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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
1 Blue Birds . 13 144 Jays . 11 16 Robins . 104 164 HIG Verna Johnson, Jays. 167 HIS Verna Johnson, Jays, 432, HTG Robins, 621. HTS Wrens, 1796. VARSITY W L O'Neill Cleaners . 27 15 Orchard Legion . 27 15 Drayton Elevator. 234 184 Legion Gold . 19 23 Bright’s Store. 20 22 Old Home Bread . 20 22 Johnson Jewelry . 19 23 Coast-ToCoast . 124 2912 HKT Tlene Wolfe, Old Home Bread. 204. 1US Gene Wolfe, Old Home j Bread, 556. I HTG Drayton Elevator, 890 HTS Drayton Elevator, 2479. KOrXDl'F W L Ye Olde Farmers .58 38 Dicks Bar . 54 42 Haymakers ..534 394 New Outlaw*. 514 444 K of C Red. 48 48 Bkzelmans Service .... 47 49 Prouty Bros. 374 584 Shelhamer Oil . 344 614 HIG—Rob Prouty, Prouty Bros., 207. HIS Dwight PhUbrick, New Outlaw, 563. HTG Ye Olde Farmers, 816 HTS Ba/.elmans Service, 2351. STRIKETTES W L Candy Bill’s Cafe. 54 36 Pinkerman's TV . 51 39 O’Neill Auto Supply .. 47 4 42 4 Melcina's Powder Puffs 45 45 Rollettes . 44 4 454 Chambers Oiix. 444 454 Pin Quinn’s . 40 50 Hardings Creamery .. 334 534 illG Ardith Robertson, Cham bers. Chix, 203. HIS—Virginia Tomlinson, 1 m kerman’s TV, 508. HTG—Chambers Oiix, 733. HTS Melina’s Powder Puffs, 2052. CHAMPS W L Gas House Gang.55Vi 34 Vi Meadow Gold.51 Court House . 50 40 Dodds Oil.44 46 Harding Creamery- 43 47 Ewing Conoco . 42Vi 47 Vi Post Office . 40 50 Gambles . 34 56 HIG—Tom Cronin, Gas House Gang, 214. HIS Chas. Richter, Court House, 562. HTG—Court House, 820. HTS—Court House, 2395. BEEF W L Earley Oil Co. 56 34 THF, FRONTIER. O’Neill. Nobi New Deal Oil Cb.49 41 Page Oil Cb... 48 42 Wick's Body Shop .... 44 46 Sam's Bar . 43 47 Lohnus Motors . 42l*z 47 |O'Neill Auto Supply-40>2 49*2 | Force Tire & Supply .. 37 S3 MIG Jack Evcritt. Wick's Bo | dy Shop. 218 HIS Tom Cronin, Earley Oil I Co., 590 11TG Earley Oil Co. 864 UTS Earley Oil Co, 2573. CLASSIC W L Legion Post 86 . 60*2 321 > K of C Green. 60 33 Dick's Bar . 52 41 Ideal Cleaners . 46 47 Ten Pin Lanes . 44 49 Fuller Gravel.41' 2 51 *2 Fo.x Bids. Hay Co. 40 53 Cudahy Hams . 28 65 HIG Fritz Yantzi, K of C Green, 195. HIS Fritz Yantzi, K of C Green, 565. HTG Dick's Bar, 830. HTS K of C Green, 2333. The l.iK'ky (Hover The Lucky Clover 4-H club met at Seottville hall Sunday evening, April 5 to reorganize. There were 18 members present. The following were elected Ja net Krugman, president; Alice Hal stead, vice president; Jo Ann Aim, secretary treasurer and Linda Krugman, news reporter. Mrs. Albert Carson was chosen leader and Mrs. Harvey Krugman, assistant leader. The next meeting will be held April 17 at 8:00 p m. at the Mar vin Richter home. Linda Krugman News reporter 4 II News Thursday evening, April 2, we met at the home of Dale, Virginia and Marie Bilstein to reorganize our club. We have twenty members of which nineteen were present. We elected new officers. They are as follows: Virginia Thompson, president; Mershon Lierman, vice president; Marlene Garwood, se cretary and Shirley Green, news reporter. We are taking many more pro jects than before. In the boys di vision rope Jim Bilstein, leader and Art Kaiser assistant; Baby Beef, Stocker Feeder and Bleed ing Hiefer—Troxel Green leader and Vernon Thompson assistant. In the girl's division Begining Meal Planning, Let’s Cook, and Baking Cakes and Pies Mrs. Dor is Bilstein, leader and Mrs. Helen Bilstein, assistant; Let's Groom your Room and Plan your