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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1959)
Hospital Notes LI N|)BI-Ki. MEMORIAL 4 n uhlmi Admitted: No\ 21-28 Diane Son-nser of Creighton, Dale Jundt of Creighton, Edward Smith at Creighton Dismissed: Mrs Erm«t Sage of Niobrara; Mrs. Orvai Knutson and daughter at Niobrara; Jake Effle of Creighton who was transferred to a Sums City hospital; Mrs WU liarn C Kruse and son of Winne toon. Inane Sorensen eg Creighton; loir Jundt of Creighton ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: Nos 23 Ijonnie De Weese <>! Bassett, Benny De Weese of Bassett; Mrs Wilmer McCon nell of Atkinson; Mrs Vernon Sehleu»i*ner of Orchard.1 24 Mrs I lap. ey Allshouse of Stuart Mrs. Alton Huffman of Stuart: Mrs Owen Davidson of O'Neill; Mrs. John Kramer of Stuart, 25- Mrs. Charles Ohde of Atkinson; Mrs. Arthur Olherding of Stuart 2& Mrs Bay Elsbury of Atkinson; Mis Albert Dennis of O'Neill. 27— Vernon Morlang of O'Neill; Rich Morlang of O'Neill; Mrs Walter Bales of lying Pine; Jerry 0 Otrinell of Atkinson. 28 Janeth Meyers of Rose; Bonnie Osborne of Atkins*>n Mrs. Raymond Wilcox of Newport; Mrs Edward Ries of Atkinson. 29 Delbert Dennis of O'Neill Dismissed. Nov: 2.3 John Cleve land of Orchard; Lynn Shan I of 1 /mg Pine; Mrs Roy Carr of At kinson, Mrs. Wilmer McConnell of Atkinson 24 Jake Braun of At kinson; Beverly De Weese of Bas sett; Benny De Weese of Bassett. 25 Harold Klinger of Atkinson; Mrs Feme Livingston of Atkinson; .Mrs. Wayne Putnam of Bassett; Mrs William Neweombe of I>>ng Pine; Mrs John Kramer of Stuart 28 Mrs. Harvey Allshouse of Hotel Golden, O'Neill Thur Dec. 10-9 a m. to 12:30 p m. If you can hear but don't under stand, Sonofone would like to help you. Whether you wear a hearing aid or not, let us give you a free audiometric hearing analysis. LEARN ABOUT OUR NEW HEARING AIDS • 6-Transistor Models • "3 Magic Step" Models • Eyeglass Models • AII-at-the-Ear Models • Easy Listening with AVC Our new models are the smallest, lightest, most convenient hearing aids possible through scientific research. Let us help you relax and enjoy good hearing again. SONOTONE* THE TRUSTED NAME IN BETTER HEARING FOR 30 YEARS 618 Kilpatrick Bldg., Omaha Stuart, Henry CJaussen of Atkin son, Richard Morlang t>f O Neill; Vernon Morlang of O’Neill; Mrs. Herman McDaniels of Atkinson; Mrs. Albert Dennis of O’Neili, Irvin Chnstan oi Newport; Jerry O Connell of Atkinson 28 Mrs Tliomas Doolittle of Amelia; Miss Bonnie Osborn of Atkinson, J aneth Meyers of Rose SACKED HEART HOSPITAL Lynch Present; Dec. 1- Wally Blair of Spencer, William BUtzkie of j Spencer; Mrs. Bertha Bright of i Butte; Mrs Mary Classen ol Spen- J eer Alien Creekmur ol Bine steel, I S. D. ; Mrs. George Creekmur of | Spencer; Dr. G. B. Ira of Lynch; 1 Master Douglas Martin of Naper,' Baby Y mar a Muller of Lynch; i Erick Oh man of Anoka; Matt Schmitz of Naper; Mrs. William j Schultz of Naper. Dismissals: Nov. 24 Master Al len Dix of Butte; Homer Bhtzkie ; of Spencer. 25--Mrs Lyle Wells of Lynch; Mrs. Merle Seiler of Lynch, A.uert Stoitenberg of Naper, Ed mond R ode of Lynch; Mrs. Mart ha TLogic of Butte. 28 - Baby David William Wells of Lynch; Reinhold Fuhrer of Naper; Master Doran Raymond of Bonesteel. Expired; Nov. 28—John Sten wall of Sneneer. __ ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL O’Neill Admitted: Nov. 24- Mrs. Russell Yusten, Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick, Rose Ann Templemeyer, all of O'Neill; John G. Cleveland. 25 Mrs. Robert Bean, Mrs, Ramon W. Shellhammer, Mrs- William Hanley, all of O’Neill; William Stracke of Stuart; Debra Lynn Latzel of Emmett. 26 Mrs. LeRoy Lyons, Patricia Poese, Carolyn Horner, Mary Jean Horner, Mrs. Leo Farran, all of O'Neill; Walter Kaup of Stuart. 