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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
|--Legal Notices— | (Published May 14, 1959) NOTICE The following is a true, correct anti complete copy of said ordin ance: CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Ordinance No. 3J8 A AN ORDINANCE CREATING PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 32 IN THE CITY OF O’NEILL. NE BRASKA, DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O NEILL, NEBRAS KA: Section I. There is hereby creat ed within said City Paving District Number 32 which shall include all the area within the following outer boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the mid-point on the north side of Block 15, of the Original Town of O'Neill, Nebraska; thence north to the mid-point on the south side of Block 46 of the McOaJferty's Addition in the City of O'Neill; thence east to the mid-point on the south side of Block 47 of the MeCafferty’s Addition in the City of O'Neill; thence south to the mid-point on the north side of Block 14 of the Original Town of O'Neill; thence west to the point of be ginning. Section 2. The following street in said District shall he improved by the construction of paving and such other work that may lie incidental thereto: FIFTH STREET from the south line of Clay Street to the north line of Adams Street in the City of O’NeilJ, Nebraska. Section 3. The cost of said im provements in said District, ex cepting the street and alley inter sections, shall be assessed against the property in said District speci ally benefited thereby as provided by law. Section 4 After the publication of this ordinance notice of the crea tion of said District shall be given by publication in The Forntier. which the Council finds to be a legal newspaper in said City, for two 12) consecutive weeks. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of May, 1959. D. C. Schaffer, Mayor. O. D. French, City Clerk. (SEAL i 3c (Published May 14, 1959) NOTICE CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Ordinance No. 325-A AN ORDINANCE CREATING PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 31 IN THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NE BRASKA. DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES ANI) PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVE M ENTS THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED RY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRAS KA: Section 1. The Mayor and City | Council of the City of O'Neill, Ne braska, hereby find and determine: A Petition has been filed with the ' City Clerk and presented to the City Council petitioning for the I creation of a paving district for the improvement of We Are Paying $7.10 PER 30-DOZEN CASE For Eggs In Trade on Chicks! Eggs are too low in price, but you can keep your production high, and still make some money when you feed CORKLE'S HIGH ENERGY LAYING MASH, Only $3.50 per 100 lbs. CHICK GROWER MASH, Only $3.25 per 100 lbs. 41% SOY BEAN MEAL, Only $4.00 per 100 lbs. 40% HOG SUPPLEMENT, Only $5.00 per 100 lbs. Corkle’s Inc. Hatchery Phone 757 O'Neill 500 to 600 Cattle I At the O'Neill Livestock Market today there will be from 500 to ‘ 000 cattle, 250 calves, heifers and steers, 150 yearling cattle, and I the balance of cattle will be baby calves, milk cows, slaughter cows and bulls. There will be a nice selection of stocker and feeder cattle tomorrow. There will be 250 to 300 feeder pigs with ; the hog sale beginning at around 12:30 p.nt. O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vern & Leigh Reynoldson I Everett Street from the East Lane of Sixth Street to the East Line of Seventh Street in the City of O'Neill, Nebraska As determined by the record in the office of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds of said County there are 14 resident owners own ing property directly abutting up on the street proposed to be im proved and 10 of said resident owners owning property directly abutting upon the street to be im proved have signed said petition. The petition is sufficient in form and signed by the required number of said resident owners. Section 2. There is hereby creat ed within said City Paving District Number 3i which shall include all the area within the following outer boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the