Room, Mrs. Bonnie Watson, leader and Mrs. Doris Thompson, assistant. Skirt and Blouse, Lounging and Sleeping and Dress-Up Clothes— Mrs. Vendla Green, leader and Mrs. Dorothy Garwood, assistant After the meeting was adjourned our hostess served a lunch of sand wiches, cake and kool aid. Shirley Green news reporter EMMET SCHOOL NEWS Upper Grades The Golden club met Fridey morning. Derold Perry, president, called the meeting to order. We answered roll call with the name of our favorite movie. For the program we went on a m»k». Thursday. April 16. IfkW field trip that had been planned by Jean Foreman. IXtaine Skopee, Madge Richards and Pelmer Al der They acted as group leaders. We looked for and listed signs of spring. The longest list was 46 things. For science and art on Friday we did projects relating to the field trip. We received the All-State Art Exhibit on Friday. We may keep it for two weeks We would be glad to show it to anyone who would care to see it. Those entering the arithmetic contest in O'Neill were IXivid (hie. IXtaine Skopee. Junior Grot he and Ruth Schaaf. Visitors this week were Mi's El mer Alder, Miss French. Mis?. Cla ra McClatchy, consultant of the State I department of Education, Heverly and Billie Carry and Kent Cole. Jean Foreman received Iter eighth ten lunik award. Grade four has completed their science text. They had a test and are working on a special project on weather. Grade seven is working on a booklet of safety on our lives. Junior Grothe REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WL> Joseph Jerabek to Marvin & Otto Drobny 10-28-57 $27.000 NW'4 11-31-9;' E'aSE>4 3 SW V4 NW4SEV4 S4SEU 2-31-9 WD Clarence Farr to Alvin Kloppenborg & wife 1-30-59 $600 I x>t 2 Block B Lyons Add Em met. WD Margaret M Nightengale to IX>an Fleming 3-17-59 $1500 l»t 15 Blk. 7 Atkinson. WI> Mary Ellenwood to (hnrad Fricke) 3-18-59 $10,000 WM-EMi NELNWV* 1-31-14. try a WHISKEY jR FOOD SALE at Shi-llianier'a JACK and JILL Saturday, April 18 Starting at 10 u.m. Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid RANGER ALFALFA SEED STATE TESTED 28c per lb. Werner Poessnecker Phone 6027, Atkinson -QUJL .SLR FOR SALE Thiele's Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 24 miles southwest of Clear w iter, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Two C Allis Chalmers tractors; No. 22 Massey Harris tractor; plow and cultivator to fit C A-C tractor.—K. C. Hunt, I m FOR SALE Two story house Liv-1 ing room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and half hath on first floor Three bedrooms with, clothes closets, and a full bath j on second floor. Automatic oil ! furnace — insulated 630 East i Benton Street. Contact I.oretto Enright, 208 N. 13th St., Norfolk, Nehr 50-52c FOR SALE: Whirlwind power mower in excellent condition. Mrs Hugh Birmingham, O'Neill 51c FOB SALE: Good dean 1950 Chevrolet Tudor, heater, straight shift. Price $250—Eldon Sedivg, Lynch. _ FOR SALE: Severn! good used electric water heaters, one elec tric clothes dryer, two used gas water heaters. Kans-Nebr. Natural Gas Co , Inc. 51-52-lc FOrTsAL^E : Heavy springing Hol stein heifers and my entire herd of milk cows, most of them fresh short time Rudie Juracek 4 mile south of Ewing. _ FOR SALE: Twenty-five foot Vagabond Trailer House in good condition Priced reasonable. Andy Moeller, Stuart. 