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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
S' <\\] \ 2* . l/l/omen i ftuir'-Dv, July 16 Eastern Star Friday. July 17 Rebekah tbnl.e. July 29 Wesleyan Service Guild picnic Starlight Extesion Country Club bridge 7:30 p.m. ct club house (umdav, July 21 Fnendly Neighbors family pic as* Ford Park fkesday, July 23 WSCS executive meeting Club Notes Mhrnn liwlim Aid Eleven members met Thursday evening for the regular meeting af Ixxtheran Ladies Aid. Mrs. Ixi «w Miller was a guest Hostesses were Mrs. Don Youn >C and Mrs. Bob Miller. •80 WSCS met Thursday at the Methodist Church. A dessert lun cheon was served by Mrs. Claude Belt's and Mrs. Wayne Bates Worship was led by Mrs. Dale perry Mrs. Ben Wayman led a panel discussion on juvenile delin poeocy Members of the panel were Mrs. Frank Eppenbach, Mrs Boy Wayman, Mrs. Louis Wray and Mrs Neil Dawes. A * Social Relations Minute" was ffwvn by Mrs. Ben Wayman. The wvt meeting will be August 6 in ctomrvance of the O’Neill WSCS •ttfcdRy Mrs L. A Burgess was hostess IQBctay night to MM club. Guests wve Mrs K. L. VanVoortis and Bkft George Rector, MarysviUe. tgBsb. who is visiting her sister D C. Schaffer. (tallowing a dessert luncheon, Wnh were played. Next meeting mUL be July 28 with Mrs. Harold Aindbwg Hash* Club Qmpies club met at the Don frfC,imy home Tuesday evening, (taitawmg dinner, cards were play fXTt Bridge club Mrs Don Templemyer was host «w July 7 to NTTF Bridge club. Quits wen; Mrs. Eldon Runwel, 'fiikirado Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Btto FUrwood. Winners were Mrs. Bams. I and Mrs. Jim Danohoe. AMwe Oouble C* A’s Gmie Double C’ A's of the As cnihly of God church met Friday wght it the Allen Walters home, five couples were there. Loilow op devotions, lunch was served. Next meeting will be August i at fee Rev. Robert Paul home. ■OtL Ten members of the O’Neill WTCU mot at the Maden Funk Borne in Ewing Tuesday afternoon tkx- their regular meeting. Mrs Dave Loy, president, gave «o explanatory talk on depart mental work. Mrs. Lra Summers presented a book report on ‘‘Sha iow Over America,” by John Free QUitUl Next meeting will be with Mrs. Edith Young. _ Mrs. Kyster Entertafcn Mrv Ted Kyster entertained in «er dome Tuesday afternoon at a •sdle»? Guests were Mrs. Dan Mey »• if r s. Glenn Faunoe, Mrs. SCorge Janousek, Mrs. Jerry Pet and Mrs. Jim Champion. Surprise Party Honors Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick Mr Dwayne Prilbrick was tion wed at a surprise birthday party «t her home July 8. Guests were Mrs Joe Sivesind. Mrs. Fred janes Mrs. R- E. McGinn, Mrs. Merbert Gydesen and Mrs. Car ■oil McKay „ , Members of the Rebekah laidgc jurpresed Mrs. Prilbrick July 7 with a coffee in honor of her tairth My_ “MAMFEHT” AT BIOOMTIMJ) Mr and Mrs. Willard SoHermo «er and Mr and Mrs. Matt Beha were in Bloomfield Sunday for a ^hamfest”, bam radio operators gathering. , A session concerning radio equip aans followed a picnic at the park Mh George Swanson of Hknm frdd entertained the ladies with take decorating ideas. MAW WINS AWAtB Donald Maw, Motor Parts, Inc . O’Neill, won a transistor radio for achieving a high score In a train tog program sponsored by the au tomotive division of the Martin Sfcnoor paint company. Chicago The prize, given tor the correct answers to a series of vmtion aaires on latest devetopaamft in automotive finishes, wasawarded h J R. Degnan, MartinSenour «ace president in charge of sates. Maw was one of 17 automotive jobber salesmen across the eo»s» ky receiving an award. In rdfi Itan. Maw is eligible to MHKte tor cash prizes ranging Irani (MO to raw._ SUITE LEGION BMW BUTfE—Charles Tienfcaa is the new commander of Butte Aaaeri mw legion post 5L . _ . Othtr new officer* hi Linar lack Jerome Dopbeide, a benefit ice day evening at the tennis court, j sponsored by the Maternity Home Auxiliary. A total of $117.55 was j netted for the Home. BROTHER DIES IX OREGON' L^o Higgins, 61, of Springfield. Ore., died recently and funeral services were held at Springfield.; Mr Higgins is a brother of Mike Higgins He was unable to attend the funeral services. PUN PICNIC MEETING The Sugar and Spice 4-H club, field their 4th and 5th club meet ings for the year. Christine Ja nousek and Ann Spitzenberger had the meetings. They also gave a demonstration on making sand wiches. We practiced songs. The next meeting will he a pic nic at the park on July 28.