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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
FOR SALE FOR SALE, Reg Polled Hereford ftilU Two 2 4 and 3 yean old Proven, herd bud qualify some yearling*—Everett Van Dover. 24 miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west at Vertbgre. or 16 sou’h of Lynch 25tf FOR SALE : Registered Hampshire Boars. Good qu.uty boars ready for service vaccinat'd reason ably pno-d -John Winner Jh Phone 6036 Atkinson. Nebr ____ 32c FOR SAI.E 30 registered Angus bulls r-onTng 2 years olds El hon Rardoher ind Black Peer breeding. Well grown rugged, heavy bone, b! wfry type prices reasonable. Elmerest Farms, 6 miles south 14 east of Leigh Nebraska 30-32c FOR SALE OR TRADE M type Hampshire Boars from lit ter of fifte.-n. Jim Corkle. jr 32-33p60 FOR SALE Choice registered and grade Annus Bulls serviceable age Musi! Bros. O'Neill. 27-34p FOR SALE: Purebred spotted Po land china boars, good ham and length—Elmer Boh!. 5V* miles west of Plainview on high way 20. TOR SAIJv :Purebred Hampshire Boars 40-Big, rugged boars from Champion Bloodlines, Welcome to look No obligation to buy Prices re as stable. 3 miles east Creighton, Highway 59 Shady lane Hampshire Farm. 32-35c FOR SALE: Pun bred spotted Po land china boars Vet vaccinated. Reasonable prices Martin Hoff man. Spencer, Nebr 25-32c TOR SALE Three year old Palo mino gelding. Bob Fritton, O’ Neill. 32p FOR SALE: Registered Hamp tmre boars Big, rugged, well grown -Alfred Hansen, Plain mew. Nebr. 12tfc Hampshire Boars For Sale For top quality boars at reasonable prices see us last. Walter Sojka and Sons Page, Nebr. 23tf 0 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapotis J16 50 a ton. American S20 50 a ton: white block 75c—Located 3 blks east, 4 blks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgar. Ph 164, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE Purebred and cross bred Chihauhau puppies—Ben Bnpin. Atkinsop 32-34c FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire meat-type boars. Reasonably priced. Henry Stelling and Son, 2 S. and V* W. erf Orchard, Ne braska. 29tf FOR SALE: 400 bushels new com Mrs. W J. Biglin, Phone 129. O'Neill. 32c FOR SALE: More fancy Cream cows. Shore's Guernseys, Hol steins. Swiss. Extra large fancy Some fresh with calves Rea sonable prices. Harold Shores. Nehgti. ph. TU 7-1060 TU 7 4850 25tf CITY LOANS —See R. H. Parker, O'Neill «tf USED CARS ■55 Mercury Monterey, plain "56 Plymouth, 4 dr. 55 Stude baker hardtop 1952 GMC \ ton pickup 1948 Chev 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. Plane 562 O'Neill. Nebr <hp» __ LAKE PATTON S BEN Franklin store your candy headquarters Always fresh. 27tfc RANCH LOANS —See R. H Park er, O'Neill 6tf MACHINERY” Hydraulic chain saw $150 IHC Rotary stalk cutter Loaders — All kinds Fairbanks sheller New IHC IOC hammermHl 6x8 combination pickup box Hesse roller mill Army half track with winch $500 50 Farmall H 47 Farmall H Farmall MD 40 Farmall H 53 Super C 47 Regular C John Deere 14 mill Used Elevators APPLIANCES— We trade for farm equipment on appliances Used freezer and refrigerators at low-low prices See us for New RCA Whirlpool SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’NEILL. NEBR. EHC — Gehi — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE: High quality April 1959 Hereford Bulla. Extra good back* Kieth A hart * O'Neill. Dercy A hart - Emmet 11 tf •EE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile h.>me« 25% a o w n , 5% int.; up to M mmth* to pay Ante or phone Cnntfett MoI-jt Co Nelign 30tl FARM LOANS—See R H Parker O'Neill. 6tJ Hi MACHINERY FACTORS J-D 620, like new J365 J-D Model 6b Model G J-D 1949 V? B J-D 40 B J-D !