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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1959)
O'Neill Club!Women Hojd Annual Christmas Parties i-.. ..—_________ I .utlKTHn I juili-s Aid The Rev. A S Gedwilk) opened the December 10 meeting of the Lutheran Ladies Aid by reading the Christmas story from the Bible to the 22 members present. Election of officers was held with Mrs Duane McKay elected as president. Mrs. Don Younie is vice president, Mrs Don Meyer, secretary, Mrs. Dervin Kipple treasurer, and Mrs. Harold Mlmar, news reporter. Hoetesse* were Meta Gruhn and Mrs Don Wceker Entertainment was also furnished by the hos tesses. Starlight Extension Members of Starlight Extension had their nnnual Christmas party Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Beilin. Following a 6:30 dinner in O’ Neill, was a gift exchange and party. Husbands were guests. Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Mrs. L. F Beckenhauer w'as hostess to a Christmas party ha members and their husbands Saturday evening. Following din ner, a party was held. S. Patrick’s Altar Society Aixnit 200 women attended the Christmas party Deccmber 10 of St. Patrick’s Altar Society in St. Mary's gym. Gifts were presented to Msgr. O'Sullican, Father Duffy and Father Kucera. Each member of Altar society also received a gift. The boy’s choir of St. Mary's Academy provided entertainement. CHRISTMAS DANCE EDDIE STAN and the Style Band at ; Butte Legion Ballroom Friday, December 25 ADMISSION: 1:00 Mrs Richard Mm ton with St Theresa’s Guild were in charge of the program St Rita s Guild win be in charge of the next meet ing Eastern Star Members of the Order of the Eastern Star met December 10 with election of officers. The fol lowing were elected. Mrs A1 Carrol, worthy matron; Larry Schaffer, worthy patron; Mrs Evelyn Gray, Page, associ ate matron; Billie Marcellus, as sociate patron; Mrs J. D. Osen baugh, secretary; Mrs James Mc Mahn, treasurer; Mrs. Georgia i I.amtiert. Chambers conductress; Mrs Billie Marcvllus. associate conductress; Mrs. C. W. Porter, trustee for three years Installation will tie in January (•olilt'n IP><l Extension The memtiers of the Golden Rod Extension club held their annual Christmas party with dinner in O'Neill l>ec. 8. The table was de corated by Mrs Marian Izjber and Mrs. Dallas Behrens. Following the dinner games were played, led by Mrs. Herman Janzing and Mrs, iAibor. Names of secret sisters were revealed and new names drawn for next year. lt\C Bridge Club Mrs. Earl Hunt was hostess Tuesday evening with a Christ mas party and dinner for mem bers of the BAC Bridge club. Bridge winners were Mrs. John Stuiftiergen and Mrs Rex. Wilson, A gift exchange was held. Next meeting will lx* with Winnie Bar ger. Wesleyan Service fiulUl Nineteen Service Guild members and guests enjoyed a dinner and Christmas party Monday evening. Following the dinner, they met at the home of Mrs. J L. Sherbahn ^or a meeting and devotions. Mrs. Helmut Arnold, Mrs. Fran cis Curran and Mrs. Watkins! were guests, and Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Curran also became new members. Mrs. Reed Herley gave the de votions following the business 1 meeting. Mrs. Sherbahn served , refreshments. The next meeting 1 will be with Mrs. John Watson. Merrimyx Mrs. H. G. Kruse entertained ! members of Merrimyx with a 1:30 dessert luncheon and gift exchange Tuesday afternoon. Guests were Mrs D. C Schaffer and Mrs. Fred Robertson Bridge winners were Mrs Schaffer and Mrs H. L. Lmdberg. MM MM members met Tuesday with a dinner in O Neill and a party and gift exchange with Mrs Est her Harris, hostess. Mrs Harrison Bridge was a guest. Bridge winners were Mrs Bridge and Mrs. Harris. WHOS WSCS members met for their Christmas meeting December 10. Mrs. C. W. Porter led the wor ship with the lesson given by Mrs Ixhus Reimer. sr, entitled "A Hush of Expectation." The dessert luncheon was serv ed by Mrs. Ben Wayman, Mi's. Emmet Crabb, and Mrs. Ovaries Switzer Die group sang Christ mas carols following the meeting. ss nub Members of S S Chib and their husbands enjoyed a dinner in O' Neill and party at the home of Duane Miller, Emmet, December 9. The evening included a short business meeting and games, and the exchange of mystery' sister gifts. Mrs. Miller served a dessert luncheon. • ..