—Mary Ann Indra, reporter. Mr. Nickolaus G. Schmit of At kinson announces the engagement of his daughter, Catherine Delor es, to Mr James J. Steinhauser, son of Mr. and Mrs. I>ouis H. Steinhauser of Stuart. Miss Schmit is a gradate of St Joseph High school of Atkinson and Mr. Steinhauser is engaged in ranching with his father east of Stuart. The couple plan a fall wedding. Entertains Children Miss Maude Ranse and Mrs. Edith Young entertained Sunday for Mrs. Young’s children and grandchildren also a few friends and neighbors. Children present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston, Richard, Ja nette and Jeanene of Kansas City, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young of Rochester. Minn.. Rev^ and Mrs. Harold Young, Leslie Phillip, Wilma and Dale of Chan ute, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Carol Summerer, John, Diane and Lar ry of Ewing. Others were Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton McKathnie, Darrel and Kay of ' at Rinson, Blanch and Marvin Rouse of Inman, Ralph Young and daughter, Thelma, Marvin Young Ed Young and Mrs. Walter Young and Esther. Gives Coffee Mrs. Francis Curran entertained Wednesday morning at a 9 o’clock come-as-you-are coffee hour. Pre sent were Mrs. Bernard Allen, Mrs. Jim Donohoe, Mrs. Dale Cur ran, Mrs. Robert Larson, Mrs Al vin Ott, Mrs. Chloe McKay, Mrs. Ardith Miller, Mrs. Thelma Rater* kus and Miss Patricia Allen. Dr. Slaughter Dies Dr. Guy P. Slaughter, 47, of Winslow, Arizona died Monday of a cerebral hemorrhage at his apartment in Winslow. Funeral services will be held in Norfolk. Dr. Slaughter is formerly of Nor folk and about seven years ago opened an office in O’Neill where be practiced for a short period. He is survived by his wife—Dr. Pauline Slaughter of Norfolk; six children and five brothers, all of whom are doctors. Fete Atkinson Couple On 55th Anniversary ATKINSON—Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment of Atkinson celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary at the Atkinson park Sunday. Seven of their eight children were among the 85 family members and friends at the celebration. Coming from a distance for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dolling and Janet of Perry, Okla., and Mr .and Mrs Dale Swartz and sons of Wichita. The Kliments children who at tended were: Mrs. James (Elsie) Dobias, Atkinson; Mrs. Herbert (Edna) Kaiser, O'Neill; Henry Kliment, Wausa; Louis Kliment, Atkinson; Mrs. Roy (Georgia) Soucek, Verdigre; Mrs. Leon (Lil >lian) Thompson, Bloomfield; and I Ivan Kliment, Atkinson. Another son, George, of Omaha was unable to attend. The family includes 20 grand children and seven great-grand children. Hay Days Planning ATKINSON — The Chamber of Commerce here has completed plans for the annual Hay Days program and Appaloosa horse show. Hie annual event will be August 27 and 28. A barbecue will again be bald aad 82.888 in prize money will be given to winners of the horse show. liorsea from 20 states have been eagistorad to date. I Births ST. ANTHONY’S ERWIN The Boh G. Erwins. O'Neill, son, Jeffrey Eugene, 6 pounds, July 10. "Hie couple have another son, Steven, and a daugh ter, Terry Ann. The patcral grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Grim, Omaha, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Hancock, O'Neill. MOSEL The Ervin Mosels, Page, son, Mervin Lynn. 8 pounds, 15 ounces, July 9. This is the cou ple s fourth child. MONTGOMERY The Bernard Montgomerys, Orchard, have named their son, Darell Lee. LYONS- The Billy Lyons', O' Neill. son, Mark Allen, 7 pounds, 5 ounces, July 15. This is the cou ple's first child. The mother is the former Lora Oetter, O'Neill. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Ms. Don Lyons, O'Neill. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL OTTO The Leonard Ottos, Bur well, son, 9 pounds, 12 ounces, Ju ly 11. ATKINSON MEMORIAL SCHMIT—The John Schmits, O' Neill, son, Roger Edwin, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, July 9. HOFFMAN The James Hoff mans, Stuart, daughter, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, July 11. SHALD—T h e Charles Shalds, Atkinson, daughter, Donna Mae, 7 pounds, 13 ounces, July 13. SACRED HEART REISER The Vincent Reisers. Butte, daughter. Connie Elaine, *1 pounds, 2 ounces, July 10. ELSEWHERE THRAMER The James J. Thra mers, Kalispell, Mont., daughter, Christina Marie, 8 pounds, 9 oun ces, July 2. The couple are former Ewing residents. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Al bin Thramer of Ewing. The ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Thiele of Neligh. HERBEL—The Ron Herbels, Eugene, Ore., son, Eric Scott, Ju ly 8. Mrs. Herbel, the former Ar dath Barnett is a granddaughter of Mr. apd Mrs. S. C. Barnett of Amelia. VANDERSNICK—The Louis Van dersnicks, daughter, 7 pounds, 9 ounces, July 9 at the Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh. CALKINS The Donald Calkins, Lincoln, daughter, Vonita Lorene, June 26. The paternal grandmoth er is Mrs. Chet Calkins, O’Neill, the mother is the former Claryce Johnson, O'Neill. SOUKUP The Francis Souk ups, Wheatridge, Colo., daughter, Jill Diane, 6*6 pounds, July 10. This is the couple’s fifth child. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. Markland of Butte, Mont. FUHRER — The Carl Fuhrers, Madison, S.D., son, William Jay, 8 pounds, 3 ounces, July 6. Mrs. Fuhrer is* the former Marjorie Remter. U'NDBERU MEMORIAL BLOCK—The Gordon Blocks, Verdigre, daughter, Lola Ann, 81 pounds, 9 ounces, July 9. GIRDNER The Daniel Girdners,, Creighton, son, Duane Lee, 7 pounds, 9V4 ounces, July 10. ULRICH The Gilbert Ulrichs, Creighton, daughter, Susan Moni ca, 8 pounds, 9 ounces, July 11. MILLER—The Arnold Millers, Verdigre. son, 8 pounds, 5 ounces, July 13. AT THE COURTHOUSE COUNTY COURT State vs. Harry- Bennett, Bassett, overweight on capacity plate, fined $14. and $4 costs; officer-Clifford L. Kizzire. July 8. State vs. Bernard Coday, At kinson, speeding night, fined $15. and $4. costs; officer Sgt. R. R. Shorney, July 9. State vs. Harold C. Zahorsky, Oacoma, Okla., permitting minor to operate, fined $10. and $4. costs; officer—R. L. Gude, July 10. State vs. James R. Palmer, dri ver for Nash-Finch, Norfolk, over load on axle, fined $50, and $4 costs; officer—Donald F. Richard son, July 11. State vs. Perry Waddington, Ne ligh, speeding night, fined $10. and $4. costs; officer E. M. Hastreit er, July 13. State vs. Donald A. Agne, Belle ville, Tex., speeding night, $10. and $4 costs- officer—E. M. Has treiter, July i3. State vs. Maitland L. Smith, Ainsworth, improper lights, fined $5. and $4. costs; officer—E. M. Hastreiter, July 14. State vs. Eldon G. Mundorf, dri ver of Gillette Dairy, Norfolk, ov erweight on single axle, fined $70. and $4 costs; officer—Donald F. Richardson, July 14 State vs. Alfred Mayfield, Hal stead. Kan., speeding day. fined $10. and $4. costs; officer—Sgt. R. R. Shomey, July 14. • State vs. Donovan D. Brunnels, driver or General Wholesale, Nor folk. overload on axle, fined $90. and $4. costs; officer-Clifford L. Kizzire, July 15. State vs. Edward Yelli, jr., Ew ing, speeding night, fined 110. and $4. costs; officer—E. M. Hastreit er, July 15. Marriage License Ronald Ray Reed. 23, Des Moines, la., Bonnie Burival, 20. O’Neill, July 11. • si-' •*' - - ■'&- -‘•e V H ,47. Here are just a few future American Legion Auxiliary members. They are the new officers ami were elected early this week. Mrs. Dean