*> B J-D HC F20 12 A J-D USED CORN PICKERS— J-D 226 J-D 101 Woods Bros. G l. 2 row , M and M 2 row* ’armhand Lrv» ter e<<mpfete | Comfort tractor covers Harry R. Smith Imp. r’hone 562 ONetU MHO A 1 ! STOP ! ! DOST buv -‘YET" NEM' DELUXE 45' X 10' 53,595 ! ! Low 0\ erhead-Low Prices Many Other New and Used Internationai-Coleman Parts and Ser\ ice O'Neill vicinity contact Clarence Johnson Elms Motel—O'Neill MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion Nebr. EX 5-2175 Albion. Nebr EX 5-2170 CONTACT US TODAY 32tfc Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE--&M) acres farm for cash rent. 120 A. bottom land broke, balance very good hay and pasture. Will run 60 head cows easily Ample spring water piped throughout yards and buildings, water runs continu ously at two tanks with good drainage, no need for tank heat ers. If cattle man wishes to rent this unit I will seed farm ground to hay and pasture Full set of out buildings including 100’x32' cattle bam with water inside and modepi house. Harold Eller meieip Spencer, Nebr. 32-34pd35tf FOR SALE—Small modem home. Priced right to sell. See Ponton Agency, O'Neill. 29-31 c FOR SALE: Improved 80 acres 4 mi. from Clearwater on good gravel road, ltj mi. to highway 275. Ideal for semi-retired couple. Building in good repair, REA. natural gas. hot and cold water, bathroom. Mail route to door Immediate possession.— Leon Beckwith. Efmet. 32-34pd EXCELLENT RANChT and HAY LAND i 480 to 1840 acre spreads in the $60 price range. RUT'S REALTY R. S. Rutledge Box 563 Phone PArk 1-1421 Fremont >r ED THORTN tor appointment _L. 1 --- — FOR QUICK SALE ! Immediate Possession Near new 3 bedroom home in O'Neill. Good location! —ALSO 960 A ranch south of Atkinson. 320 A east of Atkinson. Dairy Queen at Atkinson, near swimming pool and park. OTHER GOOD LISTINGS COME AND SEE US ED THORIN PHONE 207 — O’NEILL 13tf DR SALE—Two bedroom all mo dern home close to school Call 553-J or 403 North First Street, j O’Neill. 27tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT: An All modern house 1 mile west of airport.—Call 7F23, O’Neill. 32c FOR RENT—Two bedroom home Kieth Abart, O'Neill. 22tfc j DR RENT--Apartment in Golden Hotel annex Furnished or un furnished. Call 35, O'Neill. 27tf FOR RENT: Newly decorated apt 4 rooms and bath - Bonnie M. Waldo. 636 E. Fremont. O'Neill I 32c j FOR RENT—Rooms Nigh». week or month Air conditioned, clean, good beds. Redecorated.—Hotel O'Neill Phone 364 New Man agement. 36pd. FOR RENT — Basement sleeping rooms for men. Close in. Call 574J. O’Neill. 29tf WANTED HELP WANTED: Want to make 1**0 or more in a day lor part or full time route work ’ Man iv woman. Write NcNESS Co , U0 E Clark St, Freeport. HI _3-1-32 pd WELL~DPJLUNG and weH and windmill re^-iir. — Write Box ate phone 553-J SPRAGUE U ELL OO . O Neill silks W 4 J4 blks N stoplight W A.M 1 ED: Serum pigs. Loading days, Monday Tuesday and rhursday each week Dwame Lockmon, Stuart. ph. 3741. tf WORK WANTED Guaranteed welding and mechanic work done East erf drive-m theatre.—Ver non Gorgen, O'Neill. 32tfe WE DON T WANT .ALL THE bus mess—Just yours Patton s Ben Franklin. O’Neill. tfc WANTED i DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctl Phi me 192-J Minnesota Woolen Company Bonded Representative Robert W. Young 609 East Adams 23tfc Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body ana Tender R. pairs and Palming Tla.s.v Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL - for Any Job 23rf I LOAN Money on farms and ranches and city property— Write to R. H. Parker, O'Neill. Nebr. _6tf WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farm supply busmess handling well known products. Small capital needed. Write box TH, c-o The Frontier. 