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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
O'Neill Locals Vliss Aivara Hamm flew to Kansas City on May 2 to attend the centennial day celebration on May 3 at St. Mary College, Xavier Kan.s Miss Kamm is a graduate oi St. Mary College. She visited with former classmates and friends. Mr. anil Mrs. Kiehard Graham of Alma spent the weekend of Muy 1*3 with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham and visiting her sister. Miss Carlene Sehoenle, who was here from Kansas, also fv , brother, Donald Sehoenle. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Khrhardt ami Mrs. Clyde McKenzie sr. of Lynch v isited the Clyde McKenzies Jr. mi Saturday, May 2. Mr and Mrs. Mike Qunlset, llila ami Ron of Tilden, Mrs. Kugene Martin. Tom, Jerry and Linda of Neligh attended the kindergarten exercises on Friday. Gary and Sandy Paulson went liome with them ami stayed over n,ghl. Richard Bohn of IJncoln and John Bohn of lamp City were home over Mother’s Day to visit tlr t j parents, Mr. and Mrs Dmuniuki Bohn. George Morey of Conrad. Mont., and Mr and Mrs. J3iH Kiser of j Choteau, Mont., visited Sunday with ■ Mrs. Ivh Hopkins. Mr and Mrs. Jack Dailey had a combination Mother’s Day-F.itli er’s Day call this week from their | daughter, Mrs. Betty Kossnran. j and two grandchildren who live in : Garden Grove, Calif. Mr. ami Mrs. Laurence Haynes i were in Page Sunday for dinner at | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen j Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nissen 1 of Page were also guests. Mr. anti Mrs Jim Stewart of i Page spent Tuestlay evening with j Mrs. Juliana Kamphaus. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson were in Verdigre Saturday for the silver wedding anniversary cele bration of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller. Mr. ami Mrs. Gene Bird spent the weekend in Oakland at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swan Anderson. John Harrington sr. arrived Thursday from Chicago to sfiend the weekend with his mother, Mrs, Anna Donlin. Mrs. Harrington was in Omaha caring for her daughter, Mrs. Joe Fraber, who recently had surgery. Mr. Harrington returned to Chicago Sunday by way of Oma ha. Mrs. Harrington returned to Chicago the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Reece of Scribner were here for the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jansen They had dinner Sun day at the Gilbert VVinchell home. Mrs. Pal Ilarty returned Friday from a visit with her son, Tom, and family in Neenah, Wise. Mrs. John Frenking returned to her home in Omaha Saturday with 1959 Holt County Eighth Grade Graduates ... Hi in mmw m Photo (\mrlwiy of O'Neill Photo Ot Father Eugene Gallagher. Mrs. Frenking was for a week, with her sister, Mrs. John Melvin. Mrs. Jack Ilerigan was in Omaha and-Lincoln for the weekend. Mrs. Genevieve Marty accompanied her to Omaha where she spent the weekend with her daughter, Sister Mary Brian at St. Mary’s Convent. The E. M. Gleeson and Robert DeVoy families were in Bonesteel, S.D., Sunday where they visited Mrs. Patrick Donohue, mother of Mrs. Gleeson and Mrs. DeVoy. Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott visited Sunday afternoon and Mon day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennicott Johns town. Dinner guests Mother's Day at the Herbert Gydeson home were Mrs. Amelia Crosby of Bartlett. Dick Crosby of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crosby and Todd of Nor folk, and Mrs. and Mrs. Lyle Cros by and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bloomquist and daughters of Spald ing. Sylvia Harder arrived home Wednesday fro m Immanuel Nursing School in Omaha for a month's vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hard er. Guests from Grand Island at the I home of Mrs Pat Harty were Mr. | and Mrs. C. E. Cronin. Mrs. Mary Dusatko spent Moth j or's Day at the home of her son, ! Jerome Allen, and family in Page. Guests at a Mother's Day dinner Sunday at the Francis Belzor home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, Raymond and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Don* Spahn and children of Ewing spent Thursday U the Helmut Arnold home. Mr and Mrs. Max Marshall, Verdigre, visited at the C. E. Mel ena home Tuesday. Guest of Mrs. John Melvin Mon day was Mrs. Iz?e of Fremont who was enroute to the Black Hills. Ellen Kay Mumm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mumm Jr., celebrated her second birth day Tuesday with a party In her home attended by several of her playmates. Ed Gallagher went to Chicago Monday to meet his wife who re turned to Chicago by plane from Washington, DC., where she has been with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Slattery. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Switzer spent Mother's Day at the home of Mrs. Freidy Asher, Page, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker, jr., and family of Omaha spent the weekend here with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shoema ker, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil J. Smith and children, Dennis and Connie of Akron, la., spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of their mother and brother, Mrs. E. J. Smith and Harry’ R. Ward Smith and son, Ronnie were callers on Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Knoell and family of Bartlett, spent Saturday evening in the Harry R. Smith home, visiting with their friends the Virgil Smith family of Akron. Ia. Mary Gatz and Edith Gallag her. students at St. Mary's college in Omaha, w’ere here for the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gatz and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker spent' the weekend before last at the ho-f me of his parents, Mr. and Mrs H. J. Lohaus. Mrs. Guy Cole left Wednesday for Lincoln where she will visit her daughter. Mrs. Mike Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Loon Kaiser of Atk inson and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weller, also of Atkinson were gu ests Sunday at the Ieon Tomp son home. Bloomfield. They spent the day at Gavins Point Dam. 95 Grade Students Promoted A total of 95 Holt county grade school students were promoted at ?xercises in O’Neill Wednesday. Here is a complete list of those students: SUPERIORS Barbara Ann Beelaert, Bruce C. Bowen, Bonnie Lynn Dobrovolny, Kathryn Elizebeth Doolittle. Gai old La von Frickel, Harold Lavern Frickel. Ellen Drusilla Frost. De Wayne Keith Harkins, Mary Cath erine llrbek, Ann Lowell Johnson, Shelia Marie Kaiser, James Ran dall Kruse, Mershon Liermann, I Rosemary Mahony, Ix?e Allen Parks. Marvin A. Peter, Janet A. Rickard, Danny D. Schaaf, Victor J. Thoendel, Virginia Faye Thomp son. Roger Waldo, Sharon Kay Watson. OTHER ORADtATES Delmer Lee Alder, Russell Al der, Jerald Beha, Thomas Dale Bilstein, Patricia Ann Bonenber ger, Robert Dean Burge, Donald Clemens, Dennis Oolfack, Dennis Rodney Cook. Peg gy L. Crumly, Marilyn Kay Davis, Richard Devall, Sharen Jane Djck au, Larry Dobrovolny, Dennis Drayton, Emily Ann Dusatko, Don ald Eppenbach. Karen Ann Ermer, Barbara Jean Ernesti, Roger L. Ernesti, Richard Flannery, Karen Marietta Focken, Jeanie Kay Fore man, Janet Funk. Joyce Marie Gil!>ert, Herman Grothe, Karen Sue Harris, Leo i Eugene Herold, Elizabeth Jean ; Hertel, Richard Hill, Oliver W. Horton,Ronald A. Jonas, Mary Lou .. **; > % r, ■ . v» .Frontier Section Two — May 14, 1959 — Pages 9-16 Kaplan, Diane June Kemper, Dar rold Lidgett, Donald L. Linquist, Neal Madsen, Rose Zella Mashino, Patric Daniel McConnell, Judith Kllen Mohr. Anita Ann Morgan, Ruth Ann Muff, Sharon Olberd ing, Vernon C. Perrott, Derold Per ry. Edward Pettinger, Quentin E. Pickering, LeRoy W. Poessnecker, Richard R. Pospichal, David F, Pribil, Gary R e b e r, Madeline Richards, Gary G. Rickard, Kath eryn Leo Rubeck, Faye Lynette Scheer, Darlene Schindler, John Raymond Schmidt, M i 1 d r ed R. Schmitz, Sharon Kay Schollmeyer, Lonnie L. Sparks, Randall B. Stauf fer, John R. Strong. Joyce Bever ly Strong, Stanley E. Sukup, Lar ry Richard Summers, Donald L. Swanson, John Ludwig Tagel, Ma rti Ellen Weller, William Dean Whitcomb, Elaine Marie Whiting, Richard Winings, Ronnie Wining*, Esther U. Young The promotional exercises veer* held at the O'Neill high school au ditorium. The invocation was given fcy Rev. Gedwillo, and piano to* were given by Anita Morgan an4 Oliver Horton. The Rev. John llart of the O’ Neill Presbyterian church was the featured speaker. His address wa» "Living for Keeps.” Miss Alice L. French, county superintendent, presented the di plomas. SS Representative A representative of the Norfolk social security office will l>c in: The Assembly Rcxtm (Basement) of the Court House in O'Neill, Nebra ska from 9:30 am. to 3:00 pm. on Wednesday May 27, 1959. I J Sport Shirts for Men and Boys Carefree Wash 'n Wear Bovs’ 6 to 16 Men’s S-M-L 99c Scoop these up for real savings! All in fine cotton that drips smooth and stays fresh looking. A wide var iety of new. colorful prints. Don’t Miss This Buy! Modern Full Length Door Mirror! Large 14"x54” size ... shatterproofed for safety. 1-year guarantee. Four screws included for quick and easy installation. 17” Decor Pillow Extra Savings Now! Each just Color-bright sofa pillows decorative new plaids. All square shaped with knife edges. Button center. Special Purchase of Smart New Summer Dresses for Women! Styles For Half Sizes, Juniors, and Misses These are excellenl values . . . they would regularly sell for 6.95 or more! A wide variety of summer styles and fabircs. SHOP NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE ! Playwear Rompers Stock up now . . . SAVE ! Girls' sizes 1 to 6X Cool, one-piece romper has rhumba ruffled seat, elastic waist and leg openings, tie shoulders. A wide choice of win some prints and colors. Special Purchase! I Women’s Half Slip I A Year-'round Favorite . ■ Embossed Cotton Batiste ■ This beautiful slip is com pletely washable and needs no ironing. The slip has an attractive lace trim at hem- . line, full elastic waistband. White. S-M-L. Full Length COTTON SLIPS Women’s embossed cotton batiste. Shadow panel. Sizes 34-42. Each — $)37 IOl'TDOOR POLISHED COTTON BRAZIER SLIPS 24" size, complete with Girls' 3-tidr slips of polly electric Rotisserie, copper sheen Everglaze. Lace tone hood and bowl, ad- trimmed bodice, washable justable grid. and pre-shrunk Complete Sizes 4 - 12 $1500 $137 nrn CDDCAHC 72” x M" Heavy Weight m mm blankets bath towels Hobnail style—full size. Assorted pastels, fringed. Blend of nylon, rayon and Large 24”x46” size. Most . , cotton. 3 lb. weight. pastel shades, S r FA I .\ F . j Each Each $399 $299 88c * • * ••• * * * * * „ » * Women's Baby Doll * NEW COTTON PAJAMAS FABRICS Non iron plisse or cotton First quality plaids, prints, batiste. Floral and dotted stripes and checks, print. . Choose now—Save! $1M_33c t._