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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1959)
* FOR SALE FOR SALE. Ref Polled Hereford Bulls Two 24 and S v#*r* old Proven, herd bud quality some yearlings Everett Van Dover, 24 miles eust of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Wrdigre <>r 16 MKith of Lynch. 25tl FOR SALE Choice registered and g’-ftde Angus Bulls, serviceable age Musi! Bros., O'Neill. 27-34p FOR SALE: Purebred spotted Po land china boars, good ham and length—Elmer Bohi, 5V« miles west of Plain view on high way 20 25tfc FOR SALE : Purebred Hampshire Boars. 40-Big. rugged boars from Champion Bloodlines. Welcome to look. No obligation to buy. Prices reasonable. 3 miles east Creighton, Highway 59. Shady lnne Hampshire Farm. 32-35c FOR SALE 30 registered Angus bulls, coming 2 years old. Elton Bardolier and Black Peer breed ing Well grown, rugged, heas'y tone, bloeky type, prices reason able. Elmcrest Farms, 6 miles south, 14 east of Leigh, Ne braska. 34-36p B11.L SALE: Buy your Bulls at the LAPRATU-RICHEY Hereford Bull Sale, Monday, January 11, 1960, Winner Livestock Auction Co,, 1 30 pm 40 Registered Bulls coming 2-years old In good breeding condition; not pampered 33-34c FOR SALE: Registered Hanu> •mre tioars Big, rugged, well grown Alfred Hansen, Plain vww, Nebr. 12tfc Hampshire Boars For Sale For top quality boars at reasonable prices see us last. Walter Sojka and Sons Page, Ncbr. 23tf hT)R SALE Six head of Hereford hulls; 4 sired by Hardy Aster | and 2 by Domino 91. These bulls j are ->4 and half brothers to my ' Grand Champion bull at Here-1 ford-A-Rama sale at Broken | Bow in Nov. Yellow in color, j rugged while fed oats and grass, j Range in age from coming 2 J year olds to early fall yearlings. Also have a few registered cows and one heifer. Bert Huff, phone 20WL Ainsworth, Nebr. 34-36p EVERT (X)W can st ind for im provement. CURTISS STIID j SERVICE can bring improve- j ment to your cows with matings to the greatest sires in the world. Call 470, Duane Gray, O'Neill. 34tfc SAI.T FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c- Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Purebred and cross bred Chihauhau puppies. Ben Braun, Atkinson 32-34c FOR SALE - Pu-ebred Hampshire meat-type Ix-ars. Reasonably priced. Henrj Stelling and Son, 2 S and y< W. of Orchard, Ne braska. 29tf FOR SALE: More fancy Cream cows. Shore s Guernseys, Hol steins, Swiss Extra large fancy Some fresh with calves Rea sonable prices. Harold Shores, Neligh. ph. TU 7-4060. TU 7 4850_25tf USED CARS '55 Mercury Monterey, plain "56 Plymouth, 4 dr. "55 Studebaker hardtop 1952 GMC \ ton pickup 1948 Chev. 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 562 O’Neill. Nebr. JAKE PATTON’S BEN Frr.nklin store your candy headquarters. Always fresh. 27tfc I SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes. 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh 30H FOR SAI.lT Milo, 250 bushels or more. Rim Shonka, Atkinson. 34-36c MUST SELL!! LARGE STOCK OF New and Used TRAILERS No Reasonable Offer Refused!! Whether you pay cash. Finance or have a Trade You Can Do Better at MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion. Nebr. F.X5-21i0 Low Overhead Low Prices Contact Us Today O'Neill vicinity contact Clarence Johnson Elms Motel—O'Neill 34tfc FOR SALE -IHC power washing cream separator, model 3G. Near new. Charlie L. Meyer, Royal. __ _34-36P FOR SALE Set of oxygen and acetylene bottles (large size). Northwest Electric, O’Neill. 34tic FOR SALE — Baled alfalfa. Will deliver. Jack Graves, phone 557R, O'Neill._ ^P FOR SALE: High quality April m-o ’’oT-eford Bulls. Extra good backs Kieth Abart - O’Neill. Dercy Abart - Emmet. 31tf MACHINERY "RACTORS— J-D £20, like new .955 J-D Model 60 Model G J-D 194i *a B J-D 40 B J-D 45 R J-D nc f*» 42 A J-D USED CORN PICKERS— J-D 226 J-D 101 Woods Bros. G. I. 2 row M and M 2 row 'armhand l/v»,ier complete Comfort tractor covers Harry R Smith Imp. hone 562 O'Neil] MACHINERY For rent— rotary stalk cutter Ford loader with two buckets Sargent loader Duncan loader Horn loader Dual! loader IHC No. 31 loader Farmhand stacker Twin Draulic loader, like new, to fit WD or VVC Allis All above loaders $50 and up 3 used snow buckets for loaders 2 ME picker Von Ruben Hydraulic chain saw would make good hydraulic drive for other machines Howard rotovator, like new Hesse roller mill IHC hammermill JD hammermill Farmall MD Farmall H Farmall C SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL, NEBR IHC — Gehl - RCA Whirlpool Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE: Improved 80 acres 4 mi. from Clearwater on good gravel road, lMs mi. to highway 275. Ideal for semi-retired couple. Building in good repair, REA, natural gas, hot and cold water, bathroom. Mail route to door. Immediate possession.— Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 32-34p FOR QUICK SALE! Immediate Possession Near new 3 bedroom home in O'Neill. Good location! —ALSO— 960 A ranch south of Atkinson. 320 A east of Atkinson. Dairy Queen at Atkinson, near swimming pool and park. OTHER GOOD UsliNUS COME AND SEE US ED THORIN PHONE 207 — O'NEILL 13tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two tiedroom home. Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 22tfc \}R RENT Apartment in Golden Hotel annex. Furnished or un furnished. Call 25, O’Neill. 27tf FOR RENT—Rooms Night, week or month. Air conditioned, clean, good beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O’Neill, Phone 364. New Man agement. 36pd. FOR RENT — Basement sleeping rooms for men. Close in. Call 574J, O’Neill. 29tf FOR PENT An aU modem house 1 mile west of airport. Call 7F23, O’Neill. _34p FOR RENT Neat, modern, 2 bed room home, equipped for gas. Available now. Good location. Mrs. James C. Parker, O’Neill. 34-35c FOR RENT—Comfortable modern home in excellent condition, full basement, 1 bedroom upstairs and 1 in basement, gas furnace, good location. Available January 1. Mrs. James C. Parker, O' Neill. 34-35c WANTED WELL DRILIJNG and wall and windmill repair. — Write Box 562. phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WEIL CO . O’Neill j 7 blks \V 8t blks N stoplight • WANTED: Serum ptgs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tl WORK WANTED: Guaranteed welding and mechanic work done East of drive-in theatre.—Ver non Gorgen, O’Neill. 32tfc EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Reliable man or woman from j this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts, or gum through new automatic vendors. No selling we will es tablish accounts for you. To qualify party must have car, re ferences. and cash capital of $800 which is secured by inven tory. Excellent earnings part time- Full time more. For per sonal interview give phone, etc. Write P. O. Box 156, Rochester. Minn. 34p WE DONT WANT AIX THE bus iiness-Just yours.. Patton's Ben j Franklin O'Neill. tfc WANTED ! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47etf Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body ana Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farm supply business handling well known products. Small capital needed. Write box TH, c-o The Frontier. 5th EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neill L. Guthmiller I Half Block East of Texaco Station SPEClALlZUsin ail kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER renHlring. Also repair parts for Law son - Kec -Clinton. WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf 1 Minnesota Woolen Company Bonded Representative Robert W. Young Phone 192-J 609 East Adams 23tfc PACKING HOUSE WORKERS Openings on permanent jobs With or without experience Minimum rate 2.16>*> per hour Plus 2c allowance for each hour worked Hospitalization Life Insurance Sick Pay Paid vacation and holidays Write, phone or apply Employment office Omaha phone MA 4720 Wilson & Co*, Inc. 27 and T Streets, Omaha, Nebr. 33-34 i & r^MjrNu ——mmmmm——.. ■ I LOST—Female Siamese cat lie tween Ewing and Atkinson. Re-j ward. Notify The Frontier, phone | 788. 