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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1960)
Meek News Mr*. Fred Undbfrf Mr, and Mtb. Merlin Andersen and Nancy accompanied Mr and Mrs. Merrill Anderson from Atkin son to Norfolk Sunday, Apr 10 to vuat Arthur Anderson, who is a patient n the hosptal Percy An derson, a brother and son of the family from Columbus, met them at the hospital Debra Anderson, oiliest daughter of the Merlin An ersans stayed al home with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Hen ry Walters. Mrs Grace Burg called on Mrs. Albert Kaczor Tuesday morning, Apr. 12. Mr and Mrs. Garold Ri sor called Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs DeWayne Anson and girls, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family anil Mr and Mrs Sam Robertson had dinner in O’Neill Sunday with Mrs. Vic tor Johnson. The 4-H club met with Mrs. El mer Devall Friday night. Twila Hicks from Bristow was a dinner guest at Elmer Devall’s on Fridav Elmer Devall brought Mrs. Har riaon home from Che Clarkson hos pital in Omaha Wednesday. She is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Orville Peterson in O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Bessart and Debbie from Redbud were Thurs day evening callers at the Gilliam Hansen home. Emmet and Gordon Slaight and Mary Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Buck Watson and Danny of Cham bers were Easter dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Vivian Martin in O’Neill. Senator Frank Nelson has a meet ing In Lincoln Friday. They plan to leave home Thursday. Mrs. Nelson will accompany him as far as Om aha. The Garden club meeting that was planned for Tuesday was again postponed on account of rain, caus ing bad roads. However the ladies decided it would be alright to go ahead Thursday afternoon. The club met with Mrs. Opal Miller with nine ladies present. Roll call was answered with a garden verse of their own choice. The lesson was given on iris and it’s history by Mrs. Lawrence Dob rovolny. The entertainment was in charge of Minnie Boshart. Nellie V_ DIVERSIFIED SERVICES, INC. POUNDCD 1894 •xc/ui/vs national distributor for • FIVE MUTUAL FUNDS • ONE FACE-AMOUNT CERTIFICATE CO. • Paaslaa and graft sharing plan sarvkas Far a pronwlM-booUd and information «rit or col M. L. (Mike) Burney Box 37, OTtelll PHONE 833 also ask about A practical approach to lC,ta—. Boshart was co-hostess Birthday gifts were exchanged for the month the door prize was won by Mrs. Dobrovulny It was a plastic juice jar Next meeting to be April 27th with Dewaj^ie Anson and Mrs George Nelson as co-hostess Raymond and Janice Risur came home from Butte Thursday for the Easter vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell called at the Joe Kamphaus home to work The men put the sheet rock on the bed room while the women painted the kitchen Mr and Mrs. Carl Krogh helped put the second coat of pamt on the kitchen at the Joe Kamphaus place on Tuesday, April 12. Emmet Slaigtit and Mary Peter son went to Atkinson Wednesday afternoon. Cavern, Arlene and Jean Peter son from Valentine were Friday visitors at the Carl Krogh home. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family were Easter dinner guests at the Henry Waiters' home. Mr and Mrs Kerims Hansen and family were dinner guests Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg and Pete Pietenpol called at Vem Hard ings Saturday evening to celebrate Mrs. Borg’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Row and ! di ispcucer. Paddock Missionary society met with Mrs. Laurence Rouse Friday afternoon, Apr. 15. Ten women were present. Next meeting will be with Margueritha Kaczor May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby called at the Paul Nelson home Tuesday evening, Apr. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaczor spent Sunday with Grandma and Bill Hull. Mrs. Elsie Eppenbaugh had din ner Easter Sunday with her daugh ter, Mrs. William Conway ami family of O’Neill. Rev. Turner is holding revival meetings in Colorado at present. He has postponed his coming k Paddock Union church until the first Sunday in May. Mr. and Mrs. Don Borg called at the Axel Borg home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson mid girls were supper guests Saturday evening at tome of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby called at the tome of Mrs. Carrie Borg in O’Neill on Thursday. While there Mrs. Borg went with them to call on Mrs. Minnie Bay and Tina Kac zor. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pierson and boys of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Huston mid Cindy from Em met were Easter Sunday guests in the tome of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz. Ted Ratermar in and son of froquois, S. D., Mrs. Kate Ratermarin of Bone steel, S. D. and Joe Ratermarin erf Her rick, S. D. were callers in the af ternoon. Tuesday, April 19 Mrs. Lawrence Johnson and pupils from school disitrict 16 and a few of the mo iners pianneo w spemi urc u»y ui O’Neill visiting the business places and sight seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson j visited in the home of Herman Meyers at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Limdberg were guests far Easter Sunday dinner, at the home of Mrs. Tillie iSchwindt In O’Neill. Carol Lee Hansen was an over night guest Friday at the home of Garold Risor’s and went to town with them Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson came up from Omaha Friday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reimer, sr. Richard has fin ished his electronic schooling and will be employed at the air force base working with missies. Mr. and Mrs. Merill Anderson from Atkinson were Easter Sunday guests at the home of Carl Krogh. Sinclair Hugh was a Friday vis itor with the Kroghs. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rouse had dinner Sunday with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse called at the Maude Rouse and Edith Young home Sunday after noon. Phone Your New* To The Frontier Number — 788 ) BATTIJE INTENSE REGISTERED BULL SALE TUES.. APRIL 26 Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON, NEBR. 26 BULLS These are big. rugged bulls with a lot of weight for age. They are fast gaining bulls that have been pasture grown and rough age fed. Dwarf free, completely guaranteed, from a Federally accredited TB & BANGS free herd. Bulls of Battle Intense breeding from the Wiese herd have been among the high selling bulls at Denver Stock Show & the Iowa State Sale. Consigned by Wiese & Sons MANNING, IOWA Chambers News By Mr*. E. R. t'arpeater James Norman Lubken, infant son of Mr and Mrs. Norman Lubken of Lincoln received bap tism at the Methodist church Eas ter Sunday. “A Day Apart” service was held Thursday afternoon at the Metho dist church with 14 ladies of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice present. Those participating in the service were, Mrs. T. E Akder son. Mrs James Gnmes, Mrs E. H. Meek a If. Mrs John Honey well and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. Communion services were held Thursday evening at the Methodist church and Friday evening at both the Memorial Baptist and St Paul s Lutheran churches. Mrs. Rena Deirkuig went to Wayne to spend the Easter week end with her son in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Pheil. Mr. and Mrs. John Albers and two sons were Easter guests of his mother, Mr. Anna Albers and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Louis Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Bayne Grubb and family of Lincoln visited relatives at Chambers during the Easter holidays Mr and Mrs Darrell Gillette left Wednesday, April 13 for I>n ver, Colo, to take their daughter, Mary Ellen to her teaching as signment in Denver. Mr and Mrs. Al Zweible spent the weekend April 10 with her father. C. F. Gillette. Mrs Gil lette and her brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gillette and fam ily. The Zweibles came here from Arizona where they had been em ployed during the winter They left here for GrinneU, Iowa to visit their son-in-law and daugh ter before returning to their home at Glen wood Springs, Colo. Miss Ethel Oeltjen. home eco nomics teacher at Butte, was an overnight guest Thursday, April 14th in the Floyd Whitaker home and on Friday visited the Vernon Whitaker family before going on to the home of her parents at Palmer to spend the Easter holi days, Mr and Mrs. Donald Grimes and daughter, Bonnie of Ft. Collins, Cob. and Charles Gustafson of Ea ton, Cob. came Friday, April 15th to spend the weekend with his mo ther, Mrs. Genevieve Bell and Mrs. Grimes parents, Mr. and Mrs. E R. Carpenter. _ Mr and Mrs. Norman Lubken and two a«ns of Lincoln were week end guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Beed and Judy. Mr and Mrs Ernest Jungbluth end two sons went to Beatrice Thursday. April 14th where they found work and an apartment. They came Saturday and moved their furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thonn of Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wintermote of Chambers were Eas ter Sunday dinner guests in the Lloyd Wintermote home. Mr and Mrs Ralph Rosenkrams of Neligh were Easter Sunday guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Damme and family. Baptised Sunday at St. Paul’s Lutheran church were Clarence Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Sanderson and Sandra Kay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rain old Pavlis. Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Celia Christianson were her sons and families. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Christianson and children of Taylor, Mr and Mrs. Norman Christianson and children of Blair and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christian son and two daughters of Cham bers. Also her son in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. William i Hubei and family of Ewing Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and I Mrs Gad Shoemaker of Lincoln and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mis. Alvin Barnett of Hearoe, lex 1 Dinner guests in the E R C»r | penter home Saturday, April 16th were thetr son-in-law aixl daughter, | Mr and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie of Ft. Collins, Colo., Char les Gustafson of Eaton, Mr and Mrs Dean Stevens, Cherilyn and Terry of Atkinson and Mrs. Gene j vieve Bell of Chambers The Valley Center extension club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. H. Grimes with Mrs | Clyde Kiltz, co-hostess. Eleven members were present, also a vis itor, Mrs. Donald Grumes of Ft J Collins, Colo. Hie presklent, M’\s ' Lloyd Wmtermote cotxiucted the business session There was a music period, also a report on the council meeting in O'Neill. Hie lesson on "Color m the home" was presented by Mrs. C. V. Robertson aixl Mrs. Gene vieve Bell. Lunch was served Mr and Mrs. Seymour Harkins and Mrs. Julia Oetter were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Char lotte Honeywell and Mrs. Ertu ruclter Afternoon visitors were Mr and Mrs Freeman Eggleston of Nekgh Mr and Mrs Elwyn Robertson and family and Mrs Paul Roth were Easter Sunday dinner guests in the Delbert Robertson home ui O’Neill. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Kixw and Mrs Uoyd Ktx'x were Tuesday, Apr 12 dinner guests of Mrs Char lotte Honeywell. Mr and Mrs L V Cooper and Arnold, Mane and Frna Z.ivlhke visittAi Easter Sunday with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Ralph Fmxtnck amt family at Spencer Mr and Mrs. John Honeywell and Mr and Mrs Elwin Rubeek and Kathy were F-aster Sunday dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rubeek in O’Neill. Frontier Want-Ads I‘m IMvtdemla ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES Limited Time Only Liberal trade-in allowance for your old cooking utensils on a new set of Stainless Steel "Wonder Ware." Write Box 2 O'Neill, Nebraska CORN FED BEEF Per Lb. END CUT Per Lb. LEAN I ROUND STEAK ... 79c PORK CHOPS 35c POR FRESH LEAN 2 Lbs. SLAB 3 Lbs. For GROUND BEEF . . . 89c BACON .1.00 Ill LOOK WHAT tig JMWSM 1 Northern White or Rolls ^ V 1 TISSUE ■ “ ■ 1 Cal Tap ^^L^Cans2 I APRICOTS CaM ■ I Boyal Carl* Wkala ^ I I PICKLES ** ■ . . I *»twr. "W** ** •*■ “* ***" Gms ^El ' I SOUPS «* ■ K ROAST 39c MEAT.39c , I 1 PICK ’N CHOOSE — Chicken. Turkey or Beef MORTON DINNERS bcb 49* “IDA PAR” FRENCH FRIES . I AS 25c ® I ® 1 GRAPE JUICE VST... . 2 &S 33c BUYS RatUrmllk PILLSBURY BISCUITS AT .. KARO SYRUP Kraft's Jet Puffed AP* M’MALLOW Z' 25 Fresh Old Home Raisin OAfi Cinnamon Rolls ps1I Lv “NABISCO” SALT TANG SNACK STICKS 914-0* Pkf Imitation 12-os. I Maple bottle Blue Bonnet JA« MARGARINE 2$. 49* (Sc. Dell, add 10c Ik. lad ^ Soap Filled Fads AF* BRILLO T. 25 Wrapped MtF « modesSi^ ........ 45* MOOOWOdOdWOOdOOOOWMWOOOd PET iMtanf NONPAT I MY MUX I MAKIt 1 «OTS. I I Sunnyvala No. 2'/2 j PLUMS Cw“ a 82-os. 1 WELCH’S WELCHADE S 3““ I F/NEST brand I 1 • SPABHETTl • I I • PORK AND BEANS I I • CHIU HOT BEANS | 1 • RED KIDNEY BEANS | CANS^^^i NEW! MAJOR BRANDS -ORANGE DRINK CHOCOLATE MILK CRAPE DRINK R Pineapple-Orange Drink Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink Mix or Match ’em 5 ««51 I 1 *1*1 THRIFTY BRAND BROOMS Each 98‘ HOLDEN WHEAT MACARONI 2 Lb. Sack.33c FRESH CRISP 3 Lb. Ply?. CARROTS.25c TEXAS SEEDLESS 10 For GRAPEFRUIT.49c YELLOW OR WHITE Each ONION PLANTS 10c JERSEY ( REAM FLOUR 50 Lb. Sack.3.39