Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1959)
m ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wiltiaiu Joseph F'rothch of O'Netll Saturday an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mary Klhtl, to James (i. Vetter, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. James <>. Vetter of Omaha. The announcement was made at a party at the Frootich home. Miss Froelieh was graduated (mm St. Clary’s Academy. In she received a bachelor ol arts degree (nun Duchesne College, Omaha. She was an Ak-Sar Ben countess in IW8. At pres ent she is a teacher at St. Mary's Academy. Mr. Vetter Is a grad uate of Creighton Prep, Omaha. He received a bachelor of science degree from Georgetown I niverslty, Washington. D. C.. and went Into the IT. s. Air Force where he served as a first lieutenant jet pilot. He is now completing studies at the Creighton l niverslty college of law in Omaha. A June wedding is planned. Amelia News By Miss Florence Undue? Mr. and Mr . Bernard Black more spent Christmas with their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith and family near Page Their grandchildren. Grannie and Rodney came home with them for a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens, Janette and Donald spent Christ mas eve with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Frank Jungman. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens for dinner were Mr. and Mrs Leonard Pribil and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humrich and family of O'Neill, Julius Below and son Marlin of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Milton 0 mens and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemens and family were dinner guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter at Chnm hei - but called at tho Levi Clo m ns home later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton entertained at an oyster stew on Christmas eve. Guests wore Mr. a ! Mrs. Harold Fullerton, Both old Joan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ful lerton, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doo ii.tle and L vs. Mr. ahd Mrs. Leon and Gene and Miss Phillis Fullerton. ANNOUNCEMENT Bernard Troshynski has joined Fred Karo, Public Accountant located in Atkinson. For in come tax and accounting services phone 5281 for appointment. See Us Now for BULK FERTILIZER in most popular numbers We can spread it for you. Now is the time to cover your MEADOWS, PASTURES and CROP LAND while you can take advantage of bulk and pre-season discounts available until Feb. 1. .. hj TOMPKINS LIVESTOCK HEADQUARTERS Inman, Nebraska t Mr and Mrs, Hteme Frahm. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bnffii and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Meyer and family of Rose and Mr and Mrs Hay Forbes and family of Ewing w -re Chostmas day guests a* the of their msher. Mrs Maude Forbes at tier new home in Amelia. Joe Stooi ker took Mrs Stoeeker to Grand Island on Wednesday, I«t . where she took the train to Lander Wyo,, to visit their son, Fred stoeeker and family From there she went to Oakland. Cui>f.. to v wit arsither son, N*. il Stoeeker iid wife, Jackie. Neil recently received a prmotion wfuch mate him u 3rd • puis petty officer His address is N 1 Mu to M M • . JO-OS-14, USB Hanger CL’A fii PTO San Francisco, Calif- He ex pects to go to sea again in February, ibs Wife ami mother will return tome then. His wife liv-s at Valentine. Christina-!. pi> grams at the Meth odist church on Sunday ewning Doe. JO. and at the Free Metho riist church un Tuesday e\ < rung were enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. tuck Lxioiittle vi sited at the G^-orge Fullertons Tuesday evening, I >ec, JJ. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes, j nice. Cheryl end Roger of Scoitsbluff were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don. Other dinner guests at the Adams on Christmas day were Mr, and Mrs. Harry On of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally of Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs Gale Fix, Sheila, iaykn, Larry , Rodger and Danny J Scottsbluff were Christmas day ind weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. Alice Prewitt and tannlx. They also visited his parents, Mr. ,md Mrs. Elmer Klx. Mr. and Mrs Lynn Prewitt and Cynthia of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs, IXan Prewitt, Lori Ruth and jerry lxan and Sharon Prewitt were all present at the Prewitts for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cearts and Pam of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Mr. and