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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1959)
O'Neill Locals WE BEO VOI R PARDON The following names were un intentionally omitted from the list of those helping at the Stanley Chmiel home: Frank Slizoski. Kenneth Johnson, Louis Wieher and Wayne Stevens. Miss Edith Grimes plans to leave Sunday for Lincoln where she will be employed. T-Sgt. John M Moler and fam ily, who have been visiting at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Moler left for Cambridge, Mass where his family will live. Sgt. Moler will go to Alaska for a year assignment with Cam bridge Radar Research center. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Grenier went to Norfolk Tuesday evening where they met their son, Car roll, who was returning from Nor folk, Va. Carroll has received his discharge from the Navy after serving four years. Mrs. Robert Newman and sons, Joe and Jim, of Chappell return ed to their home Monday after spending 10 days visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann, and sister and family, Mr. and Mrs Mickey Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Widhalm. Bill and Mary of Norfolk and Tom Bruckner of Platte Center were guests of Mrs Henry Martin and Allen on Sunday. They came to visit Allen who will leave for school at Conception Seminary' in Missouri in September. Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and Mrs George Calkins of Lynch were in Omaha ami Red Oak, la., over the weekend. In Red Oak, they at tended a reunion of Mrs. Calkins’ family and in Omaha, they watch ed the Shrine All-Star football game in which Mrs. Tomlinson's son, Larry, played. Larry return ed home with them Sunday eve nunc. Mr. and Mrs Ray Bettenhauscn of Hartington stopped Sunday en route home from a Black Hills vacation at the Don Maw, Reed Herley and Arthur Aim homes. Nancy DeVall, home on vaca tion from Omaha, spent Monday and Tuesday with Sharon and Margie Marcellus Guests of Mrs. J. J. Harrington this week were her daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Earl Beulow and Kay. who left Wednesday for their home in Racine, Wise., and her sister, Mrs. Pat Dolan, and Mrs. Dolan's son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Dolan of Denver. The Dolans plan to leave Friday. The Dune McKay family is va cationing this week at Rush Lake, Perham, Minn. Mrs. Wm. Biglin and her sis ters, Miss Ann Waters and Mrs. Margaret Boler, are visiting this week in Omaha and in Iowa. Mrs. W. H. Harty and Mrs. Pat Harty were in Omaha for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Frank of Norfolk were weekend guests at the Don McKamy home. Miss Bernadette Brennan was called to Hot Springs, S. D., Thursday due to the death of a brother-in-law, J. A. Pfeiler. She returned home Tuesday. Mary Elizabeth Gatz is here for a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz. Saturday evening guests at the W. W. Waller home were Capt. and Mrs. Bill Podoll and family of Stillwater, Okla. Carolyn Lindberg visited during the weekend in Blair, Fremont and Lincoln. Guests at the M. B. Marcellus home Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Robertson of Sedro Wolly, Wash. The Don Maws, R<*cd Herleys and Arthur Alms had a picnic Sunday evening at the Aim home. When the F. N. Cronins returned from a vacation trip to I^ake Oko boji Sunday, Miss Genevieve Big lin of Sioux City accompanied them for a week’s visit here. Stopping at the W. W. Waller home Tuesday en route home from a Black Hills vacation trip were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fish and family of Belden. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peterson celebrated their twenty-fifth wed ding anniversary at their home in O’Neill on Saturday evening, Aug ust 22. This was belated because their children could not attend in June. The white wedding cake dotted with bits of silver was the center ! piece. Those present were their chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Korab of Wausa, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lei bert and sons, Dick and Bruce of Battle Creek, Mich and Janet Lee at home. Other relatives were Mrs. Peterson’s mother. Mrs. Delia Harrison of O'Neill, Miss Twila Hicks of Bristow, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Devall, Dwayne. Gary, Ricky and Diane and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wabs, all of O’ Neill. After opening their gifts, a lunch of ice cream, cake, coffee and kool ade was served. The rest of the evening was spent taking pictures and visiting. MOIl] ■ lONESDfl HOME Mother Agnesine, local superior of the sisters teaching at St. Mary's Academy, returned to O'Neill Tuesday after several weeks at a curriculum workshop in Milwaukee, Wise. HAYSTACK III HNS O’Neill firemen were called to, a hay field Tuesday afternoon 7 j miles southwest of town. A haystack owned by J im Corkle burned when sparks from a back- j firing tractor ignited the hay. Sristow News By Rosemary Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bata and Tillie Novak were Sunday visitors : at the Adolph Soukup home. Mrs. Dwight McGill, John and j Robert spent Thursday with Mrs.' | John Truman. August 18 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grey of Detroit, Mich, came to visit Mrs Tena Sedlacek. Cora Lee spent from Wednesday until the end of the week at the Veldon Lee home. Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Lind and James of Washington Depot, Conn, arrived Thursday and spent until Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Landholm. Goldie Berg left Sunday morn ing for her home in Palm Springs Mr. and Mrs. Dave Landholm, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Landholm and Lou Ann, and Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Lind were Friday dinner guests at Carl Anderson’s. Inman Newt By Mrs. Janies McMahan L. Roger Tompkins left Sunday morning for Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, where he will join a bus load of boys and girls from churches all over Nebraska who will attend the National Meth odist Convocation for Youth at Purdue University in Lafayette, Ind. This National Convocation brings together alxnjt 6,000 Methodist Youth from all over the United States where they will join in dis cussions and listen to lectures con cerning the important issues fac ing the youth of today. The Con vocation meets from August 24 through 28. and the Nebraska dele gation which was to depart from Johnson Hall at Nebraska Wes leyan University at 3 p.m. Sun day and drive all night, will ar rive at Purdue University Monday morning. They will leave Friday afternoon, drive all night and ar rive in Lincoln Saturday morning. Roger rode to Lincoln with Rev. Joe Roe, minister of the Ainsworth Methodist Church, and the Misses Marcia Dillon, District MYF Pres ident, Rita Mundhenke and Jan Rogers, all of Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tomp kins, sons Allen and Neil, and Mrs. Cora Caldwell drove to Ains worth Sunday morning where Mr Tompkins gave the morning mes sage in the Methodist Church in the absence of the pastor. The Tompkins family were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fager and daugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seastedt of Largo, Fla. are visiting in the home of Mrs. Seastedt’s brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Young. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Huptton and family returned Sunday evening from Glacier National Park where Mr. Hutton has been employed this summer. Mr. Hutton will teach in the Ewing Public Schools again this year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Mrs. Charles Luben and daugh ter, Shirley, are spending a few days visiting relatives in Apple ton. Wise. Mrs. Dale Matschullat and fam ily of Page were callers Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony. Mrs. Park and daughter of Seattle, Wash, and Mrs. Roy Brandt and family of Atkinson visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Detong Wednesday af ternoon Mrs. Park is a sister of the two Mrs. DeLongs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong and Mr and Mrs. Merle DeLong and son Bill were Sunday dinner guests in the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brandt and family at Atkinson. The dinner was in honor of Mrs Park and daughter, Vona, and son. Jim, of Seattle and Mrs. Ro bert Larson and family of Ala nama. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton and family of Omaha spent the week end visiting in the home of Mr. Hutton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton William Watson of Omaha spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson. He returned to Omaha Sunday accom panied by Mrs. Watson and family who had spent a week in the Watson home here and with rela tives and friends in O’Neill. Marvin Stewart, who is employ ed at the Raymond Bly farm near Amelia, is spending a few days visiting his mother, rMs. Violet Stewart. John Sobotka visited his sister. Miss Anna Sobotka, at Kersch’ Nurses home in Spencer Satur day afternoon. Kenneth Kestenholtz, who is em ployed at Valentine, spent the weekend visiting his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coventry and son, Joe, of Norfolk spent the weekend visiting in the Ken neth Coventry home. Joe ePters, who is employed at Norfolk, spent a few days last week with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley left Saturday for Norfolk where they visited in the R. M. Mueting home. On Sunday they left for Ohiowa, Nebr. where Mr. Kelley will teach this coming year. Tom Engelhaupt and Ned Kelley moved their household goods to Ohiowa Sun day. Mrs. Robert Meyer and chil dren moved from the DeLong farm north of Inman to the Tim merman rent property in the southwest part of town Sunday. Mr. Meyer is a patient in an Omaha hospital. John Sobotka and Mr. and Mrs Leo Sobotka returned Tuesday from the Black Hills and Yellow stone Park where they had spent a week vacationing. Clayton Krueger of Woodward, la. spent the weekend visiting in the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes, and with other relatives and friends. Clayton wil lteach in the Sher man Elementary school at Oma ha this coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mrs Pauline Anderl, Billy Andarl and Mildred Keyes spent Thursday in Norfolk. Billy Andarl continued on to his home in Omaha after spending several weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. Pauline An darl, and his uncle, Francis An aeri. Mr. and Mrs. Sam aBnks and Barbara and Mrs. Bill Grothe of O’Neill were Sunday evening vis itors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and Roger. Miss Margaret Pruss returned Thursday from Greeley where she spent a week visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cook and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and family grought her to her home here. Fay Brittell of Atkinson was an Inman visitor Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gillahan and daughters of Lawrence, Kans. came Monday to spend a few days in the home of Mrs. Gillahan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moss man. Richard Heppner of Storm Lake, la. was a Monday evening dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family. Ira Watson and son, Sam. spent Monday afternoon in Neligh on business. Mrs. Ira Watson and son, Sam, left Tuesday for Lincoln where they will visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley. Sheri and Don Meyer of Omaha are spending several days visit ing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Merle DeLong. Several gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds Tuesday evening to help plan for the Fall Festival which will be held the first part of October. Everyone is invited to the 4-H achievement picic supper Friday evening at the school auditorium. The picnic will start at 7 p.m. and there will be a program following the supper. Miss Janice Meyer (above), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Meyer of O’Neill has become a stewardess for Amer- j lean Airlines and is now based in New York, assigned to flights from LaOuardia and Idlewlld Airports. She was graduated from Mitchell, S.D., High School and was employed in a hospital before entering stewardess training. I Up to 40 Percent Savings | on CAR INSURANCE Beginning September 1, 1959, we will be able to save you up to 40 percent on your car insurance. “Quality Insurance at a low price”. See: A. L. GASKILL 124 So. 4th, R. F. Gaskill Ins. Agy., O’Neill _ We Still Have TEAM OPENINGS 2 Men - Monday - 6:45 p.m. 1 Man - Tuesday - 6:45 p.m. 1 Man - Thursday - 6:45 