34p, MISCELLANEOUS I IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you property in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O'NEILL. NEBR. — PH. 269 CASH LOANS Signature — Auto — Furniture O’Neill Loan Co. VIRGIL LAURSEN Phone 434 O'Neill AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O'NEILL NOTICES SAVE UP TO $20 OR MORE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VIRGIL LAURSEN O'Neill, Nebraska CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK everyone for the many lovely cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was a pa tient at St. Anthony's hospital at O’Neill. A special thank you to the ALCW of Bristow for the gifts and to Rev. Benard Nelson and Rev. Fr. Kucera. Many thanks to the Orvan Chapter 247 OES Spen cer for the beautiful vase of flow ers. Also many thanks to Dr. Wil son, Dr. Waters, the Sisters, nurses and the entire hospital staff for their excellent care May God bless you all Mrs. Ellsworth Wenke 34p WE WISH TO EXTEND our most sincere thanks to the many friends and relatives for the kind mes sages of sympathy, the beautiful flowers and the many other acts of kindness and sympathy shown us during our sad bereavement at the time of the death of our beloved wife and mother. A ’spec ial thanks to Rev. Kennicott for the wonderful sermon and the In man WSCS and friends who helped furnish and serve the lunch after the funeral services. We also wish to thank Biglins for their friendly sympathetic service. Elmer But terfield and children. 34p I WISH TO THANK my friends, relatives and neighbors for the concern for my welfare that prompted their thoughtful cards, letters, gifts and visits during my hospitalization and recuperation. N. D. Ickes. 34c I-Legal Notices- j (First pub. Dec. 3, 1959) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. Julius D. Cronin, Attorney IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 1, 1959. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GENEVIEVE HAN LEY, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate arc hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is March 24, 1960, and For the payment of debts is De cember 1, 1960 and that on Decem ber 24, 1959, and on March 25, I960, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, [ will be at the County Court Room n said County to receive examine, lear, allow, or adjust all claims ind objections duly filed. COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County Judge SEAL) 32-34C First publication Dee. 10, 1959) William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF Wild. No. 48«<5 JOUNTY COURT OK rfOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF ERNEST H. DUR IE. DECEASED. niE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the •robate of the will of said de •eased, and for the appointment >f Glenn Adams as Executor there >f, which will be for hearing in his court on December 31, 1959 it 10 o'clock A.M. IX1UIS W. REIMER County Judge. • COUNTY COURT SEAL) 33-35c Dickerson Trial (continued from page 1) vho was being held in Boyd •ounty jail. He said Nyal gave aim a signed statement which was nade an exhibit at the behest of he defense. • Cross-examination brought out hat subsequent visits with Franch n the Boyd jail were in part at Vyal's invitations mailed in a let ter to Tesch. Tesch said Mrs. Dickerson's oral admissions included instructing resch how to lie on the floor to Simulate Vanderlinde’s position on he ground. Collins’ testimony included in vestigation work at the Dickerson tarm and the ultimate location of the brace-and bit partially hidden under an inner tube in a junk pile. Collins said Franch had been taken into custody first; Mrs. Dick- - erson later. The prosecution rested its case j shortly after 4 p.m., Tuesday and did not utilize several witnesses that had been subpoened. Wednesday Morning . . . The defense employed 11 witnes ses Wednesday morning. Mrs. Ver E. Tomak. Boyd county clerk and district court clerk, identified an exhibit which was a district court order for ex huming Vanderlinde’s body (the order came at the request of the defense), A. P. Anderson, Butte banker, identified bank accounts, canccHed checks and some financial trans actions but some of his testimony and evidence was not admitted. Anderson is administrator of Van derlinde’s estate. A neighbor of Mrs. Dickerson’s Wilmer Bonnet, said the mother was usually accompanying Van derlinde when he visited the Bon net place. Otto Bentzen of Naper said Vanderlinde had helped put up hay on the Bentzen farm and Mrs. Dickerson was present on several occasions in 1957 and '58 when Vanderlinde was operating the tractor hay sweep. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Krueger of Naper, who had known Mrs. Dick erson and her boys “about nine or 10 years,” said the families exchanged frequent visits. Both cited one evening in 1958 when Vanderlinde suffered an epileptic j seizure. Recalled to the stand | later on the morning for cross examination by the prosecution, they reaffirmed it had been “an evening attack." The defense tried diligently to get into the record testimony con cerning Vanderlinde’s seizures. The jury left the courtroom while Brennan—and later Johnson I attempted to enter exhibits and make offerings while Boyd County Judge John P. Classen of Spencer was on the stand. There was some duplicity of effort tJohnson came in late1. Brennann wanted to en ter the banking, guardianship and probate records of the late Frank lin Vanderlinde as "proof that Mrs. Dickerson never had anything to do with Vanderlmde's money." As only about half of the Wednes day morning defense testimony was being admitted, because of repeated protests from the prosecu uon, Cronin told the court; "This testimony and these records have no bearing on any issue; they do not tend to prove or disprove any of the issues in this case; the law provides conviction of murder does not require motive; the pro secution has made no effort to show that financial disagreement was involved, except for what ever testimony along these lines that Nyal Franch gave." The defense attorneys were insistent upon admission of certain records and. as the morning wore on, the pro sedition relinquished some what on Its protests. P. E. Spencer of Naper was among the many witnesses calk'd by the defense. His sometimes humorous remarks elicited smiles ami laughter from almost every one- including Mrs. Dickerson. Spencer’s homey testimony, con cerning Vanderlinde’s work on his place, included; "Sadie was supervising, telling Franklin how to do it.’’ The statement provoked Mrs. Dickerson s first departure from a sullen appearance at the t rial. Wednesday Afternoon . . . By far the defense’s best witness was Doctor Holyoke. He was on the stand nearly two hours. Holy oke said he and Dr. Clarence Mc Whorter, University of Nebraska medical college pathologist (the latter was at the O'Neill mortuary following the exhumation at the request of the prosecution) con fined their examination of Vander linde’s body to the head. They studied the wound above the ear, near the right temple, lifted off the skull cap, and studied the brain, Holyoke told the court. A piece of skull bone and dura (membrane under the bone) were introduced as exhibits. A high point of Holyoke’s testi mony came when the bone from Vanderlinde’s skull and the dura were shown to the jury Holyoke discussed at length ex periments of putting a similar bit through "similar skull bone" (cadaver, at his Omaha labora tory), also putting the bit through plywood with measured weights, heights and varied techniques. He said he was determining the rela tive "penetrability” of bone and plywood. A brace-and-bit, com parable to the death weal,,n. an<1 a piece of plywood were brought into the courtroom for Holyoke to conduct a courtroom demonstra tion, hut the prosecution succeeded in heading off the experiment and Holyoke's conclusions on grounds that laboratory conditions with lry Ixines differed from on-the-spot, unpracticed drilling into the head if a live young man. Holyoke said the hole in Van derline's head was forced, not drilled. But he agreed with Mc Whorter’s written report that prob ing of the hole with other instill ments, after Vanderlinde’s death, could alter the hole. Holyoke said bis experiments in his laboratory were conducted without knowing there had iieen probing after the man’s death. Holyoke testified there were "splinterings of bone under the skull bone.” He theorized that if the death bit had been used as a drill there would have been curled shaving on the bit. On the bit he examined in the laboratory he said he "found stains, minute chips of bone, fine hair adhered, some debris.” Holyoke said the hole in Vanderlinde’s head was ir regular. He also testified the hole in the scalp and the hole in the i bone were "slightly, out of regis ter.” ’ Tiue prosecution dryly charged that Holyoke was “more expert at drilling holes, liecause of all of the experimentation, than the defendant whose deed was done hurriedly.” Spectators left the courtroom late Wednesday wondering if Mrs. Dickerson will take the stand in her own defense Thursday morning. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Dec. 10—George Latzel of Ewing; Mrs. Donald Hoffman of Chambers; Bobbie Doty of Spencer; Roy Backhaus of O’Neill. 11—David Soukup of Spencer; Mrs. Clayton Johnson of Verdigre; Mrs. Larry Tibbetts of O'Neill; Edward Averill of Port Angeles, Wash. 12 Mrs. William Kramer, Donna Mae Fuhrcr and Clifford BurivaJ. jr., all of O’Neill; Mrs. Thomas Lambert and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman, both of Cham bers; Arthur Masden of Verdel. 13 Mrs. Carl Hafsaas of Bristow; Mrs. Henry Grunke; Ralph Seger and Mrs. Larry Tibbetts, all of O'Neill; Ralph Green of Chamt>ers. 11 George McNair and Mrs. Hariy Spall, both of O’Neill; Floyd Brainard and Mrs. Richard Hoerle, both of Chambers. 15—Mrs. Don ald Hoffman of Chambers. 16 Ed Boshart of O’Neill and Mrs. Robert Philbrick of Ainsworth. DISMISSED: Dec. 10— Robert Moore and Robert Young, both of O'Neill; Mrs. James Sobotka of Inman; Mrs. E. H. Wenke of Spencer. 11—Mrs. Loyd Godel, Mrs. Larrv Tibbetts and Mrs. Clarence Whaley, all of O'Neill; Miss Ardith Guy of Bassett; Mrs. Don ald Hoffman of Chambers; Mrs. Edna Farran of Sioux City. 12 Da vid Soukup of Spencer; Ralph Green and Arthur Walters, both of Chambers; Mrs. E. M. Harkins of Inman; Mrs. Clayton Johnson of Verdigre and Mrs. William Han ley of O'Neill. 13—George Latzel of Ewing; Mrs. Alvin Tangeman and Arthur Wintermote, both of Chambers; Mrs. Norman Rokahr of Page; Bobbie Doty of Spencer; Clifford Bumal. jr.. of O'Neill; ! Mrs lx>n Vanderbeek arxl baby ; girl of Burwell 14—Edward Ave-. nil of Port Angeles, Wash ; Half#! i Green of Chambers. L> Mrs. K W Kramer and baby girl of O’ Neill lb Hoy Backhaus of Cham bers and Mrs. Larry Tibbetts of O'Neill. Expired. Dec 10 Frank Fallon of O’Neill. 14 Arthur Masdcn of Verdel SACRED HEART HOSPITAL Lynch Present: Dec. 14 Mrs. Louis Adams of Fairfax; William Bht rkie of Spencer; Mrs Martha Bright of Butte; Mrs. Mary Clas sen of Spencer; Mi’s Henry Con nut and baby girl of Fairfax Mrs Harry Fuhrer and baby boy of Naper; Dr. G. B Ira of Lynch; Mrs Harry Lewis of Butte; Baby Kent Lawrence Landholm of Bristow; J. J. Loukota of Bristow; E. V Mulhair of Lynch; Erick Ohman of Anoka; Matt Schmitz of Naper; Mi's. Martha Schultz of Naper; Baby Thomas Edward Tejral of Spencer; N. E. Hiatt of Butte. Dismissed: Dec 8 Miss I Vila Erickson of Bristow; Mrs. Virgil Hubby of O’Neill 8 Alliert Schind ler of Monovvi. 10 Hugh Kolx'rts of Fairfax. 11 Mrs. Katherine Frasch of Anoka; Mrs. Marian Green of Naper. 12 Mrs. F. H. Naber of Atkinson. 13 Mrs. Will ard Landholm of Bristow; Mi's. Mrs. Emil Tejral of Spencer. 14 George Sieler of Butte; Eugene Hostert of Butte. Creighton ADMITTED: Dec. 5-12 Mrs Lyle Haake of Creighton Mrs. Henry Frank of Verdigre; Wilfred Van Kirk of Creighton; Teddy Schultz of Bloomfield; Harley Buxton of Royal; Mrs. Mary Bar tak of Creighton; Mrs. Bernard Gorentz of Creighton; Robert Borgmann of Creighton. DISMISSED: Mrs. I«awrence Sage and daughter of Bloomfield; Mrs. Kenneth Suiter of Creighton; Mrs. Billie York of Creighton; Mrs. Henry Frank of Verdigre who was transferred to Neligh; John Kumm of Creighton; Mrs. Gladys Huddleston of Bloomfield; Mrs. Lyle Haake and daughter of Creighton; Baby Leland Sutter of Creighton; Baby Brian York of Creighton; Baby Bradley York of Creighton; Wilfred Van Kirk of Creighton; Mrs. Mary Bartak of Creighton; Teddy Schultz of Bloomfield. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: Dec. 7 Mrs. Roy Rodgers of Bassett; Mrs. Warren Connell of Springview. 8 James Fullerton of Atkinson; Mrs. There sa Deermer of Atkinson; Ralph Prill of O’Neill; Joseph Shanner of O’Neil); Mrs. Mike Coday of Atkinson; if Henry Timmerman of Stuart: Mrs. Keith King of Stuart. 11 Irvin Parsons of Atkinson; Mrs. Elmer Butterfiekl of Inman; Mrs. Mary Timmerman of Stuart; Mrs. L. Hamilton of Stuart; George Mining of Stuart; Mrs. Charles Shane of Atkinson. 12 Ralph Roh ling of Mulvane, Kan.; Colleen Sterns of Atkinson: Lawernce Allyn of Stuart; Mrs. Joseph Murphy of Newport; Mrs. Maynard Coleman of Atkinson. 13 Mrs. Marie Wehrly of Atkinson; Jake Braun of Atkinson; Mrs. Lyle Fix of Atkinson. Dismissed: Dec. 5 Joseph Shan ner of O'Neill; Mrs. Max Cornish ; and daughter of Atkinson; Mrs. Don De Groff of Atkinson and ■ daughter; Ralph Prill of O’Neill, 11 Caroline Straka of Stuart; Mrs. William Dean and son of Stuart; James Fullerton of Atkinson. 