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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
The Frontier Picks 1959 All-Holt County Football Squad St. Mary's, O'Neill High Place Six and Five Each Ewing, Stuart Atkinson Are Represented There's just too much talent in the county! That's the way you fee! when you try to pick eleven of the best football players from the four eleven m/m football teams in Holi county. O’Neill St. Mary's with thm terrific size, and O'Neill high school, with their great speed, dominate the all-county football team, placing six and five men respectively on the team. Two men from Ewing end one each from Stuart and t ikinsor make up the 15 m/m squad Because of the fine backfield men in the county, especially on the two O'Neill teams, the Frontier has chosen an offensive and a defensive backfield. So here they are: Offensive backfield: Kill llynes, St. Mary's, jr.. 185 lbs. Jim Shoe maker, St Mary's, sr., 170 lbs Jerry Kllooln, O'Neill higl . soph l»»rr<i Kmier. O'Neill high, jr Defensive backfield: Gale Stevens, St. Mary's, sh., 181 lbs Larry Itotilln, O’Neill high jr. Tom Brewster, jr., Stuart high Roger Dobtaa. sr , Atkinson high. lane, from end to end: Fred Wright, end jr., 151 lbs, Ew high Tom flig^ns, St. Man 's, jr.. tackle, 210 lbs Dennis Toi illn-on, guard. O'Neill high, sr OaJ Pet< r**. St. Mary's, center, soph. 100 'bs. (Am Hahlbeek, guard, sr. Ewing high. 185 lbs Iterney hai inhuus, tackle, sr . St. Mary's, '.'0 lbs. Boh Eby, O N'dll high, en t, sr. And there it is. The Frontier feels that th -se 15 men would give any team in the state, regardless o Fc, a ’fsxi go. Tom EliKKins, tackle, 210 |mmiii«I j ui v f for St. .Mary’s, l’layed e. • !;Uly well on de fense hu m ys had that added push to open the holes. Bob Eby Pill 1, senior, O'Neill high. Was on the receiving end of man , when the chips were d wa. Eby kept many plays to the inside and was a good rusher on pass defense. ■Bill ■ III HI I ’MB?" -•' " ■ "Wf Larry Dunlin, back, junior, O'Neill high. Really tough. Lur ry was in on most tackles and plugged the holes swiftly. As a blocker, he is unsurpassed and paved the way for many long gains. Roger Dobias, hack, senior, Atkinson high. As quarterback of the Italers he le<1 his team through a rough season. He never gave up and his speed and heighth made him good de fensive safety. Bill ll> nes, back, lfW pound junior for St. Mary’s. Excellent blocker, could score from a dis tance, picked up Mi yards in <;o fries. Called the roughest de fensive man In Cardinal history. i lea Turn Brewster, back, junior, Stuart high. A shifty back with great speed, he quarterbacked the Stuart eleven. His speed qualifies him as a good defen sive safety man. ,:.V. . * JJ. .) Fred Wright, end, 151 pound junior for Ewing high. Although light, ho is very fast itnd stopped many plays behind the line of scrimmage. A good pass catch er, he worked well on a pass lateral play which Ewing used this year. ■L\Yk /A Leon liahlbeck. guard, 185 pound senior for Ewing high. Although llahlbeck did not play guard this season, he did play tackle and no Holt county team wouf\J be complete without him. The fact that he finished the season at fullback gives him the speed necessary in a good guard. Fine linebacker. Cal Feters, center. 200 pound sophomore for St. Mary's. Opened the middle on sneak plays and allowed the quarterback to average 8Vi yards per try. Was select'd as an honorable mention for all-state center. Bern) Kaniphaus. tackle, 200 |H>uiul senior for St. Mary ’s. Strong on both offense and defense and played middle defensive guard. Few teams could sneak on this man. V 11 Dennis Tomlinson, guard, sen- j ior, O’Neill high. Always seemed ! to he at the right place at the ! rigid time. Opponents swore that | he came up out of flu- ground to make some of the tackles. Jerry Kilcoin, back, sopho more. O’Neill high. Fast and shifty, this O’Neill high sopho more Is a must. '’’’"I Gale Stevens, back, 181 pound senior for St. Mary’s. Hard, shifty runner, and very good blocker. Played middle lineback er to perfection with an un canny sense In diagnosing plays. Lynch Lettermen Fill Every Position | LYNCH — Lynch high school ! has a cage letterman returning at every position. | The lettermen are Seniors— Lyle Rostad, 511, guard, and Lar ry Placek. 