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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1959)
Hospital Not— H MHU Kl. MEMORIAL t rrtghton AI 'NUTTED Dec. 19-26- Mrs Walter Barnhart of Niobrara; liar |cy Buxton (*t Royal; Albert Hal vonen of Winnetoun, Mrs. Arthur Sukup of Verdlgre, Mrs. ilarotd Hawkins of Oeighton; Mrs. Glen dun Tittle ui Center; Mrs. Arthur Baldwin ol Creighton. DISMISSED Mrs. Harry Tichy arsl daughter of Niobrara; Mrs. Effie Keckler of Orchard, Harley Buxton «>f Royal, Mrs. Arthur Bald win of Creighton. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: ixic. 21 Mrs. Is'C Gorbail of Bassett. 22 Mrs. Rich ani Walton of Atkinson; Henry Timmerman of Stuart Emmet; Mrs Frank Kilmurry of Atkinson; Mrs. John Lucht of Ainsworth; Orville Clark ul Daig pine. 24 Mrs. Harold Collaek of Newport. 2b Mrs. Muril Ruther ol Bassett. 27 Mrs Donald Shald of Stuart; Mrs. Wtlmer McConnell of Atkinson; Miss Christine Krysl ol Stuart. 2k Frank Murry of Atkin son. . , Dismissed: Dec. 21 Mrs. Lyle Fix ol Atkinson, 22 Mrs. Thomas Kaup of Stuart, Mrs. Henry Kruger of Atkinson. 23 Ralph Holding of Mulvane, Kan.; 24 Mrs. John Lucht of Ainsworth; Irvin Parsons of Atkinson. 26 Mrs. E. L. Gorball of Bassett. 27 Mrs. Robert Freed of Emmet; Mrs. Frank Kilmurry and daughter of Atkinson. ST. ANTHONY'S ADMITTED: Dec. 23 Mrs. Er nest Kloppenborg and Harry Bei lin Ixith of O’Neill. 2+ Pamela Tibbetts of O'Neill. 2b Mrs. Ole Larsen of Chambers; Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher of O’Neill; Mrs. Wil liam Scheinost and Hnrold Blain, both of Page. 26 Mrs. Charles Re gan of Inman. 27 Bruce Wettlau fur of Page; Jerry Robertson of Cham tiers; Jill Ranae Kloppen borg, J"hn Berger, Elmer Juracek and Mrs. John G, Peter, all of O - Neill; Miss Dian Hunkins und Miss Helen Clark, ixith of Omaha. 2H Mrs. Bernard Dusatko of Em met; Mrs. W. E. Wanser of Page; Is‘o Carney anil Mrs. Richard Davidson, Ixith of O'Neill; Douglas Arlo Hiatt of Glenview, 111. 29 i/oi/trvn Pinl/Pimiin i»f lATlchl Ml*|. Clarence Hansen or Ewing; Mrs. Ida Williamson of O'Neill. 30-Mrs. Charles Spann of Chandlers. DISMISSED Dec. 22 Darrel Cassidy of Bristow; Suellyn Cas key of Orchard; Joiin Zumbrum of Page; Miss Theresa Levi of Stuart; Mrs. William Serck of Em met; Mrs. Jane Judge und Robert Dune, Lith of O'Neill. 23 lxm Lewis of Spencer; William McClel lan of O'Neill; Julie Crunk of Page. 24 Dave L. Moler of O - Neill. 26 Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher and Harry Beilin, With of O'Neill. 27 Mrs. Ernest Kloppenborg of O'Neill. 20 Jerry Robertson of Chamliers; Mrs. Charles Regan of Inman; Hamid Blain and Mrs. William Scheinost and baby girl, all of Page; Dian Hunkins and Helen Clark both of Omaha. 36 Pamela Tibbetts of O'Neill. SACKED HEART Lynch PRESENT: l>ec. 28 William Bli t/.kie of Spencer; Mrs. Bertha Bright of Butte; Mrs. Mary Clas sen of Spencer; Frank Cranford of Lynch; Mrs. Jix* Hausman of Bonesteel; N. E. Hiatt of Butte; Dr. G. B. Ira of Lynch; Mrs. Lowell Kern of Naper; Baby Ro bert Kocian of Bristow; Mrs. George Kopecky of Spencer; Henry Maly of Spencer; Master Douglas Martin of Naper; Erick Ohman of Anoka; Mrs. Herbert Reiser of Spencer; Mrs. William Schulz of Naper. DISMISSED: Dec. 23 Mrs. Stan ley Kncina of Bristow 24 Mrs. Alnard Heermann ol Naper; Baby Kent Lawrence I-anil holm of Bristow. 25 Mrs. Harry Hausmann of Fairfax. 26 Baby Thomas Edward Tejral of Spen 1 EXPIRED: Dec. 22 Mrs. Har old Dickey of Spencer. BIRTHS elsewhere SIDAK Mr. and Mrs. Gone Si dak of Lincoln, daughter, 7 pounds 14 ounces, December 27. Mr. and Mrs. Lew McKenny of Newport are me granupuic-.M-. SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith of Sioux City. la., son James David, 8 pounds ti ounces, Decem ber JO. by adoption- Mrs. Smith is the former Gayle Widtfeldt. a’ couple has an adopted daughter, Mary Michele, age 2. L£DKH Mr. and Mrs. L« t U'tWr of Omaha, daughter, Lon Ann. December. Lee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert U'dcr ol Atkinson, former Amelia residents FRENCH Mr. and Mrs. Merwyr French, ir., of Omaha, daughter, Sheila Louise, 7 pounds 12 ounces December 24. _ ,, FRITZ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fritz of Ainsworth, daughter Barbara Jean. December 11. Bas sett hospital. The couple has one other child, a son, Donnie. SACKED HEART Lynch KOPECKY Mr. and Mrs. George Kopecky of Spencer, son, 7 pounds December 27. REISER Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Reiser of Spencer, daughter 5 pounds 15 ounces, Dcccmbci 25 llAUSEMANN Mr. and Mrs Harry Hausemann of Fairfax. S ROYAL THEATER Fri.