50-lc FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire Boars ready for service. Reason ably priced. Also have crested wheatgrass and bromegrass seed for sale. 94(/r germ Henry Steh ling and Son, 2 miles south and y4 west of Orchard. 51-2c FOR SALE: Two choice building lots.. J F Contois. Phone 368 O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: 1958 2-dr. Hardtop Savoy Plymouth. Low mileage, V-8 engine, torque flite trans mission. two-tone beige and white. -Call 728, O'Neill. FOR SAIE: Shorthorn bulls, reds and roans, eleven to thirteen months of age. -E.. R. Carpenter, Chambers. Ph. 2581. 51-B2c FOR SALE: Three tiedroom heme, close to school. Garage.- Phone 654, O'Neill. 51tfc FOR SALE Spring Fryers. 3 lbs. and over, $1 each. Discount on large orders.-2 mi. west Inman. Eugene L. Sohotka., Rte. 10 Neill_ FOR SALE: »49 Ford Tudor in very good condition. See at oM) E. Douglas. Mrs. Orpha Switz> FOR SALE: Nearly new 3 bed room home, all modern.- See Ponton Agency. O Neill. 50tt FOR SALE OR LEASE: Kozy Cor ner Cafe Stanton, Nebraska, County Seat Town. Doing an ex cellent business. Immediate pos session. Owner must quit due to age and ill health. Will sell on easy terms —John Thor Agency, Stanton. Nebr. 49-51c FOR SALE OR LEASE: Ben Franklin Store, County Seat Town, doing over 40.000 gross business each yeaJr~'*ohn . Agency, Stanton, Nebr. 49-51c FOR SALE : Choice registered and grade Angus bulls. Musil Bros_ O'Neill. 46~51P FOlTsALE OR RENT: Last house on E. Benton, south side street.— Keith Abart, O'Neill. _48tf FOR SALE: Red Clover and Cossock Alfalfa seed. Both state tested.-Leon Beckwith, Emmet, FOR SALE: 1948 H. International Tractor. Good care and very good condition.—Melvin Mortin son, Plainview or 2 south, 3% east of Brunswick. ______ FOR SALE: A 1950 Buick. two door. new rubber, very clean, phone 34, Inman, Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins. _ tfc HOUSE FOR SALE . To be moved or tom down—Phone 3255, In man 45tl FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, coming yearlings —Phone 3255, Francis Anderl, Inman. 45tf FOR SALE: Temflex vinyl tile Now carried in stock. Select your color— Spelts-Ray Lbr^ Co , O'Neill. 47ctl FOR SALE: Holstein heifers, heavy springers. — John Sojka, 1% mi north, 4 east of Page^ SAlJl FOR SALE: ^ap?1^ $36 50 a ton: American 520.5U a ton; white block 75c Located 3 blks. easi. 4 blks. north ol traffic li^ht. Everett Gorgan Ph 164, O’Neill. 5ib WISCONSIN’S FINEST Dairy Cat tle. Shores Certified—Fresh anc Springer 1300-lb. Holsteins, Guer nseys, Swiss, Ayrshires, Short horns. Jerseys. 52,000.00 in Shore! Wisconsin Dairy Cattle bring! $400 00 cream monthly for Sand hill rancher. Calves $45.00 up Yearlings $100.00 up. Lepto Bang’s-shipping vaccinated. De livered. No sale barn or Nebras ka cattle. Travele xpenses re funded. Harold P. Shores. Neligh Nebraska. Phone Tu 7-4060. 46t FOR SALE: Purebred Landrao Boars. Weight about 200 lbs^ Chris Stelling and sons. Orchard Nebr. 50'5: BOAT & MOTOR INSURANCE “All Risk" Coverage PREMIUMS LOW Call or See AL G ASK ILL R. F. Gaskill Ins. Agy. Ph 710 O'Neill, Nebr. 51tf j USED CARS 55 Mercury Monerey, plain 55 Plymouth, 4 dr. 55 Studebaker hardtop 53 Plymouth, 4 dr. 50 Plymouth, 4 dr. 1952 GMC \ ton pickup 1948 Chev. I T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 562 O'Neill, Nebr. MACHINERY 54 Super C 48 Farmall H 48 Oliver 70 48 Farmall H Farmall 14 VAC Case IHC 15-ft. Disc M&M 12-ft. Disc Allis 15-ft. Disc New Idea Spreader on rubber Posthole Digger Rotary Hoe 1-M 46 Lister J-D Mounted