p.m. 1 Woman - Friday - 6:45 p.m. All Leagues Start Week of August 31 TEN PIN LANES Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hibbs, jr. announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Kay Lorraine, to Merle Sehleusener, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sehleusener i of Orchard. Mr. Sehleusener is a graduate of Orchard High School and at tended Wayne College. He has served three years in the Army and is now farming near Or chard. Miss Hibbs is an O’Neill High graduate, attended Norfolk Jun ior College and is employed as a secretary at Felger Insurance Agency In Norfolk. A fall wedding is planned. AT THE COURTHOUSE District Court A Partition Case of William F. Serck and Etta Serck vs. Merlin M. Shaw, Ruby D. Shaw and Clarence Murphy was filed August 21 in District Court by William W. Griffin, attorney for the plain tiff. A passport was issued August 26 by Howard Manson, Clerk of be District Court, to Charles James Broberg. O'Neill. Mr. Bro x»rg plans to leave in March on i pleasure trip to Europe and dans to be gone a year. He is a medical technologist. Cm i ty Court State vs. Gordan La Faye, Clo-1 veiand, Ohio, no trip permit, fin 'd $10 and $4 costs; officer Donald F. Richardson, August 20. State vs. Jerry A. Jurgensmeier, O'Neill, no driver's license, fined '.5 and $4 costs; officer R. L. Gude, | \ugust 20. State vs. Homer R. Archer, dri ver tor Edward Peterson, Co., Mo iridge, S. D„ no reciprocity, fin vd $10 and $4 costs; officer Cliff ird L. Kizzire, August 21. State vs. Raymond W. Clary, dri ver for Warren Oil Co., Omaha overload on axle, fined $90 and 1 costs; officer Donald F. Rich lrdson, August 22. State vs. Duane G. Beckman, driver for Gillette Dairy, Inc.. Nor folk, overweight on capacity; plates, fined $10 and $4 costs; of-; leer Donald F. Richardson, Aug ust 25. State vs. LoueUan M. Ottjen- ' bruns, Osmond, no driv er's license ined $5 and $4 costs; officer R. [. Gude, August 25. State vs. Kenneth Greder, dri ver for Barber Transportation Co. \ Sioux City, la., over axel weight, fined $60 and $4 costs; officer Don ald F. Richardson, August 26. State vs. Frank Lechtenberg, An oka, speeding night, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Hastrei ter, August 26. Hospital Notes St. Anthony’s Admitted: John Donohoe of O'Neill; J. E. Smith of Page; Hirum Hubbard of Chambers. August 19 Mrs. George Ramold and Mrs. Henry Grunke of O'Neill and Mrs. Joe Nemec of Spencer. Aug. 20— Mrs. John Tienken of Naper; Mrs. Geor ge I,atzel of Ewing and Mrs. Fran cis Latzel of Emmet. Aug. 21 Jack Taylor of O'Neill and Mrs. Paul Hubei of Ewing Aug. 22—L. G. Bernholtz of Page. Aug. 23—Jim my Farrier and Dorothy Wilkin son of O'Neill. Aug. 24—Mrs. Leo nard Brown, Henry Schacht, Mrs. Ben Bazelman, all of O'Neill, Mrs. Lewis Walter and Keith Hal- j sey of Chambers; Mrs. Bob Kro kaugger of Bristow; Mrs. Fran kie Buckles of Merriman; Mrs. Carl Chmiel of Ewing, Mrs. Har old Goldfuss of Atkinson. Aug. 25— j Lois Strong of O'Neill: Mrs. Sam Young of Chambers and Curtiss Nelson of Bristow. Aug. 26— Mrs. Dale Matsehullat of Page and Mrs. Terry Wilson of O'Neill. Dismissed— Aug. 18 - Mrs. Erw in Sedlacek and baby hoy of Spi n ! cer; Mrs. Keith Abart of O'Neill. Aug. 19—Mrs. Eldon White of O' Neill. Aug. 20 Mrs Bernard Mil ler and baby boy, Jerry McKamy and Bruce Ann McKamy, all of O'Neill. Aug. 21—Miss Lois Schaaf of Stuart; John Shoemaker of O' Neill, J. E. Smith of Page; Mrs. Joe Nemec of Spencer and Mrs. Russell Barelman and baby boy of O'Neill. Aug. 22 Timothy Gene Abart. James Allen Abart, John E. Donohoe and Mrs. (Jail Muller, all of O'Neill; Hiram Hubbard of Chambers and Mrs. John Horn back of Spencer. Aug. 23 Mrs. Henry Grunke of O'Neill; Mrs. George Latzel of Ewing and Fran cis Latzel of Emmet. Aug. 2-t Mrs. George Ramold and baby boy and Jimmy Farrier, both of O’Neill; Mrs. John C. Tinken and baby boy of Naper. Aug. 25- Mrs. Bob Krukaugger of Bristow and Mrs. Paul Hubei and baby girl of Ewing. Aug. 26 Lois Strong, Mrs. Leonard Brown and Miss Dorothy Wilkenson all of O'Neill LCNDHERti MEMORIAL Creighton Admitted: August 15-22 Harley Buxton of Royal; Mrs. Charles and of Des Moines, la.; Mrs. An-j tonie Prokop of Vcrdigre; Kath Kimble of Plainview; Bruce