Streeter is the junior girls’ couneelor. The girls and their of fices are, from left, Ruth Ann McKamy, Sargent-at Arms; Linda Hunt, Color Guard; Patricia McKenrl. Historian; Gayle Murphy, Chairman; Dorothy Havranek, Secretary; Linda Appleby, Color Guard. Not shown is Ellen Slutz, News Scribe; Sandra Laursen, First Vice President; Carol Lowery, Chaplain; and Anna Marie Fritton, Re Hub Chairman. The Frontier Photo and Engraving. | -Obituaries- | Funeral Held For Mrs. Murray, 22; At St. Patrick's Funeral services for Miriam Ar lene Murray, 22, O'Neill house wife were conducted Saturday, Ju ly 11, 1959 at 10 a m. at St. Pa trick’s Catholic church in O'Neill. Rev. Timothy O'Sullivan officiated Burial was in Calvary cemetery. Rosary was recited at 8:30 p.m. Friday at Biglin's chapel. Miriam Troshynski Murray was bom October 10, 1936 at Emmet to Michael and Loretta Murphy Tro shynski. She attended St. Mary's Academy in O'Neill where she gra duated in 1955. She was married August 20, 1956 at O’Neill to Tho Mrs. Murray mas Erwin Murray. Death oc cured July 9, 1959 at 6:40 p.m. at St. Anthony’s hospital in O'Neill. She is survived by her husband; parents; two sisters- Mrs Fran cis (Leona) Hershiser and Mrs. Richard (Betty) Minton; two broth ers—Michael and James, all are of O'Neill. Pallbearers were: Larry Minton, Jerome Gallagher, Floyd Hershis er, Ed Murphy, O. E. Davidson I and Wally O’Connell. Funeral Services for Mrs. Emma Coover Held Friday Funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon for Mrs. Emma Coover, at the United Presbyter ian Church in Ewing with Dr. Wil liam H. Ross, pastor, officiating. Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, organist, of organ music and accompanied the singer, Mrs. Floyd Menning, and Mrs. Glen Miller, both of Orchard. The floral tributes were in charge of Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Mrs. Ralph Shrader. Pallbearers were Willard Napier of Orchard, Ralph Shrader, Lewis Shrader, Wayne Shrader, all of Ewing. Vernon McNabb of Laurel, Leslie Stevens of Norfolk. Burial was made in the family plot at the Ewing cemetery. Emma Luella Cushman, daugh ter of Robert A. and Rachel Ann Cushman was born. March 24, 1887 near Ewing, Nebr. and passed away at Orchard, Nebr., July 7, 1959 at the age of 72 years, 3 months and 13 days. On July 29, 1912 she was united in marriage to Frank Coover. To this union five children were born. She has been a member of the United Presbyterian Church in Ewing since October 26, 1901. Preceding her in death were three daughters, one granddaugh ter, one sister, two half sisters and seven half brothers. Survivors are her two daughters, Mrs. Vivian Ickler of Sidney and Elizabeth Kent of Denver, six grandchildren, nine great grand children and a number of nieces^ nephews and many friends. Van Zandt Funeral Is Held Wednesday at First Methodist EWING—Funeral services were conducted for. Mis Anna VI. Van Zandt Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, July 15, at the First Methodist church with the Rev. Woodrow Elliot, pastor, officiating. Burial was in the Ewing cemetery. The organ prelude was played by Aubrey Wood, who also played the accompaniment for the sing ers, Mrs. Harriet Welke and Ed Hoag, who sang “There’s No Night There” and “Rock of A^s”. Miss Hazel Ruby and Miss Elsie Siase were in charge of the flor al tributes. Pallbearers were Leonard • _. j, i Knapp, Ralph Tomjack, Dewitt Hoke, Ralph Shrader and Willis Rockey, all of Ewing and Dur ward Loughrey of Norfolk Miss Marsh Van Zandt was born at Copperhill, New Jersey, July 10. 