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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1959)
Riverside Hews By Mr* 1-lonH <,uat*r The Eastern Star Kensington will meet Monday e\emng with Mrs. Keith Biddlecume Jack and Sheila Fry were guests Saturday evening at the Floyd Napier home. Sheila Fry visited her grand mother Fry in Ewing Friday. The Seek and Share club had their Christmas meeting Wednes day at the church annex with a covered dish luncheon and ex change of gifts Jjee Fink hauled hay for John Miller. S S Sehlotman and Done] Gunter on Friday and Saturday. The Dale Napiers, Robert Me Daniels. Don Larsons. Wendell Switzers, Lynn Frys, Billy Lof quists and Wayne Frys were fck»ks).klikk»»kIilikli)iM»k»» I ‘ T 5 Terms Available on All Watches , is ; Contest Winners l 4 i 1. Mrs. John Stuifbergen j | 2. Marilyn Strong j [ 3. Cherritin Knepper 1 i 4. Jeanette Fricke 2 ! 5. Ellen Havranek 2 | Demaris Strong 2 [ 7. Mrs. Bernard Gribhle i 8. Mrs Thomas Zakr/.cwski * ! 9. Mrs. Wayne Smith | [ 10. Mrs. I-ester Riege [11. Mrs. Ralph Adams ' 12. Mrs. Ivan Pruss ;-S ; McIntosh I JEWELRY O’Neill. Nebr. guests Saturday evening at the Richard Napier home. Mrs Alfred Napier shopped in Neligh Tuesday Mr and Mrs Lynn Fry and Jack and Mr and Mrs Floyd Napier were Norfolk shoppers Friday. The Archie Johnston family visi ted the Gerald Wetlauffer family m O'Neill Saturday evening. The Kenneth Hill. Alfred Napier, Dave Anson. Dwight Shroeder. and Archie Cleveland families attended ; a Christmas party at the James Tinsley home Saturday evening Mrs' CTiet Taylor and Mrs Rudy Aiders were shopping in O'Neill Friday afternoon. Mrs Kitty Fry. the Willie Shra der, Le Fink and Lynn Fry fami lies were dinner guests Sunday at the Bert Fink home. The gathering w'as in honor of Lynn s and Mari lyn’s twelfth and Bert’s and Beulah s forty-eighth wedding an niversaries. The Lorraine Montgomery fami ly visited Friday evening at the Johnny Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Norwood w-ere guests Saturday to an oyster supper at the Dave Pollock home in honor of the Pollock s‘wedding anniversary. The Billy Lofquist family were guests last Sunday evening at the Charles Rotherham home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery wen* Neligh visitors Tuesday. Hie Billy Lofquist family shop ped in O'Neill Thursday evening. The Jolly Workers club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs Ardis McDaniel with thirteen ladies and one visitor, Mrs. Bob Hobbs present. The ladies hemmed tea towels for the hostess. Mrs Georgia Wtegand and Mrs. D>v< nia Switzer each received a pair of ear rings from their mystery pals. The club will rm*ct Thurs day afternoon, January 14th with Alice and Martha Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer visi ted last Wednesday evening at the Amos Switzer home in Clearwater. Mrs. Hob Hobbs and Mrs. De witt Hoke were Neligh shoppers Friday. _ Money To Loan! Household Goods, Personal Property, Oars, Trucks, Farm Equipment HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES I ■■ ■■■■■——■ ■! .■———■■■ I ■ ■ - — II. Nancy and R«a Napier were supper guests of Jody Fry on her tnrthday Thursday The Leo Miller family were guests Friday evening at the Floyd Butterfield home Mr and Mrs George Montgom ery visited Friday evening at the Henry Wehenkel home at Orch I ard. The Riverside Missionary society met Friday with Mrs Melvin Napier, with a covered dish lunch eon The ladies exchanged gifts Mr and Mrs. Grant Mott and Tammy were Tilden visitors 1 Thursday. Ewing tows Hy .Mrs. Hamid Harris The church of the Nazarene will present a Christmas program Wednesday evening, December 23,, at eight o'clock. Rev. Bessie Kline is the pastor Mrs. Aubrey Wood accompanied her husband to Lincoln on Monday I and returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis transacted business in Lincoln and Omaha on Tuesday. Mrs. Aubrey Wood accompanied them back to ; Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hubei and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Waldo Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. M Burtwistle were callers at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pru den then going on to O’Neill where they visited an aunt of Mr. Burt wist lo, at