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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
Celia News By Mr*. Mark Hendrick* On Friday, May 8 Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman and her sctwjoi held their end of school term picnic. They in vited the Celia school pupils to join them. Games of all kinds were played, such as guessing games in which Mrs Blanche Rouse and Leila Rei ser exelied A baseball game was started and was going well when a ball missed the hands of the cat cher and chose his eye as a land ing place, with a lot of misery for that catcher. Oh, yes, who was that unlucky fellow? Roger Hoff man. Well! anyway he can prove he was a real sport and tried. Another interesting time at the picnic was when attendance Mrs. Hoffman pre sent Vanita Schwindt with a gifa for perfect attendance this past year. And since gifts seemed to l>e in order the mothers of the pu pils showered Mrs. Hoffman with them in honor of her birthday. On Monday they had brought ice cream, cake ami koolade to school and treated all in honor of the event. Mi's. Claude Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of Norfolk were Sunday dinner guests of the David Rahns. Mrs. Walter Miller is the former Margie Rahn. On Sunday, May 10th Mr. and Mrs Duke Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Seibert were dinner 1 guests of the Harold M l i n a r in O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and family were also guests After dinner they all went to Norfolk where the men entered j the Lutheran bowling games Af ter they left the games they were j joined by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I Krugman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish of O'Neill, and (all went to the Norfolk |>ark where they enjoyed a picnic supper to gether, and Duke didn’t even have j to hurry home for t hoi es as the Victor Fricki-1 boys took care of them for him. On April 30th the Celia School and District 40 had a wiener roast at Rock Falls to end their school (year. They invited the Phoenix school to join them. The teacher there is Mrs. Kathleen McDowell Clarence Focken called at the ! Mark Hendricks home on Monday. Rev. Charley Phipps came from Scottsbluff on Monday to help with work at the Wesleyan camp grounds. He brought Grandpa Blow with him. Grandpa is staying at the Omer Points home through the week. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Points brought him to visit at the Mark Hendricks home. On the way home they stopped at the Robert Hendricks home. Members of school district It.H visited The Frontier on Tuesday. They are, baek row from left. Tommy Itarlow , \ era Itarlow, Norma Ziems, their teacher. Miss Donna W illard, .Jerry stamp and Cheryl Redlinger. Middle row, from left, Dennis Cleveland. Jackie llauer, Dan Itauer, Heverly Red linger, Charlotte Spangler and Dennis Ziems. Front row, from left. Oral John Redlinger, tiary Itarlow, Larry Harlow and Linda Sands. The Frontier Photo and F.ngraviiig. The Atkinson VV. Y. P. S. group met at the Leonard Chaffin home on Monday evening where the\ jntertained the O'Neill W. Y. P S. ?roup. Besides about eighteen from the Atkinson group there were the following from O'Neill: Miss Vclda Ernst, Raymond, John, and l>e marus Strong, Glenn Summers and Miss JoAnn Searles of Den ver. The evening started with a wie nor roast and was followed with a number of games by the group. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin called at the Mark Hendricks home on Wednesday. Mr. ami Mrs. Omer Points, Mr. ami Mr*. Mark Hendrick*, Arlin I and Marktta and Dick Klinger were Sunday dinner gue*t* at the Robert Hendrick* home. Rev. William Miller visited with his mother parts of several days this past week. In the other pari of each day he worked out at the Wesleyan camp grounds where the ministers of the Wesleyan Confer ence worked at cleaning up and getting the grounds ready for the eiiming Bible camp and Young 1 Peoples summer camp groups and the annual summer conference ol the Nebraska Wesleyan group. In the rural school track meet last week, Gary Hoffman won a second in low hurdles and a third in 60 yard dash, Harold Fricke! won a second in hurdles and Gar old Frickel won a second and a third in 100 yard dash and JJO yam dash. Ralph won a thiid in broad jump. The 8th of May Mr, and Mrs, Duke Hoffman and l.tmdy Mrs. Inez Hayes had supper ai the Ed Hoffman home in Atkin- 1 son. Miss Initially Scott visited at the Duane Beck home