-Sai. Jan- 1-! “CAREER" StaiTing Dean Martin. Anthony Franeiosa. Shirley MacLaine, Carolyn Jones. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Jan. 8-4 ; Gregory Peck - Deborah Kcit in “BELO\ ED INFIDEL” Color by DeLuxo Cinemascope - Stereophonic Sounc ---: ~ : Wed. Thurs. Jan. 6-' Mario Lanza in “FOR THE FIRST TIME" with Johanna von Koczian also starring Zsa Zsa Gabor in Techmrama and Technicolor D,, a daughter, 7 pounds 8 ounces, December 21. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Atklnxon RUTHER Mr. and Mrs Muni Ruther of Bassett, son, Timothy Eugene, 6 pounds 2 ounces, Dec ember 25 FREED Mr and Mrs Robert Freed of Emmet, son, Kevin Michael, 7 pounds 12 ounces. Dec | ember 22. Kll-MURRYMr. and Mrs Frank Kilmurray of Atkinson, daughter, Eva Christine, 9 pounds 5 ounces, December 22. LUNDBKRO MEMORIAL Creighton SUKUP Mr. <uid Mrs. Arthur Sukup of Verdigre, daughter, I^iura Jane, 6 pounds 2 ounces, December 22, HAWKINS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawkins of Creighton, daughter, Carol Ann, 8 pounds 14 ounces, December 23. T1EDE Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Tiede of Center, son, Glen Jon, 8 Ix>unds 11 Va ounces, December 23. HT. ANTIION A S KDOPPENBORG Mr. and Mrs Ernest Kioppt-nborg of O'Neill, daughter, Jill Rcnae, 6 |«unds 9V* ounces, December 23. SCHEINOST Mr and Mrs Wil liam Scheinost of Page, daughter, 5 pounds 9 Vi ounces, December 26. DUSATKO Mr and Mrs. Bern ard Dusatko of Emmet, son 9 I*>unds 2 ounces, December 28. DAVIDSON Mr. and Mrs. Rich | ard Davidson of O'Neill, daugh ter, 6 pounds 5 ounces, December 28. AT THE COURTHOUSE COUNTY COURT— State vs. Robert J. McCabe, cancoin, muure u> uispiuy icsbu u tion certificate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer -Clifford L. Kizzire, Dec. 24. State vs. William O. Kelly. O’ Neill, failure to stop at scale, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford L. Kizzire, Dec. 28. State vs. Melvin Spangler, Ewing, no brakes, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude, Dec. 28. State vs. Bernard Deermer, Worland, Wyo., night speeding, fined $io and $4 costs; officer Sgt. R. R. Shorney, Dec. 28. State vs. Paul Othel Moore, Ra pid City, S. D., night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Sgt. R. R. Shorney, Dec. 28. State vs. James P. Murphy, Stuart, night speeding, fined $15 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude, Dec. 28. State vs. LaVem H. Vontersch, driver for United A. G. Stores, Omaha, overweight, fined $30 and | $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kiz zire, Dec. 29. i State vs. Donald Roy Green, Ra | pid City, S. D.. night speeding, truck, fined $10 ami $4 costs; of ficer R. L. Gude, Dec. 30. State vs. William F. Geyer, Nor folk, overweight on rapacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford E. Kizzire, Dec. 30. State vs. A1 Leonard Willard, New Castle, Wyo., overweight on axle, fined $00 and $4 costs; of ficer Clifford L. Kizzire, Dec. 30. State vs. Miles H. Snider, Clear water, driving while under the in fluence of alcoholic liquor, case dismissed; officer E. M. Hastrei ter, Nov. 16. State vs. Seward Lavem Link of Nora Spring, la., no trip permit, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer— Clifford L. Kizzire. Dec. 30. MARRIAGE LICENSES— Russell Dean Burgman, 20 Oma ha and Sharon Kay Miller, 19 Oma ha, Dec. 23. Donald Joseph Burival, 32, O' Neill and Patricia Ann Morrison, 22, O'Neill, Dec. 24. r»__t* I...;*, 07 Vm. met and Kathleen Marie McCon nell, 20, O’Neill, Dec. 24. Kenneth James Embree, 25, Washington, la., and Miss Lila Lea Dailey, 22, O'Neill, Dec. 24. Patrick Joseph Gokie, 21, O' Neill and Delores Irene Engler, 20, Atkinson, Dec. 