1880, and died at the Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh, July 12, 1959. In 1887 she came from New Jersey to Ewing with her parents. She attended the Ewing school and graduated in 1897. She then atten ded the University of Nebraska and received an A. B. degree in 1904 During her enrollment at the University, she was chosen pre sident of her class, the first wo men ever elected to the office. She was also memlier of two hon orary societies Phi Beta Kappa and the Black Mask. After graduation from universi ty, Miss Van Zandt taught Bible classes at the YWCA in Lawrence, Kansas. She was then secretary of Religious Work and taught Bible classes at the -YMCA for 10 years in Buffalo, New York. She returned form Buffalo to Ewing in 1918 and cared for her mother and father. During this time she was spon sor of the Epworth League for a number of years and taught Sun day Sahool classes for 38 years. For many years she was sponsor of -the Campfire Girls and was al ways interested in the youth of the town. The work of the church was always of first importance to her. Miss Van Zandt’s sister, Mrs, Florence Butler, survives. Hospital Notes ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: July 6—Mrs. Ruth Barnes of Atkinson; Mrs. George Randall of Atkinson; Mrs. Mike Coday of Atkinson. 7—Roy Nilson of Newport; Neil Mewhirter of Stuart; Mrs. Robert Greenfield of Stuart. 8- Mrs. Rufino Martines of Urownsville, Tex.; Mrs. John Kramer of Stuart; Wayne Baker of Atkinson. 9 Mrs. John Schmit of O'Neill. 11- Mrs. James G. Hoff man of Stuart Earl Cadwallader of Stuart. 12-Ernest Horton of Stuart. 13 Mrs Charles Slmld of Atkinson; Frank Rieser of Butte; H. E. Meyers of Newport. Dismissed: July 7—Mrs. Vina Munson of Stuart. 8—Mrs. Clara Clark of Atkinson; Mrs. Curtiss Hook of Long Pine; Mrs. Rufino Martinez of Brownsville, Tex. 11— Mrs. Thomas Papke of Chambers; Mrs. George Randall of Atkinson; Mrs. John Kramer of Stuart. 12— Mrs. Altheria Wicks of Atkinson; Mrs. Michael Coday of Atkinson. LUNDBERG MEMORIAL ^Admitted July 4-11—Mrs. Anna McElhose of Creighton; Mrs. Arn old Nichels of Bloomfield; Louie Fischer of Niobrara; Mrs. Gordon Block of Verdigre; Mrs. Daniel Girdner of Creighton; Mrs. Gilbert Ulrich of Creighton. Dismissals: Richard Wenke of Bloomfield; Mrs. Emilie Will of Plainview, transferred to Pierce Rest Home; Mrs. Julia Wagner of Creighton, transferred to Clark Rest Home; Mrs. Wayne Vakoc of Verdel; Bert Clarence of Creigh ton ; Mrs. Russell Closson and baby of Verdigre. SARED HEART HOSPITAL Lynch Admitted: Mrs. Leonard Ander son of Bristow; Mrs. Gorden Bar ta of Lynch; William Blitzkie of Spencer; Mrs. George Classen of Spencer; Mrs. Charles Courtney of Lynch; John Dickey of Spencer; Mrs. Otto Guthmiller of Anoka; Mrs. Clara Hahn of Butte; Mrs. Otto Holmberg of Bristow; Mrs. Bertha Mitchell of Butte; Mrs. Emil Prokop of Bristow; Master Edwin Scheinost of Bristow; Mrs. Frank Vondika of Verdal; J. M. Small of Naper. Dismissals: July 8—Glen Lond berg of Bristow; Frank Bata of Spencer. 9—Reinhold Breyer of Naper; Mrs. James McAllister of Spencer; Mrs. Jannettie Nelson of Center. 10—Edward Hood of O’ Neill. 11—John Lind of Glidden, Iowa. 12—Baby Michael Joseph McAllister of Spencer. 13—Mrs. Vincent Reiser of Butte. St Anthony’s ADMISSIONS: July 7— Mrs. Don Fox of Bassett: Felix Sullivan of O’Neill. 8—Mrs. Bernard Mont gomery of Orchard; Mrs. Juanita Closson of O’Neill; Mrs Erwin Mosel of Page. 9—Mrs. Glen Cobb of Stuart. 10—Mrs. Robert Erwin of O’Neill. 11—Ernest Price of O’ Neill; Albert Anthony of Inman; Clarence Becker of Spencer. 12— Stanley Chmiel of Ewing; Mrs. [Joyd Brittell of O'Neill; Mrs. Al bert Widtfeldt of O’Neil; Mrs. Vir ginia Ferris of O'Neill. 13— Ro bet Young of O’Neill; Mike Smith of Spencer; Mrs. Donald Day of O’Neill. 14—Mrs. Art Johnson of Spencer; Mr. Alton Braddock of Page. 15—Mrs. Billy Lyons of O'Neill. Dismisals: July 7—Lee Gilman of Amelia. 8—Steve Hicks of O’ Neill; Mrs. Don Berg of Denver. Colo.; Synda Everitt of O’Neill; Mrs. Don Meyers of O’Neill; Mrs. George Garhart of O’Neill; George Pebbles of O'Neill; Mrs Leo Van Jersnick of Ewing. 9— Rosemary V * Schaffer and baby girl of O'Neill. Mahony of O’Neill; Mrs. Elmer 10—Mrs. Donald Fox and baby girl of Bassett. 11- Mrs. Bernard Montgomery and son of Orchard; Mrs. Glen Cobb of Stuart. 12 Mrs. Hugo Holz of O’Neill. 