5th EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill L. Guthmiller Half Block East at Texaco Station SPECIALIZING In all kinds at automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf LOST & FOUND STRAYED: One whiteface heifer calf, wt. 300 pounds—Marvin . Stauffer. Page Phone 3590 __ 32-33pd STRAYED from my pasture on Honey Creek north of O'Neill, 3 cows branded lazy S over lazy D on left hip, also 3 calves with brand lazy S over lazy D on left side. Please notify O. J. Drueke. O'Neill, phone 9F5.28tf MISCELLANEOUS CURTISS STUD SERVICE can build you a herd for less. Don’t leave your herd’s future to chance Breed to bulls from prov en families.—Duane Gray. Phone 470 O’Neill. 9t1 rS VOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Tborin. agt.. O’Neill. Nebr. 34tf ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL. NEBR — PH 269 CASH LOANS Signature — Auto — Furniture O’Neill Loan Co. TRGUL LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN 1 PHONE 207 O’NEILL NOTICES NOTICE To ail mv policyholders gf lost Home Mutual or Far mers Mutual Insurance Com panies please pick up your new 1960 calendar at Gillespie Ap pliance Store. L. G. Gillespie I AM BACK in my office again and I nave Eastern M ney and Priv ate Money to loan on Farm land. Ranch land, and City Homes. 11 you need money see or write — R H. Parker, O'Neill. Nebr 6tf SAVE UP TO fcM OR MORE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VIRGIL LA UR SEN O'Neill, Nebraska CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK aU my fnends and relatives for their car Is. let ters and prayers wtuie I was a patient in the hospital at Omaha They were deeply appreciated. Mrs. Elmer Trowbrdge. 32p i i WE WISH TO EXTEND our sin- ; I cere thanks to all our friends and i neighbors for their many deeds | of kindness shown by their help ! beautiful cards and floral pieces I and the memorial contributions j given in memory of our lie loved wife and mother. L G. Gillespie Bennett Gillespie and family Mrs. Eldon Wood and family 32c WE WISH TO TAKE this means of expressing our sincere gratitude for tne many cards, floral offer ings and the many kindnesses shown us also a speed thanks to all who brought food to the church or home during the illness and death of our kind and loving hus band and father. May God bless you all. ! The wife and children of Esnest H. Durre, sr, , I-Legal Notices-j First publication Nov. 19, 1959 , NOTICE OF j SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational I-anris and Funds of the State of Nebraska, or its authorized representative, j j will offer for lease at public auc I tion on the 7th day of December, i 1959. at 2:00 o'clock P.M., C.S.T., at the office of the County Treas urer of Holt County in O'Neill Ne braska, the following educational lands within said county: i DESCRIPTION SEC TWP. RGE Ail 36 31 15 Said sale may be adjourned from day to day until alA.,laruis have been offered. Np ale will be final until approved (py the j Board of Educational Thanes and Funds, and the Board- reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS AND FUNDS LINCOLN. NEBRASKA BY Elmer H. Mahlin, i SECRETARY 30-32c First pub. Nov. 26. 1959 NOTICE OF HEARINO OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4333 Kryger and Kryger, Attorneys COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CARRIE A. BARN-1 HARDT. DECEASED. THE STATE OF' NEBRASFLV TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance tatrs, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on December 16, 1959, at 10 o’clock, A. M. (COUNTY Louis W Reimer COURT County Judge SEAL) 31-33c • First pub. Dec. 3. 1959* NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4360 Julius D. Cronin, Attorney IN THE COUNTY COURT OF | HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 1. 1959. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GENEVIEVE HAN LEY. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim I ited for presenting claims against i said estate is March 24. 