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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
Academy Breaks Three Sand Hill Records Place First[in a Field of 17f State Teams Inman News By Mrs. James Mc.Mahan WSCS met April 9 in the Church annex with President, Eleanore Gaughernbaugh in charge. Hazel Lorenz and Myrtle Abney were lunch hostesses. Election of officers resulted as follows Elsie Keyes, president; Eleanore Gaughenbaugh. vice-pre sident; Ruth Watson, secretary; Grace Gannon, treasurer Secretary officers are Ethel Si ders, corresponding; Rosara Ko pecky, promotion; Anna Smith, supplies. A few of the secretary of fices are yet to be filled A report on the district meeting held at Page recently was given by those attending. The society will serve lunch at the Sobotka sale on April 18 Each member w ill bring pie and 25 cents. Next meeting will be April 23 at the church. All members should bring the mission boxes. Mrs. Ro bert Kmbree of O'Neill will be the speaker. Miss HrenHa Allman and friend Three records fell at the Sand ®* Relays in Bassett this week — Ml at the hands of the St. Mary's Varfc squad the Academy won first place in competition in a Held of f teams from north-central Ne A total of 67 points were com AMd by the Cardinals as well as wwral first places. * Men tine, with SO poinU. was *: Mullen with 41 third; with S3 fourth and O’ WUth 34 points for fifth 3t Mary s broke records in the AA wad 880 yard relays as well m the shot-put by Larry Tomlin (Lambert Belina, Gene Schnei *fer Larry Donohoe and Larry Twnlinson teamed-up on the 440 iprt relay with a time of 45 and truth seconds. Jim Shoemaker, Lambert Belina Mrry Donohoe and Ijirry Tom tmon teamed to break the 880 *wrt relay record with a time of sar minute, 36 and 4/10th sec ■Mb The precious record held Ay Ainsworth was one minute. 36 ■kf AdOths seconds. fhmftnaon was also awarded At Rock county leader tro fif for the "most outstanding dikdc performance of the Hrre is bhe complete results of A* Sand Hills Relays: AMI JUMP ML Humphrey, Mullen .... 5'10” ML Eby, O’Neill.57” fti Smith, Ainsworth.5’6” Mb. Voss, Ainsworth, (tie) .. 5’5” Ah. Hubert. Bassett, (tie) .. 5’5” AADAO JUMP tat. Baber, Plainview.19’4V4” ML Oetter, O’Neill, .... 19’1%” *H Sweet, Mullen.19’ Afc Smith, Ainsworth.18'9" Ah. Voss, Ainsworth.18'9” *mrr ru r 3K Tomlinson, St. Marys, . 55’4” ML Schneider, St. Mary’s . 44'1” M. Soulek, Lynch. Miss Dee Etta Comfort! of Omaha i spent the weekend with Brenda’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Colman. Ned Kelley and Dick Coventry, who attend college in Norfolk spent the weekend in the W. E. Kelley and Ken Coventry homes. Don Kelley who attends college at Wayne spent the weekend in the W. E. Kelley home. Mr. and Mi's. Jim Reis left Sun day for Omaha where they have employment. Mrs. Reis has spent the past two weeks visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Mors bach. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach of Neligh spent Sunday afternoon vi siting Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman and family of Tekamah spent the week end in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bninckhorst. James Sholes left Sunday for ' .. — ' ' ~~ Here’s the start of the 440 yard low hurdle relay at Bassett. In 49 and 8/10ths seconds. O'Neill placed third In the event. The The boys, from left, are Gene Schneider of St. Mary’s, Dennis Tom- Frontier Photo. I in son of O’Neill High and Gary Hazard of Bassett. St. Mary’s won 4th. Rector, Mullen, .42’11” 5th Kamphans, St. Mary’s . 41’11” DMKJII8 1st, Hames. Crofton, 132’9>4” 2nd, Tomlinson, St. Mary’s 1307” 3rd, Ross, Valentine.122'10” 4th, Schneider, St. Mary’s, 1221” 5th, Kreuch, Valentine, 1137V4” POLE VAULT 1st, Boyer, Mullen.10’9” 2nd, Rector. Mullen.10’6” 3rd, Haszard, Rassett.10'3” 4th, McCabe, Crofton, (tie) 9’9” 5th, McGinn, O’Neill (tie) .. 