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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1959)
Ewing News By Mr*. Harold Harris Mrs. Laura Spinier was hos te»s at a family puny at her home on Chrijtmas day, (iufsts wpft* Mr and Mr- Ray Funk and fami ly, Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Regan and family. Mr- and Mrs Bob Bunak anl family, Mr*. Nellie Komer. all <»i I.wing, I)r. and Mrs. Leo gpittli-r and family of Norfolk and Mr .mil Mis. Richard Spdtler and daughter of Valentine. Mr. ami Mrs. Gene Ruby and family of Sioux City, la,, were guests on Sunday at the home ol hi* sister ;imi husband, Mr. ami Mr. Joe Ik t lcai t and family at Page Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children spent Christmas day with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor at Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and family anil Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and family went to Bas sett Wednesday evening, Decem l**r 23 where they were guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Dick Edwards. Mrs. Jessie Wunner of Council Bluffs, la., returned home Sunday after spending the holiday week end with her sister and mother, Mrs. llalhe Malien and Mrs. Min nie Knierim. Mrs. Minnie Knierim, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. llalhe Maben, was honored Sun day, December 27 at a family gathering at the Maben home, the occasion to celebrate her 85th birthday anniversary. Guests were her daughters, Mrs. Maben, Mrs. Jessie Wunner of Council Bluffs, la., and Mrs. Gussie McDonald and her daughter, Mrs. Lotus Mc Gire and six children, all from Wisner. Mr. and Mrs. Ebon Grafft were honored guests at a family gather ing at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Spangler and family on Sun day when they celebrated their 4.5th wedding anniversary. Their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Grafft and children of Omaha completed the family circle. A dinner was served at one o’ clock followed by an informul af ternoon. Married at Fullerton 45 years ugo, they made their home there for seven years, then moved to a farm near Page, from there they came to Ewing, where they have lived for the past 23 years. In 1947 they started a locker plant which they still operate. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Savidge and family*, who have spent the holiday weekend with his mother, Mrs. Anna Savidge and other re latives, returned to their home in Minnesota on Sunday. Christmas day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Walter were their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walter and family of Clearwater, Mrs. Salome Noddings of Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ziegienlx-in of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Day and family of O'Neill were guests on Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Woeppel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schroe der and family of Neagh, Miss Gloria Schroeder and L' Roy Shipps of Norfolk were dinner guests Christmas at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schroeder. Mrs. Martha Hill had as her guests on Christmas day, her mother, Mrs. Linguist, Mrs. Butter field, Oliver Hill, Mr. and Mrs. N Is Linquist and family, Alfred Linquist. all at O Neill and L»t«rv anl Hill and Mr. ami Mrs Ken neth Hill and family of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood re turn'll Saturday from Newcastle, Wyo.. where they had spent Qmst mas w tth relativ es Miss Ann Rotherham of Alliance came home Tuesday, Dec. '£2 to | ,ln*nd the holiday vacation with ; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles ; Rotherham. Larry and Rnwen.i j Rotherham of Omaha came home | Christmas eve. Larry relumed to | Omaha on Saturday and Rowena | on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cli.tries Rotherham | and family were Norfolk v isitors ; ,jh Wednesday, Dec» mtxr 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergs trom and Kay and Charic-s 1 urner | of Nehgh Spent Christmas at the j liome of his brother and sister-in- | law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bergs trom in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag are spending the holiday week with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoag and family in Omaha. Arriving Sunday to spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. < Elmer Bergstrom are Mr. and Mrs. J. W Setter of Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Seger is a girlhood friend of Mrs. Bergstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner went | to Norfolk to spend Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvil le Conner. A Saturday caller ut the home I of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen was Mrs. Mabel Pierson of Yakima, Wash. , The family of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden gathered at the parental home for the Christmas holiday. 1 Present were James H. Pruden, Mr. .uid Mi - S M. Burtwisth . Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden, also Mr Pruden s sister iind brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen, all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clinch and son of Omaha arrived in Ewing Saturday to lx guests of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lar sen. Mrs. Ella Zoims was a guest on Christmas day at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Horn of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen trans acted business at Wisner on Mon day December 21. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pierson is Mrs. Mabel Pierson of Yakima Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier en tertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde of Ewing and her brother, Dwaine Horde of Syracuse at a dinner on Christmas eve. Guests on Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. jVV. M. Napier, Mr. and Mrs. John Napier and family, Mr. and Mrs. |(jlen Harpsters and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and child fen, all of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier of Sterling, 1 Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Liele Grafft and family came Thursday to spend the holiday weekend with his par I ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Grafft and | his sister, Mrs. Wilbur Spangler | and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp hart as their guests on Christmas, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Young and fami ly of Omaha, who remained for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young of Inman and Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers and family of O'Neill. Miss Sharon Kropp, a student at Wayne state Touchers College is home for the holiday vacation with PUBLIC SALE At the farm 8 miles west and 2 miles north of Orchard; <> east and 2 south of Pago; OR 8 north and 2 east of Ewing, on— WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 Sale Starts at 4 o'clock Help-U Club Indies will serve lunch 21 Head of Cattle 5 Milk Cows 11 Stock Cows 1 Angus Bull 9 Fall Shoats Complete Line of Farm Machinery Some Hay and Feed TERMS CASH. No property to be removed until settled for Ed & Minnie Porter, owners Wally O’Connell and Max Wanser, Auctioneers Farmers State Bank, Ewing, Clerk 9 A ■ A A P A 2 A 2 A ' A g 2 I A 1 1 l I g 1 I | ^lay the New Year ring in a bright future filled with happiness and prosperity for aii our friends. ;* | O'NEILL LOCKERS [ S Harold Mlinar and Edwin Krugnian her parents, Mr and Mrs Art Kropp. Mrs Bertha Archer was a din ner guest Chnstmas day at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Munn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ebon Grafft were hosts at a family party on Qtnst mas day when they had as their guests their daughter and son and families, Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Grafft of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs Wi! bur Spangler of Ewing and Aaron Hadfield of Fullerton, a brother of Mrs. Grafft. Among the many gifts present ed to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacke: for Christmas and their 45th wed-1 ding anniversary was a television' set front the daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller and family of Grand Island All members of their family were pic sent with the exception of their son and wife, Mr. anil Mrs, Ro bert F.acker of Kalispoll, Mont., for the celebration of l*>th occasions on Christmas day at the parental home. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rali>h Eaeker on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wet tlaufer of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs William BroekhaUS of Sioux City. Ia. Mrs. Brockhaus is the former Joan Binkerd of Ewing Mrs. Minnie Larson spent Christ mas at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Larson near Chambers. Other members of her family were also present. Mr. ;md Mrs. Russell Breden kemp and son who spent Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eucker, returned to their home in York on Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Jessie Angus was a guest on Christmas day at the home of Mrs. Kittie Fry in Ewing. Mr. and Mr. Robert Tams, jr., and son of Lincoln were holiday weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams, sr. Lyle Spence of O'Neill was a caller on Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruby and family at the Everett Ruby home. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Skala Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lyders and Mr. and Mrs. Roy llumrick of O'Neill were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Run nels. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lyders spent the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shald and family of Presho, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and family were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shald. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larson and sons of Blair were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blake at Ains worth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinhauser accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Steinhauser and l>oys to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan, sr. for Christmas dinner. All the Morgan children were pres ent. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Ulrich were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shald and family of Presho, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ulrich and family of Omaha, Er leen and Maureen Ulrich, both of Omaha and Barbara Mlinar. LaVonne Dvorak of Norfolk spent Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow and her son, Denny. She returned to school Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cadwallader entertained friends at a pitch party Sunday evening, Dec. 27. High prizes were won by Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and Glen Cadwallader. Low prizes were won by Mrs. Mike Cadwallader and Jimmy Hoffman. Mike Cadwallader won travelers. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cadwallader will have the next party in two weeks. Sunday, Dec. 27, Mrs. Tony Lockmon, Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lockmon and Kathie, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Gill and family met at the* home of Dorlin Lock mon at Norfolk for Christmas din nor. Glen Lockmon of Des Moines. Ia. spent from Wednesday until Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon. Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon and Glen spent Christmas day at the home of the Clarence John sons at O’Neill for a dinner with the entire Mlinar family present. Christmas dinner was enjoyed at the John Kramer home by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Langan and family of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stracke and family of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hoffman and family, and Larry Kramer of Wayne. Larry Kramer returned to Wayne to play a three day basket ball tournament and will return home for the New Year’s vacation. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon Tuesday evening, Dec. 22. Prizes were won by Ruth Krotter, Vera Patterson and Agnes Murphy. Daisy Holiday was a guest. A gift exchange was held. Mrs. Clem Olberding had the pre-Christmas dinner Tuesday eve ning. They had a gift exchange. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olberding and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ol berding and family and Mr. and Mrs. LuVern Olberding and daugh ter. Mrs. Rose Schaaf of Atkinson was a Saturday afternoon caller of Mrs. Clem Olberding. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor and sons were Mrs. William Kramer. Edward and Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nel son and family of St. Paul and Joyce Scholz. Katie Papke entertained at a card party Sunday evening. Dec. 27 with four tables of players. Prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Ankney and Earl Cadwallader. high score. Mrs. George Switzer and Frank Johnson, low score and Hurry Cadwallader travelers award. Lunch was served. Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cadwalla der, all of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harrington and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrington and Freddy, all of Riverton. Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Snell and chil dren of Lance Creek. Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cadwallader and boys, Mr and Mrs. Gien Cadwak i lader and boys. Dean Cadwallader. EUen Jordan and Judy of Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCall of Bassett and Mr. and Mrs, Warren Chestnut of Hastings spi rit Christ mas with Mrs. Anna Kaup. Air and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield spent Sunday with Mr. Green field’s mother, Mrs, I\ a Cotes at Fremont. Tliey were held over be Saturday afternoon callers at the homes of Airs, Alike Cadwallader anil Mrs, Herb Skala were Mr and Mrs, Leo Harrington and girls and Mrs. Fred Harrington, all of Riverton, Wyo. and Mrs Gilbert Snell of Lance Creek. Wyo. Rev- and Mrs Herbert Young and Mark spent Oirlstmas and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Emii Johnson at Colorne. S. I* Other guests were Mrs. Young's brother. Floyd Johnson, and family. Saturday evening and Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Young and Mark were Mr. and Airs. La Verne M. Kiel and Gary Mr. Kiel was the guest speaker Sunday at the Stuart Community church. In the afternoon the Youngs and the Kiels toured the Cleveland Bible Camp Air. Kiel is completing his studies to be a minister at Dubuque, la. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Ernest Greenfield Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 22 All 12 members were present. Cards wore played and Mrs. Greenfield was presented with a gift. A gift exchange for the ladies and chil dren was held. Lunch was served Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thurlow were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield. Gene Greenfield, who is home from the Marines, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Thurlow and family. Mr. and Mrs Harry Flotz, Amos Straeke, Grand mother Kirkland, and La Vonnc Dvorak and son. Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. John Steinhauser were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and Jimmy of Atkinson. Christmas guests of Katie Papke were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Papke and family of Newcastle, Wyo . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Papke and family of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Jitn Hoffman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoff man and girls and Loretta Papke. Mr. and Mrs. Hat-old Johnson anH familv were Christmas eve callers of Katie Papke. Those who had Christmas dinner | with Mr. and Mrs. Lu Vom Ol- j herding were Mrs. Clem Olber- ' ding, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olberding and family. Newport News By Mrs. Oliver Gilg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connell left Wednesday for Sioux City, la., to spend Christmas with relatives, then on to the west coast for the winter months. lone Noyes of Emporia, Kan., came Tuesday afternoon to spend Christmas with her mother, Hattie Fox of Stuart and other relatives. Mrs. Noyes and Mrs. Fox were callers Wednesday afternoon in the Oliver Gilg home and in the Les ter Stewart home to visit w ith Anna Humphreye. December 23rd was the 80th birthday of Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Humphreye. Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeBolt and Gene left Sunday for their home in Seottsbluff after spending the Christmas holiday in the Alfred Gilg home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon of Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. I Albert Larsen of Ewing were j Wednesday visitors with Irvin Christon. Mrs. A. B. Hutton anil Vaughn Wedgie left Thursday for Omaha to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Seri Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gilg of Omaha came Wednesday evening and spent until Sunday in the Al fred Gilg home. Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gilg were Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaup ^nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bazelman, Patricia and Richard of Newman Grove, lone Noyes of Emporia, Kan., Hattie Fox of Stuart, Mary Gilg and Irvin Christon. Callers in theafternoon were Mr. J and Mrs. Dean Gilg of Omaha, Al fred Gilg, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. For and children of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fox and family of Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seger of Stuart, Mrs. D. D. DeBolt ol O Neill, Mrs. Larry Krause of Sioux City, Sophia Lash mett and Mr. and Mrs. non Ling. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Fox, Sharon and Tommy of Leadville, Colo., spent Christmas in the Walt Johnson home. Mr. apd Mrs. Bob Gilg spent Christmas in the O. W. Wolcott home near Bassett. Other guests were Mr. and Mis. Bill Wolcott and family, Mrs. Abbie Davis of Woodlake, Mrs. Mary Wolcott of Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cable and family of Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shaul of Bassett. Mi's. Laura Rasmussen of Den ver, Colo., came Wednesday to spend the holidays with her mother Eva Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Chosnut and family of Hastings were Christmas guests of his mother, Monna Stoic part. Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Picken paugh of Sundance, Wyo., spent Christmas with home folks. Christmas guests in the Albert Osterman home were Mr. anil Mrs. John Berkheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Udell Brown and Julia and the John Copeland family. Mrs. Anna Gosch, Albert and Mr. and Mrs. Rinie Fuhrer of Naper were Christmas day guests in the Henry Ludemann home, Mr. and Mrs. John Slochetka, Dewayne and Earl Vargason were Christmas dinner guests in the August Nelson home at Stuart, Christmas day guests of Sophia Lashmett were Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Larry’ Krause and Jeff of Sioux City, la., Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Butler and family of Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilg were Sunday dinner guests in the Lynn Shaul home south of Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thorin of Grant were callers with Irvin Christon Christmas eve, enroute to Lincoln to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gordon of Sundance, Wyo., spent Christmas with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Alix Donalson of Mills were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stahl. Your chance to save on first quality Money Bak sheets! Stock up now at these LOW, LOW prices! 81 x 108 or 72 x 108 or 42" x 36" C Double Fitted Twin Fitted Pillow Cases l68 158 2for 78c Money Bak sheets are made especially for McDonald's of smooth, 1118 count bleached muslin. They have long wearing, wide taped selvages. Renew your supply now! Famous Springcale sheets! Premium in quality . . . but not in price! 81 x 108 or 72 x 108 or 42" x 381/2" Double Fitted Twin Fitted Pillow Cases 219 1" 2for S3C Beautifully smooth, closely woven Springcale'*' sheets of ISO count, combed yarn percale. These are luxury sheets, now at piggy bank prices! Buy now . . . you'll save! I Save! Heavy Cannon Towels First quality towels, wash cloths Bath Towel Hand Towel Wash Cloth 78e 48c 2BC I Beautiful solid colors in big, thirsty Cannon towels. Bath towels are a large 24” x 46” size, hand towels are 16” x 26”, and the wash cloths 12” x 12”. I FOAM RU83ER PILLOWS Plump, foam rubber with floral print zipper covers Each $^jj _i—ii—u—i ■■—■i—■■ mmmm n mm in ..i—i> ■ ■ — ■ . -n——nri ■■ mu i < COTTON SHEET BLANKET 70” x 95” unbleached white. Irregulars j Each £ 66 — PILLOWS I 21” x 27" size. Stuffed with soft, light, Kapok. ' Floral ticking ij Each $2 COTTON RUGS 24” x 60”, Hi-low loop patterns Skid resistant Decorator colors Each J99 Lovely New Printed Towels Exceptional value . . . hurry for these! Bath Towel Hand Towel Wash Cloth 7EC 5Se 2SC Decorative new towel ensembles, printed in colorful Primrose (illustrated) and Autumn Hose patterns. Bath towels 22" x 44”, hand towels 16” x 27”, i* SACK TOWELS 30” x 30” unhemmed, bleached white. Stock up now! 5 for $1 TERRY DISH TOWELS Generous 15” x 30” size. Lint Free and Absorbent. Striped 4 for$l PILLOW TUBING Bleached white. 42” width Yard <i. <n*3 MATTRESS PADS Sturdy muslin coverings. Filled with sanitary absorbent cotton 54" x 76" O’9 39" x 76" 266