of the new FAST Home Permanent, receive absolutely free the booklet "Salon Hair Styles.” Cara Nome Golden Radiance Compact The same elegance and lasting quality of others at triple this price. 6 POWDER SHADES $1.50 3 New Shades! Cara Nome Golden Flair Lipstick Now. Shell Pink. Vibrant Red, Tropic Coral, too, in this exquisite case! 9 shades in all. EACH 98c Cara Nome "Point of View" Eyeliner A slender, gold-capped pencil for a delicate, yet definite touch to accent your eyes and eye brows. Get several of these 14 exciting shades. EACH 59c Cara Nome "Point of View" Lipliner Gold-capped pencil in 6 shades. EACH 59c Remember, these exciting new Cara Nome Products, backed by Rexall’s famous unconditional guarantee, are available in O’Neill ONLY at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. ANIMAL HEALTH NEEDS We carry a full ine of veterinary products—vaccines, antibio tics, syringes, needles, and medicines. Come to DEVOY REXALL DRUG for your vaccine needs— we have prices you’ll like. PRESCRIPTIONS Choose your pharmacist as carefully as you choose your family physician. The next time your doctor gives you a prescrip tion. take it to DEVOY'S REXALL DRUG to be filled by a PRE SCRIPTION SPECIALIST. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. 1 I H Mrs Fred Wells and baby girl of O'Neill. 17—J. Beelaert of Page; Mrs Nick Ramold and baby boy of Stuart. 18—Lon Lee Strong and Lloyd Godel. berth of'O’Neill. 19 James Walter and Mrs. Walter Brown, berth of Chambers. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED—April 12-Mrs. Clay tem Burge of Amelia: Nola Ober mire of Lincoln; Mrs. Willard j Thomson of Chambers. 13—Mrs. Frank Prescott of Atkinson; Mrs. Kenneth Zoerb of Newport; Frank j Bose of Stuart. 14—John Warner j of Atkinson. 15—Mrs Richard Deer i mer of Atkinson; Byron Canard ofj Stuart; Mrs. Newton Blesh of Long Pine. 16—Mrs Margaret Hendrick j son of Stuart. 17—Mrs. Marvin Doo little and Lyle Addison, both of j Atkinson; Henry Hamik of Stuart 18—Alex McConnell of Atkinson. DISMISSED: April 11—Michael Murphy Stuart. 13— Mrs. Herman Meyer and daughter of Atkinson; Francis Kollman of Stuart; Nola Ober in ire of Lincoln 14—Mrs. James McDonald and daughter of O’Neill, 15—Elmer MichaeUs of In man 16—John Anderson of Atkin son; Mrs. Clayton Burge and daugh ter ef Amelia; Mrs. LaVern Mor-1 gan of Stuart. 17—Mrs. Kenneth1 Zoerb and daughter of Newport. 18—Mrs Frank Prescott and son of Atkinson; Mrs. Willard Thomson of Chambers. SACRED HEART HOSPITAL PRESENT Mrs. Frank Bata, Mrs. Mary Classen and E. L. Hag berg, ail of Spencer; Mrs. Jerry Carsten and Baby Kevin Lee Jons, both of Bonsteel, S. D.; Baby Jack Thomas Gehlsen, Dr. John Gut tery, Dr. G. B. Ira, Baby Patty Lou Muller, Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. Hannah 9treit, all of Lynch; Mrs. Melvin Johnson of Bristow; Mrs. Jim Minarik of Ver del; Baby Diane Kay Nelson of Fairfax; Erick Ohman of Anoka; Mrs. Martha Schultz of Naper. DISMISSED: April 15—Miss Ste ! phanie Hargens and Miss Rachel Hornback, both of Spencer; Mrs Jacob Gehlsen of Lynch; Kenneth Reiser of Butte; Mrs. Melvin Long of Bristow 16—Mrs. Clifford Nel son of Fairfax; Mrs. Marvin Jons of Bonesteel; Mrs. Kenneth La Potnte of Verdel; Mrs. Sylvia Lued ke of Spencer; Douglas Martin of I Naper. AT THE COURTHOUSE COUNTY COURT— State vs. Allen F. Miller,. Atkin son, owner permitting minor to operate, fined $5 and $4 costs; of ficer—E. M. Hastreiter, Apr. 13. State vs. LaVern H. Von Tersch, driver for United AG Stores, Om aha, overweight on axle, fined $60 and $4 costs; officer—Donald F. Richardson, Apr. 14. State vs. Franklin Harry Downs, driver for Joe Rosenthal & Sons. Sioux City, la., no reciprocity, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford L. Kizzire, Apr. 18. State vs. R. L. Hook, Rushville, night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer—Donald J. Fiala, Apr. 20. Willis J- Russel of Page posted