27 J. D. Osen baugh, Pamela Hornby, Melanie Hornby, Timothy McManus, all of O'Neill; Mrs. Richard Seymour of Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Martin T. Pofahl of Ewing. 28 Mrs. Ed ward Gleeson, Mrs. E. W. Kramer, tx>th of O’Neil 29 Mrs. Homer Davis, Mrs. L. R. Sutcliff, Mrs. | Alfred Sanders, all of O’Neill; Irvin Cloyd of Ewing; Mrs. Clay ton Johnson of Verdigre. 30 Levi Hull of O'Neill; Mrs. E. H. Wenke of Spencer. Dec. 1 Rhonda Quick of Butte. 2 Orville Sindelar j of O'Neill. Dismissed: Nov. 24 Ed. Crow ley, Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, Arnie Mace, jr., all of O'Neill; Mrs. Win Hobbs and baby boy of Ewing; Mrs. Clifford Hahllieck of Ewing. 25 Mrs. Robert Miles and baby boy, Karen Brooks, both of O' Neill. 26 Rose Ann Templemeyer of O’Neill. 27—Mrs. Russell Yus ten of O'Neill; Mrs. Arthur Svobo da and baby girl of Butte; Wil liam Stracke of Stoart. 28- Me lanie Hornby, Pamela Hornby, Mrs. Arnott Boxton and baby girl, Patricia Poese, Mary Jean Hor ner, Carolyn Horner, Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick and baby girl, all of O'Neill; Mrs. Richard Seymour of Cedar Rapids. 29^ Mrs. Robert Bean and baby girl, Mrs. E. W. Kramer, both of O’Neill; Debra Lynn Latzel of Emmet; Mrs. Mar tin Pofahl of Ewng 30—Mrs. Ra mon Shelhamer and baby girl, both of Ewing.30—Mrs. Ramon Shel-1 lhammer and baby boy, Mrs. Le- J —-—-- I Ray Lyons and baby girl, both of O'Neill, Mrs. Charles Young, of Inman; Irvin Cloyd of Ewing | l1 Mrs Dora Rosno of O'-; Neill; Walter Kaup of Stuart. 2— | Mrs Leo Karran of O’Neill Expired Nov 25 John Oeve-j land of Orchard O'Neill Locals Mr and Mrs Lawrence Haynes were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Robert Missen and family of Page, Viola Haynes of Hastings called! at the Law rence Haynes home Fri day morning, Mrs. Minnie Higgins attended the ) 5oth wedding anniversary of Mr. ■ ^ and Mrs Charles Thies of Minden la. Mrs Elmer Reddick of Wood Lake spent the Thanksgiving weekend with her sister, Mrs Mark Howard 1 Hiring her visit thev called on their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Soukup Mr and Mrs. Herman Janzng were Sunday dinner guests of her sister. Mr and Mrs. George Shald ' at Stuart Mr and Mrs Allan Jaszkowaak spent Thanksgiving at the Joe 1 Brewster home at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs Allan Jas/kowak took their daughter. Nyla to Xaner, Kan.. Sunday She is at tending St Mary's college there. Mr. and Mrs Bruce Johnson spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and i Mrs Clayton Johnson of Verdi- . grv Mr and Mrs Virgil Laursen ! spent Thanksgiv ;rw with Iter sister, Mr and Mrs, M auric* Carr at AHeti. Mi's. Fannie Ernst called on her j sister, Mrs Emma L a u r e n c e Saturday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Harukl Hubert and family of Wichita, Kan, ami Mr and Mrs Clyxic Streeter were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs Clyde McKenzie. Mr and Mrs. Harold Hubert 1 \1sited from Wednesday until Sun day with their parents, Mr and Mrs Clyde Streeter and Mrs Edna Hubert and other relatives t and friends. Mr and Mrs. Dean Streeter visited from Thursday until Sun day m Lincoln with Mr and Mis Bernard Matthews and Mr. and Mrs Gene Streeter, Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Marion Woidneek home were Mr. and Mrs Paul Woidneek and Mrs Rosa Bowers. Mr and Mrs I gin Pollock and family of Neligh and Mrs Anna Pollock or ENving called at the home of Mr ami Mi s Donald Kol lner Sunday. Mr and Mrs Fora Knight re cently returned from Colorado where they visited Mr. and Mrs i lien Knight at Weldona and Mr. and Mrs Freeman Knight at Julcs burg. Mrs Mabel Shobe and daughter, Marjorie of Page