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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1959)
|--Legal Notices— I First pub. Aug. 13, 1959 Ordinance No. 185 AN ORIMNAN'CE OF TIIE V1IJ. A(.E OF EWINO, HOLT COUN TY, NEBRASKA, keui LATINO THE (TINSTRI CTION, USE MAINTENANCE AND OPERA TION OF PRIVIES, CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS BE IT ORDAINED by the Chair man and Board of Trustees of the Village of Ewing, Nebraska: Section 1: That no person shall construct, erect, any privy, out house, cesspool or septic tank for the reception of sewage or waste from a drain from any building, or otherwise, in the Village of Ewing, when the city sewer sys tem is available to the premises on which said privy, cesspool, out house, or septic tank is located. The city sewer system shall be considered available for the pur poses of this section when said system abuts the premises on which said privy, outhouse, cess pool or septic tank is located or serve*, or when connection can lie had to said city sewer system by the running of pipes or drains from said premises through pub lic streets and alleys a distance of not more than 300 feet from any point on the boundary line of the premises to be served. Section 2: Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction thereof be ordered to pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, and each day that said violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense and violation of this ord inance. Section 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed and approved this 4th day of August 1959. WILLIS ROCKEY, Chairman Board of Trustees. ATTEST: EUGENE W. ZIMMERMAN, Village Clerk. 16-18c First pub. Aug. 13, 1959 Ordinance No. 1H4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE VTLL AGE OP EWING, HOI.T COUN TY, NEBRASKA, REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOMESTIC AND OTHER ANIMALS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE FOLLOW 1NG BOUNDARIES OF SAID! YILIAGE OF EWING TO WIT: NORTHEAST OF U.S. HIGHWAY 275, THENCE SOUTH OF NORTH STREET TO THE U. S. HIGHWAY 275, THENCE EAST OF EIJVl STREET, THENCE ! NORTH OF A UNE RUNNING EAST AND WEST OF THE SOUTH EDGE OF BLOCKS 19, 20 AND 28 THENCE WEST OF EAST STREET ALL WITHIN THE VLUAGE OF EWING. BE IT ORDAINED by the Chair man and Board of Trustees of the Village of Ewing, Nebraska. Section 1: That no person, whether as owner, bailees, keep-! er or custodian, shall keep or j maintain any horse, mule, cow, j sheep, goat, swine, or any other ! animal within this prescribed area mentioned above. Section 2: Any person violating any of the provisions of this ord inance shall be fined in any amount not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each such offense. [ Section 3: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval [ and publication as required by law. i Passed and approved this 4th day of August 1959. WILLIS ROCKEY, Chairman Board of Trustees. ATTEST: EUGENE W. ZIMMERMAN, Village Clerk. Paul Shierk ! INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds I he O’Neill National tiuard unit eating at the bivouac area at Camp Ripley. From left, the men are M-Sgt. Ed Sehmuerker of Atkinson, l'FC Meuert of Brunswick, PFC Vrooman of Orchard, Sgt. Herman Meyer of Atkinson and at the righ\ SP-4 Buhlman of Bartlett. Ewing News Hutton's Report Tremor In Montana Earthquake By Mrs. Harold Harris Coach and Mrs. Thomas Hutton and family returned home Monday from Glacier Park where they have spent the summer vaction They report having felt a slight tremor of the Montana earthquake of last week. Mrs. Bertha Urban returned home Friday from Long Beach, Calif. While here she attended a convention of the American Asso ciation in Massage. The two week vacation included many sightseeing tours. On her return trip she vis ited her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Walter and family and also her son and wife, Mr and Mrs. E. E. Uban jr. at Grand Island. Relatives and friends have recei ved word of the marriage of Miss Myrtle Urban and Joe Wilkening at Seattle, Wash., August 10, where they now make their home at 5908 Bacon Ave. Mrs. Wilkening is well known in Ewing. She chose nurs ing as her profession and has ser ved as a medical missionary from the United Presbyterian church and also served a time as a nurse in the U. S. Army. At present she is employed at a Seattle hospital as a private duty nurse. Mrs. Bernice Harlan of Tilden .vas a recent weekend guest at the iome of her mother, Mrs. Caro ine Sanders, and other