Lister 182 IHC Lister l>empster Lister Mowers All Models DIC 10C Mill No. 8 DIC 2-14 Plow IHC No. 5 Side Rake Letz Burr Mill IHC 10C Mill Mill Drive Belt APPLIANCES Apt. Size Electric Range, $25 Electric Refrigerator. $50 Maytag Washer, $50 Laundry Tubs, $9 IHC 12-ft. Freezer, $150 NEW RCA WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL, NEBR IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool 30 Bushels Alfalfa Seed FOR SALE Contact: J. F. Contois O'Neill Phone 368 New 560 tractors, farmall New 2 only 350 Diesel tractors New 4 row listers. Planters new and used, 2 row and 4 row Used 2 row go digs, like new Manure spreader, ground drive and P.T.O. Several good used trucks and pickups New trucks and pickups USED TRACTORS 1948 John Deere G, fuel 1951 Allis Chalmers WD, like new 1952 Super M. Farmall 1944 M. Farmall tractor, like new 1948 Farmall H, very nice 1939 John Deere D, good, $195.00 2—1941 M Farmalls, good Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BUR WELL NEBR. NEW COMFORT COVERS TRACTORS— Model G J-D 1949 48 A J-D 48 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D M&M 4-row Listed Corn Cultivator J-D Tractor Cultivator IHC 250 Tractor Cultivator IHC 12-ft. Rake J-D No. 5 Mowers IHC No. 9 Mowers I J-D 999 Planter J»D tractor spreader AC 15-ft. disc 130 J-D lister farmhand Loader, complete Plows, all sizes 4-sec. Harrow with Evener Harry R. Smith Imp. for John Deere tractor Phone 562 O’Neil] MOBILE HOMES Why Rent When You Can Own? New Safeway 5210’ Front Kitchen Safeway—46’10’ Center Kitchen Safeway—33’8' 2-Bedroom Great Lakes—50’10’ Rear Kitchen Great I^ikes—50 -10' 3-Bedroom Great Lakes 4610 Front Kitchen Husker—15' Travel Trailer Go-Lite—15’ Travel Trailer Other Model to Pick From Used 1959—Great Lakes 46-10’ (with washer) 1957—Trailette—28M>’ (Like New) 1954 Rollohome—38' (Nice 2BR) 1952—Terra Cruiser—35’ 2 BR i (Clean) 1! 1952 Nashua—23’ (Modem) 1 1950- Superior—31' (Tandem) 11951 Schult—29’ (Tandem) 1949 Ironwood-25’ (Very Clean) ■ 1949—Ironwood-30’ (Lake Trailer 11948-Glider-25' (Metal) 1 We must sell these to make roon for others coming in. > See Us Last ! Open Seven Days a Week & Eves ‘ MILLER TRAILER SALES , Albion, Nebr. Phone Ex 5—217( * | 51t DAIRYMEN A cow will only produce as much milk as her breeding allows. No amount of feed will increase it. CURTISS breeding will utilize your feeding to a better advant age. Duane Gray Call 470 O’Neill 45 tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor mills, pump jacks, presure systems, * stock tanka—10 ft —bottomless. Ph 435. Inman. Ciff Sobotka. 45odtf j FOR RENT FOR RENT: Modem apartment. A E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O'Neill, phone 51T. 12tf FOR RENT: Apartment. 4 rooms i and bath Utilities furnished. | call 537 O’Neill 46tf > FOR RENT: One bedroom all modern house. Ph. 209. O'Neill. 49tf FOR RENT: 22-inch Power lawn mower, 22-inch garden tiller and a floor sander and edger. Rent it at the Coast-to-Coast store in O'Neill. 50-51 c FOR RENT: Furnished apartment heat and hot water, 3 rooms and bath. 2 blocks west of Post Of fice.—Marie Crook, 129 E. Clay St., Ph. 388-J or Ph 80, O'Neill. 51-2c I HAVE PASTURE to care for 50 cows or 70 yearlings. — Duane Mintle, Chambers route, O’Neill. 51-lc FOR RENT: Small house, modern, natural gas furnace. North of Bazelman’s Service.—James Van Every, O’Neill. 51-52p --——— WANTED WANTED: Married man on ranch, modern house.