Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
O'Neill Locals Mr, and Mrs. Richard Harley and family. North Bay, Ontario, Canada, are here for a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Harley, Qiambers, and Mr amt Mrs. Raymond Bly, Amelia. The Harley family were honored Sun day at a family dinner at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Dexter, Amelia. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson. Ca sey and Jerry Dexter attended from here. Mr. and Mrs. Harley and family visited at the Dick Tomlinson home Monday. Mr and Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis were in Albion Sunday at the Ro bert Van Voorhis home. Mrs Nettie Widtfeldt returned home Saturday from a week's vis ii at the Jim Smith home in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stulz were in Petersburg Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oik Mr. and Mrs. Don Temple meyer spent the weekend In Dmisville and were there for Mother’s I>a.v with their mothers, Mrs. Rose Templemeyer ami Mr*. Andrew Slander. Don Tem plemeyer attended All Sports Day in Lincoln Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Ed Tharnish were in Norfolk Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Tharnish. On Mother’s Day, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring entertained their mothers, Mrs. Ethel Waring and Mrs Alta Finch, both of Page. Guests at the Francis Rohde home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rohde and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Summerer, Chambers, Marvin Young, and Ralph Young, Thelma and Ed were at the home of Mrs. Edith Young and Miss Maude Rouse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmit were in Stuart Sunday at the Edwin Engle r home Mr and Mrs. Paul Shierk visited Sunday at the S. D. Gilbert home Burke, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanton an*l family were here from Sioux tails, S. D.,at the home of his i parents, Mr. ana Mrs. A F, Stan ton. At the Roy Parker home Sun day were Mr. and Mrs Harlan Parker and family and Mrs. Emly of Butte. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Pruss and family were in Lakeview, Iowa, Sunday for Mother’s Day dinner with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Slater at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn were guests Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Verzal of Atkinson. Dinner guests Sunday at the Har ry Iiessel home were Mr. and Mrs. Edward McManus. Jeannie McElhaney spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lundgren, Madison, were guests of Mrs. Cliff Lundgren on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Porter and family of Columbus were here for the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Por ter. Rev. and .Mrs. Robert A. Paul attended the Rocky Mountain State Assembly of God conven tion held in Denver last week. They also visited Mrs. Paul's father. Rev. Warehlme, in La Salle, Colorado. Mrs. Ben Oetter, Omaha, was here Thursday to Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy j Parker. Mrs. John Pruss spent the week end in Atkinson with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Ries. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roelle en - ——————' pMmgMmdk* HORMEL SAUSAGE... pound roll 33c CUDAHY PURITAN READY TO EAT PICNIC HAMS_lb. 33c ENDS and PIECES BACON_5 P°un(l box 98c ; ORIOLE MINCED HAM_lb. 39c SLAB BACON_lb. 39c CUDAHY SKINLESS FRANKS_2 *bs. 85c l --- - (iREEN TOP or GREEN ONIONS, your choice... ea. 5c CALIFORNIA ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE_lb. 9c NEW CALIFORNIA LONG WHITE POTATOES .... 10-lbs 59c SWANSHOWN—Yellow, Devils, W'hlte, Butterscotch CAKE MIX_5 foe 69c GILLETTE’S HEAVY PACK ICE CREAM_Vi gal. 99c DOLE FROZEN PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT or PINEAPPLE-ORANGE..... 3 for 59c CLOROX_Vi gal. 37c ELMDALE CHUM SALMON_lb. can 45c TOMATO, CABBAGE, PEPPER, EGG PLANT and FLOWER PLANTS. IRISH COBBLER and EARLY OHIO Certified Seed Potatoes100 lbs. SJ^SO (Can Also Be For Table Use) SHURFRESH OLEOMARGARINE_6 M». $100 MIRACLE WHIP_quart 49c ASSORTED VARIETIES CAROL COOKIES_4 P^gs. $100 7e OFF PACK 0XYD0L_giant size 77c 4th Street Market Phone 93 WE DELIVER O’Neill " . ■ I ____—mmtmmmmmmmwmmmmi——mrnmmmmm „ ** . * ' * ' * * # ' * * **%*•• * f * I * * • ** . * . • i ' - ' * . * • . . * * * At St. Anthony’s hospital, man’s soul is just us Important as his physical well being. The hospital chape! is a quiet place and has a simple type of architectural beauty. The Frontier Photo and Kngraving. tertained their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roelle and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Rainforth and Sandra of Litchfield, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Paulsen and family spent the weekend in Tilden with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Paulsen, and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Mag wire. They were dinner guests Sunday at the Mike Magwire home. Word has been received by Mr. and Mjs. Roy Parker that their