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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
THF, FRONTIER. O'NflU, Ne*i Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mrs Paul Baker Mid daughters, Susan and Barbara of Schuyler are spending a week’s vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs Sidney Faulhaber. Leland Caskey and John Hardsell of Omaha spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ora Caskey and twins Bette Sukup accompanied them home and visited with her family. Mr and Mrs. Francis Boelter visited at the home of his mother, Mrs Edna Boelter Wednesday fore noon, Mr and Mrs Edwin Porter of Orchard visited at the Ora Caskey home Thursday. William Obiermire was busy (Ad vertlaeme n t) Sardine Cheese Spread Very Easily Made Says Joe Sivesind Does any family who entertains frequently ever have too many re tapes tor cheese cups or spreads? We doubt it and so, apparently, dot's Joe Sivesind, local salesman of the Meadow Gold Dairy who passed one of his favorites on to us. It’s a sardine, cottage cheese and onion dip concoction which can be whipped together in seconds. Beatrice Cooke, the company’s test kitchen director, created die combination. You can vary the condiments, she paints out, depend ing upon the seasonings you pre fer. Sardine Cheese Spread 2 cups (16 ounces) cottage cheese 1 (lti ounce) can sardines, drain ed Few drops hot pepper sauce 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese I package onion dip mix Mi cup dairy sour cream Beat cottage cheese and sardines until well mixed. Add remaining ingredients; blend well. Chill. Serve With assorted crackers. nu»Wa, Thursday, April 21, 19fi0 | shearing sheep in the neighborhood this week. Mr. and Mrs. David Darr and ■ family spent the Easter vacation with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Le Masters Larry Darr remained with his grandparents for a longer visit. Franklin Uhlir and Eddie Hegge 1 meyer returned home Sunday, Ap ril 10 from Lincoln where they had attended the FFA convention. George Heggemeyesr visited at the Dale Dorr home Wednesday after noon. Miss Viola Pospeshil entertained the Work and Fun club on Wednes day, April 13. Ten members were present. Embroidery work was done for the hostess. Lunch was served by Misses Vlasta and Viola Pospeshil. Mrs. Frank Pierce will have the May meeting. Mrs Dale Dorr and Joan were O’Neill visitors Thursday, Apr. 14. Glen Volquardsen is employed at the Dr. Cook farm south-west of O'Neill. Johnie Volquardsen is farm iim iinjuin a ltiriu uiis year. Mr. and Mrs Donald Kiunison were April 12 shoppers at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Heggemey er motored to Wayne Friday, Apr. 8 where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heggermeyer and son, Lor en. Mr and Mrs. James Podany and family visited the former’s mo ther, Mrs. Podany at Atkinson an 1 Sunday, April 10. Sgt. and Mirs. Arvid Erb and daughter were Thursday, Apr. 14 dinner guests at the home of the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Risinger. Elmer Sukup and son, Pvt Jim mie Sukup drove to Omaha Wednes day, April 6 where they visited with Mr. Sukup’s daughter, Bette and attended the ice-capades. Pri vate Sukup left from Omaha the following day for San Antonio, Tex. where he is stationed. Mrs. Mary Volquardsen and John nie called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser on Friday evening. Phone your news to 788 Capitol News - Capitol Cleaning Year-Round Job; Delehant By Melvin Paul Statehouse Correspondent The Nebraska Press Association LINCOLN—Spring housecleaning chores are a once-a-year headache for the housewife, but tthe State Capitol cleaning is a problem all year. Capitol Building Supt. James De-i lehant put it this way: “It’s a hig job. People don’t realize what a job it is to keep this building clean." Just as an example, Delehant said, there are four full time men who work all day just picking tip after the people who visit the State house. T'K/ tun fruit- cm thrmiah ♦ Kn emor’s hearing room and each hall I on the second or main floor of the building once each hour with a : dust mop. “It must be done to keep the building presentable and clean at all