—John Drayton, Wood Lake, Nebr. ^ 51-52c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. « man WANTED: Apply at the Tri state Turkey Farm,_ at STUD: Permanent registered quarter horse StaUiom Reason able service fee.—L. M Aitf Phone 585J13, O'Neill. 51 tf Expert repair shop Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WANTED: Salesman or saleswom an to sell for Singer Sewing Ma chine company in ONeilL Mid local territory.—Write Donald Kirstine, 901 South 3rd St., Nor folk. 49~52 wTck’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W _ O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tl L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF All, KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf Money To Loan on ranches and town properties—See Virgil L. Laursen Agency, Phone 434, O’ Neill. 45 tf WANTED: 200 yearling steers for 1959 pasture season.—Leo Ohri. Spencer, Phone 7328 Bristow. 47tf I __ CARDS of THANKS WE WISH TO THANK all our friends for the cards, flowers, and acts of kindness extended tc us during the illness and death of our beloved mother and grand mother. A special thanks to Dr Wilson, Dr. Waters, and to the nurses at St. Anthony’s Hospital and the Page Legion Auxiliary.— Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. James Sorensen I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart E 51? \VK WISH TO EXPRESS our sin cere thanks and appreciation to the O'Neill Chamber of Com merce, the American Legion Aux iliary and to all who contributed in any way towards the wonder ful banquet honoring our athletes. —Athletes of St. Mary’s. I WISH TO EXPRESS my grat itude for the wonderful care I received at St. Anthony's Hospit al, to L>rs. Waters and Wilson and hospital staff. Also to my many friends and relatives, for the lovely flowers, cards and letters. Your thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. Mrs. Glenn Miller. 51p I WISH TO THANK everyone who remembered me in any way while I was in the hospital and since I have been home. These acts of kindness will never be forgotten Wayne Smith. 51p 1 WISH TO THANK my friends and relatives for the cards I received and their visits to me while I was hospitalized at the Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch.—Wil liam Langan. 51p [ WISH TO THANK my friends and relatives for the cards, gifts, and visits while I was in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital at Nor folk! and since my return home. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. 51c REAL ESTATE TOR SALE: 320-acre Rock County Ranch, located 11 miles northwest of New Port on gravel mail route, modem home, nice set of out buildings. 25 acres under cultivation, 65 acres in alfalfa, 50 acres of prairie hay, balance in pasture. 160 ACRE Holt County, Hay Mead ow in Section 6, Township 30, Range 9. 20 acres under cultiva tion, balance cut 45 stacks of Alfalfa last year. Priced to sell, possession if bought soon. BEAUTIFUL MODERN Cottage, located in Crofton, close to the Lewis and Clark Lake, possession this spring, can be bought on terms. ALSO several unimproved farms. JOHN THOR AGENCY Stanton, Nebraska 48- 52c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE located just South of NuWay Cafe. All modem and extra lot and house may be had at a greatly reduced price. On pavement. Ex cellent terms. 