9’9” 440 l/W SHITTLE 1st, St. Mary’s, O'Neill, ... 49.9 2nd, Bassett. 50.2 3rd, O’Neill. 50.3 4th, Valentine. 50.8 5th, Crofton, . 51.8 TWO MILE RELAY 1st Bassett . 8:54.5 2nd St. Joe, Atkinson.8:56.4 3rd Crofton.9 :05 4th O’Neill . 9:08.4 5th Ainsworth. 9:11.5 SPRINT MEDLEY 1st, Valentine.3:57 4 2nd, Butte. 3:58 8 13rd, Plainview, .3:59.2 4th, Stuart. 3:59.4 j 5th, Crofton.4:05.4 440 YARD REIAY 11st, St. Mary's .45.5 2nd, Mullen, . 46.1 3rd, Valentine .47.0 4th. O'Neill . 47.1 15th, Plainview, .47.2 440 FRESHMAN RELAY 1st, Valentine, .49.8 2nd, Bassett.50.5 3rd, St. Mary’s . 50.6 4th, Springview.50.7 5th, Thedford . 51.4 HKO YARD RELAY 1st. St. Mary’s . 1:36.4 2nd. Mullen . 1:36.7 3rd, Plainview . 1:39.1 4th, Ainsworth, . 1:40.4 5th, Stuart, (tie! . 1:41.4 5th, Lynch, (tie) . 1:41.4 MILE RELAY 1st, Valentine. 3:418 2nd, St. Mary’s .! 3:43.2 3rd, O'Neill.3:45.6 4th, Mullen ..’. 3:48 5th, Crofton.3:50.9 Attendance At Banquet Is Good An outstanding crowd attended the Chamber of Commerce spon sored O'Neill high school and St. Mary's Academy joint sports ban luet Tuesday. The large crowd heard Norfolk Mayor Warren Cook tell the boys, heir parents and coaches that itheltics was helping do a job that s being "forgotten by parents.” He told the enthralled audience hat parents. In their attempt to five children the things they never lad, do not teach them work or ompetition. Speeches were made by the hree O’Neill coaches and awards rere presented. St. Mary's Academy was awar ight-man football plaque. It was led the Omaha World Herald neyer by Ray Eby, Chamber (resented to coach Don Temple (resident. DANCE I, kk Grove Hall Saturday, April 18 ' Mualc by— < i CURLEY'S ORCHESTRA 1 Featuring — I The Baldwin Organ 1 ADM.: 50c ——— I WANTED i ■ ] ! Sr. Mary's Seniors are ( Collecting Old Scrap Iron! CALL 171 or 649 IF YOU HAVE ANY SCRAP IRON 1 Stuart Bird Watchers A meeting was held March 30. >y the Bird Watchers. We had roll Mill, naming a wild animal. Officers elected were: Dorothy 'fewman, president: Larry Bau niester. vice president: Thomas Brauer, secretary and Patricia 'fewman news reporter. Every month the club secretary iraws four names to be the play tround policemen. We drew names for our other work, washing boards, dusting •rasers, etc. The teacher, Mrs. Sarah Allyn, announced that we would have a lirthday party for Earla and Dor >thy Newman’s on April 3. Coach Don Templemeyer, left, received the Omaha World-Her ald plaque from Ray Eby, Chamber president, at the Joint St. Mary’s Academy and O’Neill High athletic banquet Tuesday evening. See story. The Frontier Photo. One of the finest performers on the O’Neill high squad is Bob Eby, shown here In an attempt to take first place in the high jump at Bassett. Although Eby struck the bar on this jump, he did place second. He has been active in compiling points for O’Neill High since the season began according to his coach, Marv Miller. The Frontier Photo. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 24S-W — 24 h». Service Northwest Electric O’Neill Dr. Donald F. David | OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer 1 •/.vw-w.'-'j Play it smart. Pick now so when the thermometer zooms you'll be the cool one/ < as seen in Seventeen White A. 3.95 White B. 3.95 Welcome Music Students A and M Shoe Store Phone 139 O'Neill Double A Auctions MARKET REPORT Atkinson Tuesday, April IlUl Auction: flattie and hog receipts Marred 44? head. The na to rtoded quite a number of Reg \ Mered Bulls which sold trwi WBO.OO to $170.00 per head. light Weight replacement cattle sold Wody—no choice kinds to test the top of the market 360 to 460 ; Uk steers $3.1.00 to $33.50 others ■•gable to $40.00 cwt. Quite u hu heifers offered selling large iy m.W to $33.7.1 cwt Yearling Winds scarce. Steers $70.00 to WW.50 sold light yearlings to •WOO cwt.. heifers $76.00 to , $27.00 a few to $78.50 others on •hr calfy order down to 923.00 cwt. Wo stock cows