relatives n Ewing. Watson McDonald, who has been in the sick list for the past week, is now improved. Miss Sharon Hobbs returned iome Thursday from Norfolk where she had been a guest at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer. Mr. Floyd Butterfield of Ewing attended a business meeting ot the Wayne Feed Company at Om aha on Friday and Saturday. He was accompanied to Omaha by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad who were guests at the home of their sons and wives, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Schrad and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Schrad. Thursday dinner and evening guests at the Floyd Butterfield some were her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts, and her grand father, Clyde Nielsen, all of At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Max Angus and son, Randy, of Lincoln, came Sun day to visit a few’ days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus and daughter, also of Lincoln, are spending their vacation at the parental homes of Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Olson of Sioux City, who spent the week end at the H. R. Harris home, returned home on Monday. They plan to leave Tuesday on a va ; cation trip to Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield and Sharon Johnston attended the rodeo at the Holt county fair held at Chambers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris and daughter, Bertha, returned home Tuesday from Fremont where they were guests at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris and fam j ily, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman went to Norfolk on Monday where they saw his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman of Bat tle Creek who will leave on a plane headed for a two months vacation in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Glorso of Chicago were guests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Van Conet and family. They were enroute to Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tessmer and two sons of Wayne arrived in Ewing and will make their home in the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich Thomp son. Mr. Tessmer will teach com mercial subjects in the Ewing high school and Mrs. Tessmer will teach the Thoendel school district 227 southwest of Ewnig, beginning August 31. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Conet and children were entertained at dinner on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk. Mrs. Martin Van Conet and Mrs. Wayne Elliot will begin their term of school in district number 46, known as St. John's, south of Ew ing on August 31. The congregational picnic of the United Presbyterian church was held at the Riverside park in Ne ligh Saturday. A good crowd at tended. After the dinner, the chil dren enjoyed the many amuse ments in the park, while the men played horseshoes and the ladies visited. Guests on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vermilyea, all of Sioux City, and Mrs. Ger trude Davis of Orchard. BIG CAPACITY...GREAT PERFORMANCE! Deluxe WESTINGHOUSE FREEZER I TILT-DOWN RACKS... REMOVABLE ' with new AIR-SWEEP SHELVES GIVES QUICKER, MORE ECONOMICAL FREEZING I Designed to give better cold* 1 air circulation—lets you quick freeze In any compartment.,* designed to packages won'! stick to shelves. ^ MORE CONVENIENCES! • 4 adjustable door shelves .,** 3 Tilt-down Rack, . . . handf Roll-Out Bosket f e Built-In Tumbler lock TOP QUALITY CONSTRUCTION!' e Alt-new illtnt mechonfese e Porcelu*® exterior . , , celain Interior J e Clean "yeori-ohead- etyffef —«v*n th, hingn orwf'f M poi«d ./ 3-YEAR WARRANTY A food ipoilogo of •• coif Mod«i um-14 Only $3.25 per week *MJ<AN •• SURE...if irWestln^house Other upright and cheat -yri, freezer models available! •MtM 'WMIIMMOUM CUCUVC cttl *•”*' • ‘ c“ * 00 Your Local Office Of Consumers Public Power District PHONE 80 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and children were dinner guests at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud on Sunday. Mrs. George Latzel, who was a patient at St. Anthony's hospital in O'Neill, came home Sunday. She entered the hospital on Thurs j day. Mrs. Russell Btedenkamr retur ned to her home at York on Sat urday after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker. Mrs. Everett Ruby took her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gene Ruby and children, to their home in Sioux City on Thursday. They had been guests of relatives the past week in Ewing