6-1. forward; juniors B. Schollmeyer, 6-1, center; A1 Brady, 5-8 guard, and Delynn Pickering, 5-8 forward. Leading prospects; Kenny Crooks, Lyle Stewart, Rudy C’as j ren. Larry Lanman, Dale Eiler, Rus Birmeier. Quentin Pickering and Dennis Darnell. Schedule Dec. 1, at Pick town, S. D.; 4, at Jim Shoemaker, buck, 170 pound senior for St. Mary's. Gained 916 yards rushing in 75 carries and scored 9 touchdowns from hack of the 50 yard line. Shoemaker scored 73 points for the season. Harold Ermer, back, junior, O’Neill high. Powerful runner, he smashed the line often for good gains. Capable of going in side or outside, he was always dangerous. Spencer; 11, at Verdigre; 15, at Niobrara; 18 at Butte. Jan. 11-12, Boyd County tourna ment at Naper; 15 at Naper; 19 Spencer; 26, Naper. Feb. 2, Page; 8 12, Niobrara Val ley Conference tournament at Nio brara; 19, Verdigre. One Letterman Returns for Orchard ORCHARD Coach Robert Car penter has only one letterman at Orchard high school. He is John Phifer, 5-11, senior forward. Loading prospects are: Rick Cowling, 5-10, sophomore center; Richard Bruce, 5 7, freshman guard; Mike Colter, 5-9, senior guard; Doug Mosel, 5-11, junior center, and Harold Elston, 5-9, junior guard. Dec. 1, alumni; 4, at Elgin; 8, at Page; 11, at Tilden; 15, Inman. Jan. 5-8, Sandhills-Gateway tour nament at Brunswick; 12, Ewing; 19, Meadow Grove; 22,, Center; 26. Royal. Feb. 2, at Brunswick; 5, Cham hers; 9, at Osmond; 12, Clear water; 16, Oakdale; 19, Atkinson St. Joseph's. Page Lacks Height; But Beats Elgin 52-32 Coach Ron Parks reports basket ball prospects for the Page Eagles ire fair as five lettermen return. The lettermen: Co-Captains Den nis Kemper, Dennis Cork and Ron ald Parks, seniors; juniors: Den nis Ickes, Fred Cronk, Norman Wettlaufer, Gene Harvey, Rodney Kennedy; sophomores: Jon Cork, Ronald Asher, Arnold Hall. Pat O’Brein, Lyle Frerichs, Harlan Saltz, Loren Boelter and Ben As her; freshman; Bruce Bowes. Coach Parks says “the height disadvantage of last year has improved somewhat, but the roster still shows only Fred Cronk at an even 6 ft." The schedule: Dec. 2, at Atkinson St. Joseps's; Dec. 4. at Ewing. Dec. 8, Orchard; Dec. 11, In man; Dec. 15, at Oakdale; Dec. 18. at Clearwater; Dec. 22, at O' Neill St. Mary’s; Jan. 4-8 Sand hills-Gateway Tourney at Bruns wick. Jan. 12, at Meadow Grove; Jan. 15, Chambers; Jan. 18-22, llolt County Tourney at O'Neill. Jan. 29. at Brunswick; Febr. 2. at Lynch; Febr. 5, Elgin; Febr. 12, at Stuart; Febr. 16 at St. Ludgers. Second team games start at 7 p.m. First team games at 8 p m. Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser and family of Sheldon, la., came Thursday to spend the weekend in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Mrs. Myra Fairbanks returned Tuesday from Syracuse, Kan., where she spent a month visiting in the home of her son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Boham and family. Mrs. Violet Sholes and son, j Ralph and granddaughter. Sue j Ellen, were Thanksgiving day j guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Dick Clark and family of O'Neill, j Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and j Becky of O'Neill were callers in, Inman on November'24. Mr. and Mrs. William McElvain ! and son, Greg of Omaha came Thursday to spend the remainder of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill and with relatives in O'Neill. Robert Ruther, jr., who attends college at Wayne, spent the lioli ilays visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther, sr. Roland Hansen, who attends the University of Nebraska, spent the Thanksgiving weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson were Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson and daughters at O' Neill. Paul Bittner and Mrs. Blanche M o s s m a n left Wednesday for Lincoln where they visited their sister, Mrs, Hazel McGrail. On Thursday they continued on to Lawrence, Kan., where they were guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gillahan and daughters. Paul returned to Inman on Sunday and Mrs. Mossman* remained in the Gillahan home for a longer visit. Miss Jane Cronk, who attends college at Laramie Wyo., came November 24, to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher and Mrs. Frances May and family over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett and son, Keith went to Madison on Wednesday evening to visit in the home of Mrs. Kivett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Penweli. They returned tr\ rhfiit' hnmo on Thursday even ing. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Vrooman of Orchard visited in the home of Mrs. Vrooman's Mother, Mrs. May Fraka on Friday evening. Merlin Luben and Dean of Oak spent a couple of days visiting Mr. Luben’s mother, Mrs. Charles Luben. They returned to Oak on Saturday accompanied by Mrs. May Fraka who will spend some time in the Luben home. Sam Watson, who attends Wes eyan University in Lincoln, came Tuesday to spend the holidays visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley of Ob’owa spent the weekend visit ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and family. Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and family of Redbird, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds and Mrs. Pearl Koskovich of Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. Swede Sedivy, Harlan and Dean of Bristow. Mrs. Jim Ferris and family of Atkinson spent Friday visiting in the Kenneth Kestenholtz home and with other' relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Colman and daughter, Nancy of Villa Park, 111., spent the weekend visiting Mr. Colman s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Colman and also 1 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. : George L. Colman. Miss Brenda Colman of Omaha ; spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. | Colman and family. Saturday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Colman and family were Mr. and Mrs. George P. Colman of Inman and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Col man and daughter, Nancy of Villa Park. 111. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crasser and sons of Neligh were Sunday after noon guests in the home of Mr. ind Mrs. David Morsbach. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and sons at Neligh. j Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and son, Sam went to Valentine Thurs day where they spent the holiday m the home of I>r. and Mrs, \V J. Slusher and sons Mr and Mrs, John Watson and family of O' Neill were additional guests Mr and Mrs. Bill Mors bach and family of Clearwater spent Sun day ui the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbaeh. Mrs Morsbach accom panied them to their home Sunday evening Thanksgiving 6 o'clock dinner guests m the home of Mr and Mr>. Albert Anthony and family were Mr, and Mrs. Otto Matschullat and Mr. and Mrs. Dalt Matschul lat and family, all of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Matschullat and family of Chicago, 111. Guests for Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Mr and Mrs. Bill Butterfield and family' were Mr and Mrs Lawrence Stevens and family of Norfolk, Mr and Mrs Eldon Stevens and family of Wis ner and Mr. and Mrs. David An son of Ewing. Supper guests in the Butterfield home were Mr. and Mrs. DeWayne Stevens and fami ly of Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss and daughters were Thanksgiving din ner guests of Mrs. Lulu Crandull at O'NeiU Miss Shirley Luben of Devils Lake, N. D., came Wednesday to visit in the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Luben. Mrs. Charles Luben and daugh ter, Shirley were Thanksgiving din ner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark at O'Neill. Robert Reimers of Cedar Rapids, la., spent a couple of days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reimers last week. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Reimers took him to Sioux City where he took a plane for Cedar Rapids. On Monday Ro bert left for San Deigo, Calif., to begin his Marine corps training. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman nd family of Tekamah spent Uie week end in the home of Mrs. Moss man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst. Mrs. Charles Luben and daugh ter, Shirley visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Boies and family at Ewing on Sunday. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Engelhaupt were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Belik and family of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peters and Lar ry, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sanders and Tommy and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sanders and Tina, all of In man. An afternoon guest was Mrs. Minnie Sanders of O'Neill. Mrs. Helen Gilligan of Sioux City, la. is visiting in the home of Joe and Bea Gallagher and Mayme Harte. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher and Mrs. Frances May and family were Mrs. Jessie Cronk and Mrs. Emma Kemper of Page, Miss Jane Cronk of Lar amie. Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. George Winkler and family and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ilainik and family of O' Neill, Mrs Helen Gilligan of Skhi\ City, la ami Mrs. May me Harte and Bea ami Joe Gallagher of Inman. Mrs. Kenneth Coventry ami son. Bob ami Mrs Leo Harte and daughter, I\>nna spent Ffiday m Norfolk. Mr and Mrs. James Coventry and Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Coven try were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs Louis Vitt of O'Neill. Mrs Mary Tomlinson and son, Larry, and Jim Byrd of Lincoln were Friday ev ening dinner guests in the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill. Other guests Friday evening in the Cov entry home were Mr. and Mrs i Bill McElvain and Greg, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Coventry and Bob, Mrs James McMahan and Mr ami Mrs. John Mattson, Thanksgiving dav guests in the home of Mr and Sirs Leo Harte and family were Charles Scholl* meyer and Bill and Bob Coven try. Ned and Neal Kelley, Clark Gaughenhaugh. Dick Coventry and Harold Solxitka, who attend col lege in Norfolk, spent the holidays here with their parents. Delmont Heck, who is stationed at Offutt Air Base at Omaha, v is ited in the Kenneth Kestenholtz home last week. Mrs. Kenneth Coventry enter tained at a card party Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Coventry's birthday Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Iwiiis Vitl of O'Neill and Mi ami Mrs. James Coventry and Mike and Iwri Hartigan. Mike and Iwri Hartigan of I,e\ ington are spending this week visiting their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. James Coventry. O'Neill Locals I *ast Monday evening supper guests at the Edwin Paulson home were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tyson and Stevie, Chadron. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Breckner Norfolk, were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I wo Schneider. Thanksgiving guests at the Andy Ramold home included a group of 65 relatives. A jxit luck dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins left Tuesday to visit their son, Mr. and Mrs. John Parkins and fam ily, Omaha, until the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, jr. spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gra[>e, St. Edward. Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Frevert and Tom, West Union, la., visited in the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Champion and family from Wed nesday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Petsehe were Thanksgiving guests at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Krugman. Also guests were Mr. and Mrs Wayne Pollock. Ewing ami Mrs Jane Judge. Gene Schneider. Wayne, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lav Schneider. Weekend guests at the Louis Reimer, sr home were their daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. R. G. Nelson, Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Ihvayne Philhriok attended a family Thanksgiving gathering at the Livvivnee lof quest home near Stuart With them we iv Mrs Lottie Lofquest and Vina Munson. Mr and Mrs Verne Reynoldson were Thanksgiv ing day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Greene, Albion. Elizabeth Schaffer, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. 1), C Schaffer, was home from Sidney from Wednes day until Sunday. Miss Maude House and Mrs. Edith Young were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mrs. Young's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Summerer. CORKLE BROS HEREFORD AUCTION will I'e held at the Norfolk Livestock Company pavilion Norfolk, Nebraska Wednesday, December 16 Sale at 1 :00 p,m. 6Q CHOICE BULLS Rugged coming two year old hulls sired by CK CRCSTY SI I'llKMK II CK CITAIIKK 22nd FAIRWAY ASTI It .1st liCIIPSK 35 th Tit ZATO IIKIR 175 < 'll ZATO IIKlIt Bulls with weight for age - good gaining ability - Average daily gain since Maj of 2.3 Ihs. per day. The right kind for Ranchmen, Farmers and Breeders. For catalog address Corkle Bros. Tllilen, Nebraska COMPANY COMING... STOCK UP ON COKE! REG. U S PAT. OFF. msmmm i m m imans m i mmmmm Hu Hiiiin iiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiii HBiiiynbimMiiyiiyjy iiiim^i i n Him iiiuiii h i iiiiiiiiiimiiiimiih iiiii h ii h »111 m mi h i i iimuiiiiiiiiiiii 11 CORtRiOmtO !*•*. TMC COCA-COO COMRANV, COCA-COO ANC com AM MO'ITCMO TRAOCMARKt BE REALLY REFRESHED ! There's a friendly fire and warm hospitality waiting at home ... and people waiting for Coca-Cola! Coke ... with that cold crisp taste that’s bright and bracing as the winter air. Ride through the Holidays refreshed and relaxed ... welcome your friends with the real refreshment... plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola! REGULAR Bottled under authority of The Coca Cota Company by Bottled by Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Long Pine, Nebr.