offered eg •ept s few with calves at side. These went from $700.00 to $250. • per pair and the cows were am the canner order. Butcher cattle sold on a very active umM. canner and low cotters We slowest mostly $15.00 to $94 25 some to $10.75. Beef cows srr.00 to $18.26. Bolls sold 50 cwt lower $10.00 to $71.50 cwt. ■atcher begs 100 to 740 Ih. at ■5-50 to 106.85 cwt Wunemher the Big Special Aae Wra April 28th—Wc Most Have ■war Hating by Friday of Ms week to be Included on our Card Mallbig—ever 7,000 buyers have war consignments In their mail Out. Don't be Tate! Phone 5141 Today—If you want us to touk at war cattle well do so—au cost —.in ihBgattn { p Atkinson Livestock Market Arapahoe where he has employ ment. Mr and Mrs Merlin Luben of Oak spent the weekend here visit ing relatives. Mr and Mrs. Edwin Stewart and daughter, Ivan and Gene Coueh and Charles Young wire are employed at Arapahoe spent the weekend here with relatives. George Herold spent the week end in Sioux City, la., visiting re ; latives. Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson spent Thursday evening in Sioux City. Ia. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and Ann spent Saturday in Grand Is land visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Mr and Mr* John Mattson spent Sunday visiting in the Vernon Cates home at Lyons Mrs James Sobotka and Miss Anna Sobotka are patients in St Anthony's hospital in O'Neill 1 GRAND ISLAND RACES April 10-May 13 Kirept Sunday A Monday 8 RACES DAILY ladles Day Every Thursday Qlau Enrlottd Grandstand FONNEHPARK tveuey. Mrs Leonard Halstead entertain ied the Neighorhood club Wednes day at her home. Dinner was ser ved at noon and the afternoon was spent socially. Mrs May Fraka returned Sat urday from Oak where she spent a couple of weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben. Joe Peters, who is employed at «Norfolk spent a couple of days last week with his family. Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn were April 7, dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bart os and Karen in O'Neill. The Rebekah s entertained their husband and the Old Fellows and their wives at a covered dish lun cheon Wednesday evening at the I00F Hall. Cards furnished the en tertainment for the evening and the proceeds went to the Odd Fel lows hospital at York. Mr. and Mrs. Hamid Miller of Council Bluffs, la., were Inman vi sitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney spent Sunday visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly at Wisner. have you tried I Announcement to Former Graduates, Students, and All of Onr Friends You are invited te help LS.C. celebrate Ms 75th Anniversary and 74th Graduation Friday, April 24th, 1959 # Open House from 2 to 4 p.m. at the school • Banquet at Cornhusker Hotel, 6:30 p.m. Write or Cal for Reservation Lincoln School of Commerce W. A. likUe, he. UMIm Crutfc. $e|. ImmS I. H«mm, V-f>—. MS He. 14*. Hmm S-SV91, Uecsle. HeW. Open Thursday Nights Instead of Saturday Nights ! Rogers Specials! — COMPARE THESE PRICES — A1 FEEDS — GUARANTEED ANALYSIS 32% Soy Cot Cubes.86.50 32% Tri-Way Cubes. 73 50 40% Natural Cubes. 80.50 20% Lay Pellets. 3.70 40% Hog Supplement. 4.95 32% Poultry Concentrate. 5.00 Hi Lass Cattle Fattener. 57.00 20% Chick Crumbles..4.35 cwt 32% Dairy Concentrate. 3.80 cwt Chick Starter Crumbles, NF180 added 3.60 cwt Chick Starter Mash, NF180 added. 3.60 cwt Get Wise & Fertilize! SEE ROGER’S PRODUCTS TODAY! ROGERS MINERALS Cudahy Gold Bricks — Mineral Blocks and All Purpose R I2P — R 8P — 13% Phos. Range — 6% Range CALF MANNA — SUCKLE — SOOTCH-O-LASS — BRAN SHORTS — MEAT SCRAPS — ROLLED OATS ROLLED BARLEY Linseed — Soybean — Tankage Veterinary Supplies TRIBACTERIUM — ANTIBIOTICS MYZON PLUS WORMER — CATTLE SPRAYS Buy and Save at ROGERS PRODUCTS WHEN BETTER FEEDS ARE MADE . . . ROGERS WILL MAKE ’EM ! North of Burlington Depot Phoan T71 Jack Bailey, Mgr.