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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
Chambers News Medcalf Receives Promotion liv'lr*. E. K. Carpenter Mr and Mrs. E H. Medcalf re ceiver word from their son, Ben Med alf of Souix City. Ia., that he was being transferred from the Nu tren i oflice in Sioux City to the credit department of Cargill in Minneapolis. Minn. The family plan to move probably in July. Mr Medcalf, a graduate of Chambers high school and Mor ningside college in Souix City, has lieen employed by Nutrena for the past eight years as ix»okkec|>er anu later as office manager. Mrs. Medcalf is the former. Phyllis Carpenter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter of Chum 1)0 rs. They have four children,(three sons and a daughter). The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service met at the Methodist Church Thursday May 7 with about 41 meml)ers and guests present. An impressive pledge service was held with Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and Mrs. Genevieve Bell in charge A skit emphasizing the giving in service and money was presented. Those participating were Mrs. Gau is Wintermote, Mrs. Steve Shavlik. Mrs. G. H. Adams, Mrs. James Grimes. Mrs. Clarence Damme, Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker and Mrs. LaVem Hoerle. A short business session was held with the president, Mrs. T. E. New house presiding. A budget of $1,000. presented by the treasurer was accepted for the coming year. The president gave her annual repoi-t. A meeting of the executive com mittee was set for Wednesday eve ning. May 13. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer and the group ad journed to the basement for a par ty honoring those whose birthdays occur in April, May and June. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed was in charge of the program which included several small children Larry Ad ams, Cheryl Damme, Coni Miller, Patsy Grimes and Rose Marie Hoerle. Three nicely decorated cakes with tea, sandwiches, mints and coffee were served. Tables were decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Anna Albers poured. Among the guests present was Mrs. Robert Embree of O’Neill, wife to the district superintendent and a district officer of the Wo man's Society. Keith Halsey and Glen Miller went to Milford Friday evening, May 7. to visit Gleeson Grimes. On Sunday the three boys atten ded the centennial celebration in Lincoln. Mrs. Sarah Adams, who has spent the winter In California with her son-in-law and daugh ter. Mi. and Mrs. Salat rand, and son mimed home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams and Mr. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed met her in Grand Island. Mrs. Lavern Hoerle reports that her brother Bill Young of Meridan, Idaho, will be with a group com ing to Hutchinson. Kansas for a National Junior College track meet on Friday and Saturday, May 15 and 16th. Bill attends the Boise Junior College Boise, Idaho. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, formerly of Chambers and where he attended the first three years of high school. Mr. and Mrs. Francis (Bus) Young and daughter of Kearney and Dick Young and Elaine Wor den of Amelia were Sunday, May 10 dinner guests in the LaVern Hoerle home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Farrier and family of Winner, So. Dak., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Farrier. Evening callers Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Max Farrier and family of O Neill and Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Farrier of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeHart moved last week from Logan, Iowa to the John Walter house in Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. DeHart farmed, north east of town for a number of years, going to Iowa in about 1934 where they continued farming operations until his age and health required him to retire. They moved to Chambers to lie near their son, Edgar and dauhgters, Mrs. Victor Harley and Mrs. Harry Scott and their families. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter were Mothers guests of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens and family of Atkinson. Miss Shirley DeHart was sur prised when the patrons of her school honored her on triday af ternoon May 8th with a miscellan eous shower. Her marriage to Gene Van Gerpen of Fremont will take place May 23rd. Miss DeHart spent the past weekend in Fremont as a guest of his parents. . . Vernon Whitaker, accompanied by his daughters Danella, Sandra and Linda and Terry drove to Lin coln Friday taking a horse down for Ethel Oeltjen, his nephews fiancee, to ride in the College t Gleed .pent Sunday, May 10 with their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Donald Prill and family in the Star Community north of Page. Mauren and Kathleen Pn 1 came home with them for a few da>s \isit_ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarman of Bassett. Mr. and Mrs Richard Jarman and Mr- and Mrs. L>le Walters and family of Chambers were Mothers Day guests in tht Duane Grassnicklaus home. Mothers Day guests of Mrs. Sar ah Adams were Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams, Eugene and Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Art Walters and family of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. ^ Leo Adams of Atkinson The 4th quarterly conference of the Methodist church was held Thursday eveneing with District Superintendent Rev. Robert Em bree presiding Reports of officers and com mi thee chairmen were gi ven and other business of the clos j mg year was transacted Mrs. Robert White left Thurs day, May 7 for Forest City, la where her husband was reported hospitaliz(>d. The three children Mayed with Mr and Mrs Lyman Covey, she returned Saturdav. Mr, white accompanied her for a week's rest The family well mo\e to Forest City next week Air ami Mr*. Clarrncr tirlmr* amt l.tinih at Milford were Moth er* Day riicM* of hl«* parent*. Mr. and Mr*, fi. If. firimr. Oth er* pr***ent were Mr. ami Mr*. Fharte* Coolldge, tilen 11 rlnie* Kenrnard and Falith and Air. and Air*. Kaloh Adam* and l-arry. Mr. and Mrs. William Phiel of 1 Wayne spent Sunday. May 10 with her mother. Mrs. A1 Deirking and grandfather John Walter Sr. Mr. and Mrs Duane K Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gartner and boys spent Sunday May 10 with their sister, Mr and Mrs Carlyle Victor and family at Laurel About 71 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Char lotte Honeywell Sunday, May 10 for Mothers Day ami for Mrs. Honey well's birthday Hie guests came from Elgin. Neligh, Albion, Ew ing ami Chambers Taken into membership of the Methodist church Sunday, May 10 were Mrs. Kathleen Render by letter and Mary Jane Eleek anil Darrel Elkins by confession of ] faith. The Chambers High School sen ior class left Friday evening, Mav 9 for Denver. Colo . for sneak day Mr. Kenneth Weller, Mr. Emil Klalienes. and Lawrence Tange man took cars Mrs Glen Grimes went as sponsor for the girls. Mrs. Latvem Hoerle attended a shower at the Dale Mitchell home near Amelia Saturday afternoon for Miss Elaine Worden The Junior Garden Club met Saturday morning at the Merlin Grossnicklaus home Mr, and Mrs Gen*' Nientand came up from Omaha Mothers Da> to visit his grandmother. Mrs Mary Niemand The> also visited Mrs Frank Belik at Page, Ml and lira Nick Ponenherger 1 and family. Mr ami Mrs E'orette Standage and family. Mr ami Mi's. Mike Coday and family. Mr and Mrs Clarence Fry and Mi's Anna Onlay all of Atkinson, were Sun day. May 10 guests of Mr. and Mrs Ed Onlay and family. I Gigantic FURNITORE Store-Wide NOW IN PROGESS Ope ras Here’s The Reason: We have purchased Biglin's complete stock of fine furniture at way below invoice prices. Now we are passing these great savings on to you ! Everything in Our Store Goes on Sale! SAVINGS UP TO 70% WE NEED THE SPACE You cannot pay the regular price for any item in our store. HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS OF ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM ! We could only list a small quantity of them WE ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS We are liquidating Biglin’s complete stock and reducing our stock... I The Truth in Advertising Is What Counts... Savings of 30 - 40 - 50 - 70o/o and more! Some Wholesale—Some Below Wholesale! I Special Wet Proof u:„U Reo.