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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
The Wayne Spelts are already active in community affairs. See story. Janet is nearly 9 and Lynn nearly 10 years old. The family will soon make u trip to Kearne where Mrs. Spelts will attend sum mer school. The Frontier Photo and Engraving. Spelts Family Is New to O'Neill Some new faces in O’Neill, but with a familiar name, are the members of the Wayne Spelts fam ily. Previously from Gothenburg, the Spelts arrived in O'Neill about a month ago and already are active in community affairs. Wayne, who has heen with sev eral other Spelts lumtier companies in Nebraska, is with the Spelts Ray Lumber Co. here. Mrs. Spelts, whose name is Bess, will become familiar to school children in Sep temlx'r. when she begins teaching 5th and 6th grades at the O'Neill public school. Janet, 8'i, and Lynn. 10'4, are! the two younger members of the family In the short time they have lived here, they have already at tended Presbyterian Bible School, are taking swimming lessons, and have been learning ceramics with their mother. The two children are in 3rd and 4th grades resi>ec- | tively. Wayne and Bess have lived in a number of Nebraska towns. She is originally from Bennedict and Wayne is from Shelton. Before liv ing in Gothenburg, they lived in North Platte for several years. They are memlers of the Pres- . hyterian church and Bess is a ' PEO member. Both play bridge i and lx)th are beginning golfers ’ Wayne also liken to IkjwI and hunt. ' Although Bess spends the winter i months teaching, she still finds time for her other interests which I include sewing. She makes most of her daughter’s clothes. _^ J Summer plans include a 2 week trip to Kearney where Mrs. Spelts will attend summer school. It is also something of a vacation, es pecially for the children, as they visit their grandmother there. At the nresent time, the Spelts are living at 216 W. Fremont, but are building a house tor future living. Amelia News Post Nuptial Shower for Bride By .Miss Florence Lindsey Mrs. Clayton Burge was honored vith a post nuptial shower Friday ifternoon at the home of Mrs. ilenn White. At tout forty five la lies and children were present, rhe program was hold on the lawn vith the bride’s chair placed n front of a rose covered trellis. Miss Myrtle White sponsored the tames and contests. The bride received many nice lifts. Gary Fagan of Chambers visited Roger Waldo a few days last w eek. Mr and Mrs. Fiaflk Pierce were Burvvoll callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wehland of Hol tlrege visited at the F.amie John ston home on the weekend. Hu Wehlands son, Richard has been helping hay at the Johnstons. Mrs. , Wehland is Mr. Johnston's Niece, j Mr. anti Mrs. Vernon Smith and Mrs. Letha Cooke of Chambers , were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. i and Mrs. Clifford Clemens and family. * , Mr and Mrs. John Crams of | Seottsbluff came Thursday anti vis ited until Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear ana other relatives in the community Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg, Linda and Carol of Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Fryrear also vis ited at the Fryrear home. Don Adams completed a f*v‘‘ week course at Dana College In Blair and relumed home Friday evil ling, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt. Sara. Margie and Bill, jr., of Dos Moines, la., came Sunday and are visiting her mother, Mrs. Gertie Adair and brothers, Bob and Ralph Adair and families. Rollin Porriot. Mrs. Lizzie Dex ter, Mrs. Lindsey and Florence, and Mrs. Edith Anderson visited Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Bly. Mrs. Lillie Weller and her son, joe Weller and family of Portland, Oregon visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Blake Ott on Wednesday afternoon. July 8. Charlie Withers of Omaha visited a couple days last week with Sam Gilman. Jim Chapman v isited his mother, Mrs. Effie Withers from Friday until Sunday. The Oiapmans re cently sold their tourist court in Santa Barbara, Calif., and are look ing for a new location. Mrs. Blossom Butler and her mother, Mrs. Effie Withers went to Mobridge, S. D.. Sunday to visit Mrs. Douglas Chapman and faintly. Mrs. Butler will g<> on to Fargo, N. D. to visit her daughter, Jeanette ami family, Mrs. Withers will also visit her son, George Chapman and family at Linton. N.D. They expect to be gone about three weeks. Reverend Cox called on Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett Wednesday af ternoon, July 8. He also made oth er pastoral calls in the community. Lee Gilmans are having a new bam erected. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stoecker at tended the funeral of Mrs. A L. Lowery in Chambers Tuesday morning July. 17, Mrs. B. W. Waldo accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Ken Werner to Grand Isiand Friday. Rollin Perriot of Norfolk visited over Sunday with the Lindseys. He is working in the hayfields at the Trenepohl ranch near Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don made a trip into Kansas over the weekend. Mrs. Stella Sparks purchased a small building from Edgar Petersons and bad it moved near her place to be used for a wash house. Miss Sally Landrum of Atkinson spent last week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Jimmie Doolittle of Stuart has been helping hay at Vern Sagesers. -—; NOW . . . Have all the Drawer Space you want with Good Taste & Maximum Arrangeability at money saving prices! the, v&tAcme/ Matching units may be hod to fit th* available space in large or small rooms, including children's rooms — at surprisingly low prices, tool AfIVITI I Th* five-drower desk, the Ik fif W X I Jq ^ twelve-drawer chest and bunk bed are particularly adapt Ul l HIIT obi* for children's rooms. H la II W I A lovely appearing suite, too, and quality that you've o right Plukle Dresser, Deeksess Ded, |0 «xp#ct from Fashion Trend, nv*drawer Osest, Only the famous brand furniture A At A you’ve seen in national maga \|UUSII sines and on television. *ir | ^^^^ Vertical brats pulls accent th* excellent design features of spent hand ut*A Th* Plonmaker. be* It todayl t' .vcHing high protturo lominoto mok«ft u i top turfocot highly r#».»»ont to hoot, c.garott* burnt, tolvOfttt tuch at fmgor nJ,l p0' \h rtmovtr, okoholt ond wotor. Meyer’s Midwest Phone 526 Wet* 0 ■Vtfake up •\jvfonderful / After II years of scientific testing.. 60,000,000 sleep recordings prove you get sounder sleep with BEAUTYREST Research was conducted by the United States Testing Co. in laboratory sleep moms. Actual people slept on all the leading types of mattresses. Electronic equipment recorded their brain wax es . . . heart beats. The findings: Beautyrest gave longer periods of sounder, deeper, unbroken sleep. Beautyrest inde pendent coil construction lets you sleep relaxed . . . awake refreshed! Furniture & Appliance 'Neill Free Delivery I - ■ - ■ --- It Atkinson News Atkinson Roping Club at Obermire Yards The Atkinson roping club met Sunday afternoon at the Gus Ob ermire yards north of Stuart for their monthly get-to-gether. Those participating in the match ed roping were Cliff Pacha. Law rence Pacha, Byron Blotz. Dr. Ly man White, Gus Obermtre, Rav Harrington. Clinton Daily. Mr Andrews, Rudy Dale Dvorak and Bob Woodworth and V'ern Reed of O'Neill. The jack-pot was won by Dr. Lyman White and Cliff Pacha. Obermire had a few bucking horses corraled and these were ridden during the afternoon, to of fer extra entertainment. Dr. Lyman White and daughter Cheryl will leave Saturday for Moffat, Colo., where he will assist , his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George j White, through the haying season. [ They will be accompanied as far as Boulder. Colo., by Mrs White's sister, Joyce Romigh. Dr. White expects to be gone | about a month During Dr. White's absence, Dr. Jon Lomme will be on call to take care of Dr. White's practice. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas and son, James came Saturday night day dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmuecker went to Omaha on business Mon day. Mrs. Schmuecker’s mother is keeping the Schmuecker chil dren while they are gone. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schmidt and family of Osmond visited friends and relatives in Atkinson Sunday. The group picnicked in the city park Those attending were: Mrs. Schmidt's mother and brother, Mrs Helen Pokomy and Corky, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puckett and Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson and Karen. Mrs. Charles Kudke was host ess Monday to the Iris Cluh. Koll call was answered with a flower verse. Mrs. Dean Flem ing had the lesson. Miss Patricia Schneider, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilhert Schneider, entertained a group of girls at her country home, with a slumber party last Wednesday evening. They met at 6:30 and en joyed a plunge at the swimming fxxd to start off the evening of fun. then gathered at the Schneider home where they spent the eve ning playing games. Those attending were Miss Pa 'ricia Schneider, Margaret Seger. Helen Grof, Phyllis Kaup, Connie Moeller and Mickey Lee. The group enjoyed an early morning breakfast at the Schneid er home before returning to town Miss Lois Puckett went to Chad ron Tuesday on business. She re turned to Rushville, where she vis ited overnight with a friend. Miss Geraldine Van Buskirk. She re turned home Wednesday. The Clover 4-H club met July! 8 at the home of Patty, Linda and Bernard Bonenberger. Sixteen members answered roll call. Miss Helen Martens explained the importance of getting the 0-10 2’s filled out and gave assistance to members where necessary. Betty Ries told alxiut the spec ial sewing meeting which was held at the home of Gayle Standage on June 23. Miss Martens handed out ma terial for various projects and gave instructions to all members who Man to exhibit at the Chambers f'air August 17-20. The "next meet ing will be July 19 at the Park ilouse with a family picnic. The Atkinson Country Wom en's club met last Thursday ait the park for their annual picnic. Hostesses were Mrs. Jim Keck and Mrs. Allen Miller. Koll call was answered with, "‘Where I would like to go on vacation.’’ Program leauler was Mrs. 1.11 lu Dunn. There were two guests, Mrs. Herman Meyer Jr. and Beverly Meyer. The next meeting will he on August 1.3. The Junior Catholic Daughters Troup of St Theresa, met at the park house last Thursday with 9 members present. The girls went swimming in the U>cal p<x)l then picnicked in the park Later in the evening, they went to the O'Neill Drive-In Thea ter They were accompanied by their sponsors, Mrs. Harvey Groff and Mrs. Norhert Sehaaf. About twenty five ladies gather ed at the Walter Puckett home Thursday evening for a miscellan eous shower for Miss Betty Cox bill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coxbill. Mrs. Puckett and her daughter Lois and Mrs. Kenneth Schultz and her daughter Carol were hostesses. Miss Coxbill re ceived many lovely gifts The table was decorated with Colum bine and miniature umbrella and the gifts were wheeled into the room on a cart which was also topped with an umbrella in shades of green and white. Miss Cbxbill's grandmother, Mrs. Maude Clifford, had charge of the ribbons and as the bride to be unwrapped each package, Mrs. Clifford arranged the ribbons in a decorative pillow. Contests were conducted by Miss Puckett and Miss Schultz and prizes won hy, Mrs. Fred Boet tcher. Mrs. Lulu Dunn, Miss Bon nie Clifford, Mrs. Wayne Galyen and Miss Betty Coxbill. Miss Coxbill will be married August 8 to Gerald Cox of Rush ville. The wedding will take place at the Methodist church in Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown and daughter of Bartlett, spent Sun day visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Osborn. Mrs., Brown was Eileen Osborne be fore her marriage. The Ed Meuseh home north of Stuart was the scene of a farewell picnic Sunday in honor of their son, Raymond, who will be leav ing soon for the service. Clyde Nilson returned to his home last Thursday from Hornick, la., where he had been employed the past several weeks. The Golden Key 4-H club met Sunday at Rock Falls for a picnic. About 45 attended the gathering. This was not a regular meeting but the clubbers did discuss plans for holding an ice cream social in the near future to help their treas ury. Cpl. Richard L. Roberts under went lung surgery July 1 at Brooks Army hospital at Ft. Sam Huston, Tex. Cpl. Roberts is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts of Atkin son. At last report he was making satisfactory recovery and plans to come home on a convalescent furlough when released from the lospital. His address is Cpl. Richard L. Rolx'rt* KA 17428874. Ward ISA. Bnxiks Army hospital, Ft. Sam Huston, Tex. He would appreciate cards and letters from home folk. The Jolly 4-H Ramblers met Sum lay at the city park in Atkin son for a family picnic and regular meeting. Catherine Imlra, home extension agent, was a guest and she talked on demonstrations, giving hints and pointers on how to give dem onstrations. They closed their meet-! ing by going swimming in the, swimming pool. The next meeting w ill be August i 9 at the Park in Atkinson and this will also In' a family panic. Mr. and Mr*, l.ew \ crawl and family returned last Tfu»r*da\ from a vacation trip which took j them through the Had l^md* of South Dakota and the Hluck Hill*. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Peters and Miss Jane Weidinger of St. Joe Mo, arrived Monday to s|>end a j few days in the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Horner. Mrs. Peters is a sister of Mr. Horner. Mr and Mrs. Don Mills and fam ily spent Sunday in Albion visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dar ryl Slaymaker anti family. Mr. Slaymaker was manager of the Council Oak store in Atkinson be fore leaving Atkinson. Mrs. Orland Anson and Debby and Rodney and Mrs. lX>n Mills and Susan went to Niobrara Thurs day of last week to meet Mrs. Dol ly Dickerson, who will spend some time visiting in the home of her niece, Mrs. Orland Anson and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Arison and family of O'Neill were Wednesday evening callers at the home of Mr and Mrs. Don Mills and family. Mrs. V. S. Astuto and sons, Mich ael and Mario of Omaha, have been visiting in the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Albert Kry sl. She