Wi ryn Shefl of Winnetoon; Mrs. Stan ley Eisenbeiss of Bloomfield; Mrs. Minnie Schuett of Creighton. Mrs. Robert Ruzicka of Verdigre; Lem Luckert of Creighton; Frank B J Ritterling of Creighton and Mrs. j Stewart of Niobrara; Rev. Marvin Willard Mackey of Niobrara. Dismissed— Harley Buxton of Royal; Rudolph Pospeshil of Ver digre, who was transferred to the Niobrara Rest home; Mrs. Rich ard Rice and daughter of Creigh ton; Mrs. Kenneth Rose and son of Creighton; Kathryn Shefl of Winnetoon, Bruce Wiand of Des Moines, la.; Rev. Marvin Ritter ling of Creighton; Mrs. Anna Smith of Creighton and Lon Luck ert of Creighton. Atkinson Memorial Hospital Admitted; August 17- Mrs. Ar thur Kaplan of Stuart; Mrs. Max Weichman of Stuart. 19 Mrs Ralph Shald of Stuart; Clifford Skala of Stuart. 19 Mrs. Thomas Doolittle of Amelia. 20—Carol Pickinpaugh of Newport 21 Har old Parks of S.uart; Ronnie Ohde of Austin. Minn. 22 Mrs. Craig Connell of Newport. 23 Mrs. An ton Kaup of Stuart; Mrs. Eli Mc Connell of Atkinson; Bert Hen ning of Atkinson. Dismissed: August 17 William V’aughn of Atkinson. 19 Joe Col-1 son of Stuart; George King of Stuart. 19 Mrs. Orville Orr of Atkinson; Fred Kanzelmeyer of Atkinson; Mrs. Don Cleveland of O'Neill. 20 Mrs. Adrian Rerueha ■ and daughter of Atkinson; Mrs. Maynard Coleman of Atkinson. 21 ^Clifford Skala of Stuart; Mrs j Dean Rowse and son of Chambers , 22 Ronnie Ohde of Austin, Minn ; Hospitalized: Harold Parks of Stuart; Evelyn Sterns of Atkin son; Mrs. Craig Connell and son of Newport; Carol Pickinpaugh of Newport; Mrs. Ralph Shald of Stuart; Mrs Arthur Kaplan of Stuart; Mrs. Max Weichman of Smart; Mrs. Thomas Doolittle and daughter of Amelia; Mrs. Antoni Kaup and son of Stuart; Mrs. Eli | McConnell of Atkinson; Bert Hen-[ ning of Atkinson Funeral Is Held For Mrs. Rakow; Gold Star Mother Opal Peeler Rakow, formerly of Page and a Gold Star mother, died Friday, August 14, at the home of her son, Ross after a four-year illness. She was the daughter of James and Etta Peeler, born on Decem ber 26, 1896 at Ridge Farm, 111. Opal moved to O’Neill with her family at the age of 3 years and attended both O'Neill schools. On December 19, 1917, she was married to Luke C. Rakow at O' Neill. She was a member of the Methodist church in Page and had lived in the Page area until 1950, when her family moved to Wash ington. Two sons preceeded her in death; Vernon Keith, at the age af 3 weeks, and Wendell Lamont, a World War II casualty in 1944. Survivors are: husband, Luke; son. Ross; granddaughter, Lori Ellen, all of Goldendale, Wash., and a brother, Roy Peeler of Ne halem, Ore. Services were conducted at the Phillips Funeral home on August 17 with Rev. Arthur Campbell of ficiating. Interment was at the I.O.O.F. cemetery in Goldendale. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Buck Night* "The Naked Maja" With Ava Gardner, Anthony Francisca Filmed in Technirama-Technicolor Plus Cartoon FRI. SAT. Sl N.-MON. TI ES. Al'Q. ItC-MI 80 81 SEPT. I 5 Big Bays On "The Big Circus" With Victor Mature, Red Buttons, Rhonda Fleming, Kathryn Grant, Vincent Prince, Peter Lorre, Steve Mien, Gilbert Roland, David Nel son Also Adale Mava ami the World’s Greatest Circus Acts. In Color anil Cinemascope Have Your Diamond Remounted at McIntosh JEWELRY O’Neill BACK-TO SCHOOL |£»,59. | /Ourjama, Cg? OSSSis PRESERVES lln || 1 Lt»- CC Back- lo-school with energy-packed STRAWBERRY 1 Vv\ ^ C**- lunches...Quality food* are your PEACH ■ Yn\ — be*t insurance for better health. I V#n 1 y| Our tremendous buying power RED RASPBERRY I V(A CA*' enables u« to stock the best of _ 1 E.VAfO**' dependable national brands at BLACK RASPBERRY S 1 BLACKBERRY I W 7«S1» APRICOT I & 4-99v : French'* RAIN DROP .”£J 29c DIAPER SWEET SS£" ”&35‘ PRICES EFFECTIVE AT O'NEILL - SPENCER - BUTTE - BONESTEEL i PBIC CS GOOD THUBS. FSL SAT., AUC. *1 -M t» AJAX CLEANSER ..2 KM* fab s«r.:...,er83c l/ri Mild for Giant Q Or ■ CL Finn Fabrics.Sitn 0J<’ AD RTr^...10 K;*2“ wk BOUQUET 2 £23'2 £31' PALMOLIVE KT 2 £23' 2£ 31' vel Ur*.2 us 39' LIQUID VEL ft 82..fS DESHLft Mama, gat Brownie Brooms "* Oderfessf Bug Killer ... for Bug-Free Living! Hundreds of tests proved oil bugs diet FLORIENT Deodorer.Bomb 79c CARAMEL CORN.3 ft It OuA JamUif. PEANUT BUTTER