and vicinity. The Misses Hazel Ruby and El sie Chase, Mrs. Florence Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker attended the ice cream social sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian Service at Clearwater on Saturday. Mary Sharon, Monica. Patty and Mike Munn and Kay Bergstrom will complete their swimming les sons at the Neligh pool this week. Vvilham I-arson of Oklahoma City visited Tuesday and Wednes day at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson. He came from Sioux City where he had visited other relatives. Allien 1-arson celebrated his 80th birthday on Saturday. In hon or of the occasion a family gath ering was held at his home on Sunday. A picnic dinner was ser ved. Mrs Don Larson baked and decorated the birthday cake. Mr. I-arson was also presented a cash gift. His granddaughter, Lin da Larson, who had a birthday on Friday, was also honored. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Starr and Elizabeth of West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl of Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. Henry j Reimer, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson ind Linda, all of Ewing. Their daughter. Mi's. Carl Christon, who was not able to tie present, called, j Letters of congratulation were re- [ ceived from his son, Leonard, and wife in Alaska. Mr. Larson, who retired from | (he farm several years ago, con-i tinues to keep busy about his home caring for his garden and lawn, lie is also janitor at the First Methodist church, which he attends regularly. He often lends a hand to a neighbor in need. Since retiring, he and Mrs. Lar son have spent some time in Calif ornia, Texas and Colorado. Mrs. Blanche Sisson and her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Adrian and family of Wichita, Kan., returned home Fri day after visiting at the home of Mrs. Sisson's mother, Mrs. Han nah Tuttle and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain and f nilv enjoyed a vacation the past ten ;1ijj vis'ung relatives and friend; at various cities in Ne braska and Concordia, Kan. Both are employed at the Ewing Co Operative Creamery. Mrs. Harriet Welke accompan ied her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Schmiser, to the Holt county fair on Thursday. Others in attendance from Ewing were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bergstrom and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harriet and Bertha. Mr and Mrs James Mlnarik. Karen and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and children all (<f Ewing and Gene Simms of Clearwater were guests on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Don Mackel of Elgin. Peggy Schroeder celebrated her fifth birthday on Tuesday. In hon or of the occasion, her grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs James Mlnar ik and family, were guests for a picnic supper on the lawn, Mrs. Schroeder made and decorated the candle light birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Miss Ina Bennett, of Ewing, Mrs. Flora Young and Wilmer. James Bennett of Orchard and Jackie j and Bruce Morrow of O'Neill. COMPIJETES cm USE IN A(XX)INTIN(i NAPER Marine Capt. Wayne C. Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. I .ester Anderson of Naper and husband of the former Miss Neita i Sc hock of Naper, stationed at Ma rine Corps Air Facility, Santa Ana. Calif., completed a course in Introduction to Accounting I. July 27th through the Armed Forces Institute at Madison, Wis. I.MK1.N ON ONE WEEK BOKOEK OETY IN GERMANY LYNCH Army Specialist Five James T. Lueken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Lueken, Route 2, Lynch completed a one-week tour of border patrol duty on August 3 with the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Germany. The primary mission of the regiment is the constant surveil lance of NATO's Fulda Gap, a 100-mile segment of the Iron Cur tain which serves as the gateway to Berlin. Lueken, a mechanic in Company A of the regiment’s 1st Battalion in Fulda, entered the Army in January 1957 and arrived in Europe the following April. The 20-year-old soldier is a 1955 graduate of Lynch high school. S. S. REPRESENTATIVE HERE SEPTEMBER 2 A representative of the Norfolk social security office will be in: The Assembly Room, Basement of the Court House in O'Neill, Nebr. from 9:30 a m. to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 2. Anyone planning to apply for benefits is advised to come in at least a month before he is eligible. Inman News By Mrs. Janies McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wright and son. Jay. visited in the home of Mr Wright's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Albert Reynolds anil family Wednesday evening. Mr. Wright is with the army in Flori da. Mr and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family and Horace Koil spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull at Redbird Leslie Tompkins of Kelso. Wash came Saturday afternoon to visit in the home of his brother and sis ter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins. Mrs. Frances May and son, Jim, and daughter. Jean Ann, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher and Mrs. Mayme Harte left August 19 for a vacation through the Black Hills. They returned to their homes on Saturday. Mrs Harry D. Snyder returned home Saturday from the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh where she has been a medical patient for several days. Neil Van Valkenlierg of Ewing was cading on friends in Inman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallagher returned Sunday from Denver and Estes Park where they spent their vacation. In Denver they visited Mr. Gallagher’s brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs Vance Park Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and son. Bill and Bert Smith left Friday for Tipton, Mo., where they will visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Grazier. Enroute j they visited in the G. E. Hartigan ■ homo at Norfolk and were over night guests Friday of Mr and Mrs. Bill McElvain of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield ind family returned Friday from Rapid City where they visited in rhe home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stevens and family. They also vis ted other points in the Black Hills Mrs. Dick Clark and family of D'Neill were Friday visitors in j she home of Mrs. Violet Sholes. ' Miss Gayle ne Anthony spent Thursday and Friday visiting in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Dale Matschullat and family at Page. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark and Ed and Bill left Saturday for Pine Ri ver, Minn., where they will spend their vacation. Mrs Danse Crandall of O'Neill \ 1 sited Thursday and Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Pruss and family. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and Mr and Mrs. Harlan Mora* bach and family spent Sunday eve ning in Clearwater visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Can ard. Be Sure to See LENNON SISTERS of tha Lawrence Walk Show; plus Batty Johnson Four Coins; Harmonicats; other acts FOUR NIGHTS ONLY—Sept. It A, 7, 8 * * * * RED FOLEY IN JUBILEE USA TV's No I country music show with ffc« Promenaders. TWO NIGHTS ONLY — SEPT ? and 10. it it * ★ PLUS Broadway on Parade, Auto Races and Thrill Shows Nebraska’s Best I* industry, agriculture SEPT. 5-11 LINCOLN Your Dollars Co Farther at... \ i I j Count Up Your Savings When You Shop at Lee's STUDENT HANDWRITING KIT Includes . . . Regular 2.95 Skrlp fountain pen set, free handwriting booklet, Skrip cartridge, Five pack. 49 —Total $3.44 value QUANTITY ^^F ~J[ LIMITED M r Iff 8^®; ff ^ndarrf Modern Royalite Features • Ball Bearing Carriage • Left and Right Margin Set • Margin Release Key • Back Space Key • Paper Support • Fold away Line Space Lever' • Full-size Speed Spacer • Rugged Die-Cast Magnesium • frame #■ pF™ M B w) C Zipper carry case free wj|f, purchase of type %0 writer BOSTON Pencil Sharpener if Speed Cutters if Rubber feet if No need of fastening if Sets anywhere on desk ! ...a new miracle in writing the If I WEARIER; IT’S CONVENIENT — reload anywhere, in secondsl IT’S CLEAN - — no messy , bottle filling I Simply insert the ink cartridge in the pen barrel,^ _ rep lace'the point' section and you’re ready to write ^ instantly!,Choice of points to suitt your handwriting. ! WEAREVER 4-piece boxed set. In- a eludes fountain pen, ball point pen, mechanical pencil, pen life complete. ■ Peerless Maid KINDER MAT 20x48 folding pads for easy storage Reg. $1.98 Lee Special j I HISTORY PAPER I Complete assortment of filler paper in handy ■ packages. We have it for all size binders. I. Top grade paper. 1 10/-25<-50^ PENCIL TABLET Extra size 8"x pencil tablet. Ex tra quality paper May use pen and ink as well as pencil. 17; RED BARN SCHOOL LUNCH KIT Big 10-ounce bo*- # tie, non-drip pour- ^ ing lid, sure grip latches CRAYOLA CRAYONS Gold Medol crayolo are the very beat crayons! Clear bright colors, smooth easy colo Non-toxic. 15/ 17/-29