a $400 cost appearance bond alleged ly for driving under the influence of alcoholic liquor. The oase was continued until April 29— E. M. Hastreiter, officer. MARRIAGE LICENSES— Donald H. Rees, 24 Norfolk and Joan Marie Steward, 20, Norfolk, April 14. Victor Newlin Pickering 19, Lynch and Irene Lee Boelter, 20, Lynch, April 20. New School Building For O’Neill It is a fact that O'Neill needs more schoolroom. However, it seems that plans are being made to buy land without determining what the majority of the people need and want. Present plans in dicate an intention to locate the new school at the far Northeast corner of the city on the old Fair Grounds. No consideration has been given to the location of a grade school in the South Central part of the city to relieve the situation. A majority of the children are in the South Half of the city, and are and will be forced to travel an unreasonable distance to a new school. A count of numbers and location of grade school children should be taken. Plans contemplate the expenditure of $25,000 or $30,000 for additional land. Adequate sites can be obtained in the South part of the city with this money. Present plans also contemplate a cost of near $500,000 for a new High School. A grade schodl building could be built at much less cost to provide the additional room. The City of Norfolk with o population of 11,335 has eight grade schools distributed throughout the city. A proposal has been considered to run busses into tne south part of the city. A better solution would be to locate the school more conveniently. O'Neill has no school lunch program for the small children. They have to come and go four times a day. The responsible officials should consult the people and deter mine what is best for O'Neill. Through the medium of a public meeting. Melvin Marcellus Billie Marcellus Roy J. Shelhamer Merle M. Farrier Robert Pappenheimer Reed Herley Ward Smith A. C. Dennis Charley Carr Harlan E. Peterson Pete Peterson Tony Asimus Marvin Parks Donald A. McKamy Eugene Schmeichel Donald Maw Alan Van Vleck R. E. Moore D. C. Schaffer Leigh Reynoldson Brock Reynoldson Fred O. Heermann Edwin Krugman » Harold A. Mlinar R. G. Shelhamer Lloyd Rubeck Neil Dawes Carl R. Grosse C. J. Harmon John H. Turner Emmet Crabb A. W. Carroll Reginald B. Pinkerman Edward M. Gleeson Joe Stutz Dale Wilson I This advertisement is sponsored by O'Neill citizens who have or will I hove children ond grandchildren in the schools. | Page Banquet— (Continued from page 1.) countered, but whether you brought In the ship. "Success in athletics and life de pends upon perfection; self discipline, (drinking, dangerous; smoking filthy; profanity un-neces sary and has no place on the athlete field;) self control, team unity and co-operation, con tinued Brostrom. He quoted Bill Krisher "Before a game the Oklahomans say a prayer, a second one at half time and a third when the game is over. We have unity because of the way our boys live ’’ Brostrom concluded his talk with a quote, “Success comes before work only in the dictionary.” Coach Park then presented the letters and awards to Dennis Kemper, Dennis Cork, Ronald Parks, Dennis Ickes, Fred Crunk, Gene Harvey, Rodney Kennedy and Jon Cork. Mr. Linnaus presented the volley ball awards. Mrs. R. F. Park gave out letters to the following Pep Club girls Bonnie Heiss. Charlene Fus selman, Rita Larson, Sharon Schol lmeyer. Diane Kemper. Caroline Max, Peggy Crumly, Connie Nissen, Juanita Ragiand, Karen Harris, Lavonne Kopejtka, Jerilyn and Mary Lou Luebcke. Pins or necklaces were given to senior girls who had completed three years of Pep Club member ship Kay Nissen, Connie Riege, Karen Kay Kelly, Louise Harris and Marlene Frahm. A token trophy was presented to Edd Stewart by Louise Harris in appreciation of his help the past year in volleyball. Superintendent Linnaus also pre sented Mr. Stewart with a Custo dian award in recognition of his