times. People are untidy,” he i said. At 5 p. m., when the state offices close, a crew of 35 persons re ports for nightly duties of sweep ing, scrubbing, waxing and polish ing all 14 floors of the building. And there is one man who works dumg the day doing nothing but cleaning the base boards in the halls, polishing brass and keeping the window sills clean. “We have 35 brass doors to keep polished,” Delehant said. Another man does nothing hut change light bulbs. How many light bulbs are there in the building? Delehant only scratched his head and said, “Golly, I wouldn’t even venture a guess.” But, he added, the man keeps busy changing them. Another two men work the year round as full time painters. While they are busy repainting the offices and halls another two men have their hands full keeping up with the maintenance of the electrical system in the building. "It’s a big job,” he repeated Write-In Votes Deputy Attorney General Clar ence Meyer says the same question comes up before him ev ery election year from the election boards. He says he gives the same answ er every year, but the questions keep coming even though he has Supreme Court backing now. That question is whether to count a write-in vote when the name has been written in the blank on the ballot but no "X” has been made in the box. The answer, Meyer says, is that the vote cannot be counted. The question arose again recent ly when elections were held in most cities and villages, he said, and probably will arise after the May 10 Primary Election. He says many election boards have counted the votes in the past so long as the intention of the vot er was obvious even though the law for a number of years now has specifically required the "X” to be made. Meyer says the Supreme Court of Nebraska ruled last year in a case involving the race for sheriff in Morrill county that “if an elect or desires to vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, be must wnte m the name erf the person in the blank space an the ballot under the proper office and must make a cross or other clear, intelligible mark in the square opposite the written name." Meyer says that if these two re quirements are not met then the election board cannot count the vote. He added that the statutes also specifically provide that there can be no writem votes at all for de legates to the county political con ventions. Second Flood Meeting May 3 is the date set by Gover nor Brooks for his second state wide meeting on the recent floods which were so bad that President Eisenhower declared the flood area in the eastern part of the state Money To Loan! Property, Gars, Trucks, Farm Equipment Household Goods, Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES I ———a as a disaster area The first meeting set up “Oper ation On Guard" on March 18 to plan to meet the flood emergen cies foreseen at that time. The May 3 meeting is to pro mote and coordinate flood control projects in the state to gear them to minimize future flooding losses through an economically sound flood control policy. “Operation On Guard,” incidental ly, has hrought praise from Na tional Civil Defense Director Leo Hoegh, He credits the planning, warning and rescue operations of the National Guard under Major General Lyle Welch as saving lives and countless dollars in property da mage. I For Bee Raiser* State entomologist C, J. Wal strom has a word of warning for j Nebraska bee raisers Walstrvm cautions those planting 1 to purchase cokuues of bees to buy only those which have been state inspected for bee diseases. Any spread of bee diseases through the sale of uninspected colonies, he says, could he de trimental to yields of many farm crops which depend upon the Bi sects for pollination. Walstrvm says the state must inspect bees offered for sale and persons selling bees mast furnish the buyer with a cer tificate of inspection. floss AA Accreditation lk-. Floyd Miller of the Skate De partment of Education says that if more schools do not take advan tage of A A Accreditation within the next five years, the program could perhaps be chopped. Tile sole purpose of the A A Ac creditation, he says, is to encour age schools h< continue to improve themselves thmigh self-evaluation