12— George Mining of Stuart; Colleen Sterns of Atkinson; Mrs. Keith King and daughter of Stuart. Expired: Mrs. Theresa Deer mer of Atkinson - 10th; Mrs. El mer Butterfield of Inman - 11th. i O'Neill Trounced I At Ainsworth The O'Neill Eagles absorbed their third stre ,nt loss Friday night at the hands of a toll and experienced Ainsworth live, GO SS. John Kurtz led the Eagles scor ing 9 points on three fielders and three free tosses. Bob Eby scored S and Larry Don 1 in added 7 points for the O’Neill team. Ainsworth outscored the Eagles in every period owning a 18-7 first quarter lead and a 36-17 half time margin. The Eagles managed to hit on only 18 percent of their field goal attempts. The Eagle reserves also went j down, 50-31. Jerry Kilcoin scored I 14 points for the second unit in j that contest. Score by Quarters Ainsworth 18 18 17 16 i O’Neill 7 10 6 12 A big schedule of basketball awaits the Eagles this weekend as they play Atkinson Friday night here in O’Neill and journey to, Albion Saturday night for another game. Gary W. Holly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holly was promot ed to Petty Officer 3rd Class December 16. His address now Is: Gary W. Hslly RM3, C-Divi slop, Moffett Field, Calif. Cardinals Hot First Quarter; Down Stuart To Add Third Win St Mary's Cardinals their winning wav s KVui«y night jn a 80-34 romp over the Stuart Bron cos Using the platoon system. Coach l\*n Templemeyer used the first string to pile up a 26-0 first quarter advantage. The Cardinals big height ad-, vantage jvived the way in the first quarter with Jcrrv Gokie netting 5 fielders and Larry Mudloff made the first six points. St. Mary’s had more than 20 points beore Stuart scored. The reserve unit had trouble finding the range m the second quarter and manages! only 4 points while Stuart was adding 8 The two teams retired for the intermis sion with O'Neill sporting a 30-14 lead. Templemeyer sent an all-senior contingent into action for the third quarter with Gale Stevens leading the point parade with throe quick baskets, widened the margin to 51-28. Hon Schaaf, only 5'2", heljied the Bronco cause with throe long shots during the third period Clements lead the total scoring for Stuart with 15 points. Underclassmen finished the game for St. Mary's and notched another L5 points in the final stanza. Stuart added 6 points. Score by Quarters St Mary s JR 4 21 15 60 Stuart B 8 14 R 34 sma n> rt tp Peter 2 4 Kamphaus 5 Gokie 7 1-2 15 Holly 2 6 Spit/onborttor 4 0-4 8 Stevens 4 1-1 9 Shoemaker 1 2 Oleary 1 2-2 4 L. Mudloff 5 10 N. Mudkjff 1 2 Try the Frontier Want Ada. Phone your news lo ItW DANCE Saturday, December 19 Hi Lynch, Nebr. Mt’SIO BY THE ROCKETS ADMISSION: 50c BtMiMiAtiiMtMiMtatMtMiMtaifeMt THE A ~ ORIGINAL £ MILK and HONEY * “Ruff-DIp" * CHOCOLATES * . . an assortment for every taste ^ , packed in colorful, gay gift ,i I packager . . . for a very A Merry Christmas! ! * S A l 5 * 1 * V I I 1 V ] V I y ii y I to I Candy is part of the Christmas Season. Be $ I t £ sure it's the finest . . . give Pangburns. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist 01* Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings U' , O'Neill, Nebr. | | OPEN HOUSE Friday and Saturday l DECEMBER 18&19I | NAME THE ESTABLISHMENT and win a Chuck - Cut and Wrapped Free Introducing Roberts Feed and Locker Plant Located in Page, Nebraska The Garden Beyond The Sandhills' W A Boasting a Modern Efficient Locker Plant Fresh Meat Counter and Feed Store 1/ (•* *• j V # rour meat is butchered in a state inspected I daughter house to assure you of a clean appetiz ing meat and is processed with a modern j meth°d featuring delicious BONELESS ROLLED I ROASTS- Meat is cut to exact size you instruct it and ls wrapped in a snow white polyethelene \>} PaPer to insure you of a fresh wholesome pro ’ duct. Each package is personalized with your » name and cut of meat. Also for your convenience, within a thirty t mi,e r^dius, is our Free Pickup and Delivery \j Service. A collect call will bring us to your farm and t | delivery will be made upon completion to your l own deep freeze or locker jjj | 4 We cure meats and in the near future will '! i ma^e that good old-fashioned Bologna and i | Wieners like Grandpa used to make. \ PHONE — Locker 2711 Residence 2686