status as a custodian. Mr. Earl Hurst, Burnell also gave a brief talk, recalling events and experiences as superintendent and athletic coach of Page scTfool. An all high school dance followed the banquet at the school gym with the Orchard Rockets furnishing the music. i Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of Fullerton announce the en gagement and approaching mar-1 rlage of their daughter, Marcia Dell to Eugene R. Janzlng, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzlng of O’Nelli. Miss Anderson Ls employed In a Women's Ready to Wear store in Fullerton. Mr. Janzlng is employed with a construction firm with head quarters in Lincoln. A May wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pacha of Atkinson announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Artha Lee to Konald N. Frickel, son of Mr. and Mrs. t'oilrad Frickel of At kins* hi. Artha is a graduate of the At kinson high school. She attended the University of Nebraska and is now employed by the Credit i Protection Bureau in Lincoln. Mr. Frickel Is attending the University of Nebraska where he Ls affiliated with the 1*1 Kappa Phi fraternity. A June 13 wedding Ls planned. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler are announcing the approaching marriage of their daughter, Betty to Dwaln Ewald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ewald of Creighton. Miss Spangler graduated from Page high school and Is now teaching In a Holt county school. Mr. Ewald graduated from Creighton high school and is now engaged In farming. The wedding date is set for May 22. ' . O'Neill Locals Mrs. Donna Staub and Eddy were Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry of Emmet. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman of Lynch visited with Veldon Pinkerman while Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Veldeen and Mary Ellen Schindler were Norfolk visitors. Mr and Mrs Lyle Farran and daughter of Stanton called * Mr aixl Mrs. Veld* Pinker man Sun day evening. Larry Davis of Rising City and Larry Regan of Lincoln were house guests m the Herman Jan smg home during the Easter va cation. Eugene R Jan/mg and Marcia Anderson of Fullerton spent the Easier weekend visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jan zing. Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynolds* were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Green and family of Albion, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook erf North Platte and Mrs Clarence Reynolds* erf Albion. Mrs. Vektan Pinkerman went out to their farm near Lynch Mon day and called in the Guy Pinker man home in the evening. Miss Dorothy Pickard of Los An geles arrived last week to visit her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Albert Klingler. Leonard Young and family of Denver, Colo, and Mrs. Bertha Hayden of Wiggins, Colo, visited from Thursday to Sunday with Miss Maude Rouse and Mrs. Ed ith Young. Mrs. Lloyd A. Simmons of Hast ings was recently elected as pres ident of the junior high school PT-A for the 1960-61 term. The high school has an enrollment of 931 pupils. Mrs. Simmons is the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Sobotka. x *.. _I x i r\ — n__ .. | iUl i UiM M • WUlil A V I * J family of Emmet were Sunday af ternoon visitors in the Dale Per ry home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Haser mid baby of Sioux City were guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. George Peterson, sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Petsche and family were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bloomer of Bloomfield. Mrs. Lottie Lofquest and Mrs. Vina Munson were weekend guests at the Elmer Allyn home north of Stuart. Easter guests of the Elmer Al lyn family of Stuart were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lofquest, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Straka and Cindy, Mrs. Lottie Lofquest, Mrs. Vina Mun son and Mrs. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick and family. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs Bad Foc ken and boys of Leigh Mr. ad Mrs. Ora Philbrick of Stuart were Monday callers in the Dwayne Philbrick home. I Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ott. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs C E. Worth and Mrs. Bob Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNich ols and Steven and Roberta were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr and Mrs Alvin Ott. Helen and David Cohn and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cohn, all of Sioux City were week end guests ui the Robert Pappen heimer home. Mr and Mrs. Roy Parker visited tl»eir son, Harlan and family in Butte Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Owen Parkinson, Mr and Mrs. Howard Peters and Mm. Ben Peters of Meade were Sunday dinner guests in the Har ry Sehlote home at Osmond, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Paulsen and family were Sunday afternoon cal lers of his parents, Mr and Mrs, Chris Paulsen at Tilden. Mrs. Johnny Bauer has been vis iting for the last two weeks in Glendora, Calif., with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lampert and Mr. and Mrs Wayne Donohoe. She plans to spend the next two weeks with Mr and Mi's. Dwayne Burg at Seattle. Wash Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman, jr. and family of Ce<lar Rapids. Ia. were weekend guests in the Paul Moseman, sr home. They left Monday for Dallas. Tex . where they will visit before returning home. Carolyn and Marion Moseman of Omaha spent tlie weekend a'tJi their parents, Mr. and Mrs Paul Moseman. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orsbam and family, Mr and Mrs George Munun. jr. anti family, and Mr and Mrs. WilUam Orsborn and Mary attended Uie family reunion held’ at Uie Ray W. Orsboin home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fox of Lincoln spent the weekend lien' visiting their parents. Minnow Airebucket The Minnow Bucket that Breathes 12 Qt. $1.29 Rod, Reel and Line - $4.95 3 Piece Glass Mixing Bowl Set Per Set 49c Pails Polyethylene 10 Qt. 89c Round Clothes Baskets - $1.49 Ironing Board, Pad & Cover Sets With Silicone Cover - $1.25 COYNE HARDWARE REED HERI.EY MELVIN REZICKA LADIES' COATS Full length faille dusters and wool or part-wool toppers. Spring colors. Assorted sizes 10-16 »9 >13 *15 LADIES' DRESSES New early spring styles. Rayons, silks and better cottons. Regular and half-sizes. Hurry for selection! *5 *7 *9 GIRLS' COATS Clearance of all girls coats 3 to 6x and 7 to 14. Full lengths and toppers. All reduced for clearance! »7 *9 GIRLS1 DRESSES Washable woven gingham dresses. Pastel shades. Sizes 7 to 14. A real value! Each $|,.50 LADIES' SKIRTS One group of gay cotton skirts. Washable prints. Most fill sizes 24 to 28 -* *1.97 LADIES1 BLOUSES Tailored cotton blouses. Regular or in-or-out style. Pastel shades. Sizes 32 to 38. E«h *1.88 SACK TOWELS Unhemmed first quality cotton towels. Approx. 27” x 27”. Bleached white. Stock up now! 5 tor $1 _ ■ ■■**■■. ... . ■ KLEENEX Large size box of 400 sheets. White, pink, yellow. Save at this low price 4 boxes 94c ■■Ml. 1 BRAS and GIRDLES One group of assorted styles and prices. Odds and ends. Discontinued styles. Famous manufacture brand. Reduced lfa to 1/3 NOVELTY Gift Items Ceramic type figures, ash trays, cookie Jars, etc. All at this low price, Each ggc LUNCHEON MAT SETS Linen or rayon fabrics. 5 pc. and 8 pc. sets 1.47 1.97 2.97 LADIES' SANDALS Barefoot styles. White. Sizes 5 to 9. Prepare for the summer days ahead. p°ir *2.37 Boys'Jeans. 13 3 4 oz. denim. Zipper fly front. Sanforized 6-16 $1.88 Boys'Shirts. Short sleeve cotton shirts. Sizes 6-16 .$1.00 Men's T-shirts. White combed cotton. Nylon reinforced.44c Men's Ivy Slacks. Polished cotton. Broken sizes 30 to 33 .$2.00