1960, and j for the payment of debts is De cember 1. I960 and that on Decem ber 24, 1959. and on March 25, | 1960. at 10 o'clock A M . each day. j I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed, i (COUNTY Louis W. Reimer COURT County Judge SEAL' 32-34c __ Up to 40% SAVINGS on CAR INSURANCE Call 116 or See Al Gaskill R. F. Gaskill Insurance Agency O’Neill, Nebr. - First publication Dec 5. 1969 LEGAL NOnCE In accordance with School Laws of Nebraska. Sec. 79-102. we are *equtred to make the following de scrib'd change m school district boundaries: To dissolve Dist No. 8. Wheeler County Nebraska, for elementary grade school purposes only. and anach the territory therein to School District No, 115. Holt i umy Neliraska. Schu>>I District No 8. Wheeler Countyt Nebraska consists of the following described temfory Sec. 1. 2. 3, S4 4. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. S^i 17. IS T 24N R 12; Sec. 4, 5. 6 7. • 9 16 17, 19, T 24 N., R. U, all in Wheeler County, Nebraska A hearing of said matter will be held tn the office of the County Superintendent of Wheeler County , Bartlett, Nebraska, on Tuesday, December 15, 1959, at 2:30 pm fh ’ purpose of the meeting it to determine the validity and suf ficiency of the petitions. MRS ALICE ZALLT) County Superintendent, Wheeler County ALICE FRENCH County Superintend on’. Holt County 32-33c Cardinals Are Tall But Lack Experience Coach Don Templemeyer. O’ Neill St. Mary’s, said this week that his 1959-60 basketball team forecast will be partly cloudy but will clear up towards the middle of the season. Only three lertermen are re turning from last year's squad which won 12 and lost 5 Inexper ience wall be the stumbling block for the tall squad and as the Card ifials will run into veteran stud ded O'Neill and Page early, Tem plemeyer feels that it will bo hard to improve on last year's record. The returning lettermen are Gale Stevens, Larry Mudloff and Ron nie Holdly with only Stevens and Mudloff holding any great edge in experience Both Bernard Kam phaus and Dick Cleary have had experience in reserve play', but many positions will be up for grabs. The roster tor me varmnais in cludes Cal Peters, Bernard Kam phaus. Jerry Gokie, Ronnie Holly. Jim Spiteenberger. Bill Hynes, Gale Stevens. Jim Shoemaker. Dick Cleary and Larry Mudloff. Six of the ten men are better than six feet tall. The Schedule; Home games — Dec. 11. Stuart; Dec. 22, Page; Jan. 8, St. Ludgers; Jan. 15, Butte; Jan 29, Spencer; Feb. 5, Niobrara; Jan. 18-22. Holt County tournament at O’Neill. Games away — Dec. 4. O'Neill; Dec. 18. Atkinson St. Joseph: Dec. 19. Norfolk Sacred Heart: Feb. 2, Spalding Academy; Feb. 19, Ains worth. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Weekend guests at the home of Miss Vina Wood were her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler of Lincoln. They also visited at the home of Mrs. Vera Anson. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood and Mrs. Florence Butler were dinner guests at the home of Miss Vina Wood Thanksgiving day. M. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder entertained at a family gathering on Thanksgiving day at their home. Present were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schroeder of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schroeder and family of Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coover and family of Meadow Grove Miss Gloria Schroeder, employed at Norfolk was uhable o be present Mr. and Mrs Jim Mlnarik and Larry were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Keith Carnes at Neligh Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serr and Gene Paras of Clearwater and Mrs: Ertrle Patras of Neligh. , Miss Karen Mlnarik was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Siems at Neligh Thanks giving day. Mr and Mrs. Francis Heumesser entertained at a family' party on Thanksgiving day. Guests were her parents. Mr. and Mrs Frank Noffke and family, Mrs. Pauline Noffke, all of Ewing. Miss Frances Noffke of Yankton, S. D.