28. jack Downard, 22, Bars tow, Calif., and Miss Lucille Ferris, 17, O'Neill, Doc. 2 O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., j and son and Clay Johnson, sr., i were in York Sunday at tire Roy ! Johnson home. Also there was Mrs. U>n Loy and ehildi’on of Kearney. Mr. Johnson, sr., remained at York for a visit. The Willow Lake School District III presented their Christmas pro gram December 23 w ith a Mexican theme. Aobut 50 attended. Santa Claus also made an appearance .uni lunch was served. Mrs. Grant Peacock is the teacher. Mrs. E. J. Smith and son, Harry R. enertained at Christmas din ner Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith and son, Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith, all of Akron, la., and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hrbeck and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hrbeck, Cathy and Debbie, all of Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Smith and family, who had spent Christmas day in Hawarden, la., were eve ning guests. Mr. ami Mrs. Virgil Smith spent the weekend here returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and family of Page and Mr. and i Mrs. Bob Appleby of Norfolk were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Appleby on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker were Christmas guests of her brother I and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffman of Chambers. 1 i Sirs. Robert Davidson and Luci 1 lie and Jack Downard of Yermo, Calif., spent Christmas with Mrs. Davidson's daughter and son-in-law, | Mr. and Mrs. James Banks. Mr and Mrs. Claude Bates and i John Kee spent Christmas at the ’ Wayne Bates home in Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollenbeck j of Wahoo spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazelman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollenbeck and Mr and Mrs. J. C. Bazelman spent Christmas day at the R. K Heed home at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reed of Orchard spent Sunday through Tuesday at the J. C. Bazelman home. Robert Beekenhauer of Omaha spent the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Becken bauer. Mr. and Mrs. L, F Beekenhauer and Robert were Sa'urday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Soost at Bloomfield. Mrs Ixin Beckwith’s brother and sister of Los Angeles, Calif., have been visiting with the Beckwiths over the holidays. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Behrens were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Behrens and son, Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert j Otto and family and Mr. and Mrs Marlin Alagdefrau, all of Norlolk, Mrs. Nma Rust of Chadron came ! Monday to visit w ith Mrs. Est> Nelson. WiUiam Riley, who has been vi ctims at the Mrs. H. J. Birming ham home enruute to Omaha Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange and Sammy and Mark of Atkinson were supper guests of Mrs. Hazel Boatman Christmas night. John, Alfred and Agnes Koenig of Neligh and Mrs. Fred Fritton and Bob were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bohn. Mrs. Minnie Higgins was a guest for Christmas dinner in the Ed Loomis home at Spencer. Other guests were Mr. and Airs. Lawrence Storjohann and family of Cham berlain, S. D. Laverne Jurgensmeier of Pierre, S. D., came Thursday to spend the Christmas holidays with his par ents, Air. and Airs. Joe Jurgens meier. Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Leona Shoemaker and children were Air. and All's. Ralph Tomlin son and two daughters of West Ponint. Mr. and Mrs. John Strojohann are spending the Christmas holi days with their son-in-law’ and J._L»_ Vfr. anil MfC Rrthprt .... - -- Neuman, and famdy at Chappel. Mrs. Elizabeth Venteieher re turned Sunday from Danbury, la., where she had spent Christmas with her son, Ray and family. Also present were a son and daugh ter and their families from Oma ha. Mrs. Rosa Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck spent Christ mas at the Marion Woidneck home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyle and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gallagher