called at the William Kraft home Tuesday noon. Abbie Hanely was a Sunday ditv j ner guest of Mr and Mrs. Wil- | bam Kraft. • I Mr ami Mrs Ike Van Every and boys, Jim ami Billy of Perry, la , left Sunday after spending the Thanksgp ing weekend with Mr j ami Mrs, H G. Kruse and Mr ami Mrs. George Van Every ami other relatives. Mr and Mrs John Laska spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her j parents Mr and Mrs Units Novak at Fullerton. They also visited Mr Iaiska’s barents, Mr and Mrs ' Stanley Laska at Silver Creek Visitors at the home of Mrs ; Rosa Bowers on Friday were Mr. ami Mrs. Bernard Bowers of Win side and Mr and Mrs Clarence Powers iM Norfolk Paul /ask a. wh# attends Creigh ton University in Omaha, spent The Thamksgivhm vacation with his parents. Mr and Mrs Joe Zi&ka of fcjnmet Mr. and Mis Jerry Carlson and s»>n Mike ot Auburn were also guests for the holiday. Mr and Mrs. Man on Wmdnock and Mis Rosa Powers attended the funeral of Mrs Pessie Sedivv 111 Verdlgre cm Monday Mrs. Sedi v-y was an ailnt of Mrs Powers Mr, anvt Mrs. R W Whitcomb of Rrhenna and Mrs- Virgil Welsh and Jean of St Paul were Thanks giving guests of the Whitcomb's daughter Mr and Mrs. Fred Junes. FARM SALE As we have decided to discontinue farm ing, we will sell at public auction the following described personal property at the place located 1 mile east and 1 mile south of Brunswick, Nebr., or 8 miles west and 2 miles south of Plainview, on— Thursday; Dec. 10th Sale starts at 12:30 I 30 Head of Registered i i ABERDEEN-ANGUS . i These animals are choice quality. 15 cows and heifers. 11 with calves at side. The balance bred to calve in the spring. Some of the breed ing on these Angus includes Eileen Mere, Bar dalier and Bardolier. 1 coming three-year-old herd sire — Northeast Nebraska reserve grand champ. 2 long yearling bulls serviceable age. A complete line of like new farm machinery including a 1955 John Deere "50" and a 1957 620 John Deere. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Patras Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Patras ■ ■■■■■■ 1 ■ — I FRESH CRISP CELERY Jumbo stalk 10c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 2 lbs 29c JERSEY - KILN DRIED YAMS Lb. !Qc NEBRASKA RED ft POTATOES l 100-lb. bag $2^9 j 10-lb. bag 39c # Iff Boston Butt ( PORK j ROAST I Lb. 35c whole I ^ PORK LOIN I PORK STEAK Now is the time to fill No charge for slicing 1 Lb. 39c your freezer with pork Lh. 39c C Buy it by the Piece Meaty Center Out f No charge for slicing NO LIMITS Pork Chop. 59c J OUTLAW'S BEST - NONE FINER MADE ANYWHERE * READY-TO-EAT PICNIC (PORK SAUSAGE ~ 39c j HAM r 35c M LEAN MEATY FRESH ECONOMICAL FRESH MORRELL'S ALL MEAT CRESCENT SIJCEI) I SPARE RIBS PORK LIVER PORK HEARTS WIENERS BACON I 3 lbs. $£00 ^ lbs. $£00 4 lbs. $£00 pkg. g0c $£00 w m m HEINZ TOMATO SOUP ... .Reg. can |Qc HEINZ VEGETABLE SOUP . Reg. can jjc HEINZ MI-CHOICE VELVEETA WILDERNESS rATCiio SALAD CHEESE CHERRY or LEMON J CATSUP DRESSING 2 b. box 79c PIE MIX I 2 14-oz. bottles 45e I Quart jar 39c I Purity Brand P/a-lb. box 49c | 4 N°’ 2 CC,I1S $loo j — Honeymoon Brand No. 2 Vi can Good Brand Cut 2 303 cans S and W Brand 28-oz. Jar Bakers „ , _ O'OI. pKf, PUMPKIN .19c GREEN BEANS ..29c MINCEMEAT ....59c CARAMEL CHIPS 19c Aunt Janes Kosher Style 3 28-oz. jars I.ushus French Style 3 303 cans Alma Brand 2 300 cans Ken-I.-itutlon 6 r DILL PICKLES . .$1.00 GREEN BEANS . .69c SPAGHETTI.39c DOG FOOD ..'...89c Welsh Choc. Covered 12-oz. box Cudahy’s 12-oz. can Alma Brand 2 No. 2Vi cans Rosedaie Oeam .. ,u.„ * f 'ii flM CHERRIES .49c TANG .49c SWEET POTATOES 39c CORN .29c Assorted 5c 10 for Quart Size Can Kraft 2 boxes II and G Frozen ,(M) ^ CANDY BARS . . .39c SIMONIZ.79c_DINNER .33c WHITING $1.39 V DAVID HARUM _ |