4 ROOM HOME, all modern. South east O’Neill. RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS lots available. Very choice loca tions. Before buying or selling your Real Estate see VIRGIL LAURSEN REALTOR Insurance - Loans - Realestate Phone 434 O’Neill, Nebr. 49- 50c Real Estate For Sale 3 BEDROOM dwelling with extra lots, good basement and fruit trees. House insulated, O’Neill. 2 BEDROOM HOME on east Ever ett St., extras will remain in dwelling, O’Neill. 200 ACRE RANCH east of O’Neill on Highway 275, has excellent improvements, best location. 640 ACRE RANCH combination west of Elgin, well balanced and improved. 4 GOOD LOTS in SW O’Neill. POSSESSION to any of the above can be obtained this spring. ED THORIN REAL ESTATE BROKER Private and Auction Sales Phone 207 O’Neil: 49-50c MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU ARE interested in a true! or pickup, new or used, let m< try to help you. Will trade Terms.—Don O. Lyons, Phoni 421, O’Neill. 51-2< Business Opportnuity a a l A / /v'dii or woman Responsible person from this area to purchase, service and collee from cigarette dispensers, N( selling. Car, references anc $592.50 to $1975.00 investmen necessary. 7 to 18 hours week]} may net excellent monthly in come. Possible full tife work For local interview- give phon< and particulars. Write Pan Am erican Distributing Co., Inc., P O. Box 8212, New Orleans 22 Louisiana. 5b Salesmen or Agent Wanted Want to make $15 to $25 in a day Many are doing it. Pleasant worl for man or woman. No exper ience needed. Spare or full time Will teach and finance you. Onl; applicants over 21 will be con sidered. Write R. BERHENKE 128 E. Clark St., Freeport, 111. _ 51l Business Opportunity Male or female, from this area wanted to service and collee from automatic dispensing an amusement devices. No selling Age not essential. Car, refei ences, and $400 to $700 work in capital necessary. 7 to 12 hour weekly nets to $300 monthly. Pos; ibility full time work. For Iocs interview give full particular; phone. Write P.O. Box 700^ Mpls. 11, Minn. 51 WELL DRILLING and well an windmill repair. — Write Bo 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL GO., ONeill 3 blks W & 3Vfe blks N stopligl IS YOUR insurance costing to much? Are you properly ii sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt O’Neill, Nebr. 34t OPENING April 12, Corner Bait Shop. 11 miles N. of Spencer. For sale shiners, mi nows, frogs, and night crawlers. Licensed sporting goods.—Ed Luddeman. Spencer. _ 50-lc AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 — O'Neill Auctions ED THOR1N ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O'NEILL. NEBR. — PH. 269 CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO — FURNITURE We have a plan to fit every need & budget. Strictly confi dential. friendly service. O'Neill Loan Company VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O'Neill, Nebr. 49c See E. J. Shane ATKINSON for dragline work, sewer and water ditches and clam work 50-22p BOWLING RESULTS: STEAMUNE W L Splits . 31 11 Page Oilers . 24Va 17 Va Methodist Men . 23 19 Farmers Store . 23 19 Heinz 57 . 18 24 Legion Blue . 18 24 Fehrs Trac. & Equip. 15lxa 26'a Pepper Uppers .15 27 H1G—Lawrence House, Heinz 57, 206. HIS—Bud Krugman, Pepper Up pers. 526. HTG—Methodist Men. 867. HTS—Page Oilers, 2351. BOOSTERS W L Caterpillars . 59 31 Ten Pen Lanes •. 54 36 Dick's Bar . 47 43 Town House . 46 44 J. M. McDonald . 44 46 Nite Owls .. 40 50 Hunts Plumbing . 37 53 Pin Pals . 33 5 7 HIG—Marge Polacek, J. M. Mc Donald, 230. HIS- Marge Polacek, J. M. Mc Donald, 511. HTG—Dick's Bar, 805. HTS—Dick’s Bar, 2194. WARBIERS W L Wrens . 