Sunday after noon. Several of the schools from this area attended the rural school sing last week. They also took part in the evening program. Frank Kilmurry. Duke Hoff man and Duane Beck have been pretty busy with cattle this past I week. They worked at Franks on ■ Monday afternoon and stayed for supper. They worked at Duanes on Wednesday and serp there for din ner. Mark Hendricks helped I-eo nard Chaffin with cattle work on Monday, May 11, Karen Focken was an overnight guest of \rline Wallen Wednes day. Mr. and Mr«. Clarence Focken jr., and sons and Terry and lj*r rt Mien were Sunday, May 10 supper guests at the Clarence Focken sr., home. Tiio Wesleyan teachers trainin class met at the Merrill Anderson home on Thursday. May 7. On Friday some of Mrs Jesse Mellors daughters met tt her home and did most of her spring house cleaning for her Those present were Mis Leonard Chaff ini Ruth Mis Russ Ilipke. (Helen) Mrs. Hoh Snmerer (Jennie Hot hi Mrs. George MeUor and Mrs Benton Mellor Mrs. Neal Ilipke, (Maude) planm'd to help but w as ifcable to ne there due to sickness Judy and Riehy Huston spent the weekend at the Leonard Chaf fin home Rieh> stayed through Monday to help with the cattle work. Please Phone t s Vmir Nous I Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds IW.I.'NCE PUN'K’N l**' p "tone lOtt Golden Bldg. SHORT ORDERS Are Our SPECIALTY Tack’s Tavern RELAX AT JACK'S \ FOR GRADUATION. A NEW FRONTIER SERVICE TYPEWRITERS SAVE MONEY BUY THE BEST ... THE NEW ROYALITE • Standard Keyboard • Touchset Margins • Wide Cylinder • Rugged • Carrying Case • Lightning Action DETACHABLE TOP COVER PLATE provides easy Regular $74.95 access to the ribbon — changes quickly and simply. 18 BRACKETED BALL-BEARINGS set in a pre cision double track produce the smoothest extra easy carriage movement ever. VITAL ADJUSTMENTS, are sealed at the factory for added protection and longer life. They are designated by special color sealed markings. Look for them on your new Royalite. ^———— i—^_ _ i >---i Know Your REMINGTON LETTER - RITER De Luxe Portable You'll type better because you do ! I 1. Smooth operating rigid carriage. 2. Single, double and triple line space selector. 3. Variable line spacer. ■4. Line locating lever permits typing of fractional spacing, allows return to accurate register at original printing position automatically. 5. Cylinder knobs .right and left). 6. Carriage release (right and left). 7. Adustable paper side guide. 8. Turnover Paper Table. 9. Margins (see margin instructions). 10. Long convenient line space and carriage return lever. 11. Larger size cylinder provides greater paper gripping facility and better printwork as on office typewriters. 12. Three-position paper bail smoothes out the paper, quieting your typing and insuring good registration. 13. Patented simplified ribbon changer. 14. Featherlight locked segment shift for faster, positive shifting to capital letters and upper case characters as on office typewriters. 15. Synchronized scales for margin setting, centering paper and locating writing line. 16. Paper bail lever. 17. Paper release lever. 18. Carriage centering lever. 19. Single stroke automatic ribbon reverse (reverses instantly). 20. Positive two-color ribbon and stencil control mechanism. 21. Margin release permits typing beyond right or left margin stops. 22. Personal touch regulator permits adjustment of key action to personal preference. 23. Tabulator key. 24. Shift lock (right and left). 25. Shift key (right and left). 26. Exclusive scientifically designed finger-speed keys developed especially for your finger comfort. 27. Standard 4-row, 42-key, 84»character keyboard with perating controls in standard positions. 28. Standard space bar as on office typewriters. 29. Positive action back spacer. 30. Auxiliary manual ribbon reverse. 31. Full 12 yard ribbon as on office typewriters. 32. Hinged top cover for easy access to ribbon spools and routine type cleaning. 33. Supe-strength frame. 34. Removable Tabulator Stops (see tabulation instructions). 35. Turnover Paper Table Button. FOR GRADUATION NOW ONLY Plus Federal Excise Tax World's Newest Portable I it Has years-ahead styling and construction! it Has ALL the practical convenience features of a standard office typewriter! TWIN-PAK* RIBBON-new dirties your hands MAGIC* MARGIN-sefs margins automatically MAGIC* COLUMN SET-makes tabulation easy PLUS MANY MORE exclusive Royal features THE PERFECT GRADUATION GIFT Regular $136.50 s12950 THE FRONTIER O'NEILL