13 Mrs. Erwin Mosel and baby boy of Page. 14 Mike Smith of Spen cer. 15—Mrs. Albert Widtfeld of O’Neill; Mrs. Bob Erwin of O’ Neill; Mrs. Art Johnson of Spen cer. EXPIRED: July 9 Mrs. T. Er win Murray of O'Neill. New Members Received Eighteen new members were re ceived into the membership of the First Presbyterian church Sunday, July 12, and four infants were bap tized. Members received were Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Godel, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Vleck, Raymond Harmon, Raymond Schuchmann, David Loy, Mrs. Fred Holsclaw, Mr. and Mrs. Milo I^andreth, Mr. and Mrs. Mil an Trupp. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forwood, Diane Graves and Cher yl Graves. The Infants were Rodney Ray, Rhonda Kay and Melanie Ruth Harmon and Deborah Kay Godel. |-Legal Notices— | (First publication July 16, 1959) CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA NOTICE OF RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY Public notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, held on July 14, 1959, the following Resolution of Neces sity was by the Mayor and City Council proposed for passage and adoption: Be it resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of O’ Neill in the County of Holt in the State of Nebraska: Section 1. The Mayor and Council deem it advisable and necessary to construct a storm sewer as hereinafter provided and to pass this resolution for that purpose. Section 2. There shall be con structed in the City of O'Neill a storm sewer in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Kirkham, Michael & Associates, Special E n g i neers of Omaha, Nebraska, for the city, which plans and specifications have been ap proved by the Mayor and Coun cil and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk and are open to public inspection and reference is hereby made thereto. Section 3. The storm sewer shall be constructed of cement and concrete pipe, vitrified clay pipe, or other materials deemed suitable. Section 4. Said storm sewer shall be constructed wholly within the corporate limits of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, and begins at the Northwest comer of the intersection of Douglas and Second Streets: thence South along the West side of Second Street to the North right-of-way line of the Chicago Northwestern R a i 1 road, which will include ap proximately 870 linear feet of 27-inch storm sewer pipe and 750 linear feet of 30-ir ch storm sewer pipe, along with various drainage structures and other appurtenances necessary t o complete the work. Section mere srmu ue ojiu hereby is created in the City of O’Neill a sewer district known as Sewer District Num ber 1. The outer boundaries of said District shall be the same as the outer boundaries of the City and all property within the City a part of the District. Section 6. The engineer's es timate of cost of the proposed construction and all other in cidental expenses is $24,510 00 Section 7. To pay the cost of the improvements herein pro vided for, the Mayor and Coun cil will, after such improve ments have been completed and accepted, cause to he is sued negotiable bonds of the City of O’Neill to be known as “Sewer Bonds’’. The Coun cil finds and determines that the proposed improvement con stitutes general benefit to the entire City and the cost there of shall be paid by the City and no part of the improve ments are local improvements and no property in the District is especially benefited there by. There shall be levied an nually on all taxable property in the City a tax which shall be sufficient to meet payments of interest and principal of the bonds as the same become due said tax shall be known as the “Sewer Tax" and shall be payable annually in money. Said Resolution of Necessity will be considered by the Mayor and Council on the 4th day of August, Orchard Man New CPPD Superintendent COLUMBUS- Consumers Public Power District today announced a personnel shift involving men at ^ Bloomfield, Orchard and Kearney, Robert Utterback, 50. lineman-1 serviceman at Orchard since 1949,, has hocn named local superinten dent of CPPD's operation* in the Bloomfield adea He succeeds Ku gene Lawrence, '27 who has been transferred to Scottsbluff. Sam Reinke, 25, a lineman on a con struction crew out of Kearney, will1 take over Utterback s duties at Orchard. CPPD officials said all changes take affect on Wednesday, July 15. Utterback, a native of Malvern, Iowa, is a 15-year man in the elec tric utility field Prior to his as signment at Orchard, he was sta tinned at Rushville and Chadron. Married and the father of two children. Utterback received his grade school education in Palmer and was graduated from an Oma ha high school. Lawrence, born in O'Neill, has been with CPPD since 1945. His previous assignments have been at O'Neill, Butte and Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence plan to move their family to Scottsbluff as soon as housing facilities can be ar ranged. Reinke, a 3-year man with CPPD and a native of Neligh 1959, at 7:00 o’clock P. M. in City Council Chambers of said City, at which time objections to the pass age of said Resolution will be heard. Thereupon the Resolution may be amended and passed, or passed as proposed. By order of the Mayor and Council of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. O. D. FRENCH City Clerk 12-13c (First Publication July 16, 1959) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals endorsed with the title of the work and the bid der's name will be received in the office of the City Clerk of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, un til 7:00 P.M. on the 4th day of August, 1959, for the furnishing of all labor, materials, use of con tractor’s equipment and plant and. for all else necessary to properly construct all of the improvements within Paving Districts No. 17, 18, 19, 25, 26. 28, 29. 30, 31, 32, and 33' of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska.. At which hour, or as soon as pos sible thereafter, the Mayor and the City Council of O’Neill, Ne braska, will proceed to open in the presence of all other bidders and consider the bids received for the furnishing of said labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the proper constuction of the afore said improvements. The Engineer s estimate of the cost of construction of the various districts is as follows: Pav. Dlst. No. Estimate 17 $59,810.00 18 . 15,550.00 19 . 43,402.00 25 . 6,630.00 26 . 13.800.00 28 . 17,510.001 29 . t.oao.uu 30 . 5,170.00 31 . 9,460.00 32 .. 12,700.00 33 . 11,875.00 All work called for in the plans and specifications shall be fur nished in strict accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Kirkham, Michael & Associates, Special Engineers of Omaha, Ne braska, and now on file in the office of the City Clerk of O'Neill, Nebarska. Bids will be received only upon the propsal forms furnished by the City, through its Special Engineers, Kirkham, Michael & Associates, of Omaha, Nebraska. Each bid must be accompanied by a Synopsis of Experience Re cord illustrating experience in con struction of work of this type or of a similar nature. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a bank whose deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration in the amount of five per cent (5%) of the total bid price, and must be payable without con dition to the Treasurer of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, as evidence of good faith of the bidder, and as agreed liquidated damages to the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, in case the bidder whose proposal is accepted by the Mayor and City Council fails to enter into contract within ten 110) days from the No tice of the Award and furnish ac ceptable bond to complete the work and pay for all labor and materials used, said bond to be in the amount of one hundred per cent (100%) of the total bid price. Each contractor bidding upon the work