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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1959)
.Mr. and Mrs. Archie Juracek. The bride is the former Lavada Frerichs of Page. The couple will reside in O’Neill presently. Miss Lavada Frerichs Marries A. L. Juracek Saturday In O'Neill The altar of Christ’s Lutheran Church in O'Neill was decorated with candelabra and white glad ioli for the wedding of Lavada Frerichs and Archie Leonard Jur acek August 15. Rev. A. S. Ged willo officiated at the six p.m. double-ring candlelight service. The bride is the daughter of Mrs Elsie Frerichs and the late Willard Frerichs, Page, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Juracek, O’Neill. Miss Ruth Mewmaw, Neligh, played the wedding marches on the organ and accompanied the Misses Faye and Aletha Ruther ford and Marilyn Terril, who sang "The Wedding Prayer,” "With This Ring," and "Be A Guest at Our Wedding," and for Miss Terrill who sang, "The Lord's Prayer." Given in marriage by her uncle, Fred Frerichs, the bride appear ed in a floor length gown of hand clipped lace, nylon and tulle. The basque bodice was designed with a Sabrina neckline edged with hand clipped scalloped lace. Long sleeves tapered to bridal points. The full bouffant skirt featured a wide band of hand clipped bor der lace. The gathered back was interspersed in rows of alternating tiers of border lace and nylon tulle. Her double veil of silk illusion was held in place by a double crown of pearls and sequins. A gold sweetheart necklace and ear rings, a gift from the bridegroom, were her only jewelry. Her bou quet was a lavender orchid with yellow and orchid streamers on a white Bible. Maid of honor was her sister, Vemona Frerichs. She wore a ballerina length gown of nylon net over taffeta in green with an over jacket and stolle. Bridesmaids were Ruth Kelly, Alice Frerichs and Diane Pavlik, wearing yellow gowns styled identical to that of the maid of honor. They wore white accessories and carried white gardenia bouquets. Randall Juracek, Norfolk, cou sin of the bridegroom, was best man. Groomsmen were Lyle Fre richs, Tony White, Lawton, Okla., and Maynard Queen, Proctor, Colo. They wore white dinner jackets with dark trousers and cummerbunds. Their boutonnieres were red carnations. Vida Jean Frerichs, sister of the bride, was flower girl. Ring bearer was Kevin Juracek, Or chard, cousin of the bridegroom. Candlelighters were Sandra and Gaylene Juracek, Orchard, and Gloria Pavlik, Verdigre. The mother of the bride wore a rose nylon net dress with navy blue accessories, while the mother of the bridegroom chose a pink lace and satin gown with pirk accessories. They wore white gar denias in corsage arrangement. The bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Otto Rahe and great-grandmother, Mrs. Anna Hume and Mrs. Vine Elis of Verdigre and Mrs. Sophie Nekuda of Omaha, grandmothers of the bridegroom also wore gar denia corsages. A reception for 300 guests fol lowed the ceremony in the church parlors. The five tier wedding cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Esther Frerichs, Gurley. It was decorated with wedding bells, roses and doves with a miniature bride and groom topping it. The cake was cut and served by Mrs Arthur Juracek, Norfolk, and Mrs. Ludwick Elis, Verdigre. Pouring were Mrs. Arthur Os termier, Sidney, and Mrs. Fred Frerichs, O’Neill. Members of the Lutheran Ladies Aid were in charge of the serving arrange ments. At the bride’s table were the Misses Raynelda Juracek, Erma Juracek, Helen Frerichs and Joyce Grass. Miss Carol Klinetobe presided over the guest book and Mrs. Stuart Baker, Ericson, was in charge of the gift book. At the gift table were Marlen Frahm and Mari Lou and Charlotte Luebcke Mrs. William Derrickson, jr. and Mrs. Albert Derrickson de corated for the reception with the colors of yellow and green and seasonal garden flowers. The bride is a graduate of Page high school and the bridegroom was graduated from O’Neill high school. The couple planned a month’s wedding trip through the Black Hills, Yellowstone Park and the west coast. After September 15, the couple will lie at home at 321 West Clay in O’Neill. The bridegroom is in partnership with his father on a ranch northeast of O’Neill. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Rogers Feed Store Show more profit for your Feed Dollar with ROGERS FEEDS 16% Complete Hi-Energy Egg Ration No other grain required . 100 lb. $ 3.75 80% Corn wafers . Ton $58.00 Hi-Lass Cattle Fattener . Ton $58.00 40% Hog Supplement . 100 lb. $ 4.75 16% Dairy Ration . 100 lb. $ 3.10 Tankage . 100 lb. $ 5.25 Meat Scraps . 100 lb. $ 5.25 41% Old process Soy Bean Meal .100 lb. $ 4.25 Bulky Lass. Ton $70.00 NOTICE Rogers Feed Store now gives Free Gold Bond Stamps with Every Purchase Buy and Save at Rogers Products YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE North of BnrUngton D«pot Phone 771 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS Jack Bailey, Mgr. Weber-Miksch Wed In Atkinson Saturday St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Atkinson was the scene on Sat urday, August 22. of the 9:30 a.m. ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Marilyn Weber and Martin J. Miksch. The couple's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Weber of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. John Miksch of Stuart. The Rev. Richard Parr per formed tiie ceremony. Jim Hytrek, Stuart, soloist was accompanied by Miss Delores Schaaf, Omaha. The bride appeared in a floor length gown of imported Chan tilly lace over taffeta fashioned 1.1 a princess line. The empire Lice bodice featured a Sabrina neckline. The long sleeves tapered to bridal points at the wrists. The princess line of the full skirt had a pane! of miniahire lace that extended into three tiers of lace Tiie fingertip veil of silk illusion was caught by a crown of lace ac cented wi li pearls. She carried a ? tcade bouquet of red sweet heart roses and stephanotis, trim lU with ivy and satin streamers. Miss Loren Miksch, Hastings, was maid-of-honor. She and the bridesmaids. Misses Lorene Ziska, Pueblo, Colo, and Marlene Beck, Omaha, wore identical waltz length gowns of blue Chantilly lace over taffeta styled with a scooped chiffon "neckline which fell into streamers. They each carried a colonial bouqunet of white carna tions. Miss Sally Ifytrek, Stuart, was the flower girl. Attendants for the bridegroom were James Weber, Atkinson, as bes man, Richard Hytrek. Omaha and Robert Miksch. Stuart, wore groomsmen and Lyle Lower, O’ Neill, Robert Groeger, Gregory,! S, D, Chuck Hamik, Atkinson, | and Henry Murphy, Stuart, were ushers. Greg Lower, O’Neill, was the ring bearer. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall with 200 guests present. The bridesmaids presided at the gift table, Catherine Schmit had charge of the guest book, Mrs. Opal Keating cut and served the bride’s cake and Miss Rar hara Mlinar cut ami served the bridegroom's cake. Doris Grof oured coffee and Ruth Cleary and Phyllis Welsh served punch. After a wedding trip to Mis .ouri, the couple will reside in S uart. also wore a white carnation cor sage. The matron of honor was Mrs. Harry’ Neiman, sister-in-law of the bride' She wore a pale blue street length dress with lace and em broidery accents and a white car nation corsage. Best man was Harry’ Neiman, Wakefield. David Neiman, O’ Neill, was an usher. Ringbearers were Lorraine and l-inda Vander beek, O’Neill. The church was decorated with Gladioli. Nuptial music was play ed by Mrs. Blaine Garwood. Amelia. Dean Garwood sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Lord Be With You’’. A reception followed the cere mony in the church parlors for im mediate relatives. The three tier wedding cake was baked by Mrs. Harry Neiman, Wakefield. The couple will be at home in O’Neill. O'Neill Locals Mrs.P. J. Donohue of Bonesteel md her neice, Kelly Donohue of Sioux City, were here Wednesday md Thursday at the homes of her laughters and their families, the Ed Gleesons and Robert Desoys. Mrs. Donhoue and her niece were acre for the Mullen funeral. David Cole of Emmet was an overnight guest Tuesday of Mike Wichman. Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson were in Norfolk Tues day. Mrs. Don Templemeyer and chil dren were in Louisville last week. Mr. Templemeyer went there for die weekend and they attended lie Shrine All-Star football game Sunday. Mrs. Roy Johnson of York bi-ought four of her children to the Clay Johnson jr. home this week and they will stay while he and Mr. Johnson attend the National Toastmaster's Conven ion in San Francisco. Charlotte McVay left Sunday for Los Alamos, New Mexico, where he will teach this year. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Crabb nd Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adamson >f Omaha returned last weekend from a 10-day trip along North bore Drive around the Great Lakes and into Canada. The Adam sons returned to their Omaha home i Tuesday. Jerry Dexter returned home Sun-1 day after spending the summer working for Warren Olsons at Bar tlett. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and family of Lincoln were here Sat urday evening and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter and ofther relatives. Returning with them from a two week visit in Lincoln were Carolyn and Joan ! McKenzie. Michael Streeter, who I had spent two weeks here went home Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tibbets spent Oie weekend with her par ents, the A. D. Watsons at Amelia. Overnight guests last Tuesday at the George Van Every home were their grandson, Jerry John- ' son, and two friends from Lin- I coin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth lleiss and family of Page were din ner guests Sunday at the Ken neth Waring home. Guests Friday evening at the I! G. Kruse home were Mr. and Mrs. | Jerry Schultz of Waukon, la., and j Mr. Schultz’s sister from McCook. Guests Sunday at the Dick Tom linson home were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gutzmer and family, of Woonsocket, S. D., Mrs. Laurence Rothchild and Vernon, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Dexter and -son, Bunvell and Herman Pokorny, Erieson. Rick and Mike Ktinz of Stuart are guests this week of Jim and John Humrich. Mrs. A. W. Tibbets was in Om aha Sunday at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tibbets, to see her new granddaughter, Pamela Kay Genevieve Nachtman, now teach ing in Loveland, Colo., showed slide films taken in Europe on a recent trip Tuesday evening at the D. A. Baker home. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen and Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt. Mr. and Mrs Fred Wells re turned Monday from a two week trip to Washington, IK C. and New York Ctity. Marilyn Fetrow was home for the weekend from Omaha with her parents, the Dale Fetrows. Weekend guests at the J. L. Sh r bahn home were her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mc Callum and Ann of Wauneta. Mrs. D. R. McCallum. Mrs. Sherbahn's mother, who has been here for the summer, returned with them to her home in Wauneta Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Tomlinson and boys of Valley City. N. D., came Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Closson and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Stowell and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stowell were dinner guests Sunday at the Rex Stowell homo A guest last week at the L. A. Burgess home was her sister, Mrs. M. L. Crandall of Lincoln. Mr. Crandall came Friday for the weekend and the couple returned to their home Sunday -Mrs. Itillie Marcellas and children and .Mrs. Bob Timmer man rnd children were in Win ner Monday at the Harold Wil iamson home. Visiting Thursday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Waters were her brother and family, the J. H. llherffs of Springfield. Va. Mrs. M. J. Baack and Rick re turned Saturday from Seward whore they visited while Mr. Baaek attended National Guard camp. Mrs. Leo Trcanor of St. Paul. Minn, is a houseguest this week at the Frank Parkins home. IU Y THE FRONTIER IN STANN ARDS’ STOKE GILLIGAN REG ALL OKI G SAFEWAY GOLDEN MOTEL THE FRONTIER OFFICE FOR ALL THE NEWS. I’Ll S lilt. I’KTIRES A MONEY SWING ADVERTISEING—READ Till: I KON (TER Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON. Prop. Fhonc lot; Golden Bldg. DANCE at Ash Grove Hall Saturday, August 29 MI SIC BY BUD VAN FLEET and his SANDHILLS TROI'BADOI IIS ADMISSION: 50c The Martin J. Miksehs, Stuart. The bride was formerly Miss Marilyn Weber of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oxner, O’Neill. Oxner-Vanderbeek Married Sunday Maxine Vanderbeek and Edward Oxner, both of O’Neill, were mar ried August 23 at St. John’s Lu a theran Church in Atkinson at 2 p.m. Ilev. Melvin Blobaum, Bas sett, performed the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a blush rose co ton dress with deep rose em broidery and a white hat. She ■ I NOTICE All Drivers Licenses will Expire on September 1, 1959. There will be a 60 day renewal period. Applicants failing to renew within the 60 days will be required to make application to the examiners and pass the test before getting a new license. The fee will be $2.00 for 2 years for persons 20 years old and older, $1.50 for persons 16 to 19 inclusive for 1 year. The old license must be brought or sent in with the correct fee before a renewal can be issued. A self addressed stamped envelope should be sent along for mailing out the renewal. No renewals can be issued before September 1st. Be sure your old license is signed before presenting. TAX NOTICE Distress warrants must be issued on all unpaid delinquent personal taxes and turned over to the Sheriff on or before Oc tober 1st. After distress warrants have been turned over to the Sheriff, the tax must be paid to the Sheriff. All unpaid delinquent 1958 Real Estate taxes not paid by noon on October 10 must be advertised in the County papers as designated by the County Board, for three weeks. The charge of advertising is charged against the property. If you aren’t sure whether your taxes are paid, please in quire from the Treasurer’s Office. J. Ed Hancock County Treasurer -i RANCH FOR SALE 1120 acres improved approximately 7 miles south of Inman Legal description: Ste sec. 29. SEVi sec. 31, all sec 32, twp. 27 N, range 10 E. Consisting of 320 acres bottom hay and building site, bal ance pasture. Contact Bill Bowker BYRON-REED CO. Omaha, Nebraska Western ranch specialists 18-19 " Suede oxford S boot for teens Sizes 5-9 Two-way suede upper has smooth leather stitched down collar, crepe sole. Gumdrop saddle for women, teens Sizes 5-9 In smart, easy-to-clcan black nylon velvet with no-mark composition sole. Swirlaway step in for young men Now just Sleek, popular swirlaway style in smooth black leather. Sizes 7 to 11. Young men's Fortune oxford Sizes 7-11 Black smooth swirl tip oxford with contrasting corded leather plug. \ < | |j The Classic Saddle Oxford Misses' and childrens' sizes Price to be $5.50 . . . now just $498 Fine elk leather in the perennially favorite black and white saddle oxford. Long-wearing black rubber Spalding sole. Sizes 8V6 to 3. Moccasin Style Slip-on -:[ These shoes soon to be $5.50 Little boys' sizes 8^/2 to 3 Twin gore moccasin slip-on is black smooth leather with black beaver grained insert plug. Leather lined. Interflex sole, rubber heel. ISwirlaway slip Rugged school on for boys oxford for boys Sues 2V2-6 $095 Sjzes 2i\/2.6 Jg95 Black smooth leather 1 • in handsome swirlaway Top styling in fine smooth ? styling. Rubber heel. leather, longwear sole. Sturdy oxfords Swivel strap for little boys pump for girls Sizes QV2-3 $^J98 Sizes 8l/2-3 $^|98 Black smooth leather Versatile swivel strap, with black grain plug. ornamented vamp strap, Leather lining. leather lined counter.