and family of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ramold and family of Stuart, Miss Theresa Walsh of North Platte and Sharleen Mahony of St. Catherines in Omaha were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mi's. Charles Mahony and family. , , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rohde and Mark called at the Charles Ma hony home Christmas day. Mr. and” Mrs. Bernard Janzing and family of Wichita, Kan., and the Pat Boyle family were Christ mas evening guests of Mr. and Mi's. Edward Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. AH Bridge of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Bridge of Sterling, Colo., were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bunkers spent Christmas in Sioux Falls, S. D., with her sister and family, Mrs. Kenneth Bastian. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and son. Ivan entertained 25 guests at a turkey dinner on Christmas. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. War ren Soger and son. Mark of No ligh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peter son and daughters of Amelia, Mr and Mrs. Leon Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. John Zahradnicek and Mel vin and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wel ler and family, all of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vcrzal of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Verzal and son of Wayne spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Ray Verzals parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn. Arriving on Tuesday to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Edith Young and Miss Maud Rouse were Mrs. Walter Huston, Mr. Huston and family of Kansas City. Also Christmas guests were a son in-law and daughter, Mr- and Mrs. r'.itvu 'snmmiwr of Ewing- Mrs. Young accompanied the Hustons to Kansas City on Sunday. Mrs. Laura Walker spent the Christmas weekend with her daugh ter and family, Mrs. E. E. Bnght of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lundgren and daughter of Madison spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. C. E. Lundgren. Mr. and Mrs. James Rooney 1 spent Christmas with his mother in Lincoln. „ _ . „ Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Campliell ! and baby, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell left Wednesday for their home in Green Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cavanaugh and daughter, Kelley and Robert Cavanaugh of Dubuque, la., Dick Cavanaugh of Amarillo, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cavanaugh of Atlan tic, la., Mr. and Mrs. James Cavanaugh and Gene and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cavanaugh and family were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cavanaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mohr and daughter of Wichita, Kan., and Cera Corkle of Kansas City. Kan., spent the Christmas holidays at the James Corkle home. Frank. Sadie and Camline Ken nedy of Omaha, Mrs. Blanche O' Malley and D'o and Mr. and Mrs. James Earley, sr., wore Christ mas guests of Mrs. Ldna Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Swan and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustafson, all of Lincoln spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Neil Dawes. Mrs. Dawes is the daughter of the Swans and a sister to Mrs. Gustafson. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker silent the Christmas holidays with their son and family, Dan De Backer of Columbus. Robert Allen of Omaha spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. ; Mary Dusatko. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McClellan and daughter, Michell Ann. of Omaha arrived Thursday to spend the holidays with their parents, Mrs. James O'Connor and Mr. and ; Mrs. Donald McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. Dermot Erington went to Burwell to spend the holi i days. Mr and Mrs Sam Fuhrer were Christmas guests of Mr Fuhrer'$ parents, Mr. and Mrs William Fuhrer at Butte and Christmas eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Robertson. Mr. and Mrs Pat Hickey of Omaha spent Christmas at the Delbert Robertson home. Mr. and Mrs. John CAiddy, Sioux Falls, S. D., were weekend visi tors at the A. F. Stanton home. Kenneth Peacock and Paula Reed attended the MYF Midwinter Institute at Plainview, this wei-k. With them were Rev. and Mrs. Robert Km tree. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shelhase and family, Atkinson, were Christ mas guests at the C. G. Shelhase home. Sunday evening callers at the Dwayne Philbriek home were Mr. ami Mrs. Carrol McKay and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Sivesind and Debby ,md Tommy. Allan Reynoldson. son of Mr. ami Mrs. Verne Reynoldson was in Kansas City, Kan., Tuesday to Thursday to make a record with the bund he is associated with, "The Broughams." Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka spent Christmas in Omaha at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Peter. Christmas dinner guests at the K. C. Hunt home were Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw. At the Roy J. Shelhamer home for Christmas dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Al Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carroll, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shelhamer. At the Dale Perry home Christ mas eve were Mr. and Mrs. George Morey, Conrad, Mont., Mrs. Iva Hopkins and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and children, Goring. Mr. and Mrs. Morey and Mrs. Hopkins went to Sioux City Saturday to visit re latives. They were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kdvvin Morey, Sioux City. Mrs. Grant Peacock and toys were visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Low ery. Oakdale, last Thursday. Oiristmas dinner guests Sun day at the Verne Reynoldson home were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Green and family. Mrs. Clarence Reynoldson and Miss Francis Rey noldson, all of Albion. The Dwayne and Dwight Phil briek families were Christmas din ner guests at the Ora Philbriek home, Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock and family were in Ainsworth December 20th to visit his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Peacock. They also visited Mr and Mrs. O- • K. peacock, Bassett. Holiday guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Dun Olmsted were Mrs. Olmsted's mother and brother, Mrs. Gertrude Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lowe and family, Robinson, Kan. Christmas guests at the C. E. Worth home were Mr and Mrs. Roy Worth and family, Carter Uike, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetz ler, Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs Fred Lindbcrg and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller, O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hanlon, jr,, and Mrs. Bon Hanlon, sr.. were] Christmas dinner guests at the home of Dr. ami Mrs. Rex. Wilson.; Christmas guests at the Roy! Parker home were Mr. and Mrs. ; ik-n Oetter, Omaha, and Mrs. Les Walton and family. Mr. and Mis. Ed Paulson and family were Christmas eve visi tors at the Gene Martin home in Neligh. The Paulsons spent Christ mas day and the weekend at the Mike McGuire hurtle in Tilden. Christmas dinner guests at the | Marlin Wichman home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bouska and Kathy I and Tommy Hoifman. Atkinson, i Roland Bouska. Norfolk, and Mr.1 and Mrs. Donald Bouska, Stuart. Sunday callers at the Joe Oll endick home were Jerry Smith and Sherry Knepper. Jim Coughlm, Denver, Colo., will he a guest in the Ed Wilson home for the New Year weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollendick and family were at the Dwight lX“ms ter home in Osmond Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollendick. sr., Kearney, were at the Ollen dick home Friday. Sunday callers at the John Wat son home were his sister, Dr. and Mrs. Bill Slusher. Valentine. Christmas dinner guests at the Kenneth Waring home were Mrs. Alda Finch, Mrs. Ethel Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and Margie and Mr. and Mrs. L>uane Finch, all of Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler , Fremont. Other