■ - • JEM Club Mrs. Stan Holly was hostess December 9 to a meeting of the JEM club following dinner in O' Neill. Mrs. Frank Clements won the traveling priae. What Not Extension What Not Extension me miters met December 10 for a Christmas dinner and meeting. Following dinner they met at the home Mrs. Milton Baack. During the business meeting, names for new secret pals were drawn and Mrs. William Edwards was elected president of the club. Mrs. Terry Wilson was in charge of the entertainment. Mrs. Baack served refreshment. Next mt*eting will lie with Mrs. Dwayne Miller. Buney's Move to O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burney and girls are new residents of O’Neill The Burney's moved here recently from Neligh. Burney is with In vestor's Diversified. Nativity Scene ’Erected By Methodist Group About 50 people gathered Sun day evening at the First Methodist church for the unveiling of the Nativity scene in the church yard by the Aduit Fellowship. Following carols, a dedication prayer and the reading of the Christmas story, carolers went out to sing for shut-ins in O'Neill. Following refreshments later, Louis Wray, Co-president of the group, presented Rev. and Mrs. Kennicott with a Christmas gift. ASSOCIATION MEETS Mother Francis, Sister Edward, Mrs. Loretta Hynes and L. D. Putnam all attended the Nebraska Dist. 2 Hospital Association meet ing in Norfolk Tuesday. The business meeting included election of officers. Bridal Shower Given Miss Lila Daily was honored with a bridal shower by Mrs. 1000-2000 Head of Cattle FOB THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 <HM>-700 head of calves — around 300 yearlings — the rest are lute anil mixed consignments. Some of the consignments are: 70 head of steer and heifer calves weighing about 400 lbs. from Lynch; 50 heavy, whitefaee calves from O’Neill; 50 Hereford anil black whitefaee calves; 40 medium calves from Spencer; 50 head of yearling steers weighing about 700 pounds; 38 head of mixed heifer and steer yearlings; 18 head of yearlings; 18 head of Idaek Angus cows of good ages, will have spring calves. O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vera & Leigh Reynoldson DEVOY REXALL DRUG I 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE 1 V .. -.-■■■.. ■ -- .11. :: I Ball Point Pens y SCRIPTO PAPER MATE V in Gift Boxes Hi I Gifts for Him i# OIT) SPICE KINGS MEN STAG MENNEN H U Single Pieces and Sets From $]00 ‘it --- - For Children y Toys — Games i’ 59c and up & Many, many | Ideas for w Stocking Stuffers --- Pipes Lighters a Cigars Tobacco Pouches 5 5 Pip* Racks .>< Trip-O-Kit Leather Travel Kits There is still time to send Christmas Cards Many Beautiful Designs by American Greetings For the Home Taylor Thermometers, Barometers, Humidiguides Bath Scales Gifts for Baby Feeding Sets in Silver Plate Rattles — Dolls — Toys Cameras and Equipment Stock up now on Flashbulbs — Film ti* .TPOWH^WIWUIWI For Her CARA NOME REVLON COTY a SHULTON LENTHERIC Billfolds Leather Goods I s by AMITY a - TIMEX Watches KA , Ci... I Men's and Ladies' $795 and up -__ % C • " See our Gift Wrap Bar f 1 Wrappings — Ribbon £ £ Tags — Seals -- For the Holiday * Festivities tk £ Fresh Johnson Nuts Always Fresh If! I Charlie Lawrence Sunday Twenty - , three guests were there A three tier cake centered the refresh . ment table. Eva Grothe Honored With Surprise Party For 80th Birthday Mrs Eva Grothe was honored i for her 80th birthday at a sur prise party December 10 at the I home of her daughter and son-in law, Mr and Mrs. Sam Banks. All of Mrs Grothe's children and families were there, including Mr. and Mrs Bert Henning. At kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prange, Stuart, Mr and Mrs Earl Farr and son, Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs Herman s Grothe and family. Emmet, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Johnson and son, O’Neill, and' Mr. and Mrs. Willie Grothe and son. Emmet. The birthday cake was baked and decorated by Mrs Lela Grothe. Mrs Banks served the refresh ments late in the evening. Mrs. Grothe received many gifts and cards. Other guests were Mr find Mrs. Bob Pruden, Page. Mr and Mrs. James Banks, jr, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yusten, Mr and Mrs Clarence Farr, and Mr and Mrs. Carl Schenzel, all of O'Neill, and Mr. and Mrs Paul Roth. Atkinson. . - - - # Doctors