°$29.95 M „ H 9h Platform Mattresses chajrs Rockers Smart. Brand New ! I'latform Roolcor* in the newest fab 6 year aize rlcs. $6.95 $795 »>cf-95 | J or Eaay Credit ^ihhhhhhhhhhih^ Special a only) Foldina Refl. *159.50 rwiviuiy BRAND NEW 2-Pc. Chairs Sectional In I^stest 1959 Covers. Starting at $”'?5 *3.45 or Easy Credit j | 54" Double Size . . Ironing M Board Sheets Cover Silicone Cover jg REG- $4.95- - JUST E*ch $1.00 Have You Seen Over $800 of We Have 1 Our LANE and ... . CAVALIER Western Cedar Lawn Chairs Sui,es Chests With Unconditional rlsaieo Guarantee -- Don't Starting at V»nal5e Mias It. j 7-PIECE ; 1 $38.95 I Lounges J j| d; | QQ QC lloth Chest and up ▼ 1 °7'7 J rltrht. Metal or Nylon II LIVING ROOM SUITES S choose from over bo living room suites ■ IN NEWEST 19,">9 COVERS ■ Re*. $159.50 2-PC. SECTIONAL -- Latest Covers . $ 89-95 H Re* $179.50 U 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SUITES--Choice M of Covers _$119.95 ■ He* $189.50 ■ 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SUITES . $139.95 S Re*. $199.60 ,..,K H 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SUITES . $149.96 IH Re*. $209.60--Fonm Cushions 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SU I TES--Beautiful Beige *159.95 H Re* $269.50 ■ 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SUITES „„„„ ■ OR SECTIONALS_*179.95 9 2-PC.* LIVING ROOM SU I TES- - All Nylon - *199.96 ■ Re*. $525.50 Wm 3-PC. SECTIONALS-- Gorgeous .. *389.95 ■ (This One Will Take Your Eye) d DINETTE SETS fl 5- PC CHROME DINETTE SETS I Keg. $59.50) Table and 4 Chairs - $39.95 H 5-PC. DINETTE SETS I Reg. $09.50) Table and 4 Chairs .... $59.95 |gl 5- PC. DINETTE SETS (Reg $119 50) . $69.95 ■ 5.PC. DINETTE SETS (Reg. $129.60) . $79.95 ■ 7-PC. DINETTE SETS (Reg $139.50) . $89.95 ■ CHOOSE PROM THESE AND 25 MORE (| HOLLYWOOD BED ENSEMBLE I COMPLETE WITH HEADBOARD | $58.95 Easy Terms HERE'S WHAT YOU GET: . „ I Serta InnersprinQ Mattress -Full twin size, tufted ! with popular inner-roll border i Matching Serta Box Spring -Top Quality construction, | I BEDROOM SUITES Reg. $169.50 (Bookcase Bed) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES . Going at $129.95 Reg. $179.50 (Bookcase Bed) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES . Going at $139.95 Reg. $199.50 (Bookcase Bed) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES . Going at $159.95 Reg. $219.50 (Bookcase Bed) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES . Going at $169.95 Reg. $249.50 (Bookcase Bed) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES . Going at $189.95 Reg. $279.50 (Bookcase Bed) 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITES . Going at $199.95 _V ■ MATTRESSES and BOX SPRINGS 9 Reg. $29.50 INNERSPRING MATTRESS . $ 15.95 9 INNERSPRING MATTRESS . *27.96 Extra firm, full size pa SERTA POSTURE MATRESS . *44.88 9 INNERSPRING MATTRESS & BOX SPRING 3-Year Guarantee . Both for $49.95 H INNERSPRING MATTRESS & BOX SPRING Ijl 10-Year Guarantee . Both for $79.95 9 INNERSPRING MATTRESS & BOX SPRING 10-Year Guarantee . Both for $89.95 11 FOAM RUBBER MATTRESS & BOX SPRING 20-Year Guarantee . Both for $99.95 = Extra firm foam yj FIRESONE SUPREME SET . *129.95 A fl APPLIANCES B: View Our Line of Most Wanted Appliances I The Economical Kelvinator g Prices Too Low To Quote !! ■ END TABLES S LARGE COCKTAIL TABLE, Hlonde .. Going at $7.95 9 TABLES (Res *13.60) . Going at $ 7.95 fl TABLES (Res. *19.60) . Going at $ 9.95 9 TABLES (Res *24.95) . Going at $13.95 . I CHAIRS AND ROCKERS I |i| Large stock from which to choose. All colors, sizes I and shapes. Prices range from $16.95. $19.95, $24.96, Ri I $26.95, $29.95, $34.95, $37.95 and $39.95 and others. ^ ■ If you need a rocker or chair see -- m ■ MEYER'S MIDWEST FURNITURE TODAY. jff ILAMPS I LAMPS (Reg. *6.96) . $ 2.9* H LAMPS (Reg. *8 95) . $4.96 B LAMPS (Reg *10.96) . $ 7.2S B LAMPS (Reg. *17.60) . 911.M B I DINING ROOM SUITES 9 Reg $1(19.95 New Hloiule Finish DropLeaf ■ DINING ROOM TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS . *99.9! ■ (Only 1 Set Bert) 9 Reg. $89.60 9 DROP-LEAF TABLES, Limed Oak or Walnut . 160.95 if 9 limed OAK BUFFETS (Reg. *119.60) . $69.96 i 9 Walnut or Limed Oak CHINA (Reg. *139.60) .. $88.90 I desks Reg. *49.50 LIMED OAK DESKS . *28.96 Reg. *59.50 DESKS . $43.96 Reg. *69.60 DESKS . $49.96 Reg. $79.90 SECRETARIAL DESK, Cherrywood *62.50 NO TRADES Choose From Nationally Known Brand Names NO TRADES • STANLEY • MASTERCRAFT • FASHION TREND • SERTA • KELVINATOR • WARDS • BROYHILL • GULISTAN • GOLD SEAL • CHETTAND-EASTMAN • GARRISON • CHROMCRAFT • BRODY • KROEHLER | CARPETING IS (Choose From Over 100 Different Patterns From America's Leading Mills) B GULISTAN . DOWNS - BARWICK and OTHERS fl BROADLOOM (Reg. $6.95 sq. yd.) . $ 3.95 B BROADLOOM (Reg. $7.95 sq. yd.) .$ 4.49 B BROADLOOM (Reg. $9.00 sq. yd.) . $ 6.99 B BROADLOOM (Reg. $9.95 sq. yd.) .$ 6.96 B BROADLOOM (Reg. $14.00 sq. yd.) . 99 96 B BROADLOOM (Reg. $16.00 sq. yd.) .910.60 B (Expert Installation on All Carpets) B7T I Plate Glass MIDDODC MIRRORS —■-■ --_ Jr _ I delivery Open Every Evening Until 9 O’Clock During The Sale DEuveEry I Meyers Midwest Fumiture & Ap^ lian.ce ! WEST O'NEILL 1