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Owens and Mr and Mrs. Stanley Raymond and fami ly of Norfolk Miss Frances Noffke of Sankton, S. D., spent the holiday weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke. Patty Regan is the latest victim tim of chicken pox. Several fami lies have been having a siege of it. PACKING HOUSE WORKERS With or without experience Minimum rate 2.16 *4 per hour Plus 2c allowance for each hour worked Hospitalization Life Insurance Sick Pay Paid vacation and holidays Write, phone or apply Employment office Omaha phone MA 4720 Wilson & Co., Inc. 27 and T Streets, Omaha, Nebr. 32-33 t - ■ Mr and Mrs John Schiffbauer of Norfolk spent Wednesday the rwme of Umr daughter ami ■ Hishand, Mr and Mrs William Hootis. Mrs i lobhs and James Michael came home from St. Anthony s hospital at 0 NeiU on Tuesday The annual haaaar of the Chri stam Mouu rs of St. Peters church, heid Wednesday. November 25, a> St Lummc s hall was well [>at runued and resulted in a goodly .mi -vait in proceeds for the day. Ihe activities began at 1100 am. and continued throughout the day to T;» pm All articles left were then sold at auction with Sam Regan as auctioneer Chairman of the various groups were Mrs. Jerry Tomjaek. needle work. Mrs Eddie Kaeair. baked goods. Mrs Wesiut Larson, country •lore: Mrs Iceland Fiaftey. poui try. Mrs John Miller, tishpond, Mrs. kloyd Ia*e. grab bag Mrs. Sam Regan, cards, Mrs Lester Bergstrom, kitchen Mrs Leonard ivnapp, dining room, Mrs. Lyle .vlitiets. waitresses; Mrs Joe Thoendel, dish washing; Mrs. iaura Spittler, chili; Mrs. Gad Boies. chicken nood»e soup, Mr. Arthur Kropp, ham salad; Mrs Joe Sturbaum. turkey sandwiches Mrs. Lju.s Sojka, sr , pies; M - c'rances uoUKTham candy; Mrs Robert Kreiziger, ice cream: Mrs Ralph Munn and Mrs. Rose Bauer, advertising; Mrs. Lamia Riii Kies, cashier Due to the activities cl die Christian Mother s the past week hi used cothing drive was post poned until the week of Novetn oer 30th Clothing may la* taken to St. Dominie s hall. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutton were gut st.s on Thanksgiv ing day at tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. E E. Cark at Inman. Kay Hutton celebrated her .L.U onnii prenrv ilti Sunday. In honor of the occasion her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T D. Hutton of Inman were dinner guests. Mrs. Grace Schmit left on Satur day for her home at Los Altos. Calif., alter spending about three weeks with relatives in Ewing. Roy Tuttle and family and his sister. Mrs. Grace Schmit of Los Altos. Calif., were dinner guests on I Thanksgiving day at the home of ■ Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd on Sunday were her parents. Mr and Mrs. George Tmmerman of Plainview and Mr and Mrs. Leslie Brokaw and fami ly of Norfolk. In he afternoon all went to O'Neill to visit Mr Cloyd who is a patient at St. Anthony s hospital. Mr and Mrs. Gary Tessmer and family spent the holiday weekend with relatives at Rosalie. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Roland Horde were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were hosts on Thanksgiving day for a one o’clock family dinner party. Guests were Mrs. Louise Beal, Mrs. Gertrude Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Barton and family, all of Orchard, Mrs. Leland Alexander and Sheila and Mr and Mrs. Wal ter Austin of Plainview. Mr. and Mrs Aubrey Wood were dinner guests on Sunday at the Waldo Davis’. Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Spahn and family of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs Richard Spittler and daughter returned to their home in Valentine Friday after spending the Thanksgiving holi day with his mother, Mrs. Laura Spittler and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak, Yf rc Rflv PunW and Shirlev and Mrs Laura Spittler were Norfolk shoppers on Saturday. They also were six o'clock dinner guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lao Spittler an dfamily Mrs. Laura Spittler. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartak. j Gene and Lyle, all of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spittler and daughter of Valentine were dinner guests on Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain en tertained the following guests on Thanksgiving day: her mother, Mrs. Harriet Welke and daughter, Miss Vaulda Welke of Newman Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and family and Mr and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser and fami ly of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and family spent Sunday at Kimball guests at the home of their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartos. A Christmas party will be one of the highlights of the American Legion Auriliary Unit 214, when they meet Thursday evening, December 10th at the Legion club There will be an exchange of gifts. A special invitation is ex tended to members and those eli gible for membership in the auxi | liary by the president, Mrs. R. H. Shain. Miss Vaulda Welka of Newman Grove spent the holiday weekend with her mother. Mrs. Harriet Welke and other relatives. a Mr and Mrs. Ed Hoag attended the funeral at John Cleveland held at Orchard on Saturdav afternoon Guests at the home at Mr ami Mrs Ed Hoag on Friday were her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs Howard Miller of North Platte ami Mrs Jessie Angus of Ewing, Mrs I\*ns Sanders received a telephone call from her son. Pat Sanders and family, who live in California, on Thanksgiving day j Mrs Jessie Angus was a guest i on Thanksgiv ing day at the home | of Mr ami Mrs Z H Fry Bob Knapp who spent the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Knapp, returned to Brookings, S D , on Momlav Mr and Mrs. Grover Shaw and daughter spent Thanksgiving day at the home of her mother. Mi's Clarence [Vwohoe at O'Neill. Mr ami Mrs Russel Napier of Sterling, Kan., arived in Ewing Wednesday to spend the holiday weekend at the parental homes of ,1 and Mrs Irvin Ooyd ami Mr and Mrs Wet,a Napier, 1 »iVerne Napier received a hand Uj.t.-y in n tom p ker while at work on Friday He w._» taken to the ’Antelope Memorial hospital ai Neligh. The bone* were broken in a part of the fingers and the flesh mashed He is the son of \ Mr and Mrs. Louis Napier of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. An !rew Olson were I Sunday dinner guests at the hi»me of tlieir waa ami wife. Mr and I Mrs Merwin Olson and family at Clearwater Other guests were Mr and Mrs. Oscar W:’son of Elgin On Thanksgiving day Mr. anti Mrs. Andrew Olson went to Creighton were they met other j members of the Strope family for a covered dish dinner held at the community hall The afternoon hours were spent visting There were 4k persons in attendance. Miss Virginia Clark of Kearney visited Saturday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and sons joined other members of her family on Thanksgiv ing day at the home of her isiter and brother-in law, Mr anil Mrs. Raymond Hox sie at Orchard. Mrs, John Steskal. sr ,, and her daughteNMaw, Mr* Gladys Stes kal ami children at l ynch ami Mrs Raymond lUxxsie ami two childmi of tkehard spent Fri day aftermxvn at the hi vine of Mr. ami Mrs. Kart W right Mr. ami Mrs Joe TOmjack had as their guests on Phanksgiv ing day Mr and Mrs Cbnnio Murhhy ami family of Stuart, Mr and Mrs. Albert Kalthott and family of O' Neill. Mr and Mrs Fkvyd Lee of Ewing ami Mr amt