callers in the evening were Mr. iind Mrs. Larry Tyler and baby, Scottsbluff, and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Finch and Mr . and Mrs. Kenneth Hess, Page. At the John Watson home for Christmas were Dr. and Mrs. Jack Preston, Morgan, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Preston, Wells, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lang ly and daughter, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Porter and family, Columbus, were Christ mas guests at the Guthmiller home. Mrs Pyner and children will be at the C, W. Porter home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Hilltgas and family were at the Reginald Pii> kennan borne Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Week were in Neligh from Thursday un til Sunday. Mr. Van Week's father is m the hospital there, Mrs. John Schmidt and son were Chnstnias guests at the home of 1 her son, Mr. and Mrs. Raymand | Schmult, Atkinson. Miss Elizabeth Schaffer is at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs D. C. Schaffer until Sunday. C. W. Porter and Allan A Por ter spent Christmas day at the Hiram Hubbard home in Charn Ihts. Allan returned Friday with Gene Porter to Lincoln, where he will continue his return to Peri in Air Base in Texas. Mr. ami Mrs. Jim Champion and boys were in Denison, la., for the weekend at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Champ ion. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker man and family, Mr, and Mrs. Vigo Christensen and Kay, Monowi, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Christensen and Sharon, Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and boys, Redbird, were all callers at the Calvin Christenson home in Mono wi, Christmas eve. Mr ami Mrs. Carl Rethwisch. Tilden, were at the Joe Tennis home Christmas day. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every' were their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and lx>ys, Norfolk, their son, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van Every and boys, Nor folk, and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ful ler and George, O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Gran Peacock were Friday evening callers at the Har vey Tompkins home, Inman. Mrs. George Peterson sr., spent tlie weekend in Sioux City with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Huser. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry were Friday supper guests at the Dean Perry home in Emmet. Sunday dinner guests at the Dwayne Philbrick home were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lofquest, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ailyn and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Slraka and Cindy, all of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frocken jr., and boys, Leigh, Mrs. Ijottie Lofquest and Mrs. Vina Munson, both of O - Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson jr., and family, were at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- 1 NEW YEAR'S EVE DECEMBER 31 CSWKSESIjjDI^us tuJL *ii £■’i » JLv yai. u * ^ 5T? Music by ROAD RUNNERS Admission $ 1.00 Favors: Horns, Hats, Confetti FREE American Legion Auditorium O'Neill, Nebraska 200 to 300 Head of Cattle There Will be tt sale held ut the O’Neill I livestock Market today which will possibly be small due to the wrather. Expected are around .’(St to SO© liejul of cattle Including small coiisignments • of all kinds. Some calves; around 50 yearlings; also fisslers and butchers. An Increase is anticipated for our next sale utter the holidays. The usual run of hogs will be in the offering and Included will be H purebred Yorkshire gilts and 4 purebred Hampshire gilts consigned by la-vl Fuller. Some will farrow in January and some in February. Hog sale will start at U o’clock. O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PIIONB % Vein A l^lgb ItcjDokima ; | MACARONI \ * i t • mw . m ' * CAMAY r 2-23' 2-31' DREfT ST...,....,..°^85' OUZ Z.T.._*S|* ZEST ST..2-43' 0XY00L—.-’85' SPIC-SPAN--— r 31' IVORY SOAP —.2-35' JOY LIQUID ^.-69' IVORY LIQUID —.-69' CHEER—’S..83' MR. CLEAN——.- 73' COMET—2-33' 2-43'