also spent some lime in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krysl at Gregory, S.D., Mr. and Mrs Harlan Peterson in O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. William Noziska at Butte. Mr. Astuto arrived Fri day from California and Saturday they left for their home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gokie and son James came Saturday night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kramer and other relatives. They were accompanied from Clearwater by Mrs. Gokie's grand mother, Mrs. Theo Kubart, who has been visiting her son, Father Frank Kubart. The Gokies will re turn to their home Tuesday and Mrs. Kubart will return to Clear water with them. LA NO BANK LOANS « JFARM {NEEDS LOW COST . . LONG TT*M borrow with confidence • CmmMsIi Mti • Btry • ton* *> RoncB • Modwmt.w Bvlldiie* • Bwy l^iwwiil • Bwy UYW.nct • Any CanMrwcftvw *~ j i f. M fwfl WwmHm -if Rational Farm Loan Art*n .LYLE P. DIERKS, SECRETARY TRE ASU RER Rhone 91, O'Neill ROYAL THEATER O'Neill FR1.-SAT. JULY 17 IS Paramount presents Gary Cooper, Madeline Carroll in Cecil 1 De Mille's NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE With Paulette Goddard. Pro stow Foster, Robert Preston, Akim Tam iroff, Lxm Chaney, Jr Produced and Directed by Cecil B. DeMiUe Adventure Romance in Techni color ! 1000 Unforgettable Thrillsf Adm.; Adults 50e, ( hildrcn I5c. All Children unless in amis must have tickets. Matinee Sal. 2:30. SUN. MON.-TUE. WED. TIIUR. JULY 10 20-21 22-23 World Renowned Author a Fume Hurst says: "1 would be an un grateful author if I did not express enthusiasm and more for Univer sal’s production of Imitation ol Life’ . . . The picture captures warmly and dramatically the spirit of my lxx>k.” Universal- International Presents "IMITATION OF IJIT’’ In Eastman Color Lana Turner, John Gavin. San dra Dee, Dan O’Herlihy, Susan Kohner, Robert Alda, with Juanita Moore, Mahalia Jackson singing “Trouble of the World”. Hear Earl Grant sing "Imitation of Life". Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c. All children- unless In arms must have tiekets. Matinee Sun., 2:30. The Four C’s That Determine Diamond Value COIDR . . . CUTTING . . . CLARITY (PERFECTION > . . . AND CARAT WEIGHT. How docs your diamond measure according to the 4-C’s???? The value cannot be measured if either of these 4-C’s are unknown. Shop and compare diamond value WHERE YOU CAN SEE ALL f THESE QUALITIES BEFORE YOU BUY! ! ! WE HAVE A COMPLETE DIAMOND LABORATORY TO TEST AND SHOW YOU EACH DIAMOND ACCORDING TO WHAT DETERMINES j ITS DOLLAR VALUE. KNOW YOUR JEWELRY OR KNOW YOUR JEWELER! ! ! McIntosh jewelry ♦07 E. Douglas Phone IN A Trusted Jeweler la Your Beat Advlaor m h ' •• . —: ONE OF THE 7 BIG BESTS CHEVROLET GIVES YOU OVER ANY CAR IN ITS FIELD Take it, not from us, but from official results of this year’s Mobilgas Economy Run: Chevy’s pennypinching 6 delivers the most miles per gallon in its field. For a fair of these Chevrolet sixes with owerglide walked away with the first two places in their class, get ting the best mpg figure—a whop ping 22.38—of any full-size car. And here are more expert, impar tial opinions and on-the-record facts backing us up on Chevy’s other six bests: BEST TRADE-IN Check the figures in any N.A.D.A.* Guide Book. Chevrolet used car prices last year averaged up to $128 higher than comparable models of the "other two." BEST STYLE It's the only car of the leading low-priced 3 that’s unmistakably modern in every line. "In its price class," says POPULAR SCIENCE • V magazine, “Chevrolet establishes a new high in daring styling.” BEST BRAKES In direct competitive tests of re peated stops from highway speeds, conducted by NASCARt, Chevro let out-stopped both of the other leading low-priced cars—and why not: Chevy brakes are far larger, built with bonded linings, to help lengthen brake life by as mach as 66%. BEST ROOM . Official dimensions reported to A.M.A.t make this clear. For example, Chevy front seat hip room is up to 6.9 inches wider than comparable cars. BEST ENGINE Every motor magazine has given Chevrolet’s standard and Corvette V8’s unstinted praise. As SPORTS CARS ILLUSTRATED puts it: "Indeed this device is surely the most wonderfully responsive en gine available today at any price." BEST RIDE MOTOR TREND magazine calls Chevy ". . . the smoothest, most quiet, softest riding car in its price class.” You’ll be able to tell this yourself, instantly. And your Chevrolet dealer can tell you about a long list of other advantages besides these 7 big ones! *National Automobile Dealert Asso ciation fNational Association for Stock Car Advancement and Research X Automobile Manufacturers Asso ciation Make sure you get the most for your money—visit your local authorized Chevrolet dealerl A. MARCELLUS CHEVROLET CO. 127 No. Fourth St. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100