Entertained With Hospital Party The sisters of St. Anthony's Hospital were hostesses last week for two Christmas parties for O' Neill doctors and their wives find for hospital employees. > Doctors and their wives were entertained Monday evening with a dinner in the dining room of the hospital Members of the Hospital Auxili a ry serx ed Ten girls of Mrs W p Melina’s dancing class entertained anil seniors ot St Mar\ s .Vademv sang under the direction of Sister Michael. Douglas Spit tier w as a soloist Tttutsday. Dec 10, the sisters gave a Christmas party for all the hospital employees Santa j Claus w as there for a gift ex change. For the program, Mrs I^otta ; Humrich gave a "telephone mono logue and Ann Judge read "The (Night Before Christmas." Christ 1 mas carols were sung with Sister I Theresa at the organ. BIRTHS ST. ANTHONY’S VANDERBEEK Mr and Mrs 'ix»nald Winder beek of Burwell, daughter Mary Ann, 7 pounds 13 ounces. 1 >ecember 9. KRAMER- Mr and Mrs William Kramer of O'Neill, daughter, Reni Marie, 9 pounds 24 ounces, Dee eml>er 12. L AMBER T—Mr and Mrs Thomas Lambert of Chambers, son. David Dale, 7 pounds 124 ounces, Decemler 12. PHI LB RICK Mr. and Mrs. Ro te rt PhUbriek of Ainsworth, son, 7 pounds 94 ounces, December 16 Atkinson .memorial SILANE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shane of Atkinson, son. Charles Scott. 8 pounds 7 ounces, Decem ber 11 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shane are the grandparents. KING Mr and Mrs Keith King of Stuart, daughter, Tammy Jo, 7 pounds 14 ounces, December 9 OODAY Mr and Mrs Mike Coday of Atkinson, son, Michael Albert, 5 jxxuxis 10 ounces, Dec MnU'i 9 (DEEM AN- Mr anil Mrs Mayn ard Cowman uf Atkinson, sou. James IXaiglas. 7 pounds 14lj 1 ounces, December 12. M NDCtERO MEMORIAL Creighton GQRENTZ Rev. and Mi's Rem trd Gorentz of Creighton, daughter, 8 pouiuls 1 ounce. December 10. SACRED HEART Lynch OONNOT Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Cannot of Fairfax, S. !>., a daugh ter, 8 pounds 5 ounces, lH*eember 12. FUHRER Mr. and Mrs Henry Fuhrer of Naper siw. 7 pounds 9 j »unces, l'ecember 13. __, FLSFWHFKF EFFLE Mr and Mrs la's ter Effle of Walnut, daughter, Mary lx hi, 8 pounds 12 ounces, Novem ber 24. Mrs. Effle is the former Gertrude Thamish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Thamish of Creighton. The couple now have two daughters and three sons. EDWARDS Mr and Mrs. Milton Edwards, son, David Lee, Decem ber 7. Mrs. Edwards is the for mer IVirothy Rosenkrans, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Rosen krans of Redbird. MURPHY Mr and Mrs Everett Murphy of Omaha, daughter, Pamela Ann, 7 pounds 6 ounces, December 4. Mr. Murphy is the nephew of Mrs. J. 1,. Pruden and a former resident of Ewing Mr*. Harding's Grandson Baptised Mrs. Clifford Harding was in Gram! Island Sunday far the baptising i»f her grandson Gan Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Jim Me Kenny are the parents. Former Stuartites Wed in Kansas Miss Carmen Kai Dobry of | Fulton, Kan ., and Emil Mashek of Richards, Mo., were married at Et Scott, Kan., on Friday, IVc- J ember 11 The bride is the daughter of ( Mr and Mrs Kennetli Dobry of Fulton. Kan., and the bridegroom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs James Masfiek, sr of Rich ards, Mo. Both were former resi dents of Stuart. After a wedding trip to the southern states the couple will re side on a ranch near Rich arils. Mo., where the bridegroom is en gaged m farming with his father O'Neill Locals Fred Jones is attending a sehool: for ihe tele[»hone company in! )maha this week. Mrs Gary l^ech and Mary Os Hirin' of Atkinson called at the Henry Kuhfahl home Monday af emoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Laska were quests of Mr. and Mrs J. 1- Ty <on and Steve of Neligh Sunday !»v erting, Mrs. John Kahlor and Mrs .ena Adams of Meadow Grove vero Tuesday dinner guests of Mrs Kahlor s daughter and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. I-Joyd Liedtke. l’hc Liedtkos son, Larry rt> urned to Meadow Grove with his , trandmother in the afternoon His < parents went for hint itn Sunday Mr and Mrs Harry Appleby ami Puk were Sunday dinner guests id Nir .utd Mrs F>ed Appleby Mr, and Mrs P A linker were entertained Sunday evening at the Arthur Hiatt Inutte near Arteha in honor id Mr, Bakei s birthday Mr