18% 8% Meadow Larks . 14% 12% Canarys . 13% 13 h HOG SALES BIGGER AND BETTER WEEK AFTER WEEK AT VERDIGRE ! ANOTHER BIG HOG SALE MONDAY WITH NEARLY 1000 HEAD GOING ON SALE. Hogs again found the buyers all active ly bidding for numbers. EXTREME TOP REACHED $17.25 with the good No. 1 and No. 2 mixed hogs selling from $16.25 to $17.00. Heavier hogs from $15.50 to $16.25. Brood sows and pigs found plenty of buyers with some 60 pound pigs selling at $17.60 each. Light butchers and feeders from $17.75 to $19.25. CHECK OUR MONDAY SALE BEFORE YOU SHIP ELSE WHERE-IT WILL BE $$$ IN YOUR POCKET TO SELL YOUR HOGS IN VERDIGRE. BIGGEST CATTLE SALE EVER This Friday in Verdigre—April 17, 12:00 Noon 1 OVER 40 CONSIGNORS HAVE IJSTED MORE THAN 1200 ( AT TLE. Included are those good cows and several bulls of all breeds. See the SPECIALLY PRINTED SALE BILLS ADVERTISING 1 THIS OUTSTANDING SALE. Over 400 pigs listed. PLAN TO ATTEND THE SALE THIS FRIDAY IN VERDIGRE AND RE » -MEMBER IT STARTS AT 12:00 NOON. For the best in selling service and prices, consign your nes oc to our market in Verdigre. We appreciate your patronage. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET DON JENSEN, Mgr. ___ . PUBLIC AUCTION The Louis Neilson Shoe Repair Equipment On Main Street, Chambers, Nebraska Saturday, April 18—1 P.M. > This equipment will be offered as a unit and if unablf to si II : a unit will be sold by the piece. I»ng term lease available on building. r Equipment Consists of: , Sklffer; Singer Sewing Machine, like new; Buffer; New Heels; New Leather; Leather Purses; Shoe Stands; Nail Trays; Harness Dipping Vat and Various Miscellaneous Tools for the leather j trade too numerous to mention. Also some furniture including 1 kitchen set. rocking chair, occasional chair, stone jars and some small tools. r 3 This is an open sale and anyone having anything to sell bring it in. TERMS: Cash ! LOUIS NEILSON, Owner t 0 M. GROSSNICKLAUS CHAMBERS STATE BANK Auctioneer Clerk t _ _ Complete Liquidation Sale Of Dry Goods THIS IS IT ! For several weeks we have been re ducing our Dry Goods Stock and looking for a buyer to carry it on. Since we have not found a buyer this stock will be close dout completely and it is priced to do it Quickly! You home sew ers will find top quality yard goods here at prices that should induce you to buy for some time ahead. We urge you to come in soon be cause every day will cut the selection. We are listing just a few items — but remember, Every thing Goes! Values from 49c to 79c yd. One Lot GINGHAMS & PRINTS ... only 29c yd. All Those Fine Quality | QUADRIGA NEEDLEIZED PRINTS .. only 37c yd. 50 PLAIN COLORS TO MATCH .37c yd. | INDIAN HEAD or MOOSEHEAD . 49c yd. $2.98 BLACK VELVET.only $1.69 yd. $3.98 Value 4 YD. DRESS PATTERNS.44" width $2.98 j Organdies, Crepes, Linings, Taffeta, Nylon Net, Draperies, Acetate & Nylon Fabrics—All drastic i ally reduced to close. 10c NYLON HAIR NETS.4 for 25c $1.50 Value 30 DENIER MOJUD THIGHMOLD HOSE 98c pair DON'T MISS THIS ! 39c Value! Finest! Pastel colors, some white with color trim. E&W DURENE ANKLETS for Children, only 19c ; KOTEX . box 36c KLEENEX . 200 size 11c COATS & CLARKS Guaranteed Lifetime ZIPPERS at Big Savings! Pins, Safety Pins and Odds and Ends in Notions priced to move quickly! MOJUD and STRUTWEAR LINGERIE that you can buy for the future as gifts and save! Hoskinson's Atkinson, Nebr.