and through inspections by an out side committee. But, he notes, that since the pro gram went into effect in I960, on ly seven school systems have gained A A Accredit ation These systems are Beatrice, Gor ing. Grand Island, Hastings, Lin coln, Sidney and Omaha Westside. MEXICAN MALT 25' Here is something different in the way of a Malt or Shake. A big, rich choco late malt with peanut butter added to give it a nutty chocolate flavor. Try our No. 1 Special: MEXICAN MALT (or any other flavor) and a grilled Hot Dog 35c. HORNBY SJALOPY O'Neill, Nebr. Look for The Car on The Roof i m ___i ■ GOLD BOND— Number 1 in O'Neill-More Stores Give Gold Bond Stamps. Shop The Store That Gives You More SAVE GOLD BOND STAMPS ■ Clip Coupon Below for Extra free GOLD BOND Stamps AT SAFEWAY :☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ! ThLn Coupon Good For !* 50 EXTRA FREE 50 * j GOLD BOND STAMPS V j''* With Purchase of ^ •; ^ 1 qt. Areowax & • ^ AT SAFEWAY J> NAME_ & a. : ADDRESS___^ • ** Coupon Expires April 30 ^ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ri. I . This Coupon Good For I* 50 EXTRA FREE 50 : GOLD BOND STAMPS ; With Purchase of I** Bel-Air Fruit Pies—Any Flavor j ^ AT SAFEWAY NAME_ :<(! b: l ADDRESS _ __ • ** Coupon Expires April 30 *1 •tr'ir'bit'tr'ptlgifti'tr'k'&p'&tr: • M«ft ••••••• ••••VeetfVooaO •••••« c\ Clip Coupon Below for Extra Free GOLD BOND Stamps AT EBY'S CONOCO : * * * * *"**"*! S* «F: ThU Coupon Good For jj, I j !« 50 EXTRA FREE 50 ^ :<* GOLD BOND STAMPS j}. i i * With a Fill of Gas AT EBY’S CONOCO *>■* NAME _ ; - ADDRESS __ r j4 j S w Coupon Expire** April 30 • U } ft ft "to ft ir ir -tr ft ir ft it ft ☆ | rv. Ofer,.,. ☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆&☆☆☆: ft: This < V>upon Good For t 50 EXTRA FREE 50 l\ GOIJD BOND STAMPS With Purchase of 3 lb. Royal Shortning AT SAFEWAY ft\ NAME_ ft' ADDRESS_ ; Coupon Expires April 30 • ft\ ,C^5SEr!!?rr. j ☆ ☆ *£' £ j :* ThLs Coupon (iood For : j* 50 EXTRA FREE 50 :i GOLD BOND STAMPS ; yl.: : With Purchase of *■ j : l/z Gal. White Magic Bleach AT SAFEWAY :*& u.: jj.: ADDRESS _... J Coupon Expires April SO Jj! ■ rjrsTrsTSTrrrrtf*! ■i* g This Coupon Good For ^ * 50 EXTRA FREE 50 t j+ <JOIJ> ItONl) STAMPS & With a Lub. Job g <{1 AT EBY’S CONOCO g <1 NAME . g ^ ADDRESS . £ Coupon Expirns April SO gf I*.*.*.*. * * ***☆☆☆*☆☆; Clip Coupon Below for Extra Free GOLD BOND Stamps At JOHNSON DRUG O'NEILL DRUG C\ r\ r\ This Coupon Good For j}. • 1* 50 EXTRA FREE 50 »i GOLD BOND STAMPS I _ With Purchase of • \^ 4 Light Bulbs j t AT JOHNSON DRUG — O’NEILL DRUG r name _ : :i» *: ADDRESS_w; : ^ Coupon Expires April 30 . • I x>: • ^ This Coupon Good For , • |« 100 EXTRA FREE 100 *j j . GOLD BOND STAMPS : • With Purchase of ^ • Home Permanent Kit : AT JOHNSON DRUG — O’NEILL DRUG ^ j NAME _ *; ADDRESS_ : : Cou|K>n Expires April SO ^: :■£ x}-: ; »- ThU Ooupon Good For _» U 50 EXTRA FREE 50 ** J . GOIJ) BOND STAMPS ; With Purchase of '* : J Bottle of 100 Aspirin ^, S^* AT JOHNSON DRUG — O’NEIIJ, DRUG :<( jv: ^ NAME ___ JT ADDRESS_ * Ooupon Expired April SO :-{l i^ ** \ Clip Coupon Below for Extra free GOLD BOND Stamps AT O'NEILL CLEANERS I • • • •••• '•%••• ••••••• MMlNHMIttMH#•••••!«#••••••« 111 • • • :* *: This Coupon Good For I \t* 50 EXTRA FREE 50 *i GOLD BOND STAMPS With Cleaning of • Ljl Any Man's Suit j n*l AT O’NEILL CLEANERS I*. NAME..... fr: •{j ADDRESS ..... Coupon Expires April 30 j " #: ; This Coupon Good For ^ I* 50 EXTRA FREE 50 3 • ^ GOLD BOND STAMPS ^ | With Cleaning of : Any Ladies7 Dress AT O’NEILL CLEANERS *^| :<t l>| : NAME_2 j J ADDRESS_2 • Coupon Expires April 30 1&&&&&&****■*-*■*..» *= Clip Coupon Below for Extra Free GOLD BOND Stamps AT O'NEILL STYLE SHOP li k« This Coupon Good For Jj’S* | » 50 EXTRA FREE 50 »! <1 GOLD BOND STAMPS Jj.; d With Purchase of d $1.00 or More AT °’NK,IX STYLE SHOP |^| NAME_ j.: ^(1 ADDRESS_ Coupon Expires April 30 Clip Coupon Below for Extra Free GOLD BOND Stamps At ROGER'S FEED & PRODUCE • * X X X X" X £ X"X"X X X'S * «•: This Coupon flood For *] 50 EXTRA FREE 50 «i gold bond stamps ^ • jjj With Purchase of • ji $1.00 or More v AT ROGER’S PRODUCE I -to *a: NAME_ . Si ~ U-: •J ADDRESS .. Coupon Expires April 30 j Sr..Sr„i.jft.£.£.l