and Mrs. Nels linguist an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Beverly, to Kdveurd Kitts, son of Mr and Mrs IJoyd Kitts Miss I.mquist is employed In the First National Bank and Kitts hy Shelhnmer Oil <\> James Kelly Wed In South Carolina Miss Virginia Solis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Solis, Chj hauhua, Chih. Mexico, became the bride of James It. Kelly, ASSGT, Beaufort, S. €., son of Mrs. James Kelly, O'Neil], Nov. 19 in Beau fort, S. C. The 9 a.m. nuptial mass was performed by the Rev. R. P. Anderson at St. Peter's Catholic church in Beaufort. The bride wore a ballerina length gown of embroidered lace over a taffeta with a V neckline and tapering sleeves. Her lace veil was fashioned in a mantilla style. She carried lillies-of-the-valley centered with an orchid. Miss I>elia Solis, sister of the bride, Memphis, Tenn., was maid of honor. The bride was given in marriage by Arthur Martinez, Laurel Bay, S. C. Richard J. Wichtl, Laurel Bay, S. C., was best man. The bride groom wore his Marine dress uniform. Mrs. Kelly has attended Palmore college in Mexico, John Hopkins school of nursing in Maryland, and the Memphis Beauty School. Mr. Kelly has been in the Marine Corp for eight years and plans to make it his career. The couple will live at 1387 Dove Lane, Laurel Bay, S. C., Kelly is sta tioned at Beaufort, S. C. Four Big Reasons why you should make Rogers Feed Store your ONE STOP For Feed and Vet Supplies 1— Low, Low Prices 2— Top Quality Merchandise 3— Convenient Location 4— Complete Stocks A-l Feeds — Guaranteed Analysis 41% Old Process Soy Meal .Ton $80.00 Cane Trol .20 lbs. $ 6.00 Hi Lass Cattle Fattener .Ton $58.00 lankage .IUU lbs. > 5.UU Meat Scraps .100 lbs. $ 5.00 All kinds of Range Cake and Feed FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS Buy and Save at ROGERS Rogers Products YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE North of Burlington Depot Phone 771 CLOSED AT 6:00 SATURDAY NIGHT Jack Bailey, Mgr. Christmas Trees v i :v The American Legion is selling Christmas trees jj y * 1 | in what was formerly the Buick Garage across j I 1 V I | from the bowling alleys. ft ! 9 A large Assortment Available. I ] O’Neill American Legion w f ft I _fl ^TTTTBIg-tT.llg iMTll - 4KHiatgiIJilUnt* CTTiriBi E-t Mi*» 1 111 fico^^&rNOW GOING ON I STOBES i-— * t 4 P 4 ■> it 9 r i I Heavy Gauge Steel l TREE STAND t ’*■ AO1’ ^ Valu»! %JfZW jj *n economical stand of ■wi ®*',a hsovy construction. ■U Dssp water cup. Be Lavish with Lights! 8 Light TREE SET 66* Your Christmas treo will blazo with lights. You'll want tovoral strings at this low. low price. 6-Place, Combination WRENCH SET £S 38 Drop forgod from nickel chromo stool. Sot Includes wrenches from to % inches. ) i\ ty u 0 0 7 Big 20 Inch ; “Dolly Dimples" fi Of 99 t Compare * of $8.95 Tf t Beautifully dressed drink E and wet doll with her S own bottle. Combable < rooted hair, soft skin, life- r like eyes and lashes, * movable arms and legs. * - T v WkMJ'lfM HEaT' z9H * TOASTER Waffle Iron «■ Automatic pep-up Cast aluminum * toaster with color- grid makes 2 big ) control dial, snap- waffles or 2 sand n crumb tray. wiches at a time, j Chrome finish. IR0N*OrV Percolator I ... I ..M.. Automatic, 8 cup WJust puth b percolator com to change from pet# with detach rp w\ sfeam to dry and *Y, A Sackl Weighs only ub,# co,a FRY GRIDDLE PiH fry pan, Even heating 12 inch size, with die with grease Vapor Seal cover, collecting groove. "All-Round" heat 11 14x22 inch size. Ing element. Portable Reg. JIG SAW $44.95 *309* I Heovy duty Vj h.p. motor 4 saw with 7 assorted a blades. For pipe, sheet L| metal or lumber. Li * 1 1 jj M i 7-flece flier, A Wrench and 3 Screwdriver Set > S3.95 ^ 99 3 Value! A H Set include* lineman'* J plier, 6 inch angle wrench | and 5 screwdrivers. Air Foret blut and whitt air riflt thoott 750 BB'f. With tubt of (un oil and 2 BB packi. G.E. CANISTER CLEANER g G.E. Sjm'Jvo/ Top E Canister Cleaner k . *5995 With 7 Attachments! £ King-size disposable filter . bag, double action cleaning units and many other con- ’ vemence features. Powerful, flb yet lightweight! 4 OUR GIFT TO YOU! 5 Regularly 19.95 ? FREE STORAGE HASSOCK } with storage space for ^ G.E. vacuum attachments! ^ With the purchase of this 4 G.E. Vacuum Cleanest | iCOAST-TO-COAST STORESg i i ---- — - DALE & JO WILSON, Owners