mid-point on the West side of Block 24 of the Original Town of O'Neill, Nebraska; thence East to the mid-point on the West side of Block -'ll*’ of Fahy's Park Ad dition to the City of O'Neill; thence South to the mid-point on the west side of Block "I" of Fahy’s Park Addition; thence west to the mid-point on the West side of Block 25 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence north to the point of be ginning. The street to be improved is Everett street from the East line of Sixth Street to the East Line of Seventh Street in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. Section 3. The part of the street included in Paving District Num ber 31 is ordered improved by pav ing, curbing and guttering and such work as may be incidental thereto at public cost but the City shall levy special assessments on the property specially benefited by said improvements proportionate to benefits as provided by law' to reimburse the City. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of May, 1959. D. C. Schaffer, Mayor. ATTEST: O. D. French, City Clerk. (SEAL) 3c (Published May 14, 1959) NOTICE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Ordinance No. 328-A AN ORDINANCE CREATING PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 29 IN THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NE BRASKA, DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NE BRASKA : Section 1. The mayor and City Council of the City of O'Neill, Ne braska, hereby find and determine: A Petition has been filed with the City Clerk and presented to the City Council petitioning for the creation of a paving district for the improvement of Everett Street from the east line of Fifth Street to the east line of Sixth Street in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. As determined by the record in the office of the County Clerk and Reg ister of Deeds of said County there are 13 resident owners owning pro perty directly abutting upon the street proposed to be improved and 8 of said resident owners own ing property directly abutting up on the street to be improved have signed said petition. The petition is sufficient in form and signed by the required number of said resi dent owners. Section 2. There is hereby creat ed within said City Paving District Number 29 which shall include all the area within the following outer boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the mid-point on the west side of Block 23 of the Original Town of O'Neill, Nebraska; thence east to the mid-point on the west side of Block 24 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence south to the mid-point on the west side of Block 25 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence west to the mid-point on the west side of Block 26 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence north to the point of beginning. The street to be improved is Everett Street from the east line of Fifth Street to the east line of Sixth Street in the City of O’Neill. Nebraska. Section 3. The part of the Street included in Paving District Num ber 29 is ordered improved by pav ing, curbing and guttering and such work as may be incidental thereto at public cost but the City shall levy special assessments on the property specially benefitted by said improvements proportionate to benefits as provided by law to reimburse the City. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of May, 1959. D. C. Schaffer, Mayor ATTEST: O. D. French, City Clerk (SEAL)_ 3c (Published May 14, 1959) NOTICE The following is a true, correcl and complete copy of said ordin 1ance: THE SKIPPER’S CHOICE ► FOR WORK SAVING MAINTENANCE Want the skipper's choice for low watercraft maintenance? It's MARINE FINISH, Minnesota Paint’s free working, solid hiding, easier applying product that helps give you the sharpest craft on water. Try it, on your next color change or maintenance project. You’ll find its clean, bright, fade resistant colors will give you distinctive attractiveness. For better hunting, rely on the flat, easy to apply #' hunting boat colors that blend naturally into wilderness shades for maximum hunting effectiveness. - ■■■ - Spelts--Ray Lumber Co. -'**** O'Neill, Nebraska • * • _ » • ’ a ’ * CITY OF O'NEILL. NEBRASKA Onltnain < \<> * ' X AN ORDINANCE CREATING PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 33 IN THE CITY OF O NEILL, NE BRASKA, D E F I N I N G THE BOUNDARIES AND PROVIDING IX) R THE CONSTRUCTION OF STEET IMPROVEMENTS THERE IN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NE BRASKA : Section 1. There is hereby creat-1 ed within said City Paving District Number 33 which shall include all the area within the following outer boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the mid-point on the East side of Block 27 of the Original Town of O'Neill, Nebraska; thence East to the mid-point on the West side of Block "I" of Fahy 's Park Addi tion to the City of O’Neill; thence South to the mid-point on the West side of Block “O” of Fahy's Park Addition to the City of O'Neill; thence west to the mid-point on the East side of Block 34 of the Original Town of O'Neill; thence North to the point of beginning. Section 2. The following street in said District shall be improved by tlte const ruction of paving and such other work that may be incidental thereto; FREMONT STREET from the West line of Fifth Street to the East Line of Seventh Street in ihe City of O Neill. Nebraska. Section 3. The cost of said im pros ements in said District, ex cepting the street and alley inter sections. shall he assessed against the property in said District speci ally benefited thereby ns provided by law. Section 4. After the publication of this ordinance notice of the cre ation of said District shall 1h* given by publication in The Frontier, which the council finds to be a legal newspaper in said Pity, for two (21 consecutive weeks. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of May, 1*59 D. C Schaffer. Mayor O. D. French (SEAL' City Clerk Mrs Cbrrine Elkins of Meadow* Grove and William Heins of Hamp ton were married on Friday, May 1. Mrs. Elkins is well known at Chambers where she was mired and attended school. She lived here for a number of years before mov ing to Norfolk. BACON & EGGS 5r_ 59c Another Way to Lower Your Total Food Bill and at the Same Time Treat Your Famly to a Hot, Hearty Meal — Take Advantage of Our Jack & Jill Week-End Special—and Enjoy Better Living For Less! MIEEBERRY BRAND GRADE "A” SLICED BACON — Plus — MEDIUM EGGS—One Poun d and One Dozen_For Only 59c MAXWELL HOUSE )fm‘..j«p*1 SWANSDOWN SBB00..495 —-—...aua CUDIkJD Booth, Fresh Frozen 10-Oz. CQf onmmr Breaded, Round...Pkg. J J CUDIKID Fresh Frozen, 10-Oz. CQC onnimr Headless, for Bait.Pkg. 90 Picture Salads DESIGN YOUR OWN WITH OUR FAMILY CUNG PEACHES AND *1. COTTAGE CHEESE vUR FAMM.Y CUNG PEACHES 12 oz FAIRMONT COTTAGE CHEESE - AQ. EVERYBODY LOVES?? JjoW)WfgGrtA! MADE FROM JACK ft JILL TENDER. LEAN NATURALLY JUICY FRESHLY MADE jff GROUND BEEF ' f """ A A* \ H / cT.„ | C Cooking I ^ ■ ■j 3 LBS. a | PORK STEAK ZtZZZ..-39c : |ROUND STEAK ST-.»85‘ J I Lrge Bologna, Fresh Made, lb. 39c i l PORK SAUSAGE nr..;~53c j \ Pork 33c jr k\ CHEESE J / * y<£2&rf ’<^KEf5HUP^ x 4 R7* 1_ Roll 23c MIDI CTC Whole Kernel f) 12-Ox. I Or IIIuLlI 0 Golden Corn. L Tins 4jC UCYIPPPM Niblet's Corn with Red and Q 12-Oi. 1 C r mCAIUUniX Green Sweet Peppers L Tins 4j GREEN GIANT PEAS 0 "t,3",17c Cbanc(fanned TREET.”™53' POTTED MEAT 2’™’27' STEW “™ 53c CORNED BEEF.... "Z 57' /BLlul (BonwL MARGARINE \ j \ CDDV P,M Vegetable 3-Lb. ft Cf K Wl III Shortening . Tin f} J JSTARKIST TUNA «&*..V,V 35' 1,_ COOK ES 4 f RAINDROPS W ** % WATER SOFTENER 24 or 7o PIG-AT DIAPER '■/ SWEET x Deodorises - Whitens 22 OZ. PIG_ FRESH PAN READY—1 *4 to 2 lb. Average FRYING CHICKENS..._ Each 59c FRESH PORK HOCKS_Pound 29c BACON SQUARES_Pound 23c .JACK & JILL—Vanllla-Chocolate-Strawberry ICE CREAM_Vi gallon 69c Marshmallow PEANUTS_Pound package 27c —NEAR GALLON FRUITS— ! VALLEY HOME BLUE PLUMS_No. 10 tin 69c WHITE TAG DARK SWEET CHERRIES_No. 10 tin 99c VALLEY HOME PEACHES (Halves)_No. 10 tin 99c GOLDEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS_3 No. 2V2 cans 59c OUR FAMILY CUT GREEN BEANS_2 303 cans_ I"MIX-EM" or "MATCH-EM" Somerdale Fresh Frozen Vegetables Out Corn • tireen Peas - Cauliflower ■ MixedP QQf* Vegetables - French Fries • Ohop'd BroccoliJJ F^©*** *”* Ov^ 1 * • »* • ’ *' •»***«,*, « * * * * , »* * * * • t** * f "MIX-EM" or "MATCH-EM" Canned Vegetable Sale I’ork £ Beans - Green Beans - Sweet £ M 0A0 CQ/* Teas ■ Spaghetti • Veg. Soup - Sauerkraut ^ I1U. JvJ Idll Q J*'