granddaughter and family, Sp. 4 and Mrs. Lester Walton are being transferred from Fort Carson, Co lorado to Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollendick sr. of Elgin spent Sunday evening at the Joe Ollendick jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gib bon, Milnor, N. D., and Mrs. George Peterson sr. drove to Blair Sunday to see Mr. Gibbon's mother, Mrs. Ellen Gibbon. The Dwayne and Dwight Phil brick families were at Fort Ran dall Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith were in Orchard Sunday to visit her mother, Mrs. May Knapp and then went to Norfolk to see his mother, Mrs. Fred Smith, who is recover ing from a fractured wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bowen left Monday for a visit with their son, Don and his family in Kansas Ci ty. The Bowens will also stop in Hastings where they will visit another son, R. M. Bowen and family. Graduation *59 Wish the Graduate of 1959 the best with a gift from Gilligan REXALL Drug—it's sure to be appreciated. Billfolds—Key Cases These leather goods by Amity, St. Regis, and others make prac tical gifts which will please any graduate. Travel Kits Famous “Trip-O-Kits, of leather with plastic waterproof lining, are an ever popular gift item. We also have some kits with Nylon covers and rubberized interiors. Shaving Accessories After-Shave or Pre-Shave Lotions, Colognes, or other Men’s Toiletries are always useful gifts. For something new in shaving, why not give him the new Gillette 19.‘> Adjustable Razor? May be set to any one of 9 different ad justments. It’s new! It’s becoming popular! domes in an at tracts e plastic box with a supply of blades—just $1.95. Cosmetic Gifts The girl graduate will lie thrilled with a nice cosmetic set by Cara Nome. Revlon. Coty, Shulton, or one of the many others which we stock. Pens - Pencils For the graduate who is going on to school, a nice pen or pencil or pen and pencil set makes an ideal gift. Cameras and Camera Sets Ask at our camera counter to see something in a camera or camera set—a gift that will long be remembered. Be sure you have plenty of film and flash bulbs on hand so you may have a complete record of all the Graduation Activities. Graduation Cards Send congratulations to the Graduate of '59 with a card by Amer ican Greetings from Gilligan REXALL Drug. Lawn and Garden Weed and Insect Killers Don't let insects or weeds get started in your garden or lawn. We have many good products for their control—get some today and be ready to eliminate them before they get started. PRESCRIPTIONS The next time your doctor finds it necessary to give you a pre scription take it to Gilligan REXAI.G Drug to be filled by one of our PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87—O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Bill Petsche were in Randolph Sunday where they visited at the home of his mother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Bloomer. Mrs. George Peterson jr., and Steven spent last weekend in Genoa and St. Edward. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gibbon of Milnor, N. D., are here at the home of his sister. Mrs. George Peterson sr. and Mr. .and Mrs. George Peterson jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wichman entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bouska and Roland of At kinson and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bou ska, Stuart, Sunday. Sunday guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Waters were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Waters of Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen were here from Norfolk Sunday at the Ed Flood and Gene Wolfe homes. Guests for dinner Sunday at the Orville Miller home were her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler, Mrs. Mary Wetzler, Mrs. Maude Fuller, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Karr of Spencer. Delores Cood, student at Ha stings college, was a weekend guest at the home of Mrs. C. E. Yantzi. CHEVY’S THE HOTTEST P‘!E AGAIN! HOTTEST LOOKING, HOTTEST SAVING, A V8-powered Impala Convertible ... unmistakably ’69l HOTTEST SELLING OF THE LEADING LOW-PRICED 3 What we mean—this new Chevy’s whipped up a one-car heat wave. Its fresh style caught on right away, of course. But—whether you prefer a V8 or 6—where Chevrolet really leaves the other cars in the shade is out on the road. A pair of Chevy 6’s came in one-two in their class in this year’s Mobilgaa Economy Run. And the winning average was 22.38 m.p.g. Why not drop down to your dealer’* and see for your self why Chevy’s this year’s hot test selling car? Try the hot one—see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer! A. MARCELLUS CHEVROLET CO. 127 No. Fourth St. O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100 Inman News By Mm, fames McM.ilutn Mr. and Mrs Allveit Anthony and children attended the 50th ati ntversa ry of the Lutheran church at Orchard on Sunday A basket (dinner was served at noon. Guests in the Henry Truss home Sunday acre Mrs Louise Crandall ot O'Neill. Mrs. Carrie Caster and Mr. and .Mrs. Cor don Brittell and girls of Norfolk, and Mr. ami Mrs. Donald Keyes and children of Inman. The gallt ering was In honor of Mr. Truss' and Mrs. Caster's birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Watson re turned Thursday from Omaha where they s(x‘tit a week visiting in tlie home of their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. W W. Watson and family. Mrs. Jennie Grosser vyas taken i to the Hospital in O'Neill Wednes day evening for medical treat ment. Ned Kelley and Dick Coventry who attend college at Norfolk s|x'nt the weekend in the W. E. Kelley and Ken Coventry homes. Don Kelley of Way tie spent the weekend visiting his parents Mr. an.l Mrs. W. E. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer and family of Omaha s[M'ttt the week end visiting Mrs. Meyer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd lX*Long sjxmt the weekend in Sioux City, Iowa v isiting in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker and family . Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman and family of Tekamah spent the week end in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hartigan and family of Norfolk spent the weekend in the home o( Mr. and Mrs .lnmps rmonlrv nnH M»*s Marye Hartigan. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Banks and i family of Lincoln spent the week-J end visiting Mr. Bank’s parents I Mr. and Mrs. James Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sawyer and family of Stuart spent Sunday vis iting in the Clifford Sawyer home. James Sholes, Charles Young and Ivan Couch who are employed at Arapahoe, Nebr. spent the week end with their families. Gene Couch who is employed at Tecumseh spent the weekend here with his family. Dnnu Nice wanner of Missouri came Friday to spend a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boss and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hutton and family of Omaha spent the week end in the home of Mr. Huttons parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton. They returned to Omaha Sunday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hutton who left on Monday for a three week vacation through Oregon and Washington. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hutton and family of Ewing spent Saturday visiting in the home of Mr. Hut tons parents Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and Becky of O’Neill were Tuesday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson. Roland Hansen who attends col lege in Lincoln spent the weekend visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson spent j the weekend in Lincoln where Ira attended the Golden Anniversary of delta eta chapter of Sigma Nu faternity of University of Nebraska on Saturday. They also visited their son Sam and son-in-law and daugh ter Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley. They returned home on Sunday evening. Mrs. James McMahan returned I Wednesday from Lyons, Nebraska where she has been \ isiting for several weeks Her daughter Mrs John Mattson met her in Norfolk on Wednesday Mrs Mary Tomlinson who is employed at Sidney spent last week looking after business interests ! here. Mr and Mrs Fay Britlell and i family of Atkinson sjxmt Sunday ! in the home of Mr. and Mrs Fai l j Miller. Mr. and Mrs Fre i Moore and Mrs Mink Gallagher spent Wed nesday in Norfolk shopping Mrs. Leo Harte and Mis Mary ] Tomlinson spent Wednesday m Nor folk shopping Mr. and Mrs Ijovi Morshach ol Neligh s(H'nt Sunday evening vis iting in the home of Mr. and Mrs David Morshach Mr. and Mrs C C. llaekett and . family of Chamberlain, So Dak . spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mrs. llaekett s mother Mrs Elizabeth Morsbaeh. They returned i to Chamberlain Sunday evening, accompanied by Mrs Morshach , who will visit there for a few I weeks Melvin Mlehnelis, Keith Kivett. Hill IVl^ong and I vie Gillogly spent Friday evening and Satur day in So Dakota fishing. %lr and Mrs Karl Keyes spent Monday afternoon in Norfolk on business Ma\ Mossman, Fred Moore. Pat Hartigan and LoUoy Moore spent the weekend in So Ikik fishing. Mrs May Ki aka s|H-nt a few days last week visiting ni the home of her son-in-law and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Hill Vrooman at Orchard. Mr and Mrs. Itoland t'lnlwal Inder of I wing x|tetii Sunday In the t lim it's ( ulwnllailer anil Koii Smith homes. The Neighlxa hoo 1 eluh met Wed nesday in the home of Mrs Vern Wrode north of O’Neill Dinner was served at tux in and the afternoon was s|K’iit socially. The members of the 6th. 7th and Sth grades and their teacher Mrs. Rose Kivett spent Friday in Sioux City, Iowa sight seeing Several of the patents nxik cars They all reported a gix>d time. Harvey Tompkins s|ient Thurs day and Friday in Kearney and Hastings on business I THIS CUTE CANVAS SHOE...WILL SAY NICB THINGS ABOUT YOU I Try It for ''tight” and whistles galore. A captivating new, •hoe that geti those second glances . . . and it heavenly comfortable and light in weight. VENTILATED CANVAS UPPER. GROUND-GRIPPING CREPE RIB SOLE. Choice ft •Wi i color*.' Stop in today for yours! A&M SHOE STORE O'Neill