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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1959)
I > Ewing Legion Officers j To Hold Same Posts | EWING A combined meeting of j the American Legion and Auxiliary ■ eld h re late last week with ( Robert Eppenbach, commander, " Miss Lois Kaczor, who attended ' Girls State, and Bill Bauer, Boys / S jter. rejx>rted on their activities \ Separate business sessions were , held by the jiost and Auxiliary, [ All Legion officers were reelect ed They are Bob Eppenbach, j commander; Leo Hawk, viee com mander; Jerry Rotherham, ad- | jutant; Alfred Napier, treasurer; ’ lay Butler, service officer; Willis | R . key. child welfare; Eddie ' Shr Kler, employment, and James j Boies, chaplain ' Mrs Alfred Napier, president. < , pened the Auxiliary meeting. The | new officers were installed. They are Mrs R. H. Shain, president; | Mrs. Floyd Lee, vice president; Mrs. Eula Eppenhach, secretary; j Mrs. Alfred Napier, treasurer. TOO I .ATE TO CLASSIFY ' FOR SALE: i New and Used Machinery New: i Valley 30-ft rake \ IHC No. 31 mower Morill 12-ft. side delivery rake \ Du-al loader Used; j j No 52 combine 32-ft. elevator No 24 mower Farmhand manure loader Caldwell stalk and brush cutter 1948 IHC pickup, %-tnn 1952 Dodge Coronet 4 dr. Phikso refrigerator, good T V antenna and rotor, near new ERNEST SIXTA SERVICE Lynch, Nebr. FDR SALE; Registered Hamp shire hoars Big. rugged, well grown. Alfred Hansen, Plain-' view, Nebr. I2tfc CARD OF THANKS WE WANT to thank the nurses. Sisters, doctors, Priests and everyone for the wonderful care of our t>eloved wife, sister and daughter. Miriam Murray. — Erwin Murray, The Mike Tro shynski family. _J2c CHURCH NOTES METHODIST CHI RCH Chambers and Amelia Charles F. Cox pastor Chambers Sunday -Sunday school, 10.00 a. m.; morning worship, 1100 am.; Senior M Y.F. 1st and 3rd Sunday evening of each month, 8:00 p.m. Monday -Junior choir rehearsal, 8.00 p.m ; Junior M. Y. F , 8 30 p. m.; adult choir rehearsal, 8.30 p. m. Thursday WSCS, 2.00 p.m. at the Church Hostesses are Mrs. Jtelle Wintermote, Mrs. Lybolt and Mrs. Cox. Amelia Sunday Morning worship, 9.30 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a m. Note: We are omitting our Thursday evening service through the remainder of the month of Ju ly ,i:d through August. | O'Neill locals Mrs. Nettie Widtfeldt visited Fnday and Saturday in Lincoln with her sister, Mrs. Georgia Pence. , Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing and daughter, Joyce Ann. retuiri ed Monday after visiting his sis-, ter Mi' and Mrs. Nick Bogner and family at Oelrtchs. S.D. They also toured the Black Hills with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munn ol Hot Springs, S.D. . . Mrs Melvin Spangler and daugh ters are spending this week with the Brockhouse family in Sioux [ City Mrs. Brockhouse is the for mer Joan Binkerd, daughter of Mrs. Spangler. . Mr and Mrs Gene Mattley of Hastings were weekend visitors at the Clyde McKenzie, jr. home. Members Hear Report \V. F W. Auxiliary No 926 met Tuesday evening, July 14, at 8 p. m for a regular meeting with president, Mrs. Verlin Peterson, in charge. After the business meeting Mrs Anna Brown, Mrs George Mor lang and Mrs Otto Sprague re ported on the department conven tion which they attended at Hast ings in June_ Double A Auction market report Cattle receipt* were reduced due to excellent haying