Mrs. John Ccams of Scotts : iluff were here to sjend Clin si mas wnh Mrs. John Crams par nts, Mr. and Mrs. William Fry [var. mi f (uiu s. *^***v“» i >eix. Linda arid Carol and Mr. 1 mu Mrs. Orland Fryrear were ; ilsti Christmas dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. WUford Hatch of : Fori Collins, Colo., are spending hheir two weak Christmas vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Edgar Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackmore, Luannc, Juke and Sally of Chevcnne, Wyo., were pre- Christ mas' guests with them parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson. They arrived Tuesday and returned iwme Thursday. Their daughter, Luanne became ill with measles while here but was able to make the trip home and at a later re ! port was feeling fine. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle en • named at Christmas dinner. | Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bemie Kennedy, Hale and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Slay maker, Lloyd and Dannie of Albion Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle and Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton. Joan and Both and Art Waidman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Claussen, Debra and Linda of Burlington, la., are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman of Amelia and his mother, Mrs. Margaret Claussen of At kinson and other relatives in the Vmelia and Atkinson vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fry rear spent Christmas with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss at Tilden. Christmas day guests at Elmer Coolidges were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock or Watertown, S. D Mrs. Julia White of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ragland. Vivian, Junanita and Roy van of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young and i baby of Chamlx?rs and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge and three ; sons of O Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen and sons, Rodney of Omaha and Mi and Mrs. Jerry Dickerson and son of Edmond, Okla.. visited the ladies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles and Douglas Friedrich of Denver Colo., spent Christmas and visitec I over OUllua> njui *«**»-. ^ I daughter and s< m-ln-law, Mr. anc j Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family. Other Christmas day guests at the ' Waldos were Mr. and Mrs. B. \\ Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werner, Connie and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons and Duane of Kimberly, Idaho are spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Sammons and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller and other relatives ! and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry spent Christmas eve with her par ants, Mr. and Mrs. August Bolts | at Grand Lsland and were Christ 1 mas day guests at the home oi j ns parents. Mr. and Mrs. llowarc i Berry. Troxell Green will be the leader of the question and answer Bible I study next Sunday evening, Jan ! 1 at‘the Amelia Methodist church. i Tlx-re will be a fellowship hour ; und lunch following the study. Mrs. Harold Gilman will be hos ! ;ess -to the Woman's Society ol j Christian Service on Wednesday, | Jan. 6th. Mrs. Blake Ou will be he program leader. Mrs. Asa Wat in and Mrs. Edith Andersen arc i on the lunch committee. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus i were among the Christmas day guests at the Roy Backhaus home. Kenneth Backhaus, son oi Mr. and Sirs. Roy Backhaus. who is sta t >ned with the air force in Alaska : was also home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J hnstor and her mother, Mrs. Tress a Wag i ;er entertained Vern Sageser. Mr , and Mrs. Link Sageser and Mrs. \ Edith Andesen at Christmas dm j uer, ' Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldor Ballagh ami family. Mrs. Nettie Bilstien and Pat. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie and Mrs. Gertie Adair were Christmas day dinner guests at the Jim Bilstien home Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes, Gerald and Leslie of Fort Collins. Colo., are spending the holidays with relatives and friends in the Ameia and Atkinson vicinity. Mr and Mm Blake Oft enter tained tbe following guests on Christmas eve Mr and Mrs. Asa Watson, Joyce and Share*. Mr unei Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts and family of ONe Ji. Miss Beth Wat son «t Omaha. Mr and Mrs. Roide Everetts, Mrs. Glona lutndrum and SaUy erf Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Sammons and sorts, and Mr. are! Mrs. Andy Robak and jmiiy and Mrs Margie Sammons l ,ii Sioux. City. Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Forties. Mi | ,ind Mrs. AJvm Forties. Mr. and | Mrs. Ilicme Frahm. anil Mr. anel j Mrs. George FuLenon were Sutur i day evening guests of Mr. ami ! Mrs. Gene Thompson Mr. „nd Mrs. Stanley Ttxmpaon. Barbara and Pamela. Mr, and Mrs- Vernon Thompson, Virginia. Joy and Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Gene . >m(->un, Ronnie, Kay and , i were dinner guests on hnsunas day at the home of pcir parents Mr. anel Mrs. WU j iiam iTsumpse* and Maniyn in Atkinson. Marilyn is home for the hioiidays from McPhtrsun, Kan.. vhere she is a freshman at 1 Central College s high school. Mr. and Mrs^ Bek) Rees, Mari ■ vn. Julie, James, Ruby and : Kathry n of Denver, Colo., were i here to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Glen White, Myrtle ,ind Yeruta spent a few days at Christmas time with Mrs. White s : Mother, Lawrence Barnett and :amily at Greeley, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bamett. wlio had gone home with their son, Lawrence alx.Hit ten days earlier, returned to their home in Amelia with the Whiles. H. S. While went on to Denver, Colo., to spend about three or more months with his daughter ,md son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton. Mr, and Mrs. Dunk Peterson and son. Don spent Christmas with the.r daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston, Mark and Kay i at Schuyler. Mr, and Mrs. Leon Skala an^ : -on. Gene of Howells were Chnst ' mas day guests of their daughter ind family. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle, Rodney and Ricky. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons ,ind Duane of Kimberly Idaho, i Mr. and Mrs, Duane Miller and .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and fami ly of Chamliers were Christmas guests of Mrs. Bertha Summon-. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter, Lana and Janeth were Christmas dinner guests erf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair and A1 in Hirlfip C’hnst I mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peters near O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tesch and daughter ot Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Bob ARdair and family were Christ mas day guests with the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art IX» little. Miss Phillis Fuller! n of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spath of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore and Jackie ot Rapid City, S. D„ were here to spend Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and Mr. and Mrs. I*>n Fullerton, who are also visiting here from California. Mrs. Delia Ernst spent Christ mas with her brother and sister sn-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Cur ! ran north of O'Neill. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were ! Christmas dinner guests of Mr. ind Mrs. Charles McMillen in At j kinson. Swing News —————— By Mm. Harold Harris WED 57 YEARS “ DECEMBER 20 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson oi Ewing were honored guests at a j family gathering at the tome oi ! their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. | and Mrs. Oscar Wilson near Clear- i water Sunday, December 20th, the | occasion to celebrate their 57th I wedding anniversary' anil Mr. Ol : son's Slst birthday anniversary. A turkey dinner was served fol i >wed by an afternoon of visiting. Christmas gifts were also ex I changed. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson and family of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Greer Clark and family ot Stanton, Mr. land Mrs. Jack Blair and son of : Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Ras mussen and daughter ot Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Albm Dolezal and son of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. David Oretel and children of Sioux City, la. One daughter and her hus band. Mr. and Mrs. /Vilen York of Seattle, Wash., could not be pre i sent. Mr. and Mrs. Olson are both natives ot Nebraska, Mr. Olson was bom in Stanton county, and Mrs. Olson near Orchard. Their parents at the time lived in sod ' houses. The couple were married on ; December 24, 1902 at the tome of ! the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strope near Orch ; ard. The minister from Orchard made the twelve mile tnp