described in this Notice, at the same time as the filing of the bid shall file with the Mayor and City Council of the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, a statement that he is complying with and will continue to corrtply with fair labor standards as defined in Section 73-104 R. S., Nebraska, 1943, in the pursuit of his business and the execution of the contract on which he is bidding and there shall be written into the contract for the construction of the work re ferred to herein a provision that in the execution of such contract fair labor standards as so defined shall be maintained Plans and specifications and con tract documents may be examined at the office of the City Clerk in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, and may be procured from the of fice of the Engineers, Kirkham, Michael & Associates of 508 South 19th Street, Omaha 2, Nebraska, upon the payment of Twenty Dol lars (520.00) which amount will not be refunded. The City of O’Neill, Nebraska, reserves the right to waive infor malities and to reject any or all bids. Dated this 14th day of July, 1959. THE CITY OF O’NEILL, NE BRASKA (SEAL) DALE FRENCH, City Clerk Dat First Publication: July 16, I_I ITTERBAtK . . . MiperlntmdMit where he received his grade and high school education, started with CPPD on a construction crew out of Beatrice. A 3-year Na\*r vetei an, Reinke and his wife, Rene, will make their home in Orchard as soon as possible. 1959. Date Second Publication: July 23. 1959. Date Third Publication; July 30, 1959. __12-14 c (Published July 16, 1959* NOTICE OF INTENT TO <X>N STRUCT SIDEWALK TO: Mr. John Leonard Brennan: You are hereby notified that by virtue of the power invested in them, pursuant to and in accor dance with Section 17-522 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1943, that the governing body of the City of O'Neill. Molt County, Nebraska, consisting of a Mayor and City Council, does hereby serve notice upon you of their in tent to build and construpt a side walk upon premises now owned by you, and you being the record ti ttle holder thereof and said premi ses being legally described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point -109 3/3 feet East of the Southwest com " er of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 30, in Township ( 29, North, Range 11, West of the > 6th P. M., Holt County, Ne braska, thence running East in a strainght line 103 1/8 f^et, thence North at a right angle 188Vi feet; thence West at a right angle 103 1/8 feet; thence running South at a right angle 188Vi feet to the place of be ginning. The said sidewalk to be con structed shall traverse the above description of real estate from North to South and shall he of the length of approximately 170 feet That it is in the public interest and for the general welfare of the city of O'Neill, Nebraska, that said sidewalk should he constructed You are further notified that the cost of construction of said side walk shall be assessed against the above descrived real estate. BY ORDER Ob’ THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF O NEILL, NEBRASKA D. C. SCHAFFER Mayor ATTEST: O. D. FRENCH City Clerk 12c CAI* Meet Monday Nine members gathered Mon day, July 13 for a regular meeting of the O'Neill CAR squadron. Se veral were absent due to harvest. R. S. Moore and K. C. Wrede reported on the trip to Lincoln Monday to take a rabid cat for test. Futher arrangements and dis cussion on "Flightline” rides were held. Duo to absence of the training officer, an informal session on ef fects of airplane controls was held Norman Wayman had lunch du ty and telephone duty. Arnold Babl, Information Service Officer By Melba Wrede Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! BUY OF THE WEEK 13 C3U. FT Hotpoint Refrigerator Reg. $299 NOW ONLY $219 With Trade • * * USED Amana Freezer $194 JUST ONE! # * • , • i . Real buys on new, crated freeser*. Bring your own pickup. Dankert’s Service O’NEII.L and CHAMBERS