St. Anthony's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock re turned to Omaha on Monday after spending the weekend at their home in Ewing Mrs. Lizzie Grim returned to her home in Ewing after spending ton days with her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Pospeshil and family at Oak View Park. A special meeting of the Order of tlie Eastern Star, Jephthah Chapter No. 85 was held Friday evening for initiation. A n<>host lunch was served fol lowed hy a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman spent Thursday mid Friday in Nor folk. Mr. Zimmerman attended a school of instruction on income tax. On Friday Mrs. Zimmerman made a plane trip to Lincoln on combined business and pleasure. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Tuttle and children of Boring, Ore., arrived in Ewing Friday and are guests at the home of his father, Roy Tuttle and family and other rela tives. They also plan to visit re latives in Iowa after Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, Mr. mid Mrs. Mick Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham were dinner and evening guests of Mr and Mrs Virgil Laurson of 0 Neill st the Town House, Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Loyd Angus made a combined business and pleasure trip to Sioux City. Ia„ on Thurs day returning home on Friday. Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and daugh ters, Mrs John Turay and Mrs Ed Yelli were Norfolk visitors one day last week. The Young Matron's Pinochle club held their annual Christmas party at the Town House Tuesday evening, December 8th. An eight o'clock dinner was served and there was an exchange of gifts. All members were present. Trans portation was provided by Mrs Gail Boies and Mrs. Ralph Munn Recent guests at the home of | Mr and Mrs Ernest Person were, her sister. Mrs. Ed Howard and Julia Sargent of O'Neill and Mrs. James Walnofer and family o4 Orchard The Christmas program at the First Methodist church in Ewing will be presented Sunday evening. December 20th at eight o’clock. Participating will be the children of the primary department and the intermediate and high school groups. Mrs. Willis Hockey as 81811x1 by Mrs. Ray Scdivy and Mrs. Marcus Pierson will have charge of the primary department, Mrs. Woodrow Elliot, Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Waldo Davis of the older gruujis. At the morning worship hour at 9:45 Sunday, Dec 20th there will tie special music by the junior and senior choirs. Plans are being made for the members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship to go caroling on Mon day evening, December 21. Mem bers are requested to be at church at seven o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson are sponsors of the MYF. Members of the junior choir ac companied by Rev. and Mrs. Woodrow Elliott will go caroling on Tuesday evening, December 22. gion. Sanders Post No. 214 was announced by R H Sham institu tional representative ol the troop, after a meeting held at the Legion ehib Thursday evening. Other business transacted at the business meeting of the Legion was the sending of donations to the Good Fellow Fund m Omaha and ten dollars for the American Legion Stamps put out this year for hospital, child welfare and reha bilitation. Sanders Post now has 85 mem bers for 1960. Plans were made by the I region to sponsor a card party before Christmas with turkeys and hams for prizes On adjournment the Legion joined the Auxiliary members for a Christmas party. Games pro vided entertainment followed by a gift exchange. Mrs. Roy Rother ham was w inner of the big prize turkey given by the American Le gion. A delicious lunch was served by Auxiliary members. New members of the Auxiliary are Mrs. Lester Bergtrom, Mrs. Josephine Elston and Mrs. Mabel Boies. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde spent Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tessiner and children drove to Wayne on Satur day. Tuesday evening guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roland Horde were Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jefferies of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner of Ewing. Mrs. John Turay and her mother, Mrs L. A. Hobbs accompanied by Rose Harding of O'Neill went to Norfolk on Monday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kortje. Mrs. Harding remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Kortje is a sister of Mrs. Hobbs. Donald and Melvin Pruden were honored guests at a six o'- j clock dinner on Sunday at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen. Other I guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. L Pruden and son, James H. Pru The liibie scnool oi tne united Presbyterian Church will present a Christmas program Tuesday evening, December 22. Mrs. Vearl Tuttle is superintendent. Mrs. Robert McLaqhlan of At kinson was a guest on Wednesday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam H. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson are ! expecting their daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shris ton of Denver, Colo., to arrive in Ewing on December 17, for the holiday season. The Seek and Share Home Ex tension elut) held an all day meet ing Wednesday, December 9ih at the annex of the United Presby terian church. A covered dish din ner was served at noon followed by the lesson on “Christmas Tra ditions in Nebraska” presented by Mrs. Wayne Shrader. Musical numbers on the afternoon program were: A duet by Mrs. Don Larson and Mrs. Wayne Fry, a solo by Mrs. Larson and group singing of Christmas carols. Each of the fourteen members present brought cookies and candy, which were packed in holiday boxes and delivered to the shut ins and the elderly people in Ewing. The club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Don Larson for the January meeting when the names of the mystery pals of the year will be revealed. Mrs. Evelyn Reimer of Inman is a new member of the Ewing No Thank You Tops club. The following members were winners. in the recent Tops club contest: Mrs. S. M. Burtwiste, Mrs. Victor Cram, Mrs. L. M. Carter, Mrs. Elmer Grim of Ewing, Mrs. Louise Anthony, Mrs. Ada Clark and Mrs. 1 tons Kick of In man. This group will be enter tained December 16 at a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Alfred Napier, with exchange of gifts, as sisted by other losers of the con test, Mesdames Mary Hartigan, Vera Harte, Clarence Hanson of Inman, Gene Zimmerman, Mrs. Thomas Hutton and C. C. llahllieck of Ewing. The Boy Scout Troop No. 1 SI being reorganized in Ewing will be sponsored • by the American Le Ut'l I. Mrs. Ralph Van Horn of O'-Neill was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ella Zeims from Thursday to Sunday. Mrs. Vera Anson spent Sunday at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anson and family of Neligh called at the home of his mother, Mrs. Vera Anson and other relatives in Ewing during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud and granddaughter, Deloris Latzel were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Lillie Meyers at Clearwater. Guests at the home of Miss Vina | Woods on Monday were the Misses Grace and Nellie Wood of Page. Mrs. Aubrey Wood and Miss | Vina Wood were shopping in O’- | Neill on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs and three children visited on Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer at Nor folk. LAN* BANK LOANS J ,ARM NEEDS I tow COST . . 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There's no charge . . . no ob'igation. | I For Dependable GAS Service r ** 43I2DEC.,57 M.P.43 ^ Solving Present Problems i It's our business to know what men >*• like. So why not make it your busi« |^,'J ness to shop here for gifts? A CRESS SHIRTS g CLOVES 8 S'JPPPRS TOPCOATS BELTS ROBES a PAJAMAS A SOCKS * MUFFLERS TIES 5 A SWEATERS f A SPORT SHIRTS JACKETS SUITS 4 cl 4 ''1 McCarville’s I /'Shoes for the Whole Family" tr — Give A Gift That Keeps On Giving the frontier 52 Times ft Year ftll Ihe News . • • I Coe Fr°mie'- Has M<?e “respondents Than ny Paper |n N°rth-Cen tra| Nebraska. j ——■I _ Bea°t,tu' Gil. Be Mailed 1" ^oor &an'a •' * I i COUPON The Frontier Circulation Dept. Box 330, O’Neill, Nebr. f Please enter our order for Gift Subscriptions. I understand that a colorful Gift Card will be forwarded to the person or persons for whom the subscriptions are intended. Enclosed is (cash) (check) (money order). (Your signature) Rural Route, Street or Box City State Rural Route, Street or Box-——-——— 0 City ..State Name--—-—-——~ Rural Route, Street or Box -— ! ! City_8tate 1 1 _ __— I