Mrs. Lester Hertey ami famth of Clearwater. Mr and Mrs Louts Sojka, sr., were guests at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr ami Mrs Uhus Sojka, jr , on Thanks gvtng day Mr ami Mrs Will Walter spent Thanksgiving day at Clearwater with their son and wife Mr ami Mrs. Aired Walter :uh1 family A family dinner parly followed by a social afternoon was held Thanksgiv ing day -il the annex of the I'ru ted Presbyterian church. Present were Mr and Mrs Webb Napier, Mr. and Mi's. Floyd Na pier. Mr and Mrs Glen HarpstW and sons Mr and Mrs John Na pier and f .unity. Mr. ami Mrs. la»r raine Montgofery and children. Dr. ami Mrs William H Ross, all of loving and Mr and Mrs. Rus sell Napier of Sterling, Kan, Saturday guests at the home of Mr ami Mrs Ray Butler wen1 Mrs Jay Ames of Neigh, who was accompanied by her daughter from Vancouver Wash,. Mr and Mrs Charles Wooten of Neligh and Mrs. Francis Gregor and children of Elgin Mr ami Mrs Ray Butler trans acted business in Norfolk on Fri day Mr. and Mrs Wayne Shrader were hosts for a family Ih .ink s giving day dinner at their home Thursday Guests were Mr and Mrs Willie Napier and Kenneth Hurtig of Orchard. Mr and Mrs. Maynard Morrow amt children of O’Neill, Mr ami Mi's Wilbur Ben nett. Miss Inn Rcnnett, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Shrader and family. Mr. amt Mrs. Louis Shrader and family, all of Ewing._ ROYAL THEATER FH. Sat. Dec. 4 5 “THE BAT” Starring Vincent Price Agnes Moorehead Sun.-Mon.Tuet. I>ee. S-7H Glenn Ford - Debbie Reynolds in “IT STARTED WITH A KISS” Gnemascope and Metrocolor Wed.Thun*. Dec. 9-40 Ernest Borgnine - David Brian in “THE R ABBIT TRAP" DANCE at Ash Grove Hall Saturday, December 5 MUSIC BY JIMMY HAUF and hi* Kin HIM VAIAJCY RANGERS ADMISSION: 50c j CHRISTMAS GIFTS GALORE j \ AT DEVOY'S REXALL DRUGI g For the finest in Christmas Gifts, shop at Devoy's Rexall Drug 5 Cosmetic Gifts bY Leading Manufacturers S Beautiful Gift Sets by Coty, Cara Nome. Revlon. Shulton, | Lentheric and others. | Gifts For Men: f Stag Toiletries — Leather Trip-o-Kits — Pipes — Lighter* Old Spice for Men from $1.00 — King s Men from $1.00 5 Revlon’s "Top Brass” for Men £ 9 : Gifts For Children: i9 i 2 For Baby: Silver Plated Feeding Sets — Rattles — Toys | J For Boys: Games — Toys 9 For Little Girls: Bubble Bath — Modem Miss Cosmetics Tweedie Cosmetics j 2 Gifts For Older Girls: y 2 Charm Bracelets — "Monney Mind-Her” Change Holders y ? General Gift Ideas: s 5 Cameras and Equipment — Barometers — Billfolds S Playing Cards — Timex Watches — Kem — Congress Household Thermometers — Humidiguides — Others V 5 Christmas Cards: Pick out your Christmas Cards NOW, while our stocks are still plentiful. Pick the cards you need from our huge selec | tion of designs and prices. See the many, many styles priced from 59c. We have a large number of special individual Christmas Cards for Sister, Brother, Teacher, etc. Pick out S your needs now. s I Christmas Wrapping: S Don't forget that very essential part of Christmas presents— the wrapping You’ll certainly find what you are looking for in our huge display of Christmas Wrappings, Seals, Tags, J y and Ribbon. j v 2 Remember, for truly fine Christmas Gifts, Come to Devoy's Rexall Drug ! PRESCRIPTIONS Although we are all set up for Christmas, our primary in- i g terest is still your health. We are here to help take care of your i g health needs and fill your prescriptions when you need them. \ y The next time your doctor gives you a prescription to be filled, J y take it to DEVOY REXALL DRUG to be filled by a PRESCRIP- ! g TION SPECIALIST. ! There is a Registered Pharmacist on duty at DEVOY \ y REXALL DRUG in the evening to take care of your prescription ' 2 needs. i y ! ! DEVOY REXALL Drug I Bob Devoy, Pharmacist 9 Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. \ »_ I