weather, however buyer Interest and prices remained very favorable. Several Eastern buyers were present and we had a lot of telephone Inquiry about our special Sale coming up August 4th —We have several hundred already listed but would like lots more—Phone 5141 of you would Uke to list your cattle for this sale or If you would Uke us to look at your cattle. Ileef cows sold from $le50 to $19 20 with sonic heiferettes u> $21.00 cwt. Canners and low-cut ters $14.50 to W7 00 cwt. Bulls $20.30 to $22-25 "1th enough to test the market. Steer calves sold up to $30-00 w*th but a few offered. Choice calve* dig able to sdl to $40-00. largely $30-00 to $33 0© cwL Yearling heifers were Included in the $29.00 to Wl-00 cwt bracket with no loads offered. Some 770 lb. fleshy heifers at $27-20 cwt Yearllag largely $29.00 to $32.00 cwt. ano in broad demand. D^i’t forgot the Big Sale August 4th and Remember there’s always a good Sale In AUdnson Every Tuesday — THERE 8 MORE DOLLARS IN THE TOU} " WHEN THEY’RE LOCALLY SOLD SELL YOPR NEXT CONSIGNMENT THE AItO TION WAY. Atkinson Livestock Market [®® *"A^.CCC^MG00D F0R 0NE free coPY»»»»»sol [ Special Top Value Golden Stamp Book | I Containing 5CFREE Stamps ^ ^ I Clip this coupon and bring it to any Value Stamp Booh containing 50 ^^1 merchant giving Tap Value Stamps. tree-stamps already printed on the ^ . He will give you the Special Top f.rst page. I Address -City__— a Limit One Golden Stamp Book to a customer per store visit No purchase necessary. (This offer void in any state | or municipality where prohibited, taaed or otherwise restricted) This coupon expire?-^ K, „ i ; “ y^ Clip this coupon I % Get this Top Value Golden Stamp Book containing 50 FREE STAMPS It's a bonus to help you get free gifts faster. because we've already started filling this book for you with Top Value Stamps. For new Top Value Stamp savers, this special book gives you a head start. .. and for present stamp savers . . . this is Just another way for merchants giving Top .Value Stamps to say “Thanksl" Get your Golden Stamp Book .while the offer lasts. Hurryl < • ________ * _ ,, PLASTIC LOCK-LID 1 6 PKGS. KOOL-ADE ABSOLUTELY FREE! 1 A $1.08 Value-YOU SAVE 29c I Hl-C Orange Juice PLUS Absolutely it FREE A Missile Game with the Purchase of 3 Cans RED DOT B POTATO CHIPS [ Reg. 59c Size ^ I ONLY . I If Shank WHOLE or Ha,f Lb BUTT HALF Lh. Center Cut (Slices Lb. K U.S.D.A. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GOOD _ i I * HAG Frozen WHITING .. 10-lb. box $1.39 BAVQrET—Chicken Beef • Turkey FROZEN PIES. 5 for $1.00 BROOK MARSHMALLOWS . full lb. 29c BABBITS CLEANSER .. 14-oz. can 10c SARAN WRAP . 25-ft. roll 33c KRAFT—Caramel Ice Cream TOPPING . jar 25c MA BROWN—Ol’ Fashioned DILL PICKLES ..4 pt. btls. $1.00 FINEST PORK & BEANS 3 No. 3 Jumbo tad cans Sf 00 TENDERLEAF BLACK TEA BAGS .... 48 ct. pkg. 59c WOODY'S BARBECUE SAUCE .... 11-oz. btl. 49c .JINIORETTES MACARONI . 2 6-oz. pkgs. 19c PARKAY OLEO.4 lbs. $1.00 KRAFT—Miracle SANDWICH SPREAD . .. 8-oz. jar 25c BRIQUETS CHARCOAL.. . 10-lb. bag 69c ANGELFOOD CAKES. each 39c RWAY SWEET PICKLES .qt. jar 39c U.H. OOOD—I .(‘an, All Exceiw Fat Removed ■ CHUCK STEAKlb. 69c I CHUNK OR SLICED 1 SLAB BACONlb. 39c 1 CUDAHY’S REX ■ WIENERS_2 U>s. 89c | GOLDEN RIPE J 1 Bananas S j WIWESAP APPLES_4 lbs. j | ONIONS, 3 lbs. ISc | TOMATOES, lb. 19 > I Red Ripe ) 1 Watermelons j I ik 3< >| LTTtmw^. •" BBVQ3SBHB 1 u -** ~ nM1!!WAaM 1