over i - now covered grounds and in cold i temperatures with horse and jbuggy. Mr. and Mrs. Olson marie their i home in Stanton county for nine [years. They purchased a tract of I mimproved land south of Clear j wafer which was their home for j JS years. Eleven years ago they j sold this farm and bought acre j age in northeast Ewing w here they make their home. They brought ! a bit of the farm with them m j the way of livestock and some 1 equipment to which a small trac tor was added Truck cartiwung occupied much of yi> r time dur ing die summer immttis. Mr. Ol son also lends a hand to hu neighbors m garden plowing, saw - wood *nd lanuui other odd jot* They are members of the First Methodist church, attending re j.ariy and pan ip u- m its ac tivities, Mr Olsons hobby of > 'Jig tne harmonic*. autnharp tnd the accordion and Mrs. Oi - ri > "spieakmg pieces" provide much family amusi men! and they are often caUed up -n !>>r numbers a t church entertainments anti I 'innun;t> affairs. 'Last Weeks Newsi . ) eh iv n of St. Peter s par h j res- and a Omsunas pro- i am Sunday after?* «<n J *•<. _v at j St Dominic halL There was a ■ *<1 attendance for tin occaMon. The numbers of the entertam BeB as follow > Canute Light • ei*s by the >1 the rural - honl taught by Miss Rita Lydon; a leading “Too Small" by Linda 1* mherty ; aengs. "Silent Night . the primary class and "O l.i’tie Town of Bethlehem by die girls of the upper grades; panto mine with musical record, by the tiny tots; a reading. "Just A Lmle Tot ’ by Tom Sojka; a skit. Secrets" by Terry Walnofer. Den ms ThoendcL Torn Sujka and Al- , ten Oimiel; a skit “Christmas on A Doorstep" by the intermediate .ass; reading, “Camels Christ mas Song Shirley Funk; a play- , let. "The Christmas Piggy Bank * by the intermediate class. Four Christmas lilms for child ren were shown by John McCarvil le of O Neill. Santa Claus arrived bringing treats for all the boys and girls. In charge of the program were: Mrs. Ray Funk, Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Leonard Knapp Saturday, December 19lh which a as Santa Claus Day, brought many children to town for the af •• rooon show at the theatre. In the mean time, Santa had armed and was making the rounds of the vil lage in a cart drawn by a Shet nd pony, with a clanging cow ■ ell. attracting the attention of the shut-ins, the elderly and the too small folks, passing out treats at ,r homes. At 3:30, lie was at the Christ mas tree at uie intersection oi Mam Street where he was greeted y over five hundred children. This visit was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce with Alex i't r. oner, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were Sunday. Dec. 20 dinner guests at ‘ rhe home of Mrs. Mabel Caubar > at Neligh. A Christmas program was pre sented Sunday evening, Dec. 20 ' at the First Methodist church in die form of two pageants "Christmas Worship" was , [■< ntered around the home featur- . mg a nativity scene. And the second pageant "The Story Behind the Carols" present *d by the sixth, seventh, eighth and high school grades of the Sunday , school, depicted the origin of the carols from the first to the 19th century. Ray Sedivy teacher of the adult class, was the narrator. Miss Sandra Elliot was pianist For the first pageant and organist j For the second. Miss Deloris Hubei played an accordian accompani- 1 rnent for "Silent Night." The* church was decorated in a j, theme in keeping with the season Featuring poinsettias. Candelabra and Christmas greens added a decorative touch. The tall brightly trimmed tree was surrounded by "pound gifts" by the congregation for their pastor and wife. Rev. and Mrs W. W. Elliot and Sandra. In charge of the entertainment were Mrs. Willis Rockey, supertin- j dent of the primary department, , assisted by the teachers, Mrs. Ray ' Sedivy, Mrs. Marcus Pierson and | Miss ’ Sandra Elliot anti in the vouth group. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, assisted by Mrs. W. W. Elliot and I Mrs. Waldo Davis. Aubrey Wood church organist played an organ prelude of carols. Treats were passed to all the children after the program. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp entertained the following guests on Christmas eve at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jcry Tom jack and children of Ewing and Bob Knapp of Brookings. S. D. Mrs. Edna Lofquest and her son, Robert Lofquest of Fremont at tended the funeral of C. D. Jones Held at Lincoln on Wednesday, Dec. 16th. Before returning to her home in Ewing Mrs. Lsfquest vi sited at the home of her son in Fremont and called on Mrs. Mike Philben at West Point. Inman News By Mrs. Janies McMahan Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crasser and sons of Neligh were callers Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and Mary*. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen and Kay of Gillette, Wyo., spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Morrow. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and sons of Valentine spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mrs. S’t iier's parents, Mr. and yMrs. Ira L. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sholes of Fullerton spent the weekend visit Jig m the twne of Mrs Shuk - s yarenis, Mr and Mrs. Harry ilamf. Christmas dinner guests in the Ainu1 ill Mr and Mrs Mari Watson ■»erv Mr. ami Mrs. Rnhard Pi rry «1 Border, Tex . and Mr. ami Mrs Virgil Tomlinson ,uxl girls of O Sodl, Merlin Lul* n of Oak spent Sun lay m 'he home of Mrs Charles .Juhen He returned to Oak an Mon lay. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Miller were .' .ucsts in tlx home of Mr. and Mi's- Fay lintteU and i.i .ghters t Atkinson Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Keyes left rhursday for N» tv el where *.:.ey ,*>nt Christmas m the home Jl ;ik ir ton and dan. ti: m»1« Mr *nd Mrs. Knnand K. y s and family, they returned to their Iwme on •>..tu relay Ctu .inner guests in the tome of Mildred Keyes were Mr. ml Mrs. Gerald Rmir ,.txl fami y and Mrs Blanch Rou and Marvin of O NeiU, Mr. And Mrs Milton MiKathnie and family of Vtkmsun, Mr. and Mrs Humid xeyes and family and Mr and Mi's. Clarence Hansen and family >1 Inman. Mrs. Pauline Anderl and Fran ks k*ft Friday for Omaha where hey visited in the home of Mr. md Mrs. Sterling Anderl and anuly. They were accompanied to Jm.tha by Mr. and Mrs. Karl xey es who visited m the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Vidlak and anruly. They all visited in the Jlarenee Burgstrom home before .'turning home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGruw vere Sunday dinner guests in the ionic of Mr. and Mrs. Donald iVolfe and family at Elgin John Sobotka and son, Harold vere Christmas guests in the Leo sobotka home at Columbus and he Gerald Solotka home ai Nor olk. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer uid Mick spent Chnsmas in the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Dirty Saw ivr and girls at Atkinson Mr and Mrs. James Reis and laughter of Omaha were visitors 'unday in the home of Mr. and lire. David Morshaeh and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and \aren left Thursday for Cali >mia to spend a couple of weeks , isiting relatives. Sumiav guests in the home of dr. and Mrs. James Banks and loger were John Schrunk ei In nan. Mr. and Mrs. William Ilick ird of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Banks and of Lincoln md Mr. and Mrs. John Buhlman, r.. and son of Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds ind family spent Sunday visiting r. the home of Mr. Reynold’s par ■nts. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds it Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Harry' McGraw vere Christmas dinner guests in he home of Mr. and Mrs. James tanks and Roger. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Banks and amily of Lincoln spent the wei k ;nd visiting in the home of Mr. ind Mrs. James Banks and Roger. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Oilman ind family entertained the follow - ng guests at an oyster supper and i Christmas party Christmas eve. ilr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst ind Barbara and John and Mr. ind Mrs. George P. Colman. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry vere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank iullivan m O'Neil] Saiurday eve ling. Venus News Ry Mr* lLU|iti ilnmkh.xN'r Mr. .ind Mrs 1 '.urvli Grass and . id i Yy > I* . • sp>tld Uio holiday a w ith her I u\ nts. Mr and Mrs. George H« . femey or and his parent' Mr. ami in. Arthur Grass of Page. Mr <. .1 . is stslkjtjed at the h. >wortl ui force Ktsc. Their ' in Kevin in n »»! baptwLiil Christmas at the Sr. Paul Lutheran church of \ au-> Rev Sect e id t officialed Mr and Mrs i. chaid lu meyer of Waytk were iponsi *i > A. .» spending Oinstmas at the inM <• ::n yci home » ■; re >1: and Mrs. Richard Heggemey* i i Wayne Carl lxnorkeck of Lincoln vi id at the home of Mr and Mr> Fred Phiir. Friday evening visitors at the hhr home were Mr. and Mrs to Furman and family. Oinstmas day dmnet and sup per cue>t.s at tlte home of Mr. and Mrs Fmil Bartos were Mr amt Mrs Ralph BtxKikhou.scr ami Mr and Mrs Go ry L. Brookhuaer. Lyle Strop* and \G oy B. tin are spending the holidays with I their parents Mr and Mrs Vernon 'Stropc and Mr. ami Mrs. Harold PI tin. The boys attend Miltom.ile college. Suellyn Caskey, three year old daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Caskey underwent a tonsillectomy at the O Neill hospital M >nd iy. Dee. 21. She was able to return to : her home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorr and daughters motored to Sioux City Thursday ami spent Christmas itay with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Potter Heaton Mrs. Ora Caskey and pupils held their Christmas program on the c. enmg of Dec. 22 A large crowd attended and enjoyed the elever i u ting of the two pupils, Paul la** Mitchell and Eugenh Moser Alter Santa made his api«*arance.aU en joy ed pie and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnison ■entertained in honor of their son, Jeffrey's sixth Idrthday. Present were Mr. and Mr. Ted Kinnison Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Kinnison and family, Mr. and Mrs Paul Cihlar. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cihlar and* Sherrie and Johnny Yolipwu'daen Jeffrey received mam gtt’.s lAifndl vv as served I ’a uy I >.< trriek six-lit Monday with her :• end Anetie I'hltr at h*-r home. Mr and Mrs Or* Caskey motor ed to tin si ha Sunday Shetr son. I ad .ind return i * >ine with them. Ml vr* M m Mulcr vlut 'd it the *- >n I Mr. und Mr*. Ralph limokhoysv' Suixfuv dinner guests at the home of Mi and Mi s 1 mil Rartixs were Mr aixl Mrs Hay Hnxvk !> *.sir N Ask. Mr and Mrs. 1 jur y liivx xlvds t* of Cotesfiehl. an i Mrs Jack Hawk ind • m of 1 w ir ind Mr. Mid Mrs. i: dt* l ink! a.- ; Mr at I Mis Kay lvj\v»kHxiser I NortO s .Jx-rtt the W x-kend With I: td Mrs Ralph l.iwkhnuser. Mt a 1 Mrs Or* Caskey and . xvs were Christmas dutix-r guests at the Bdhein Porter home. Newport News By Mrs. K, It. (’aqxyitxr ■ 1 .tst Week’s News! The Rork Ci >unt v teachers held their annual banquet W. dnesday evening. Dee IP in tlx- N« wport gym There we e ; teacher* in utti ndania Tlx dinner was served by the Nightetn.als l’ivy** t club. Mrs Arthur Scgrr, who at tended tlx- rei ent delegate assent tv ly ul the Nebraska Stale Kduca tn>n a->s*x-i.ition in laneoln gave a re|«rt. A film dealing with treat ment »f point was shown. Entertainment was (urnlslMxt hy the Stoli part l*»ys with tap danc ing and singing. Cards (allowed tlte meeting, Newport War Mothers held their Christmas party Weiinesday after noon ike lti in the home of Mrs. Oliver Gtig with Mrs. Hoy Nel son as co-host* ss. There were thitieen mothers arxl one visitor Mabel Fox present. It was voted to change our meeting date back to the 4th Fri day instead of Wednesday. After the short business meeting an ex change of gifts was enjoyed. The January meeting will lx* held in the home of Mrs. Fay Ficken paugh. INCOME TAX SERVICE For assistance in making out your 1959 Income Tax Return, see— FLORENCE PONTON Golden Hotel Corner Phone 106 - O'Neill Please Make Appointments CLOSE-OUT FARM AUCTION At the farm located: From Clearwater 31? miles north and 1 mile east; From Neligh 5 miles west, 31^ miles north and 2 miles west; From Royal 8 miles south and 2 miles west, on— Thursday, January 7 Sale Starts Promptly at 12:30 p.m. Lunch Stand on Grounds 23 Head of Registered Polled Milking Shorthorns Complete Line of Late Model Faim Machinery including 4 Tractors — '53 Ford 11 ?-T Truck Grain — Hay — Straw Buildings — Poultry — Household Goods Mary Woodward & Son, owners 1 Clint Hopkins, Neligh phone TU 7-1731 and John Danner, auct. Citizens State Bank, Clearwater, Clerk A review of the service provided to our owner-customer3 throughout Nebraska during 1959 brings a sense of achieve ment to every member of the Consumers Public Power District family. The record speaks for itself. • During 1959, more electricity was furnished than ever before. The cost per kilowatt hour to the customer was one of five lowest cost figures in the nation. • During 1959, new sendee facilities were added to keep pace with growing needs. • During 1959, new electrical conveniences for better living were introduced. • During 1959, new and better sendees were provided for agriculture, industry and commerce to help bring greater progress. With this record behind us, we look forward to the New Year with confidence, pledging that we shall continue to do everything in our power to help you LIVE BETTER . . . ELECTRICALLY during the Golden Sixties CONSUMERS